Executive Committee Approves Statement on Drug Testing
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The- NCAA - ~. January 28,1987, Volume 24 Number 5 Official Publication--.. ~.of tb ational Collegiate Athletic Association Executive Committee approves statement on drug testing A statement regarding the Associa- the chair’s decision ruling out of mission of 114-1, voted without the membership that automatic-qual- tion’s drug-testing program was ap- order Proposal No. 114. I want to dissent to oppose Resolution I IO- 1. ification rights of various conferences proved by the NCAA Executive correct a number of missunderstand- The NCAA Executive Committee will not be preempted, the integrity of Committee in a special meeting Janu- ings regarding the views of the NCAA is responsible for the supervision of the various national championships ary 9, during the 1987 NCAA Con- Executive Committee and the NCAA the drug-testing program and for will be protected and the drug-testing vention in San Diego, and was deli- drug-testing committee. administration of the NCAA cham- program will be administered in an vered to the Convention’s general These comments represent the pionships. We would like to believe expert, even-handed manner. In this business session by Harvey W. views of the NCAA Executive Com- that the committee’s record in this process, the Executive Committee Schiller, commissioner of the South- mittee and the NCAA drug-testing regard merits the confidence of the must have the flexibility necessary to eastern Conference and a member of committee, both of which were in membership in applying the executive adjust to unforeseen circumstances in the Executive Committee. opposition to I I4 and are in opposi- regulations pertaining to ineligibility this evolving program. The full text of the statement fol- tion to 1 l4-- 1. Incidentally, the resulting from positive drug testing. These remarks are intended to give lows: NCAA Council in its meeting of For this fall and through the 1988 the Convention delegates a correct Mr. Chairman, I wish to speak to January 7, being advised of the sub- NCAA Convention, we wish to assure appraisal of the plans of the drug- testing committee and the Executive Committee in enforcing the ineligihil- It’s official: ity decisions that may result from positive drug testing. In doing this, we understand that possibly some of Three-pointer the mistaken impressions which oc- curred in the resolution that was is 21 feet submitted stemmed from public pro- Harvey W Schiller By James M. Van Valkenburg nouncements by the NCAA drug- NCAA Director of Statistics testing committee and the NCAA committee, including random and unannounced testing, thus reinforcing “We will call it a 21-foot shot from Executive Committee at the outset of now on,,, says the embattled Edward this program. All of this was done in the deterrent nature of the drug- S. Steitz, secretary-rules editor of the an effort to keep a broad range of testing program. This approach, we NCAA Basketball Rules Committee options available to the drug-testing See Executive, page 4 and athletics director at Springfield College, in reference to the three- point shot in men’s college basketball, President of Millsaps which has come under widespread criticism from coaches for being too easy of a shot at 19 feet, nine inches elected to Council from the center of the basket. George M. Harmon, president of The debate over the three-point Millsaps College, has been elected to play still is clouded by national confu- fiu the unexpired term of A. P. Per- sion over the distance, as compared to kimon Jr. as a Division III reprcsent- Related story on page 3 ative on the NCAA Council. Harmon was appointed by the the pro and international three-point NCAA Administrative Committee to lines. This happened because the pro attend the pre-Convention meeting of line always has been measured to the the Council and was elected by Divi- center of the backboard, while the sion III Council members to fill Per- college and international lines always kinson’s term as a Region 3 have been measured to the geometric representative, which expires in Jan- center of the goal, or one foot, three uary 1989. Perkinson, president of St. inches closer. Andrews Presbyterian College, re- Thus, media, spectators, fans and signed his Council position. coaches note: The three-point distance Harmon earned a doctorate in busi- measured to the center of the back- ness administration from the Gradu- board is 21 feet in college basketball, ate School in Business Administra- 21-9 in international basketball and tion, Harvard University. He holds a 23-9 in pro basketball-the National master’s degree from Emory Univer- Basketball Association. (If you insist sity. Before going to Millsaps, Har- on using the geometric center of the mon was dean of the school of goal, the comparison is 19-9 vs. 20-6 business and management at Saginaw vs. 22-6.) Valley State College. He also has held George IU. Harmon Thus, the difference between the faculty and administrative posts at degree program. The college currently college and pro line is not four feet West Virginia College of Graduate is conducting its largest development- but two feet, nine inches toward the Dave Shrlly photo Studies, Rhodes College, Syracuse fund campaign. top of the key and less than that in the Men’s vollevball meview University and Harvard. Harmon, a Memphis native, is a corners. There are many arenas used At Millsaps, Harmon has led the member of the board of directors of by both college and pro teams, and K+oy Tanner a senior all-America. returns to help Pepperdine establishment of a school of manage- the National Association of Colleges one look tells you the lines are not defend its National Collegiate Men’s Volleyball Championship. ment, a master of business adminis- and Universities of the United Meth- See It’s official, page 5 For a preview of the semen, see page 8. tration degree program and an adult- odist Church. In the News New interpretations committee goes- to work More than a dozen issues relatedto ence. Division II-Rudy CarvajaI, sion I and three each from Divisions tion, and its decision shall be binding More reform official interpretations of existing California State University, Bakers- 11 and III. Three positions shall be unless overturned upon appeal to the Newspaper editorials published NCAA legislation already have been field; Barbara Patrick, Northern Mich- allocated for men, three allocated for Council at its next regularly scheduled following the NCAA Convention handled by the Association’s Legisla- igan University, and Ade L. Sponberg, women and four unallocated. At least meeting or to the annual Conven- urge the Association to make fur- tion and Interpretations Committee, North Dakota State University. Divi- three members of the committee shall tion.” ther efforts to enact reforms in which was created earlier this month sion II-Mary Jean Mulvaney, Uni- be members of the Council. It shall Council members currently serving intercollegiate athletics. Page 2. by approval of Proposal No. 5 at the versity of Chicago; William M. act jointly to determine interpretations on the committee include Cronan, Protection 1987 NCAA Convention. Moore, State University of New York, of NCAA legislation applicable to all Ingram, Poe1 and Sponberg. Spon- A rules change by the NCAA Former legislative services depart- Albany, and Russell J. Poel, North divisions, and in reviewing such mat- berg and Poe1 will serve as Divisions Football Rules Committee will ment staff member Thomas E. Yeager, Central College. ters, only two members each from 11 and III subcommittee chairs, re- give passers more protection commissioner of the Colonial Athletic The committee was established to Divisions II and III may participate. spectively, for the purposes of review- through a stricter penalty for Conference, was appointed to chair incorporate interpretative responsi- In the review of a federated matter, all ing and taking action on any proposed roughness. Page 4. the committee, which comprises four bilities, which had been discharged by committee members for a given divi- interpretations that would apply ex- members from Division I and three the Administrative Committee, with sion may participate in the detenni- clusively to those membership divi- Notes, stats members each from Divisions II and the duties of the Constitution and nation of an interpretation that applies sions. Basketball notes and statistics III. Bylaws Committee, which has been only to its division. It also shall classify The group already has held the first in all NCAA men’s and women’s Other members of the committee discontinued. Newly created NCAA all legislation enacted by the Associa- of what will be biweekly telephone divisions. Pages 5-7. are: Bylaw 12-3-(p) defines the committee tion that amends the constitution or conferences, according to Kevin C. Future teachers Division I-Joan C. Cronan, Uni- as follows: bylaws and accurately incorporate Lennon, a member of the legislative More college freshmen are show- versity of Tennessee, Knoxville; Cecil “The Legislation and Interpreta- such legislation therein. The commit- services department who serves as ing an interest in teaching careers. W. Ingram, Florida State University, tions Committee shall consist of 10 tee shall not have the authority to staff liaison to the committee.- “They Page 12. and David Price, Pacific-10 Confer- members, including four from Divi- alter an existing Council interpreta- See New, page 4 2 Jmnury 28.1987 The NCAA Comment In trying to control the crooks, NCAA shouldn’t stop honest people wil be hurt, too Frank Dolson, columnist short of the goal line Knight-Ridder Newspapers USA Today “It would be incredibly naive to say that the NCAA, by Excerptedfrom an editorial voting overwhelmingly to prevent boosters from playing The reforms (approved by the NCAA Convention) are welcome any role in the recruiting process, has guaranteed that no winners.