
2 MarK

1. What is an electronic spreadsheet?  An electronic spreadsheet is a worksheet used in a computer to create and quickly perform “What if” analysis of interrelated columnar data in workspaces. 2. What is the use of electronic spreadsheet?  Electronic can also be used for presenting the worksheet data in an impressive manner such as bar-charts, pie-charts, line graphs, three-dimensional charts and other visual forms. 3. Differentiate the terms “Spreadsheet” and “Worksheet”? Spreadsheet:-  The term ‘spreadsheet’ has come to refer specifically to the software packages Worksheet:-  The term ‘worksheet’ refers to the files that you create with spreadsheet software. 4. Can we change the data present in a cell? If you do so, how?  Yes. We can change the data present in a cell.  Type in the new data. The new data will simply overwrite the old contents of the cell.  Click on the formula bar with the mouse. Press the F2 function key or simply double click on the cell.  A vertical cursor appears on the formula bar. Move the cursor to the left arrow key or the backspace key and edit the data.

5. Write the Spreadsheet applications?

 Payment of bills  Income tax calculations  Invoices or bills  Account Statements  Inventory Control 6. Define “VisiCalc”  VisiCalc (Visible Calculator) was the first commercial spreadsheet package developed for in 1979.  It contained 63 columns (A, B,………BK) and 254 rows. VisiCalc was essentially a financial analysis program. 7. Name some popular spreadsheet softwares.  Lotus 1-2-3  Excel   Improve  StarOffice Calc 8. Define StarCalc.  StarOffice Calc is a powerful spreadsheet program included in StarOffice.  It offers all the functions needed for business use, including various financial and statistical functions, StarOffice Calc database functions and much more. 9. How will you creating new Worksheet  To work with StarOffice Calc, open StarOffice and click on the File  New  Spreadsheet.

Click here to download the detailed solution and explanation of this question paper 10. What is Date arithmetic?  In spreadsheets, date calculations become very simple.  Here you can add a number to a date and arrive at a new date, find the difference between two dates and use a wide variety of function and formats to get what you want.  Place the cursor in the cell where you want to enter the date and type it in as MM/DD/YY. For example: First cell- Second cell. 11. How will you save the Worksheet?  To save the worksheet created, go to the File menu and select the Save or the Save As option.  Type in a file name and click on Save. For example, to save the student marks, type the name Marks in the File name box and click on the Save button.  You can also click on the Save icon on the Standard toolbar. 12. What is Range?  A continuous group of cells in a worksheet is called a Range. A range is referred to by the range address. For example: the cells, G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5 can be called G1:G5. 13. Differentiate Relative and Absolute cell addressing. Relative cell addressing Absolute cell addressing Relative cell addressing is the default type of A cell address can be made absolute by using cell addressing used by StarOffice Calc. the $ (dollar) sign in front of row and column names. Relative cell addressing is also the reason why The C4 becomes absolute when you enter it as formulae are automatically recalculated $C$4.Absolute cell addresses do not every time the contents of the cells used in the change when copied. formulae change 14. What are Functions? How can you insert them in a worksheet?  StarOffice Calc has a wide variety of functions that allow you to perform several frequently done calculations.  Functions are predefined formulae that are available in StarOffice Calc. Function Wizard dialog box can be opened using Insert Functions or Function Wizard icon in the formula bar. Eg: SQRT( ) 15. How StarOffice Calc allows you to change the width of a column and the height of a row? To change the column width:  Select the column whose width you want to change.  Click on FormatColumn Width and type the new column width in the dialog box. To change the Row Height:  Select the Row whose Height you want to change.  Click on Format Row Height and type the new Row Height in the dialog box. 16. What is the use of Auto format sheet?  The AutoFormat Sheet facility of StarOffice Calc helps to format the worksheet with different predefined styles and colours.  AutoFormat option on the Format menu( Format Auto Format). 17. How are Picture and Special characters inserted in the worksheet? For inserting a picture in a worksheet follow the procedure given below:  Place the cell pointer in any cell.  Choose Insert Picture From File From the menu bar. For Special characters in a worksheet follow the procedure given below:  Place the cell pointer in any cell.  click the Insert Special characters from the menu bar and select the desired special characters from the Special Character dialog box

Click here to download the detailed solution and explanation of this question paper 18. List out the icons that appear in an insert object toolbar. 1. Insert Chart Icon 2. Insert Formula Icon 3. Insert Floating Frame Icon 4. Insert Movie and Sound Icon 5. Insert OLE Object Icon 6. Insert Applet Icon 19. Define 3-D formula.  Each sheet of a spreadsheet can be used entirely independently of the other sheets.  You can also make them dependent on each other by referring to the data in another sheet or using the data from another sheet in calculations. For example: you can enter data in Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 and can do the calculations in Sheet 2.  You can calculate the sum of the in the cell A1 of Sheet 1 and A1 of Sheet 2 and store the result in A3 of Sheet 2.  To do this, type the 3-D formula as = SUM(Sheet 1.A1; Sheet 2.A1). 20. What is the order of the operator precedence in star calc?  Exponentiation(^)  Negation(-)  Multiplication and Division(*, /)  Addition and Subtraction(+, -) 21. What are the various icons in the insert object floating toolbar?

Insert Cells Down

Insert Cells Right

Insert Rows

Insert Columns

22. How will you delete cells, rows and columns in StarCalc? To delete Row or Column:-  You want to delete an entire row or column, choose Edit Delete Cells.  The Delete Cells dialog box will display Delete entire Row(s) or Delete entire Column(s).  Clicking Ok will delete the row or column without prompting. To delete cell or cells:-  A window appears select an option to specify how the sheets are displayed after deleting cells.  Shift cells up fill the space produced by the deleted cells with the cells underneath it.  Shift cells left fills the resulting space by the cells to the right of the deleted cells. 23. What is meant by Auto Fill command? AutoFill automatically generates a data series based on a defined pattern.  On a sheet, click in cell, and type a number.  Drag the fill handle in the bottom right corner of the cell across the cells that you want to fill, and release the mouse button.

Click here to download the detailed solution and explanation of this question paper 24. Explain how to generate the series 33,30,27.....3  Select range of cells.  Choose Edit  Fill  Series to get fill series dialog box.  Select Down as Direction and Linear as Type.  Enter 33 as Start Value and 3 as End Value.  Enter -3 as Increment Value and click OK button. 25. Define Cell and Cell Pointer. Cell:-  A cell is the intersection of row and column. Cell pointer:-  Cell pointer is a rectangular covering a cell in the worksheet and identify as the active cell.  Initially the cell pointer will be in A1 cell, that is first row, first column of the worksheet.

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