THE NCAA NEWS L More Coverage of the NCAA Convention: Pages 26,27

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THE NCAA NEWS L More Coverage of the NCAA Convention: Pages 26,27 Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association January 19, 1994, Volume 31, Number 3 Proposal 42 forces shift in Convention focus By P. David Pickle EDITOR-INCHIEF,THE NCAA NEWS l More coverage of the NCAA Convention: Pages 26,27. SAN ANTONIO-After a year of membership debate, study and dis added to the NCAA constirution, a sidr and became a symbolic line cussion about gcndcr-equity and group of emerging women’s sports separating thr RC’X from the NC;AA financial-conditions concerns, thr was approved for spotts~sponsor~ Presidents Commission. ship and rcvcnuc-distribution pur- focus of the 1994 N(:M Clonven- The argument tion uncxprctrdly fell on what some poses, basketball student-athlrtcs see as racial connotations of failing were granted a one-time opportu- The argument tbr restoring the to provide Division I men’s basket- nity to test their market value in a addirional scholarship was that ball programs with a 14th rant-in- professional draft, and a package minorities are being dispropor- aid. to streamlinr and drrrgulatr thr tionately alfrrred by the loss of the The membership votrd down Association’s recruiting legislation grant, which occurred when the Proposal No. 42 after 22 minutrs of was adopted with two exceptions. 1!)!11 Convention approvt=d a 10 contentious d&ate January 10, and The option to use a hearing of& percent across-rhr-board cut in within 24 hours, the Rlark <ba&es cer for infractions cases was grants-in-aid. Association announced plans to approved, several widely agreed- The Frrsidcnts <Commission boycott men’s baskrtball games. upon cost-cutting moves were maintained that c(~st-colltaiilinciit Thr threat of a boycott climir~isl~rd ;~doptd and the Studcnt~Athlrtr legislation is lcgitirna~e and must be four clays later when the Justice Advisory (:ommittee emcrgcd as applied cvcn-handedly IC) remain Department agrcrd lo act as a mcdi- an cffcrtivr voice for its consti- effective. ator in addressing the RCA’s toll- tuency. terns. Attendance was 2,428, which sur- The vote was l!)l-ll!l with 17 It was ironic that Proposal No. passed the previous rrcord of 2,366, abstentions. It failed in all threr E 42 consumrd so much attention set in Nashville, Tcnrwssee, in 1%ll, Division I subgroups. because in many ways, the 1994 and San Antonio ~ warm and dry Other issues Convention was one of the most -was widely acclaimed as a Con- Gregory M. St. L. O’Brien, outgoing chair of the NCAA Presidents productive and progressive events vention site. Several other matters of major Commission (It@), and incoming Presidents Commission Chair But ultimately, Proposal No. 42 .Judith E. N. Alh’ tno tulk with Dennis Coleman, attorney fbr the in vears. I _ , A principle of gcndrr rquity was shoved much of that news to the See Convenf+ Page 26 b Black Coaches Ax~ociation, at thz NCAA Convention. Sangster, Coil elected as BCA delays boycott action division vice-presidents Protest postponed in wake of Justice Department intervention reform measures adopted over the Two new division vicr-prrsi- A boycott of Division I ITK-11’s has- grams from 13 to I4 (see related sto- ketball games was avcrtcd~Janu;ny ry on this page). last several years. denrs were elected by dclcg;~trs Indeed, in statemcnrs that wc~mc to thr 1994 NCAA Convention 14 when the Justice Dcpartmcnt Issues unclear issued in conjuilclion with the in San Antonio. agrrrd IO arbitrate the dispute between the Black C:oachrs Asso- It still is no1 clear exactly what announcement of the delay of the The nrw officers arc William ciation and the NCAA. issues might t)r ;~cldr~~ssedthrough boycott, OllC rIlcTnl,rr~ of the M. Sangstrr, director of inter- However, BC:A Exccutivc Dircc- rnc-diation. The vote 911 thr 14th <;ongressional Black C:au( IJS [lid national programs and t’,irulty [or Kudy Washington said the po+ grant Was i1 roll c all, with c;ic 11 not mention the grant issue direct- at arhletics represciilativr sibility of a boycott still cxistrd. Division 1 institution and confcr- ly and another mentioned it as only Georgia Institulr of Trchnology, “We have agreed to drlay the cnrr gertinp one vote. Thr mcasw r one of seven grievances. who was elected Division I vice boycott, and 1 emphasize the word tllilrtl, 191-l I!) with 17 abstentions Research questioned again president, and Fdward C;. C:oll ‘d&y,’ ” Washinflon said. (cigllt institutions and conferences Jr., president of Altred LJni- wcrc clcclccl 10 two-yrar lrrms The 13(X had asked the Con- clicl 110l volr). Inslead, Kep. Carcliss C:ollins, I)- vrrsiry, who was sclcc ted during clivision rnerlings Jan- grcssional Black <:aucus m inter- Somr 1X3 lrarlrrs claimed that Illinois, specifically mentionccl the Division III vicq~residcnt. uary 11 in San Anlonio; those ve~~r in hopes of avoiding rhc Ilic- maf1er ofrhc scholarship itself N(:AA’s Data Analysis Working Sangster succeeds R. Elaine elections wcrc’ ratified lilt- protesr, which became a possibility was only partially rrsponsiblc for (;r-oup and again qucstionrd Dreidamc of the LJnivrrsiLy 01 er Ihal day by Ihc rnrire mem- after the 1994 NCAA Convention their anger. Bcncatli the surface, whrthc-I- tlic rrsrarc-hers in that Dayton and Co11 rcplarrs John bership. defeeatecl a pi-opos;il that would the dispute sccrncd to synllmli/c group, which has cxaminctl tllc H. Harvey of CLirnrgir Mellon have clcvatcd the ntaximum IIII~ CO;IC~ICStiustl;itiolls’ wit11 111~N<;M clfccts of iliiti;il-cli~t)ility Sliilld;lr~ls, University. Thr nrw officers See Elected, page 22 b her of l~ermissil~lc grants-in-aid for l’rrsidciils (:om1llissioll ;nlcl its Division I nlc11’s bask&all pro- clctclrllitlatioil 1101IO ; tcrt;iirl See Boycott, page 32 b w In the News W On deck January 21-25 Football Rules Committee, Kansas City, Comment Page 4 n A summary of voting actions is published for all legislation considered at the 1994 Convention in Missouri State legislotion San Antonio: Page 6. January 24-26 Legislative Review Committee, Basketball statistics Coronado, California Government n The Convention elects new NCAA Council mem- affairs report 20 bers, and new members of the NCAA Presidents January 25-26 Committee on Women’s Athletics, Kansas City, Missouri Infractions case 24 Commission also begin terms: Pages 22-23. NCAA Record 28 January 28-29 Foreign Student Records Consultants, n Vincent J. Dooley of the Universiv of Georgia Coeur d’Alene, Idaho The Market 29 is among 14 former coaches and ployers selected Legislative assistance 32 for the College Football Hall of Fame: Page 25. January 30- Men’s Water Polo Committee, Son February 2 Diego Pqe 2 The NCAA News January 19, 1994 The NCAANews A weekly summary of major activities within the Associati ers will be assigned to spring I!)!)5 evaluation visits and most likely wilt rrrcivc training in fall 1!)!)4. Justice Department agrees 4chedule of keyda tesfor For more detail, see the Dcccmbcr 6 is- to mediate BCA’s concerns sue ofThc N(:M News. January and February 1994 Staff contact:John H. Leavens. ‘l‘he U.S. Just& Drpartrnrn~ has agreed Next meeting: February 1X in Phoenix. to mcrt with the NC%4 and the Black Coat h- es Association in hopes of finding a rcsolu- tion to the controversy that was brought about by the defeat of 1994 Convention Pro- posal No. 42. That proposal would have increased the Supplemental distribution number of permissible grants from 13 to 14. to Division I members It was defeated by a vote of 191-t 19 with 17 abstentions. Those who supported incrcas- Checks were mailed January 7 to Division ing the limit said approval would improve 1 members for their portion of a distribution minority access to higher education. of’excess revenues from the 1992-93 fiscal Soon after the vote, the BCA announced year. its intention to boycott basketball games, pos- JANUARY mailed to membership. At its Dccrmbrr 5-6 meeting, the NCAA sibly for the rest of the season. However, that RECRUITING FEBRUARY Exccutivc Committee voted to make a $7 mil- plan was set aside, at least for the moment, Men’s Division I bask&all RECRUlllNG lion supplemental distribution to Division I when the Justice Drpartment agreed to in- l-1 9 ___._._.________________.____._....Quiet period. Men’s Division I basketball mcmbcrs. Half of that was distributed under tcrvrnc. 2030 _________.______________._Evaluation period. 1-17 .___..._....._____._________._______Quiet period. the provisions oft the basketball fund of the For more detail, sre page 1 of this issue. 3 l _____._.__._._._____.____.__________._Quiet period. 18-28 _____._._____._.____________Evaluation period. Staff contact: Francis M. Canavan. Women’s Division I basketball’ Women’s Division I basketball’ revenue-distribution plan, white the other l-1 6 .._.______________________.__._._._Quiet period. l-7 . Quiet period. half was distrihuted under provisions of the 17-24 ._. .___._________._.______Evaluation period. 8-28 __.._______.__.____________._ Evaluotion period. grants-in-aid and sports-sponsorship funds. 25-3 1 ____._......._.___....______.___.Quiet period. Men’s, women’s Division II basketball’ For more detail, SW the Dcccmbcr 15 is- Men’s, women’s Division II basketball* Quiet period to the date of the prospect’s ini- sue of The NCAA News. Period between the prospect’s initial and fi- tial hi h-school or t-w-year college contest.
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