County Council’s Staff Values Framework

Our Vision: Strong communities in the green heart of

To enable us to achieve this Vision we have corporate values in place:-

OUR STAFF VALUES 2016 These new Values are being communicated following a consultation exercise with a sample of employees during 2015/16. The introduction of new Values signals a change – all employees are not only expected to know them but adopt and demonstrate them so we, together, create and embed a positive and proactive working environment within Powys County Council. The Values are relevant for all employees. Every employee – and potential employee - is expected to embrace, demonstrate and be measured against these Values.

Values are what are important to us as Council staff. We want our culture/working environment within Powys County Council to be known as:-

PROFESSIONAL Whatever role we play in the Council, we act with professionalism and integrity POSITIVE We take a positive attitude in all we do PROGRESSIVE We take a proactive and responsible approach to planning for the future OPEN We keep each other informed, share knowledge and act with honesty and integrity COLLABORATIVE We work constructively and willingly on joint initiatives

We use our Values:-

 To create the working environment.  To communicate the approach and behaviours we expect within Powys County Council to potential employees.  To recruit talented people whose personal qualities align with our Values (*Values-Based Recruiting processes).  During staff appraisal conversations. This enables ongoing proactive engagement with our Values and leads to both recognition, for outstanding positive examples of behaviours, and the provision of support for any necessary corrective actions if unacceptable examples of behaviour are observed.

If you are a Senior Leader (Tiers 1, 2 &3) you will also be assessed through our 360 assessment tool against our Leadership Competency Framework (found on intranet page 7244 ) as part of our performance management process.


*Values-Based Recruiting is agreed as the way forward by both Powys County Council and Powys Teaching Health Board PROFESSIONAL: Whatever role we play in the Council, we act with professionalism and integrity


 We are dedicated to excel in our jobs within public service  We are knowledgeable and keep ourselves informed about what is going on around us  We engage customers (internal colleagues & external partners/service users)  We are approachable, willing to work with others whether colleagues or in the wider  We understand our standard of performance through ongoing dialogue and take a proactive attitude to our own continuous improvement/development  We present a positive image of the Council consistently, internally and externally, showing respect and fairness to all

POSITIVE: We take a positive attitude in all we do


 We believe working for the Council is valuable work  We understand how our role contributes to the Council’s work  We understand change is inevitable and are positive about seeking the best possible solutions  We demonstrate a positive, friendly, considerate and helpful approach to others  We accept, give and use constructive feedback to improve what we do  We celebrate achievements and successes and learn from mistakes


PROGRESSIVE: We take a proactive and responsible approach to planning for the future


 We understand change is constant : we have a positive and energetic attitude towards the future  We take a responsible approach to political, economic and environmental challenges facing the organisation  We consider both the immediate and longer-term consequences of what we do  We are proactive in seeking ways to improve and learn: we benchmark, share knowledge, trial new ideas and manage transitions  We seek smarter working practices and are committed to delivering measureable benefits  We are committed to developing ourselves and the organisation to move forwards

OPEN: We keep each other informed, share knowledge and act with honesty and integrity


 We understand how our role contributes to the Council’s objectives  We are visible, approachable and known to colleagues  We act in an open, even-handed and transparent manner and are accountable for our actions  We share knowledge and are open to new ways of working  We communicate in a timely manner, explain how decisions have been reached and test understanding  We show respect to colleagues and communities and act with sincerity, honesty and professionalism


COLLABORATIVE: We work constructively and willingly on joint initiatives


 We see value in working across boundaries  We share what we know, keep each other in touch with what is going on and respond to communications promptly  We explore new ways of working to achieve improved services

 We work democratically and collaboratively to engage others, seize opportunities and build alignment  We net-work and quickly form new positive relationships  We pool ideas, resources and efforts for the benefit of customers and colleagues


TAKE ACTION: making a difference and bringing our Staff Values to life

If you are on the receiving end of exceptionally positive behaviour associated with our Values or observe it happening and you wish to take action, this is what you can do…….

Thank the person concerned Nominate the Raise/share the example in the next Individual and let their Line Manager person/team Performance Review (IPR) meeting as an know how much you for a Staff outstanding example of acceptable performance. appreciate the exceptional Award behaviour that has been demonstrated

and your Line manager However,know too there so the may recognition be occasions when we need to take action in order to challenge and change examples of unacceptable behaviour that we observe:- is shared.

If you are on the receiving end of unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour, or you observe it happening, this is what you do …….

Speak to your service HR Business Partner or Duty If appropriate, try to resolve Officer in the first instance. Receive advice As an employee - this informally face to face, regarding moving into Grievance / Fairness & or talk to someone you can Dignity at work processes. We would encourage and support trust and can support you. you to act Raise it with your line Note: You can seek the advice of the relevant HR Business Partner manager. in your Directorate (People, Place, Resources or Schools). There is always a Duty Officer on call too.

As a Line Manager - If appropriate, try to resolve this informally face to face in You must act your IPR or monthly Move into existing Performance Capability conversations (1-1s) /Disciplinary processes if necessary