Radianz provider and broker listing

The Radianz Cloud platform provides secure, reliable, scalable connectivity to the global financial services community, offering a content and application neutral platform optimised for the time-critical demands unique to financial services. This directory is a representative listing of 400+ firms using the Radianz Cloud to distribute services to their customers.


Exchanges, ECNs, MTFs

FX information and execution

Information and analytics

Order execution, routing and management

Clearing, settlement, depository and post-trade services

Radianz community: brokers 2 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Exchanges, ECNs, MTFs

Alpha Trading Systems (TMX) Börse Stuttgart Egypt for Information Alternative trading system for German Dissemination (EGID) Canadian equities A joint venture between the Egyptian Boston Options Exchange (TMX) Exchange (EGX) and NASDAQ. A Aquis Exchange All-electronic equity options market credible, authorized information European Equities MTF source for EGX-listed companies Bourse de Luxembourg Asia Pacific Exchange Luxembourg-based exchange for ELX Futures Singapore (APEX) international bonds, equities and Interest rate futures trading venue An international derivatives investment funds exchange approved by the Monetary Equiduct Authority of Singapore Pan-European trading platform Malaysian national exchange for securities and derivatives Greek stock exchange Pan-European exchange, spanning Cairo Stock Exchange (EGX) Belgium, France, the Netherlands Australian Securities Exchange National stock exchange of Egypt and Portugal Australia’s national exchange for equities, derivatives and fixed income Canadian Securities Exchange Euro CCP securities CNSX, Pure Trading Manages markets for non- professional investors trading BATS Global Markets (CBOE) financial instruments BZX, BYX, EDGX, EDGA and BATS CBOE Options, US Equities, Futures, Chi-X Europe stock exchanges, as European equities and FX Financial and Energy Exchange well as BATS Options FEX is a fully-electronic Asia-Pac CME Group commodity and energy futures Bolsas y Mercados Españoles BME Comprised of CME, CBOT, NYMEX, exchange BME integrates all the securities COMEX and KCBT. CME Group markets and financial systems serves the risk management needs Gemini in Spain of customers around the globe Licensed Digital Asset Exchange and Custodian Bolsa Institucional de Valores Stock Exchange (CHX) (BIVA) U.S. securities exchange Hi-MTF Mexican Exchange Italian fixed income MTF Chi-X Australia Australian Stock Exchange and Conglomerate of all Istanbul Derivatives market exchanges Deutsche Börse AG Borsa Italiana Includes Xetra (Securities) market Italian stock exchange and Eurex (Derivatives) market 3 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Exchanges, ECNs, MTFs

NEX Exchange (ICAP) MTS Markets SGX - Limited Operates three markets: NEX Fixed income market Asia-Pacific’s first demutualised and Exchange Main Board, NEX integrated securities and derivatives Exchange Growth Market and NEX NASDAQ Futures (NFX) exchange Trading NASDAQ Stock Market, , NASDAQ OMX SIX Swiss Exchange ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) Futures Exchange, Philadelphia Stock Swiss stock exchange Global exchange and OTC Exchange, NASDAQ OMX Europe market operator NASDAQ OMX NLX (NLX) Israel Stock Exchange (KRX) London based market for trading Korean market data and trading interest rate derivatives Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) for securities An Equity Exchange New Zealand Exchange London Metal Exchange (LME) Consolidated equity and fixed income Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) The futures exchange with the markets for New Zealand Canadian stock exchange world’s largest market in options and futures contracts on base and Nordic Growth Market Tradegate other metals NGM is the exchange for Nordic European retail MTF covering growth companies. Also includes NDX 3,000 global equities (LSEG) (Nordic Derivative Exchange) Stock exchange based in London. Turquoise Includes TradeEcho NYSE Pan-European multilateral NYSE, NYSE Amex Equities, NYSE Arca trading facility Mercado Mexicano de Derivados – MexDer Omega ATS Mexican derivatives exchange Alternative trading system for Canadian equities (BMV) Latin American stock exchange OTC Markets Electronic quote, trading, messaging, Montréal Exchange (MX) and information platform for US Canadian derivatives exchange. OTC equities Owned by TMX group 4 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

FX information and execution

360T EBS Markets (NEX) GFI (BGC) OTC trading in FX, money market Electronic Brokers System for FX Electronic broker system for multiple and interest rate & FX derivatives market sectors. 56% owned by BGC Fastmatch FX (ICE Euronext) Aphelion An Electronic Communication Network Integral A FX trading venue & aggregator for foreign exchange trading Trading and execution

Bank of America Merrill Lynch First Derivatives JPMorgan BoA FX trading application Application service provider for A leading liquidity provider, offering foreign exchange and money market pricing across 300+ currency pairs Barclays Capital instruments in cash and derivative products BarX FX trading application worldwide FlexTrade Baxter FX Clearing Broker-neutral algorithmic trading LMAX Trading and execution platforms and rules-based order A global FX platform management systems Broadridge City Networks Nomura International plc AutoConfs Service (ACS) facilitating Forex Capital Markets (FXCM) Equities and FX trading exchange of trade messages Electronic foreign exchange broker between brokers and banks platform for institutional and retail RBS Securities investors FX matching system Cboe FX Markets (Hotspot) Anonymous foreign exchange FXall (Reuters, Refinitiv) R5FX matching system (Hotspot) A FX electronic trading platform Institutional Liquidity pool for eNDF’s (non- deliverable forwards) and Citigroup FX Connect (State Street) Emerging Markets FX EMFX) Foreign exchange trading application FX execution venue Standard Chartered Bank Currenex FXSpotStream FX streaming prices White label trading solutions for price FX and Precious Metals, Fully makers, prime brokers, FCMs and FX Disclosed, Bilateral Streaming Service UBS intermediaries and Matching System A premier provider of market– making and execution services in Deutsche Bank Gain GTX the foreign exchange and precious Autobahn electronic broker system FX electronic communications metals markets. for foreign exchange instruments network (ECN) and Swap Execution Facility (SEF) 5 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Information and analytics

Activ Financial FTSE International Pension Financial Services Ltd A global provider of real time, Independent global provider of Global DMA execution, settlement, multi asset financial market data financial indices. Part of London clearing and custody to brokers and and solutions Stock Exchange LSEG buy sides

Bluzelle FIS (Sungard Global Trading) QuantHouse A middleware technology used to Global market data products and Independent global provider of end- deploy and manage applications solutions to-end systematic trading solutions over the blockchain Gaitame Refinitiv CMA FX Order routing Content, analytics, trading Provider of South American and messaging capabilities for market data Hoptroff London financial professionals Traceable-Time-as-a-service (TTaaS) CQG International Regulatory Compliance Time- SIX Financial Information Integrated data, charting, technical Stamping and Synchronisation Market data, reference data, analysis and order routing displays, data feeds, financial Imagine information products and solutions Dow Jones Real-time, ASP-based provider Business and financial news of integrated portfolio and risk Solvians and information management solutions Hosting of information display applications, derivatives valuation ® EQUITY-X ICE Data and market data distribution Equity valuation software and Managed solutions provider of alternative data to digitise deal customizable financial market Softek sourcing, investment screening and information systems Service provider of counterparty financial reporting credit and regulatory capital IHS Markit requirements and analysis Euromoney TRADEDATA Data, valuations and trade Specialist data aggregator and processing services Standard & Poor’s distributor of reference data Financial markets data, news and IRESS analysis information Fannie Mae Market information system A non-bank financial services Australian shares TP ICAP (Tullett Prebon company focusing on financing home Information) mortgages Financial Innovative Itarle Real-time price information Technologies Trading, market data Multi asset algorithmic and trading and execution analytics services for global banks Tradestation and brokers Market data and analytics Financial Innovative Technologies Trading, market data and execution Kinetic Information VALK (Traderforce) Contribution system End-to-end digital deal tool for private markets Flextrade MayStreet Single platform suite of electronic High precision GPS timestamps Vela trading services, market data and historical market data as a service Global leader in trading and risk management market access technology Morningstar Ultra-low latency market data feed platform 6 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Order execution, routing and management

360 Treasury Systems E*Trade Kepler Cheuvreux Provides solutions for multi-banks Execution specialist broker Order execution and brokerage and multiproducts OTC trading services Fidessa (Ion) Acadiasoft Multi-currency order management Linedata Margin automation and standards for system Order management and financial counterparties engaged in collateral IT solutions management FIS (SunGard Global Trading) Multi-asset order management, List Group AK Investment execution, order routing, clearing and Electronic markets, trading systems, Turkish equity and derivatives settlement (Group includes GL Trade) brokerage, Operational risk, business markets. Broker in electronic trading continuity, audit and execution services FIXCITY Consultancy services for front-office Macquarie Bank Limited Algomi investment managementGoldman Investment bank A Bond information network Sachs MarketAxess Corporation Banca IMI Goldman Sachs Online trading platform for bonds Italian electronic execution services Order execution services for equities for securities MetaBit Systems Grupo Bursatil Mexicano FIX consultancy, multi-broker Bank of America Merrill Lynch Investment bank trading system Electronic broker services for securities HSBC Mixit, Inc. (ION) Electronic broker system Order management Barclays Capital Investment banking, focusing on i-Deal Morgan Stanley financing and risk and brokerage firm Electronic capital-raising system Electronic trading services for securities Bonddesk Instinet (Nomura) Alternative Trading System Global equities broker operating on MTS an unconflicted, pure agency basis Electronic trading system Cargill for European government Global futures, options, securities LLC bondsNBTrader Solutions and foreign exchange services Execution specialist broker NBTrader Solutions Charles River Development InterTrade Rules-based market data and multi- (State Street) Financial information and equity currency order management system Order management system provider trading services provider in Japan connecting buy side with sell side Newedge Jefferies & Company Global multi-asset brokerage Citadel Execution services Investment bank services for listed and OTC Execution specialist broker derivatives and securities JP Morgan Securities Ltd Commerzbank Platform for securities, futures and Nexa Technologies Universal bank options markets Hosted, managed suite of trading and order management solutions Credit Suisse Equity and F&O execution services 7 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Order execution, routing and management

Peresys TD Bank Financial Group UBS FIX enabled applications and Investment bank SwisKey - global application for services to buy side and sell side execution and clearing of exchange TD Waterhouse Capital Markets credit derivatives Quod Financial Retail broker dealer A provider for multi-asset trading Ullink & execution technology. Adaptive Tethys Technology Leading provider of transactional & scalable Platforms for Equities, Financial software firm specializing and trading solutions Derivatives & FX in algorithms and decision tools UniCredit Group Rapid Addition TheMuniCenter A major international financial Electronic trading technology with Electronic marketplace for institution high performance FIX solutions facilitating live fixed income tradingTora Trading Services VWD Transaction Solutions Royal Bank of Canada Electronic broker and trading Investment bank Tora Trading Services platform (Quotrix/TradeLink) Trading and execution Royal Bank of Scotland Westpac Banking Corp Universal bank Tradegate Universal bank Electronic trading platform RTS Realtime Systems William Blair Global system for trading on 50+ Tradeware Investment bank securities, futures and derivatives Order routing application for U.S. exchanges equity market Winterflood Securities Equity execution services Schroder & Co. Ltd Trading Screen A global asset management ASP for order routing and order Yieldbroker company management across multiple ASP for fixed income markets market sectors Schwab Capital Markets OTC market makers Trading Technologies Trading software for derivatives Société Générale Corporate marketsTrayport (TMX) & Investment Banking - SG CIB European corporate and Trayport (TMX) investment bank Builds and operates platforms for trading of commodities 8 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Clearing, settlement, depository and post-trade services

Bank of New York EquiLend SEB Custody and clearing bank Global securities lending platform Prime brokerage services

BNP Paribas Securities Services Euroclear Bank SettleNET Leading provider of securities Settlement services for cross-border Connectivity to the UK & Ireland services and investment operations bond, money-market, equity and Central Securities Depository CREST solutions fund transactions (Euroclear)

Bravura Solutions Euro CCP SLIB Provider of software solutions and EMCF delivers central counterparty Front, middle and back office services for the administration (CCP) clearing services solutions for brokers, global clearers, of superannuation, pensions, life custodians and portfolio managers insurance, investment, private wealth GlobeOp Financial Services LLC and funds administration Outsourced back-office support and Société Générale Securities administration services to Services - SGSS Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. fund managers Clearing,custody, fund Infomediary, equity execution, FX, administration, transfer agency, custody and clearing bank Integrated Trade Processing Co. outsourcing and other dedicated Back office services services CheckFree Investment Services Provides investment management LCH. Clearnet State Street Global Link services and back office services Independent European central Online global electronic trading and counterparty group (CCP) research across all asset classes Cobalt Post trade FX services using Omgeo LLC S.W.I.F.T. scrl distributed ledger technology Post-trade pre-settlement trade The global provider of secure management solutions financial messaging services Computershare International equity transfer agent Risk Metrics LSEG TradeEcho and registrar Risk management Trade reporting facility

Crédit Agricole Titres R.J.O’Brien Limited Traiana (NEX) Custodian for the entire retail Clearing and settlement services Post-trade process automation banking operation of Crédit Agricole to clients who transact business across all asset classes Group on the world’s leading futures and options exchanges Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. (DTCC) US clearing and settlement depository 9 BT Radianz: Provider & Broker Listing Search

Radianz community: brokers

Some of the organisations that use the Radianz Cloud platform to provide their customers with securities and investment services, facilitate trading in multiple markets, or offer prime brokerage services.

Banca IMI Fidelity Capital Markets NEX (part of Intesa Sanpaolo Group) Finamex Oddo Securities Banc of America Securities Garanti Securities Peresys BAML HSBC ProCapital Securities Services Barclays Capital Securities ING Schroders BGC (GFI) Instinet (Nomura) Tradeweb BNY Brokerage Interactive Brokers Tradition CA Cheuvreux JP Morgan UBS Calyon KBC Securities UniCredit Banca Mobiliare CIBC World Markets Kepler Capital Markets Winterflood Securities Limited Citigroup Global Markets Morgan Stanley Commerzbank NH investment & securities Cowen and Company Newedge Credit Suisse Offices worldwide

The services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be modified from time to time. Services and equipment are provided subject to British Telecommunications plc’s respective standard conditions of contract. Nothing in this publication forms any part of any contract.

© British Telecommunications plc 2021 Registered office: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ Registered in England No: 1800000. February 2021 bt.com/financialservices