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Senate committees assigned

New Speaker Pro Temp and freshman member to chair Education

By Ken Whitehouse

01-15-2009 2:22 PM —

Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey today announced Senate committee assignments today for the 106th General Assembly, and there were some interesting choices made.

As promised, Ramsey celebrated his 19-14 Republican majority by giving all of the chairmanships to members of his own party, including the chairmanship of the education and calendar committee's to Senate freshmen. Those slots went to Senators and Mike Faulk respectively.

It was well known that there would be some changes, State Sens. Rosalind Kurita and Tommy Kilby had been in leadership positions last year and both are no longer in the senate.

Committee and leadership assignments are as follows:

Speaker Pro Tempore: Sen. Jamie Woodson

Deputy Speaker: Sen. Bill Ketron

Commerce, Labor, and Agriculture: Sen. Paul Stanley, chair; Sen. Dewayne Bunch, vice chair; Sen. Charlotte Burks, secretary. Other committee members are senators Mae Beavers, Tim Burchett, Jack Johnson, Bill Ketron, Eric Stewart and Reginald Tate. Education: Sen. Dolores Gresham, chair; Sen. Reginald Tate, vice chair: Sen. Andy Berke, secretary. Other committee members are senators Charlotte Burks, , Joe Haynes, Bill Ketron, and Jamie Woodson.

Environment, Conservation, and Tourism: Sen. Steve Southerland, chair; Sen. , vice chair; Sen. Eric Stewart, secretary. Other members are senators Tim Barnes, Charlotte Burks, Mike Faulk, Doug Jackson, Jack Johnson, and Jamie Woodson.

Finance, Ways and Means: Sen. Randy McNally, chair; Sen. Douglas Henry, vice chair; Sen. Tim Burchett, secretary. Other committee members are senators Diane Black, Joe Haynes, Roy Herron, , Mark Norris, Doug Overbey, and Jamie Woodson.

General Welfare, Health, and Human Resources: Sen. Rusty Crowe, chair; Sen. Bo Watson, vice chair; Sen. , secretary. Other committee members are senators Diane Black, , Douglas Henry, Roy Herron, Randy McNally and Doug Overbey.

Government Operations: Sen. Jack Johnson, chair; Sen. Thelma Harper, vice chair; Sen. Ophelia Ford, secretary. Other committee members are senators Tim Barnes, Dewayne Bunch, Rusty Crowe, Paul Stanley, Reginald Tate and Bo Watson.

Judiciary: Sen. Mae Bevers, chair; Sen. Doug Jackson, vice chair; Sen. Doug Overbey, secretary. Other committee members are senators Diane Black, Dewayne Bunch, Mike Faulk, Jim Kyle, Beverly Marrero and Paul Stanley.

State and Local Government: Sen. Bill Ketron, chair, Sen. Lowe Finney, vice chair, Sen. Joe Haynes, secretary. Other committee members are senators Tim Burchett, Mike Faulk, Thelma Harper, Mark Norris, Jim Tracy and Ken Yager.

Transportation: Sen. Jim Tracy, chair; Sen. Steve Southerland, vice chair, Sen. Tim Barnes, secretary. Other committee members are senators Mae Beavers, Andy Berke, Lowe Finney, Dolores Gresham, Doug Jackson and Ken Yager.

Rules: Sen. Mark Norris, chair; Sen. Randy McNally, vice chair, Sen. Dewayne Bunch, secretary. Other committee members are senators Douglas Henry and Jim Kyle.

Calendar: Sen. Mike Faulk, chair. Other committee members are senators Mark Norris and Jim Kyle.

Ethics: Sen. Diane Black, chair, Sen. Charlotte Burks, vice chair. Other committee members are senators Joe Haynes, Bill Ketron and Mark Norris.

Senate representative for Fiscal Review Committee: Sen. Ken Yager Feedback - Ads by Google © 2008 | Powered by Sitemason