Towards physically motivated proofs of the Poincar´eand geometrization conjectures Arkady L.Kholodenko 375 H.L.Hunter Laboratories, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0973, USA. e-mail:
[email protected] Although the Poincare′ and the geometrization conjectures were recently proved by Perelman, the proof relies heavily on properties of the Ricci flow pre- viously investigated in great detail by Hamilton. Physical realization of such a flow can be found, for instance, in the work by Friedan (Ann.Physics 163 (1985), 318-419). In his work the renormalization group flow for a nonlinear sigma model in 2 + ε dimensions was obtained and studied. For ε =0, by ap- proximating the β function for such a flow by the lowest order terms in the sigma model coupling− constant, the equations for Ricci flow are obtained. In view of such an approximation, the existence of this type of flow in nature is questionable. In this work, we find totally independent justification for the exis- tence of Ricci flows in nature. This is achieved by developing a new formalism extending the results of two dimensional conformal field theories (CFT’s) to three and higher dimensions. Equations describing critical dynamics of these CFT’s are examples of the Yamabe and Ricci flows realizable in nature. Al- though in the original works by Perelman some physically motivated arguments can be found, their role in his proof remain rather obscure. In this paper, steps are made toward making these arguments more explicit thus creating an op- portunity for developing alternative, more physically motivated, proofs of the Poincare′ and geometrization conjectures.