Terra: A Multi-Stage Language for High-Performance Computing Zachary DeVito James Hegarty Alex Aiken Pat Hanrahan Jan Vitek Stanford University Purdue University (zdevito|jhegarty|aiken|hanrahan)@cs.stanford.edu
[email protected] Abstract However, high-performance applications that rely on code gen- High-performance computing applications, such as auto-tuners and eration are often implemented as ad hoc source-to-source trans- domain-specific languages, rely on generative programming tech- lators. For instance, consider FFTW which implements its genfft niques to achieve high performance and portability. However, these compiler in OCaml and emits C code [12], or Liszt, a DSL which systems are often implemented in multiple disparate languages and uses Scala for its transformations and generates code that links perform code generation in a separate process from program execu- against a runtime written in C [9]. tion, making certain optimizations difficult to engineer. We lever- While these designs produce high-performance code, they are age a popular scripting language, Lua, to stage the execution of hard to engineer. A DSL or auto-tuner typically has three compo- a novel low-level language, Terra. Users can implement optimiza- nents: an optimizer that performs domain-specific transformations tions in the high-level language, and use built-in constructs to gen- to generate a plan of execution, a compiler that generates high- erate and execute high-performance Terra code. To simplify meta- performance code based on the plan, and a runtime that supports programming, Lua and Terra share the same lexical environment, the generated code and provides feedback to the optimizer.