References, Appendices & Glossary

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References, Appendices & Glossary 270 References, Appendices & Glossary AFRICAN ELEPHANT STATUS REPORT 2016 REFERENCES, APPENDICES, & GLOSSARY SECTION 271 References REFERENCES Aba’a, N. R., & Bezangoye, A. N. (2007). Estimation de la densité, de l’abondance et de la distribution relative des grands mammifères et l’impact des activités anthropiques au Parc National des Monts Birougou et ses environs: Etablissement d’une ligne de A base pour le monitoring. WCS Gabon. Aba’a, R. (2006). Abondance relative des grands mammiferes et des activités humaines au parc National des Monts de Cristal et sa peripherie (Unpublished Report). Gabon: WCS. Aba’a, R., Maisels, F., Starkey, M., & Memiaghe, H. (2011). Inventaire des grands mammifères et de l’impact humaine dans le Mayombe. WCS Gabon. Abanyam, P., & Imong, I. (2015). Annual Report 2015: Cross River National Park (Oban Division). WCS. Abdi, M. (1998, July 16). Personal Communication. 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(2014c). Dry season aerial total count, Mayo Kebbi Est & Chari Baguirimi Elephant Area, Chad, 2014. Chad: African Parks. Associated Press. (2013, June 21). Philippines destroys five tonnes of elephant tusks. The Guardian. Retrieved from www.theguardian. com/world/2013/jun/21/philippines-destroys-elephant-tusks-ivory Awi, M. (2007). Elephant invasion and escalated depletion of environmental resources in a semi arid tropical ecosystem. Animal Research International, 4(3), 758–761. Ayesu, S. (2003). Capacity building for the implementation of elephant census, research, monitoring and education activities in Ghana. Accra, Ghana: Eden Conservation Society. Bakayoko, S. (2015, August 4). Divo: La présence d’un éléphant aux alentours d’un village préoccupe les autorités. Fratmat. Retrieved from B pr%C3%A9occupe-les-autorit%C3%A9s Ballweg, J., Siaka, A. M., & Hillers, A. (2013). The fate of Sierra Leone’s elephants (Unpublished report to the Biodiversity Conservation Project). Sierra Leone. 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