Robust Filtering and Smoothing with Gaussian Processes smoothing and GP dynamic systems. In Section II, we briefly intro- duce Gaussian process regression, discuss the expressiveness of a GP, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Ryan Turner Member, IEEE, and explain how to train GPs. Section III details our proposed method Marco F. Huber Member, IEEE, (GP-RTSS) for smoothing in GP dynamic systems. In Section IV, we Uwe D. Hanebeck Member, IEEE, Carl Edward Rasmussen provide experimental evidence of the robustness of the GP-RTSS. Section V concludes the paper with a discussion. Abstract—We propose a principled algorithm for robust Bayesian filter- ing and smoothing in nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems when both the A. Problem Formulation and Notation transition and the measurement function are described by non- parametric Gaussian process (GP) models. GPs are gaining increasing In this note, we consider discrete-time stochastic systems importance in , , robotics, and control x = f(x ) + w (1) for representing unknown system functions by posterior probability t t−1 t distributions. This modern way of “system identification” is more robust zt = g(xt) + vt (2) than finding point estimates of a parametric function representation. Our D E principled filtering/smoothing approach for GP dynamic systems is based where xt ∈ R is the state, zt ∈ R is the measurement at time on analytic moment matching in the context of the forward-backward step t, wt ∼ N (0, Σw) is Gaussian system noise, vt ∼ N (0, Σv) is algorithm. Our numerical evaluations demonstrate the robustness of the Gaussian measurement noise, f is the transition function (or system proposed approach in situations where other state-of-the-art Gaussian function) and g is the measurement function. The discrete time steps filters and smoothers can fail. t run from 0 to T . The initial state x0 of the is distributed Index Terms—Nonlinear systems, , smoothing, fil- according to a Gaussian prior distribution p(x ) = N (µx, Σx). tering, Gaussian processes, machine learning 0 0 0 The purpose of filtering and smoothing is to find approximations to the posterior distributions p(xt|z1:τ ), where 1 : τ in a subindex I.INTRODUCTION abbreviates 1, . . . , τ with τ = t during filtering and τ = T Filtering and smoothing in the context of dynamic systems refers during smoothing. In this note, we consider Gaussian approxima- x x to a Bayesian methodology for computing posterior distributions of tions p(xt|z1:τ ) ≈ N (xt | µt|τ , Σt|τ ) of the latent state posterior d the latent state based on a history of noisy measurements. This kind distributions p(xt|z1:τ ). We use the short-hand notation ab|c where of methodology can be found, e.g., in navigation, control engineering, a = µ denotes the µ and a = Σ denotes the , b robotics, and machine learning [1]–[4]. Solutions to filtering [1]–[5] denotes the time step under consideration, c denotes the time step up and smoothing [6]–[9] in linear dynamic systems are well known, and to which we consider measurements, and d ∈ {x, z} denotes either numerous approximations for nonlinear systems have been proposed, the latent space (x) or the observed space (z). for both filtering [10]–[15] and smoothing [16]–[19]. In this note, we focus on Gaussian filtering and smoothing in B. Gaussian RTS Smoothing Gaussian process (GP) dynamic systems. GPs are a robust non- x x Given the filtering distributions p(xt|z1:t) = N (xt | µt|t, Σt|t), parametric method for approximating unknown functions by a poste- t = 1,...,T , a sufficient condition for Gaussian smoothing is the rior distribution over them [20], [21]. Although GPs have been around computation of Gaussian approximations of the joint distributions for decades, they only recently became computationally interesting p(xt−1, xt|z1:t−1), t = 1,...,T [19]. for applications in robotics, control, and machine learning [22]–[26]. In Gaussian smoothers, the standard smoothing distribution for the The contribution of this note is the derivation of a novel, principled, dynamic system in (1)–(2) is always and robust Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother for GP dynamic x x systems, which we call the GP-RTSS. The GP-RTSS computes p(xt−1|z1:T ) = N (xt−1 | µt−1|T , Σt−1|T ) , where (3) a Gaussian approximation to the smoothing distribution in closed x x x x µt−1|T = µt−1|t−1 + Jt−1(µt|T − µt|t) (4) form. The posterior filtering and smoothing distributions can be Σx = Σx + J (Σx − Σx )J> (5) computed without linearization [10] or approximations of t−1|T t−1|t−1 t−1 t|T t|t t−1 x x −1 densities [11]. Jt−1 := Σt−1,t|t−1(Σt|t−1) t = T,..., 1 . (6) We provide numerical evidence that the GP-RTSS is more robust Depending on the methodology of computing this joint distribution, than state-of-the-art nonlinear Gaussian filtering and smoothing algo- we can directly derive arbitrary RTS smoothing algorithms, including rithms including the extended Kalman filter (EKF) [10], the unscented the URTSS [16], the EKS [1], [10], the CKS [19], a smoothing Kalman filter (UKF) [11], the cubature Kalman filter (CKF) [15], the extension to the CKF [15], or the GP-URTSS, a smoothing extension GP-UKF [12], and their corresponding RTS smoothers. Robustness to the GP-UKF [12]. The individual smoothers (URTSS, EKS, CKS, refers to the ability of an inferred distribution to explain the “true” GP-based smoothers etc.) simply differ in the way of computing/ state/measurement. estimating the and required in (4)–(6) [19]. The paper is structured as follows: In Sections I-A, I-B, we To derive the GP-URTSS, we closely follow the derivation of the introduce the problem setup and necessary background on Gaussian URTSS [16]. The GP-URTSS is a novel smoother, but its derivation This work was supported in part by ONR MURI under Grant N00014-09- is relatively straightforward and therefore not detailed in this note. 1-1052, by Intel Labs, and by DataPath, Inc. Instead, we detail the derivation of the GP-RTSS, a robust Rauch- M. P. Deisenroth is with the TU Darmstadt, Germany, and also with the Tung-Striebel smoother for GP dynamic systems, which is based on University of Washington, Seattle, USA. (email: [email protected]) analytic computation of the means and (cross-)covariances in (4)–(6). R. D. Turner is with Winton Capital, London, UK, and the University of Cambridge, UK. (email: [email protected]) In GP dynamic systems, the transition function f and the mea- M. F. Huber is with the AGT Group (R&D) GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany. surement function g in (1)–(2) are modeled by Gaussian processes. (email: [email protected]) This setup is getting more relevant in practical applications such as U. D. Hanebeck is with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), robotics and control, where it can be difficult to find an accurate Germany. (email: [email protected]) f g C. E. Rasmussen is with the University of Cambridge, UK, and also with the parametric form of and , respectively [25], [27]. Given the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tubingen,¨ Germany. (email: increasing use of GP models in robotics and control, the robustness [email protected]) of Bayesian state estimation is important. 2

II.GAUSSIAN PROCESSES requires averaging over γ(s) and yields Z In the standard GP regression model, we assume that the data E [h(x)] = h(x)p(γ(s)) dγ(s) (12) > > γ D := {X := [x1,..., xn] , y := [y1, . . . , yn] } have been D Z  2  Z generated according to yi = h(xi) + εi, where h : R → R and (11) (x − s) 2 = exp − γ(s)p(γ(s)) dγ(s) ds = 0 (13) εi ∼ N (0, σε ) is independent (measurement) noise. GPs consider λ2 h a random function and infer a posterior distribution over h from E [γ(s)] = 0 h data. The posterior is used to make predictions about function values since γ . Hence, the mean function of equals zero D everywhere. Let us now find the . Since the mean h(x∗) for arbitrary inputs x∗ ∈ R . function equals zero, for any x, x0 ∈ R we obtain Similar to a Gaussian distribution, which is fully specified by a Z mean vector and a covariance , a GP is fully specified by a 0 0 covγ [h(x), h(x )] = h(x)h(x )p(γ(s)) dγ(s) mean function mh( · ) and a covariance function Z  (x − s)2   (x0 − s)2  k (x, x0) := E [(h(x) − m (x))(h(x0) − m (x0))] (7) = exp − exp − h h h h λ2 λ2 0 R 0 RD = covh[h(x), h(x )] ∈ , x, x ∈ (8) Z × γ(s)2p(γ(s)) dγ(s) ds (14) which specifies the covariance between any two function values. E Here, h denotes the expectation with respect to the function h. where we used the definition of h in (11). Using varγ [γ(s)] = 1 and The covariance function kh( · , · ) is also called a kernel. completing the squares yields Unless stated otherwise, we consider a prior mean function mh ≡  2   x+x0  (x−x0)2 0 and use the squared exponential (SE) covariance function with Z 2 s − 2 + 2 cov [h(x), h(x0)] = exp −  ds automatic relevance determination γ  λ2  2  1 > −1  kSE(xp, xq) := α exp − (xp − xq) Λ (xp − xq) (9) 2  (x − x0)2  = α2 exp − (15) D 2 2λ2 for xp, xq ∈ R , plus a noise covariance function knoise := δpqσε , such that kh = kSE + knoise. The δ denotes the Kronecker symbol for suitable α2. that is unity when p = q and zero otherwise, resulting in i.i.d. From (13) and (15), we see that the mean function and the 2 2 measurement noise. In (9), Λ = diag([`1, . . . , `D]) is a diagonal covariance function of the universal function approximator in (10) matrix of squared characteristic length-scales `i, i = 1,...,D, and correspond to the GP model assumptions we made earlier: a prior 2 α is the signal variance of the latent function h. By using the SE mean function mh ≡ 0 and the SE covariance function in (9) covariance function from (9) we assume that the latent function h for a one-dimensional input space. Hence, the considered GP prior is smooth and stationary. Smoothness and stationarity are easier to implicitly assumes latent functions h that can be described by the justify than fixed parametric form of the underlying function. universal function approximator in (11). Examples of covariance functions that encode different model assumptions are given in [21].

A. Expressiveness of the Model B. Training via Evidence Maximization

Although the SE covariance function kSE and the prior mean For E target dimensions, we train E GPs assuming that the target function mh ≡ 0 are common defaults, they retain a great deal of dimensions are independent at a deterministically given test input expressiveness. Inspired by [20], [28], we demonstrate this expres- (if the test input is uncertain, the target dimensions covary): After siveness and show the correspondence of our GP model to a universal observing a data set D, for each (training) target dimension, we function approximator: Consider a function learn the D + 1 hyper-parameters of the covariance function and the noise variance of the data using evidence maximization [20], [21]: N  (x − (i + n ))2  X 1 X N (D + 2)E θ h(x) = lim γn exp − (10) Collecting all hyper-parameters in the vector , evidence i∈Z N→∞ N n=1 λ2 ˆ maximization yields a point estimate θ ∈ argmaxθ log p(y|X, θ). Evidence maximization automatically trades off data fit with function where γ ∼ N (0, 1) , n = 1,...,N. Note that in the limit, h(x) is n complexity and avoids overfitting [21]. represented by infinitely many Gaussian-shaped basis functions along √ From here onward, we consider the GP dynamic system setup, the real axis with width λ/ 2 and prior (Gaussian) random weights where two GP models have been trained using evidence maximiza- γ , for x ∈ R, and for all i ∈ Z. The model in (10) is considered n tion: GP , which models the mapping x 7→ x , RD → RD, a universal function approximator. Writing the sums in (10) as an f t−1 t see (1), and GP , which models the mapping x 7→ z , RD → RE , integral over the real axis R, we obtain g t t see (2). To keep the notation uncluttered, we do not explicitly i+1 ˆ X Z  (x − s)2  condition on the hyper-parameters θ and the training data D in the h(x) = γ(s) exp − ds following. i∈Z 2 i λ Z ∞  (x − s)2  III.ROBUST SMOOTHINGIN GAUSSIAN PROCESS DYNAMIC = γ(s) exp − ds = (γ ∗ K)(x) (11) 2 SYSTEMS −∞ λ Analytic moment-based filtering in GP dynamic systems has been where γ(s) ∼ N (0, 1) is a white-noise process and K is a Gaussian proposed in [13], where the filter distribution is given by convolution kernel. The function values of h are jointly normal, which x x follows from the convolution γ ∗ K. We now analyze the mean p(xt|z1:t) = N (xt | µt|t, Σt|t) (16) function and the covariance function of h, which fully specify the x x xz z −1 z µt|t = µt|t−1 + Σt|t−1 Σt|t−1 (zt − µt|t−1) (17) h γ(s) distribution of . The only random variables are the weights . x x xz z −1 zx Computing the expected function of this model (prior mean function) Σt|t = Σt|t−1 − Σt|t−1 Σt|t−1 Σt|t−1 (18) 3 for t = 1,...,T . Here, we extend these filtering results to analytic where we defined moment-based smoothing, where we explicitly take nonlinearities into x 2 x −1 − 1 q := α |Σ Λ + I| 2 account (no linearization required) while propagating full Gaussian ai fa t−1|t−1 a  densities (no sigma/cubature-point representation required) through 1 x > × exp − (xi − µt−1|t−1) nonlinear GP models. 2 −1 x  In the following, we detail our novel RTS smoothing approach × S (xi − µt−1|t−1) (23) for GP dynamic systems. We fit our smoother in the standard frame : x of (4)–(6). For this, we compute the means and covariances of the S = Σt−1|t−1 + Λa (24) Gaussian approximation 2 i = 1, . . . , n, being the solution to the integral in (21). Here, αfa    x   x x  is the signal variance of the ath target dimension of GPf , a learned xt−1 µt−1|t−1 Σt−1|t−1 Σt−1,t|t−1 N x , x x (19) hyper-parameter of the SE covariance function, see (9). xt µt|t−1 Σt,t−1|t−1 Σt|t−1 2) Marginal Covariance Matrix: We now explicitly compute the to the joint p(xt−1, xt|z1:t−1), after which the smoother is fully x entries of the corresponding covariance Σt|t−1. Using the law of total determined [19]. Our approximation does not involve sampling, covariance, we obtain for a, b = 1,...,D linearization, or numerical integration. Instead, we present closed- x h (a) (b) i form expressions of a deterministic Gaussian approximation of the (Σt|t−1)(ab) = covxt−1,f,w xt , xt |z1:t−1 joint distribution in (19). = E cov [f (x ) + w , f (x ) In our case, the mapping x 7→ x is not known, but in- xt−1 f,w a t−1 a b t−1 t−1 t  stead it is distributed according to GPf , a distribution over system + wb|xt−1]|z1:t−1 functions. For robust filtering and smoothing, we therefore need E + covxt−1 fa [fa(xt−1)|xt−1] , to take the GP (model) uncertainty into account by Bayesian av- E [f (x )|x ]|z  (25) eraging according to the GP distribution [13], [29]. The marginal fb b t−1 t−1 1:t−1 x x p(xt−1|z1:t−1) = N (µt−1|t−1, Σt−1|t−1) is known from filter- where we exploited in the last term that the system noise w has mean ing [13]. In Section III-A, we compute the mean and covariance zero. Note that (25) is the sum of the covariance of (conditional) of second marginal p(xt|z1:t−1) and then in Section III-B the cross- expected values and the expectation of a (conditional) covariance. x covariance terms Σt−1,t|t−1 = cov[xt−1, xt|z1:t−1]. We analyze these terms in the following. The covariance of the expectations in (25) is A. Marginal Distribution Z x x 1) Marginal Mean: Using the system equation (1) and integrating mfa (xt−1)mfb (xt−1)p(xt−1) dxt−1 − (µt|t−1)a(µt|t−1)b over all three sources of uncertainties (the system noise, the state (26) xt−1, and the system function itself), we apply the law of total E x expectation and obtain the marginal mean where we used that f [f(xt−1)|xt−1] = mf (xt−1). With βa = 2 −1 > x (Ka + σ I) y and mf (xt−1) = kf (X, xt−1) β , we obtain x E E  wa a a a a µt|t−1 = xt−1 f [f(xt−1)|xt−1]|z1:t−1 . (20) covxt−1 [mfa (xt−1) ,mfb (xt−1)|z1:t−1] The expectations in (20) are taken with respect to the posterior x > x x x = (β ) Qβ − (µt|t−1)a(µt|t−1)b . (27) GP distribution p(f) and the filter distribution p(xt−1|z1:t−1) = a b x x n×n N (µt−1|t−1, Σt−1|t−1) at time step t − 1. Equation (20) can be Following [30], the entries of Q ∈ R are given as x E rewritten as µt|t−1 = xt−1 [mf (xt−1)|z1:t−1] where mf (xt−1) : Q = k (x , µx )k (x , µx )/p|R| = Ef [f(xt−1)|xt−1] is the posterior mean function of GPf . Writing ij fa i t−1|t−1 fb j t−1|t−1 mf as a finite sum over the SE kernels centered at all n training in-  1 > −1 x  2 p × exp z R Σ zij = exp(n )/ |R| (28) puts [21], the predicted mean for each target dimension a = 1,...,D 2 ij t−1|t−1 ij 2 2 2 is nij = log(αfa ) + log(αfb ) Z x  1 > −1 > −1 > −1 x  µ = mf (xt−1)p(xt−1|z1:t−1) dxt−1 (21) − ζi Λa ζi + ζj Λb ζj − zij R Σt−1|t−1zij t|t−1 a a 2 n Z x −1 −1 X x where we defined R := Σt−1|t−1(Λa + Λb ) + I, ζi := xi − = βai kfa (xt−1, xi)p(xt−1|z1:t−1) dxt−1 x −1 −1 i=1 µt−1|t−1, and zij := Λa ζi + Λb ζj . x x The expected covariance in (25) is given as where p(xt−1|z1:t−1) = N (xt−1 | µt−1|t−1, Σt−1|t−1) is the filter 2 distribution at time t−1. Moreover, xi, i = 1, . . . , n, are the training E   xt−1 covf [fa(xt−1), fb(xt−1)|xt−1]|z1:t−1 + δabσwa (29) set of GPf , kfa is the covariance function of GPf for the ath target dimension (GP hyper-parameters are not shared across dimensions), since the noise covariance matrix Σw is diagonal. Following our GP x 2 −1 Rn training assumption that different target dimensions do not covary if and βa := (Kfa +σwa I) ya ∈ . For dimension a, Kfa denotes the kernel matrix (Gram matrix), where K (i, j) = k (x , x ), the input is deterministically given, (29) is only non-zero if a = b, fa fa i j x 2 i.e., (29) plays a role only for diagonal entries of Σt|t−1. For these i, j = 1, . . . , n. Moreover, ya are the training targets, and σwa is x diagonal entries (a = b), the expected covariance in (29) is the learned system noise variance. The vector βa has been pulled out of the integration since it is independent of xt−1. Note that xt−1 2 2 −1  2 αfa − tr (Kfa + σwa I) Q + σwa . (30) serves as a test input from the perspective of the GP regression model. For the SE covariance function in (9), the integral in (21) can be Hence, the desired marginal covariance matrix in (25) is computed analytically (other tractable choices are covariance func-  Eq. (27) + Eq. (30) , if a = b (Σx ) = (31) tions containing combinations of squared exponentials, trigonometric t|t−1 ab Eq. (27) , otherwise functions, and polynomials). The marginal mean is given as We have now solved for the marginal distribution p(xt|z1:t−1) µx  = (βx)>qx (22) t|t−1 a a a in (19). Since the approximate Gaussian filter distribution 4

x x −1 x p(xt−1|z1:t−1) = N (µt−1|t−1, Σt−1|t−1) is also known, it remains Using c3c4 = qai , see (23), and some matrix identities, we finally x to compute the cross-covariance Σt−1,t|t−1 to fully determine the obtain n Gaussian approximation in (19). X x x x x −1 x βai qai Σt−1|t−1(Σt−1|t−1 + Λa) (xi − µt−1|t−1) (37) i=1 B. Cross-Covariance for covxt−1,f,wt [xt−1, xta |z1:t−1] and the joint covariance matrix By the definition of a covariance and the system equation (1), the of p(xt−1, xt|z1:t−1) and, hence, the full Gaussian approximation x missing cross-covariance matrix Σt−1,t|t−1 in (19) is in (19) is completely determined. With the mean and the covariance of the joint distribution x E  >  Σt−1,t|t−1 = x ,f,wt xt−1 (f(xt−1) + wt) |z1:t−1 t−1 p(xt−1, xt|z1:t−1) given by (22), (31), (37), and the filter step, x x > − µt−1|t−1(µt|t−1) (32) all necessary components are provided to compute the smoothing x distribution p(xt|z1:T ) analytically [19]. where µt−1|t−1 is the mean of the filter update at time step t − 1 x and µt|t−1 is the mean of the time update, see (20). Note that we explicitly average out the model uncertainty about f. Using the law IV. SIMULATIONS of total expectations, we obtain In the following, we present results analyzing the robustness of x  >  state-of-the art nonlinear filters (Section IV-A) and the performance Σ = Ex xt−1 E [f(xt−1) + wt|xt−1] |z1:t−1 t−1,t|t−1 t−1 f,wt of the corresponding smoothers (Section IV-B). x x > − µt−1|t−1(µt|t−1) (33) E  >  = xt−1 xt−1mf (xt−1) |z1:t−1 A. Filter Robustness x x > − µt−1|t−1(µt|t−1) (34) We considered the nonlinear stochastic dynamic system E where we used the fact that f,wt [f(xt−1)+wt|xt−1] = mf (xt−1) xt−1 25 xt−1 2 2 xt = + 2 + wt , wt ∼ N (0, σw = 0.2 ) (38) is the mean function of GPf , which models the mapping xt−1 7→ xt, 2 1 + xt−1 evaluated at xt−1. We thus obtain 2 2 zt = 5 sin(xt) + vt , vt ∼ N (0, σv = 0.2 ) (39) Z x > Σt−1,t|t−1 = xt−1mf (xt−1) p(xt−1|z1:t−1) dxt−1 which is a modified version of the model used in [18], [31]. The system was modified in two ways: First, (38) does not contain a x x > − µt−1|t−1(µt|t−1) . (35) purely time-dependent term in the system, which would not allow for learning stationary transition dynamics. Second, we substituted Writing mf (xt−1) as a finite sum over kernels [21] and moving the integration into this sum, the integration in (35) turns into a sinusoidal measurement function for the originally quadratic mea- Z surement function used by [18] and [31]. The sinusoidal measurement function increases the difficulty in computing the marginal distri- xt−1mfa (xt−1)p(xt−1|z1:t−1) dxt−1 bution p(zt|z1:t−1) if the time update distribution p(xt|z1:t−1) is n X Z fairly uncertain: While the quadratic measurement function can only = βx x k (x , x )p(x |z ) dx ai t−1 fa t−1 i t−1 1:t−1 t−1 lead to bimodal distributions (assuming a Gaussian input distribution), i=1 the sinusoidal measurement function in (39) can lead to an arbitrary for each state dimension a = 1,...,D. With the SE covariance number of modes—for a broad input distribution. 2 2 function kSE defined in (9), we compute the integral analytically and The prior variance was set to σ0 = 0.5 , i.e., the initial uncertainty obtain was fairly high. The system and measurement noises (see (38)– Z (39)) were relatively small considering the amplitudes of the system x m (x )p(x |z ) dx t−1 fa t−1 t−1 1:t−1 t−1 (36) function and the measurement function. For the numerical analysis, x n Z a linear grid in the interval [−3, 3] of mean values (µ0 )i, i = X x x x 1,..., 100, was defined. Then, a single latent (initial) state x(i) was = βai xt−1c3N (xi, Λa)N (µt−1|t−1, Σt−1|t−1) dxt−1 0 (i) x 2 i=1 sampled from p(x0 ) = N ((µ0 )i, σ0 ), i = 1,..., 100. D For the dynamic system in (38)–(39), we analyzed the robustness −1 2 2 p −1 where we defined c3 = (αfa (2π) |Λa|) , such that in a single filter step of the EKF, the UKF, the CKF, and a SIR PF 2 kfa (xt−1, xi) = c3N (xt−1 | xi, Λa). In the definition of c3, αfa is (sequential importance resampling particle filter) with 200 particles, a hyper-parameter of GPf responsible for the variance of the latent the GP-UKF, and the GP-ADF against the ground truth, closely function in dimension a. Using the definition of S in (24), the product approximated by the Gibbs-filter [19]. Compared to the evaluation of the two Gaussians in (36) results in a new (unnormalized) Gaussian of longer trajectories, evaluating a single filter step makes it easier −1 c4 N (xt−1 | ψi, Ψ) with to analyze the robustness of individual filtering algorithms. D 1 −1 − x − Table I summarizes the expected performances (RMSE: root- 2 2 c4 = (2π) |Λa + Σt−1|t−1| mean-square error, MAE: mean-absolute error, NLL: negative log-  1 x > −1 x  likelihood) of the EKF, the UKF, the CKF, the GP-UKF, the GP- × exp − (xi − µt−1|t−1) S (xi − µt−1|t−1) 2 ADF, the Gibbs-filter, and the SIR PF for estimating the latent −1 x −1−1 Ψ = Λa + (Σt−1|t−1) state x. The results in the table are based on averages over 1,000 −1 x −1 x  test runs and 100 randomly sampled start states per test run (see ψi = Ψ Λa xi + (Σt−1|t−1) µt−1|t−1 . experimental setup). The table also reports the 95% standard error of Pulling all constants outside the integral in (36), the integral deter- the expected performances. Table I indicates that the GP-ADF was mines the expected value of the product of the two Gaussians, ψi. the most robust filter and statistically significantly outperformed all For a = 1,...,D, we obtain filters but the sampling-based Gibbs-filter and the SIR PF. The green n E X −1 x color highlights a near-optimal Gaussian filter (Gibbs-filter) and the [xt−1 xta |z1:t−1] = c3c4 βai ψi . i=1 near-optimal particle filter. Amongst all other filters the GP-ADF was 5


RMSEx (p-value) MAEx (p-value) NLLx (p-value) EKF [10] 3.62 ± 0.212 (p = 4.1 × 10−2) 2.36 ± 0.176 (p = 0.38) 3.05 × 103 ± 3.02 × 102 (p < 10−4) UKF [11] 10.5 ± 1.08 (p < 10−4) 8.58 ± 0.915 (p < 10−4) 25.6 ± 3.39 (p < 10−4) CKF [15] 9.24 ± 1.13 (p = 2.8 × 10−4) 7.31 ± 0.941 (p = 4.2 × 10−4) 2.22 × 102 ± 17.5 (p < 10−4) GP-UKF [12] 5.36 ± 0.461 (p = 7.9 × 10−4) 3.84 ± 0.352 (p = 3.3 × 10−3) 6.02 ± 0.497 (p < 10−4) GP-ADF [13] 2.85 ± 0.174 2.17 ± 0.151 1.97 ± 6.55 × 10−2 Gibbs-filter [19] 2.82 ± 0.171 (p = 0.54) 2.12 ± 0.148 (p = 0.56) 1.96 ± 6.62 × 10−2 (p = 0.55) SIR PF 1.57 ± 7.66 × 10−2 (p = 1.0) 0.36 ± 2.28 × 10−2 (p = 1.0) 1.03 ± 7.30 × 10−2 (p = 1.0)

the closest Gaussian filter to the computationally expensive Gibbs- and GPg are learned based on randomly generated data using either filter [19]. Note that the SIR PF is not a Gaussian filter and is able 250 or 20 data points. to express multi-modality in distributions. Therefore, its performance Table II reports the expected values of the NLLx-measure for the is typically better than the one of Gaussian filters. The difference EKF/EKS, the UKF/URTSS, the GP-UKF/GP-URTSS, the GP-ADF/ between the SIR PF and a near-optimal Gaussian filter, the Gibbs- GP-RTSS, and the CKF/CKS when tracking the pendulum over a filter, is expressed in Table I. The performance difference essentially horizon of 6 s, averaged over 1,000 runs. The ? indicates a method de- depicts how much we lost by using a Gaussian filter instead of a veloped in this paper. As in the example in Section IV-A, the NLLx- particle filter. The NLL values for the SIR PF were obtained by measure emphasizes the robustness of our proposed method: The GP- moment-matching the particles. RTSS is the only method that consistently reduced the negative log- The poor performance of the EKF was due to linearization errors. likelihood value compared to the corresponding filtering algorithm. The filters based on small sample approximations of densities (UKF, Increasing the NLLx-values (red color in Table II) occurred when GP-UKF, CKF) suffered from the degeneracy of these approxima- the filter distribution could not explain the latent state/measurement, tions, which is illustrated in Figure 1. Note that the CKF uses a an example of which is given in Figure 1(b). Even with only 20 smaller set of cubature points than the UKF to determine predictive training points, the GP-ADF/GP-RTSS outperformed the commonly distributions, which makes the CKF statistically even less robust than used EKF/EKS, UKF/URTSS, CKF/CKS. the UKF. We experimented with even smaller signal-to-noise ratios. The GP- RTSS remained robust, while the other smoothers remained unstable. B. Smoother Robustness V. DISCUSSIONAND CONCLUSION We considered a pendulum tracking example taken from [13]. We In this paper, we presented the GP-RTSS, an analytic Rauch-Tung- evaluated the performances of four filters and smoothers, the EKF/ Striebel smoother for GP dynamic systems, where the GPs with EKS, the UKF/URTSS, the GP-UKF/GP-URTSS, the CKF/CKS, the SE covariance functions are practical implementations of universal Gibbs-filter, and the GP-ADF/GP-RTSS. The pendulum had mass function approximators. We showed that the GP-RTSS is more robust m = 1 kg and length l = 1 m. The state x = [ϕ, ˙ ϕ]> of the to nonlinearities than state-of-the-art smoothers. There are two main pendulum was given by the angle ϕ (measured anti-clockwise from reasons for this: First, the GP-RTSS relies neither on linearization hanging down) and the angular velocity ϕ˙. The pendulum could exert (EKS) nor on density approximations (URTSS/CKS) to compute an a constrained torque u ∈ [−5, 5] Nm. We assumed a frictionless optimal Gaussian approximation of the predictive distribution when system such that the transition function f was mapping a Gaussian distribution through a nonlinear function. This " # Z t+∆t u(τ) − 0.5 mlg sin ϕ(τ) property avoids incoherent estimates of the filtering and smoothing f(xt, ut) = 0.25 ml2 + I dτ (40) distributions as discussed in Sec IV-A. Second, GPs allow for more t ϕ˙(τ) robust “system identification” than standard methods since they where I is the moment of inertia and g the acceleration of gravity. coherently represent uncertainties about the system and measurement Then, the successor state functions at locations that have not been encountered in the data collection phase. The GP-RTSS is a robust smoother since it accounts x = x = f(x , u ) + w (41) t+1 t+∆t t t t for model uncertainties in a principled Bayesian way. was computed using an ODE solver for (40) with a zero-order hold After training the GPs, which can be performed offline, the 2 2 control signal u(τ). In (41), we set Σw = diag([0.5 , 0.1 ]). In computational complexity of the GP-RTSS (including filtering) is 3 2 3 3 our experiment, the torque was sampled randomly according to u ∼ O(T (E + n (D + E ))) for a time series of length T . Here, n U[−5, 5] Nm and implemented using a zero-order-hold controller. is the size of the GP training sets, and D and E are the dimensions Every time increment ∆t = 0.2 s, the state was measured according of the state and the measurements, respectively. The computational to complexity is due to the inversion of the D and E-dimensional covariance matrices, and the computation of the matrix Q ∈ Rn×n  −1 − l sin(ϕ )  z = arctan t + v , σ2 = 0.052 . (42) in (28), required for each entry of a D and E-dimensional covariance t 0.5 − l cos(ϕ ) t v t matrix. The computational complexity scales linearly with the number Note that the scalar measurement equation (42) solely depends on of time steps. The computational demand of classical Gaussian the angle. Thus, the full distribution of the latent state x had to be smoothers, such as the URTSS and the EKS is O(T (D3 + E3)). inferred using the cross-correlation information between the angle Although not reported here, we verified the computational complexity and the angular velocity. experimentally. Approximating the online computations of the GP- Trajectories of length T = 6 s = 30 time steps were started from a RTSS by numerical integration or grids scales poorly with increasing x x x > state sampled from the prior p(x0) = N (µ0 , Σ0 ) with µ0 = [0, 0] dimension. These problems already appear in the histogram filter [3]. x 2 π 2 and Σ0 = diag([0.01 , ( 16 ) ]). For each trajectory, GP models GPf By explicitly providing equations for the solution of the involved 6

10 10

10 10 5 5 1 1

0 x 0 0 z 0

−10 −10 −5 −5

0.1 0.05 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 1.5 1 0.5 0 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 p(x ) x p(z ) x 1 0 1 1 0.1 ) ) 0 0.5 1 0.05 p(x p(x 0 0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 (a) (b)

Fig. 1. Degeneracy of the unscented transformation (UT) underlying the UKF. Input distributions to the UT are the Gaussians in the subfigures at the bottom in each panel. The functions the UT is applied to are shown in the top right subfigures, i.e, the transition mapping (38), in Panel (a), and the measurement mapping (39), in Panel (b). Sigma points are marked by red dots. The predictive distributions are shown in the left subfigures of each panel. The true predictive distributions are the shaded areas; the UT predictive distributions are the solid Gaussians. The predictive distribution of the time update in Panel (a) equals the input distribution at the bottom of Panel (b). (a) UKF time update p(x1|∅), which misses out substantial probability mass of the true predictive distribution; UKF determines p(z1|∅), which is too sensitive and cannot explain the actual measurement z1 (black dot, left subfigure).


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