Parish Council Meeting Minutes 2018 09 20

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Parish Council Meeting Minutes 2018 09 20 Sharnford Parish Council Minutes of a Meeting of Sharnford Parish Council held at 7.45pm on Thursday 20th September 2018 in the Evergreen Hall. Present: Mr J Feast (Chairman) Mrs S Stanley, Mr M Dalton-Brown, Mr M Shirley, Mr G Peryer Also Present: Mrs S Scott (DC), Mr I Hewson (DC), Mrs M Wright (LCC & DC), Miss D Woods (DC) Absent: Ms L Brindley (2) 18/128 Apologies for Absence None 18/129 Declarations of Interest None declared 18/130 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th August 2018 Resolved that, the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th August 2018, a copy of which had been circulated to each member, is a true record of the proceedings. 18/131 Public Participation No Public present 18/132 Information Update Consultation on the Blaby Local Plan Delivery DPD Post Hearing Main Modifications. 14 September – 26 October 2018 Parish Focus Group – Thursday 20 September 2018 Chairman’s Welcome - Friday 21 September 2018 Future Focus Annual Voluntary Action - Monday 24 Sep 2018 Annual Local Council Seminar – Wednesday 26 September 2018 BMX Nationals in Huncote - 28-30 September 2018 LRALC - VAT & Finance for Councillors – Monday 1 October 2018 LCC Quarterly Clerks Operational Meeting – Monday 8 October 2018 FVNP Meeting – 30 October 2018 Parish Liaison Meeting – Thursday 1 November 2018 1 Leics Police – Invite to Annual Police Inter-Cultural Social Evening Tuesday 13 November 2018 18/133 District Councillors Councillor Sheila Scott Councillor Scott is Planning, Housing Strategy, Economic & Community Development Portfolio Holder at Blaby District Council. Blaby Youth Council attended the British Youth Council AGM. A motion concerning self-harm was passed, covering the importance of quality education and support for young people regarding mental health. It was noted that it was important to support parents and carers, and that support for young people should start in schools. Blaby District Council Youth Council received unanimous support from all the young people present. This was the only motion to receive such backing at the AGM. The self-harm video produced by the Youth Council was successfully launched at Brockington College, Enderby, on Tuesday 11th September 2018, to local schools and partners, where it was very well received. DB Symmetry have been asked about the prescribed routes for HGV’s. They are aware of problems with traffic through Sharnford. They have stated that the prescribed route for HGV’s will not include the B4114 through Sharnford. Consultation Events for the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange are as follows: Day Date Time Location Friday 26 October 2pm – 8pm Elmesthorpe Village Hall Saturday 27 October 10am – 1pm Elmesthorpe Village Hall Monday 29 October 3pm – 8pm Burbage Millennium Hall Wednesday 31 October 2pm – 8pm Sapcote Methodist Church Friday 2 November 1pm – 7pm Stoney Stanton Village Hall Wednesday 7 November 2pm – 8pm The George Ward Centre, Barwell Friday 9 November 12am – 6pm St. Francis Community Centre, Hinckley Saturday 10 November 12am – 6pm St. Francis Community Centre, Hinckley Draft letters going to 30,000 members of the public inviting them to the consultation events. More consultations in March 2019. Described as “Formal Consultations”. DBS will be starting archaeological investigation work – 558 trenches – towards the end of September. DBS want to allay any concerns amongst the general public that building work is starting. Unless something interesting is found, the trenches will be refilled as soon as the archaeologists are satisfied. Blaby District Council Business Breakfast Meeting, 1st November, 8am – 10am Santander Building 4. All small and medium sized businesses are welcome. 2 Councillor Deanne Woods Councillor Woods is representative for Stanton & Flamville on Blaby District Council. The alternate weekly collection of refuse and recycling is bedding in after just two months. The new rounds are working well. Blaby are one of the last councils in the country to go fortnightly. This has been caused by the loss of £500,000 from central government. Councillor Iain Hewson Councillor Hewson is Health Improvement, Leisure & Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder & Vice- Chairman of Blaby District Council. After a postponement due to the early spring rainfall, Leicester Huncote Hornets, the BMX club based at Blaby District Council’s Pavilion Leisure Centre, will host the final rounds of the British Cycling National BMX Race Series. Final rounds take place on 28-30 September 2018, with over 900 competitors and 3,000 spectators expected to visit the District of Blaby for the weekend. Riders aged from 6 years old, to World Championship and Olympic-standard will be competing. A further two more were fined for collar and tag offences: - A Leicester lady, was ordered to pay £1,004 after her two terrier cross dogs were collected in Leicester Forest East on 31 May 2018. After failing to enter a plea she was fined £440 for each dog and was ordered to pay costs of £80 and a £44 victim surcharge. A Glenfield man was ordered to pay £322 after his Patterdale Terrier was picked up on 21 May 2018 in Glenfield. He pleaded guilty and was fined £152, with costs of £140 and a £30 victim surcharge. The Control of Dogs Order (1992) says that a dog in a public place must wear a collar bearing the name and address (including postcode) of the owner engraved or written on it or engraved on a tag. Under the law Blaby District Council has no option to offer a fixed penalty notice, with all cases being prosecuted at a Magistrates’ Court. Tags can be bought and engraved from as little as £2.50 online, or from pet shops across the local area. In Blaby District Council area, it is an offence not to carry a ‘poo’ bag when walking your dog. The Bite Back campaign is going well with good responses from Parish Councils, private households, and business. At Cabinet Executive I proposed a paper to update Council policy for Houses in Multiple Occupation which relates to private rented accommodation first and second floor now for occupants of 5 persons or more but not of the same family and children must be 10yr and over. A licence is now required. 3 18/134 County Councillor Councillor Maggie Wright Councillor Wright is Deputy Leader and Finance & Assets Portfolio Holder at Blaby District Council. Councillor Wright has recently been elected to Leicestershire County Council representing Stoney Stanton & Croft. The Transformation Annual Report 2017/2018 has been published and highlights savings made across the County Council since the programme introduction in May 2014. Over 45m has been saved with in-year savings exceeding the target of £10m (£10.2m), a further £6.5m of savings in projects currently being delivered and a further £11.5m of emerging savings identified for 2018/2019. Cllr Wright reminded Councillors to have their say and complete the National Highways and Transport public satisfaction survey. Deadline 31st October 2018. Parish Council members will be well aware the Enforcement for the Average speed camera trial in Sharnford goes live on 10th September 2018. Cllr Wright confirmed that Phase 3 of the County’s Superfast Broadband project is still in the consultation stage having experienced delay. Once a delivery partner is appointed later in the year all news about Phase 3 will be published on the website. 2018 Parliamentary Boundary Review - The Boundary Commission for England submitted its final report to the Government on Wednesday 5th September 2018. The report has now been laid in Parliament. The recommendations contained in the report can be found on the Boundary Commission website, at The changes now need to be approved by both Houses of Parliament. Cllr Wright draws the Parish Council attention to LCC’s requirements for installing festive decorations on or above the Highway. To discuss festive lighting arrangements, contact LCC at [email protected] As requested Cllr Wright had made enquiries regarding the Road Sweeping Rota for Sharnford. This work is actually undertaken by Blaby District Council’s Neighbourhood Services Department. A new Officer has recently been appointed and is in the process of reviewing the service. It is suggested that the Clerk or Chairman make contact and discuss the appropriate timings for scheduling in Sharnford. A meeting has been scheduled with SUStrans on Monday 24 September at 2pm to progress the scoping study agreed to by both Sharnford and Sapcote PC’s for viability of a Cycleway on the Bridle path. Cllr Wright had reported the blocked drains outside Kingfisher Farm on the B4114 and the Reference Number is 13641652. 4 18/135 Correspondence LRALC – Parish Clerk Job Evaluation Playground Projects – Marketing for playground BDC – Exercise referral scheme S.S. – First Aid Course BDC /LCC– Future Focus Annual VCS Conference LRALC – Director Vacancy LCC -Public Right of Way LRALC – Round Robin Cemetery Scale Plan, Finance Training BDC – BMX Nationals in Huncote LRALC/LCC - National Highways & Transport (NHT) Public Satisfaction Survey Parish Consultation BDC – Blaby Business Boost – September 2018 LCC – Community Speed Watch Camera Trial Update BDC – District Council Leaders reply on LCC proposal for Unitary Status BDC – Bite Back Campaign Cllr Wright – Sharnford Sweeping Rota LRALC – Invitation to Parish Focus Group LRALC – Round Robin – Play Equipment Maintenance - 2019 Elections Personal email – Burial Ground FVNP – Consideration of Representations LRALC / LCC – Seasonal Decorations LRALC – Newsletter No.4 BDC – Register of Members Interest Form LCC – LCC Quarterly Clerks Meeting Healthwatch – Introduction to Healthwatch BDC – Register of Electors notice of Alteration BDC - Consultation on the Blaby Local Plan Delivery DPD Post Hearing Main Modifications. 14 September – 26 October 2018 Leics Police – Message from Neighbourhood Policing Area Commander Leics Police – Invitation to Annual Leics Police Inter-Cultural Social Evening BDC – News Release – Two fined for collar and tag offences 5 18/136 Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan: Consideration of Representations.
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