International Relations the diplomat it’s your voice

Internal Newsletter of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation September 2009

President meeting United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon inside:

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September 2009 the diplomat 1 Editorial Note International RelationsRelations

Dear Colleagues elcome to another edition of the Diplomat. PRESIDENT ZUMA It will be unwise not to appreciate the positive comments we have received from LED SOUTH AFRICAN colleaguesW here at Head Office and at Missions for the special photographic insert of the new Head DELEGATION TO THE Office building included in last month’s edition. Your comments are highly appreciated and 64TH SESSION motivate us to continue working harder to improve this newsletter to keep you well informed at all OF THE UNITED NATIONS times. GENERAL ASSEMBLY In this edition we bring you the following: President Jacob Zuma at the 64th Session of the United Nations General Assembly; President Jacob President Jacob Zuma, supported by Zuma at the 2nd Africa-South America Summit; Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane’s Imbizo International Relations and outreach programme; celebrating and remembering the life of Zakes Mokae; our embassy in Thailand Cooperation Minister Maite Nkoana participates in expo, courtesy call by Ambassador Mashabane, Water and Environmental Affairs Anil Sooklal to Minister-President Kris Peeters; Batho Pele - 2010 style; our embassy in Bulgaria’s Minister, , Health Minister, credentials ceremony; our Philippines embassy’s and Home Affairs Minister, calabash of cape wine, cuisine and culture in Cebu. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma and Senior Happy reading! Government officials represented South Af- rica at the 64th Session of the United Nations

the diplomat is an internal newsletter of the General Assembly ( UNGA) Department of International Relations and Cooperation published by the Directorate: scheduled in New York from Content Development. 21 - 25 September 2009. Editor-in-Chief: President Jacob Zuma, ad- Nomfanelo Kota dresses the general debate of his year’s UNGA 64 Ses- • Global financial and economic proceded to Pittsburgh, Pennysylvania, the sixty-fourth session of the sion was be held under crises USA, for the G20 Summit. General Assembly Editor: the Theme “ Effective re- • Climate Change Paseka Mokhethea sponses to global crises; • Reform of international President Jacob Zuma (R) and Compilation, Sub-Editing & Proofreading: his wife Nompumelelo Ntuli strengthening multilateral- institutions, including the Elion Von Wielligh (2ndL) and US President Barack ismT and dialogue among civilisations United Nations nd Obama (2 R) and his wife for international peace; security and • Promotion of the African Agenda Michelle Obama (L) at the G-20 Design and Layout: development”. including NEPAD Shaune van Wyk, Zimele Ngxongo, Pumeza Albert, dinner, Phipps Conservatory, President Jacob Zuma addressed the • Promotion of disarmament and Muzi Msimanga 24 September 2009 in

JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/GETTY IMAGES) SAMAD/AFP/GETTY JEWEL Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania General Assembly on the 23 Septem- nuclear non - proliferation Pictures: ber 2009 during the afternoon session. Jacoline Prinsloo, Sanjay Singh & Unathi Ngamntwini Both Ministers Sonjica and Nkoana The General Debate of the 64th session Mashabane also participated in the The views expressed in this newsletter do not presented an opportunity for Heads of Summit on Climate Change on the 22 necessarily reflect those of the DIRCO or the editors. States and Governments to interact on September 2009. The deadline for contributions is 20 November 2009. global issues that confront the interna- On the margins of the 64TH UNGA Contributions may be sent to cbe000 or tional community. session, President Zuma held a series [email protected] of bilateral meetings with his counter- The South African delegation, in all its parts in an endeavour to garner support All enquiries: Paseka Mokhethea at interactions during the 64th UNGA on ’s positions on a range of Tel: (012) 351-1569 Fax: (012) 342-1192 Session , contributed to the following issues of international importance and to consolidate cooperation on the multi- debates: IMAGES) (GETTY (PHOTO BY JOHN MOORE/GETTY IMAGES) JOHN MOORE/GETTY BY (PHOTO • Poverty eradication and the lateral level with other countries. President Jacob Zuma speaking at the 64th World Leaders at theG-20 summit held at the David L. Lawrence Millenium Development Goals From New York, President Zuma General Assembly at United Nations Convention Center, aimed at promoting economic growth Headquarters in New York

2 the diplomat September 2009 September 2009 the diplomat 3 International Relations Missions Activities


Far left: REMEMBERING THE LIFE The Openning of ASA Summit OF ZAKES MOKAE in Venezuela n Friday, 18 September country of his birth. He won many 2009 in a hot sunny day awards and accolades yet remained President in Las Vegas, Nevada, humble and committed to the free- Jacob Zuma the Consul-General Ms. dom of his country. and his wife JeanetteO Ndhlovu accompanied by Nompumelelo Vice Consul Mrs. Kgopotso John He was particularly remembered for Ntuli arriving in Venezuela represented the Government and his infectious laughter by those who people of South Africa and joined knew him. scores of people who came from World renowned writer Athol Fu- other parts of the United States and gard, remembered him as a self- UK to pay their last respect to one of less and caring individual who made at all levels to exploit the immense Africa’s sons, Zakes Mokae and to a contribution in the lives of many opportunities which bound the two comfort his widow Mandy Mokae. young and aspiring actors. PRESIDENT JACOB ZUMA AT THE continents; • Explore and exploit opportunities for The event was a solemn yet lively The South African Consulate in Los cooperation and collaboration in the celebration of Zakes’ life that includ- Angeles was indeed honoured that 2ND AFRICA – SOUTH AMERICA SUMMIT areas of Agriculture, Trade, and In- ed music and poetry. Mokae was the Consul General was able to pay vestment, Energy, Technology, Water a gifted artist who used his talents tribute to this international campaign- Resources and Tourism; to fight for the freedom of all in the er for freedom and human rights.

• Promote South-South Cooperation and the Consolidation of the African Agen- da in the betterment of the African con- tinent and the Countries of the South.

• Develop appropriate common positions in multilateral negotiations such as the 2 3 reform of the Global Multilateral Sys- tem of Governance and the attainment 1.President Jacob Zuma and Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane at ASA Summit of the Millennium Development Goals 1 in Venezuela 2. President Jacob Zuma with his counterpart, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez 3. President Hugo Chaves making remarks as he opens the ASA (MDGs). Summit in Margarieta Island in Venezuela Both Africa and Latin America seek con- Consul- meetings with his Latin American counter- gruency on several issues affecting the resident Jacob Zuma, sup- Heads of State and Government (ASA); General ported by International Rela- parts, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez, that should meet every two years, alter- two regions such as: Reform of the United Jeanette tions and Cooperation Minis- Chilean President, Dr. Michele Bache- natively in the two regions. Nations Security Council (UNSC) in line Ndhlovu ter Maite Nkoana Mashabane, let as well as Uruguay President Tabare with the Common African Position on the at Zakes Mokae’s Minister in the Presidency, Collins Vazquesz. These engagements were The 2nd Summit between Africa and Latin UN Reform as stipulated in the Ezulwini P memorial Chabane, Deputy Minister Sue van der aimed at strengthening South – South American countries was preceded by the Consensus and the Sirte Declaration of Merwe, International Relations Advisor, cooperation as well as bilateral relations Ministerial and Senior Officials Meetings. the Assembly of Heads of State and Gov- Ambassador ; between South Africa and her Latin Ameri- ernment of July 2005 and; the resumption Economic Advisor, Mr Mandisi Mpahl- can counterparts. The ASA Summit principally seeks to and successful conclusion of the Doha wa, as well as South African Ambassa- deepen and intensify South-South Coop- Round. dor to the Bolivarian Republic of Ven- BACKGROUND TO THE eration. In addition the 2nd Summit aimed ezuela, Bhekisizwe Gila and Lungile AFRICA – SOUTH AMERICA to: Furthermore the two regions have much Pepani, South African Ambassador to SUMMIT INITIATIVE in common in areas such as capacity the African Union visited Isla Margarita, The 1st ASA Summit- Space of Heads • Adopt strategies and measures that building and cooperation in the areas of Venezuela for the 2nd Africa – South of State and Government (HoSG) held will translate the vision of the Africa- social upliftment, rural development, tour- America Summit (ASA) scheduled for in Abuja, Nigeria on 30 November 2006, South America Cooperative Forum ism, renewable energy, policies on climate the 26-27 September 2009. adopted the Abuja Declaration and the into concrete economic, political and change, science and technology, sport, Plan of Action. Key to this Declaration social benefits; education and cultural exchange, as well Whilst in Venezuela, President Zuma was the establishment of the Africa- as advancement of the interests of the de- Consul-General with Dr Moloi Consul-General with Athol Fugard also used the opportunity to hold bilateral South America Cooperative Forum of • Intensify cooperation and consultation veloping world at a multilateral level.

4 the diplomat September 2009 September 2009 the diplomat 5 BATHO SA EMBASSY IN THAILAND 2010 STYLE PARTICIPATES IN EXPO BULGARIA: PELE

humpol Silapa-Archa, Thailand’s Minister of Tourism and Sports, opened Food CREDENTIALS CEREMONY As a way of raising awareness of 2010 and the importance of and Hotel Thailand 2009 – the number one event in Asia for the hospitality industry’s making foreign visitors feel at home when they come to visit premium market supply of international food, beverage, equipment and technology Ambassador Sheila Camerer presented her credential South Africa, the Diplomat will run a series of phrases in dif- which was held at the Royal Paragon Hall, Bangkok from 2 – 5 September 2009. to the Bulgarian President. Herewith a report: ferent international languages for us to charm those visitors in returning to one of the friendiest countries on the globe. Our C focus this month is on Spanish was the first out of the starting blocks at 9:30 on 24th September. Four other ambassadors followed Hi Mi nombre es… me I believe. Hola I am South African

I was accompanied by Mr Thabiso Motau (Second Sec- morning Male retary – Political), Mr Rudi Conley (Corporate Services Buen día Soy sudafricano Manager) as well as my husband (as prescribed by the Buenos días Female instruction booklet). Good afternoon Soy sudafricana Buenas tardes I am a diplomat Male In the course of the discussion the President made it Good evening Soy diplomatico clear that he would welcome an invitation to visit South Buenas noches Female Africa. In his opening remarks (which included a “tourd’ Good night Soy diplomatica horizon” of Bulgarian-SA relations) he emphasised that Buenas noches Would you like to taste a he would have loved to have responded positively to the South African wine? original invitation which was for last year but a myriad Good bye of reasons – and he went into some detail – he was Hasta luego When addressing one person unable to come. He stressed that reciprocal Presidential Adiós Desea degustar un vino suda- visits would kick-start the new status of bilateral rela- cheers fricano? tions between our two countries, i.e. at full Ambassado- Chau When addressing more than rial level. He stated that Bulgaria was very pleased that Welcome to South Africa one person after all this time this had happened. Welcoming a man Desean degustar un vino sudaf- Biénvenido a Súdafrica ricano? He stated that he had enjoyed visiting South Africa Welcoming a lady You must visit one of our when he led the Bulgarian delegation to the WSSD in Biénvenida a Súdafrica game reserves before you 2002. The opening of the Food and Hotel 2009 Expo Welcoming a group go back ‘home” When ad- In response I referred to President Jacob Zuma’s visit Biénvenidos a Súdafrica dressing one person to Bulgaria as Deputy President in 2000 and expressed Enjoy your stay in South Tiene que visitar una de the hope that he would be able to come for a repeat visit Africa nuestras reservas de animales BELGIUM: COURTESY CALL BY as President during President Parvanov’s term of office. When addressing one per- salvajes, antes de retornar a AMBASSADOR ANIL SOOKLAL TO son: su país. Disfrute de su estadía en When addressing more than MINISTER-PRESIDENT KRIS PEETERS Súdafrica one person When addressing more than Tienen que visitar una de las E, Dr Anil Sooklal, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Kingdom one person: reservas de animales salvajes, of Belgium, The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Mission to the European Disfruten de su estadía en antes de retornar a su país. Union payed a courtesy call to Minister-President of the Flemish Government, Mr Kris Súdafrica Please Peeters on the 25 September 2009. Ambassador Dr Anil Sooklal was accompanied May your team win Por favor byH Mr Thivhilaeli Makatu, Counsellor, Bilateral and Zakumi, the Official Mascot for the 2010 Ojala que su equipo gane Thank you World Cup in South Africa. Good luck Gracias Suerte zero Cero The Minister-President appended his signature on the football that was autographed in April What was the score? one uno 2009 by the Heads of the European Commission for Development and Humanitarian Affairs, Cuál fue el resultado? two dos the African Union, the African Caribbean Pacific Group of States and the Belgian Football Fed- How are you? three tres eration, amongst others. The media was given the opportunity to ask a few 2010 Soccer World When addressing one person four cuatro Cup related questions including developments in South Africa and South Africa’s relations with Como esta? five cinco Flanders. When addressing more than six seis one person seven siete Ambassador Sheila Camerer with Bulgarian President Georgi Como estan? eight ocho Parvanov during her credentials ceremony, Bulgaria My name is ..... nine nueve Me llamo… ten diez

6 the diplomat September 2009 September 2009 the diplomat 7 Missions Activities InternationalMissions Activities Relations

putu-pap with chakalaka to bobotie; from Ambassador Pieter Vermeulen high- and we are excited to bring it to life here PHILIPPINES: EMBASSY PRESENTS A ostrich to biltong; from vegetable brey- lighted the event as follows: “In the short in Cebu. In addition to our cuisine and ani to corn cakes; from koeksisters to few years since the establishment of the- wines, one of the highlights will be the meringue – guests were enthralled by the South African Embassy in the Philippines, performance of UMZAMSI GUMBA - it CALABASH OF CAPE WINE, CUISINE myriad of tastes. we have already developed warm friend- is the first time ever that our Embassy ships and solid relations with the people brings music and dance groups from AND CULTURE IN CEBU Culture of Cebu. We are proud of the diverse South Africa to Philippine shores. To hear The members of performing group origins and cross cultural influences that the sound of Africa fill the air in Cebu is UMZANSI GUMBA, Cathrine Nhlapo, shaped the heritage of our rainbow nation going to be quite a special experience”. Dumisani Hlela, Aveline Twala brought the vibe of traditional African song, (Left to Right) – Ms. Sylvia Matona (South African Embassy), Ms. Aveline Phillis- dance and drumming to Cebu, one of the tus Twala (Member of the Umzansi Gumba), Mrs. Corinne Joseph (Darras+Bowler highlights was the jamming sessions ar- Wines) and Ms. Zoleka Mankahla (South African Embassy) The South ranged with local musicians linked to the Arts Council of Cebu. A selection of local African South African crafts – mostly beadwork - Embassy in Manila were also given as gifts to all attendees of events highlighting the crafts; focus of from 23 – 27 September Heritage Month. During a business lunch hosted by Am- 2009 brought the coun- bassador Vermeulen, the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), an- try’s heritage to Cebu, nounced their forthcoming trade mission to South Africa tentatively scheduled the second biggest city for May 2010. Last year, twenty five delegates participated in a 10-day trade and business hub in the mission to South Africa which was con- sidered a resounding success. Member Philippines, by hosting companies, sectoral associations and a successful, well-sup- affiliate Chambers are expected to join CCCI’s Trade Mission to South Africa ported and high-profile next year to explore possible business opportunities on the African Continent. cultural festival. Events Ambassador Pieter Vermeulen and his wife flanking members of were arranged the UMZANSI Gumba group by the Embassy to (Left to Right) Organisers of the wine promotion: Mr. Hugo Lambrechts (South coincide with Heritage he festival was held in lighted namely: wines; cuisine and culture African Embassy), Mr. Dondi Joseph Day on 24 September partnership and coop- (performers and crafts). (Darras+Bowler Wines), Mrs. Corinne eration with the Mactan Joseph (Darras+Bowler Wines), Ambas- with the theme: “Come Shangri-La Resort Hotel, Wines sador Pieter Vermeulen (South African Embassy), Mrs. Chrisna Vermeulen and the Cebu Arts Council, the Wine importers provided about 40 wines, Celebrate South Africa’s showcasing wines form all the 15 South Mr. Mr. Joachim Schutte (Shangri-La’s CebuT Chambers of Commerce – SA Mactan Resort & Spa) toast the success Business Council and wine importers African wine routes at an event focused of the event Cultural Heritage in on the celebration of 350 years of wine- of South African wines. The various making. The wine event in Cebu will Cebu - A Calabash of events were well attended by around continue to bring the South African wine Cape Wine, 1000 people, and prominent media Experience to one of the important wine coverage ensured that the festival and loving provinces of the Philippines! Clas- Cuisine and its theme of the richness, diversity and sic red wine varieties including Pinotage, vibrancy of South Africa’s cultural her- Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon as Culture”. itage was widely publicised. well as classic white wine styles ranging from Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Calabash of Heritage Chardonnay to Riesling was enjoyed. The concept and theme chosen by the mission was done with the overriding Cuisine message of Heritage Month: “Celebrat- South African Chef, Nicholas Van ing South African Craft, Our Heritage” in Rensburg worked with the Hotel chefs to mind. Our specific theme “Come Cel- prepare a number of South African dishes ebrate South Africa’s Heritage in Cebu for a finger food reception, a gala “braai” - A Calabash of Cape Wine, Cuisine and buffet dinner, and two meals at the hotel Culture”, was built around and using the restaurant. From grilled Karoo lamb to Calabash – a well-known utility African traditional boerewors (sausage); from Local Cebu Artists performing on stage together with the UMZANSI craft – as symbol. Three areas were high- smoked snoek fish to Cape oysters; from Gumba and other local musicians from Cebu

8 the diplomat September 2009 September 2009 the diplomat 9 DIRCO 2009 IMBIZO ‘‘When we go out and interact with the world, we do it in your name’’

his was the central mes- “taking their democracy for granted and in sage that resonated the process forgetting to protect the gains throughout Minister Maite of their own revolution”. She made the Nkoana-Mashabane’s pub- point that while our democracy is the envy lic lectures and Imbizo of the entire world, “most South Africans inT the Provinces of and the are not making full sense of all the oppor- Eastern Cape. It therefore goes without tunities that this accessible, understanding saying that this central message has and considerate government is offering Above left to right, Minister Maite to inform our consciences and com- to its people”. She emphasised that the Nkoana-Mashbane lectures students mitment to the various tasks we have South African public has “a role to play in of the students on issues relating to The Minister reassured and encour- at the University of the Limpopo and the University of Rhodes been given, in the full knowledge that shaping South Africa’s foreign policy direc- international relations and South Africa’s aged members of the public that despite we do all we are supposed to do, for tion”, including participating in our “shared participation in IR forums. their humble backgrounds, “any person the betterment of the lives of our ordi- vision of a South Africa characterised by who has the passion and willingness nary folks. peace, friendship, democracy, economic At the end of our Outreach Pro- to become an International Relations Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashbane prosperity, continuous development, ab- grammes, it became clear that the scholar could become a practitioner in during an interview Driven by the wish to see ordinary South sence of disease and alleviated poverty”. Department will be strengthening its the foreign service terrain of our coun- Africans being able to link the country’s Public Diplomacy efforts, to ensure that try”, just as the children who were raised domestic priorities and the Department’s One of the many highlights was the the public understand the country’s in the Favellas in Brazil could escape international engagements and coopera- very significant and relevant questions Foreign policy preoccupations and what the life of poverty and despair to become tion, the Department has now embarked raised at the Imbizo, a community mem- they seek to achieve. Engineers, Doctors and Geologists (etc) many setbacks, until sometimes the on an Outreach Programme. Subsequent- ber wanted to know “how other countries so can South Africans who find them- bee faint-hearted despaired and occa- ly, the Minister held a Public lecture at the deal with social ills such as alcohol and Going forward, the Minister has com- selves raised from Mkhukhus could also sionally even the courageous retreated University of Limpopo and an Imbizo at the drug abuse, teenage pregnancies, the mitted to rolling-out the Outreach Pro- become professionals in their respected for a time into sullen resignation. But Mankweng Community Hall on 16th Octo- high number of shebeens and school gramme to the rest of the remaining terrains. never was the flame of resistance ex- ber 2009, and presented another public drop outs – as they impact negatively on provinces of South Africa. It also be- tinguished. Always new people came to lecture at the Rhodes University Campus society?”. came clear that the Minister walked out In all her closing remarks, the pick up the torch of freedom from those Dep Minister Ebrahim at Imbizo in Grahamstown on 20th October 2009. of this outreach programme convinced Minister revisited the quote from former whose strength had been exhausted, Minister Nkoana-Mashabane shared that non-state actors are equally impor- President of Tanzania, Mwalimu Julius and to carry it forward.’’ The Outreach Programme seeks to some statistics that indicated that lately, tant actors in the realm of domesticat- Nyerere, in December 1987 in his ad- popularise South Africa’s Foreign Policy 1.8% of people who pass on are those ing our practice of foreign policy as a dress to the ANC Conference in Arusha, In the letter and spirit of the words and the mandate of the Department. It over the age of 68, whilst 800 000 an- country. As such, interaction between when he said: of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, the Minis- also seeks to establish engagement with nual deaths are of people who are un- the Department and non-state actors ter made a call that South Africa needs researchers, students, the general pub- der 35years and, there is a 35% mortal- i.e. business, community organizations, ‘‘Throughout these long years the people to “help us carry this torch of lic and academia across the length and ity rate at birth due to HiV/Aids related academia, students, religious forma- struggle has been waged inside South freedom and hope” for a better South breadth of our country, so that we are able causes. tions, etc, would have to be a mutually Africa, by the people of South Africa. Africa, in a better Africa and a better to solicit their views as non-state actors. It reinforcing and beneficial partnership. It has waxed and waned. There have world! is the intention of the Department to do- The attendance of hundreds of mem- Director - General Dr Ayanda Ntsaluba mesticate the foreign policy of South Africa bers of the public at both the Public at Imbizo by, amongst others, bringing on-board the Lectures in Limpopo and at Rhodes Left: Students at the lecture South African public on issues of national University and at the Imbizo in Mank- concern. Ideally, the South Africa public weng, the level of participation and the Below: Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane taking part in a radio interview should be able to influence and own up to questions raised by the respective com- the programmes within all the three tiers munity members revealed that the South of government, with DIRCO not being an African public is indeed thirsty for infor- exception to the rule. mation and engagement with its Govern- ment representatives. In the course of rolling-out her inau- gural Outreach Programme, the Minister The Minister was impressed at the stressed that currently, South Africans are depth of interaction by and enthusiasm

10 the diplomat September 2009 Where were you?