School District Takes Reins

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School District Takes Reins Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 NBA: LeBron-Steph showdown highlights play-in games/B4 TUESDAY TODAY CITRUSCOUNTY & next morning HIGH 88 More sunshine LOW and dry weather. Breezy, warm. 60 PAGE A4 MAY 18, 2021 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community $1 VOL. 126 ISSUE 222 NEWS BRIEFS School district takes reins Citrus County COVID-19 cases According to the Flor- ida Department of Health, six positive cases were reported in Citrus County since the latest update. No new deaths were re- ported, for a total of 452. To date in the county, 11,245 people have tested positive (including 99 non-residents). No new hospitaliza- tions were reported, for a total of 728 hospitalized. Totals reflect prelimi- nary reports received by the state, and are subject to revision. Man dies after losing control of motorcycle A 46-year-old Inver- ness man died after he lost control of his motor- cycle on a Dunnellon- area roadway and struck two structures. According to Florida MATTHEW BECK/Chronicle Highway Patrol (FHP), Cadet Michelle Ortiz carries a fire hose while flipping over a truck tire Monday afternoon, May 10, outside of the Withlacoochee Technical College in Inverness during a relay race between cadets of the Citrus County Public Safety Training Center’s Florida Law Enforcement Academy which didn’t identify the at WTC. To streamline oversight over the training center, the Citrus County School District will be staffing its director and law enforcement motorcyclist, the man was coordinator positions, roles filled by the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office. riding east on West Dun- nellon Road at around 9:45 p.m. Sunday, May 16, Education officials consolidate role over public safety, police training approaching the intersection with West Riverbend Road. BUSTER and help them be suc- the training center has district to staff the cor- specialist, then took cessful in whatever they shifted over the year to- rections coordinator While taking a turn, the THOMPSON over the director’s role Staff writer do.” ward the school district and administrative as- — a position he had rider, who wasn’t wearing Santiago saw another in an effort to better sistant, while the sher- held for three years a helmet, left the road, It doesn’t really mat- of his cadet contingents maintain responsibility, iff ’s office had to employ while a sheriff ’s office struck a utility pole and ter for Sgt. Juan Santi- — a group of 21 — grad- ending roughly 10 years the center’s director captain himself. then a garage on the 5200 ago who’s in charge of uate Wednesday, May 12, of oversight by the sher- and law enforcement Vincent told the block of West Dunnellon Citrus County’s police from the Citrus County iff ’s office. coordinator. Chronicle the school Road, according to FHP. academy, whether it’s Public Safety Training There are four mana- In a Jan. 28 letter, district wanted to be Emergency responders the county school sys- Center at the technical gerial positions within School Superintendent held accountable for pronounced the man tem or sheriff ’s office. college in Inverness. the training center: a di- Sandra “Sam” Himmel overseeing the training dead at the crash scene. “My job is really to With 770 hours of rector, an administra- gave Sheriff Mike Pren- center and its instruc- serve these recruits and Florida Department of tive assistant, a dergast a notice to end tors, adding the district Keep BH Pool get them a job anywhere Law Enforcement class coordinator for the law the agreement for the “saw some issues hap- Open Committee I can,” said the coordi- and coursework under enforcement academy sheriff ’s office to man pening there, and some nator of the Florida Law their utility belts, the and a coordinator for the director position of the quality of things at to meet Enforcement Academy state-certified law en- the corrections with a captain. the academy that were a The Keep Beverly Hills at Withlacoochee Tech- forcers are ready to pro- academy. Dave Vincent, the little bit concerning.” Pool Open committee will nical College (WTC). tect and serve. An agreement re- school district’s police meet at noon Thursday, “I’m here to serve them Leadership within quired the school chief and school safety See TRAINING/Page A7 May 20, at the Central Ridge Boys and Girls Club patio, 901 W. Roos- evelt Blvd. Volunteers will be asked to assist with a patriotic County’s positivity rate California woman picnic fundraiser, which will be from 4 to 8 p.m. May 29 at the Beverly Hills Lion’s Club and the Central drops as more get shots accused of leaving Ridge Community Park. Tickets are $10 per adult and $5 per child are Locally, 36% have been fully vaccinated crash, burglary available from 9 a.m. to noon Weekdays at the BUSTER from 6.89% to 4.85%. Administration (AHCA) BUSTER Monday. She faces civic association office, THOMPSON Health officials want to report from Monday THOMPSON charges of auto theft, 1 Civic Circle, and at Roll- Staff writer keep positivity rates — stated Citrus County had Staff writer failing to remain at a ing Oaks Utilities. the number of positive re- six people in hospitals crash scene, burglariz- — From staff reports With almost an average sults out of total test with a primary diagnosis Citrus County Sher- ing an occupied resi- INDEX of a dozen new cases re- results — below 10%. of COVID-19. iff ’s Office deputies ar- dence and petit theft. ported each day, Citrus Also since May 10, ac- There were also 33% of rested a Arrest and Classifieds . .B7 County’s COVID-19 posi- cording to the FDOH, two hospital beds available California court records Comics . .B6 tivity rate for over the more locals were hospi- Monday in the county, ac- woman for driv- show Guajardo Crossword . .B10 week dipped below 5%. talized with the virus and cording to the AHCA, ing a stolen vehi- was booked into Editorial. A11 On Monday, May 17, the another five died from it. and 43% of local adult cle away from a jail on a $18,500 Entertainment . A4 Florida Department of As of Monday, there’ve intensive care units were crash before she bond, which a Horoscope . A4 Health (FDOH) docu- been 728 hospital admis- open. broke into a judge kept the Health . A13, A14 mented a total 11,245 sions and 452 deaths from Roughly 36% of Citrus Sugarmill Woods same at her first Lottery Numbers . .B3 cases of the novel corona- the disease. County residents (53,230 of garage to steal Vanessa court appear- virus for the county — an COVID-19 data from them) were fully vacci- tools. ance on Monday. Lottery Payouts . .B3 Guajardo increase of 83 infections the FDOH is subject to nated against COVID-19, Adelanto, Cali- According to Obituaries . A6 since May 10. change as epidemiologi- according to the FDOH, fornia, 26-year-old Va- Guajardo’s arrest re- TV Listings. .B5 Citrus County’s aver- cal investigations reveal and around 42% of locals nessa Guajardo was port, deputies re- age 7-day rate of positive new information on (or 63,059) have at least jailed at the county de- sponded to a hit-and-run COVID-19 tests de- cases. been partially inoculated. tention facility Friday, crash at 6:07 p.m. creased since May 10 for A Florida Agency for May 14, according to her its Florida residents, Health Care See VIRUS/Page A5 arrest report, obtained See ARREST/Page A5 ATTENTION - FREE HEARING AIDS - ATTENTION YOU PAY BlueCross BlueShield YOU PAY New York Empire YOU PAY Federal Employee Program Insurance pays total HEALTH INSURANCE $ $ State Insurance Plan $ FOR FEDERAL EMPLOYEES 0 cost of 2 Miracle Ear Digital Hearing Aids 0 0 Ask Miracle Ear to check your benefits Federal Government Insurance code #104, #105, #106, #111, #112 or #113 pays for total cost of 2 Miracle Ear Digital Hearing Aids FloridaChoice (PPO) Postal Union Workers Dickey Miracle-Ear Miracle-Ear MINITM Inside TM Richardson BATTERIES ENERGY is right for you if: Built-in power for on-the-go No one will see them, but you’ll H.A.S. convenience & style. notice the difference. Crystal TM Licensed ENERGY Miracle-Ear Nearly Invisible 4 You prefer a Hearing Aid is right for you if: discreet, nearly invisible hearing Specialist You don’t want the aid. OPEN: Mon.-Fri. 11AM-4PM River 4 hassle of buying and Serving all 99¢ changing small batteries A hearing aid 4 your hearing One coupon per customer, with a one piece You spend a lot of time on the go and would design is easier aid needs. limit 2 packages per coupon. 4 for you to handle. 352-795-1484 Mall like a convenient and portable charger CC-00104YO A2 TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 LOCAL CITRUS COUNTY (FL) CHRONICLE For the RECORD Citrus County I Vanessa Guajardo, 26, Sheriff’s Office ON THE NET Adelanto, California, arrested May 14 for petit theft, auto Arrests I For more information about arrests made theft, and leave scene/fail to I Lara Marie Havranek, remain at crash with property by the Citrus County 42, Beverly Hills, arrested damage and burglary of occu- May 16 for resist officer without Sheriff’s Office, go to pied residence. Bond $18,500. violence and violation of proba- I Travis Dawson McVey, tion. No bond. and click on the 30, Inglis, arrested May 14 for I Willis Edward Daville, Public Information two counts of failure to appear.
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