ANALYSIS AND COMMENTARY The Masks of Identities: Who’s Who? Delusional Misidentification Syndromes

Carolina A. Klein, MD, and Soniya Hirachan, MD

Delusional misidentification syndromes (DMSs) are complex psychotic phenomena that may be present in a variety of ways within the context of several neurological and psychiatric disorders. Since the first case of Capgras syndrome was described in 1923, various other syndromes have been identified, including Fregoli syndrome, intermetamorphosis, subjective doubles, reduplicative paramnesia, mirrored self, delusional companions, and clonal pluralization of the self. In this article, we review each of the different syndromes in definition and presentation, as well as the field’s attempts at classifying them. We then describe their role in forensic , particularly in regard to their potential as a marker of a particular subpopulation or of illness severity and their consideration in risk assessments of violence. A review of the literature was conducted for this purpose, and, although it was extended to include publications from over four decades, it revealed a paucity of research on DMSs.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 42:369–78, 2014

Without wearing any mask we are conscious of, we have a drome of subjective doubles, mirrored self, delu- special face for each friend.—Oliver Wendell Holmes sional companions, and clonal pluralization of the Few concepts in psychiatry can be as confusing as the self. Misidentification syndromes show a great de- delusional misidentification syndromes (DMSs). gree of overlap and do not represent distinctive syn- One goal in psychiatry is to achieve a better under- dromes, nor can they be regarded as an expression of standing of the self: who it is, how it is organized, and a particular disorder. Evidence suggests that one type of misidentification may evolve into an- how it develops and reacts to others. DMSs intro- 1 duce a multiplicity of aspects into this understanding other type. However, these syndromes merit dis- of identities and relationships, adding to its inherent tinct identification and therapeutic approaches be- cause of their possible underlying disorders and their multifaceted complexity. They are fascinating be- 2 cause they are disruptions in what we consider the potential for dangerous behavior. Furthermore, for normal integrity of the self, and for forensic experts, forensic experts, they may be instrumental in assess- interesting for how they help us understand entan- ments of risk and criminal responsibility. glements between mental health and unlawful In this article, we review the available literature behavior. regarding these syndromes. We also analyze DMSs Delusional misidentification syndromes are rare and the forensic population, seeking any correlations psychopathologic phenomena that may occur within between diagnosis of DMSs and other key concepts the context of or affective or organic such as dangerousness or legal underpinnings. Fi- illnesses. They include Capgras syndrome, Fregoli nally, we attempt to describe guidelines for the clin- syndrome, intermetamorphosis syndrome, syn- ical management of these patients, or for the incor- poration of this into forensic Dr. Klein is Associate Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellow- assessments. ship, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington D.C., and Chief Medical Officer, The Maia Institute, Alexandria, VA. Dr. Hirachan is Forensic Psychiatry Fellow, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Definitions and Classifications University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Address cor- respondence to: Carolina A. Klein, MD, 2050 Ballenger Avenue, Suite DMSs all carry a common classic theme of one 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. E-mail: [email protected]. person being an exact likeness of another: the sosie or Disclosures of financial or other potential conflicts of interest: None. double. They can be distinguished as hypoidentifica-

Volume 42, Number 3, 2014 369 Delusional Misidentification Syndromes tions (Capgras syndrome) and hyperidentifications Leopoldo Fregoli, an entertainer from the late (the other syndromes).3 Different terminologies and 19th century, perfected a style of performance classifications have led to confusion in the past. known as protean or quick-change. He could switch Roessner4 presented a classification that included costumes and characters during his stage shows so two categories: one in which the object of the delu- rapidly that it was thought that several other Fregolis sion is physically altered (or replaced) in the patient’s must have existed for his act to be possible. Fregoli mind, and a second in which the object is doubled, syndrome is the delusional belief that one or more rather than replaced or transformed. Another pro- familiar persons, usually persecutors following the posed classification system using developmental and patient, repeatedly change their appearances (i.e., the regressive understanding has also been proposed,5 in same person assumes numerous different disguises). which DMSs are divided into two main subgroups: Intermetamorphosis is a misidentification syn- relational misidentifications (misidentification of drome in which an individual has the erroneous be- human relationships) and identical misidentifica- lief that familiar persons have exchanged identities. tions (misidentifications of identity itself, which in- In the syndrome of subjective doubles, patients be- cludes Capgras and Fregoli). Identical misidentifica- lieve that there are other persons who look like them, tions are further subdivided into divided-identity but that they have different traits and live different type, unionized-identity type, and transformed- lives. This situation has been commonly depicted in identity type. This typologic approach allows for de- movies, such as The Sixth Day,9 where Arnold velopmental understanding and the application of Schwarzenegger’s character is cloned without his regressive theories. Signer6 proposed an extension of knowledge or consent, and in TV shows, such as reverse types of misidentification syndromes, distin- Battlestar Galactica10 and Star Trek,11 where clones guished by alteration of the self rather than of others. represent the main rivals to the shows’ heroes. Mir- Beyond definitions, the phenomena have sparked rored-self misidentification involves the mispercep- human interest throughout time, as reflected in sto- tion that one’s reflection in the mirror is a stranger. ries and myths about doppelgangers, imposters, and Individuals affected with the syndrome of delusional clones. Some of these artistic examples emphasize the companions believe nonliving objects possess con- importance to human psychology of the identifica- sciousness, can think independently, and feel emo- tion of self and others and the potential ramifications tion. The movie Night at the Museum12 features ob- of wrongful identification. We briefly review the jects exhibited at a museum that appear alive to the concepts and psychopathology and offer a few illus- protagonist. Clonal pluralization of the self differs trative examples. from the syndrome of subjective doubles, in that the Capgras syndrome was first described in 1923 by patient believes that there are multiple copies of him- psychiatrists Joseph Capgras and Jean Reboul- self who are physically and psychologically similar to Lachaux. It is the most prevalent of the delusional themselves. As an example, Ranjan and colleagues13 misidentification syndromes and is described as a dis- reported a patient with schizophrenia who thought order in which a person holds a delusion that an that there were triplicate copies of herself and others. identical-looking impostor has replaced a friend, Further extensions of these core DMSs have also spouse, parent, or other close family member. One been described. Somatoparaphrenia is a subtype of can imagine this syndrome in the performance by asomatosognosia, in which patients also display de- Donald Sutherland in the movie, Invasion of the Body lusional misidentification and confabulation. It also Snatchers,7 a remake of the original 1956 science fic- involves orbitofrontal dysfunction, which distin- tion film in which humans are replaced by - guishes it from asomatosognosia.14 Reduplicative less alien clones. Reverse Capgras syndrome refers to paramnesia is the belief that a place or location has the psychological change of the self as opposed to been duplicated or relocated. This is the scenario in others. A study8 found that, of 30 subjects with this the movie The Truman Show,15 where the protago- syndrome, most of the new identities were famous nist finds that his world is actually a reality TV show figures or others who were admired by the affected set. Similarly, the concept of the physical world as an person. Most of the individuals also experienced a illusion has been depicted in Vanilla Sky,16 The Thir- sudden belief or realization of having a new identity teenth Floor,17 and The Matrix.18 Other extensions of or of having rediscovered a pre-existing one. DMS have been postulated to include lycanthropy,19

370 The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Klein and Hirachan

Ekbom syndrome, delusional hermaphroditism,20 familiar stimuli; on the other, the preserved left delusion of sexual transformation,21 and the anti- hemisphere areas exert a positive effect from release christ delusion.22 DMSs have even been docu- or overactivity, providing a narrator from the moni- mented in the context of a folie a` deux shared delu- toring of self, memory, and reality. This effect leads sion of doubles.23 to excessive and false explanations, or, because of the dual-category style of cognitive categorization, it Etiology leads to invention of a duplicate or impostor to re- 29 Feinberg24 recently described a comprehensive, solve conflicting information. Politis and Loane multimodal, hierarchical model for understanding echoed this theory and highlighted a consensus that the neuropathologies of the self, which includes neg- right and bifrontal lesions, as well as the cognitive ative factors (defects or absence of neurological func- dissonance associated with impairments in memory, tions) and positive factors (productive, defensive, visuospatial abilities and conceptual integration, are and motivational brain features). Neurobiological common factors in DMSs (reduplicative paramnesia findings strongly support a structural basis for in particular). DMSs. Facial processing involves right ventromedial Psychodynamic models may also be used to un- occipitotemporal regions and areas of prefrontal cor- derstand the phenomenology and subjective experi- tex via the uncinate fasciculus and limbothalamic ence of DMSs. The central theme revolves around pathways.25 Other researchers26 have suggested that defining identity and its multifaceted dimensions. impairment of facial recognition plays a role in the Consideration must be given to the introjected sense pathogenesis of DMSs. Lesions found in DMSs are of self and the capacity to hold a reflective and ob- usually bifrontal, right hemispheric, or both. A dis- serving ego. Conversely, the pathological expression connection is observed between the frontal lobes and that would give way to a DMS is the experience of the right temporolimbic regions (hippocampus), . Other ego functions may be com- which are necessary for reconciling information promised, including the loss of motivation and self- about self-identification of the person and his associ- initiated drives. DMSs may also be conceptualized as ated . defensive structures, whereby negative aspects of the Neuropsychological testing further suggests that self are split off and projected into an external (and misidentification are associated with subtle targetable) other. abnormalities in facial recognition abilities and with From a developmental perspective, an arrested nondominant cerebral compromise.1 Underactivity early development or regression process may be iden- in the perirhinal cortex seems to be responsible for tified. Misidentification phenomena are manifesta- loss of familiarity in Capgras syndrome, whereas tions of defense mechanisms of splitting and projec- overactivity seems to account for hyperfamiliarity, tion.30 An aspect of the internalized self or object seen in the Fregoli, intermetamorphosis, and subjec- representation to whom negative emotions are at- tive doubles syndromes. Impaired connectivity be- tached are split off from the self and projected exter- tween the right fusiform and right parahippocampal nally, onto a different identity. These mechanisms, areas has also been implicated in deficits in visual being primitive in nature, can also be explained by memory recall, face recognition, and identification regression theory.31 When higher cerebral function- processes in these patients. ing is affected, its compromise results in reactivation According to cognitive models, the dysfunction of primitive modes of thinking characterized by the extends beyond facial recognition, whereby the person theme of doubles and dualisms, also found in myths, cannot be globally considered. The feeling of familiarity primitive religion, and literature. is absent because of the inability to integrate successive Other variants of this theory propose that deep memories about a person along with episodic experi- regression reactivates a developmental stage before ences, thus generating delusional doubles in accordance the establishment of object constancy, where there is with the patient’s needs or drives.27 a splitting of objects into all good or all bad and an Devinsky28 postulated a dual mechanism: on the absence of self–object differentiation. This effect is one hand, negative effects from the right hemisphere consistent with other elements of relations theory, in and dysfunction impair self-monitoring, which a primitive self is unable to establish a trusting ego boundaries, and attached emotional valence to relationship with a cohesive other, described as the

Volume 42, Number 3, 2014 371 Delusional Misidentification Syndromes

Kleinian paranoid–schizoid position. Along these Prevalence and Relevance in the lines, others highlight the inability to attribute Psychiatric and Forensic Population 32 uniqueness to the self and surrounding people, de- DMSs have been associated with both focal and spite positive and negative attributes. diffuse neurologic conditions, such as hypothyroid- Altered affective response toward others may also ism,48 right hemispheric stroke,49 multiple sclero- be at play. Intolerable affective ambivalence toward sis,50 and . They have also been associated others may be neutralized through the imagined ex- 33 or identified with psychiatric conditions, especially istence of doubles. For example, individuals with schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s (AD),51 and Capgras syndrome may harbor anger or envy toward PTSD.52 Research has shown that within psychotic a close relative. Denial is then used to make this illnesses, paranoid schizophrenia seems to be the emotion tolerable and free of guilt for the delusional most common diagnosis in patients with DMSs.53,54 person. If this mechanism becomes insufficient, the Prevalence in all psychiatric inpatients ranges from person may then split the object, attributing only 1.3 to 4.1 percent.55 A study in Turkey at a university positive feelings to the original object and only neg- hospital inpatient setting showed the 5-year preva- ative feelings to the delusionally altered identity. Pro- lence rate of Capgras syndrome to be 1.3 percent jection is involved in directing the negative emotions (1.8% for females and 0.9% for males).56 However, at the object without experiencing significant inter- DMSs occur more frequently than previously nal conflicts. Projective identification becomes pos- thought.57 According to Dohn and Crews,58 the sible when the patient in turn experiences positive prevalence of DMSs among patients identified as feelings coming from the delusionally altered iden- schizophrenic is 15 percent. They postulated an esti- tity. The affected individual fears others as hostile mated prevalence of 0.12 percent in the general pop- 34 and may even strike preemptively in response to it. ulation for Capgras syndrome. A study in patients Others have placed emphasis on the role of lan- with AD demonstrated a prevalence between 2 and guage and narrative in the manifestation of DMSs. 30 percent.59 In a different study, DMS was identi- They propose difficulties in the self-reflexive prop- fied in 15.8 percent of cases of AD, 16.6 percent of erty of the human mental functioning and the first- patients with Lewy body dementia, and 8.3 percent 35 person linguistic expression of human experience, of individuals with semantic dementia.60 With re- with an aberrant semantic processing of identity. gard to inpatient prevalence, a survey was conducted of all admissions to a locked psychiatric inpatient unit in the Boston metropolitan area from April Diagnosis, Treatment, and 1983 to June 1984. Twenty-six (3.1%) of 835 pa- Ongoing discussion persists within the field per- tients admitted to the unit met the criteria for taining to whether DMSs are neurologic or psychi- DMSs.61 atric syndromes, whether they are a feature of schizo- Prevalence specifically within the forensic popula- phrenia or , or whether they tion is unknown. Some case reports have been pub- constitute a distinct phenomenon described in the lished and will be discussed below. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Several treatment approaches have been described. Is There an Association Between DMS Treatment of co-occurring psychiatric, substance Phenomenology and Violence? use, or medical disorder is required.36–38 Antipsy- No studies have looked at the association between chotics39 are often used. According to case reports, DMSs and legal history or type of offense. Data cor- DMSs have responded favorably to ,40 relating criminal behavior and DMSs are limited and ,41 ,42 and mostly to case reports or, at best, to descriptive ret- .43 may be useful regardless rospective studies with a low number of study sub- of whether the primary diagnosis is a mood disor- jects. To assess this correlation accurately, one would der.44 If the DMS is associated with , is need a reliable diagnosis of the phenomena and the a mainstay.45,46 Group therapy has also been legal history, which are often unavailable. To our proposed.47 knowledge, research gathering such data has not

372 The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Klein and Hirachan been conducted to date. However, some literature ally been present for an extended period before the addressing this association is currently available. homicidal act.69 Research has shown that DMS patients view the Special consideration may be given to cases where misidentified person with suspicion and hostility,62 a DMS involves a child, especially as the object of a which may contribute to a mounting and delusion. Silva et al.70 explored these cases more than physical aggression in the form of pre-emptive self- 20 years ago, finding that they may involve mecha- defense. Silva et al.63 postulated that delusional cog- nisms of aggression that differ from paranoid self- nition drives the affected individual to construct a defense. They described how DMSs have been found narrative in which the misidentified object is con- in some folklore and regional legends that suggest ceived as a person for whom biographical history that aggression might rid the impostor and return the radically departs from a stable, good construct (the authentic personality. In one Swedish tale, a woman original identity), only to be replaced by a bad object, who believed that her child was an impostor was which is then considered authentic. In their research, instructed to put the child in an oven to recover her they found that these patients become aggressive to- original baby. Although these actions may not liter- ward the misidentified objects, because they perceive ally translate into reality, the concept of physically the newly constructed object as threatening to their extricating the imposter to regain the authentic per- own welfare. In their book, Silva et al.47 explain how sona remains. Furthermore, DMS has been de- such disturbed thinking can result in dangerous/ scribed in the context of puerperal with psychotic features, where cases of Capgras71 and aggressive acting out toward individuals who are at 72 risk of being harmed by such patients. Of their sam- Fregoli syndromes have been reported (a phenom- enon historically called changeling). When the child ple of six patients, all exhibited verbal aggression, and is the entity that is believed to have been replaced, the five became physically aggressive toward delusionally risk of aggression toward the child increases, as the misidentified objects. mother perceives that violence may be the only Another study of 82 subjects with DMSs defined means of freeing the original child from the violence as verbal threats or physical violence directly impostor. associated with a misidentification delusion. Fifty of Rather than simply investigating the relationship the 82 patients had attacked someone else, the most between two entities (DMS and violence), we must common victims being parents.64 In another study 65 ask a more difficult question: across (or within) diag- by Silva et al., of 29 patients with DMSs, 16 had nostic groups, are patients with misidentification de- threatened others without acting on the threats, lusions more likely to behave violently than compa- whereas 13 became physically assaultive in connec- rable patients without such delusions?73 De Pauw tion with their misidentification syndromes. In yet 41 66 and Szulecka postulated that morbid suspicious- another study, Silva et al. also found that dangerous ness, hostility, and discord, as well as previous aggres- patients with DMSs were less likely to use weapons sive behavior and delusions that focus on interper- than were their non-DMS counterparts. sonal relationships, rather than on locations or Aggression or physical assault may escalate to the inanimate objects, render DMS patients particularly level of murder, as described in the cases above. Silva prone to attacking the subjects of their suspicions. et al. also reported the case of a homicide associated Nestor and coworkers74 found a higher incidence of with delusional misidentification.67 Capgras syn- Capgras syndrome in forensic psychiatric patients drome has been described in incidents of parricide.68 with psychotic disorders who had committed homi- In one review of the literature, delusional misidenti- cide or other severely violent acts, than in less violent fication cases leading to homicide usually involved patients. more than one delusionally misidentified object; in four of nine cases of DMS-associated homicide, there Risk Factors for Violence in DMS was a prior history of serious physical violence di- Violence in DMSs has been determined to be mul- rected at other delusionally misidentified objects.67 tifactorial, and several of these factors have to be In a French study, the highest percentage of homi- taken into consideration to gauge adequately the risk cide occurred in patients with paranoid schizophre- of violent enactment of DMSs. These patients seem nia, and their delusions of misidentification had usu- to have a significant history of physical aggression,

Volume 42, Number 3, 2014 373 Delusional Misidentification Syndromes independent of their delusional misidentification.66 Thompson and Swan84 described 2 subjects with Increased risk of violence in DMSs may be derived Capgras syndrome who, after heavy drinking, com- from their high-risk triad of highly valued beliefs, mitted serious acts of violence toward family mem- negative affects, and identified targets (often a close bers, who had become subjects of delusional mis- relative or attachment figure). Anger due to delusion identification. Although substances such as alcohol is a key factor that explains the relationship between may facilitate the enactment, they do not account for violence and ,75 and close relatives or the genesis of the delusional beliefs. attachment figures have been established as signifi- cantly higher risk targets. DMS as a Marker of Illness Severity Based on four case reports, De Pauw and Given the potential for severe violence, presumed Szulecka41 identified certain factors that may have to result as the endpoint of the development of the contributed to aggression in each of their reported illness, we attempted to examine whether the exis- patients. These include structural or metabolic brain tence of DMS denotes a particular subgroup of men- injury, subjectively experienced salient historical tally ill patients. To our knowledge, no studies have events (associated with negative emotions), low in- been conducted that analyze the relationship be- telligence, poor social and occupational skills, pri- tween DMS and markers of illness severity, such as mary psychiatric pathology, and pre-existing person- duration of illness, age at onset, Global Assessment of ality constructs. It is important to note that these Functioning (GAF) or other functionality markers, factors were significant for each of these cases and are total number of hospitalizations, or length of stay. not offered as generalized risk factors for violence. With regard to illness severity, a study by Silva and Specifically regarding Capgras syndrome, a review colleagues47 of 25 subjects noted that the Brief study76 looked at demographic and clinical features Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) total score and gran- that may have contributed to an increased risk for diosity score were higher in DMS subjects than non- violence in cases of Capgras syndrome involving as- DMS subjects. A study comparing neuropsycholog- sault. Common factors noted included men with ical functions found no statistically significant long-standing delusions, a history of aggressive be- differences in neuropsychological functions in havior, diagnosis of schizophrenia, and comorbid schizophrenic patients with and without DMS.64 substance use. Persecutory delusions and anger to- However, the study involved only 22 patients and ward the misidentified person were often present, did not include indicators of psychiatric illness sever- and command and sexual preoccupa- ity. To our knowledge at the time of this writing, no tion were at times also present. Negative syndrome valid rating scales or other structured clinical or fo- features, such as social withdrawal and blunted af- rensic assessments are available for specific use in fect, were noted. The victim was usually a cohabiting patients with DMSs. family member, and the violence was usually well There are no formal guidelines for delineating the planned. standards of assessment of these syndromes. Further- Silva et al.65 also found that males represent a more, there are no systematic studies on treatment higher proportion (70%) of patients with DMSs ex- requirements of these patients when compared with hibiting aggressive behavior. Other factors that in- the more general or forensic population, including crease the likelihood of aggression include specific the use of intensive precautions and monitoring; the delusions, such as erotomania77,78 or delusional jeal- number of failed medication trials; or the use of com- ousy.79 In a three-patient case report,80 the authors plex therapies, such as polypharmaceutical regimens, argued that the degree of threat perceived by the , or electroconvulsive treatments (ECT). patient from the delusionally misidentified object is The literature does offer some retrospective or de- the most important factor in determining the pa- scriptive observations regarding treatment. Zanker85 tient’s response to the delusions. The authors of an- states that symptoms of DMS are very refractory to other case report of three patients agreed with that treatment despite various neuroleptic therapies. principal factor and added that impulsivity and dis- In a meta-analysis, Silva et al.86 examined 104 mis- sociation may also play a significant role.81 Case re- identification syndrome cases published between ports suggest that alcohol and 1957 and 1994, where information regarding treat- facilitate patients’ acting on the delusions.82,83 ment with medications was available:

374 The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Klein and Hirachan

70 patients showed improvement, whereas 34 did may represent the essence of incompetency, whether not. Christodoulou87 reported in his research on 20 the DMS applies to the self or others involved in the patients with DMSs that the syndromes failed to crime or in the legal proceeding. The presence of a remit in 7 of the 20 cases, and in the others, DMS may also raise a particular argument in crimi- occurred either synchronously with or later than the nal-responsibility disputes, in that the cognitive remission of the underlying psychosis. Other isolated prong would be inherently impaired. The question case reports suggest that patients with DMSs who of criminal responsibility could also involve the voli- have an underlying organic etiology show remission tional prong in some jurisdictions, and the assess- on most occasions.88,89 ment of whether the patient was able to conform his More accurate data gathering is rendered difficult, conduct, even if he believed the victim (or himself) to given that these syndromes are often underdiagnosed be a different identity altogether. In states without an as distinct manifestations of psychoses. There are no insanity defense, the presence of DMS perhaps guidelines currently for their assessment and treat- should be considered for the purposes of establishing ment. Some authors have proposed manners of fur- mens rea and willingness to commit a criminal act thering exploration. Hillers and others26 propose in a knowing and voluntary manner. Finally, a that there is a common underlying neuropsychiatric DMS as an element of severe illness could be consid- mechanism to these disorders; they therefore propose ered a mitigating factor, or a relevant factor in deter- a neuropsychological battery to assess Capgras syn- mining sentencing needs (especially for therapeutic drome. Some researchers90 have used hypnosis to considerations). recreate mirrored-self misidentification, thereby In the civil arena, identification of DMS toward a gaining insight into delusional beliefs. child could be a center point of establishing parental More recently, event-related potentials (ERPs), es- capacities and custodial rights. Matuszak and Parra92 pecially the auditory P300 component, have consti- described a case in which child custody was disputed tuted a useful tool for exploring brain–behavior re- because the mother believed that her daughter had lations. DMSs are thought to be related to been replaced by an impostor. DMS might also be dissociation between recognition and identification attached to a caregiver or guardian of an adult pa- processes. Working memory is considered responsi- tient, directly affecting the patient’s welfare. The ble for the integration and online manipulation of presence of DMS could have a direct association with information, and ERPs and subsequent measured medical decision-making capacity should the patient P300 wave forms are considered an index of the on- believe, for example, that his doctor has been re- line updating of working memory. A study91 found placed by an impostor. Moreover, it becomes partic- P300 amplitude in prefrontal areas to be significantly ularly relevant in matters of testamentary capacity, reduced in patients with schizophrenia with DMS especially given the strong correlation between DMS compared with those with schizophrenia without and structural or neurological pathologies common DMS and controls. They also found P300 latency in in the elderly. the central midline brain region to be significantly DMSs have, in fact, been a key element in several prolonged in the DMS subgroup. The methods dis- legal cases. In People v. Singer93, defendant Jerry cussed herein may offer future ways of identifying Singer was found guilty but mentally ill in the mur- and studying these patients. der of three people by stabbing. Mr. Singer perceived of three people who ran the apartment building Specific Areas of Concern for Forensic where he lived as having been replaced by clones and Assessments operating under the influence of psychics who were Most of the research cited above focused on the intent on chasing him out of his own apartment. role of identifying DMS for the purposes of risk as- Both psychiatrists who provided expert witness testi- sessment of violent behavior. However, added con- mony found the defendant to have schizophrenia sideration must be given to other areas in forensic and Capgras syndrome, and opined that he was in- assessments where DMSs may play a significant role sane at the time of the killings. given their impact on rationality, understanding of Joshua Hoge was found not guilty by reason of wrongfulness, ability to control voluntary acts, and insanity in the stabbing and murder of his mother culpable mental state. In the criminal arena, a DMS and stepbrother. Mr. Hoge had paranoid schizophre-

Volume 42, Number 3, 2014 375 Delusional Misidentification Syndromes nia, and Capgras syndrome led him to believe that Finally, we emphasize the need for more rigorous imposters had replaced them. In Re: the Estate of Pa- research on these syndromes, to advance the under- mela Kissinger v. Joshua Hoge94 the appellate court standing of their psychopathology, establish accurate determined that his insanity acquittal did not make incidence and prevalence rates, and correlate them the state’s slayer statute inapplicable to him, as was with clinical indicators of severity or dangerousness. argued in civil court. In the forensic arena, it would be interesting to ex- amine the importance of the relationship with the persons who are the focus of abnormal beliefs or per- Conclusions ceptions, especially in situations of odd or bizarre DMSs are complex psychotic phenomena that attachments, and the relationship with stalking. Sys- may arise in the context of neurological or psychiatric tematic study of the variables involved in DMSs is pathology and may be more prevalent in such popu- crucial, perhaps best achieved through a case-control lations than originally thought. Despite this possible study that compares patients with DMS to similar underestimation, there is a paucity of research sur- patients who do not present such syndrome. In a rounding DMSs, a dearth of recent scientific litera- large state hospital setting, for example, patients ture on the subject, and very limited analysis of their identified as having a DMS could be compared impact on forensic psychiatry practice. DMSs may against those with no DMS in terms of violence, be a hallmark of a particular subgroup within the length of hospital stay, number of failed medication forensic population correlated with particular crimi- trials, and severity of criminal activity (if pertinent), nal behaviors or of illness severity in the general psy- among other areas. chiatric population. As we have explored in this article, DMSs are rel- References evant to forensic psychiatry for several reasons. They 1. Silva JA, Leong GB, Wine DB, et al: Evolving misidentification may represent an independent risk variable and syndromes and facial recognition deficits. Can J Psychiatry 37: 574–6, 1992 should be incorporated into dangerousness assess- 2. Fo¨rstl H, Almeida OP, Owen AM, et al: Psychiatric, neurological ments. There might be a significant correlation with and medical aspects of misidentification syndromes: a review of criminal behavior. They may also be a nuclear ele- 260 cases. 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Following our findings in this Psychiatry 48:147–50, 1987 review, we propose that DMSs should be directly and 7. Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Directed by P. Kaufman. Screen- specifically screened for identification in the psychi- play by W. D. Richter. United Artists, 1978 atric assessment, given their correlation with neuro- 8. Silva J, Leong G: Delusions of psychological change of the self. Psychopathology 27:285–90, 1994 logical injury and morbidity as well as the increased 9. The Sixth Day. Directed by R. Spottiswoode. Written by C. and risk of violence. Once identified, organic, structural, M. Wibberly. Columbia Pictures, 2000 and metabolic conditions must be ruled out and ad- 10. Battlestar Galactica. TV series based on the book by G. A. Larsen. Developed by R. Moore. Skye Television, 2004–2009 equately treated. Comorbid substance use must also 11. Star Trek. TV Series. Created by G. Rodenberry. Desilu Produc- be identified. 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