The Country Code 2.5 miles (4km) • Enjoy the countryside and respect its life • Guard against all risk of fire • Fasten all gates Horsforth Station • Keep your dogs under close control Circular • Keep to public paths across farmland • Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges Spectacular views of • and walls • Leave livestock, crops and machinery alone • Take your litter home • Help to keep all water clean Pubs in Horsforth • Protect wildlife, plants and trees • Take special care on country roads • Make no unnecessary noise 50A, 731, 755 4 Further Information Part of this walk follows the Leeds Country Way for more information on this route contact (0113) 2329422.

Walks in this pack 1 Meanwood Valley Urban Farm 2 Rawdon Billing 3 Chevin 4 Horsforth Circular Directions 4 Horsforth Circular Key to Map Route From Station Road head up towards the round- Grid Ref: SE 244 392 about and go straight on down St Margaret’s Surface 2/4 Road Road, taking care crossing Long Row. At the Gradient 2 Scotland Lane bottom turn right into Lee Lane. Just before the farm follow the footpath sign and turn right Housing following the fenced path through the grounds of the University. When you come to a paved Lower Reservoir Owlet Farm path bear left along it until you reach a gate. Do not go through the gate, instead follow the path to the right and head up towards Middle Reservoir Brownberrie Lane.

Cross Brownberrie Lane with care and up the drive of Brownberrie House shortly turning left Beech House over the stile into the wood. After passing through the kissing gate, fork right and follow the path along the fence. When you reach a T-junction in the path turn right and follow the path down to Scotland Lane.

Cross Scotland Lane with care and head down the farm access track. Immediately after Owlet Brownberrie Lane Grange follow the signpost and turn right and then right again across the stile and down the edge of the field towards Beech House. After Trinity & All Saints College you pass Beech House follow the track until you leave the wood. Here take the stile on your School N Lee Lane left and follow the path across the bridge down Station Road into Sussex Avenue. There is a ginnel on the left about 40 yards down the road, follow this to bring you back out on Station Road. W E St. Margaret’s Road


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