MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING of OAKLEY PARISH COUNCIL (OPC) held on Tuesday 6th May 2014

1. Offices of Chairman and Vice Chairman of Oakley Parish Council for the forthcoming year. The clerk took the Chair and asked for proposals for office of Chairman. Mr John Mole proposed by Mr R Craddock and seconded by Mr D Cherry. No other proposals, Mr J. Mole accepted nomination and took over the Chair The Chairman asked for proposals for office of Vice-Chairman. Mr David Cherry proposed Mr D Pearce and seconded by Mr R Craddock. No other proposals, Mr D. Cherry accepted nomination. “Acceptance of Office” forms were duly signed and witnessed for Chairman and Vice Chairman and will be sent to Monitoring Officer.

2. New Candidate for Parish Council: Ms Michelle Daly, proposed by: Mr D Cherry, seconded by: Mr Derek Pearce. All agreed Ms M. Daly to be co-opted onto OPC.

3. Present: Councillors: J Mole, (Chairman) D Cherry (Vice Chairman) P Kilpin, R Craddock, D Pearce, A Finn, M Daly: Clerk: Mrs P Pointer AVDC Councillor: Mr M Rand 1 Parishioner

4. Apologies: BCC Councillor: Ms A Macpherson

5. Matters arising: i) New Parish Councillor MD / PP Clerk has informed the Returning Officer of the newly elected Councillor’s details. New candidate has signed “declaration of acceptance”. Register of interests to be completed by Ms M Daly and then returned to the Monitoring Officer

ii) Parish Council Insurance Renewal: Clerk informed all that annual renewal for Parish Council Insurance is due she informed all that new cost including adding the MVAS machine to the Insurance is a total of £566.43. It was agreed that Clerk should go ahead with the Insurance: Proposed by Mr D Cherry and seconded by Mr P Kilpin. This is to be an agenda item at all future Annual Meetings of the Parish Council.

iii) Highways Department The Chairman has attended a meeting and “walk about” with the BCC Highways Local Area Technical (LAT) Officer Mr Stuart Campbell. All parish roads were travelled on and all potholes noted and reported to Mr Campbell.

a) Defects/Potholes Reported from previous meetings (progress) Pavement Brill Road/Maple Court Still outstanding – SC aware Sewer covers opp. No. 5 Road Still outstanding – SC aware Drains Foresters – requested jetting Not needed - take off agenda for next month Drains Brill Road – request for jetting Still Outstanding – SC aware Pothole leaving the village towards Jericho Reported - SC aware Potholes opposite Morgan’s Rd Chairman reported that Mr Campbell had informed him that these are not registered as potholes as they have to be 2” deep to be accepted as a pothole for repair (take off agenda for next month).

b) Lack of ‘drop kerb’ at Manor Farm entrance: DP Chairman has received 2 complaints from ‘buggy’ users. Mr Pearce reported that work should be completed by end of May, but he will have a word to ensure work is completed.

Oakley Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th May 2014

c) New defects reported (First six from Chairman/LAT meeting) Opposite Catsbrain Farm SC aware Opposite Bernwood Forest towards Oakley SC aware Oxford Road outbound 100 metres before Honeyburge turn SC aware The Turnpike – outside No 1 will be resurfaced SC aware Brill Road opposite No. 9 SC aware White lining and Cat’s eyes at The Foresters SC aware PP Hedges Farm, Worminghall Road on way into village To be reported PP Drain Cover corner of Orchard Close and Mill Road collapsed To be reported PP Drain Cover corner of Fenemore Close and Mill Road cracked To be reported

iv) Street Signs: BCC sign-post opposite Oakley Garage – SC aware AVDC road sign Brill Road damaged – repaired (take off agenda for next month)

v) Highways Mowing Bucks County Council (BCC) School Lane complaint has been passed to Mr Stuart Campbell PP Clerk to inform Mr Tim Fowler of complaints regarding verges not being completely mowed.

vi) Overhanging Hedges: One overgrown Brill Road hedge had been reported during month, this has since been cut.

vii) Agenda next month: PP A member of public has asked for tree adjacent to children’s play area to be removed. Clerk to add to the agenda next month

6. Play Area/Playing Field i) Oakley Playing Field Sub Committee DC Councillor Cherry informed all that he will be making another date with the Bowling Club to “mark” out area for the potential new Bowling Green, unfortunately first date had to be cancelled. ii) Grass Cutting: PP Clerk informed all that a letter of complaint had been received regarding the mowing of the Playing Field. Chairman asked Clerk to reply to letter thanking Parishioner for taking the time to write, and to give an update on the mowing. Councillor Finn reported on the “first mowing” for the Village Playing Field and other areas. He informed all that the first cut was quite disastrous and that Country Wide Maintenance Ltd had sent out their “Operations Manager” to re mow and now the areas are up to standard. Mr Finn will keep an eye on future cuts to ensure they are kept up to standard.

iii) Dog Fouling in Playing Field: MD / PP Clerk reported that two complaints have been received recently regarding the amount of dog mess in the Playing Field and, especially, the Children’s Play Area. One complainant said in some cases dog fouling is being put into the ordinary waste bins, rather than the special ones provided. Discussions took place on how to help the situation improve. It was agreed that a notice shall be put into Oakley Informer stating the Health and Safety aspect of dog fouling (Ms Daly agreed to do this) also it was agreed that Clerk will look into the cost of larger signs to be displayed in the Playing Field, also the cost of another dog bin closer to children’s play area.

7. Street Lights defects: i) Update on 25 Oxford Road – Clerk has spoken with Electricity Contractors and has sent an email to Peter Brown (from electric provider) and is awaiting a reply. BT6 – Hill View reported again this month C2 – College Crescent reported again this month MR4 – Meadow Close reported again this month A response has been received informing OPC that repairs will go ahead as soon as possible.

ii) Enquiry underway for quotations for following new lamps: Still waiting response regarding quotation:

Oakley Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th May 2014

• Bicester Road, Churchfield House, between: Bicester Road 7 (BT7) – The Nap turn and Bicester Road 8 (BT8) – Church entrance – Bicester side. There is an electricity pole in the right place. • Middle of Ashfield Rise – no electricity nearby • 17 Brill Road – no electricity pole nearby

iii) Any new to report? None

8. Anti-Social Behaviour Nothing to report during past month

9. Chandos Arms – Community Asset Mr Kilpin has informed all by that The Chandos Arms is now registered as a Community Asset. Take off agenda for next month.

10. Protection of Common Land: a. Parking on Thame Road. Provision of parking in laybys on Thame Road – OPC waiting for outcome of planning permission at British Timber Masters before making decision on continuing this provision in the long term. b. Horton Cars Chairman attended a meeting with Graham from Horton Cars. He was very apologetic regarding customers etc., reversing onto grass verge opposite their premises and added that he does ask customers, delivery drivers, etc., not to park or reverse there. He also asked if there was anything that could be done regarding the speed of cars going passed the Thame Road businesses. Discussions took place regarding this problem we have tried before to get the mph reduced from 60 to 40. c. Little London Green road repairs Chairman reported that the Little London Green Committee are looking at quotations to fill holes in private road. Any decision on action will be referred to OPC.

11. Churchyard Extension DC Chairman received copy of Mr Pearce’s quotation, we have not received a second quotation. DC to follow up with Mr Cross. Mr Cherry informed that work cannot take place until the autumn months.

12. Defibrillator for Oakley Village: Update on fund raising: • Councillor Daly’s daughter is running in “Race for Life” on 18th May 2014 • Ken Brown Tribute Dance (24th May) proceeds will go to the fund. • Otmoor Challenge (7th June): Mr Mole will be running and proceeds will go to the fund • Cycle Fun Ride (in July?)– Half of proceeds will go to Defibrillator Fund • The amount raised so far is: £877.50

13. Footpath in Playing Field: PP. Chairman informed all that he would like the new footpath for the Playing Field to have a name. At the Annual Parish Meeting, held before this meeting, the Chairman asked the Head teacher of Oakley School if it would involve the children in choosing a name for the path. Clerk to send an email reminder. JM Chairman was contacted by the contractors before Easter delaying any contact until after Easter, JM to follow up and talk through proposal and dates.

14. LAF bid for Youth Theatre Group MD Chairman asked for a volunteer to take over the bid at the LAF meeting to be held on June 4th 2014 at Oakley Village Hall. Ms M Daly volunteered to take this over and will speak with Anne Staff of Oakley Youth Theatre Group. JM Chairman to send forms to Ms M Daly

15. Oakley Informer: Chairman informed all that it would be in the best interest of the village that the Parish Council makes an annual donation to the Oakley Informer to cover the Parish Council’s use of the magazine for printing of the

Oakley Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th May 2014

minutes and adverts. It was agreed to donate the sum of £250 annually. This was proposed by Mr D Cherry and seconded by Mr P Kilpin. This is to be an agenda item at all future Annual Meetings of the Parish Council. JM Mr Mole to contact Oakley Informer and get invoice raised.

16. Victoria Cross Commemorative Paving Slab (due Apr 2017) Chairman informed all that nothing more is happening at present but that he will be meeting at Oakley Church with Stephanie Moffat Commemorative Co-ordinator on 16th May.

17. Anonymous emails note in Oakley Informer PP Chairman informed the Parish Council receive emails from persons requesting information or reporting things to the clerk. Some of these emails have been anonymous or have only had a name on the email The Chairman asked the clerk to place an advert in Oakley Informer, informing all that if parishioners wish to contact the council by email that no correspondence will be entered into in future unless the email is sent with the parishioner’s name, address and telephone number, so that we can verify the identity.

18. MVAS (Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign) Chairman reported that MVAS team are now reporting monthly on the speed of the cars driving through the village. There are four teams on a rota to move the MVAS every fortnight. PP / JM Chairman asked clerk to add discussion on list of requirements by MVAS team to next month’s agenda. Mr Mole will circulate the proposed list of requirements

19. Permission for signs around the village: PP Chairman asked Clerk to reply to letter from Gun Club agreeing to the signs they wish to put around the village for the forthcoming events.

20. Small Construction Project Chairman informed all of an email received from Bucks UTC offering help with small projects if needed doing in the village FOC. Email to be kept on file for future reference

21. Freighter Service Email received with cost of Freight Service for the Village. It was agreed by all that at present it is too expensive to go ahead.

22. Meetings: Reports from meetings attended by Parish Councillors since last PC meeting Highways LAT Officer discussed in minute 5 iii above Countrywide – Mowing discussed in No. 6 ii Horton Cars /verges discussed in No. 10 b MVAS Meeting discussed in No. 18 Up and coming meetings: 16th May 2014 VC Commemorative Paving Meeting at Oakley Church (JM) 4th June 2014 LAF Meeting at Oakley Village Hall (JM and DC will represent OPC, all other Councillors welcome to attend as guests)

23. Correspondence: i) Papers to Note: MVAS equipment requirement New Home Bonus – Parish Element Minor amended plans for 21 Little London Green, Oakley Bucks Minor Amended Plans for British Timber re Illuminated Fascia sign Community Impact Bucks – Important Changes to Bucks Home Choice

ii) Papers for Circulation: Bulletin: 12/13/14/15 2014 TFB News Letter

24. Planning: 14/00641/APP – Oakley Units 7, 8 and 9 Manor Farm, 1 Manor Road, Oakley HP18 9QD

Oakley Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th May 2014

Conversion and extension of farm building into No. 3 residential units amendment to 09/00244/APP – retrospective OBJECTION FROM OPC 14/00704/APP – OAKLEY 21 Little London Green, Oakley, Buckinghamshire HP18 9QL Demolition of an existing side extension and erection of single storey side extension PENDING – NO COMMENT FROM OPC 13/03391/APP – OAKLEY British Timber Masters Timber Yard, Thame Road, Oakley, Buckinghamshire HP18 9QQ Change of use from timber merchants yard (Sui Generis) to Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (B2) and MOT testing station (B2) Revisions: Parking Layout Car Sales removed from scheme Works to access and wall (additional plan) Amended design and access statement OBJECTION OPC 13/03429/APP – OAKLEY Land adj and to rear of 22 Worminghall Road, Oakley, Bucks HP18 9QY Demolition of an existing pre-fabricated garage. Erection of two detached dwellings and detached garages and store (Amendment of planning permission 10/1412/APP)(part retrospective) OBJECTION – OPC 14/00200/ AAD – OAKLEY British Timber Masters Timber Yard, Thame Road Oakley, Buckinghamshire HP18 9QQ Two projection board illuminated signs on building and one illuminated fascia sign HEREBY GRANT THE DISPLAY OF – 2 projecting board signs and one fascia sign all non-illuminated 13/03587/APP – OAKLEY 8 Ashfield Rise, Oakley, Bucks HP18 9QA Single storey front extension with two lantern roof lights. Conversion of existing garage to form “Grandpa annex” and loft conversion to form living accommodation with rear facing dormer window. Widening of access and drop kerb. HEREBY PERMIT 14/00519/APP – WORMINGHALL Land at Worminghall Road, Worminghall, HP18 9UN The use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for 3 no. gypsy pitch together with the formation of additional hard standing and 3 no. utility/dayrooms ancillary to that use and Stable block for the stabling of horses. OBJECTION – OPC BUILDINGS OPPOSITE CATS BRAINS FARM ON GOING

25. Accounts: The following accounts to be approved for payment: E-On Street Lighting (dd) £153.56 Mrs P Pointer – Clerks Salary and Expenses £225.00 Alicia Green £20.00 BALC Membership * £150.24 Mr J Mole Expenses £11.89 Countrywide Maintenance (Mowing) £264.00 Open Space Society Subscription * £45.00 TOTAL: £879.69 Proposed for payment by: Mr D Cherry, seconded by: Mr D Pearce

* All regular annual items, such as subscriptions. should be listed on agenda and voted on at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Payments made into Bank by Direct Debit: 25.04.2014 AVDC Precept £8,386.00

Oakley Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th May 2014

26. Any Other Business:

PK / PP War Memorial renovation – Clerk to get quote – Mr Kilpin to look at website for War Memorials and pass information to Clerk. PP to get quotes. Agenda item for next month.

Right of Way by 43 and 45 Worminghall Road. The Chairman had received complaint about encroachment over the Right of Way next to the houses. This was referred to the Rights Of Way Officer and has been rectified. Chairman had since received a complaint had been made regarding mess around the area. This is outside OPC jurisdiction.

Mr Pearce gave his apologies as unable to attend meeting next month.

Meeting closed at 09:57pm


Oakley Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th May 2014