House of Commons Wednesday 11 March 2015 Votes and Proceedings

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House of Commons Wednesday 11 March 2015 Votes and Proceedings No. 123 959 House of Commons Wednesday 11 March 2015 Votes and Proceedings The House met at 11.30 am. PRAYERS. 1 Questions to (1) the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (2) the Prime Minister 2 Standardised Testing for Diabetes (People Aged 40 and Over) Bill: Presentation (Standing Order No. 57) Keith Vaz, supported by Mike Freer, Andrew George, Grahame M. Morris, Jim Shannon, Mark Durkan, Mark Reckless, Mr Adrian Sanders, Dr Julian Huppert, Valerie Vaz, Mr Alan Campbell and Phil Wilson, presented a Bill to require the Secretary of State to provide annual standardised tests for diabetes for those aged 40 and over; and for connected purposes. Bill read the first time; to be read a second time on Friday 27 March, and to be printed (Bill 186). 3 National Health Service Bill: Presentation (Standing Order No. 57) Caroline Lucas, supported by Andrew George, John Pugh, Mr Michael Meacher, Chris Williamson, Mr Roger Godsiff, Kelvin Hopkins, Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Dr Eilidh Whiteford, Hywel Williams and Katy Clark, presented a Bill to re-establish the Secretary of State’s legal duty as to the National Health Service in England and to make provision about the other duties of the Secretary of State in that regard; to make provision about the administration and accountability of the National Health Service in England; to repeal section 1 of the National Health Service (Private Finance) Act 1997 and sections 38 and 39 of the Immigration Act 2014; to make provision about the application of international law in relation to health services in the United Kingdom; and for connected purposes. Bill read the first time; to be read a second time on Friday 27 March, and to be printed (Bill 187). 4 Horses and Ponies (Live Export): Motion for leave to bring in a Bill (Standing Order No. 23) Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provision about improving and enforcing the arrangements for the regulation of the export of live British horses and ponies from the United Kingdom; to require the Secretary of State to commission and publish a study of the effectiveness of such arrangements, including their efficacy in distinguishing between the transportation of live horses and ponies for sports and those for meat; and for connected purposes; That Gregory Barker, Mrs Anne Main, Zac Goldsmith, Sir John Randall, Caroline Nokes, Jim Fitzpatrick, Simon Kirby, Joan Walley, Michael Fabricant, Charlie Elphicke, Andrew Rosindell and Mr Shaun Woodward present the Bill. Gregory Barker accordingly presented the Bill. Bill read the first time; to be read a second time on Friday 27 March, and to be printed (Bill 188). 960 Votes and Proceedings: 11 March 2015 No. 123 5 Opposition Day: Leader of the second largest opposition party (19th allotted day (Standing Order No. 14)) (1) General Election television broadcast debates Resolved, That this House recognises the potential value of broadcast general election debates between party leaders; notes however that neither the broadcasters nor politicians can escape the charge of self-interest in their organisation, and that they should best be left to an independent body to arrange; further notes that the broadcast debate formats proposed for 2015 have been inconsistently and incompetently formulated so far; further notes that there exists a substantial danger as a result that these debates will now not happen; and believes that the point of any debates which do happen must be to benefit those who watch them, not those who appear in them or broadcast them.—(Mr Nigel Dodds.) (2) Serious organised cross-border crime Motion made and Question proposed, That this House notes with concern the continued prevalence of serious organised criminal activity in Northern Ireland on a cross-border basis in relation to fuel smuggling, fuel laundering and the counterfeiting of consumer goods; recognises that this has had a significant and detrimental impact on HM Treasury; regrets the lack of prosecutions in relation to this activity; and calls on the Government to ensure greater co-operation between HM Revenue and Customs, the National Crime Agency and the PSNI so that this criminal activity can be eradicated.—(Dr William McCrea.) 6 Deferred divisions The Deputy Speaker announced the results of the Division which had been deferred to this day (Standing Order No. 41A). Statutory Instruments: Motion for Approval That the draft Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations 2015, which were laid before this House on 23 February, be approved. Division No. 174. Ayes: 367. Noes: 113. Question accordingly agreed to. 7 Opposition Day: Leader of the second largest opposition party (19th allotted day (Standing Order No. 14)) (resumed) (2) Serious organised cross-border crime The House resumed the debate. Question put and agreed to. Resolved, That this House notes with concern the continued prevalence of serious organised criminal activity in Northern Ireland on a cross-border basis in relation to fuel smuggling, fuel laundering and the counterfeiting of consumer goods; recognises that this has had a significant and detrimental impact on HM Treasury; regrets the lack of prosecutions in relation to this activity; and calls on the Government to ensure greater co-operation between HM Revenue and Customs, the National Crime Agency and the PSNI so that this criminal activity can be eradicated. 8 Adjournment Subject: Effect of the Ark Pensions Scheme on a constituent (Mr Jack Straw). Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mark Lancaster.) Adjourned at 5.53 pm until tomorrow. _________________ No. 123 Votes and Proceedings: 11 March 2015 961 Other proceedings Lords Messages 9 Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Bill The Lords have agreed to the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Bill, without amendment. 10 Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Bill The Lords have agreed to the Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Bill, without amendment. General Committees: Reports 11 Eighth Delegated Legislation Committee Andrew Rosindell (Chair) reported the draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2015. 12 Ninth Delegated Legislation Committee John Robertson (Chair) reported the draft Broadcasting Act 1996 (Renewal of Local Radio Multiplex Licences) Regulations 2015. 13 Tenth Delegated Legislation Committee Nadine Dorries (Chair) reported the draft Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) Regulations 2015. 14 Eleventh Delegated Legislation Committee Mr Joe Benton (Chair) reported the draft Human Transplantation (Wales) Act 2013 (Consequential Provision) Order 2015. 15 European Committee B in respect of European Union Document No. 10412/14 and Addendum, a Commission Communication: A decent Life for all: from vision to collective action Sandra Osborne (Chair) reported the following Resolution: That the Committee takes note of European Union Document No. 10412/14 and Addendum, a Commission Communication: A decent Life for all: from vision to collective action; welcomes the document as an important contribution to a debate that is central to both development and environment policy; and supports the Government’s efforts in taking forward the post-2015 development agenda. General Committees: Appointments The Speaker appoints the Chair of General Committees and members of Programming Sub- Committees, and allocates Statutory Instruments to Delegated Legislation Committees. The Committee of Selection nominates Members to serve on General Committees (and certain Members to serve on Grand Committees). 16 First Delegated Legislation Committee (Draft Greater Manchester Combined Authority (Amendment) Order 2015) (1) Chair: Mr Peter Bone (2) Members: Mr Richard Bacon, Hazel Blears, Paul Blomfield, Mike Crockart, Mr John Denham, John Glen, Gordon Henderson, Mark Hendrick, Susan Elan Jones, Chris Kelly, Mark Lancaster, Brandon Lewis, John Pugh, Andy Sawford, David Simpson, John Stevenson, Graham Stringer and Bill Wiggin. 962 Votes and Proceedings: 11 March 2015 No. 123 17 Second Delegated Legislation Committee (Draft Income Tax (Construction Industry Scheme) (Amendment of Schedule 11 to the Finance Act 2004) Order 2015, the draft International Tax Enforcement (Macao) Order 2015 and the draft International Tax Enforcement (Monaco) Order 2015) (1) Chair: Sir David Amess (2) Members: Ian Austin, Gavin Barwell, Nic Dakin, Mr Nigel Evans, Paul Flynn, Mr David Gauke, Mr Roger Godsiff, Zac Goldsmith, Rebecca Harris, John Hemming, Mr Stephen Hepburn, Gareth Johnson, Mr David Lammy, Dr Phillip Lee, Shabana Mahmood, Sir John Randall, Sir Bob Russell and Jim Shannon. 18 Third Delegated Legislation Committee (Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (Code of Practice) Order 2015, the draft Legal Services Act 2007 (Warrant) (Approved Regulator) Regulations 2015 and the draft Legal Services Act 2007 (Warrant) (Licensing Authority) Regulations 2015) (1) Chair: Mr James Gray (2) Members: Mr John Baron, Richard Benyon, Steve Brine, Alex Cunningham, Michael Fabricant, Duncan Hames, Dr Julian Huppert, Mr David Jones, Siobhain McDonagh, Meg Munn, Ian Paisley, Mike Penning, Mr Andy Slaughter, Mr Gerry Sutcliffe, Karl Turner, Mr Ben Wallace, Craig Whittaker and Mr David Winnick. 19 Fourth Delegated Legislation Committee (Draft Health Care and Associated Professions (Knowledge of English) Order 2015 and the draft General Medical Council (Fitness to Practise and Over-arching Objective) and the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (References to Court)
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