Bates, David Homer. in the Telegraph Office: Recollections of the Military Telegraph during the Civil War. : Century Co., 1907.

1857, Lincoln interested in operation of the telegraph, 4-5 Lincoln described, 7 Regular contact with the telegraph operators, 9 Operations of United States Military Telegraph, 11-13 Organization of the Military Telegraph Corps, , Andrew Carnegie, Annapolis, repairing railroads, , Lincoln, death of Ellsworth, Anson Stager, 14-37 War Department telegraph office, Stanton, 38ff Lincoln examining telegrams, 40-41 Relief for Lincoln to visit telegraph office, 41-42 Personnel, 45-46 Operators, 46-48 Cipher code and messages, Anson Stager, 49-67 Confederate cipher codes and intercepted dispatches, Vicksburg, smuggled arms, 68-78 Confederate agents in Canada, 78-82 , Booth, 82-85 Navy Yard, Dahlgren, 86 Annapolis, 86-87 War Department, 87 Bull Run, 88-93 Ball’s Bluff, Baker’s death, 93-97 Lincoln, wire runs to McClellan headquarters, 93-94 , 97-100 Lincoln and McClellan, Eckert, withheld messages, Stanton, Randolph Marcy, suppression of news, 101-112 Lincoln visits telegraph office more after Stanton becomes Secretary of War, 113 Dranesville, 113-14 General Schenck, 114-15 Merrimac and Monitor, 115-18 Pope, Second Bull Run, 118-22 Lincoln sent many short dispatches to generals, 123 Lincoln and , 123 Major Thomas T. Eckert, poor quality pokers, Sandford, Lincoln vouches for Eckert, 124-37 Lincoln wrote first draft of Emancipation Proclamation in the War Department, 138-49 Murder in Norfolk, doctor, black soldiers, doctor executed, 149-53 False news of capture of Vicksburg, 155 , Vicksburg, 155-57 Rosecrans, Chickamauga, Lincoln Thanksgiving proclamation, George Thomas, 158-71 Rosecrans, Dana, Halleck, moving two army corps to Tennessee, food supplies, Thomas A. Scott, Stanton, Carnegie, 172-82 Lincoln the story teller, read humorists, 183-207 Lincoln, Tad, Willie, Mary Lincoln, Soldiers’ Home, 208-15 Lincoln’s religion, 215-16 Reading, study, brain, Shakespeare, 216-227


Bogus proclamation in New York World, May 18, 1864 calling for 400,000 more troops, Stanton, Dix, Seward, arrests, Henry Ward Beecher, 228-43 , Grant, Wilderness, Lincoln’s kindness to a young woman, 244-49 Lincoln under fire at Fort Stevens, Monocacy, 250-56 Cables and signals, Cyrus W. Field, code, signals, 257-66 Lincoln forebodings of defeat in election of 1864, Nicolay to , Hay to Florida, 267-86 Conspirators in Canada, Vallandigham, Burnside, , Clement Clay, plot, 287-98 Plot to burn New York, General Dix, Jacob Thompson, Clement Clay, , 299- 309 Grant orders for the removal of George Thomas, Halleck, 310-21 peace conference, Francis Preston Blair, Sr, Seward, Alexander Stephens, John A. Campbell, Robert M. T. Hunter, Grant, Major Eckert, 322-42 Lincoln visit to Grant at City Point, Lincoln rode Grant’s horse “” around camp, Richmond, 343-61 Appomattox, Lincoln dispatches on the legislature, 361-63 Lincoln assassination, 364-76 Lewis Powell (Payne), Major Eckert, 377-88 Lincoln’s manner contrasted with Stanton, 389-409 Sherman-Johnston peace agreement, 395-97