
No. 308 February 2021



The last time the WI sponsored the Morchard Messenger we were blissfully unaware of what was to come. Fingers crossed that things will improve in 2021, although it has to be said that January was not a very promising start.

The last official meetings of the WI took place last March, a committee meeting on the 4th, and a birthday lunch at the Devonshire Dumpling on the 11th.

The committee met up again unofficially on a sweltering afternoon in August, when our president, Angela, kindly invited us to her farm for a socially distanced chat and a cool drink.

Later on in August, Angela extended the invitation to the whole of the WI plus guests, and we had a really enjoyable

afternoon among the hay bales in one of the barns, keeping our distance again of course.

Some of us took cakes and Angela provided a delicious tea. We had a quiz and a game of bingo, professionally organised by Dawn.

However, the highlight of the afternoon for some of us

came when we wandered outside to see the calves in the neighbouring barns.

Angela's husband asked us if we would like to see a calf being born, and it was a

wonderful experience for us who don't see calves being born every day. It was a

much needed ray of hope for the future to see the birth of a new life.

We don't know what the future holds for the WI. We haven't had any directives

from the National Federation because they are as much in the dark as we are. Some of our member are over 70, so we will need to be confident before we can meet up again.

We know that everyone in this amazing village is affected by the virus in one way or another, and we can only take one day at a time and be grateful that we live here and have such fantastic support from Matt and Clare, Sarah and Emma and all the other people who are there for us.

Stay safe.

Sue Pluckwell

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Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


The virus is still with us, and as I write, causing chaos, stress and nightmares to our NHS. It’s even found its way into Morchard Bishop apparently despite the lockdown, though that shouldn’t surprise us since the virus is so extremely infectious. Unfortunately, as the police remind us, there are people taking advantage of the old and/or unwary by various scams (see page 10). Please take care.

But we are lucky living where we do, because at least it’s easy to get out and go for a walk. I looked at the Ordnance Survey map of footpaths around Morchard Bishop the other day to remind myself (https://map.devon.gov.uk/dccviewer/MyLocalPaths/ ) and we’re festooned with them. But, the season being what it is, they’re all a bit on the muddy side (glossing a little here) and sometimes almost impassable – and sadly that’s not shown on the maps!

One curious observation from all these muddy walks: why do some people leave their dog’s poo in plastic bags on the footpath or tossed to the side? Even biodegradable bags will take months to disappear, if not years, so please put them in a bin - there are plenty of those about. Just imagine - wouldn’t it be wonderful if dog poo was the magical ingredient to solve all our problems with the scourge of plastic pollution? We’d never go short….

At the Morchard Messenger we do have need of another co-editor. Clare Copeland, who’s been co-editor for many years, is retiring after next month’s issue, and she has been the rock the present editor has been relying on for the past year.

So if there’s anyone out there who’s willing to devote a couple of days a month to this rewarding village enterprise, we’d be delighted to hear from you. All you need is some reasonable IT competence – we’re no whiz kids here. And like all the best things in life, it’s unpaid!


With the dramatic increase of Covid 19 in the population of the UK and the announcement of lockdown three, our Parochial Church Council has had to consider the risks to our congregation of continuing to hold services at St Mary’s.

The majority of our congregation are over seventy years old and with the news that there have been people suffering from Covid in the village, the PCC decided that the risks were too high to keep the church open, so the church is now closed -there will be no services until the situation improves. If sadly the need arises funerals can be arranged.

I will continue to send a weekly email with bible readings and a homily to all who request it. If you are not on my email list but would like to be, please contact me; if I can be of any help or you just want to talk to someone do give me a call.

Robert Vere 01363 877471 [email protected]

A Message from Emmanuel Church

We are still in difficult times and we at Emmanuel Church have decided that, even if lawful, we are still not meeting at the building, but we are meeting each Sunday evening by Zoom at 7.00 pm.

The church, being the people and not the building, is still very much alive and we are here for the community. If anything is needed please contact in the first instance Terry and Pauline Nott on 01363877595.

Terry Nott

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 2 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

The Morchard Messenger Diary Page

Given the current situation, meetings and events will be taking place online.

Emmanuel Church On Sunday mornings at 10.45 everyone is welcome to join the online service which is shared by the whole circuit. Visit www.emmanuel-morchard-bishop.org for detailed information and updates about services, Sunday School for primary aged children, youth clubs and other events. You can also contact Terry Nott on 877595 for information.

Contact [email protected] for updated information about Prime and Edge Youth clubs. At 7pm on Sunday evenings you are invited to attend Emmanuel’s zoom sessions. You do not need to be a member of Emmanuel Church to join. You will be most welcome.

Mobile Library At the time of writing, visits by the mobile library have been cancelled. Brownies - There is a waiting list for new girls and volunteer adults. For updated information, contact [email protected]

Please contact Pauline Chater 01363 877096 or [email protected] with information about March events & beyond by 12th February.


Mon 1 19.30 Parish Council Meeting Zoom meeting

8 16.35 Footpaths/P3 meeting Zoom meeting

Thurs 4 10.00 Can’t Sew, Won’t Sew Zoom meeting

Fri 5/12/19/26 13.30- Visiting Post Office Inside London Inn 14.30

12 19.00 Prime Youth Club Zoom meeting

26 19.30 Edge Youth Club Zoom meeting

Sat 13 20.00 The Travelling Talesman Zoom Performance – Tickets by donation Contact cliff@the Cats – Folk tales and travellingtalesman.co.uk myths featuring cats. 16plus.

Sun 7/14/21/28 19.00 Emmanuel Church Zoom meetings 7 & 21 Bible Study on Daniel. 12 & 28 Prayer and Share

PLEASE KEEP US UPDATED! We fully understand that it is just not possible for most activities to go ahead at present, but it would still be helpful to have news from you, even if it is to confirm that events are not going to take place. Pauline Chater 01363 877096 or [email protected]

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 3 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


Though great was the toil which thy building cost, With thy fibres so neatly coiled and crossed, And thy lining of down, thou art lorn and lost, A ruin beyond repair!

Hannah Flagg Gould (1789-1865)

February is a great time to clean out and do any maintenance on existing nesting boxes, and whilst autumn is a better time to put up a new one, so long as it’s up fairly soon, February is still good. Most tits don’t tend to start house hunting until February.

Food will still be in short supply so there are likely to be birds on any feeders and the weather often being quite harsh may mean that some birds shelter in boxes, but even so, before we know it they’ll be breeding and nesting, so better to clear and clean them now before there are eggs and fresh nests have been built. Boxes left uncleaned are likely to harbour parasites, spread disease or simply fail to attract new occupants.

The more we build and farm and take away or tidy woodlands and hedges, the fewer natural roosts and nesting sites there are for birds. Lack of nesting sites is a key factor in the decline of many of our garden bird species, so it’s a great way to help rebalance to put up nesting boxes, baskets and cups in our gardens.

Birds are beneficial for our gardens often eating many of the insects which gardeners consider pests. In some places, though not here, they are even the pollinators of plants. Encouraging more birds also means we get the pleasure of seeing the youngsters fledging, going out on their first flights, and hanging around our gardens vying for their parents attention and their share of the food. It helps keep us connected to the natural world and individuals beyond our human selves.

Different openings on a nest box encourage different occupants in bird boxes: smaller birds like smaller holes, the smaller tits like 25mm or 28mm openings. Sparrows, great tits and nuthatches will all prefer a 32mm hole, starlings prefer a nice generous 45mm hole, but blac kbirds, thrushes, and robins (all thrushes) and dainty little wrens too, like an even more spacious open-fronted box with at least the top half of the front wall missing. The most frequent users of nest boxes are the tits, though this may in part be because the most commonly offered boxes are those with holes to suit them.

Siting the box matters, not only do you want to make sure it’s not over your door, you also ideally want it to be at least a couple of meters up, well out of reach of cats or other predators, and sheltered from the sun and the worst of the weather, either by trees or buildings or by facing it between north and east. Some birds like starlings or sparrows will roost in a colony, otherwise boxes want to be spaced away from each other.

The internet has many guides for building a bird box, one really good example is the RSPB guide for family activities at https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-families/family-wild-challenge/activities/build-a-birdbox/

If you choose to buy boxes you can also get specialist boxes for swift s, or baskets for martins and larger more open boxes for owls and kestrels.

You can also buy or make boxes with webcams fitted which make a great alternative to TV - your very own Countryfile programme streaming from your own garden. Both the making of the box and the watching of the birds could while away many a lockdown hour, and watching birds going about their ever-busy lives is a wonderful way of letting go of our own stresses.

Jo Coffey

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 4 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

A Challenge for Parishioners...... !!!

We are writing this advert in the hope we can encourage some ideas to raise some money !!!!

You will all be familiar with the clock that chimes across our village - it’s set within the tower of St Marys Church. At present it requires winding every 3 days, and with the current situation it’s more difficult to do so as there is limited access to the church, and also the added fact that the stairs are deteriorating somewhat. So the Parish Council have looked into getting an electric winder fitted. ....With all the complicated components and technical bits needed these don’t come cheap...!!!

We have however, had a very generous offer to match fund the cost of the installation from a very local Trust in Morchard Bishop, to which we are very grateful... we are looking at raising £4,630 .

We are asking for people to do some fund-raising which at this point in time we know is quite challenging, or if any of you would kindly consider donating any amount to this cause ..... as we’re sure you will agree it was quite eerie when the clock fell silent during the first lockdown.

The money collected through the cardboard recycling in the pub car park will be going towards the fund until we have raised enough, so please put as much cardboard in there as you can - we still see quite a lot in recycling bins...!!!

Many thanks for any help to keep our clock chi ming. Sarah Gillbard and David Parker Morchard Bishop Parish Council Orchard House, Church Street, Morchard Bishop, , , EX17 6PJ. 01363 877008 / 07794 362591


Happy New Year to you All!

Firstly I wanted to say thank you to all those who came and joined in with the Carol Singing around the village on 20th Dec.

It was lovey to have so many people come out to spread some Joy around the village at the end of a difficult year. It was certainly a great way to celebrate Christmas as a community, looking forward to next Christmas when we can end it with a drink together.

Thanks to those who decorated their own bunting to add to that at the War Memorial. It was lovely to read your messages and enjoy the artwork.

While continuing Covid restrictions are making planning difficult, please do look out in future editions for more information on what will be happening this year, particularly around Easter. For now Prime and Edge youth clubs are continuing on-line. Please get in touch if you would like more information. Stay safe and well!

Sherrin, 07711 123 542 / [email protected] Children, Youth & Families Worker; Emmanuel Methodist Church.

Jobs: Apply to join Census 2021 now

Households across will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021. The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941.

It will be the first run predominantly online, with households receiving a letter with a unique access code, allowing them to complete the questionnaire on their computers, phones or tablets.

Thousands of people are needed to fill a range of exciting temporary roles to make Census 2021 a success. Whether you’re saving up for something or you want to make a real difference to your community, there’s a job for you. For full details about the recruitment process and how to apply visit: https://www.censusjobs.co.uk/

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 5 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


Hello Everyone!

Firstly I would like to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year - we hope you are all keeping well. Emma and I would like to thank you all for your continued support through this very unsettled time.

We would also like to send massive thanks to our cheery little Helpers who have been on hand to help us in so many ways.... Firstly we would like to thank Michael (Tappy) for being on hand to keep us entertained and for being the most efficient Pack, Wrap and Dispense person we could have had, Verity (Spudnik) for being potato monitor on Sundays and ensuring Michael puts the right lids on ...!!! and to Kirk for doing deliveries around the village on Sundays and being out there on the frontline checking on the welfare of our community...!!

I would personally like to thank Emma who as always helps me massively in the day to day running of the pub, and looking after Vera.

I really do appreciate the help and support everyone has shown, it really confirms we do live in a very special part of the world...

We will continue to do Takeaways... week nights have got a little quieter so we would really appreciate it if you could place orders before 5.00 pm, as if we don’t have any by this time there is a good chance I may be drinking sherry with Vera and playing cards ...

It’s very important we all keep ourselves and each other as safe as possible at this time....we are still taking cash payments but we would ask if you could put the correct money in an envelope with your name and date of take away on it - we feel there are more cases in the area so we have to be vigilant.

Keep Safe everyone, and if we can help you know where we are....

Thank you once again

Sarah and Emma

Lockdown 3 at Morchard Bishop Primary School

This term got off to an interesting start. The non pupil day was spent preparing the newly refurbished Pre-School for children, sorting out internet problems and planning for the term ahead. Little did we know what lay instore for us that evening.

During the autumn term we had spent time preparing the children for online learning using the app MSTeams. Staff were becoming more familiar with the app having conducted parent meetings, online training and class presentations through MSTeams. We were also very aware of the challenges families face which can be divided into 2 categories, poor internet or not enough/poor kit. Although we cannot increase broadband speeds, we are beginning to help children with kit as some families can only access the internet with a mobile phone. Other families have some kit, but if you have two or three children who need online access at the same time then this becomes problematic. The school has been fortunate to have had some kit donated and we would welcome any laptops that can run Windows 10 and have at least 4GB of memory. These machines should be able to run MSTeams comfortably.

At the moment the teachers are working online with the children and key worker children who are at school teaching English and mathematics, the afternoons focus on IT, art, PE, music and outdoor education. We hope to bring some of these lessons online too, starting with PE. The take up of online lessons has been fantastic with over 90% of the children attending every lesson and we have had online contact with all children at some time. The challenge is to turn the 90% into 100%.

At the time of writing I am not sure how long this lockdown will last, it may well be until Easter, therefore we are currently preparing to broaden our online curriculum.

Stay safe Chris Sargeant (More School news on the back page -Ed.)

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 6 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

LETTERS We welcome articles and letters. However we would like to point out that the views expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily the views of the Morchard Messenger

Whilst we may, albeit somewhat reluctantly, withhold names on request, we regret that we will NOT publish letters that have been submitted anonymously.

Dear Editors,

Frances Preece sadly passed away on 9th January. Frances was a loyal supporter of The Morchard Messenger since its founding and until 2017 she wrote the monthly “Countryfile” article. Being a very modest person she always signed her articles “anon”.

Her knowledge was extremely wide and varied and often had us having to look up many of the Latin words she used! Her local knowledge and with her observations of the seasons, she walked us through the year month by month – and always managed to see the first swallow.

We take this opportunity to say goodbye to a lovely lady and friend. Keith and Christine Davies.

FOOD BANK News from Church Street Stores

Hi and Happy New Year to everyone. Happy New Year to you all!

We reopened after our Xmas break straight into another The end of an interesting and busy year and here are a few stats for you from Lee who does all my data inputting and national lockdown. analysing: With many more local cases this time we want you all to feel as safe as possible coming into our shop.

*Total number of people fed in 2020 is 4962. This is 2.8 We plan to stay open with our normal hours -see below. Only times the number of people in the previous year. two customers in the shop at any one time, sanitise hands on entry and wear a face mask. Surfaces are cleaned frequently. *We provided 186 separate individuals/families a total of Newspapers will stay outside for now, please replace the lids 1731 food parcels, feeding 2448 adults and 2514 children. carefully to keep the newspapers dry.

*There were 7 separate individuals/families (3.8% of total) As before we offer 3 options: who used the food bank for more than 40 weeks in the year, accounting for nearly 17% of all food parcels handed out. Call and Collect. Give us a ring with a list, pay over the phone and come and pick up. We can put straight into the back of your Gaps on the shelves are for: car, so no contact at all.

jars of sauces -for pasta based meals, curries and Chinese Call and Deliver. Call with your order, pay over the phone and UHT green and blue top milk we will deliver locally (min. £20). toilet rolls Preferably on a Friday. squash Shop in store. Original style with hand sanitiser! juice jam Stay Safe. tinned tomatoes rice puddings Opening Hours: coffee Sunday & Monday: 8.30am-12noon Tuesday- Friday: 8.30am-5pm Many thanks for all you guys do for the Foodbank. Saturday: 8.30am- 2pm 01363 877826 www.facebook.com/churchstreetstores Chris Parsons Matthew & Clare

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 7 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

If you are having difficulties with working from home please consider the

Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall.  Quiet upstairs room  Peaceful surroundings  Fast internet 20Mbs +  Wonderful vista

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For all your domestic, agricultural and commercial pest control needs.

COVID-19 HELP From Rats and Mice to Wasps and Fleas contact me for a quick, Remember, help is available in the village if you are shielding convenient solution to pest problems. or isolating. I am fully qualified and insured.

A reminder from Steve Watson at the Parish Council and Matt Based in covering all of Mid and Clare at the shop – if you need help with shopping, getting prescriptions, want letters posted or just need Devon and surrounding areas. someone to talk to, here are people who can help. www.middevonpestcontrol.co.uk 07725520466 / 01363 881473 Phone: Steve 877808 Email: [email protected] Clare or Matt at the shop 877826 Dave Parker 877008/ 07794 362591 Sarah or Emma at the London Inn 877222

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 8 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


HELEN PERBET Very sadly we received a phone call from Helen's son, Sebastian, telling us that Helen had died on December 21st in hospital. She had undergone a heart operation which had gone well - but was then in intensive care for three weeks, where she developed a complication and died peacefully still in hospital. MORCHARD MAIDS

Her funeral was on the 20th January at St. Mary's Church, Wollaton. The funeral Directors are A.W. Lymn (Beeston Branch) and her chosen Charity is the Children's Society.

Helen moved into Morchard Bishop from Windlesham, Surrey, with her husband Daniel. They had run a translation and publishing business together, and were a devoted couple: both keen Christians. Sadly, Daniel died not too long after their move. Helen threw herself into village life and made many friends here. Helen was a very keen Church supporter and was a member of the PCC for some years and served as a very efficient PCC Secretary for 3 years. Helen also supported the Chapel and its various activities. She was passionate about children’s work and supported Messy Church and The Lighthouse ventures. One winter Helen discovered that she would be alone for Christmas so she took herself off to to work with the homeless, serving them Christmas Dinner for the day. She said it had given her a joyful and rewarding Christmas.

She moved up to Wollaton Park, Nottingham to be closer to her family soon after the birth of her grand - daughter. We missed her enthusiasm and generosity.

Everyone in Morchard Bishop will be very sad to hear this news and our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

FRANCES PREECE We are sad to hear of the death of Frances Preece, early in the morning of January 9th. Frances was the daughter of a doctor and brought up in East Anglia, where she enjoyed ‘the big skies’ and wildlife, especially the birds. Frances met and Married Alan. They moved to what was then Nyasaland, now Malawi, where Alan specialised in soil improvement. They then moved to Davidstow in North Cornwall where they farmed, still improving the soil. They were keen supporters of the local parish church.

When Alan retired they moved to Old Middlecott in Morchard Bishop. Frances became a founder member and convenor of the Mini-Market: a stalwart group of ladies who made tea and cake from 2pm on Friday afternoons. During this time they collected clothes and other saleable items, eggs, produce from the gardens and sold them to raise money for St. Mary’s church. Their efforts ran into some thousands of pounds over the years. Frances served on the PCC at St Mary’s and was the Sacristan until she moved away to Boggles Bit after Alan died in 2018.

Frances was a quiet, unassuming person with a dry, wry sense of humour. She was not afraid to speak her mind, once giving the Bishop Bob a trimming when she informed that the trouble with the Church of England was ‘too many chiefs and not enough Indians!’ Frances was fiercely independent, only giving up driving their Landrover in the autumn of 2018. She enjoyed poetry, especially that of Thomas Traherne and was passionate about wildlife – she loved the golden plovers when they arrived in May, she was a keen gardener and a knowledgeable plants woman.

Frances was a woman of deep and abiding faith, which she lived out in her daily interaction with friends and neighbours. We shall miss this tiny resourceful, courageous woman, with such a large and loving personality. Lindsey Starrs


Church Street to New Road – Ladies Plain.

Kennford Tarmacadam Ltd will be carrying out essential highway maintenance works on behalf of on the 15 February for 4 days.

To enable them to carry out these works safely a road closure with a signed diversion will be in operation. Work will be undertaken between the hours of 07.30 – 18.00hrs.

Please be aware that this date may need to change with little or no notice.

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 9 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


Please be wary of fake COVID-19 vaccine text alerts - the fake text alerts appear to be from the NHS stating that the recipient is eligible to apply for a vaccine and followed by a link - please do not click on the link - the link is a convincing fake NHS website which asks for personal and financial information. The NHS will never ask for your banking information.

Please be wary of other scams related to COVID-19 which may include:

*Fake links claiming to take you to a Government website for a COVID-19 related payment *Offers of health supplements that will prevent you from becoming infected *Financial support offers that appear to be from your bank FLOORING SPECIALISTS *Fines suggesting you have breached lockdown CARPETS/HARDFLOOR

If you have clicked and supplied your details please phone your bank/building society FINISHES/WOOD immediately and report to Action Fraud via the website https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ or by phoning 0300 123 2040. If you have any concerns please email [email protected] or phone 101. Carpets supplied and fitted  J&R Builders Free Estimates  Very competitive prices Sand & polish of existing wood No Talking All Day on Mobiles floors Extensions, Brickwork,  Plastering, New wood floors installed Block paving, Chimneys, etc. 

Both domestic & contract work undertaken

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Morchard Bishop, MIDDLE LEIGH, MORCHARD BISHOP, Devon EX17 6NZ DEVON EX17 6RH 07955 087361 (Mobile) 01363 877507 (Home)

ELECTRICAL SERVICES Viv Pulford Quality Work by Fully Qualified Tradesman Foot Health Practitioner All Electrical Work Undertaken Domestic, Industrial, Commercial & Agricultural Diploma in Foot Health, and BSC in Adult Nursing. Installations Tel No 01884 861306 or 07827 779559 Fully Compliant to Part P Building Regulations All Work carried out to 18th Edition Wiring  Nail Cutting and filing Regulations  Corn Callus Removal  Deal with Fungal Infections /Thickened Nails Over 30 Years Experience In electrical contracting  Discounts for 2 or more people in same house

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Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 10 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


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Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 11 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


The Parish Council met by zoom once again on Monday 4th January. Financially we spent £867.39 from the main account in the past month. The invoices over £100 were for the Clerk’s payment for the past three months at £432 and his payment to HMRC of £108.

We continue to pursue Devon Highways with regards to a date for Fore Street being resurfaced and with regard to the flooding in some parts of the village.

The Council agreed the revised budget for 2021-22 including the precept that we need to levy. All other matters are dealt with in the notices below.

If you have any views or issues regarding life in Morchard Bishop do let me know.

Contact Details for the Parish Council: David Parker: 01363 877008 / 07794 362591 [email protected] David Parker Parish Clerk Ask not what your community can do for you – ask what you can do for your community. We need your views and your assistance:

Road mending – further to my article last month, so far I have only had one offer to assist.

Litter picking – There are a number of Council-owned litter pickers held at the London Inn – so if a particular area is annoying you, and you feel able to do your bit – collecting other people’s rubbish, then do please borrow a litter picker from Sarah.

Frosty Paths – The Snow Wardens are there to keep the roads clear in the event of snow – there are various grit bins and bags of salt placed strategically around the village – if you find a path icy – then you are perfectly at liberty to sprinkle some grit on the path to make it safer for all.

Snow Wardens – we only have 9 Snow Wardens – all volunteers – if we had more wardens we could do more on the paths – so do please contact David Parker (details above) or Andy Hankin – 07920 423363 if you would be willing to join our team of Snow Wardens.

Defibrillators – if you access a defibrillator cabinet – even if you end up not using the defibrillator, then please let Roger Field (877631) or Sarah Gillbard (877222) know so that the unit can be checked in readiness for the next time that it is needed.

Broadband – In January I asked you to pass your details to Alec Broughton ([email protected]) or I if you needed a better Broadband connection – so far we have only had 9 replies and really need over 100 to make BT take notice – please let us have your details as soon as possible.

Carol Sheets – we hope that you enjoyed the Carol Singing around the village on 20th December, Unfortunately, 17 of the Carol Sheets were not returned so we’ll have less to use next year. – If you still have one please put the carol sheet through my letter box, Orchard House, Church Street – next to the Memorial Hall.

Heart of Devon Community Energy Group – are still awaiting your responses to the idea of a Community Wind Turbine – again – so far we have only received two replies.

Heart of Devon Climate Action Group – are still awaiting your thoughts on what individuals and the community could do to lessen the harmful effects the human race are having on the planet.

Many of you are retired or on furlough – so now is a good time to get involved with your community. David Parker Parish Clerk

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 12 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


Horse owners, remember from 1st October 2020 it became CREDITON AND SURROUNDING AREAS mandatory in England for all equine owners to microchip their WITH LOTS OF LOCAL INFORMATION animals as part of a move to tackle horse theft, improve equine traceability and improve animal welfare. https://www.creditoninandaround.co.uk

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MOBILE PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE Let me take the stress out of planning your holiday, I can source Jo McDougall MCSP, HCPC registered cruises, hotels, villas, packages, tours, car hire, theatre trips, visa

assistance, and much more. Need Physiotherapy Treatment? This service is at no cost to you as I am paid via the supplier you Have it in the comfort of your own home. choose. I am partnered with some great suppliers including TUI, James Villas, Red Sea Holidays, Avalon Waterways and many many more.

I am a qualified, Chartered Physiotherapist with All my partners are ATOL and ABTA protected. more than 30 years experience and I will come to So for more information contact me Nicola Eggleton via email [email protected] you to treat you at home. or via mobile 07977072503

Conditions treated: You don’t need magic to disappear Just a good travel advisor!!  Back and Neck pain,  Sprained joints e.g. Ankles, Knees  Pulled muscles,  Shoulder pain,  Hip pain,  Rehab after injury and operations e.g. Fractures, Knee replacement, Rotator cuff repair…..

Pilates and appropriate exercise programmes given to assist in recovery and prevention. Contact : home 01363 877803 Mobile 07597160558 email [email protected]

THE DEVONSHIRE DUMPLING Gary and Laura welcome you to the New Service to The Devonshire Dumpling. Morchard Bishop We are a family friendly pub serving great home-cooked food.

NOW DOING TAKEAWAYS Tuesday mornings Before 7.30 am WEDNESDAY – SATURDAY EVENINGS Please order before 5.30 and collect 5.30 – 7.30 Friday Evenings Between 4-8pm

SUNDAY LUNCH Please order on Saturday to collect 12.00 – 2.00 Sunday Free range Whole milk

Please see website for menu doorstep refills

Tel: 01363 85102: Please call 01363 779134 or email [email protected] for more information. email: [email protected]

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 13 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

TWO MOORS ADVERTS ACCOUNTING Chartered Management Accountant Open the door to new Lapford business by advertising in Bookkeeping, accounts, tax returns and Devon the tax advice for any size business. Morchard Messenger Advice on setting up your own EX17 6QT

bookkeeping arrangements. Tel: 01363 83373 Adverts up to ⅛ page are £5 a month

Very reasonable rates. Fixed fees Our professional workmanship is Adverts up to ⅙ page are £7 a month agreed in advance. Personal and available in all of the following Adverts up to ¼ page are £10 a month friendly service. disciplines: Please send or Email your draft to the Call Stephen or Tracy to arrange a free, MOT class 4 & 7 Editors (details on this Page) no obligation initial meeting at a time (Motorhomes &Transits) and place to suit you Servicing Charlesworth Nicholl & Co Diagnostics 01363 877001 SOLICITORS Air Conditioning Your Friendly Local Lawyers YOUR LOCAL ACCOUNTANT Tyres Exhausts  Residential  Leases Batteries  Agricultural  Landlord &  Commercial Tenant We offer courtesy cars for your  Family Matters  Probate convenience, subject to availability.  Wills

ATA & Bosch Accredited Diagnostic Free initial half hour’s advice Technicians. Easy access and parking

Copy for Publication www.lapfordcrossgarage.co.uk “THE MORCHARD Telephone: 01363 774706 MESSENGER” 31 High Street, Crediton www.charlesworthnicholl.co.uk

The deadline for articles, adverts and notices for the next issue is: COMPUTER 15th FEBRUARY PROBLEMS?

2021 Friendly, helpful support for crashes,

virus, email, internet connection, The Editors retain the right to reject, networking, printers, tablets, edit, alter or correct articles which are websites etc. sent in for publication. Copy should be sent Reasonable rates for all individual by E-mail to users and small businesses. [email protected] NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Please ring Richard on Hard copy may also be delivered to Arthur Copeland, address below. 01363 85154

Postal Service. This newsletter can be posted to you monthly at a cost of £12 per annum. Please contact Arthur Copeland, 18 Bishops Meadow Morchard Bishop EX17 6RA Phone: 01363 877415

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 14 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.




Set in the heart of the village, this Governor-run early years setting offers a fun filled approach to pre-school education for children aged 2-4years. No fixtures have been arranged this month Situated in the grounds of Morchard Bishop Primary School, this purpose built because of Covid-19. facility also has access to fantastic outdoor space, and regular visits to school For updates or changes to the above visit defleague.co.uk ensure smooth transition to the reception clas s. or see Football Club notice board, or our facebook page. OPEN 9.00am - 3.30pm, Monday - Friday PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TEAM

For full details and to arrange a visit call us on 01363 877328 You can find more information about AFC Morchard Bishop on: https://www.facebook.com/afcmorchardbishop www.morchardbishoppreschool.org.uk

TREE OF THE MONTH Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

A fine upstanding tree with soft foliage which grows well on well-drained, sloping Toddler Group sites in the western side of Britain. Introduced from Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall Canada in around 1850, it is named after David Douglas who sourced many of the conifers we see Every term-time Wednesday today. It is a prime commercial tree and there are 9.15 –11.15 many fine parkland specimens.

For ages newborn to 4  Staff supervised It may well be known to local residents as it is the prime species in Morchard woods. These trees are  All-ages toys approximately 50 years of age and with a height of  Arts and crafts 100 feet. Visit Eggesford and you will find trees of  Healthy snack-time about 100 years old and 150 feet tall. The largest  Sing-songs world tree is on Vancouver Island, Canada, aged up and.... to 1000 years with a height of 286 feet and estimated to weigh 80 tons. Due to lack Chat, tea and a warm welcome for of accessibility it was missed by the loggers. grown -ups Douglas fir produces a fine quality, strong construction timber and is much favoured for timber-framed buildings and log cabins. With a rich, warm reddish Please bring fruit for snack time! colour it makes attractive cladding.

It has few pests other than an aphid which defoliates it in spring and gives the www.morchardbishop.devon.sch.uk foliage a yellow appearance. It is also rarely prone to fungal diseases or rot. Call 01363 877328 for more information All round, one of the better introduced conifers. Roger Hodge

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 15 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

Folk Tales Corner

Look How Far We’ve Come

One of the side effects of researching old folk tales is one can’t help but develop an awareness of history. Whilst the history that is taught in education and sighed over in costume dramas is mostly from a fairly well- to-do perspective, folktales carry memories of the history experienced by the less fortunate. Stories like Hansel and Gretel remind us the nobility of the Middle Ages kept the agricultural peasantry on such barely subsistence wages, that a bad harvest or a passing pestilence could leave parents choosing which children to feed and which to abandon to their fate. Those without patronage, employment or pension were so hard- pressed for food that, in difficult times, the madness of hunger actually did drive some to eat human flesh. Maybe alongside the famous Henry Tudor wife tally of “Divorced, Beheaded, Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived!” We should learn the cost of medieval royalty’s lifestyle: “Starving, Abandoned, Died. Starving, Abandoned, Cannibalised.”

Uncomfortable as these reminders are, they are easy to pass by as the product of extremis, circumstances way beyond anything we are likely to encounter ourselves. However, now and then I come across a tale that can still shock me, it’s horrors not being so long ago or far away, and presented with such everyday banality that it sends shivers down my spine.

My next virtual online zoom performance is going to be about cats. A fairly safe topic one might have thought, relatively low in the jeopardy stakes with a minimal body count mostly tallied in rodents. I was not prepared for “The Lazy Cat”, a purportedly “humorous” tale from Hungary. It starts with the sentence “A lad married a rich and lazy maid and solemnly promised he would never beat her”. On the surface this may seem like a good thing but there are two warning signs in this one statement. Firstly, in folk tales of this type the opening sentence tends to be a pretty good guide to the main topic of the story: this is going to be a story about domestic violence. Secondly, the simple fact that his oath is worth mentioning means the cultural norm for the society was that husbands beat their wives. In case you are in any doubt about that, the story continues: the wife does no work around the house, spending her days in idle gossip “And still he kept his word and never raised his hand against her.” Yes, we are seriously being asked to give him points simply for not being a thug.

The husband solves the conundrum of how to discipline his unruly spouse without breaking his vow by turning to the cat. He orders the poor feline to do all the housework and have his meal ready for when he gets back under threat of a whipping. When he returns and puss has unsurprisingly failed to lift a paw he ties the cat to his wife’s back, whips the cat and the cat claws the wife. After a couple of days of this the wife starts to do the cat’s chores and all is well.

The shocking realisation that in an anecdote from not that long ago we are being invited to consider violence by proxy, a clever work around; that the animal cruelty is almost casual; and the “joke” hinges on the foolish act of forsaking direct violence; shows that things have improved over the years. Our reaction to it gives us perspective. It’s a bit like reaching a hill top on a long walk. There is still a long way to go before we reach true equality between the sexes (women are still paid less than men for the same job despite legislation that says otherwise, just as one indisputable example), but just turn around, face back along the rocky path a moment and look how far we’ve come.

...here's to living happily ever after, until the next adventure.

The Travelling Talesman www.thetravellingtalesman.co.uk

Sweet and savoury pancake Pancakes with lemon juice and caster sugar are a favourite, but try adding currants to the batter for a change. If you prefer something savoury try this filling: mushrooms, thinly sliced and cooked in Devonshire butter, seasoned and finished with a spoonful of double cream and chopped chives.

Spoon onto the pancakes before rolling or folding them. Paul Cleave

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 16 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

Overworked or Stressed? Achy muscles? S&H JOINERY Tense shoulders? of Eggesford Stiff back? 01363 894041 Bespoke maker of staircases, Massage Therapy in Lapford windows, doors & furniture

SPMU Hybr id lashes Scar tr eatments Russian lashes Penny King Tel: 01363 877718 Micr oneedle Henna br ows VTCT level 3 diploma in 07413 706376 facials Br ow lamination Tanning Nail ex tensions Holistic Therapies, The Linhay, Broadgate Farm Wax ing Gel polish Morchard Bishop EX17 6RU Female intimate Manicur e Aromatherapy, Email: wax ing Pedicur e Sports Massage Facials Nail ar t [email protected] BBGlow facial Facials Please feel free to contact me to Scar tr eatments Thr eading find out more, discuss your Classic lashes Tr aining needs or book an appointment. 103 High Street, Crediton. Download our free app, call or book online. FB page www.pinkiescrediton.com 'Penny King Complementary Therapist' Tel 01363 83091 Unit 1, Oakfield, Bow, Crediton

Mob 07851 726791 Computer & Laptop repairs & virus removal New & Used computer & Laptop stockists LONDON INN IT support & Website design Geoff Thatcher Printers & Consumables TAKEAWAY FOOD SERVICE Plumbing and Heating Services Prompt & Reliable Call-out service Tel. 01363 877222 Deliveries can be arranged Gas Safe Registered T: 01363 881157

e: [email protected] The full menu is on the Morchard Bishop Any job considered Website - www.morchardbishop- www.edworthycomputing.co.uk M 07779 515829 pc.org.uk T 01363 877522

We cannot accept orders through Facebook Crossways As well as the menu on the website there Woodland is a daily special from Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Burials

which is normally on the board outside

the pub.

Please order as early as possible daily or Site Works

preferably the day before. Driveways For Sunday Lunch you can order any day Drainage If the existing choice of funerals of the week for the following Sunday which helps us with our supplies. Foundations does not seem appropriate nor Landscaping meets your wishes maybe we can New!! PIZZAS (inc Vegetarian!) Septic Tanks help. Treatment Plants Puddings are also available so please ask Retaining Walls when ordering food as the choice Phone 01647 24382 Stone Walling changes daily. and speak to Martin or Julie Drinks are also available. i.e. chilled Printed Concrete Chatfield beers, ciders, wines and soft drinks Mobile: 07976 641606

Thank you for your support Email: [email protected] www.crosswayswoodlandburials.co.uk

Sarah and Emma

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 17 www.edworthycomputing.co.uk Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.


* Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover

*Sow sweet peas under cover and pinch out at 6” for early strong plants

*Chit potato tubers

*Protect blossom on apricots, nectarines and peaches

*Net fruit and vegetable crops to keep the birds off

*Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering

*Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those that need planting 'in the green'

*Prune Wisteria

*Prune hardy evergreen hedges and renovate overgrown deciduous hedges

*Prune conservatory climbers such as bougainvillea

*Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over the winter, remove dead grass from evergreen grasses

Jo Coffey

DP Bookkeeping Services Are you in need of a bookkeeper? I offer a planning and application service for Bookkeeper available to work part time, at times to Listed Building Consent to include sealed, suit you, either at your business or remotely. double glazed units in bespoke timber joinery Formerly an office manager, I can offer the following frames made in my own workshop. services: I would be delighted to hear any  enquiry you might have. Balancing accounts (also known as double book keeping)  Completing VAT returns Please note, website recently updated!!  Preparing Invoices for Inland Revenue  Checking company bank statements  Preparing cash flow statements  Dealing with financial paperwork and filing  Preparing profit and loss sheets for annual accounts

Call David on 01363 877008 or 07794 362591 for a friendly chat

Discreet and reliable with competitive rates

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 18 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.

Yew Woodland Services Barn stored seasoned ready to burn now at new low price! Soft/hardwood £80, Hardwood £90 A load

A load in my trailer is slightly bigger than a single cab pick-up Sarah’s Barber Shop Delivery to Morchard Bishop and surrounding areas free 85 High Street, Crediton

Kindling now available Tel: 01363 899269 (please dial complete number) Please call Nick for more Mob: 07772 336489 information

07742 081170 or 01363 82925 Haircuts for Men & Boys Racing Car Seat for Little Boys

Mon 9.00 – 5.00 Thu 9.00 – 6.30 Tues 9.00 – 4.30 Fri 9.00 – 5.00 Wed CLOSED Sat 8.00 – 2.00

No appointment needed Monday & Tuesday.

For all other days appointments are necessary – we have a booking app called Nearcut or phone to book.

Crediton & District Third Age Trust


Feb 17th - Ian Barclay The Pyrenees Ice Caves;

Foundation, Discovery and Exploration

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 19 Sponsored This Month by Morchard Bishop W.I.



Just after half term, three Year 6 girls from Morchard Bishop C of E Primary School (Ruby Hooper, Olivia Perry and Evelyn Griffiths) decided to ask Headteacher Chris Sargeant, if they could do a Fun Run to raise some money for a charity. This started a conversation and we soon realised that with all the Covid restrictions our normal fund raisers of Christingle and our Christmas Church production would not be happening, so why not have an event for the whole school to support local charity. The girls came up with the idea of running round the school field and from this a plan was developed into 5 laps (of a 200 m track) over 5 days which gave a total of 5K.

Evelyn - “ We chose Crediton Food Bank because it is a local charity who help people who live in our area.” Olivia - “ This year has been extra hard because of Covid-19, so we wanted to give support to families in need”. Ruby - “We have raised a lot more money than we expected and it is going to a very good cause”.

Mark Williams from Crediton Food Bank received the cheques for £2332.70 from the girls. Mr Williams thanked the school for its contribution from everybody at the Food Bank. He explained that all the money would be used to support local vulnerable families.

Chris Sargeant (Headteacher) – “‘This has been a fantastic effort by the whole school community and it has been the schools most successful charity fundraiser in the last 10 years. Thank you to everyone for the very generous support”.

For further information please contact:- Food Bank Chris Parsons - 07740202721 - [email protected] School Chris Sargeant 01363 877328 - [email protected] Chris Sargeant

Visit your local website www.morchardbishop-pc.org.uk P a g e 20