INTRODUCTION 1.1 About District Beed is one of the district of areas of . It is situated flanked by and Jalna districts in the north, in the east, in the south east, Osmanabad in in south and Ahmadnagar district in the west and southwest. It is bounded by north latitude 18°28‟ and 19°28‟ and east longitude between 74°48‟ and 76°45‟. The district headquarters is located at Beed Town. For administrative purpose the district has been divided in 11 Talukas viz., Beed, Georai, , Ashti, Shirur (Kasar), , , , Dharur, Parli (Vaijnath) and . As per census 2011, the population of the district is 25.85 lakh. The district has 6 towns and 1360 villages. The major part of the district comes under Godavari basin. Godavari, Manjra and Sina are the major rivers that drain the district along with their tributaries.

Table 1.1: Ground water exploration In the Deccan Trap Basalt area of the district, 52 exploratory wells (EW), 11 observation wells (OW) and 5 Piezometer (PZ) were drilled. The depth of the wells ranged from 18.00 to 200.20 metres below ground level (m bgl). The discharge from these wells varied from Traces to 19.66 litres per second (lps), and 20 wells (29%) were found to be high yielding with discharge > 3 lps. The static water levels ranged from 3.11 to > 100 m bgl. The aquifer zones were encountered in the depth range of 5 m bgl to 195 m bgl, thus indicating the presence of water bearing zones even at deeper depths beyond 100 m bgl. In addition to this 8 piezometers have been drilled through outsourcing in 1997-98 under HP-I, whereas 10 wells have been drilled under accelerated ground water exploration programmed through outsourcing in 2004-05. 1.2 Climate and Rainfall The Climate of the district is characterized by a hot summer and general dryness throughout the year except during the south-west monsoon season, i.e., June to September. The temperature rises rapidly after February till May, which is the hottest month of the year. The mean daily maximum temperature during May is 42.0°C and the mean daily minimum temperature during December is 12.0°C

Figure 1.1: Location

Figure 1.2: Location of exploratory wells

Table 1.2: Annual Rainfall data 1.2 Geomorphology and Soil Types The district can be broadly divided into 3 physiographic units namely; Lowland Beed, Highland Beed and Sina basin. Lowland Beed is the low lying northern part comprising a part of Godavari valley and is also known as Gangathari. It has a general elevation rangiong from 400 metre above mean sea level (m amsl) in the east to 500 m amsl in the west with number of residual hills reaching upto 600 m amsl. Highland Beed occupies the southern part forming a part of Balaghat Plateau. This dissected series of hills extending from west to east divides the district into two parts. Sina basin is low lying undulating area southwest and west of Highland Beed comprising almost whole of Ashti taluka. It is interspersed with many low lying residual hills. The district is drained by Godavari, Manjra and Sina rivers and their tributaries. flows from west to east along the northern boundary of the district. Manjra River starts from the mountains of Patoda taluka and flows west to east forming the southern boundary of the district. flows along the south-western boundary of the district. In the district, rocky and thin layered soils are observed in major part of the district except on the banks of Godavari and Sindphana Rivers, where dark brown to black and clayey loamy to loamy soils are observed. The nutrient levels in almost all the soils are low. 1.3 Ground Water Scenario 1.3.1 Hydrogeology The major part of the district is covered by Basaltic flows commonly known as Deccan Traps of Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene age. Alluvial deposits of Recent to Sub-Recent age are observed along the river courses of Godavari and Sindphana. Hard Rock Areas Deccan Trap Basalt The Deccan Trap includes several flows of Basalt which are supposed to have extruded from fissure volcanoes. Ground water in Deccan Trap Basalt occurs mostly in the upper weathered and fractured parts down to 20-25 m depth. At places potential zones are encountered at deeper levels in the form of fractures and inter-flow zones. The upper weathered and fractured parts form phreatic aquifer and ground water occurs under water table (unconfined) conditions. This aquifer is tapped by mainly dug wells in the depth range of 3.00 to 29.60 m bgl and their yield ranges between 5700 and 72900 lph. At deeper levels, the ground water occurs under semi- confined conditions. These are tapped by Dug-cum-Bore well (DCB) ranging in depth from 11 to 50 m bgl.

Figure 1.3: Hydrogeology The confined aquifers in Basalt are encountered at depth of more than 40 to 50 m and are tapped by bore wells ranging in depth from 40 to 100 m bgl. Bore wells drilled down to 70 m depth, tapping weathered and vesicular basalt are found to yield 500 to 3000 lph. As per Ground Water Exploration data deeper potential aquifers below 100 m bgl have been observed in and Ashti talukas. 1.3.2 Soft Rock Areas Alluvium Alluvial deposits occur in long narrow basin along Godavari and Sindphana rivers. About a 10% area of the district is occupied by Alluvium. It consists of sand, gravels and boulders with intercalations of clays and silt. The beds of sand and gravels are discontinuous and ventricular and pinch out laterally within short distance. Ground water occurs under phreatic and semi- confined conditions in inter granular pore spaces of gravel and sand. This aquifer is tapped mainly by dug wells ranging in depth 5 to 25 m bgl with 2 to 3 m diameter and the yield varies from 100 to 250 m3/day. 1.4 Water Level Scenario Central Ground Water Board periodically monitors 43 Ground Water Monitoring Wells (GWMW) stations in , four times a year i.e. in January, May (Pre-monsoon), August and November (Post-monsoon). 1.4.1 Depth to Water Level – Pre-monsoon (May-2017) The depth to water levels in the district during May 2017 ranges between 0.8 (Wadwani) and 11.95m bgl (Tintawarni). Depth to water levels during pre-monsoon (May 2017) has been depicted in Figure-4.

Figure 1.4: Depth to Water Level (Pre-monsoon- May 2017) Shallow water levels within 2 mbgl are observed in an isolated patch in central part of the district in Wadvani taluka. The water levels between 5 and 10 m bgl are observed in major parts of the district in north-central, south-central, western and eastern parts. The moderate to deeper water levels of 10 to 20 m bgl are observed in western, north western, south and eastern parts of the district, occupying parts of Ashti, Beed, Kaij, Georai talukas. The water levels between 2 and 5 m bgl are observed in elongated patch in northwest-south east direction occupying parts of parts of Georai, Majalgaon, Wadwani, Dharur and Ambejogai talukas. 1.4.2 Depth to Water Level – Post-monsoon (Nov.-2017) The depth to water levels in the district during Nov. 2017 ranges between 1.00 (Ambajogai) and 9.10 m bgl (Chousala). Depth to water levels during post-monsoon (Nov. 2017) has been depicted in Figure-5.

Figure 1.5: Depth to Water Level (Post-monsoon- Nov. 2017) In major parts of the district water levels are between 2 and 5 m bgl, predominantly observed in entire eastern part of the district, occupying major parts of Georai, Wadwani, Dharur, Beed, Kaij, Majalgaon and Parli. The water levels, between 5 and 10 m bgl are seen central-western patch i.e., almost entire Shirur, Patoda and southern parts of Beed and Ashti talukas. Shallow water levels less than 2 m bgl are observed in parts of Georai, Beed, Wadwani and Ambajogai talukas. 1.4.3 Seasonal Water Level Fluctuation– (May-Nov. 2017) The seasonal rise in water levels in the district ranges from 0.011 (Kanherwadi) to 1.55 m (Tintarwani). In major parts of the district water level fluctuation in the range of 0 to 2 m is observed in northern and western parts of the district occupying parts of Georai, Wadwani, Majalgaon, Shirur-Kasar, Patoda and Ashti. Water level fluctuation in the range of 2 to 4 m is observed in central and southern parts of the district and fluctuation of more than 4 m is observed in parts of Ambejogai and Kaij talukas. 1.4.4 Water Level Trend (2010-2017) Trend of water levels for pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period for last ten years (2010-2017) have been computed for 43 NHNS. The analysis of trend indicates that during pre-monsoon period, rise in water level has been recorded at 26 stations and it ranges between 0.06 (Dharampuri) and 1.30 m/year (Badrapur2). The fall in water level trend has been observed at only 2 stations and it ranges between 0.04 (Mauj) and 0.08 m/year (Khadkat). During postmonsoon period, rise in water levels has been recorded at 16 stations and it ranges from 0.04 (Adas) to 1.26 m/year (Tintarvani), whereas at 15 stations, fall in water level ranging between Negligible (Pali) and 1.51 m/year (Pendgaon) is observed. Thus especially during post-monsoon period declining trends of water levels have been observed. The pre-monsoon water level trend map was also prepared for the period May 2010-2017. A perusal of the map indicates that in major part of the district the rising trend of water level in the range 0 to 0.20 m/year is observed. The falling trend of water level in the range of 0 to 0.20 m/year is observed in northern eastern parts of the district (in parts of Georai and Beed talukas) and in south-eastern (parts of Ambejogai and Parli talukas) and western part of the district (in Ashti taluka).

Figure 1.6: Pre-monsoon Water Level Trend (May 2010-2017) 1.6 Aquifer Parameters The aquifer parameters of shallow aquifer as determined during previous studies carried out by the Board indicate that in Basalt the specific capacity ranges from 35 to 1992 lpm/m of drawdown. The pumping tests conducted on exploratory wells indicate that transmissivity varies between 20 and 456 m2/day and storability ranges from 7.6x10-3 to 7.4 x10-3. 1.7 Yield of Dugwells and Borewells The yields of the wells are function of the permeability and transmissivity of 9 aquifer encountered and it varies with location, diameter and depth of wells etc. There are mainly two types of ground water abstraction structures in the district i.e., dug wells and bore wells, however the yield of wells also vary according to nature of formation tapped and its saturated thickness. Therefore, the dug wells located in the topographic lows, morphological depressions and on or near the lineaments yield comparatively more water than the located elsewhere, which is particularly true in basaltic terrain. The depth of the dug wells varies between 3 and 30 m bgl in Deccan Trap Basalt and its yield varies from 5700 to 72900 lph for drawdown of about 0.30 to 5.50 m. In Alluvial area, the depth of the dug wells ranges from 5 to 25 m bgl and the yield varies from 100 to 250 m3/day. In the exploratory wells of CGWB the discharge ranges from traces to 19.66 lps, and 20 wells (29%) were found to be high yielding with discharge > 3 lps. The bore wells drilled by State ground water department/agency in Deccan Trap Basalt indicate wide variation in the range of 500 to 3000 lph, however in most of the bore wells it varies from 500 to 700 lph. As per the estimation, the total annual ground water recharge is 1416.62 MCM with the natural discharge of 72.24 MCM, thus the net annual ground water availability comes to be 1344.38 MCM. The gross draft for all uses is estimated at 685.38 MCM with irrigation sector being the major consumer having a draft of 637.78 MCM. The allocation for domestic and industrial requirements for the next 25 years is worked out at 94.78 MCM, whereas the net ground water availability for future irrigation is estimated at 611.81 MCM. The stage of ground water development varies from 37.78% (Parali) to 59.4 % (Beed) and all the talukas falls in “Safe” category. The overall stage of ground water development for the district is 50.98 %. Similarly, the ground water resources were also assessed for all the 48 watersheds and 47 watersheds have been categorised as “Safe” whereas, 1 watershed i.e., MR-15, which has achieved 96.40% stage of ground water development has been categorised as “Semi-Critical”. Ambajogai is a city and a municipal council, Tehsil and subdivision in Beed district in the state of Maharashtra, . The town is named Ambajogai after goddess Ambabai - Yogeshwari whose heritage temple is located here and is visited by peoples from all over Maharashtra, largely from the region. The town has a lot of heritage places and this township is known as the cultural capital of the Marathwada region. In the 13th century, Swami Mukundraj wrote the first Marathi poetry 'Viveksindhu' [meaning 'Large floating Ocean of Wisdom'(Vivek: Wisdom, Sindhu:Ocean)]. This work is widely acclaimed for its literary quality as well as the philosophical content. It remains not only the first but among the best literary works ever produced in Marathi.As of 2011 India census, Ambajogai had a population of 74,844. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Ambajogai has an average literacy rate of 85.89%, higher than the national average of 74.04%; with 91.58% of the males and 79.88% of females literate. 12% of the population is under 6 years of age. Today, Water pollution is a major problem in global context. It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths of more than 14,000 people daily. An estimated 700 million Indians have no access to a proper toilet and 1000 Indian children die of diarrheal sickness every day. Some 90% of China‟s cities suffer from some degree of water pollution and nearly 500 million people lack access to safe drinking water. Pollution of water resources have been most exploited due to increasing population, industrialisation increasing living standard and broad sphere of human activities. Good quality water is inadequate even for the normal living and getting polluted due to industrial activities including the use of paper, textile, rayon, fertilizer, pesticides, detergents, synthetic drugs, antibiotics, oil refineries and photo films. This consequently water resources of highly industrialized cities in India (Such as , , Kanpur, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi etc.) has been chronically polluted. Thus efforts are mainly concentrated to enact laws to check these practices to control water pollution. According to United Nation‟s report, fresh water is gradually becoming a matter of serious concern with nearly 900 million people affected by diarrhea each year and an equal number suffering from diseases caused by round worms, unclean water tanks at the top of world‟s population problems. According to WHO, one billion people worldwide still lack adequate supply of clean drinking water for proper sanitation? The study by the United Nation and Stock hold environment institute warn if major initiative are not taken , two third of world‟s population will live in countries facing severe water problem by the year 2005. It is more important to ensure adequate water for everyone in the world. Substances which contaminate ground water can be divided in to two basic categories, substance that occur naturally and substances produced or that introduced by man‟s activities include synthetic, organic, chemical and hydrocarbons (e.g. solvent, pesticides and petroleum product), ground water contamination is used by municipalities and industries for disposing off variety of liquid waste water. Quality of water is an important consideration in any appraisal of salinity or alkali condition in an irrigated area, nearly all irrigation water that have been used successfully for a long period have conductivity value less then 2250m mhos / cm. Water of higher conductivity may be used with suitable amendment and precautions, but under normal condition they are harmful to the soil structure and their continuous use will result in from the ratios of soluble sodium percentage (SSP) sodium absorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) The study was carried out in and around Ambajogai (Beed District. M.S.) Ambajogai is educational point station in municipal council of Beed District in Indian state of Maharashtra. The present study has been carried out to evaluate the heavy metals in well waters of tribal area in Beed District. The major source of heavy metal pollution in well water which are in city, villages it carries lot of untreated sewage, industrial waste metallic solid waste disposal religious festival waste material human social activity, coal combustion over use of fertilizer and pesticides. The heavy metals are biologically non-degradable and though the food chain there may pass on to human and can cause signification health concern. Our aim is to study the physico-chemical parameters of water and soil of well water and determine status of water quality of well water in and around Ambajogai. Ground water of contamination can originate on the surface of ground from the ground above or below water table. As the contaminants move through this layer a number of processes come in operation (e.g. filtration, dilution, oxidation and biological decay) substance which contaminate ground water can be divide into two basic categories. Substance that occur naturally and substance produced or introduced by man‟s activities, included minerals, such as iron, calcium, selenium etc; According to central pollution control board 90% of the water supplied in India to the towns and cities in polluted out of which 1.6% get treated of nation‟s 3119 towns, cities only 8 boast of completed sewage collection and threatens facilities. What happen to the millions of tonnes of sewage generated by reaming 3111 cities? Heavy metals becomes toxic when they are not metabolized by the body and accumulate in the soft tissue heavy metal may enter the human body through food, water, air or absorption through the skin when they come in contact with human in agriculture and in manufacturing pharmaceutical industrial or residential setting. Children may develop toxic level from the normal hand to mouth activity of small children who come in contact with contaminated soil or by actually eating objects that are not food (dirt or paints chips) (pupler 2001) Most of the rivers in India‟s are polluted , mainly because of direct flows of untreated sewage resulting in an acceptable level in them of biological oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (ss) and water containing DDT derivatives from agriculture are dumped daily Any water body at its origin is naturally so pristine that can be used for almost all purposes without treatment which urbanization, industrialization and human activates along the river banks pose sever attempts have been made to study the impact of pollution on major Indian rivers. Madivala lake of Bangalore heavy metal in water was in the order of pb > cr > cd. Pollution of the natural environment by heavy metals is universal problem because these metals are indestructible and most of them have toxic effect on living organisms. Heavy metal, frequently reported in occurrence in contaminated soils are CD, CR, PB, ZN, FE and CU (Akoto et al 2008) vehicle, several industrial activities emit heavy metals so that soil, plants and even residents along road with heavy traffic loads increasing heavy metal contamination. The most common urban agricultural activities are community gardens (formal and in Formal), home gardens, institutional gardens, nurseries managed schools, hospitals, factories (Mubofu and Bahwmuka 1999). Discussion of iron toxicity in this protocol is limited to ingested or environmental exposure. Iron overload disease. (Ham chromatists) an inherited disorder is discussed in separate protocol. Ingestion accounts for most of the toxic effects of iron because iron absorbed rapidly in gastrointestinal tract. We can say that natural organic farming not only gives us health food, but also helps maintain the ground water quality. Physico-chemical parameters of water was total hardness – 54 – 188mg/Lit, Calcium = 27 – 106 mg/Lit., magnesium – 17-22 mg/Lit., reported. The PH values have ranges between to 8.0 to 9.4 the lowest value is observed Saigaon and highest in radi Village. Quality of water is an important consideration in any appraisal of sainity or alkali condition Heavy metals in river sediments water high level of zinc, lead (pb) found in sampling Clauster analysis revealed two groups metal having close similarities firstly CO, CU, ZN, PB, MN, NI, and AL classified as anthropogenic and secondly lithogenic „FE‟. The Agricultural soil around river contamination with ZN and „CU‟ due to extensive use of organic fertilizer and soil manures. Metal contamination of cavery river water samples is 146 mg /Lit. For iron Seasonal variation of physico-chemical parameters of water and soil in range of pH of water and soil was 7.0 and 8.9, 6.29, 8.45, phosphate 0.13 to 3.12 mg/Lit. reported A lethal dose of arsenic oxide is generally regarded as 100mg. a very high exposure to inorganic arsenic can cause various health effects such as irritation of stomach decreased production of red and white blood cells skin changes and lungs irrigation. It is significant amount of inorganic „arsenic‟ can the chances of cancer development. Trivalent chromium occurs naturally in rocks, soil and plants. Cr (VI) is produced when cr(III) is heated in presence of mineral bases. cr (VI) compounds are emitted into the air Water and soil by different industries. This form of chromium can generate diseases, like nausea, skin, ulceration and lungs cancer some of the water samples of river and tube well beside the river were found to contain „Cr‟ more than permissible limit. (EPA 2002) Heavy metal contaminations in the environment are eventually deposited in soil in some form of low solubility compound, such as pyrite. Lead (pb) is the most common environmental contaminant found in soil unlike other metals „pb‟ has no biological role and potentially toxic to micro organism (Begonia 2008) chronic problems associated with long term heavy metal exposure are metal lapse (pb); toxicogical effect on kidney, liver and gastro intestinal tract. The temperature of ground water sample were in range 270c to 290c which is slightly greater then European union guidelines 100c increases of temp doubles the rate of biological activities & chemical reaction. Mercury is generated naturally in the environment from the degassing of earth‟s crust from volcanic emission. It exists in three forms elemental „Hg‟ organic and inorganic mercury (Brien 2001). „Pb‟ values are due to ongoing lead deposition in soil within the mechanic villages and its consequent retention in the soil upper layer. When pb values are compared to those measured at the control site where < 0.05 of lead was measured at all the specified depth. The main sources of heavy metal to vegetable crops are their growth media (soil, air, nutrient solution) the industrial area utilizes about 4500 m3/day of fresh water. 64% of total industrial effluents generated in this area. Hydro chemical changes dissociated with land use change of affected villages [Exceeding desirable limits of Nitrate TDA, F-, C1- International agency for research on cancer (IARC) has listed cobalt and it‟s compound within group 2B agent which are possibly carcinogenic to humans cobalt dust may cause an asthma – like disease with symptoms ranging from cough, shortness of breath, pulmonary function. The concentration of trace metal like cadmium Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and Hg; it is observed that concentration of chromium in water 8.35 to 9.73 mg/Lit. Where several tanneries emit „cr‟ compounds uptake of chromium by the algae in the series of ponds has been reported Harvey metal pollution refers to cases where the quantities of this element in soil are higher than the maximum allowable concentration and this is potentially harmful to biological life at such location. As noted by (Gazso 2001) some of heavy metals such as Cu, Ni, &Zn are essential to plants and animals in very low concentration. The source of microbial and chemical contamination of ground water are numerous and have severe implication for public health wells showed bacteriological contamination in at least one sampling coli form values were lower then permissible limit. In the maxican ecological criteria of water quality (1000 colony forming unit cfu.100ml of fecal coliforms) total hardness value were above 180 mg/Lit Ca Co3. The physic chemical parameters were below the maximum permissible limits. Organo chloro pesticide residue was 390 mg/lit in water sample. It can be said that lead appeared to well below the threshold limit as recommended by world health organization (WHO) and thus at present posses no such alarming situation to the coastal ecosystem of Ganjam, Orrisa, trace metal in soil and vegetable value were below the WHO.