The Parish Record The quarterly magazine of Spring 2020 & Parish Church

“God proved his love on the cross, when Christ hung and bled and died, it was God saying I love you”

Billy Graham MESSAGE FROM OUR MINISTE R Over Christmas I watched the movie Evan Almighty. Have you seen the first movie Bruce Almighty? This first movie considers what it would be like to be God and the second, Evan Almighty explores what it would be like if God gave you a big task to carry out with his help. Both movies use humour to explore these questions. In Evan Almighty, the phrase “Acts of Random Kindness” is developed through the wooden Ark that Evan is asked to build by God. That phrase was first penned by the American writer Anne Herbert when she scribbled “practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty” on a placemat at a restaurant in 1982. The movie Evan Almighty has popularised that sentiment which has now become part of our vocabulary. Why should we practice “Acts of Random Kindness” well, the answer is clear if we consider the story of Noah and the Ark humankind was saved by the grace and mercy of God. When we follow Jesus and show kindness, we are showing the tender mercy and kindness of God. There is another Old Testament story that highlights this principle in the book of Ruth. Ruth is an immigrant from Moab. She was a foreigner, living in a strange land whose language and culture was so different from her own. Furthermore, she was destitute and dependent on the kindness of a people who took no notice of her. There was one Israelite who showed Ruth kindness and spoke to her heart. (Ruth 2:13). She was allowed to take some produce from the edges of his fields. Through this kindness Ruth saw the mercy of God and she marries Boaz and becomes part of the family of God and more importantly, one of the ancestors of Jesus, who would bring salvation to the whole world. (Matthew 1:1-16). We never know what one “Act of Random Kindness” done in Jesus name will achieve, but God does. This year we have an exciting time ahead, facing the challenges that are before us. The biggest being how do we show the grace and mercy of God in the “Acts of Kindness” we do in the name of Jesus. We are in the process of planning a major outreach event to try to touch the spiritual being that is in all of us. We will need to follow up and support those who express a desire to explore what Jesus means in our lives and how we express the love we are commanded to show to each other. “Acts of Random Kindness” which we hope will touch others by the grace and mercy of God. We are praying that our outreach will lead to both a new expression of church and add to our existing traditional expression of church. This year will also bring some changes for Christine and I as we prepare to move onto the next stage in our lives. We have been so blessed by two very wonderful congregations and the “Random Acts of Kindness” that have been extended to us over the seven years we have been with you. My greatest joy has been seeing the blessings that the two congregations working together have achieved. I believe, the future that the Lord is holding out to us, in and Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay working even closer together. It was a bold step of faith creating together the post of pastoral assistant which brought Chris to us. Chris has been a joy to work with and it is just amazing how you have all taken him to heart and the “Acts of Random of Kindness” that you have shown him. My heart has been so uplifted knowing that the Lord has many more blessings for you as this new decade unfolds. Let’s look forward to this year, building together the kingdom, with the new things and changes that God is bringing. The word this year is ARK. Blessings to you all and those you love.

Archie and Christine

1 Corinthians 12:14 The body of Christ, or God’s people, are a team. The body is not supported by one person, but by all of us. We are one, we are strongest working together in unity. Teamwork is the key to living life in harmony, so that we can do God's will. I am sure that Chris’ sermons have spoken to all of us about building one another up, in word and in deed This year we have shared together with St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s RC Church in an Alpha Course, a ‘Songs of Praise’ and a joint Carol service. Can we say how much we were blessed by coming together, Inverkip and Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay with St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s. The sense of togetherness shared over a cup of tea was just a wonderful blessing, but even more was the working together, the teamwork in making these special events such a success for all who attended. It was a wonder to behold, and the Lord will have delighted in our worship. It was a special moment to share with Father Berry in that Christian love that Jesus himself commanded us to show to one another. Our next time together with be the Monday of Holy Week, when we share a Christian celebration of the Passover meal, when Jesus gave his life for the whole world. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make these times together such a blessing to us all.

MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTORAL ASSISTAN T As I reflect on these past 12 months as your Pastoral Assistant, I continue to give God thanks for allowing me to be a part of your work here at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay and for the way in which you have all welcomed me into your lives. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy new year and hope that it is so blessed, as we continue to work together in the building of God’s kingdom. The new year is always a very good time to look forward with anticipation of what God will do for us, but more importantly, what we can do for God. It is also a great opportunity to reflect on the year just past, and also a time when everyone is looking back at what they have achieved. The fact I am still alive when so many of our own people have passed away this past year, is one of the greatest things that I give God thanks for. Our life is not about achievements, but gratitude. Being grateful is so vital and so important to us, because if we are grateful, we will realize the many things with which that God has blessed us. In the midst of what some would call challenging times for the Church, I want to express my gratitude to God for what he is doing at a local level in us and through us all. If I had a pound for every time I have heard that the Church is in decline, then I would probably be a millionaire. I don’t believe for one minute that God will ever let his Church die. There will always be Church. It might look very different in the future, but nothing will ever stop God from moving. I am so excited now to be part of the Church of at such a crucial time in its history, as it seeks to engage with a new generation of people in such need of the hope that Jesus offers. We do that so well here at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay and you only need to read our Parish Record to see the amazing work that you all do for God. My prayer is that God continues to bless all of his work here in this coming year and bless any new opportunities that he gives us to engage with our local community.

So, in this season of Spring when God provides the exact conditions in nature for growth, may we also continue to grow and thrive in our love and service for God and one another.

God bless you all.

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3: 13-14)

Chris Barlas

PASTORAL CARE GROU P We visit church members in their home, when they are unable to make it out to Sunday Service. These visits are greatly appreciated by everyone. Currently we visit ten people. Our 'team' consist of Anne Organ, Morag Mackintosh, Gwen MacKenzie, Hugh Steele and myself. Please advise us if you can think of someone who would appreciate a visit. Contact any of the above and we would be happy to organise one. Brian Spence BIBLE STUDY Our weekly bible study is proving to be a great success, as we seek to study God’s word and how it relates to our lives and the world around us. Every Thursday afternoon in the Church Hall, we meet at 12.45pm for refreshments and fellowship, before starting our one-hour study at 1pm. Through our studies, we have all enjoyed going through a process of getting to know God better. Of course, God can reveal Himself in any way imaginable, at any time and to anyone. As we have been reading His word and observing His actions, we really have been getting to know who He is. The more we study the Bible together, the more we realize that it is not an outdated and irrelevant book, but the living word of God. Our Minister and Pastoral Assistant have been leading our Living in Christ study of John’s gospel. Of all the gospel writers, John is the one who works hardest to highlight the divinity of Jesus, and the transforming effects of a personal encounter with him. We hope that God will continue to bless our study and we extend an invitation for everyone to join us. ‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope.’ (Romans 15: 4)

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love” Mother Theresa

STATION CAFÉ CHURCH Our monthly Station Café Church at the Wemyss Bay Station Café continues to be a wonderful blessing for all. We extend a warm invitation for everyone to join us as we worship God, on the first Thursday evening of each month from 7-8pm. After our December break, January saw the return of the Café Church with an evening of song, poetry and Bible teachings. Our Pastoral Assistant was assisted again by Lynsey Graham, Gloria MacDonald and Jimmy Law, who all brought their individual talents and gifts. In the week where we traditionally think about the Epiphany, we spoke about the wise men following a bright star which led them to Jesus and how His birth fulfilled the prophesy of light coming into the World. We reminded folks that if Jesus is in us, then that light will be there for all to see, even in their darkest times. We also spoke about the often-painful process of searching for ways to fill the emptiness in our lives, until we find Jesus. Below is copy of the poem that Gloria wrote and read for us. Chris Barlas Strathspey & Reel Society

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THE VOID Fill it with screen-time For most of your life Blue light on your face You may feel a void “I’ll just check-in quickly” You’ll cram it with stuff Hours lost without trace That you once enjoyed

I filled up with reading Fill it with boyfriends A book I’d not read You may end up hurt It told of a young man Fill it with new clothes Whose blood was once shed Your favourite blue shirt

I knew from that moment Fill it with drinking My void had been filled You will end up sick This man was my Saviour Fill it with drugs “The Light of the World” To try each new kick

Repent of your sins Fill it with working In Him made complete You’ll burn out and get fired Cleansed deep from within Fill it with sport You’ll fall at His feet And just feel too tired

So fill up with His love Fill it with food Your void now filled in You’ll gorge and feel fat With His Holy Spirit Fill it with dogs Your new life begins Or fill it with cats

By Gloria MacDonald

3E STEEL STREET, , PA19 1RR Tel/Fax 01475 630597 [email protected] “No matter what never underestimate the power of prayer, love and faith” SKELMORLIE AND WEMYSS BAY PRAYER GROU P The prayer group has been going for quite a number of years and our prayers have been greatly appreciated by all. If you would like us to pray for a relative, friend or even yourself please fill in one of the prayer cards available on the pews and drop it into the prayer basket in the vestibule. If you wish the person’s name to be anonymous that is not a problem, as we are a very discreet group and the information is shared only between us. We are also very happy to have new members join the group so if you would like to do so please contact; - Margaret Spence 01475 522300

OBITUARY- ISABEL LIGHTBOD Y I always found Isabel such a positive and supportive elder, a lovely lady who gave so much of herself to the fellowship at the church. I have three of her paintings of flowers which will always find a special place in our home. Isabel was ordained to the eldership here at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay on 26th April 1968 and proved to be a faithful and diligent Elder, not only in her care of her district visitations but also in so many areas of the work and witness of our church. She was a very special lady loved by all who had the privilege and pleasure of her company. Kind, compassionate, dependable, artistically talented, a keen and proficient golfer and a steadfast participant and supporter of events in our church and in the village. Our Session Clerk recalls that when, some twenty years ago, he was ill, the very first note he received was from Isabel who had recently undergone by-pass surgery, reassuring him on the matter of stents and encouraging him to “just go for it” ! For many years, he was indebted to her for so willingly preparing the Sanctuary for the quarterly Communion service. The compassion and love for her Master shone from her face – Isabel will be sorely missed in and around our church but she will be remembered with thanksgiving and lasting affection. KNOW YOUR ELDER – BILL WRIGHT

Q What was your first Church? A Tranent Old Parish Church Q What is your first memory of church? A The Minister baptising my wee sister at home. Q How long have you been an Elder at SWB? A 39 years, I think. Q What do you see your Role as an elder? A Helping look after the congregation and lead it forward. Q How do you see the future of the church? A Change! We can't go back - we have to go forwards. Q How important is the building to you? A I'm very attached to it but it isn't the ultimate focus of my faith. Q Which organisations did you belong to? A As a child? The Cubs. As an adult? I worked for IBM and the University of . Q What organisation do you most miss? A I miss work at both places but I'm still in Attic Players and the Clyde Coast Strathspey & Reel Society which I love. Q What’s your favourite hymn? A How great Thou art; and at Christmas, O Holy Night Q What’s your favourite reading from the bible? A One favourite is the 23rd Psalm. Q How did your family life interact with the church? A As a child? I attended a Methodist Sunday School. Later I joined the Parish Church. My Mum and Dad were members but didn't go every week. Q Do you think we do enough to welcome visitors to the church? A I hope so. The main thing is to be friendly to people, and not ignore them. Q What is your favourite stained-glass window?

A Jesus calming the storm. It is dramatic and has a message of strength. Q Who – or what – has been your biggest inspiration in your life so far? A A work colleague who "took me under his wing". Q What is the temptation you wish you could resist? A Toffee! Q What is the pet hate which makes your hackles rise? A Irresponsible, headstrong people being elected because good leaders are scarce. Q What social activities of the Church have you enjoyed? A Just about all of them. I'd better not say the Quiz! Q Can you describe the happiest moment or memory you will cherish forever? A The births of our children.

EASTER SERVICES Palm Sunday Sunday 5th April Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay Parish Church, 11.30am Holy Week Monday 6th April Joint Passover meal at Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay, 7pm Tuesday 7thApril Worship at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay Parish Church, 7pm Wednesday 8thApril Worship at Inverkip Parish Church 7pm Thursday 9th April Maundy Thursday Communion at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay Parish Church 7pm Friday 10th April Good Friday service, Inverkip Parish Church, 7pm Easter Sunday Sunday 12th April Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay Parish Church Sunrise Service on Meigle Beach 7am, followed by Breakfast and Communion in the Church

Easter Service at Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay Parish Church 11.30am


The perfect combination of Health, Beauty and Open 7 days a we ek Life Coaching that’s good for you. 07742 968475 @seachangetherapies PROPERTY REPORT Church and halls upgrade: Plans are progressing for the decorative screen panels. Design work is underway on motifs reflecting features of the church, which will be cut into each panel. The decorative chair at the communion table has been fully re-upholstered.

Health and Safety: the emergency evacuation practice (“fire drill”) went well. Again, useful points were noted from your reports and actions taken or planned. A new handrail will be made for the steps from the vestibule into the hall.

Noticeboards: We have bought two new sealed A2 metal outdoor noticeboards that we will mount on either side of the road facing the traffic. These are intended for publicising events more “noticeably” than the present panel facing the road. Once those are up, we will rebuild the existing noticeboard with the church name, minister’s name etc.

Suggestions/observations book: We now have a note book in the vestibule where everyone will be encouraged to note down anything that they think needs attention, or that they wish to suggest. It should be useful if there’s no property person around at the time. (Other churches have found this works well.) “Adopt a part of Your Church” : We all owe thanks to the folk who volunteered to look after an area. There is a real visible difference in some of the areas. Please all keep up the good work!

We need people!! (A) Do you know how to use a PC? You could operate the screen in the church (as part of a rota) – simple training will be given. (B) Is there any kind of property work that interests you? Join a friendly, cheery team – do as much or as little as you wish! Please speak to: Bill Wright, John Scott or David Johnston, or ring Bill on 520095.

SESSION SNIPPET S The Session has agreed an approach from Ogilvie Homes, developers of the new flats at the former Beach House site, to locate a sales centre cabin within the church car park. This would be for an initial period of six months and on the basis that the company resurface the car park. Mrs Gladys Black has been appointed as a Commissioner to the 2020 General Assembly of The Church of Scotland. A number of our elders attended a refresher course on Safeguarding, held recently in Inverkip Church hall. The following recipients of retiring offerings were approved:- Foodbank, Inverclyde Family Contact Centre, Alzheimer’s Scotland, Erskine Hospital, Christian Aid, Glasgow Children’s Hospital Schiehallion Appeal, Crossreach, Ardgowan Hospice, Gillian’s Saltire Appeal, Vision Ministries, Scottish Poppy Appeal, Glasgow City Mission, Children’s Hospice Association Scotland. It was also agreed that the proceeds from the weekly collections made for tea/coffee be donated in future to The Spina Bifida Association, Scotland. Our church will host this year’s Passover Service and meal at the start of Holy Week 2020 which falls on Monday 6th April when we will be joined by our friends from Inverkip Church and St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick’s Church, Wemyss Bay. The rotas for the various duties throughout the year have been prepared and published. Attention was drawn to the need for persons who find they are unavailable on a specific date, to arrange a substitute. This practice is not being adhered to and the Session would appreciate the co-operation of all volunteers in ensuring the smooth running of the annual duty lists.

CATHY & ALEX GRAHAM Cathy and Alex would sincerely like to thank Archie and the congregation for their kind wishes and flowers on the occasion of their 65 th we dding a nniversar y . FELLOWSHIP With the Fellowship rapidly approaching the end of its season (the final meeting is on Thursday March 2nd, the AGM), I would like to reflect on the Fellowship’s purpose. As our Minister has said many times to me, he enjoys the social aspect of his ministry as it gives him time to have Fellowship with the people, that is without doubt the essence of the Fellowship group. When I first attended, it was the Men’s Fellowship and at, that time, I was still working, it was impossible to attend all the meetings. A little while later, by which time I was retired, I was asked to be President, to be honest took me by surprise. I accepted and began to launch some ideas that would increase the bond and frankly, now thoroughly enjoy the times we have together on Thursday afternoons. Many of you may know that I spent my professional years in entertainment as was known in the business for pushing the boat out, finding the limits and boundaries and seeing how far they would stretch. Of course that technique can come back to haunt me, as it did many times and only last year I launched into new style Burns afternoon complete with Haggis Neeps and Tatties for everyone. Don’t get me wrong it was delightful and delicious but my charming partner Shona, and one of our neighbours, slaved for hours to prepare everything not to mention serve. Sometimes enthusiasm needs to be moderated as we did this year, but still an enjoyable afternoon. The Fellowship has become I think, more chummy, we have a smashing attendance of both ladies and gentlemen, but like all organisations we could do with a few more, to enjoy the diverse range of speakers we stage. It’s not me alone, let me make that clear. I have a fine committee of people; Doulgas Vallance as Secretary, Jean Stewart as Treasurer and Ken Thomson as our committee Member, who bolster the whole set-up with ideas, hands on development and most important enthusiasm. Do Join us if you can, Thursdays in the Hall from 2 30pm.

Keith Loxam

TEA & COFFEE DONATION S Previously donations for tea and coffee after morning service were donated to Bloodwise. It was decided by the Kirk Session to support Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland. Please continue to give generously to this very deserving and worthy cause, by putting your donation in the baskets provided.

CHURCH FLOWERS May I once again express my personal thanks and that of the whole congregation to the members who generously donate flowers on a weekly basis to beautify the Sanctuary each Sunday. Not only are the flowers appreciated by the members of the congregation and visitors but also by those who are perhaps unwell or have suffered bereavement who receive them at home. Sincere thanks also to the ladies who give their time and skill so willingly in creating the arrangements. Thank y ou all so much. Ann Grant

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Bayview, Shore Road, Wemyss Bay, PA18 6AR 01475 520192 INVERCLYDE FOOD BAN K The reverend Fraser Donaldson gave an interesting insight into Inverclyde Food Bank which was the recipient of the retiring offering. Fraser provided statistics which gave food for thought to many of us. He stressed the importance of our generous donations and expressed his gratitude. The following statistics provided by him makes disquieting reading. LAST YEAR- 01/01/2018-31/12/2018 Number of Referrals: 4100 Number of Adults fed: 5322 Number of Children fed: 1901 Total Number of people fed: 7223 THIS YEAR (01/01/2019- 13/11/2019) Number of Referrals: 4053 Number of Adults fed: 5160 Number of Children fed: 1547 Total Number of people fed: 6707 SINCE SEPT 2012- MON 13TH NOVEMBER 2019 Number of Referrals: 19717 Number of Adults fed: 25638 Number of Children fed: 8847 Total Number of people fed: 34485 CHRISTMAS 2018 Christmas Hampers (supplies to make a Christmas day meal) - 599 people fed Toy Bank Parcels - 257 parcels distributed, with a minimum of four new toys in each. Total amount of food donated by Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay Parish church: 3051.54kg. Please continue to support this much needed and used facility.

RIVA CAFÉ Inverkip Marina REOPENS Tuesday 3rd March Tel: 07950 430532 Facebook: Cafe Riva by Nardini


SOULSEARCHING is starting for 2020 on Sunday 26th January in Skelmorlie and Wemyss Bay church hall and as usual will be alternate months with Inverkip Parish church. This is a different form of worship led by a group from both churches and all singing is accompanied by the praise band. SOULSEARCHING starts at 6.30pm. Tea, coffee and home baking from 6pm. Everyone is welcome to this informal style of worship.




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MISSION AND OUTREACH REPORT Shoebox Appeal – This was very successful again this year, with just short of 90 boxes being filled. These were delivered to Clark Memorial Church collection point on Wednesday 6 th November by Jean, Sylvia and David. We are very grateful to Sylvia and friends who started collecting boxes from the start of the year so that we ended up with sufficient to meet demand and to everyone who filled a box or boxes. Next year we intend not just to collect boxes early, but also to cover them, as many people find this is quite onerous. We may also sound out the Primary Schools to see if they might wish to participate. We would like to record our debt of gratitude to the congregation for putting in such a sterling effort. Christmas Card Delivery – Cards were handed in to the team for sorting and delivery over the first 3 Sundays in December and were finally handed to our volunteer posties on Sunday 15th December to go out for delivery. A huge vote of thanks is due to the sorting team (several of whom, in order to complete the task missed the Service!). Thank you also to the posties who braved the elements instead of curling up on the settee. Copies of the Church Christmas card went to the congregation as well. Coffee donation baskets – The Kirk Session has agreed that the money collected in these will now benefit The Spina Bifida Association, Scotland. Special Friday Soups – Margaret Spence has very kindly agreed to organise some Friday Soups for “Special Occasions”. The first of these to celebrate Easter will take place on Friday 3rd April. I'm sure she will have lots of offers of help and be well supported. Date for your diary: For Christian Aid this year, we are hosting “The Big Breakfast”, instead of the usual Coffee Morning. This will take place on Saturday 9th May from 10 – 12. Please put this in your diary so that we will have a good turnout on the day and raise lots of money for an excellent cause.

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join us for an eggstravaganza! our ever-popular homemade soups, filled EASTER rolls and an easter-tastic table of desserts! Skelmorlie & Wemyss Bay Parish Church Hall FRIDAY Friday 3rd April 2020 12 noon - 1pm SOUPS £5 per person PRAYER FOR THE HOMELESS

Loving, Heavenly Father, Hear our prayer today for all women and men, boys and girls who are homeless this day. For those sleeping under bridges, on park benches, in doorways or bus stations. For those who can only find shelter for the night but must wander in the daytime. For families broken because they could not afford to pay the rent or mortgage. For those who have no relatives or friends who can take them in. For those who have no place to keep possessions that remind them who they are. For those who are afraid and hopeless. For those who have been betrayed by our social safety net. For all these people, we pray that you will provide shelter, security and hope. We pray for those of us with warm houses and comfortable beds that we should not be lulled into complacency and forgetfulness. Jesus, help us to see your face in the eyes of every homeless person we meet. Empower us to work for justice and peace through words and deeds and through the political means we have. Give us open hearts to greet and meet the homeless people in our neighbourhoods. We pray also, a prayer of deepest gratitude for all the voluntary workers who are out in the streets of Edinburgh and other cities, helping to give support to those on the street by way of providing blankets, clothes, footwear, hot drinks and rolls every single night of the year. We give a prayer of thanks for the churches which open their halls to the homeless, proving them with a hot meal, a safe warm place to sleep and breakfast in the morning, bless them all, Father. Amen. Submitted by Bill Wright

REGULAR GIVING Looking at the summary of giving over the last ten years, it is apparent that our income is dropping as the number of members reduces. Also, from the analysis of regular giving we can see that the church is heavily reliant on the generosity of a fairly small number of members. It is worth noting that we have lost several sig nificant givers over the last couple of years. John Scott

S & WB PC Regular Giving 2018 & 2019 Cumulative Equivalent Percentage Percentage Week ly Cumulative of Total of Total Monthly Giving Giving Households Households Giving Giving (not including Gift Aid tax recovered) > £200 > £50 0 0 0% 0% £120 - £160 £40 - £50 2 2 7% 7% £120 - £160 £30 - £40 1 3 3% 11% £80 - £120 £20 - £30 8 11 17% 27% £60 - £80 £15 - £20 7 18 10% 37% £40 - £60 £10 - £15 19 37 19% 56% £20 - £40 £5 - £10 35 72 20% 76% £8 - £20 £2 - £5 23 95 7% 83%

< £8 < £2 13 108 1% 84%


Lunch Macmillan £61.50

February 19 Inverclyde Family Contact Centre £284.17

March 19 Alzheimer Scotland £162.90

Sri Lanka Appeal Chrisan Aid 128.60

April 19 Erskine Hospital £326.00

May 19 Chrisan Aid + Coffee morning & quiz £788.65

June 19 Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity £210.65

July 19 Crossreach £142.45

August 19 Ardgowan Hospice £776.50

Silent Aucon Inverclyde Family Contact Centre £545.00

Gillian’s Salre Appeal + coffee morning & September 19 quiz £518.00

October 19 Vision Ministries £212.00

Songs of Praise Ardgowan Hospice £603.17

November 19 Scosh Poppy Appeal £354.71

December 19 Glasgow City Mission £437.10

Friday Soups Crossreach £260.00

Carol Service Crisis at Christmas £643.70

Watchnight Service Children’s Hospice Associaon Scotland £362.45

Tea and Coffee Bloodwise £255.57 THE QUEEN MARY TO NEW YORK

My husband and I were lucky enough to find ourselves on the amazing Queen Mary 2 on its voyage across the Atlantic. There are so many wonderful memories, but I will recall two quite different days. The first on the 19th December 2019 which was a day of contrast. Starting with a talk given by Simon Weston, the Falkland's war veteran. He was badly injured following a bomb explosion. At the age of twenty years he was unrecognisable, but following many operations doctors and surgeons tried to restore him to what he is today. He was so inspiring and quite unforgettable. Later there followed a talk about art as an investment held in the Art Gallery. Why do people want to spend unbelievable amounts on art then put it in a vault? After this, a great atmosphere was created by carol singing in the Grand Lobby, with masses of people standing on the sweeping staircase, singing with great enthusiasm 'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas and ' then snow began falling on our heads, much to our delight. The evening was full of many choices of entertainment until it was announced that a passenger was taken ashore at about 11pm off the coast of Newfoundland in Canada to receive medical help. What a very varied time. The next day was Christmas Day spent in New York. The weather was dry and cold with blue skies and the streets were a heaving mass of people walking to the sights. From being supplied with delicious food on board the ship, to hunting down affordable meals and wrestling with local transport, this was a rude awakening. However, we went to Central Park where we watched the horse drawn carriages going through the park. They were not as pristine as I have seen on the old movies: pretty grotty with plastic flowers. It was a murky day and didn't show the park to its advantage, with no attractive greenery. In spite of this, everyone was enjoying it with lots of children playing on swings and roundabouts. Walking down Park Avenue, large crowds were gathering to see the shop window displays of the famous stores including Tiffany's. When we came to Trump Tower we were glad to go in as it was warm and we had a coffee on the third-floor coffee shop, the only place that was open apart from the loos. Throngs of people piled in and were delighted with the amazing decoration of a huge waterfall and rows of hundreds of poinsettias in red and pink. With perfect precision we stood for about an hour in a queue, although we enjoyed a coffee with a pastry as our main Christmas delicacy. The turkey dinner will have to wait till next year Anne French FRIENDSHIP CIRCL E Our new session started with a visit from the Fire Service. William and Mark were warmly welcomed and gave us some important tips on safety in the home. They also demonstrated CPR on their dummy “Annie” and invited others to try. Minister Archie and John Nugent stepped forward and successfully saved the patient, you’ll be pleased to know. A full programme is planned to take us up to 31st March. On the 28th January we were entertained by mystery guests 11th February James returns with ever popular Tai Chi, to be followed by resident Master of Ceremonies John Nugent. 25th February Film Afternoon 10th March Guess the contents - entertaining Quiz 24th March Clyde Coast Strathspey and Reel Society will be back with their foot- tapping music. 31st March Bus outing to . Thanks as ever to volunteers drivers, tea-makers and of course our wonderful friends who faithfully attend with a smile regardless of the weather. Anne Organ

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CALENDAR 2020 February Thursday 6th Fellowship – Hat Discussion 2.30pm Thursday 6th Station Café Church 7.00pm Tuesday 11th Friendship Circle – Tai Chi 2.00pm Thursday 13th Bible Study – 11.45pm Thursday 20th Fellowship – Port Glasgow Tour 2.30pm Thursday 20th Bible Study – 11.45pm Tuesday 25th Friendship Circle – Film Afternoon Thursday 27th Bible Study – 11.45pm March Thursday 2nd Fellowship – AGM 2.30pm Thursday 5th Station Café Church 7.00pm Sunday 8th Communion Tuesday 10th Friendship Circle – Guess The Contents Thursday 12th Bible Study – 11.45pm Thursday 19th Bible Study – 11.45pm Tuesday 24th Friendship Circle – Clyde Coast Fiddlers Saturday 28th Fiddler on the Roof Tuesday 31st Friendship Circle – Bute Outing (Last) April 3rd Easter Friday Soups

Editorial Team Rita Carmichael email [email protected] Telephone 529289 Gladys Black email [email protected] Telephone 520835 Anne Organ email [email protected] Telephone 529289 Thank you for your contributions – keep them coming

Registered Charity: SCO03309

All contributions to this magazine would be most welcome. Please let the Editorial Team know. The last day for contributions to the next Parish Record is 24th May.