Worcestershire Villages Childswickham, , Aston Somerville, Broadway and Leedons Park ( + a bit of Buckland) Village-News February 2014

If Candlemas Day is clear and bright, / winter will have another bite. / If Candlemas Day brings cloud and rain, / winter is gone and will not come again." Page 2

What’s in a name ! Page 9 Find out more about Batsford Arboretum page 6 Saturday March 1st page 4 Puff on down to the Lifford

NOTA BENE Next Issue is March Deadline Feb 10th it’s a short month ….

http://www.village-news.org.uk If you use an advertiser let them know where you got their number.

This magazine was printed by Bear Print &Media Ltd Tel No. 01386 852522 07775 726543 See what they can do for you

Send emails to [email protected] Visit the Childswickham web site http://www.childswickham.org.uk

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Services St Marys Church Childswickham

Holy Communion 10.30 am 2nd & 4th Sundays Morning Prayer & Praise 10.30 am 1st & 3rd Sundays

Childswickham St Coffee Rota Flower Rota If anyone wants to Mary’s Cleaning rota February December –Jan use flowers on a Sunday for their 31st Feb 7th Feb 9th Mrs N Simms & Mrs R Mrs J Saville own Simms remembrance for Feb 14th, 21st, Feb 23rd any occasion give Mr & Mrs E Watts Mrs J Barnett Feb 28th Mar 7th Mar 9th Pat Hackett a ring Mrs Hackett & Mrs Mrs J Barnett on 830341 Kirk

From the Registers

We extend our sympathy to those recently laid to rest: 29th November. William Ambrose, aged 84, late of 5, New Street 2nd December. Dorothy May Matthews, aged 81, Late of 4, New Street. 6th January. Mavis Beryl Foulkes, aged 78, late of 17, Broadway Road

St Mary’s Church Aston Somerville. Holy Communion 9.15 a.m., 1st & 3rd Sundays Morning Prayer & Praise 9.15 a.m., 2nd & 4th Sundays

Around the world on Candlemass Day February 2nd

In the United States, Candlemas coincides with Groundhog Day, the day on which, according to the Germans, the Groundhog peeps out of his winter quarters and if he sees his shadow he pops back for another six weeks nap, but if the day be cloudy he remains out, as the weather is to be moderate. Tenerife (Spain), Is the day of the Virgin of Candelaria (Saint Patron of the Canary Islands).

In France it is La Chandeleur. "If February 2nd is clear, no more winter to fear; if the Chandeleur is overcast, forty days winter to last.

In Childswickham

You are invited to a final party for the Christmas Season as we remember how Jesus Christ’s parents presented him to God , in the Temple.

Sunday 2nd Feb 3.00 pm activities and Tea. 4.00 pm short family service

“Christ be our Light “ Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014 HARVEST FESTIVAL. CHILDSWICKHAM.

A letter to the Churches John Thompstone, an ‘interim’ Vicar in the Winchcombe benefice writes:

The sort of place our churches should be

I recently received a copy of this prayer from Lanercost Priory in Cumbria – If this is not a place where my spirits can take wing Where do I fly? If this is not a place where tears are understood Where can I go to cry? If this is not a place where my questions can be asked Where do I go to seek? If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard Where do I go to speak? If this is not a place where you’ll accept me as I am, Where do I go to be? If this is not a place where I can try to learn and grow, Where can I just be me?

So often we attend church with a wide variety of needs and emotions – which the service hardly seems to touch. Of course, a church can be a peaceful and quiet place to which we can resort, by ourselves. Yet, the ministry of the Body of Christ (which is what the Church is) should, I believe – Sunday by Sunday – touch our spirits: be unafraid of our tears: share our questioning: accept us as we are: and provide the context for spiritual learning and growth. For anybody who is not otherwise engaged on Sunday morning, 9th March, (at 10.30 a.m.) we shall seek to de- velop this at Childswickham Church, when friends of mine from West Yorkshire will share with us how this concept is worked out in their own church. It can be a sign of God’s Holy Spirit at work when we recognise and minister to the emotions and feelings that we bring to church, with us. That, in turn, helps make our village church services worthwhile and centres of pastoral, spiritual care.

You, the People What do you want of the church? The annual Christmas Crib Service draws you. Funerals of villagers attract you. You support the annual Village fete which generously supports the church. So, the church chugs along for the time being, but without any real aims or strategy. Three elements should be our concern – Worship – of that which is beyond us and which is holy: where our inmost sensitivities are touched: an en- counter which leaves us feeling better afterwards than we did before. Fellowship – because the influence of the Divine on our lives, in drawing us to Himself, draws us closer to one another in mutual good will and self giving, both locally but also in the wide world to which we all be- long. Evangelism - to tell the Christian story in beautiful and imaginative ways so that Christian faith makes sense. G.K. Chesterton wrote that ‘Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found dif- ficult and not tried.’ So – a village forum I invite anyone with any interest in the church in our village to come to a ‘Bring & Share’ lunch in the Village Hall on Sunday 16th March. The Forum will begin at 11.45a.m. followed by the lunch. I will come with my thoughts and hope you will come with yours – as we try to develop some aims and strategies that people of the village may join in, as we seek to develop an active role for our church.

John Thompstone, ‘interim’ Vicar

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

What do you call a train man who steps on a live 3rd rail? A conductor Two drunks were walking between the railroad tracks. One of them said, "This is is longest stairway I have ever been on." To this, the other replied, "It's not the stairs that bother me, it's the low banister." After that you should come and hear Mike’s ! SATURDAY MARCH 1st Choo Choo on down to the Lifford Hall.The train leaves at 7.30 pm

After their successful gig last year, which raised over £1100 for the rebuilding of Broadway Station, The Rambling Boys are returning to Broadway on Saturday, March 1st, for another evening of folk, country and bluegrass. Mel, Brin, John and Mike have been playing and singing together for 45 years and can promise a thoroughly enjoyable evening of close harmony singing accompanied on guitar, banjo, mandolin and bass. Joining in the choruses will, of course, be ex- pected! Doors will open at the Lifford Hall at 7.30, for an 8 o'clock start. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served in the interval. There will be no bar, but please feel free to bring your own drinks. There will be a raffle and all proceeds from the evening will go to the Broadway Station Project, ready for steam trains to start running from Cheltenham to Broadway in the not-so-distant fu- ture! Tickets cost £8 and are available by phoning 01386 854746 or from Hilton's China shop in the village.

A plea for more people to use the little Blue bus ( Service Rural to , Tuesdays and Fridays) N. N. Creswells’s have warned that if more people do not use this service it will be withdrawn. So please everyonemake an effort to help those who rely on this ser-

Childswickham WI

Members enjoyed a Christmas party to start off the festive season, with some delicious food plus tradi- tional party games. Over 50 people Attended a Candlelit Carol service for te Evesham Vale Group of WI’s at St Mary’s on Sat Dec 7th. Mulled wine &b mince pies were on offer after the service. Bty the time this mag is printed members will have had a tea and subs afternoon & also enjoyed a New Year meal at the Broadway Hotel. The next meeting is Mr Michael Cope talking on Barn Owls % Birds of Prey, bringing one of his own bird with him. Visitors are welcome. The WI meets usually on the first Wednesday of each month at Childswickham Village Hall.

2013 Poppy Appeal

The Collection in Childswickham was a Grand Total of £430.50

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Memorial Hall Lettings: Anne Wood 854955 or http://www.childswickham.org.uk Art Class Tuesday weekly 10.00 - 12 .00 am 01684 592374 Keep Fit Monday 10.00-11.15 Tess Thursday 9.15-10.15 Quilting Wednesday weekly TT 10 .00 -12.00 pm Georgina Oldham 01242 820423 Evergreens 2nd & 4th Wednesday 2.00 – 4.00 pm Peggy Maudsley 01386 852316 WI Ist Wednesday 7.00 – 10.00 pm Vicky Packmann 01386 244601 Last Wed. Committee 7.00 – 8.00 pm Parish Council Last Thursday 7.15 pm Jacqueline Shields 01684 773236

Ballroom Dancing Latin American Thursday 7.00-8.00 Beginners 8.15-9.15 Intermediate Kleo 858905

TT = Term Time Charges per Hour: Villagers Non Residents Main Hall £5.50 £10.50 Snooker £4.50 £4.50

Childswickham Memorial Hall A G M

Nov 1st 2012 –October 31st 2013 It is encouraging to report that revenue from hall lettings has run above budget in the above mentioned MUSIC TO BRING STEAM TO BROADWAY!


Utilities and insurance have increased by 15% which is £576.00 on the previous year. Come and enjoy an evening of music in the Lifford Hall, to help rebuild Broadway Station. Fund raising continued in 2013 with a horse pig and snail race evening this again was well

attended and raised £676.00 Following on from their gig in Childswickham last year, on Friday 15th March, GWR volunteer Nicola Brazier donated £270.00 from the proceeds of the village bingo Mike Speake is taking The Rambling Boys to Broadway for an evening of musical entertainment. The Rag Bag scheme which is located at the rear of the Memorial Hall has once again been generously Once described as Nottingham's answer to The Spinners, The Rambling Boys have been singing supported it is hoped that clothes shoes and rags will continue to be deposited in the bin as last year it and playing together for over forty years and have developed a wide ranging repertoire, all sung in raised £513.00 close harmony, with great enthusiasm, and accompanied on guitar, banjo, mandolin and string With these donations and fund raising it was possible to have the exterior of the hall painted and a win- bass. Their material ranges from good old sing-along songs like The Wild Rover and Leaving of dow replaced Liverpool, to contemporary items like Country Roads and Early Morning Rain, through songs by It is the aim of the trustees to keep the hall to a high standard whilst keeping hire charges to parishion- John Denver, Beatles, Eagles - even some Gospel! er’s as low as possible What is guaranteed is a night of good music, plenty of humour, with lots of audience participation. Tickets will cost £7 to include tea and coffee in the interval but please feel free to bring your own CHILDSWICKHAM 2013 CHARITY BINGO & RAFFLE NIGHT drinks. There will be a raffle. All proceeds go to the station project. Tickets may be obtained by phoning 01386 854746 or from Shopwright in Broadway. The Childswickham 2013 Charity Bingo & Raffle Night took place on Saturday 30th November and, once again, received fantastic support from across the whole village and local community. As in previous years, it was another “great village evening”! Special thanks must go to Keith Bindoff for being our wonderful caller. I must also thank all those who donated Bingo and Raffle prizes. In all, too many to individually list here, but I REALLY APPRECIATE your kindness and generosity! We also had donations from The Childswickham Inn, Tesco, Budgen, The CO-OP, Paul Dunsby and The Evergreens. The 2013 Childswickham Charity Bingo & Raffle, raised £530 which will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Support and The Vale Wildlife Rescue. A BIG THANK YOU again and we look forward to seeing you all in 2014!

Childswickham at HOD Carol Service

A really warm gathering and a light service led by Canon John Thompstone with friends at HOD. A collection raised £107.50 which was made up to £120 and paid into Syrian War Child at UNICEF.

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Wickhamford Gardening Club

The February meeting of the Gardening Club takes place on Wednesday 26th February 2014 at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. The speaker is Susanna Burn and her talk is entitled "Batsford Arboretum through the year". We welcome members and guests and look forward to seeing you all. Further information can be obtained from Dorothy Turpitt - 01386 830834.


From Canon John Thompstone, Acting Vicar of Aston Somerville and Childswickham. Tel: 01386 852930 email: [email protected]

St Mary’s, Aston Somerville - Church news

John Thompstone, as ‘interim’ Vicar is always pleased to visit you at home. His contact number is 01386 852930 or Email: [email protected]

Patience has to the watchword as regards the present and the future at Aston Somerville Church. Patience in waiting for God to move amongst us in such a way as may lead to revival and renewal in the Church’s life.

Meanwhile, if there are concerned Christian people, we could play our part by – Our commitment to worship so as to honour and glorify the Lord’s name: Our commitment to pray that His Will be done in this church and village: Our commitment to welcome one another in the Lord’s name, as a fellowship imbued with the love of Christ: Our commitment to spiritual growth as the years pass and we grow older: A commitment to share the burdens of the church in other places – especially where there is persecution or poverty: or where are growth and the need for education, for pastors and evangelists to fulfil their ministry.

None of these are achievable (nor is the continuance of the Church is Aston Somerville) if we deliberately stay away when the doors are open for us, and a ministry is offered.

However, the congregation has been so minimal over the past 3 months that, with the approval of the Team Rector, John Partington, we shall reduce the number of services as from the beginning of March. Thereafter, there will be services of Holy Communion at 9.15 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

You may like to note the visit of the Archdeacon of Cheltenham on Sunday 9th February for a service of Holy Communion at 9.15 a.m.

Meanwhile I extend good wishes to you all for the forthcoming year.

John Thompstone, ‘interim’ Vicar

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Outdoor nets are now running at the cricket ground in Childswickham on Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 8pm.

Cleaning Flowers nd 2 Feb Mrs Bradley Mrs Gillard th 9 Feb Mrs Allen Mrs Gillard th 16 Feb Mrs Albutt Mrs Beckley rd 23 Feb Mrs Cave No service nd 2 March Mrs Gyles Mrs Bradley

Aston Somerville Village Hall

Situated on the edge of the village in a stunning setting with views over open farmland, the hall has been modernised to meet all current health and safety requirements and has ample parking, disabled access, fully functional kitchen, disabled toilet, tables & chairs, crockery & glassware.

HIRE CHARGES ARE £8.00 per hour plus 1/2 free either side for setting up & cleaning up To hire Contact NICK ROSE on 01386 842902

Ladies keep fit/stretch and tone Sessions win the village hall on Thursday 7.45 - 8.45.


Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Broadway News

BROADWAY GARDEN CLUB have a great programme for the year ahead starting on the 27th January with a talk by John Sutton "Herbaceous perennials introduced in the 21st Century".

Interesting and varied talks also by Derek Bull, Will Scott, Robin Pearce etc. on diverse subjects as Garden History, Hostas, The Walled Garden and "How to overcome being a reluctant gardener" are being planned for the coming year.

Trips are also arranged for the summer months too with a local visit to Manor and a national garden both of which will be of interest to garden lovers.

Why not come along and see what a friendly group we are. New Members and Visitors welcome on the last Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the United Reform Church, High Street, Broadway. All this for a membership fee of £12.50 per annum . For more infor- mation call Susan Morris on 01386 859205

Correspondent: Chris Kerr (859373) Snowshill [email protected]

………………………………………………. There will no longer be a Snowshill contribution . From what I understand they will produce their own.

This magazine of course will always be on the internet. http://www.village-news.org.uk from around the 16th of the month

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Whats in a name

Have you ever wondered where names come from? When there were few people around you came from the river or maybe the hill or just that north farm. As populations grew people had to be more inventive.

“ ton” is an old Anglo Saxon name for a homestead or farmstead. Look around you will see Aston ( East Ton ) Weston ( West ton ) and even Norton. South ton became Sutton, a little further afield. Hinton possibly linked to “ a place of a religious community “. This has its origins in the name “ Piddlehinton…… “estate on the Piddle belonging to a religious com- munity “ like Childswickham was transferred from Gloucestershire to in 1931. Childswickham however still retains its Gloucestershire parish status whilst being in Worcestershire.

Most will know of Chipping meaning “ market “ Chipping Norton is mentioned in the Doomsday book as Norton when the lord of the manor decided there was money to be made out of encouraging people to come to town and trade and charging them for the privilege.

Murcot is a “ hamlet” a village without its own church. Aston Somerville ….. Aston ( see above ) but what of Somerville…… French fam- ily ???

Childswickham ,of course not to be outdone , is recorded as far back as 706 and has its name in the Doomsday book as Wicvene. The name is of Celtic origin and means ‘ wood near a moor or upland pasture’ Childe is Old English meaning ‘ young man of noble birth.

Lots of interesting facts about the villages around us. Many books are available on this subject. In particular “The Book of English Place names: How our towns and Villages Got their names” by CarolineTaggart , available in Kindle form .

If anyone fancies reviewing a book feel free. This magazine is as good as your contributions. I will reserve the right to edit and chose what to put in. It doesn't have to be rotas and what has or is going to happen. Ed

Email at [email protected] http://www.village-news.org.uk

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Guided walks http://www.cotswoldsaonb.org.uk

Many of the walks listed below are led by our Cotswold Voluntary Wardens who organ- ise a year-round programme of walks that take place across the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. These walks vary in distance and difficulty and offer an interesting and often entertaining way of discovering more about our countryside and landscape. Unless otherwise indicated, all walks by the Voluntary Wardens are free of charge however donations are very much appreciated and are usually collected at the end of the walk. No need to book in advance, just turn up and enjoy! PLEASE: always remember to wear appropriate footwear because some walks may be steep and muddy in places. Sorry but only assistance dogs are allowed on walks. It is also advisable to check the website or call the Cotswolds Conservation Board (01451 862000) beforehand for details of any changes, particularly during bad weather.

Walk the Cotswold Way Join a group led by the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens walking the Cotswold Way in 10 mile stages each month starting in May. In 2014/15 we will be running two walks. On the first Wednesday of each month the Way will be walked from south to north and a group will travel by coach from Winchcombe to each start point, stopping for lunches at pleasant inns en route. For further information on this walk and to reserve places contact Mary Hamilton on 01451 820160 email [email protected] . Alternatively on the first Saturday of each month the Way will be walked from north to south and a group will travel by coach from the Bath area to each start point. For this option walkers should bring their own packed lunches for a picnic at an attractive spot en-route. For further information and to reserve places please contact John Bartram on 0117 9374561 email [email protected] For both early booking is advised! Walk The Diamond Way Join a group led by the Voluntary Wardens walking 8/10 miles of the North Cotswolds Diamond Way on the fourth Wednesday of every month from April to September. For further information and to reserve a place contact Allan Allcock on 0787 638 7029. Chipping Campden Town Walks The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens offer a town walk with an audio visual show followed by tea or supper as appropriate for organised parties in Chipping Campden. For fur- ther details contact Ann Colcomb on 01386 832131. Tuesday Tramp Once a month there will be an opportunity to explore in and around Colerne including a visit to a community supported agricultural farm with Voluntary Wardens Russell Har- ding & Judith Slee. The Tuesday Tramp starts from the Fox and Hounds car park in Colerne at 10.00 am and normally is no longer than 3 hours walking. Parking is where

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Handwriting Assessment and Support

Sarah Deakin

Children’s Occupational Therapist Qualified Teacher ( Primary) Specialist Dyslexia Teacher/Assessor HCPC Registered Member of BAOT and PATOSS

Contact me to arrange a free, no commitment consultation to discuss your needs and the service available .

Phone: (01386) 854605 Mobile: 07719175259 Email: [email protected]

WWW.COTSWOLDHOLIDAY.COM Mobile Hair Holiday Homes Whatever direction you wish to follow from Broadway we offer a select range of distinc- and Beauty tive Holiday Homes located in the and around the area. So for a short or long stay con- tact our office in Broadway or visit our website Long Term Rentals Complete Salon-Style Service in the comfort of your own home. We also specialise for those who wish to stay for longer and have a personal and professional service with land- Fully qualified and experienced lords and tenants. Visit us at our web site for full details hairdresser and beauty specialist.

Only professional products used Wella L’Oreal Jessica etc. Flexible appointments and personal attention. WWW.COTSWOLDPROPERTYLETTINGS.COM Sue Williams 01386 832152 Saddlers Barn, Kennel Lane, Broadway 01386 858147 ( Call anytime, but best time is 6 pm )

CAB Citizens Advice Bureau at SignPost in Broadway 01386 859029

Sessions usually last Thurs in month 1.00 pm –3.00 pm

ESSENTIAL LOCAL CONTACTS Editor Eric Watts 854661 07766315105 [email protected]


Childswickham Sheila Wilkes, Churchwarden 858367 David Matthews, Churchwarden 852712 Chris Kerr, Correspondent 859373 Joan Barnett, Churchwarden 858309 [email protected] Childswickham Hall Letting Anne Wood 854955 Snowshill Hall Letting Laura Cullen ( 07872 931515) 852875 Jacqueline Shields, Parish Clerk 01684 773236 [email protected] Aston Somerville Nick Rose A S’ville Hall Letting 842902 Roz Hitchin, Correspondent 852533 [email protected]

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Merstow Green MICHAEL HALLING VEHICLES Local Independent Family Run Funeral Directors STATION GARAGE 24 HOUR PERSONAL SERVICE Broadway Private Chapels of Rest Tele: 858117

Golden Charter Servicing.MOT Prepaid Funeral Plans Repairs. Tyres. (please contact us Exhausts if you would like to arrange a free no And much more

obligation home visit to discuss a A Professional Service prepaid funeral for all makes of car plan) FULLY EQUIPPED At Merstow Green Funeral Home we are here to provide practical guid- ance and emotional support when grief and intense feelings of loss can WORKSHOP make even the simplest of tasks overwhelming. Tel. 01386 49903 (24 Hours) Free local Collection and delivery service www.merstowgreen.co.uk Email: [email protected]

01386 831173 [email protected] www.thefleeceinn.co.uk Bretforton

Meet the Landlord Tuesday 28th January 7pm – 9pm £7.50 with a light supper. Tickets available from our website Learn about the history of the Fleece Inn and its most famous Landlady Lola Taplin with a light supper of Pie and Peas. Profits from admission charges go to the Bretforton Community Shop Fund. The King and the Corpse Wed 5th Feb 7.30pm. Tickets £9 available from our website

An 11th Century Indian fairytale bought to life See our website to preview the performance So Sunday ! Sunday 9th February, 12pm and 3pm £19.95 including meal, Tickets available from our website. Relax and enjoy a two course meal whilst listening Matt Hernandez Visit www.mattflamenco.com

Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014



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Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Philip Tomlins FREDERICK C TAYLOR Your Local Funeral Directors & APPROVED ELECTRICIAN Taxi Service Monumental Masons 40 yrs experience All types of installations large & small BLUE CABS Prompt, friendly, personal service

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Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

Hares Tree Work & Garden Services

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Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014

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Next issue March Deadline Feb 10th Village News February 2014