PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: Mrs Emma Baker 4 Well Street, Finedon, , NN9 5JP Telephone 01933 398967 Email: [email protected]

Councillors are Summoned and members of the public and press invited to a meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 25th March 2015 at 7.00pm at the Town Hall, Berry Green Road, Finedon.

AGENDA 155/1415 Prayers

156/1415 Apologies for Absence

157/1415 Declaration of Interests.

158/1415 Confirmation of the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 18th February 2015.

159/1415 Questions / Statements from Parishioners Members of the public may address the Council during the Questions / Statements from Parishioners session on any matter relevant to the Council’s activities. If you wish to speak you must let the Clerk know no later than 24 hours before the meeting. The time allotted to any members of the public shall not exceed 3 minutes each and the total time for all speakers is 15 minutes.

160/1415 Mark Reneerkens from Norse – To Give a Report on Partnership Arrangement with BCW and other Services they Provide.

161/1415 Police update a. Crime Figures for February 2015.

162/1415 Matters Arising

163/1415 Pocket Park / Cemetery a. Pocket park up date. b. Ground Maintenance Update.

164/1415 Community Matters a. To give an Update following the SITA Landfill Site Meeting. b. To Discuss the Elections in May 2015.

165/1415 Highways / Paths a. To Discuss Concerns Regarding Lorry Movement and Contamination to and from the New Development in .

166/1415 Planning a. Planning Applications

WP/15/00081/FUL – Erection of Porch Extension to front of dwelling at 16 Eastfield Crescent for Mr Stephen Line

WP/15/00074/FUL – Extension to bungalow and conversion of garage to ancillary accommodation with car port link at 20 Orchard Road for Mr Steve Jones

WP/15/00095/FUL – Erection of 2-bed house (substitution for dwelling 2 WP/2006/0541 re-submission following withdrawn WP/14/00800/FUL rear of 90 Orchard Road for Mr D Farrow.

WP/15/00126/FUL Erection of single dwelling at 1 Finedon Hall, Mackworth Drive for Mr G Roach.

b. Letter from BCW regarding Neighbourhood Plan Additional Information.

167/1415 Banks Park / Open Space a. To Report on Annual Playground inspection report. b. Quote for removal of moss on Tennis Court (£50.00) c. Concerns from a Resident Regarding Youths playing in Banks Park after the gates are locked.

168/1415 Finance /Administration a. Balance of Accounts

B/F 01/04/14 22,765.62 Receipts 75,448.54 Payments 45,213.08 Business Access Account Business Current Account Bank Statement 234.54 Bank Statement 30,293.27 31/12/14 27/02/15

Receipts Payments not shown Dec payments total 1358 £264.00 1359 £28.35 Receipts not shown Money in 234.54 Money in Account 30,235.46 Account

b. Payments for Account To Approve list of Payments for March 2015.

c. To Approve the Finedon Parish Council Grievance and Disiplinary Procedures

169/1415 New Correspondence Received a. Clerks and Councils Direct March Edition

154/1415 Any Other Business for report only


18th March 2015