


Sun 5th 8am & 10am Eucharists Pre-school vs Horsted Keynes Club match Tues 7th HKafe restarting 3.30-4.30pm, Martindale Wed 8th WI: 2.30pm, Village Hall Thurs 9th Life & Faith 1.45pm Sat 11th Thanksgiving service for Dorian Derek van-der- Braam, 12 noon, St Giles Marriage of Wells/King 3pm Sun 12th For all the Family Eucharist: St Giles, followed by barbeque at the Rectory Tues 14trh FOHKC Annual Meeting 7.30pm at St Giles Church Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm, Village Hall Thurs 16th Life & Faith 1.45pm Sat 18th Music Bingo 7pm, Martindale (HK Bonfire Club) Sun 19th 8am & 10am Eucharists Tues 21st Tuesday Group AGM Horsted Club Thurs 23rd Life & Faith 1.45pm Sat 25th Village Roving Supper (Horsted Cahagnes) Sun 26th 8am & 10am Eucharists Thurs 30th Life & Faith 1.45pm



With lockdown restrictions gradually easing, church services can go ahead, subject to the usual restrictions. Sunday 8am and 10am services and the 10am Wednesday Eucharist continue, with the 10am services streamed on Zoom—please contact Marion Lott on [email protected] if you would like an invitation to join either of these.

Everything else remains the same, ie, masks must be worn in church, hand sanitiser should be used on entering and leaving, social distancing must be maintained by sitting only where indicated unless you come as a “bubble”, but we can now all sing together once again. Communion is in the form of bread only, and Fr David stands in the chancel to administer it. The sides people will be making a note of all attendees in case of a need to 'track and trace'.

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Dear Parishioners The St Giles and our St Giles Our Parish Church and Church School have, of course, St Giles as their Patron Saint. Not much is known about him except that he was a 6th-century monk and hermit in the lower Rhone Valley. There is a 10th-century legend about him which, like many stories, has much to teach us. It tells us that he lived a solitary life as a hermit near Nimes. He ate a vegetarian diet, and his only companion was a red deer who sometimes sustained him with her milk. One day the King came and shot at the deer but hit Giles instead. Thus, he became the patron saint of the physically disabled. The town of St Giles du Gard is on the site where the abbey which Giles founded reputedly was. It is a stopping place on one of the pilgrim routes to Compostela. His feast day is 1st September but (due to a clash) we are celebrating it this year at our monthly All Age Eucharist on Sunday 12th September at 10am. We are going to link his lifestyle to the contemporary themes of respecting and cherishing less able people, together with plants, animals, and the natural environment. This will include my wife’s love of hedgehogs! Several young families now attend these services – usually on the first Sunday in the month – and I do invite and encourage others to come along and find a warm welcome. We are going to have a BBQ at (or in, if wet) the Martindale and Rectory Gardens after this one. More details in early September but do let me know if you would like to join us. Our response to God’s generosity Giles and all saints, all Christians, seek to live – each in their own way – lives that are responses to God’s generosity. We are proud that St Giles Church has been serving this community for over a thousand years. It is an inspiring place of worship, prayer, and quiet thought. It belongs to and is available for the whole community. I too am always willing to offer a confidential listening ear, hospital visit, help and support to anyone in the village. Our church has been the place of countless baptisms, marriages and funerals, marking such significant times in family life. Like every other organisation, we need funds to keep going. That is why in October we are having a week focussing on our response to God’s generosity – more in next month’s P & P. Regular members and supporters will this month receive a letter, leaflet and invitation to the launch night of the campaign, on Saturday 2nd October. We recognise that the main responsibility for financial support of the church rests with churchgoers. But to the wider audience of P & P, I wanted first to express our thanks for the support you give us, especially through the Friends of Horsted Keynes Church. To go on offering service to the Church School and village, we do need more funds than we are raising at present. Contrary to what some people think, we receive no subsidy from the Church Commissioners, Government, or anyone else. Last year we paid £46k to the Diocese for the pay, housing, training, and pensions of priests; in total we needed to raise £83k before additional building costs. So, if anyone out there might be prepared to offer a regular or one-off donation, it would be most gratefully received. Whether or not we have faith, we can try to be like Piglet, who ‘noticed that even though he had a small heart, it could hold rather a lot of gratitude’ (A A Milne). Best wishes and prayers, Fr David


St Giles' All Age Service: Sunday 12th September at 10am

Family-friendly ..... and looking at becoming a more Ecologically-friendly Church/ Community too! At the beginning of September we celebrate our patron St Giles. You may remember that last year we had our first Family Service following lockdown: outside the Church in the churchyard, with a delayed Easter Egg Hunt (well a lot of things were unusual last year!). We were blessed with a great day weather-wise and it was lovely to gather again and have our picnic lunches together on the school field. This year we plan to be outside again, weather permitting. We will focus on the story of St Giles living as a hermit in the forest (in Provence, about 710). He had a doe (a female deer) as a companion and we are going to think about living in harmony with nature and sharing our planet with other living things. We are becoming increasingly aware of how human beings have been careless about the way we live, not thinking about the impact of our behaviour on the planet and its ecosystem. The international climate conference, Cop 26, taking place in Glasgow later this autumn, will be looking at big changes countries and their governments need to make to slow down climate change. But what can we do as individuals and as a community to work towards a more environmentally responsible way of living? There are many areas of our lives we can consider: how we travel; what we eat; possessions we can reuse, repair, re-purpose or recycle. Looking at enhancing/giving nature a helping hand we can feed the birds over winter, put up bird nesting boxes, plant nectar-rich flowers for bees and other insects or think of other ways to make our gardens and green spaces more wildlife-friendly. As part of our Service of Thanksgiving we are going to make a Bug Hotel to set up in the churchyard. Has anyone got an old rabbit hutch or similar they no longer want that we could re-purpose? If you want to help with the project, start collecting natural materials to create different areas/rooms in "St Giles' Hotel" : small logs/sticks, fir-cones, pebbles/stones, dry leaves, seed heads, broken terracotta flower pots, bricks with holes in them etc. We also want to celebrate the ecological work already going on in our community. The Village Verges group works to enhance bits of land on the fringes of our community - both visually and ecologically. And following on from my local hedgehog research, I am teaming up with Hayley, a local Hedgehog Champion, to work towards becoming an increasingly hedgehog-friendly neighbourhood. You will be hearing more from us ...... !

Christine Murdoch, The Rectory, Station Rd, HK; Email: [email protected]


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In 2018, members of the Botanical Recording Society gave us an invaluable gift. For the love and preservation of plants on earth, these un-named enthusiasts (did you notice any of them at work?) presented us with their results – the identification and recording of every vascular plant they could find in our churchyard, found between March and June 2018. Two alphabetical lists of plant names were given to us, one ordered by common name and one by scientific name. There are 133 plants listed. How glorious a treasure-trove is that?

As well as the naming of each plant, there is a column that denotes its status by capital letter according to the following key: A = Archaeophyte; C = Casual, ie a single alien plant; E = Established alien; N = Native, and P = Planted. I am sure you didn’t stumble over “Archaeophyte” but, for those of us who did, it is a “long-established alien”. So here is the first St Giles’ churchyard botanical wonder to behold: The Rectors’ Yew (Taxus baccata), the largest one by the main west to east path in our churchyard, must be the oldest inhabitant by many hundreds of years. Taxus baccata, however, is merely an “established alien” compared to the “long-established alien” status of the tiny, blue-flowered, ivy-leaved speedwell (Veronica hederafolia), creeping across the ground not far from its mighty trunk.

It probably goes without saying that the long-standing protection of a churchyard makes it a very happy hunting ground for botanists. Ours has an extra botanical aspect in that there is a portion of it designated “new”. The New Memorial Path roughly marks the north-south direction of an earlier field hedge, which marked the eastern boundary of the churchyard. So ancient floral riches are now mixed with the legacy of adjacent agriculture. That’s why, standing on the New Memorial Path, looking east as late summer dews fall, much of what you will see is maybe surprising for us in Sussex: Yorkshire fog. This is a common name for Holcus lanatus, a meadow grass that grows mounds of “woolly” (lanatus is Latin for “woolly”) soft-pink seed-heads, sometimes likened to the post-industrial fogs of Yorkshire.

Copies of our churchyard plant lists can be found in the church porch, and I will ask for them to be included on the church website. David Lamb

STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN CONCERT in St Giles Church, Horsted Keynes by the talented pupils of Girls Saturday 16th October 2021 6.30pm Pre-Concert Drinks 7pm – 8.30pm Concert with short interval (More details in next month’s magazine) Free entry Retiring collection for St Giles Stewardship Campaign




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Horsted Keynes Parish Council –

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The Sussex charity for children since 1890

FSW were delighted to be able to organise some summer holiday activities once again this year, giving the families they support a change of scenery and some fun together. There have been trips to the beach and the circus, and individual family outings for those who do not cope well with large groups. The whole of the FSW staff team were able to meet up together for the first time in two years and catch up on news—another sign of life getting back to some kind of normality. The Family Support Practitioner covering this area, Caroline Steer, will be retiring at the end of September, and we wish her all the best for her well-earned retirement. We look forward to hearing news of a new appointment in due course. Naturally the food bank has been in great demand over the summer and needs restocking now—in particular tinned fruit and vegetables, jam and spreads, but any non-perishable items are always welcomed. The FSW boxes stand ready in the church and Martindale porches to receive your kind donations—but please, groceries or toiletries/cleaning products only. Please do not leave other unwanted items in either porch but rather take them to a local charity shop if appropriate. SL



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Please Note: dogs are no longer allowed on Village Hall premises



Late July and the first part of August was wet with some heavy downpours and strong winds bringing in potato blight before the end of July and causing the grass to continue to grow at an amazing pace. Tomato blight (same disease as potato blight) has also come early causing havoc, especially on outdoor tomatoes. There has been no let up on mowing - weekly here. The end of August is looking drier and September often is too ( just as the children return to school!) so with cooler nights growth will slow. Despite the challenges of the weather, it is a rewarding month, a time of harvest with plenty of vegetables and fruit to gather in; later flowering perennials to enjoy like schziostylis, sedums, michelmas daisies and nerines; and autumn colours beginning, though probably later this year due to the abundance of rain. Shorter day-length, lower temperatures and heavy dews mean fungal diseases are more prevalent (great time for fungi hunters!) so downy mildew and botrytis may appear. Ventilate greenhouses well and water in the mornings so moisture levels are lower at night. Keep potted plants on the dry side and remove any yellowing leaves to minimise botrytis. Wild and cultivated blackberries should be big and juicy after their rampant growth with all the rain. September is also hedge-cutting month since the birds have stopped nesting and there should be minimal regrowth so hedges will stay neat and tidy over the winter - yew, holly, beech, privet, hawthorn, leylandii and mixed species ones. Continue dead-heading in herbaceous borders and pruning shrubs such as escallonia, spirea, weigelia, olearia, ceanothus and others after flowering. Also prune back buddleias by a third to a half to reduce wind damage in the autumn/winter. Tie in and prune climbing and rambling roses, jasmine, clematis and honeysuckle before the autumn winds blow. Bulb catalogues and "online” lists are out now so buy and plant unless you're putting them in pots/tubs still occupied by summer bedding plants. The latter may go on well into October with the cooler summer we’ve had and you may be wishing it would finish to replace with autumn/winter bedding. When they are well past their best, empty and clean out pots and tubs before planting narcissi, tulips etc, pansies and other autumn bedding in fresh compost. Shrubs and trees can be purchased and planted September and October but remember to water in warm, dry spells. Tomatoes, cucumbers, beetroot, onions, brassicas and potatoes have been good. Apply autumn weed and moss killer if you like a “smart” lawn. Scarify a couple of weeks after applying moss killer to remove dead moss and “thatch”, which is accumulated dead grass. Enjoy harvesting plums, apples and pears, pumpkins and squashes and preserving and storing as much as you can. As Harvest Festival is celebrated, thank God for the abundance we enjoy in this country. Lindsay Shurvell—Courtlands Nurseries

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Hello everyone,

Covid and all its repercussions still rumble on so please continue to be sensible so we can truly get back to "normal". Unfortunately, there have been several issues over the last few weeks.

Doorstep callers and scams - Please don't deal with anyone who calls asking for work and certainly don't give them money or bank details. There are reputable traders in various publications including this, our P&P.

Dog issues - Dog mess is on the increase yet again. We understand that this, and the humid weather, are contributory factors in the ill health of dogs across the county. There are numerous dog bins in the village and you can also dispose of this in your own bin - but double bag please.

Please remember that some dogs are not good with others for all sorts of reasons and maybe due to previous history where they have been attacked. Don't allow your dog to run up to others. If you see another dog on his or her lead, the term "Respect The Lead" is used for a very good reason. More information is available at . We understand that the law will always be on the side of the dog who is on a lead and, therefore, under control.

There have also been two dog incidents: both are totally unconnected to any previous incident and neither of them have any connection to each other and involve totally different dogs. One has been investigated and one is still ongoing. Investigations into dog-on-dog attacks are carried out by MSDC ASB officers, who we work closely with, and they take these matters very seriously.

There is also a lot of misinformation circulating about the above and we, NHW, never reveal facts of any case.

As we are a rural area it is a requirement that dogs should be supervised and under control at all times. Please ensure that your boundaries are safe and secure before you give a dog a home, as they can easily get out and cause problems - this also prevents others getting in.

Concerns have again been raised regarding dog noise and these complaints are handled by MSDC’s Environmental Health Department. All complaints must come from the individual who has the concern. However, before you get to that stage please try and have a sensible chat with your neighbour who might not even realise that their pooch is causing a disturbance.

Please also remember that if you have any concerns regarding incidents or suspicious behaviour then contact the Police first, or your own NHW Street Co-ordinator whose details are opposite, and they will be happy to advise on the best course of action.

Stay safe, well and respect this lovely countryside; it's not our playground.




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Local Chartered Architects - Sussex Heritage Trust Award Winners providing individual service with herit- age expertise in Horsted Keynes and High AONB since 1995. We offer creative design solutions for residential, community and commercial projects. Please contact David Jenkins RIBA or Robert Vickers RIBA 01444 484811 for an initial planning consultation. email [email protected] Andrew Paine - Horsted Keynes local and tutor at Brighton Uni. RIBA chartered practice with experience in historic, listed and modern buildings. Full design and management of residential and commercial projects. Recently shortlisted for AJ Retrofit design Award. 01825 791089 or 07956422462

Burghurst Lodge bed and breakfast in the centre of Horsted Keynes. Double room with en suite shower and separate kitchen in converted outbuilding. Tel: 01825 790039 . Website: Email: [email protected] Courtlands Nurseries B&B—large en-suite rooms, open all year ( Al- so Nursery: open Thurs, Fri, Sat 9 am-5pm for plants, free-range eggs, vegetables and cut flowers in sea- son. (Closed Mon, Tues, Wed, Sun) 01342 810780 The Crown Inn—14th Century Village Inn and Restaurant offering Bed and Breakfast accommodation. Serving fresh homemade food for lunch or dinner, with a fine selection of local ales and wine. Large or small parties can be catered for in our beautiful surroundings, whatever the occasion. Bookings recommended. Tel 01825 791609 Step Cottage Barn, School Lane, Danehill Well-appointed, clean & comfortable self-catering or B&B ac- commodation, can sleep up to 4 (2 on sofa bed). Ground floor shower room and fully equipped kitchen with washing machine and dishwasher. Helen McLennan 01825 740574 Twyford Farm, Birchgrove, Horsted Keynes RH17 7DJ - Three en suite rooms in beautifully renovated 17th-century farmhouse on a working farm in the . Self-catering cottage also availa- ble. [email protected] 01825 740726/07512 206616

D Gaston—City & Guilds Qualified Plasterer— All requirements including new works, plasterwork repairs, resetting smooth Artex, and textured surfaces. Plus decorating services. 01825 791900 or mobile 07721 925522 Town & Country Construction Ltd - Local building company with extensive portfolio of work in Horsted Keynes. All types of major building work undertaken as well as smaller projects such as kitchens, bathrooms, plastering, electrical work, general plumbing and carpentry. All carried out by experienced and qualified in house tradesmen. Gas Safe and NHBC registered. Tel: 07973 866121 or email in- [email protected]

Learn about the history of your old house, farm, watermill or rural building. I undertake research on your building's construction, the landscape in which it sits and old documents to discover its history and learn about the people associated with it . I would be pleased to have an initial discussion about your building at no charge. Andy Bliss (MA Archaeology, University of York, 2018) 01825 790471.

Colin's Field Camping at Jeffreys Farm - Back to basics seasonal campsite close to the village (July - Sept). Limited number of pitches to enable social distancing. Call Helena on 01825 790401 or look on Face- book for 'Colins Field Camping'.

Mick Roberts— Mobile car servicing and repairs. 01825 790796/mobile 07769 530484.

Blue Smock Sussex Meats—Seasonal game, lamb boxes late Summer/Autumn and rape seed oil. Open by appointment. Cinder Hill House, Horsted Keynes. 01342 810343 Flour and Bloom —Floral cupcake bouquets and decorated cupcakes to order, plus bespoke cakes for all occasions from afternoon tea to a wedding cake and everything in between. Email [email protected] Phone Sue Thayne 07732626950 Griffiths—Jeffrey’s Farm— We deliver Free-Range Eggs weekly. Also Hay, Straw, Logs and Farmyard Manure. 01825 790401. High Weald Dairy, Tremains Farm—Open during the week for a wide selection of cheese direct from the dairy. Cheese Gifts and Hampers which we can deliver to friends and relatives nationwide. Tel: 01825 791636. Visit Email: [email protected]

John’s Fresh Fish—Mobile fishmonger in Horsted Keynes on Fridays 10.30-11.15am. 01737 248242 Three of a Kind Caterers Ltd—Established caterers – Indus Estate – Full Service plus drop-offs and cook to home service. [email protected] 07443214833 Michael Affordable PC Tuition and Support— Need help with your computer, iPad or Tablet? Absolute beginners or specific issues. Windows, Apple or Android. On-line or phone support available. Local experienced tutor. Steve Ward 07986 522595 [email protected]

A Horsted Keynes-based electrical installation company—Scott Electrical serves the Mid Sussex and surrounding areas. We are fully insured and operate under current 18th edition wiring regulations. From minor electrical work to full re-wires and new installations. Reliable and trustworthy. Call or e-mail for a free quote and design advice. 07510894114/01825791255 [email protected] Electrical Services Supplied by James Denman— NAPIT Part P registered. Domestic and commer- cial. For good advice please call Mob 07889 957330 Email [email protected]. Now no VAT.

Town Place Farm Equestrian Centre— DIY/Full/Assisted Livery. Storage, office, caravan lets. 01825790341/07970621832

Freelance HK Florist inspired by nature using home grown seasonal flowers, herbs and foliage, no plastic, no floral foam and sustainable. Free delivery for HK recipients. I am also an organic no dig gardener who can advise on your horticultural needs. For more information please contact Tricia Raney at triciaandhergar- [email protected] or to view work on Instagram @triciaandhergarden.

Rupert Thacker Antique Furniture Restoration Services—Providing a comprehensive and sympathetic service, including furniture repairs, polishing work etc. to antique, contemporary and reproduction furni- ture. Old Barn Workshops, Flitteridge Farm, Daleham Lane, Fletching, Tel: 01825 713111 or mob. 07950035044 email: [email protected]

All aspects of gardening work undertaken by Greyhound Tree & Garden Services—Locally established family business specialising in tree felling, reduction, crown lifting, thinning and pollarding, stump removal and conifer care. Hedge cutting and garden clearance. Free quotations and advice. Fully insured and NPTC qualified. Approved by WSCC Trading Standards’ “Buy with Confidence” scheme. A member of “Which” Trusted Traders and CRB Checked Contractors. Contact 01825 791979 or mobile 07970195570 [email protected] Creative Gardener— Honest, hardworking, reliable. Good knowledge of plants. General maintenance, mowing, light hedge cutting, weeding. Tel 07831 470671.Email: [email protected] Garden Design & Renovation—We specialise in private garden design with full installation of both hard and soft landscaping elements. From complete garden creation to providing solutions for problem areas. Patios, pergolas and driveways to lawns, herbaceous borders, orchards and ponds. To arrange a site visit please call Simon Doherr (HND Hortic) on 01825 790159 or 07812 001176. Greenways Garden Services— Professional RHS qualified gardener available for all garden maintenance including hedge, grass and brush cutting, tree felling/removal, mulching, weeding, planting etc. Reliable and prompt service by mature and enthusiastic individual who is passionate about planting! 01825 740574 / 07818 040652 or email [email protected]. Horstead Garden Service - Garden maintenance. Minor tree surgery. All garden work undertaken. Garden clearance specialist. Fully insured licensed waste carriers. Tel: 01825 790195/07733374825. Email: hor- [email protected]. Web: Interlock Paving (Patios & Driveways) Ltd — Specialists in all types of patios, driveways, paths, brickwork, drainage, and landscaping, with over 20 years’ experience. Free estimate. Tel: 01342 811484 mob: 07841 654299 . Email: [email protected] Web: MKM Groundscapes - specialises in brickwork, blockwork, patios, underpinning, garden landscaping, drain- age and fencing. 30-years’ experience. 07742 608384/01825 790969 or [email protected] Newick Fencing Ltd—For all your fencing requirements, gates made to measure. Electric gates: new installations and adaptation of existing gates. Free estimates. Contact Barry Heasman on 01825 790990 or 07973 34 78 24 (mobile)/ Chris Sabin—All year round maintenance, working on a weekly/hourly basis, your local gardener. Tel: 01825 790753 or mobile 07513 466244. Trojan Fencing Ltd—New fencing supplied and installed, repairs made to existing. All aspects of tree sur- gery covered from reductions to removals. Stump grinding. Also hedge and lawn cutting. Fully trained and insured. 01825 740385 / 07738 627246 [email protected]

The Beauty Room—A relaxing salon situated in the heart of Horsted Keynes offering manicures, pedicures, waxing, massage, ear piercing, Dermalogica facials and eye treatments. For more information or to make an appointment please contact Victoria Fretten on 01825 790618/07964965742 Lindaire Mobile Hairdresser —Fully qualified experienced stylist from Chelwood Gate. Phone Linda on 07851 208317 Mobile Hairdressing—in the comfort of your home, fully qualified, please call Amanda 01444 891772 Yvonne, from Vanilla Hair and based in Horsted Keynes, is now offering a service from home. trained and quality products, reasonable prices. Please call for more info on 01825 791459

Chiropodist/Podiatrist The Beale Clinic— Clare Beale BSc Hons. HPC Registered. Caring for feet, big and small, in a country clinic on the outskirts of Horsted Keynes. Chiropody treatments include a soothing footbath and will help to reduce pain and improve the health and appearance of your feet. Podiatry services will support recovery from injury and improve balance or athletic ability through the use of gait analysis and specialist orthotic insoles. 01825 740059 Chiropodist/Podiatrist/Sports Therapist/Foot Health, Jerry Boon MSCCh MBChA—Home visits by arrangement. HPC registered. Tel: 07818 276082

Feel better fast...with Human Givens Psychotherapist and Counsellor Bunty Dann HG.Dip.P—Using proven therapeutic techniques with the most up-to-date psychological knowledge to relieve emotional distress and help you or your loved ones move on as quickly as possible. Call: 01342 442305 (reception) or email: [email protected]. Pointe Physio & Pilates—Jayne Phillips Chartered Physiotherapist, HCPC registered, AACP registered. My classes are a mixture of Pilates, Yoga and Physiotherapy. Variety of classes to suit all abilities— beginners to advanced, over 65s, balance and falls prevention, men only, children and young people. Clas- ses taught in Horsted Keynes and .121 Physiotherapy and Pilates appointments at The Physio Therapy Centre and home visits by arrangement. Contact me on 01825 791867 or 07740948705 or email [email protected] for more information. Yoga classes—Dynamic, energising exercises to help strengthen all parts of the body. Group classes and individual sessions with experienced teacher and body worker. Contact Monika: [email protected] or 07708633620.

St Peter & St James Hospice & Continuing Care Centre (reg. charity no. 1056114) Providing specialist hospice care and longer term palliative care for those living with a life-limiting illness. For further information about donations and fundraising please contact Fundraising on 01444 470722. Westall House – Abbeyfield Society’s registered residential home. Set in beautiful grounds. Single en-suite accommodation with 24-hour care in comfortable surroundings. Also coming in late 2021 24 independent living apartments. Friendly and caring atmosphere. Ring one of the team on 01825 791157 for details.

Lucy Locksmith—Local Lady Locksmith for any problems concerning locks. Member of British Locksmith Association, no call out charge, discount for senior citizens, police accreditation. Moved house recently, are your locks insurance approved? 07780 840462. Top Trader of the Year with

Saffron Strings is an award -winning string ensemble offering musical entertainment of the highest stand- ard. The ensemble can cater for all your event requirements - from wedding ceremonies and receptions to private functions and corporate business events.[email protected] Lauren 07958534821/ 01825 791617

Bernard J Cole, Interior Painting, Decorating & Coving—Over 35 years’ experience. 01825 790040 P Moult & Associates—Friendly and reliable local service. Over 20 years’ experience. Free estimates. OAP discounts. All work undertaken. Please call 01825 714738/07884 342137

Mole catcher - no mole no fee, in gardens, paddocks and fields. References available. Call Helena on 01825 790401 or look on Facebook for 'Moleficent Mole catcher in Mid Sussex' PestLady - experienced, qualified and insured female pest controller can assist with rats, mice, moles, wasps/bees, fleas, flies, bed bugs, moths, ants, cockroaches, etc..... Call Vanessa Akers on 07762 239847, email [email protected],

Amber's Pet Sitting Service - Boarding for small pets from hamsters to snakes and insects. Also cat sitting within Horsted Keynes village. Contact Amber Doherr on 01825 790159 or 07479 692544. Pet Sitting Service— whilst you’re away, please call Amanda 01444 891772 Sussex Dog Behaviour—Offering one–to-one personal training for puppies that is fun and rewarding. Behaviour modification programmes using positive reinforcement and reward based training for adult dogs. Clicker training also available. Call Madeleine Pontet, DipCABT on 01825 790223/07775 934920 or visit website

Photographs Forever—I will digitally repair your precious damaged, deteriorating or poor quality photo- graphs so you can have fresh new prints and enlargements that will last forever . Photographs Forever, Oakwood, Beaconsfield Road, Chelwood Gate RH17 7LF. 01825 740986 07778 004550

Boiler Servicing & Breakdown Repair—R A Francis Oil Fired Boiler Specialists. Specialising in boiler servicing, breakdown repair, new tank & boiler installations & commissioning. OFTEC Registered. Please call 01342 523798 or 07766 025578. GSI Property Improvements—Do you need to Get Someone In ? Home improvements, small building works and repairs or any of those jobs that need that extra pair of hands. Flooring—timber, tile, stone, lami- nate. Bathroom refurbishments , Plumbing . Electrical repairs, painting, fencing to flat pack. If you need help with that job please give Chris a call on 01825 740037 or 07899 657722. Plumber & Heating Engineer—R N Turner—ACIPHE Registered. Plumbing and heating works—bathroom installations. References available. Tel: 01444 416069/07960167793 Post Office - in the SMALL Village Hall: Open Tuesdays & Fridays 1pm – 4pm. Tel: 01825 790224 during opening hours only. Mail; parcels; stamps; personal banking (cash & cheque deposits/cash withdrawals); business banking (deposits); car tax; BFPO mail; certain bill payments; pre-order foreign currency (limited Euros available on demand); travel insurance; mobile phone top ups; home shopping returns; postal orders; gift cards; fishing licences; Health Lottery. Please note: dogs are no longer allowed on village hall premis- es. USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Bannisters Ltd— Repairs and repollishing to modern furniture and reupholstery work. Minor carpentry and joinery jobs. Cleaning or stripping, polishing and waxing,. No job too smalll. For free estimate and advice phone: 07950 035044. 48 High Street, Newick, East Sussex BN8 4LQ. GSI Property Improvements—Do you need to Get Someone In? Home improvements, small building works and repairs or any of those jobs that need that extra pair of hands. Flooring—timber, tile, stone, lami- nate. Bathroom refurbishments , Plumbing . Electrical repairs, painting, fencing to flat pack. If you need help with that job please give Chris a call on 01825 740037 or 07899 657722.

The Crown Inn—14th Century Village Inn and Restaurant. Serving fresh homemade food for lunch or din- ner, with a fine selection of local ales and wine. Large or small parties can be catered for in our beautiful surroundings, whatever the occasion. Bed and breakfast accommodation. Bookings recommended. Tel 01825 791609 The Green Man—A traditional, quintessential village pub serving first class hot & cold food with a good selection of well-known real ales, lagers & fine wines. Food served Mon-Fri Lunch 12-2.30pm, Dinner 6-9pm. Sat 12-3pm & 6-9pm . Sunday roasts + a full menu 12-4pm. Special food offers: Every Mon & Tues evenings choice of main course + dessert for £10; every Thurs evening steak night, free bottle of wine with every 2 steaks. Live music: Acoustic folk night 1st Tues of every month. Various live gigs throughout the year. Chil- dren catered for. Dogs welcome. Tel: 01825 790656 for further info. Roofing and General Building Contractor—Fully insured. For no obligation quote ring W T Dye 01825 790048 or mobile: 07974 720699.

‘Vintage Views & Nostalgic Images'- Over 6500 images dating from 1747 to 2000 of Horsted Keynes and surrounding towns and villages. Available as A6 cards (blank inside) or mounted prints ready for framing. Unusual gifts - shipped worldwide. Also cards featuring Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Vogue covers 1910 -1930, Flower Fairies, Beatrix Potter, Faye Whittaker plus some nostalgic adverts and motor racing posters. Now online at Ian Berry 01825 790837/07887 395272 [email protected] — starting @ £50 pcm . For further information please contact Charlie 01825790341 mob 07970621832 email [email protected]

Man and his Van – available for house moves, house clearances, collection / delivery of auction items, e-bay purchases and any other requirements including motorcycle transport! Fully insured. Please call 01825 740574 / 07818 040652 or [email protected].

A Dance To Remember - Wedding & Special Occasion Dance Tuition—Individual, personalised choreog- raphy for your perfect dance. Taught in your own home with packages to suit your time frame and budget. Contact Karleen Stevens 07930 747 296, email [email protected] or fb A Dance To Remember. Driving tuition—for learners and refresher sessions for those who would like a bit of extra training. My contact details are phone: 07798 944934 email: [email protected] website : Swim School—From babies to advanced swimmers, from mermaid and shark experiences to birthday par- ties and aqua fit sessions. Crest Swim School, with their fantastic teachers, at various lovely pools in Sussex. Find us at or check out our website at Email is [email protected] and telephone 01825 790896. 5% off term-time group lessons when quoting HK5 Violin Teacher—Lauren Abbott BMUS (Hons) LTCL—I am an experienced violinist with 20 years’ experi- ence in teaching violin and viola from ages 5-18 from beginner to diploma level. I can help in exam and scholarship preparation as well as playing for fun. I regularly play in orchestras including The Welsh National Opera, RTE National Symphony Orchestra and Brighton Philharmonic. [email protected]/Tel 01825 791617/07958534821

Furnihelp Mid Sussex—Donate unwanted furniture and household effects to your local charity (no. 1143610) and help a local family in need. White goods in working order and other items (subject to meeting fire regulations standard). Tel/Ansaphone 01342 811755 or [email protected] for details. Horsted Keynes Stores: Grocer, Delicatessen, Newsagent, Wine Merchant —Fresh bread, hot pies and other in-store bakery goodies. Delicatessen, now famous for its cheeses, turkey, patés, home-cooked hams, fresh and smoked fish. Wines, spirits, beers: functions supplied. Dry cleaning. Open 7.30am-6pm Mon-Fri, Sat 7.30am-5pm, Sun 7.30am-12. Bridget & Clive 01825 790238.

To avoid any clashes, check with the Village Diary (Sally Lamb 01342 810814)

October 2nd Marriage of Long/Smith, 2.30pm. 3rd For all the Family Eucharist: Harvest Thanksgiving 10th 10am Eucharist: Speaker Andrew Smith, Stewardship Campaign 16th St Giles’ Stewardship Campaign Concert in Church by Burgess Hill Girls. 6.30 for 7pm. Part of Generosity Campaign 28th-31st Horsted Cahagnes twinning visit 31st For all the Family Eucharist: All Saints’ Sunday

November Musical Performance (FOHKC)

December 5th For all the Family Eucharist: Advent Sunday 7th Bluebell Carol Service

2022 Marriage of Thomson/Wells, date tbc

February 2022 12th Valentine Event (Horsted Cahagnes)

May 2022 28th Marriage of Crowson/Sanders, time tbc

July 2022 2nd Midsummer Brighton to Horsted Keynes Walk

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