Literature Cited for the Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule on Threatened Species Status for the Headwater Chub and Roundtail Chub Distinct Population Segment
Literature Cited for the Withdrawal of the Proposed Rule on Threatened Species Status for the Headwater Chub and Roundtail Chub Distinct Population Segment Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD). 2006. Arizona statewide conservation agreement for roundtail chub (Gila robusta), headwater chub (Gila nigra), flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis), Little Colorado River sucker (Catostomus spp.), bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus), and Zuni bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus yarrowi). December 2006. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Wildlife Management Division, Nongame Branch Native Fish Program, Phoenix, Arizona. 63 pages. Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD). 2017. February 1, 2017, letter to Steve Spangle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service re: Conservation commitment for roundtail chub (Gila robusta). 2 pages. Baird, S. F. and C. Girard. 1853. Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers. Report of the Secretary of War. Fishes: 147-154. Brandenburg, W. H., J. L. Kennedy, and M. A. Farrington. 2015. Determining the historical distribution of the Gila robusta complex (Gila chub, Gila intermedia, headwater chub, Gila nigra, and roundtail chub, Gila robusta) in the Gila River Basin, New Mexico, using morphological analysis. Final Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 19 pages. Carman, S. M. 2006. Colorado River Basin chubs, roundtail chub (Gila robusta), Gila chub (Gila intermedia), headwater chub (Gila nigra), recovery plan. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Conservation Services Division, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 63 pages. Carter, J. M, M. J. Clement, A. S. Makinster, C. D. Crowder, and B. Hickerson. 2017. Classification success of species within the Gila robusta complex using morphological and meristic characters – a reexamination of taxonomic designations.
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