American' Chess" Today! ST

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American' Chess • ess 1 e Volume I Thursday, N umber 12 OffjelCll Publication of me United States (Qessfederation February 20, 1947 "Boost American' Chess" Today! ST. LOUIS VOTES CHE SS BY MAIL NOVEL WINDOW NATIO NAL FUND SPREADING IN "SELLS" CH ESS 10% OF PRIZ ES VETERAN HOSP'LS . I~ ' AT SO. FA LLSBURG At tlle annual lIIeeUng of the Sparked by the insistant enthusl· As a tltting celebration for Nil.' Sl. Loul lJ Chess League It was asm of ~'ro.nk Troutman of the U, Llonal Chess Month, , Mr. Ualduccl moved by OUo t;hlen, seconded by S, Vctcrans Hospital at l.exlngton hnl:! designed 11 novel wlnllow George H enM!.'son und nobert (Ky,) cliess by mall Is reac blng display, Tbe window Is a large OUII Steinmeyer, that ·'the St. LouIe out Into widely seJlarated areas. In ott the lobby oC the Rlvoli Theatre. Chell Lugue withhold 10% from California tlle re Is a growing reo In the center of the window Is a a ll priae mon le, In tournament. Sllonse In Sawtolle and Blrmglp. large blue pauel with the mesBage w h ich it conducts, and urge memo halll Veteran HOS llitals; and now In yellow, t1Ittered .cutout letters: ber clubs to do likewise; laId fund, "The Sentinel" or the Dayton VA "CHESS--TH~ ROYAL GAME­ to be forwa rded to the USCF for Contel' resl/onds with encourage· ENJOYED BY i\I ANY THE the promotion of Area, Junior, Col. IUCll t to Its own hos pitalized vet· WORLD OVER- IS MORE THAN legiate al we ll as Muter Tourna­ erans to play or learn chess, 5000 ¥I!:ARS OLD." On each sIde ments." This remains a lield ot service of this center panel are ten Accortling to Frt.>d e rlc S. An· rOJ' all Ale l·t chess clubs, U, 5, plaCQ ues, l\II d each placque can, derson, president ot the St. Lows Veteran HospItals throughout the talns one word describing clles. Che8~ League, tho members were country are willing and olten eager us: "EDUCATIONAL, EASE OF attractc(l by tt. 5uggeBtlon of the to place the recreational ndvant· MIND, COUHAGE, SPARKLING. late Dr. r~llI . Lu.ijkel' to tilla eUect. uges of chess at tIle disposal of RICU, CLEAN PLA Y, plCTun· "The sentiment of our players,'" their patients, But tbey do not al· F.SQU1<J, RJCH, DRAMATIC, ami writes MI'. Audo,'son, "Is UlIll they ways have qU(lllfied teacbers or PATIENCID." Each word Is of yel· ure wtl]llIg so to tllX (.heIll8e\ves, chees on thclr eturr. A local chose low cutOlit rJillered l ette l'~ mounted with the hOll e that other loagues club can do both chess Hnd th e on sepul'Ilte blue ' pJacques, Sur· and cluus wll1 slml1ul'ly 80 tlo, Wo wounded veterans immeaSUl'eable I'oundlng the entire layout is every wh.h, 1I0WO"0I', not only to 1I110llflOl' \IN\~(\t hy ,"olunto('l'ing It OJ IIC fvkClft -"",nJ,' ,,, ,h't" "I "lTYc;,c;, I ~"'''' .... ,~ " Ii ('111'11 IlIvltllll( 1111' 111\)(11'"111 11 lutu 'COllltlllt!. ~twtlen Cftlallll'O IIlIlH' In 1H'lillng to ol'glluhu. leach 01' 0111 1"84lorn!loll lilll'lng ~'obrunl'y. lei'S,' hat also, those athOl' Hetlvl' advise In the ronnlltlon of Veteran Ues whlcJ,1 the USCl<~ hns so well Chess Clubs in the hosJlltals. DIsJlluyed Oil the floor of the u:lder way: namely, Jun!'IlI', AI'¢a, window '1I\·e · such items as various and Collegillte TOUl'lIalllelltl:!. All clless \looks, each In the serloll or Ollr general club fu ndll horl.l are TAMPA'S LA LIGA " DI VAN" SETS FIVE POINTS HAS U. S, Choss Fcdel'UUon Yeal'bookll, small we decided to mak(l th(l d(l' PROGRAM FOR SLOGAN " LET'S dlUerenl chess Be ts, score 'lIldll, ducliolls froll! the Prize mOll les In INTER-SOCIAL DE and ches!! boards, our local Club and City ChiulJl)lo n· AJEDREZ FORMED- CHESS MONTH PLA Y CHESS!" s hip TOIII'nllllle nts. It Is our hO lle that many other gTOII llS or players Spurl'ed by the exhortations In The evel' ncUve , Vashlnglon OrganiZing wllh tho modest gOla! YEAR-OLD DURHAM will also contribute in tbls way to' Spanish ot Arthuj' Montana (Tam, ( 0 , C.) Chestl Di van IHllI schcdulcd or 100 c-ites)J Jllaylng lII emhel"ll the CHESS HAS FIRST wal'll the cl'cation of a fn nd which pa Chess Club) in his column a full progl'llm fej' National Chess Five Points Chess Club ( I ~I Mo nto, will enable an I' naUonal omcers to "illundO de Ajerirez" In the Span. Month, beginning with a tandem Callr.) Is orr to II flying s tal't nnder SPEED TOURN EY expand the Bcope of their excel· lah languago newspAper TrM"O­ TU llld t"I1U Slt with I'otatlng pa rtners the Initial orgunlz/Ill; hnlle tu9 of lent program." (:1011 /'renBa of Tamlla the variOUS (a Divan specially) rOl' l~eb r ullry James \V. Plol'ce, 1II'081don t pro JanUlI.ry 23 saw the {Irst In 0. latin social groups have organized 1. The 6th sees wndem team play tem. Quarters have been obtuinod sel'les or 1II0nthly speed tourna· nn Inter·Social Cheas T~ eo.g u e {or (also I'otnting teams) ILnd the 701 In the CiviC Audltol'lulIl Assembly ments to he Ileld in the Durham HIGH POINT IS Tampa, The affiliating clubs are an Illterciub match with the Gov· Room wltll accomodatloJls for one (No. Cal',) Chess Club. President NOVEL· LECTURE Centro l~ spanol (West Tampa) ernment Printing" Orflce Cilesa hundred lilayers and the tentaUvu Sam Agnello served as timekeeper with J. Rahaldo preshlent, Vln· Club, On l~ ehr \lal'Y 811t a twelve· meeUug IIlght has bcon set us In tiltl event which was won by OF WEAVER ADAMS cent R?mos vlce,pl'esldent, W . PI, man round robin ot "fl ve minute" Thursdays. Arthur Hlnmnn-"ls MUl'l'lIy Upchurch. RonaJd 'VaJ'o juan secretury, and M. Echevarria chess Is planned, while the I'egulal' t.l'eUSIU'el· for Ule organizing COlli' was second, and Club' Champion 'V, Weavor W, Adams, touring oheas tl'eusurer; the Clrculo Cubano mldmonlhly l'Ullld ail comes 011 mlttee, J. Petel's tlll1'(}. OXIICI'l, II:! a finn believer In the lhe 12th. All end·game tourney at ('1'mullaj with R, nodl'lguez pres l. --- - Tho yellr-old Durham Club began methods of "vIsual education," ten ~ecolld8 ()cr move Is set for dent. NestOl' Hernandez director, as a 1]SO venture and when tile T hereCol'e hl~ lecture becomes a Febl'l!U'ry 16 and on the 19th the TORONTO HOLDS W , A. Reynolds secretary, and USO club closed, moved Into the demonstralloll in willcll he plays >11 th Hatfleld·McCoy I~eud will rage Artlml' Montano assistant dIrector; JUNIOR SPEED YMCA, On January 1st It moved white sImU ltaneously agaInst two ollce ngllin. l ~eh l'U al'y 22 will see u. the Centro Espanol (Ybor City) Into the quarters of tbe Durham oPllonellts and makes a running slmultancous exhibition by Albert CHESS TOURNEY with It. U. Olaz honOl'al'y president, Recl'eation Depal·tment In the City commentat-y an u analysis 0 ~ S, Pilikus, New York expert, and F'rank Cerra Jlresident, ancl Cosme Hall with the whole-hearted co­ white's moves as he pluys, explain. Corces, secretary; and the Un lone lhe 23rd a IIpsclal railid transit. 011 The JunIor Chcss I~eague of ing why he makes lhls move lind Pe hl'ual'Y 26 Donald Mugrldge will TOI'onto on Janusl'y 27 held a operation or the dC IJlu'tment In Ito.llana (Tampa) with MI', Longo teaching chess to the young people, why he rejects that one, Adams president and p , Maniscalco secre­ de liver a lectul'e npon , he "Evolu· Rapid Trans it Chess Tournament has found that this me thod com· tary, tlon of the Clu!sll Toul'Ilolllent," lit the Centrlll YMCA In which Cblef Instructor Is Club Champ­ bines the instructive a nd entertain· and on the 28th a slx·game " clock" sixty juniors participated. Tell Ion Peters who uses tournament ing in a novel and attrncUve way, exhlhltloll by Hans Berliner against ronnd robin sections were estab· s ize chess llIen o n a checker·top and haB proved Its vtllue lIIany JERSEY CITY " Y" picked opponontfl, IIshed, and the winne r of ench bl'ldge table while the s tudents as, times as vlsunl edllcatlon In chess. gl'ollp was awarded II llrh:e. VlctOl' semble around the board. SPONSORED JR. / On JllllUllry 28 George Koltanow· without 0. 10$s In her section was s ki II\ayed eight sImultaneous Barbara Nixoll (Deer Park School) : In the 1946 Annual Tournament TOURNAMENT FOR SCHOOL LEAGUE bll udfold games In 330 STuelling Oliler winners were Rosil Siems, of the Norti\ Carolina Chesa Ass'n, mluutes or play without pause. He Bany Smythe, E ll dle Allen, Eddlo held In Raleigb Decelnber 26, vI. 1. NO. NEW JERSEY On Febrlllu'y I) Paul Helbig, pl'esl· 0 , R. lost to H. Mugrldge anll S, I.. owry, Hugh Milson, T~. HUIlIJlage. Petel's placed third, loslug out by /l cnt or the Jersey ' City YMCA one game to H. E. Snyder (Win· Cantwoll. IIrew with H. 8erllne!";' ~'. Gore, Louis Goodman alld Joe CHESS .CHAMPION Cllees Club presented tn Ronald G. S, Thomas, and L. Thompson, Stulac.
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