Commellclal DIRECTORY.] YAR 79
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COMMEllClAL DIRECTORY.] YORK. YAR 79 Wilkinson Charles, hair dresser, 42 1\"orth street ·witcherley Thomas, wardrobe dealer, I4 Buckingham st Wilkinson Charlotte (Miss), ladies' day school, 16 New \\olfe .A. financial agpnt, S .:'IIPw o:trect Walk terrace, Fulford road "\VolEtenholme Gecrge, dairyman & cowk<>eper, 3 Wilson Wilkinson Christopher Newman, secretary North Eastern terrace, Clift<>n Railway Co. ; office, Old station, Tanner row - \\'cod & Hell, painters, 32 Tfalmgate Wilkinson Christopher Stockdale, tailor, SB Clarence st \Vood Henry & John H.ichardson, solicitors, I2 Pavement Wilkinson Edward, auctioneer, Spurriergate \Vood J oseph & Co. cutlers, 22 Spurriergate · Wilkinson Edward, hutcher, 8 King's sq. & 1 King's crt Wood Thomas Francis & Co. english & foreign timber Wilkinson Edward Towler, barrister & official receiver in merchants, steam vessel owners, n1ahogany & builders' bankruptcy, 28 Stonegate merchants, wood turners & steam sawing & planing Wilkinson Elizabeth .Am1 (Miss), draper, 10 Townend st mills, Skeldergate & Piccadilly. See advertisement Wilkinson George, tailor, 3S Market street Wood .Ann C~Irs.), Lord Nelson P.H. 3I Walmgate Wilkinson llenry, chiropodist, ro Ogleforth \Vood .Arthur, solicitor, St. Helen's chambers, Davygate Wilkinson Ilorace, butcher, 9 Layerthorpe \Vood Charles, agent for the Great Northern Railway Co. Wilkinson John, horse breeder, Malton road Railway station, Station road Wilkinson John Earle, Golden Lion P.H. 9 Church street "\Yood Ernest ll. auctioneer, 9 Davygate Wilkinson Joseph (firm, Leeman, Wilkinson & Badger), \Vood Everilda (:Mrs.), lodging house, 4I Bootham solicitor, consulting town clerk & clerk to the peace "\Vuod Henry, solicitor & commissioner for oaths & for the city of York & also deputy clerk of the peace & coroner for the York District of Yorkshire, see ·wood clerk of lieutenancy for the East Riding-, I6 Coney st H. & J. R Wilkinson Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, 4 Little Shambles \Vood James, chemist & dentist, 41 Goodramgate Wilkinson Matthew, tailor, 29 Melbourne street \Vood John Richardson, solicitor, coroner for the city of Wilkiru;on Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper, II James street, York & commissioner for oaths (firm, "\Vood H. & J. Lawrence street R.), 12 Pavement Wilkinson Thomas, law stationer, I3 New street 1Vood John William, provision dealer, 77 Goodramga.te Wilkinson "Villiam, carter, 2 Catherine st. Lawrence st Wood .Mary Ann (Mrs.), Blue Bells P.H. 5:1 Fossgate Wilkinson William, relieving officer for the City district, Wood Richard, plumber & painter, 36 Gillygate r Museum street \Vood William, baker, 30 Huntington road Wilk.inson William, solicitor, BrPary's crt. St. Helen's sq \Vood \Villiam, butcher, 9 Goodramgate Wilks Henry, boot maker, 21 Gillygate "\V ood \Villia.m, farmer, Clifton Wilks Maria (:.\Iiss), shopkeeper, 95 High Petergate \Voodall Ivan Lawrance, shopkeeper, 7 Barbican road Williams Harriet (:Miss), ladies' boarding school, I Mount Woodlock Edmuad, Exchange F.H.... 7 St. Sampson's sq vale, The Mount \Voolford George, Melbourne hotel, good stabling ac- Williamson Ednar (Mrs.), registry office for servants, 32 commodation, Cemetery road St. John's street Workman John Willia.m, linen draper, see Wilkinson & Williamson Edwd. dyer, 83 High Petergate & 45 Aldwark . ·workman Williamson Edwin, clerk to the commissioners of taxes Wormley .Ann (:Mrs.), carriage builder, "\Valmgate for the city of York & the .Ainsty, 12 Duncombe place \Vorsley .Arthinghm, civil engineer, I3 Lendal Williamson "\Villiam, brush manufacturer, 130 \Yalmgate \Vragg James, market gardener, Heworth Willis \Villiam, grocer, 1\"icholas street, Hull road \Vragg John Thomas, fruiterer, 48 Goodramgate Willison \Villiam Dolman, house decorator, Castlegate Wragg "\Villiam, dairyman, 58 Wellington street "Willits Richard, boot maker, 3S Fishergate "\Yragge & Go. general drapers & silk mercers & hosiers, Willoughby Jn. sec. of the York Railway lnstitute, Queen st 26 & 27 Coney street Willson James, dealer in fireworks, 24 Nunthorpe road \Vrangham .Alfred, family grocer, tea dealer & provision Willson Walter, grocer &c. 3 Low Ousegate merchant, 39 Goodramgate "\Yilson & Cundall, brewers, 34 Pavement, & mineral \Vray & Moss, hnild.ers, 96 Lowther street & 6o Clarence water mannfacturRrs, Garden place, Hung ate street & brickmakers, Hilda street WilsD'll JDhn & Sun, timber merchants, 44-\ "\Valmg-ate \Vray Edward, linen draper, I r St. Sampson's square Wilson Hospital & School (Joseph Ogden, master), 2 Wray Eliza (Mrs.), tin plate worker, 29 Copper gate Fossbridge, "\Valmgate \Vray George, grocer & beer retailer, 36 Lawrence street. Wilson Abigail (:Mrs.), apartments, 53 Russell street "\Yray Herbert Henry, pawnbroker, 19 :Nunnery lane Wilson Christr. John, cowkeeper, 6~ llriggs st. Fountayne \Vray John, butcher, II Shambles Wilson David, tailor, 8S Micklegate "\Vray John, coal dealer, Lowther street Wilson Edith (Miss), dress maker, 4 Poppleton road \Vray John, shopkeeper, I St. Paul's terrace Wilson~dward, coal merchant, North Eastern Coal & \Vray John H. sec. to the Liberal Club, Low Friargate Lime Depot \Vray John Hodgson, house & estate agent & accountant. 'Wilson Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, 2 Barker lane, Micklegt St. Helen's chambers, Davygate Wilson Emma (Miss), boot maker, 17 Pavement \V ray J oseph Curtis, hatter, I3 Church street Wilson George, shopkeeper, Arthur street 'Vray Samuel, chimney swPeper, 3 Garden place Wilson George, shopkeeper, \Vellington street \Vray Samuel, coach builder, see l'ress & \Vray Wilson George Henry, tinner, 39 Layerthorpe \Vray Thomas, coal merchant, 12 Prices lane, Bishop Wilson Henry, fanner, Heworth thorpe road Wilson Rev. Henry Andrew M.A. school for sons of \Vrigglesworth Thomas Beckitt, wire worker, 56 Stooegte gentlemen, so & 52 lloutham \Vriggleswotth Waiter, deputy supt. registrar & school Wilson Isabella (i\Irs.), hatter, 5 Newgate, & wardrobe inquiry officer for the city, I Museum street dealer, 17 Little Shambles "\Vright .Alfred, poulterer, SI Huntington road Wilson James, farmer, Vicarage farm, East par. lleworth Wright !<'red, pork butcher, 4S Nunnery lane Wilson James, gun maker, 47 Goodramgate "'right George, boot maker, 20 Layerthorpe Wilson John Eden, linen draper, 3 & ') Bootham Wright George Naylor, coal dlr. St. Nicholas pi. Hull rd Wilson John Henry, horse dealer, 20 South parade Wright Henry, boot maker, 3A, Bishopthorpe road Wi!son Luke, York Arms P.H. 94 High Petergate \Vright Henry, tobacconist, 3 Church street Wilson Nathaniel, coal dealer, S Barbican rood Wright Henry, tobacconist, 53 )Valmgate Wilson Rickison Waterhouse, beer retailer, 2 \Vilton st Wright John, hay, straw & corn merchant, 27 St. Wilson Samuel Jas. corn. trav. City chmbs. Clifford st .Andrewgate Wilson Thomas .Addy, district passenger supt. North \V right J oseph, greengrocer, 83 Clarence street Es.stern Railway, Railway station, Station road W"right Juseph, shopkeeper, I2 Hope street i\ilson William, boot maker, 107 Layerthorpe Wright .Tsph. Hy. sewing machine dlr. 23 Spnrriergat6. Wilsan William, butcher, I Upper Price st. & 37Shambles Wright Mary (Mrs.), laundress, ~lill lane, Heworth Wilson "\Villiam, chimney sweeper, 62 Elmwood street \Vright Orlando, jeweller, 29 Blake street Wilson William, Eagle & Child P.H. 16 Shambles "\Vright Robert .Alfred, ale & porter merchant, & mineral Windass George, tailor, 37 Blossom street water manufacturer, agent for Braimes's Tadcaster Windass John, artist, I2 Priory street ales, bottler of Bass & Co.'s ales & Guinness's stcut. Windust George Waiter, boot maker, Clifton ro5 Nunnery lane & Cumberland street Windnst Cfeorg-e \Valter, stationer, 56 Fossgate Wright Thomas, milliner, 23 Coney street Win•hip James, chemist, I3 Victor street Wright William, apartments, 12 St. Mary's Win•pear ·waiter, hair dresser, 57 Coney street Wright \Villi am, Hare .l<"uot P.H. 5 I M.icklegate Winter burn Annie (~frs. ), shopkePper, 1 Cambridge Wright William, butcher, 93 Goodramgate ~treet, Holg-ate road Wrightsom Thomas, draper &c. I26 Walmgate Winterburn William Jchn, shopheper, 4 Clement street Wrigley H. T. sec. York Confectionery Co. Limited, Wise Alma (Mrs.), mantle maker, Lawrence street Fenwick street. Wise Emrn.a (.Mrs.), apartments, I Tower place, Tower st X.L. .All Cafe (Miss Julia Tippey, ma.nageress), ca.M, 54. Wise Willia.m, shnpheper-, 32 Trinity lane Coney street Wisker Robert Hardy, chemist, 7 Fi ~hPrgate Yardley Arthur, photographer, 99 Nunnery lane .