VOLUME XXII, NO 78 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1985 WHITE HOUSE LABELS ORTEGA CEASE-FIRE OFFER A 'PROPAGANDA INITIATIVE' By STEVEN DONZIGER Unlted Press Internatlonal MANAGUA, Nlcaragua -- PreSl­ Kerry and Harkln sald Sunday dent Danlel Ortega promlsed to ln Washlngton that Ortega had call an lmmedlate cease-flre lf offered a cease-flre ln the 3- the U S Congress rejects PreSl­ year-old guerrliia war, restor­ dent Reagan's request for atlon of C1Vll llbertles and an $14 mlillon In ald to rebels end to press censorshlp lf Wash­ flghtlng hlS Sandlnlsta govern­ lngton agreed to resume bllater­ ment The Whlte House dlsmlssed al negotlatlons and end lts sup­ the offer port for the rebels, known as Ortega later Sunday rejected Contras any talks wlth US-backed reb­ Kerry called Ortega's offer els, saylng hlS leftlst govern­ "substantlve" and sald lt was a ment must flrst begln negotla­ "framework for dlScussl0ns " tl0ns wlth Washlngton desplte But the Whlte House denounced what he called a U S "terrorlst the offer as a SllCk "propaganda mliltary P011CY " lnltlatlve" lntended to sway Ortega conveyed the cease­ votes In Congress Tuesday on flre offer Vla Opposltl0n Sens U S ald to the rebels John Kerry and Tom Harkln, who Ortega castlgated Reagan's held talks wlth the Sandlnlsta 10bbYlng for the Contra ald Sun­ leader ln Managua durlng the day ln a speech to farmers In weekend JUlgalpa, 60 mlles from Managua 21 Dead, 8 Captured Israeli Missile Boat Sinks Shipload Of Palestinian Commandos By WESLEY G PIPPERT Unlted Press Internatlonal l TEL AVIV, Israel -- An Israe- The navy chlef sald the com­ He's Got The Beat 11 mlsslle boat sank a shlpload mandos were members of Fatah, Nathan Mlyake keeps tlme wlth the mUS1C as Col Wllllam of Palestlnlan commandos, klll­ the most promlnent of the elght Spln and hlS wlfe, Elalne, watch the youngster enJoy the cul­ lng the captaln and 20 guerrll­ groups that make up the Pales­ tural and muslcal exchange concert that took place Frlday, las on a mlSS10n to murder "as tlne Llberatlon Organlzatl0n led Aprll 12, between the Ebeye Queen of Peace Boys' Band and the many people as they could," mll­ by guerrliia chlef Yasser Ara­ KwaJaleln Hlgh School Concert Band See Page 2 ltary offlclals sald today fat (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Elght guerrlilas who survlved In a statement lssued In the the hlgh-seas battle Saturday Tunlslan capltal of Tunls, Ara­ nlght were captured, the Israell fat's Fatah group acknowledged In Brazil mllltary sald ltS forces were lnvolved ln the Adm Abraham Ben-Shoshan, the bld to land guerrlilas In Israel Israell navy commander, sald an as proof of "our determlnatlon THOUSANDS MOURN NEVES, offlclal announcement of the en­ to contlnue the struggle agalnst counter about 100 mlles off the the Zlonlst enemy " coast of Israel had been delayed Fatah's clalm of a fa lIed at­ SARNEY IS NEW PRESIDENT because the captives were belng tempt to lnflltrate guerrlilas By TOM MURPHY questl0ned Sunday lnto Israel came a llttle more "ThlS mlSSlon was to corne, to than two months after Arafat and Unlted Press Internatlonal hlt the shore of Israel and to Jordan's Klng Husseln agreed to SAO PAULO, Brazll -- The body Tancredo Neves," the letter klll as many people as they pursue negotlatlons almed at re­ of Presldent-elect Tancredo sald could," Ben-Shoshan sald at a coverlng Israell-occupled Arab Neves was carr led through Sao "In Vlew of thlS fact, I news conference In Tel AV1V land ln exchange for peace Paulo today atop a red flre have the honor to lnform you truck as thousands of mourners that I wlli contlnue to exer­ packed the streets shoutlng, Clse the presldency, now as Christians Announce Cease-Fire In Sidon "Brazll, BraZll " Vlce PreSl­ successor, as prescrlbed In By DAVID ZENIAN dent Jose Sarney became the na­ Artlcle 77 of the federal con­ Unlted Press Internatlonal tlon's flrst clvlllan presldent stltutl0n " ln 21 years Followlng Brazlilan tradl­ BEIRUT, Lebanon -- A rebel "Every Lebanese has the rlght Neves, 75, who underwent tlon for dlgnltarles, the cof­ Chrlstlan mliltla chlef today to stay and defend hlS vlliage, seven operatlons In the last 38 fln contalnlng Neves' body was announced a unllateral cease­ but our cease-flre and wlthdraw­ days, dled Sunday nlght after placed atop a red flre englne flre and troop wlthdrawal from al declsl0ns are prlmarlly almed sufferlng a heart crlS1S that that threaded slowly through the hllls east of the port of at restorlng peace to the Sldon doctors sald caused hlS condl­ Sao Paulo streets llned wlth Sldon to "glve peace a chance" regl0n," he sald tl0n to deterl0rate rapldly soldlers and mourners after a month of clashes wlth Geagea dld not say how large Sarney, who assumed Neves' A green, yellow and blue na­ Moslem forces the local force was but lnslsted dutles when the presldent-elect tlonal flag draped the coffln, Mllltla leader Samlr Geagea they had no host lIe or mliltary underwent the flrst operatlon whlch was surrounded by bouquets sald the cease-flre around the obJectlves He sald lt was up to March 15, offlclally became of troplcal flowers Thousands southern Clty, where 66 people the Lebanese army to move lnto presldent In a notlflcatlon of people waved handkerchlefs have been kliled Slnce March 18, posltl0ns vacated by the Chrls­ ceremony at the Senate In the and applauded the cortege under would go lnto effect today and tlans to provlde securlty federal capltal of BraSllla a crlSp blue sky, shoutlng, 300 to 400 Chrlstlan mllltlamen Geagea's mllltlamen have been The Senate presldent read a "Brazll, Brazll," as the pro­ would begln puillng out Tuesday battllng Palestlnlan-backed Mos­ formal note from Sarney lnform­ ceSSlon passed mornlng lem unlts east of Sldon and lng the Senate that In accor­ The flre truck moved toward "We wlll metlculously ablde sheillng the Clty and nearby dance wlth the Brazlilan constl­ the alrport, where Neves' body by the cease-flre to glve peace Palestlnlan refugee camps Slnce tutlon, he was contlnulng In the was to be flown to Braslila a chance," Geagea sald "We wlll March 18 presldency on the death of Neves He wlll be burled In hlS small also wlthdraw those of our The flghtlng erupted less He was glven no oath and no vote hometown of Sao Joao del Rel forces WhlCh had been sent to than a week after Geagea led the was taken after lYlng ln state In the the reglon as relnforcements, Lebanese forces In a revolt "Wlth lmmense grlef, shared Presldentlal Palace In Brasllla but the local armed vlllagers agalnst Presldent Amln Gemayel by the entlre natl0n, I have the Sarney, 54, pledged early wlll stay and defend thelr lands because of hlS pro-Syrlan POll­ palnful duty to lnform you of today that "the legacy of Tan­ and homes Cles the death of Presldent-elect credo Neves wlll llve on " C' AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, MO}TDAY, APRIL 22, 1985 EBEYE BAND VISITS KWAJ

Members of the Concert Band playa few numbers to offlclally welcome the Queen of Peace Band to KwaJaleln

Concert Banr dlrector D1Ck Shlelds (left) ex­ tends a welcome to the Rev Leonard Hacker

"Sharing" IS what It'S all about "We're Just sharing our musIc and our cultures With each other" -- Dick Shle!ds

Two days after the Concert Band traveled to Ebeye to perform In an open-alr concert on the nelghbor l~l,nd ball f1eld, the KwaJaleln A dlnner, held at the Paclflc Club and hosted by the 25 youth hosted the Ebeye Queen of Peace Boys' Band for an afternoon and Concert Band members, follol-Ied the performances evenlng here The VlSlt bv the Ebeve boys FrLdav, Aprll 12, was the second of two cultural and muslcal exchanges between the Queen of Peace Band and the Kwa]aleln Hlgh School Band Col Wlillam Sp1n off1Clall} 1 llked off tl-tC' "concert 1n the park" wlth a greet1ng to the Ebe,e ballJ, and tre Lonc~rt Band began the afternoon's LntErLa1nment The Queen of Peace Bl~d, undLr tre dlrect10n of the Rev Leonard HackLr, provlded the ~econd half of the program

Ebeye's Korok Otko shows hlS break-danclng stuff on the ball fleld

Above, KwaJaleln's Shawn Scott also demon­ strates the acrobatlc art of breaklng for the Ebeye boys at the recreatlon perlod Just before the c:oncert At left One of the hlghllghts of the "con­ cert ln the park" was a comblned performance by the two bands of the "Father of Vlctorv r1arch "

(Photos by NATE JACK­ SO~, Kentron Photo Lab, photo layout by PATTY EVERETT) , COMMENTARY HOURGLASS, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1985, PAGE 3 Brady's People: Getting out of Lebanon by James Brady A modest proposal complacently 19nored the trag­ hung the banners "Yade In the be one of them Not WIth the Dean SWlft once headed an edy To an ext~nt, SWlft's USA " Belrut mob chantlng "death" to essay wlth such a tltle It was essay worked The Irlsh con­ As the mobs carry the Amerlcans durlng one of the tlmes of tlnued to starve but they were shrouded bodles hlgh above So we have sent the carrler Irlsr famlne The Irlsh were now dOlng lt on the front pages thelr heads, held aloft the "Elsenhower" and the crUlser dYlng by the thousands, as they Perhaps lt lS tlme for an­ way Amerlcans carry off Wln­ "NISS1SS1PP1" steamlng out of were expected to do, and doc lle­ other modest proposal riot nlng players and VIctorIOUS Spaln for Lebanon so sWlftly ly, ln those days The potato satlrlC thlS tlme To get the coaches, they chant over and that more than a hundred sall­ crop had falled, the Engllsh hell out of Lebanon over, "Death to Amerlca " ors have been left behlnd In had selzed the most fertlle As I wrlte thlS they are Who knows who set the bomb? the bars and the bordellos land and the snug houses, the buryIng people In Belrut for Lebanpse factlons have been They have taken statlon along Irlsh were starvlng, and SWlft Belrut, thIS 1~ nothlng speclal murderlng one another for that lovely, deadly coast once had an ldea People dIe In BeIrut the way years now They have been kIll­ agaln Carrlers and crUlsers Suppose the Irlsh, short of they used to dIe In Mayo and Ing one another They have have very lIttle utliity grocerles and long on chlldren, Galway Only In Belrut It lS been klillng Amerlcans They agalnst mobs Or agc.ulst car were to start to cook and eat not starvatIon that ~ lIs them, have been kllllng Israells bombs There are reports they thelr klds? It IS car bombs and automatlc And the IsraelIS and the Amer­ are ready to take out some What a splendld ldea In one rlfles and rocket ldunrhers Icans have been klillng theM Iranlan target, on grounds It stroke the Irlsh would allevl­ ThlS tIme It was another The place, once the lovellest, IS Tehran that orchestrates the ate hunger and reduce the sur­ car bomb It was aImed, appar­ most pleasant country In the terror plus populatlon If only the ently at a ShIIte blgg1e It ~flddle East, has become an And In Belrut there are Unlted Natl0ns would come up mlssed hIm But It got the abattolr stl1l a handful of AmerIcans, wlth such lmaglnatlve Solutl0ns nelghborhood Some 80 people There are stlll a few Amer­ hostage to VIolence Dean SWlft, of course, was were kliled ~o one knows who lcans there Dlplomats Clergy­ It may be tlme, so goes the klddlng He was appalled by set off the bomb In thlS Clty men Bureaucrats Securlty modest proposal, to get them what was }.appenlng In Ireland of fraternal hatreds But, as men Reporters Four Amer­ out and he was uSlng satlre to usual, the mourners blamed us Icans, at thIS wrIt lng, are arouse to anger an audlence of From the rlown-out skelltons mISSIng, abducted by persons Copyn ght 1985 readers who had, untll then, of apartment bUIldlngs they unknown I should not care to Klng Features Syndlcate Inc

A scandal erupted recently at Tulane UnIverSIty where players were accused of pOInt-shavIng The preSIdent of the unIverSIty Voices • • • from around the atoll reacted by abolIshIng the sport at the unlverslty w~at lS your oplnl0n of hIS deCISIon?

"The players l'lvolved WIth the pOlnt-shavlng should have "1 thlnk he was rIght been expelled from the school There lS no place for that ln But on the other hand It IS college sports Wonder how very hard to prove an athlete much money they made?" Pat Dowell, callbratlon tech IS actually pOlnt-s\lavlne or If he IS haVIng a bad game " Pandora Stegmann, bank clerk

"Although a grave offense, I thInk hlS dctlons were a llttle harsh Why punlsh "I agree wlth hlS declsI0n everybody fo' a few people's I thlnk If students want to actIon? He mlght have sus­ playa sport, they should spended all Involved athletes abIde by the rules and not and stopped the games for one get Involved " year only " Paul Gaspar, flreflghter uebl Rambo, retlred reglstered nurse worklng as cashler

"I thlnk lt lS a tragedy "I belIeve .It 1~ a mIstake They should abollsh the play­ to ahollsh the game Only the LIS lnvolved " players Involved should be John Gentry, computers ooer banned from L e sport " ~latt Beavers, ca 1 tech


The KWdJale1n Hourgld;,s lS an unoff1c1al publ1catlon author1zed under the prov1s1ons of AR 360-81 It lS publ1shed by Global ASSOC1dles Monday through rrlctay (excludlng hol1days) at the ,hrectlon of the command1ng offlcer L" Army KwaJaleln ~Ils,lle Ran~e, I'Cirshall Command1ng Off.lcer Col Wlillam A SpIn blands under contract DASG60-82-C-0063 nas l.S an offset publlcdtlOn wHh 3 dally PublIC Affalrs OffIcer Pat Robblns c1rculatlon of ~,950 The Vlews and oplnlons expressed hereln are not necessar1ly those Edltor Courtney Danko of the Department of the Army Communlcatlons should be addressed to the Hourglass, P 0 Local News/veature Wr1ter Patrlcla Everett Box 23, APO San FranCISCO 96555 or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Mdterlals appear1ng (opy Edltor, Clrculatlon Jednne Vlncent 1n the Hourglass may not be reprlnted WIthout the approval of the command1ng "fflcer Sports Wrlter Ruth Horne U S Army KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range All want ads dnd notlces musl be submItted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 3D p m the WOrklng ddy prlor to publlcatlon WORLD NEWS PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1985 9 Arrested DUring Weekend 44 Dead In Manila News Briefs FBI SEEKS TWO TARGETED Movie House Fire TEGUCIGALPA, Hondu­ FOR CONTRACT KILLINGS ras (UPI) -- A U S Ar­ MIAMI (UPI) -- Nlne people day nlght or Frlday, at whlch Possibly Started my hellcopter partlcl­ allegedly tled to the Gamblno tlme Paterno learned they would patlng In US-Honduran organlzed crlme famlly were ar­ be alone for the weekend," Nehr­ By Faulty Wiring mliltary exerClses rested and lnvestlgators lssued bass sald "For thelr health's MANILA, Phlllpplnes (UPI) crashed In central Hon­ an urgent plea for two people sake, we would suggest they con­ Arson lnvestlgators sald today duras over the weekend, targeted for contract klillngs tact the FBI " faulty electrlcal wlrlng may lnJurlng elght U S sol­ to contact the FBI Nehrbass sald Paterno, 61, have started a flre In a crowd­ dlers aboard, an Army The nlne suspects were ar­ of Mlaml Beach, lS a "capo re­ ed mOVle house In a southern spokesman sald today rested durlng the weekend In glme" -- a mlddle-level boss In town that left 44 people dead * * * Florlda and New Jersey on the Gamblno famlly, New York and 62 others lnJured, the GENEVA, SWltzerland charges ranglng from drug traf­ Clty's relgnlng organlzed crlme state-run news agency reported (UPI) -- U Sand SOVl­ flcklng to consplracy to commlt famlly The flre broke out In a tWln­ et experts on defense murder In the planned contract Paterno was arrested Frlday screen Clnema crowded wlth and space weapons today klillngs of two people Offl­ nlght after uSlng a publlc tele­ about 800 people Sunday In held the flnal worklng clals urged the lntended vlctlms phone outslde a pancake house Tabaco town, some 220 mlles seSSlon at the openlng to talk to the FBI In Mlaml Beach Nehrbass sald south of Manlla Authorltles round of the superpower "We don't know who these (In­ Paterno, who was charged wlth sald It was one of the worst arms talks amld slgns tended) vlctlms are," sald Ar­ consplracy to commlt murder, flres In the Phlllpplnes Slnce that vlrtually no prog­ thur Nehrbass, commander of the had ordered two klillngs by World War II ress has been made Metro-Dade County Organlzed phone Most of the vlctlms were * * * Crlme Bureau '~ou've got a capo reglme or­ trampled to death as they BEVERLY HILLS, Callf "The two of them were called derlng hls so Idlers to commlt Jammed a stalrcase leadlng from (UPI) -- Crlstlna Fer­ by Joseph Paterno elther Thurs- two murders," Nehrbass sald the second floor of the complex rare, two weeks after The Phlllpplne news agency, her dlvorce from former quotlng Tabaco pollce chlef Col automaker John DeLorean Pentagon Tests Media Pool Secrecy, Maxlmo Hebrlo, sald authorltles became flnal, has mar­ were stlll lnvestlgatlng the rled Anthony Thomopou­ Washington Post Leaks Story blaze, but a prellmlnary probe los, presldent of the lndlcated faulty wlrlng may ABC broadcast group By RICHARD C GROSS Unlted Press Internatlonal have started the flre * * * Earller reports lndlcated a SAN SALVADOR, El Sal­ WASHINGTON -- The Defense De­ front page of today's edltlons loud exploslon near the stage vador (UPI) -- Guns partment expressed "concern and Post Managlng Edltor Leonard but Hebrlo sald today It was fell sllent In El Sal­ deep dlsappolntment" today over Downey, sought for comment "more of a large spark" that vador Sunday as the ar­ the medla's fallure to malntaln about the newspaper's reason set the theater's curtaln my and leftlst guerrll­ secrecy about the test run of a for runnlng the story, sald ablaze las respected an unde­ press pool sent to Honduras to through hls secretary, "The clared truce for the cover U S mliltary exerClses story stands as It lS " Lawyer Claims Instigators flnal phase of a natlon­ The 10-person pool departed The pool, whlch shares lnfor­ wlde program to vaCCl­ secretly from Andrews Alr Force matlon wlth other news organlza­ Of Polish Priest's Murder nate 400,000 chlldren Base aboard an Alr Force trans­ tlons, was set up by the Penta­ * * * port Sunday and arrlved In Hon­ gon as part of recommendatlons Stili Not Uncovered KHARTOUM, Sudan (UPI) duras wlth lnstructlons not to by a Pentagon-appolnted commlS­ -- Sudan's Mliltary flle storles on the maneuvers Slon that lnvestlgated the me­ By BOGDAN TUREK Councll, two weeks af­ untll after a Marlne landlng on dla's excluslon from Grenada Unlted Press Internatlonal durlng the flrst two days of ter comlng to power, the Central Amerlcan country's WARSAW, Poland -- A prosecu­ the October 1983 lnvaSlon The appolnted a 16-man Cl­ Carlbbean coast Tuesday, Penta­ tlon lawyer told the Supreme medla complalned bltterly about vlllan-led Cablnet to­ gon offlclals sald Court today the true lnstlga­ havlng been barred from Grenada day to oversee a year­ But The Washlngton Post, tors In the secrrt pollce mur­ Coverage of the exerClse marked long transltlon from whlch was not asslgned to the der of a pro-SGlldarlty prlest mliltary to clvlllan pool, broke the story on the the flrst test run of the pool would remaln hldden as long as rule The announcement a colonel convlcted of lncltlng effectlvely ends 16 the klillng was sllent years of mliltary rule Defense Attorneys For Ver, 25 Others Lawyer Jan Olszewskl, repre­ In Sudan sentlng the famlly of the Rev * * * Put Lawyer For Aquino Panel On Defensive Jerzy Popleluszko, appeared be­ LOS ANGELES (UPI) -­ By JACK REED fore the court In an attempt to Deslgner Rudl Gernrelch, Unlted Press Internatlonal block an appeal by defense law­ who created the topless yers to have the sentences re­ bathlng sUlt to free MANILA, Phlllpplnes -- De­ Gen Prospero Ollvas, one of duced for four secret pollce the female body from fense attorneys confronted today the 26 men charged In connec­ offlcers convlcted In the klll­ the "cultural cllches" a lawyer for the panel that tlon wlth the Aug 21, 1983, lng of the past, lS dead of named the mliltary In Opposltlon murder, who earller sald the Olszewskl told the court It lung cancer He was 62 leader Benlgno Aqulno's murder, commlSSlon had "cruclfled" hlm would be lmposslble to estab­ * * * vlrtually turnlng the trlal of "We're gettlng a look at the Ilsh If anyone else was behlnd NAIROBI, Kenya (UPI) Gen Fablan Ver and 25 others lnslde worklngs of the board," the murder other than the four -- One mlillon people lnto a trlal agalnst the clvlI­ sald Ver's attorney, Antonlo so long as pollce Col Adam In Sudan could starve lan lnvestlgators Coronel, who questloned Vllia Pletruszka remalned sllent to death In the next two "They put me on trlal," an for some 90 mlnutes months unless emergency exhausted attorney, Franclsco Vllla, one of three deputy Kilauea Sputters Into Action rellef ald reaches the Vllla, 59, told reporters after counsels under general counsel famlne-strlcken Afrlcan nearly SlX hours of cross-examl­ Andres Narvasa, was the flrst In 32nd Phase Of Eruption natlon natlon by defense attorneys on member of the lnqulry to appear VOLCANO, Hawall (UPI) -­ how the commlSSlon concluded at the trlal Two other deputy Kllauea Volcano sputtered for Aqulno was slaln by the mlll­ counsels also have agreed to ap­ more than four hours and then tary pear, but Narvasa has decllned burst lnto l,OOO-foot lava Among those cross-examlnlng Even the three-member panel fountalns In an lsolated area Financial News the former pollce chlef was MaJ questloned the wltness of Hawall Island Kllauea began tosslng lava Dollar closlng In With Wife, Three Others Tokyo was 25 feet above the IIp of a vol­ 247 85 yen canlC cone on ltS eastern slope at about 3 p m Sunday, sald $ and In Zurlch was Commander Of Tactical Air Command 2 4785 SWlSS francs SClentlsts at the Hawallan Vol­ cano Observatory CLOSING METALS At 7 10 pm, measurements Gold up 0 75 at 327 75 Killed In Crash Of Military Plane of harmonlc tremor lncreased as SlIver of 0 02 at 6 415 MOOSIC, Pa (UPI) -- Alr of the runway at Scranton- Force Gen Jerome O'Malley, com- Wllkes-Barre Internatlonal Alr­ molten rock surged underground DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES mander of the Tactlcal Alr Com- port In the early evenlng and toward the vent from the vol­ 30 Industnals mand -- and formerly No 2 com- burst lnto flames, pollce sald cano's summlt 10 mlles away, unchanged at 1266 56 mander of the Alr Force -- was The plane carrled O'Malley, the observatory sald 20 Transportatlons kliled Saturday wlth hls wlfe 53, hls wlfe, Dlane, the pllot, That set off an alarm and off 2 44 at 582 48 and three others In the crash co-pllot and another crew mem- marked the beglnnlng of the 15 Utliltles of a small mliltary plane, au- ber, all of whom dled In the 32nd phase of Kllauea's long­ off 0 31 at 154 90 thorltles sald crash runnlng eruptlon, whlch began 65 Stocks O'Malley, a four-star gener- Robert Kemp, alrport dlrec- Jan 3, 1983 off 0 73 at 511 15 aI, was on the way to dellver tor, denled the crash was relat- A lava flow began roillng VOLUME 79,930,000 shares a speech to a Boy Scout banquet ed to current constructlon to slowly down the slope to the SEE LISTINGS when hls Alr Force tWln-englne extend the runway on whlch the southeast but had moved only a IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY executlve Jet ran off the end plane landed llttle over d mlle by mldnlght SPORTS HOURGLASS, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1985, PAGE 5 Weekend Games National League Roundup NEW YORK (UPI) -- Terry Pendleton slug­ NBA Roundup ged hlS flrst career grand slam and rook­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- Andrew Toney scored le Vlnce Coleman stole three bases Sunday 31 pOlnts and the feroclous reboundlng tan­ to 11ft the St LOUIS Cardlnals to thelr dem of Moses Malone and Charles Barkley thlrd stralght vlctory, a 6-0 trlumph over carrled the Phlladelphla 76ers to a 113- the Plttsburgh Plrates 94 vlctory Sunday over the Washlngton Bul­ Bob Forsch plcked up hlS second VIctory lets and a 2-0 lead In thelr Natlonal Bas­ In as many outlngs to contlnue hlS come­ ketball Assoclatlon playoff serles back from back surgery He allowed three The 76ers can wrap up the best-of-flve hlts In SlX Innlngs before leavlnf the flrst-round matchup Wednesday nlght In game because of a cut on the mlddle flnger Landover, Md of hlS pltchlng hand Andy Hassler and Toney, comlng off a 4-for-13 performance Blll Campbell shut down the Plrates over In the serles opener, hlt 13-of-22 to pace the last three Innlngs the 76ers whlle JUllUS Ervlng added 23 Pendleton greeted rellever Rod Scurry pOlnts and Bobby Jones 16 Malone, who by hlttlng hlS second pItch Into the left­ scored only 10 pOlnts, and Barkley each fleld bleachers In the seventh Innlng to pulled down 14 rebounds seal the game for the Cardlnals Scurry The 76ers led 56-52 at halftlme and out­ entered the game In rellef of Jose Deleon, scored the Bullets 14-6 In the flrst SlX 0-2, who loaded the bases on a slngle by mlnutes of the thlrd quarter to take a 70- LonnIe Smlth and walks to Tom Herr and 58 lead Ervlng contrlbuted SlX pOlnts to the surge and Barkley four, Includlng a Coleman, who reached flrst four tlmes VICIOUS slam dunk on two hltS and two walks, ralsed hlS Na­ The 76ers Ilmlted the Bullets to 37 per­ tlonal League-leadlng stolen base total cent shootlng, out-rebounded them 18-10 to flve and forced seven turnovers In the thlrd The Cardlnals scored In the flrst when perlod to enter the fourth quarter ahead Coleman walked, stole second and scored 81-71 when s~ortshop Jerry Dybzlnskl threw away In other games Houston downed Utah 122- Smlth's grounder for an error St LOUIS Above, Tom Hoffman and Steve Martln 96, Mllwaukee stopped Chlcago 122-115, and made It 2-0 In the second when Van Slyke demonstrate the salllng Skllls they exhlb­ Detrolt beat New Jersey 121-111 led off WIth a double and scored on a Sln­ lted In the Aprll 14 thlrd race of the At Houston, Lewls Lloyd scored 27 pOlnts gle by Mlke Lavalilere Kwalaleln Yacht Club's Sprlnq Serles and Ralph Sampson added 19 to power the In other games Sunday, It was Chlcago (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Rockets, evenlng the best-of-flve serles at 4, Montreal 0, Phlladelphla 10, New York one game each Game 3 IS Wednesday nlght In 6, Houston 4, Atlanta 2, ClnClnnatl 1, Salt Lake Clty San Franclsco 0, Los Angeles 2, San DIego Experienced Sailors At Mllwaukee, Terry Cummlngs scored 16 of hlS 30 pOlnts In the flnal quarter to ° In Saturday's results It was Phlladel- Prove To Be Victorious glve the Bucks a 2-0 lead over the Bulls phla 7, New York 6, Montreal 4, ChIcago BY MIKE SMITH In thelr best-of-flve serIes The teams 0, Clnclnnatl 2, San FrancIsco 1, Houston meet In Game 3 Wednesday nlght In Chlcago 8, Atlanta 1, St Louls 4, PIttsburgh 3, The thIrd race of the KwaJaleln Yacht At Detrolt, Terry Tyler scored 16 pOlnts and San Dlego 4, Los Angeles 3 In 10 In- Club's SprIng SerIes was held Sunday, In the fourth quarter to spark the Plstons nlngs AprIl 14 Under overcast skIes, and WIth and glve Detrolt a 2-0 lead In thelr se­ faIr WInds, SIX enthusIastIc crews started rles Game 3 IS Wednesday nlght at New Jer­ the enIgmatIC race PuzzlIng CIrcumstances sey Tyler also played tough defense on USFL Roundup due to the changIng WInds over the week be­ Albert Klng and Mlke O'Koren In leadlng De­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- Tampa Bay brought ItS fore proved that the "experIenced" saIlors trolt from a 90-87 deflclt at the start of notorIous "bandltball" to BIrmIngham Sun­ would be vlctorlOUS the quarter ISlah Thomas had 29 pOlnts and day, but It was lIttle match for the Stal­ In DIVISIon A, Tom Hoffman placed fIrst 14 asslsts for the Plstons whlle Klng led llons' defense WIth hIS 18-foot catamaran Unfortunately, new Jersey WIth 27 pOlnts, but only had BlrmLngham shut down the UnIted States there were no other entrIes In thIS dIVI­ four In the quarter Football League's top offense In a 30-3 SIon In DlVlSlon B-1, Eills Amundson took rout Blrmlngham Intercepted Tampa Bay an early and commandIng lead over LInda American League Roundup fIve tlmes and held the hIgh-powered Ban­ Mourls In the competltlve Cdl-20 class dIt attack to three fIrst downs In the The powerful crew of Leo Nolan and Char­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- Darryl Motley's bases­ second half lie Hughes, WIth expert sallIng technIques, loaded slngle off the top of the fence BIrmIngham's Joe CrIbbs ran for 117 captured fIrst place In DIVISIon B-2 Tom broke a 2-2 tle wlth one out In the 13th yards and scored two touchdowns, Includ­ Lane and crew, WIth larger salls and skIll­ Innlng Sunday and ]lfted the Kansas CIty Ing a 19-yard dash In the fourth quarter ful downwInd maneuvers, took second place Royals to a 3-2 vlctory over the Detrolt to put the game oul of reach In Dragon Lady ThIrd place went to the Tlgers Crlbbs, who broke the 100-yard mark for enthuslastlc, up-and-comIng crew of MIchael The vlctory went to Dan QUlsenberry, the fIrst tlme thIS season, also scored SmIth and Gene Cook The fourth and fInal who pltched 2 2-3 Innlngs In hlS fourth on a 2-yard pass from ClIff Stoudt In the race of the serIes WIll be held Aprll 28 stralght day of actlon to ralse hlS record fIrst quarter to help the Stalllons Im­ at 12 30 p m to 1-2 Larry Gura pltched the 13th Innlng prove theIr record to 7-2 and malntaln the for hlS flrst save Juan Berenguer, 0-1, Eastern Conference lead Action On The Ball Fields pltched the 13th for Detrolt and took the The Staillons rounded out theIr scorlng loss bInge agaInst the Bandlts, 6-3, wlth a 15- In FrIday afternoon actlon on the soft­ Wlille Wllson beat out a tap slngle to yard pass from Stoudt to JIm Smlth and ball fIelds, It was Spartans I 19, AVIa­ the pltcher to lead off the 13th and went three Danny MIller fIeld goals tIon 0, Nah 8, Chaos 0, and Leftovers 18, to second on ' fly to center Tampa Bay's only score came on a fleld Llmanman 0 Berenguer walked Intentlonal­ goal wlth 10 25 left In the fIrst half Saturday In Coed Junlor Softball, It ly and then walked Hal McRae to load the In other games Sunday, It was Baltlmore was Whlte 17, Blue ° On the same day In bases 26, Portland 17, and Houston 33, ArIzona LIttle League Baseball actIon, the Oak­ Motley then hlt hlS blast, WhlCh Chet 17 land A's beat the Indlans 18-12 In the Lemon played off the fence In rlght-center In Saturday's games It was Jackson­ other Saturday game, It was Na Alll 26, Lemon mlssed the cutoff man but got the vllle 31, Orlando 10, and Denver 51, Los No-Ko-Rl 21 ball to catcher Lance Parrlsh In tlme to Angeles 0 nall Brett, who had to hold up thlnklng In FrIday's game It was New Jersey 21, the ball mlght be caught Motley had to Memphls 18 Water Polo Results settle for a 400-foot slngle In Sunday n~ght water polo actIon, the The Tlgers loaded the bases after two La nger Posts Victory Washouts beat Deep, Dark and Dangerous 24- outs In the bottom of the 13th, but Gura got HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S C (UPI) -- Mas­ 23, Starr won over the MemphIs Clty Blues Klrk Glbson to ground to flrst to end the ters champIon Bernhard Langer posted hIS 28-20, and the KIller PenguIns beat the Un­ game, WhlCh lasted 4 hours, 5 mlnutes second stralght AmerIcan VIctory Sunday, knowns 50-28 Elsewhere Sunday In the American League survlvlng a sudden-death playoff WIth Bob­ It was Baltlmore 3, Toronto 2, Cleveland by Wadklns to Wln the $400,000 Sea PInes Ball And Pin Leaders 3, New York 0, Chlcago 7, Boston 2, Texas HerItage Golf ClassIc 5, Mllwaukee 2, Callfornla 9, Seattle 2, AnXIOUS to show last week's trIumph at In Frlday Nlte FIve bowlIng actIon, and Mlnnesota 2, Oakland 0 Augusta, Ga , was no fluke, the West Ger­ Masao Boas took the hIgh game wlth a 210 In Saturday's games It was Detrolt 4, man played SOlId golf when It counted but and the hlgh serles WIth a 576, Rod MolIna Kansas Clty 3, Toronto 3, Baltlmore 2, New was erratlc most of the day rolled the second-hIgh game, 204, and Rolf York 5, Cleveland 2, Texas 5, Mllwaukee 1, On the fIrst playoff hole, he hIt a Salhus took the second-hlgh serles WIth a Boston 12, Chlcago 8, Seattle 3, Callfor­ pltchlng wedge to the edge of the green 554 nla 2, and Oakland 6, Mlnnesota 2 on hIS second shot and putted wlthln Inch­ In the Hen's D1VlSlon of Sunday's Ehu­ In Frlday's games, the Kansas Clty es of the cup for par kal MIxed BowlIng League, Shermle WIehe Royals powered to a 9-2 vlctory over the WadkIns, seekIng hlS flrst tournament rolled a hlgh game of 182 and a second-hIgh Detrolt Tlgers, and Chlcago pounded Boston VIctory In 11 years on the ProfeSSIonal serIes of 497 Dem EspeJO and Dan Dlkllato 8-1 Texas defeated hllwaukee 4-1, Toronto Golf AssocIatIon tour, hIt hIS second shot tIed for second-hIgh WIth a 181, and DIkl­ edged Baltlmore 6-5, and Cleveland shaded Into the trap and hIt out of the bunker to lato rolled a 503 hlgh serIes New York 2-1 about 50 feet from the pln He mIssed the For the women, LIZ Denny rolled hIgh In basketball playoff actlon Tuesday on putt for a bogey game and serIes, 179, 508, and Mo GIarra­ AFRTS, you can hear Denver vs San Antonlo Langer saId at the start of play he tano took second-hIgh serIes and game. 178 at 1 30 P m wanted to show hIS trIumph was "no fluke " and 466 FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1985 For The Week Ann Landers Billboard's Top 20 Dear Ann Landers I Just pald $5 for a $1 50 calendar LOS ANGELES (UPI) Do Is Dance -- Don Henley I dldn't want I dld lt to The top pop slngles, 11 One More Nlght repalr the shattered ego of based on Blllboard's sur­ Phll Colhns my 9-year-old nephew He vey of sales and broad­ 12 Smooth Operator was supposed to sell 10 and cast play Sade had sold only one, to hlS 1 We Are the World l3 Mlsslng You mother (who already had USA For Af nca Dlana Ross four) The nelghbors bought 2. Crazy for You 14. Along Comes a Woman from thelr klds I, havlng Madonna Chlcago no chlldren, was hlS flnal 3 Rhythm of the Nlght 15 That Was Yesterday hope At flrst when I sal.d -- Debarge Forelgner no, he burst l.nto tears 4 Nlghtshlft Commo- 16 Everythlng She Ann, between my nephews dores Wants -- Wham' and nleces and the nel.ghbor­ 5 Don't You (Forget 17. Don't Come Around hood kl.ds, I have a pl.nt­ ments and know all my money About Me) -- Slmple M1nds Here No More -- Tom Petty sl.zed salesman on my door­ wl.ll go to them But I 6 One Nlght ln Bang­ and the Heartbreakers step tWl.ce a week If you're won't buy any more garbage kok -- Murray Head 18 Everybody Wants To a kl.d l.n 1985 and you want from kl.ds who have been 7 Obsesslon Anlmo- Rule the World -- Tears to do bulll.ed lnto l.t tlon for Fears school, you must become a door-to-door Mad In 8 Some Llke It Hot 19 Some Thlngs Are candy bar or calendar sales­ The Power Statlon Better Left Unsald -­ man The kl.ds are sent out Dear Mad You have a 9 I'm on Flre Daryl Hall & John Oates to make calls over­ rlght to be annoyed Even Bruce Sprlngsteen 20 Rock and Roll Glrl~ prl.ced Junk to a saturated worse are parents who allow 10 All She Wants To -- John Fogerty market rldl.culous quo­ thelr chl1dren to hlt up tas It's a, guests In thelr home for Black Singles experl.ence for a raffle tlckets for school The top black slngles 10 I'll Stlll Be Look­ lot of kl.ds And l.t never projects 11m glad you ln the pop mUS1C fleld, ing Up to You -- Wllton ends Fl.rst for band, then wrote and I hope It helps based on Blliboard's sur­ Felder the soccer team, then vey of sales and broadcast 11 Innocent -- Alexan­ scouts, etc. The kl.ds hate Drugs? How much l.S too play der O'Neal lt Thel.r parents hate l.t much? Is pot OK? Is cocalne 1 Rhythm of the Nlght 12 I Found My Baby -­ And I hate l.t too much? If you're on dope -- Debarge The Gap Band If coaches, band and or lt, get Ann 2 We Are the World -­ 13 Nlghtshlft -- Commo­ scout leaders want to Landers' ALL NEW booklet, USA for Afrlca dores funds, let the kl.ds MAKE "The Lowdown on Dope II For 3 Back ln Strlde -­ 14 My Love Is True (one each) I'll each booklet ordered, send Maze featurlng Frankle (Truly For You) -- The buy l.t Let the band a $2 plus a long, self-ad­ Beverly Temptatlons concert I'll donate at the dressed, stamped envelope 4 In My House -- Mary 15 Into the Nlght -­ door Pass the hat at the (39 cents postage) to Ann Jane Glrls B B Klng game I'll drop l.n Landers, POBox 11995, 5 Fresh -- Kool and 16 New Attltude -­ It At least I can clap for Chl.cago, III 60611 the Gang PatU Labelle the kl.ds' real Copyn ght 1985 6 Smooth Operator -­ 17 Meetlng ln the Sade Ladles Room -- Klymaxx 7 Lost ln Love -­ 18 You Glve Good Love New Edltl.on Whltney Houston Your Individual 8 Be Your Man ~­ 19 Read My L1PS -- Mel­ Jesse Johnson's Revue ba Moore 9 Tll My Baby Comes 20 Bad Hablts -- Jenny Horoscope Home -- Luther Vandross Burton ===== fral\ces Drake =====::::::::::::::===

FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 23,1985 Latchkey Children Are Frightened ARIES SCORPIO (M~- 21 to Apr 19) ~ (Oct 23 to Nov 21) SAN ANTONIO, Texas (UPI) Long sald the publlca­ The SOCial graces are yours todayl Charm paves your way to success Amerlca's latchkey Chll­ tlon Weekly Reader asked Party mVItatIons arnve and you're today Glve a llttle m a close relatlOn­ convmcmg m speech Career gams srup Domestic mterests are hlgh­ dren are frlghtened, and ltS young readers what mean fmanclal unprovement bghted after dark thelr parents' employers scared them the most TAURUS SAGITTARIUS must help before the prob­ "When we were klds, they (Apr 20 to May 20) JlIf (Nov 22 to Dec 21) lem grows worse, a couple put dlnosaurs and llght­ Stress cooperatIOn With loved Desplte a dlfficulty Wlth a co­ ones A lucky career break has you worker, you'll still end up on top wldely known for thelr re­ nlng ThlS was the flrst hummmg all the way to the bank An today It's a speclal day for you m search on the lssue says tlme the maJorlty of the entertamment msprres you romance "The most serlOUS prob­ chlldren wrote, 'staYlng GEMINI CAPRICORN lem we flnd lS fear Chll­ home alone ' They were to­ (May 21 to June 20) ~ (Dec 22 to Jan 19) dren are afrald when they're tally shocked that so many IntUItIOn IS your ally today, but a A mend IS somewhat forblddmg, work sltuatlOn has you temporanly but you II find other mterestmg home alone," Dr Lynette chlldren wrote In It was stymied Evenmg hours bnng very amusements The chance you've been Long sald about chlldren the No 1 answer," Long happy developments waltmg for comes now who come home to an empty sald. CANCER AQUARIUS house whlle thelr parents "They- don't tell thelr (June 21 to July 22) --is (Jan 20 to Feb 18) are at work parents they are afrald You and a loved one are on the You're charged Wlth creative ener­ Long sald she and her You mlght tell me all klds same wavelength A confidentlal tiP IS gy today and should make the most of fortunate for you Career talks are It I A home problem lS solved Go out husband, psychologlst Tom are afrald, but I'm talk­ fnntful for a good tune tomght Long, who wrote "The Hand­ lng about chlldren who are LEO PISCES >tID book for Latchkey Chlldren terrlfled When an 8-year­ (July 23 to Aug 22) 'f«' (Feb 19 to Mar 20) dIf>( and Thelr Parents," were old boy tells me he spends You'll have to change your attitude Someone's SUSpICIOUS attitude rrks the whole day hldlng In a about a domestic situatIOn You you, but otherWIse It'S an el'\Joyable told by some of the thou­ sparkle socially now A career hunch day Wlth happy SOCial and famlly sands of chlldren they In­ closet, that's a kld who's IS on target developments tervlewed that some hld un­ afrald," she sald. VIRGO YOU BORN TODAY are qmet and der beds or locked them­ Long sald probably one­ (Aug 23 to Sept 22) ~ unassummg, but know how to protect selves In closets untll thlrd of all school-age It's full speed ahead m busmess your nghts Versatile and ongmal, thelr parents arrlved chlldren ln cltles were developments An opportumty drops you won't be happy m a humdrum mto your lap Loved ones el'\Joy career The arts and politics are two "The average latchkey latchkey chlldren She hobbles together fields that will proVIde you Wlth the kld lS staYlng home alone sald the numbers would In­ LmRA stunulatlOn you need Wntmg, law 2~ or three hours every crease because of the grow­ (Sept 23 to Oct 22) ~ and phllosophy are natural areas of day," she sald at a meetlng lng number of slngle-par­ Let go of a resentment about mterest for you It's when you ally money A tnp for two, away from It yourself Wlth universal prmclples and for bUSlness leaders In San ent homes and famliles all, benefits romance Make plans a concern for the common good that Antonlo where both parents work now Work efforts are rewarded you come mto your own COMICS




__--=..;".;;...;~~~...... -he Crossword By EUf~ Sheller; ACROSS 36 Crude 53 Dlffere' 7 Make a 1 One of the 37 Legend 54 Seine boo-boo Bears 38 Small 55 Gard( to 8 Hearts 5 Some creatures start and clubs poems 40 Laugh 56 PlctUlld 9 Stove type 9 Sunday sound 10 LIke Mr seat U Scent DOWN Hyde 12 It can be 43 Night 1 At! ~ 11 Fade away split club co' '1ts 1& Unusual 13 Andean 41 Actress 2 On 20 Feasted Farrow 3 Sp~~k 22 Bubbly =L==d...~======:::=::::!!!~=-I 14 Eggsnation 48 FertilIZer 4 Current drinks rant 15 Hodge- Ingred- umt 23 Fresh ~--- podge lent 5 Great 24 Jewel 51 SigmOid work 25 Past \ W~,I:M Gt.A17 TO 17 -Pan Alley shape 6 " - 26 Meal meat I I <;~ YOU'f?f H4VING 18 Goes 75 52 " - go Rosen- 27 Wagon I q{?M~11JING TO fAT i MPH bragh I" kavalier" 29 Allow g,m;!2~ YOU <;TAi2-r '



OFFICIAL NOTICES THE YOKWE YUK CLUB PRESENTS A SECRETARIES' A GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING of the KwaJ­ WATER EXERCISE CLASSES are belng held at Luncheon, Frlday, Aprll 26 Buffet wlll be aleln Scuba Club wlll be held Aprll 24, the Adult Pool every Monday, Wednesday served from 11 a m -1 p m and wlll lnclude 7 pm, at the YY Theater Refreshments and Thursday from 8 45-9 30 a m JOln us pork schnltzel, frled chlcken, mashed po­ Program Nomlnatl0ns for elected offlcers when you can for good, clean exerClse tatoes, gravy, red cabbage, vegetable, and votlng on constltutlon and bylaws (Speclal Servlces) mlnl-salad bar, rolls, butter, and coffee or tea Tlckets are $6 75 each and are on THE GLOBAL CHAPTER OF NATIONAL MANAGEMENT DUE TO A PRE-SCHEDULED ACTIVITY the Famlly sale at the club offlce from noon untll Assoclatlon meets Thurs , Aprll 25, Ban­ Pool wlll be closed after regular sched­ 6 p m Reservatl0ns wlll be made at the yan Room, YYC Program D K McLaughlln uled hours on Saturday, Aprll 27, from 6- tlme of tlcket purchase Phone 83409 presentlng "Contract Summary and Goals -­ 10 p m (Speclal Servlces) EOR SALE the Role of Management " Meetlng at 7 p m SUBMISSIONS FOR THE MAY ACTIVITIES CALEN­ NEED A MOTHER'S DAY GIFT? New gold and KWAJALEIN SCUBA CLUB DIVERS Save May 27 dar are due ln wrltlng to the Hourglass pearl earrlngs (I already had some), $30, for surprlse' Get yourself a partner and by COB Aprll 26 Send Vla Guard Mall or Famalore whlte sandals, sz 10, never worn, walt for further detalls drop ln slot ln Hourglass door paid $42, wlll sell for $32 Call 84520 (Hourglass) after 5 p m ETAWI CIRCLE meets Wed , 4/24, 11 30 a m at 216A for a luncheon honorlng members EFFECTIVE APRIL 23, PASSPORT PHOTOS wlll RICE COOKER, used three tlmes, 10-cup, who are PCS'lng Call 82580 be prepald at Global Flnance at a charge bought at Macy's, $25 Call 82698 after 5 of $10 per sheet of SlX plctures Global CUB SCOUT PACK MEETING, Frl , Aprll 27, wlll lssue two recelpts to the customer ENGLISH DART BOARD, $15, net-type hammock, Coral Sands, 6 30 p m Indlan theme who wlll present one recelpt to the Photo $3 Call 82276 after 5 p m Lab as proof of prepayment The photos STORYTIME IS HELD EACH TUESDAY at the wlll be ready for plckup the followlng Mon­ MAGNAVOX VIDEOMATIC SOLID ST-\TE 19" color Grace Sherwood Llbrary at 10 a mAll 3-, day, and the customer wlll have two weeks TV, portable, recent serVlce, good condl­ 4-, and 5-year-olds are welcome from that pOlnt to plck up the photos, or tl0n, $300 Call 84650 have them plcked up, or the photos wlll be BARGAIN BAZAAR PICKUPS are made on Tues­ dlscarded There wlll be no dellvery or 31"x42" DRAWING TABLE, adjustable to dlf­ days Call Elty Agcaolll, 83579 malilng of passport photos (KMR PAO) ferent angles Call 84391 after 6 p m RETAIL BEGINNING TODAY, FOM CREWS WILL REQUIRE ELRIDGE PIANO ln excellent shape for $750, access lnto occupled houslng unlts for the b/w TV (new) for $75 Call 84434 purpose of lnstaillng plastlc solar screen fllm The fllm wlll be applled on the In­ FOUND ~ terlor slde of all east, west and south NY YANKEE CAP w/Harley pln, T-shlrt w/ wlndows under a contlnulng government-ap­ Arablan horse prlnt at Emon 84650 proved energy conservatl0n project Tenants are requested to remove all curtalns and WANTED ~RRuAV drapes from those wlndows ln addltl0n to TO BUY OR BORROW Counted cross-stltch i any other personal ltems such as self­ book, "Country Broom Covers" Call Mary, stlcklng decals or contact paper ltems To 82704 Thanks mlnlmlze resldent lnconvenlence and to ex­ pedlte work lt would be appreclated lf any INFANT CLOTHES, newborn to 24 months, play­ IlRVGROCERY ~ FOOO ltems of furnlture ln front of wlndows be pen, baby crlb, carrler, blankets, qUllts, moved for easy access It lS expected that etc Call 83425 Ask for Evelyn or 82650 crews wlll be able to complete one quarters after 1 p m per day Tenants wlll be contacted by tele­ phone for notlflcatlon of scheduled work MOTHERS AND TODDLERS TO JOIN our speclal (FOM) play group If your toddler needs playmates hls/her age to play wlth, and you need some ANYONE INTERESTED IN BIDDING on a 24' fl­ tlme for yourself, call Joanne, 84677 berglass boat wlth two 130-hp outdrlve en­ ~ glnes, owned by the U S Department of En­ HELP WANTED n THESE ITEMS AND MORE n ergy, can obtaln lnformatlon and bld pack­ TEACHING POSITIONS Appllcatl0ns for Cen­ ages by contactlng Tom Fowler, DOE repre­ tral Mlchlgan Universlty and Unlverslty of U AVAI LABLE U sentatlve, KwaJaleln, 83368 (DOE) Hawall teachlng posltl0ns are belng accept­ AFTERNOON AT 3 30 ed for the fall and subsequent semesters at ~ TUE~DAY p,r'J ORTHODONTIST DR PAUL HOE WILL ARRIVE on the KwaJaleln Center Prospectlve lnstruc­ 1c=::::>I1c=::::>Itc:=:=)C1c=::::>I1c=::::>I KwaJaleln Wednesday, Aprll 24, and wlll de­ tors should have an advanced degree ln the part on Thursday, Aprll 25 Patlents wlll subject area to be taught Appllcations ln be seen on Wednesday afternoon and all day all subject areas wlll be accepted Each Surf And Sun Thursday Please call the Dental Cllnlc at appllcatlon wlll be forwarded to the appro­ AS OF 12 01 A M 82165 for an appolntment A cllnlc fee of prlate maln campus for reVlew by the depart­ Monday, Aprll 22, 19b5 $3 SOlS charged to all patlents ment chalrman Interested persons should Weekend ralnfall 2 85 (DENTAL CLINIC) contact Eula Jourdan at 82800 or stop by Monthly total 8 69 the Adult Educatl0n Center durlng worklng Yearly total 24 14 FOOD SERVICES hours TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN PDR DINNER ENTPLES FOR THE WEEK* Sunrise 6 36 a m Today Roast chlcken wlth gravy SERVICES OFFERED Sunset 6 59 p m Pork curry BACHELOR STATUS, NON-SMOKING INDIVIDUAL Moonrise 9 13 a m Tuesday Beef chow meln would llke to traller-/house-slt anytlme Moonset 10 12 p m Roast pork 101n wlth gravy durlng May, June or July \hfe comlng Wlll Hl Tlde 6 03 a m 5 6'-6 16 p m 4 5' Wednesday Charbrolled New York steak take excellent care of pets/plants/quarters Lo Tlde -12 24 p m 1 2' Thursday Roast turkey wlth glblet gravy Call V1C, W81549, H83556 FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 Spaghettl wlth meat sauce Frlday Baked fllet of cod COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Sauerbraten wlth natural gravy TROOP 531 MEETING Te IGHT AT 7 Be pre­ Saturday SW1SS steak wlth gravy pared to pass off the Cltlzenshlp Sklll Tonight At The MGvies Turkey a la klng Award Yokwe Yuk - Tln Man Sunday Cafeteria round au JUs Club 7 00 ------PG Baked ham wlth ralSln sauce LIMITED TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE FOR APRIL Rlchardson - Anlmals Are Beautlful 27 Swashbucklers' Ball Call Blll, 99418, People YOKWE YUK CLUB DAILY AND WEEKLY SPECIALS* Erlc, 99391, Nancy, 82766, Lew, 84650, 7 30 ------G Tuesday Beef stroganoff Joan, 82577, Mlckey, 99667, Larry, 99124, Wednesday Joe's Speclal Tom, 84549 Tonight On Television Thursday Meat loaf Kwajalein Frlday Chlcken terlyakl TABLE RESERVATIONS FOR APRIL 27 Swashbuck­ 4 55 General Hospltal Saturday Sallsbury steak lers' Ball, call Blll, 99418, or Joan, 5 40 SOlld Gold Sunday Swedlsh meatballs 82577, by Aprll 24 6 30 Academy Awards Weekly Speclal - Beef llver and onl0ns 9 10 T J Hooker *Menu lS subject to change wlthout notlce BETA SIGMA PHI wlll meet Aprll 23 at Betty 10 00 Star Search Barclay's, Tr 582, 7 30 p m Sunnle Akana 10 50 Donahue (Women's Groups) SNACK BAR DAILY SPECIALS wlll present the program on "Exerclse " 11 40 Academy Awards Tuesday Beef wlth vegetables Roi-Namur Soup - Oxtall NIKE FLYING CLUB meetlng wlll be Tuesday, 5 35 General Hospltal Wednesday Chlcken wlth long rlce Aprll 23, 7 30 pm, ln the Taro Room, Yok­ 6 20 The Muppets Soup - Beef vegetable we Yuk Club John Olson, FAA, wlll be avall­ 6 45 Newhart Thursday Sweet sour sparerlbs able for comments and questl0ns All mem­ 7 10 Perspectlve On Greatness Soup - Egg drop bers encouraged to attend Brlng a guest 8 05 Classlc Theater "Texas Frlday SW1SS steak Across The Rlver" Soup - Vegetable BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH SOCIETY Executlve 9 45 Slmon & Slmon Saturday Pork adobo (bralsed) board meetlng, Wed, Aprll 24, 7 30 pm, 10 35 Knots Landlng Soup - Chicken vegetable at the Morton resldence, Qtrs 432A