Curriculum Vitae Yaouen Fily Postdoctoral Researcher Martin Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University Waltham, MA 02453, USA +1 315-436-6069 yffi
[email protected] Education Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics, Université de Tours, France 2009 Master Dynamical systems and statistics of complex matter, Université Paris VI, France 2006 Agrégation de Sciences Physiques, option Physique1 2005 Licence in Physics, Université Paris VI / Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France 2003 Research Experience Postdoctoral Researcher 2012-present Brandeis University. Advisors: Michael Hagan, Aparna Baskaran. Confined active particles, flagellar beating, chiral self-assembly. Postdoctoral Researcher 2009-2012 Syracuse University. Advisor: Cristina Marchetti. Self-propelled particles, viscous fluid dynamics, linear elasticity, cell motion, jamming transition. Graduate Student 2006-2009 LEMA, CNRS/Université de Tours, France. Advisors: Jean-Claude Soret and Enrick Olive. “Depinning and high velocity dynamics of vortex lattices in type II superconductors – A numerical study”. Trainee February-March 2006 Service de Physique Theorique, C.E.A. Saclay, France. Advisor: Cécile Monthus. Directed polymers in random media. Trainee May-July 2004 Service d’Écologie Sociale, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Advisor: Jean-Louis Deneubourg. Modeling of cockroach aggregation. Trainee June-July 2003 Kastler-Brossel Lab, Université Paris VI, France. Advisor: Claude Fabre. Design and study of a resonant optical cavity. 1 Agrégation is a highly selective French exam of teaching ability that covers all core undergraduate physics classes and some chemistry. It is taken after a year-long preparation that involves theory as well as giving practice lectures critiqued by experienced educators. 1/4 Curriculum Vitae Yaouen Fily Teaching Experience Postdoctoral Researcher 2009-present At Syracuse University: GRE preparation, 4h, undergraduate level.