
Game Theory, Alive Anna R. Karlin 10.1090/mbk/101

Game Theory, Alive

Game Theory, Alive Anna R. Karlin Yuval Peres

AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Providence, Rhode Island 2010 Subject Classification. Primary 91A10, 91A12, 91A18, 91B12, 91A24, 91A43, 91A26, 91A28, 91A46, 91B26.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Karlin, Anna R. | Peres, Y. (Yuval) Title: Game theory, alive / , Yuval Peres. Description: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2016] | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016038151 | ISBN 9781470419820 (alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Game theory. | AMS: Game theory, , social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Noncooperative . msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Cooperative games. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Games in extensive form. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – – Voting theory. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Positional games (pursuit and evasion, etc.). msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Games involving graphs. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Rationality, learning. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Signaling, communication. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Game theory – Combinatorial games. msc | Game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences – Mathematical economics – Market models (auctions, , bidding, selling, etc.). msc Classification: LCC QA269 .K3684 2016 | DDC 519.3–dc23 LC record available at https://lccn. loc.gov/2016038151

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Acknowledgements xi Credits xii Preface xvii An overview of the book xvii Part I: Analyzing games: Strategies and equilibria xvii Part II: Designing games and mechanisms xxi For the reader and instructor xxiv Prerequisites xxiv Courses xxiv Notes xxv Part I: Analyzing games: Strategies and equilibria 1 Chapter 1. Combinatorial games 2 1.1. Impartial games 3 1.1.1. Nim 6 1.1.2. Bouton’s solution of Nim 7 1.1.3. Other impartial games 8 1.2. Partisan games 10 1.2.1. The game of Hex 12 1.2.2. and Hex: A path of arrows* 12 1.2.3. Hex and Y 14 1.2.4. More general boards* 16 1.2.5. Other partisan games played on graphs 17 Notes 21 Exercises 22 Chapter 2. Two-person zero-sum games 24 2.1. Examples 24 2.2. Definitions 26 2.3. The Theorem and its meaning 27 2.4. Simplifying and solving zero-sum games 28 2.4.1. Pure optimal strategies: Saddle points 28 2.4.2. Equalizing payoffs 29 2.4.3. The technique of domination 29 2.4.4. Using symmetry 31 2.5. Nash equilibria, equalizing payoffs, and optimal strategies 33 2.5.1. A first glimpse of incomplete information 34 2.6. Proof of von Neumann’s Minimax Theorem∗ 35


2.7. Zero-sum games with infinite action spaces∗ 38 Notes 38 Exercises 40

Chapter 3. Zero-sum games on graphs 45 3.1. Games in series and in parallel 45 3.1.1. Resistor networks and troll games 46 3.2. Hide and Seek games 48 3.2.1. Maximum and minimum covers 49 3.3. A pursuit-evasion game: Hunter and Rabbit∗ 52 3.3.1. Towards optimal strategies 53 3.3.2. The hunter’s 54 3.3.3. The rabbit’s strategy 55 3.4. The Bomber and Battleship game 59 Notes 59 Exercises 60

Chapter 4. General-sum games 64 4.1. Some examples 64 4.2. Nash equilibria 67 4.3. General-sum games with more than two players 71 4.3.1. Symmetric games 75 4.4. Potential games 75 4.4.1. The general notion 77 4.4.2. Additional examples 78 4.5. Games with infinite strategy spaces 80 4.6. The market for lemons 82 Notes 83 Exercises 84

Chapter 5. Existence of Nash equilibria and fixed points 89 5.1. The proof of Nash’s Theorem 89 5.2. Fixed-point theorems∗ 90 5.2.1. Easier fixed-point theorems 91 5.2.2. Sperner’s Lemma 92 5.2.3. Brouwer’s Fixed-Point Theorem 93 5.3. Brouwer’s Fixed-Point Theorem via Hex* 96 5.4. Sperner’s Lemma in higher dimensions∗ 98 Notes 102 Exercises 102

Chapter 6. Games in extensive form 104 6.1. Introduction 104 6.2. Games of imperfect information 109 6.2.1. Behavioral strategies 110 6.3. Games of incomplete information 112 6.3.1. Bayesian games 113 6.3.2. Signaling 116 6.3.3. Zero-sum games of incomplete information 117 6.3.4. Summary: Comparing imperfect and incomplete information 118 CONTENTS vii

6.4. Repeated games 119 6.4.1. Repetition with discounting 120 6.4.2. The Folk Theorem for average payoffs 121 6.4.3. Proof of Theorem 6.4.10∗ 123 Notes 124 Exercises 125

Chapter 7. Evolutionary and correlated equilibria 127 7.1. 127 7.1.1. Hawks and Doves 127 7.1.2. Evolutionarily stable strategies 128 7.2. Correlated equilibria 132 Notes 135 Exercises 136

Chapter 8. The 138 8.1. Selfish routing 138 8.1.1. Bounding the price of anarchy 141 8.1.2. Affine latency functions 143 8.1.3. Existence of equilibrium flows 143 8.1.4. Beyond affine latency functions 144 8.1.5. A traffic-anarchy tradeoff 146 8.2. Network formation games 146 8.3. A market sharing game 148 8.4. Atomic selfish routing 150 8.4.1. Extension theorems 152 8.4.2. Application to atomic selfish routing 154 Notes 154 Exercises 155

Chapter 9. Random-turn games 161 9.1. Examples 161 9.2. Optimal strategy for random-turn selection games 162 9.3. Win-or-lose selection games 164 9.3.1. Length of play for random-turn Recursive Majority 165 Notes 166 Exercises 167

Part II: Designing games and mechanisms 169

Chapter 10. Stable matching and allocation 170 10.1. Introduction 170 10.2. for finding stable matchings 171 10.3. Properties of stable matchings 172 10.3.1. Preferences by compatibility 174 10.3.2. Truthfulness 175 10.4. Trading agents 176 Notes 176 Exercises 178 viii CONTENTS

Chapter 11. 183 11.1. Cake cutting 183 11.1.1. Cake cutting via Sperner’s Lemma 185 11.2. Bankruptcy 188 Notes 192 Exercises 193

Chapter 12. Cooperative games 194 12.1. Transferable games 194 12.2. The 195 12.3. The 196 12.3.1. Shapley’s 196 12.3.2. Shapley’s Theorem 198 12.3.3. Additional examples 199 12.4. Nash bargaining 200 Notes 203 Exercises 205

Chapter 13. Social choice and voting 206 13.1. Voting and ranking mechanisms 206 13.2. Definitions 208 13.3. Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem 209 13.4. The Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem 210 13.5. Desirable properties for voting and ranking 210 13.6. Analysis of specific voting rules 211 13.7. Proof of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem∗ 214 13.8. Proof of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem∗ 216 Notes 218 Exercises 221

Chapter 14. Auctions 223 14.1. Single item auctions 223 14.1.1. Bidder model 224 14.2. Independent private values 226 14.3. Revenue in single-item auctions 227 14.4. Toward revenue equivalence 228 14.4.1. I.I.D. bidders 229 14.4.2. Payment and revenue equivalence 230 14.4.3. Applications 231 14.5. Auctions with a reserve price 232 14.5.1. Revenue equivalence with reserve prices 233 14.5.2. Entry fee versus reserve price 233 14.5.3. Evaluation fee 234 14.5.4. Ex-ante versus ex-interim versus ex-post 235 14.6. Characterization of Bayes- 236 14.7. Price of anarchy in auctions 239 14.8. The 240 14.9. Myerson’s optimal auction 242 14.9.1. The optimal auction for a single bidder 242 CONTENTS ix

14.9.2. A two-bidder special case 243 14.9.3. A formula for the expected payment 245 14.9.4. The multibidder case 245 14.10. Approximately optimal auctions 248 14.10.1. The advantage of just one more bidder 248 14.10.2. When only the highest bidder can win 248 14.10.3. The Lookahead auction is approximately optimal 249 14.11. The plot thickens... 250 Notes 252 Exercises 253

Chapter 15. Truthful auctions in win/lose settings 257 15.1. The second-price auction and beyond 257 15.2. Win/lose allocation settings 258 15.3. Social surplus and the VCG mechanism 259 15.4. Applications 260 15.4.1. Shared communication channel, revisited 260 15.4.2. Spanning tree auctions 260 15.4.3. Public project 261 15.5. Sponsored search auctions, GSP, and VCG 264 15.5.1. Another view of the VCG auction for sponsored search 265 15.5.2. Generalized second-price mechanism 267 15.6. Back to revenue maximization 270 15.6.1. Revenue maximization without priors 270 15.6.2. Revenue extraction 271 15.6.3. An approximately optimal auction 272 Notes 273 Exercises 274

Chapter 16. VCG and scoring rules 278 16.1. Examples 278 16.2. Social surplus maximization and the general VCG mechanism 279 16.3. Scoring rules 283 16.3.1. Keeping the meteorologist honest 283 16.3.2. A solution 283 16.3.3. A characterization of scoring rules∗ 284 Notes 286 Exercises 287

Chapter 17. Matching markets 289 17.1. Maximum weighted matching 289 17.2. Envy-free prices 291 17.2.1. Highest and lowest envy-free prices 291 17.2.2. Seller valuations and unbalanced markets 294 17.3. Envy-free division of rent 294 17.4. Finding maximum matchings via ascending auctions 295 17.5. Matching buyers and sellers 296 17.5.1. Positive seller values 297 17.6. Application to weighted hide-and-seek games 298 xCONTENTS

Notes 299 Exercises 301

Chapter 18. Adaptive decision making 302 18.1. Binary prediction with expert advice and a perfect expert 302 18.2. Nobody is perfect 305 18.2.1. Weighted majority 305 18.3. Multiple choices and varying costs 307 18.3.1. Discussion 308 18.3.2. The Multiplicative Weights 308 18.3.3. Gains 311 18.4. Using adaptive decision making to play zero-sum games 311 18.5. Adaptive decision making as a zero-sum game∗ 313 18.5.1. Minimax regret is attained in {0,1} losses 313 18.5.2. Optimal adversary strategy 314 18.5.3. The case of two actions 315 18.5.4. Adaptive versus oblivious adversaries 317 Notes 319 Exercises 320 Appendix A. Linear programming 323 A.1. The Minimax Theorem and linear programming 323 A.2. Linear programming basics 324 A.2.1. Linear programming duality 325 A.2.2. Duality, more formally 325 A.2.3. An interpretation of a primal/dual pair 326 A.2.4. The proof of the Duality Theorem∗ 328 A.3. Notes 331 Exercises 331

Appendix B. Some useful probability tools 332 B.1. The second moment method 332 B.2. The Hoeffding-Azuma Inequality 332 Appendix C. Convex functions 334 Appendix D. Solution sketches for selected exercises 338 Bibliography 349 Index 365 Acknowledgements

We are grateful to Alan Hammond, Yun Long, G´abor Pete, and Peter Ralph for scribing early drafts of some of the chapters in this book from lectures by Yuval Peres. These drafts were edited by Liat Kessler, Asaf Nachmias, Sara Robinson, Yelena Shvets, and David Wilson. We are especially indebted to Yelena Shvets for her contributions to the chapters on combinatorial games and voting, and to David Wilson for numerous insightful edits. Their efforts greatly improved the book. David was also a major force in writing the paper [PSSW07], which is largely reproduced in Chapter 9. The expository style of that paper also inspired our treatment of other topics in the book. We thank TJ Gilbrough, Christine Hill, Isaac Kuek, Davis Shepherd, and Ye- lena Shvets for creating figures for the book. We also thank Ranjit Samra for the lemon figure and Barry Sinervo for the picture in Figure 7.2. The artistic drawings in the book were created by Gabrielle Cohn, Nate Jensen, and Yelena Shvets. We are extremely grateful to all three of them. Peter Bartlett, Allan Borodin, Sourav Chatterjee, , , Asaf Nachmias, Allan Sly, Shobhana Stoyanov, and Markus Vasquez taught from drafts of the book and provided valuable suggestions and . Thanks also to Omer Adelman, John Buscher, Gabriel Carroll, Jiechen Chen, Wenbo Cui, Varsha Dani, Kira Goldner, Nick Gravin, Brian Gu, Kieran Kishore, , Itamar Landau, Shawn Lee, Eric Lei, Bryan Lu, Andrea McCool, Mallory Monas- terio, Andrew Morgan, Katia Nepom, Uuganbaatar Ninjbat, Miki Racz, Colleen Ross, Zhuohong Shen, Davis Shepherd, Stephanie Somersille, Kuai Yu, Sithparran Vanniasegaram, and Olga Zamaraeva for their helpful comments and corrections. The support of the NSF VIGRE grant to the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley, and NSF grants DMS-0244479, DMS-0104073, CCF-1016509, and CCF-1420381 is gratefully acknowledged.

xi Credits

The American Mathematical Society gratefully acknowledges the kindness of the following institutions and individuals in granting permissions:

Cover Art Gabrielle Cohn:Frontcover Nate Jensen:Backcover Back Cover Photo Courtesy of Gireeja Ranade Preface TJ Gilbrough: Figures 1 and 10 Nate Jensen: Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Yelena Shvets:Figure2 David B. Wilson:Figure3 Chapter 1: Combinatorial games TJ Gilbrough: Figures 1.4, 1.14, 1.15, and 1.18 Yelena Shvets: Figures 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.16, 1.17, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, and the figure in Exercise 1.7 Chapter 2: Two-person zero-sum games Christine Hill: Figure 2.7 Nate Jensen: Figures 2.1 and 2.6 Davis Shepherd: Figure 2.2 Yelena Shvets: Figures 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 Chapter 3: Zero-sum games on graphs Gabrielle Cohn: Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.9 TJ Gilbrough: Figure 3.15 Christine Hill: Figures 3.11 and 3.13 Isaac Kuek: Figures 3.7, 3.8, 3.17, and 3.18

xii CREDITS xiii

Davis Shepherd: Figure 3.5 Yelena Shvets: Figures 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, and 3.16 : Figures 3.10, 3.12, and 3.14 Chapter 4: General-sum games Gabrielle Cohn: Figure 4.12 Christine Hill: Figures 4.10, and 4.13 Nate Jensen: Figures 4.2, 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 Isaac Kuek: Figures 4.4 and 4.11 Ranjit Samra: Figure 4.14 (www.rojaysoriginalart.com) Yelena Shvets: Figures 4.1, 4.3, 4.5, and 4.9 Chapter 5: Existence of Nash equilibria and fixed points TJ Gilbrough: Figure 5.4 TJ Gilbrough and Yelena Shvets: Figure 5.8 Christine Hill: Figures 5.3, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, and 5.13 Yelena Shvets: Figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7 Chapter 6: Games in extensive form Gabrielle Cohn: Figure 6.13 TJ Gilbrough and Christine Hill: Figures 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 6.10, 6.11, and 6.12 Christine Hill: Figures 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, and 6.7 Nate Jensen: Figure 6.8 Isaac Kuek: Figures 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, and 6.17 Yelena Shvets: Figure 6.9 Chapter 7: Evolutionary and correlated equilibria Gabrielle Cohn: Figure 7.3 TJ Gilbrough: Figures 7.4 and 7.5 Yelena Shvets: Figures 7.1 and 7.6 Barry Sinervo: Figure 7.2 Chapter 8: The price of anarchy TJ Gilbrough: Figure 8.10 TJ Gilbrough and Christine Hill: Figure 8.11 TJ Gilbrough and Isaac Kuek: Figures 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, and 8.12 xiv CREDITS

Chapter 9: Random-turn games Yelena Shvets: Figures 9.2 and 9.3 David B. Wilson: Figures 9.1 and 9.4 Chapter 10: Stable matching and allocation TJ Gilbrough: Figure 10.8 TJ Gilbrough and Christine Hill: Figures 10.5 and 10.6 Alexander E. Holroyd: Figures 10.7. Alexander E. Holroyd, Robin Peman- tle, Yuval Peres, and Oded Schramm, Poisson matching, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar´e Probab. Stat. 45(1):266–287, 2009. Alexander E. Holroyd: Figure 10.10. Christopher Hoffman, Alexander E. Holroyd, and Yuval Peres, A stable marriage of Poisson and Lebesgue, Ann. Probab. 34(4):1241–1272, 2006. Nate Jensen: Figure 10.1 Isaac Kuek: Figure 10.9 Yelena Shvets: Figures 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4 Chapter 11: Fair division TJ Gilbrough: Figures 11.10 and 11.11 TJ Gilbrough and Christine Hill: Figure 11.6 Christine Hill: Figures 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, and 11.8 Nate Jensen: Figures 11.1, 11.7, and 11.9 Chapter 12: Cooperative games TJ Gilbrough: Figures 12.2 and 12.3 Yelena Shvets: Figure 12.1 Chapter 13: Social choice and voting TJ Gilbrough: Figures 13.14, 13.15, 13.16, and 13.17 TJ Gilbrough and Yelena Shvets: Figures 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 13.9, 13.10, 13.11, and 13.13 Chapter 14: Auctions Gabrielle Cohn: Figures 14.1 and 14.4 TJ Gilbrough and Isaac Kuek: Figures 14.2, 14.3, 14.6, 14.7 Nate Jensen: Figures 14.5 and 14.8 CREDITS xv

Chapter 15: Truthful auctions in win/lose settings TJ Gilbrough and Isaac Kuek: Figures 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, and 15.10 Nate Jensen: Figures 15.1 and 15.12 Davis Shepherd: Figure 15.11 Chapter 16: VCG and scoring rules Gabrielle Cohn: Figure 16.1 TJ Gilbrough and Christine Hill: Figure 16.3 Isaac Kuek: Figure 16.2 Chapter 17: Matching markets TJ Gilbrough: Figure 17.2 TJ Gilbrough and Isaac Kuek: Figure 17.1 Nate Jensen: Figure 17.3 Chapter 18: Adaptive decision making Gabrielle Cohn: Figure 18.2 TJ Gilbrough: Figure 18.1 TJ Gilbrough and Isaac Kuek: Figure 18.3 Appendix A: Linear programming Davis Shepherd: Figures A.1 and A.2 Appendix C: Convex functions TJ Gilbrough: Figures C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4, and C.5 Appendix D: Solution sketches for selected exercises Davis Shepherd: Figure D.1 Yelena Shvets: Figure D.2 Photos (in alphabetical order) : Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: Yan Chi Vinci Chow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ticoneva/444805175). The work is licensed un- der Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. : Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: Linda A. Cicero/ Stanford News Service, 2008. The work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Robert John Aumann: Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: DMY : Courtesy of Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsin- stitut Oberwolfach, c George Bergman xvi CREDITS

Gabrielle Demange: c Aurore Bagarry–2015 : Courtesy of Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, c George Bergman James Hannan: Courtesy of Bettie Hannan Anna Karlin and Yuval Peres (back cover): Photo by Gireeja Ranade Elias Koutsoupias: Courtesy of Elias Koutsoupias : c Archiv der Universit¨at Wien : Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: MS!Mit8rd. The work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. John Nash: Picture credit: Library. Reference citation: John F. Nash, Jr.; circa 1948–1950, 1994, 2002; Graduate Alumni Records, Princeton University Archives, Department of Rare Books and Special Collec- tions, Princeton University Library. : Courtesy of Noam Nisan : Credit: Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou Julia Robinson: Courtesy of Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsin- stitut Oberwolfach, c George Bergman Alvin E. Roth: Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: Bengt Nyman (http:// www.flickr.com/people/97469566@N00). The work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. : Courtesy of Tim Roughgarden Donald Saari: c Donald Saari : Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: Hessam Arman- dehi. The work is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License and Cre- ative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. L. S. Shapley: c Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Ober- wolfach : Source: Wikimedia Commons, credit: Web of Stories. The work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Marilda Sotomayor: Courtesy of Gustavo Morita Eva Tardos: Courtesy of Eva Tardos William Vickery: Courtesy of University Archives, in the City of New York : American Mathematical Society Preface

We live in a highly connected world, with multiple self-interested agents inter- acting, leading to myriad opportunities for conflict and . Understanding these is the goal of game theory. It finds application in fields such as economics, business, political science, , psychology, sociology, , and en- gineering. Conversely, ideas from the social sciences (e.g., fairness), from biology (evolutionary stability), from statistics (adaptive learning), and from computer sci- ence (complexity of finding equilibria) have greatly enriched game theory. In this book, we present an introduction to this field. We will see applications from a vari- ety of disciplines and delve into some of the fascinating mathematics that underlies game theory.

An overview of the book

Part I: Analyzing games: Strategies and equilibria. We begin in Chapter 1 with combinatorial games, in which two players take turns mak- ing moves until a winning position for one of them is reached.

Figure 1. Two people playing Nim.

A classic example of a combinatorial game is Nim. In this game, there are several piles of chips, and players take turns removing one or more chips from a single pile. The player who takes the last chip wins. We will describe a winning strategy for Nim and show that a large of combinatorial games can be reduced to it. Other well-known combinatorial games are , Go, and Hex. The youngest of these is Hex, which was invented by Piet Hein in 1942 and independently by John Nash in 1947. Hex is played on a rhombus-shaped board tiled with small hexagons (see Figure 2). Two players, Blue and Yellow, alternate coloring in hexagons in their assigned color, blue or yellow, one hexagon per turn. Blue wins if she produces

xvii xviii PREFACE

Figure 2. The board for the game of Hex. a blue chain crossing between her two sides of the board and Yellow wins if he produces a yellow chain connecting the other two sides. We will show that the player who moves first has a winning strategy; finding this strategy remains an unsolved problem, except when the board is small.

28 27 30 33 29 34 41 32 31 36 43 40 26 35 38 45 42 23 37 46 53 44 25 22 39 52 24 48 55 19 51 50 47 54 56 21 4 62 1 57 20 2 5 49 66 58 6113 3 64 67 60 14 18 8 68 63 59 15 11 65 16 12 7 9 69 17 10 6

Figure 3. The board position near the end of the match between Queenbee and Hexy at the 5th Computer . Each hexagon is labeled by the time at which it was placed on the board. Blue moves next, but Yellow has a winning strategy. Can you see why?

In an interesting variant of the game, the players, instead of alternating turns, toss a coin to determine who moves next. In this case, we can describe optimal strategies for the players. Such random-turn combinatorial games are the subject of Chapter 9. In Chapters 2–5, we consider games in which the players simultaneously select from a of possible actions. Their selections are then revealed, resulting in a payoff to each player. For two players, these payoffs are represented using the matrices A =(aij)andB =(bij). When player I selects action i and player II selects action j, the payoffs to these players are aij and bij, respectively. Two- person games where one player’s gain is the other player’s loss, that is, aij +bij =0 for all i, j, are called zero-sum games. Such games are the topic of Chapter 2. AN OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK xix

We show that every zero-sum game has a value V such that player I can ensure her expected payoff is at least V (no matter how II plays) and player II can ensure he pays I at most V (in expectation) no matter how I plays. For example, in Penalty Kicks, a zero-sum game inspired by soccer, one player, the kicker, chooses to kick the ball either to the left or to the right of the other player, the goalie. At the same instant as the kick, the goalie guesses whether to dive left or right.

Figure 4. The game of Penalty Kicks.

The goalie has a chance of saving the goal if he dives in the same direction as the kick. The kicker, who we assume is right-footed, has a greater likelihood of success if she kicks right. The probabilities that the penalty kick scores are displayed in the table below: goalie LR L 0.5 1 R 10.8 kicker For this set of scoring probabilities, the optimal strategy for the kicker is to kick left with probability 2/7 and kick right with probability 5/7 — then regardless of what the goalie does, the probability of scoring is 6/7. Similarly, the optimal strategy for the goalie is to dive left with probability 2/7 and dive right with probability 5/7. Chapter 3 goes on to analyze a number of interesting zero-sum games on graphs. For example, we consider a game between a Troll and a Traveler.Each of them chooses a route (a sequence of roads) from Syracuse to Troy, and then they simultaneously disclose their routes. Each road has an associated toll. For each road chosen by both players, the traveler pays the toll to the troll. We find optimal strategies by developing a connection with electrical networks. In Chapter 4 we turn to general-sum games. In these games, players no longer have optimal strategies. Instead, we focus on situations where each player’s strategy is a to the strategies of the opponents: a Nash equilibrium is an assignment of (possibly randomized) strategies to the players, with the prop- erty that no player can gain by unilaterally changing his strategy. It turns out that xx PREFACE every general-sum game has at least one Nash equilibrium. The proof of this fact requires an important geometric tool, the Brouwer fixed-point theorem,which is covered in Chapter 5.

Figure 5. Prisoner’s Dilemma: the prisoners considering the possible conse- quences of confessing or remaining silent.

The most famous general-sum game is the Prisoner’s Dilemma. If one pris- oner confesses and the other remains silent, then the first goes free and the second receives a ten-year sentence. They will be sentenced to eight years each if they both confess and to one year each if they both remain silent. The only equilibrium in this game is for both to confess, but the game becomes more interesting when it is repeated, as we discuss in Chapter 6. More generally, in Chapter 6 we consider games where players alternate moves as in Chapter 1, but the payoffs are general as in Chapter 4. These are called extensive-form games. Often these games in- volve imperfect information, where players do not know all actions that have been taken by their opponents. For instance, in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the U.S. did not know whether the U.S.S.R. had installed nuclear missiles in Cuba and had to decide whether to bomb the missile sites in Cuba without knowing whether or not they were fitted with nuclear warheads. (The U.S. used a naval blockade instead.) We also consider games of incomplete information where the players do not even know exactly what game they are playing. For instance, in , the potential payoffs to a player depend on the cards dealt to his opponents. One criticism of optimal strategies and equilibria in game theory is that finding them requires hyperrational players that can analyze complicated strategies. How- ever, it was observed that populations of termites, spiders, and can arrive at a Nash equilibrium just via . The equilibria that arise in such populations have an additional property called evolutionary stability,whichis discussed in Chapter 7. In the same chapter, we also introduce correlated equilibria.Whentwo drivers approach an intersection, there is no good Nash equilibrium. For example, the convention of yielding to a driver on your right is problematic in a four-way intersection. A traffic light serves as a correlating device that ensures each driver is incentivized to follow the indications of the light. Correlated equilibria generalize this idea. AN OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK xxi

In Chapter 8, we compare outcomes in Nash equilibrium to outcomes that could be achieved by a central planner optimizing a global objective function. For example, in Prisoner’s Dilemma, the total loss (combined jail time) in the unique Nash equilibrium is 16 years; the minimum total loss is 2 years (if both stay silent). Thus, the ratio, known as the price of anarchy of the game, is 8. Another example compares the average driving time in a road network when the drivers are selfish (i.e., in a Nash equilibrium) to the average driving time in an optimal routing.

Figure 6. An unstable pair.

Part II: Designing games and mechanisms. So far, we have considered predefined games, and our goal was to understand the outcomes that we can expect from rational players. In the second part of the book, we also consider where we start with desired properties of the (e.g., high profit or fairness) and attempt to design a game (or market or scheme) that incentivizes players to reach an outcome that meets our goals. Applications of mechanism design include voting systems, auctions, school choice, environmental regulation, and organ donation. For example, suppose that there are n men and n women, where each man has a ordering of the women and vice versa. A matching between them is stable if there is no unstable pair, i.e., a man and woman who prefer each other to their partners in the matching. In Chapter 10, we introduce the Gale-Shapley algorithm for finding a stable matching. A generalization of stable matching is used by the National Resident Matching Program, which matches about 20,000 new doctors to residency programs at hospitals every year. Chapter 11 considers the design of mechanisms for fair division.Consider the problem of dividing a cake with several different toppings among several peo- ple. Each topping is distributed over some portion of the cake, and each person prefers some toppings to others. If there are just two people, there is a well-known mechanism for dividing the cake: One cuts it in two, and the other chooses which xxii PREFACE piece to take. Under this system, each person is at least as happy with what he receives as he would be with the other person’s share. What if there are three or more people? We also consider a 2000-year-old problem: how to divide an estate between several creditors whose claims exceed the value of the estate. The topic of Chapter 12 is , in which players form coalitions in order to maximize their utility. As an example, suppose that three people have gloves to sell. Two are each selling a single, left-handed glove, while the third is selling a right-handed one. A wealthy tourist enters the store in dire need of a pair of gloves. She refuses to deal with the glove-bearers individually, so at least two of them must form a coalition to sell a left-handed and a right-handed glove to her. The third player has an advantage because his commodity is in scarcer supply. Thus, he should receive a higher fraction of the price the tourist pays. However, if he holds out for too high a fraction of the payment, the other players may agree between themselves that he must pay both of them in order to obtain a left glove. A related topic discussed in the chapter is bargaining, where the classical solution is again due to Nash.

Figure 7. Voting in Florida during the 2000 U.S. presidential election.

In Chapter 13 we turn to social choice: designing mechanisms that aggre- gate the preferences of a collection of individuals. The most basic example is the design of voting schemes. We prove Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, which im- plies that all voting systems are strategically vulnerable. However, some systems are better than others. For example, the widely used system of runoff elections is not even monotone; i.e., transferring votes from one candidate to another might lead the second candidate to lose an election he would otherwise win. In contrast, Borda count and are monotone and more resistant to manipulation. Chapter 14 studies auctions for a single item. We compare different auction formats such as first-price (selling the item to the highest bidder at a price equal to his bid) and second-price (selling the item to the highest bidder at a price AN OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK xxiii

Figure 8. An auction for a painting.

equal to the second highest bid). In first-price auctions, bidders must bid below their value if they are to make any profit; in contrast, in a second-price auction, it is optimal for bidders to simply bid their value. Nevertheless, the Revenue Equiva- lence Theorem shows that, in equilibrium, if the bidders’ values are independent and identically distributed, then the expected auctioneer revenue in the first-price and second-price auctions is the same. We also show how to design optimal (i.e., revenue-maximizing) auctions under the assumption that the auctioneer has good prior information about the bidders’ values for the item he is selling. Chapters 15 and 16 discuss truthful mechanisms that go beyond the second- price auction, in particular, the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism for maximizing social surplus, the total utility of all participants in the mechanism. A key application is to sponsored search auctions, the auctions that search engines like Google and Bing run every time you perform a search. In these auctions, the bidders are companies that wish to place their advertisements in one of the slots you see when you get the results of your search. In Chapter 16, we also discuss scoring rules. For instance, how can we incentivize a meteorologist to give the most accurate prediction he can? Chapter 17 considers matching markets. A certain housing market has n homeowners and n potential buyers. Buyer i has a value vij for house j. The goal is to find an allocation of houses to buyers and corresponding prices that are stable; i.e., there is no pair of buyer and homeowner that can strike a better deal. A related problem is allocating rooms to renters in a shared rental house. See Figure 9. Finally, Chapter 18 concerns adaptive decision making. Suppose that each day several experts suggest actions for you to take; each possible action has a reward (or penalty) that varies between days and is revealed only after you choose. xxiv PREFACE

Figure 9. Three roommates need to decide who will get each room and how much of the rent each person will pay.

Surprisingly, there is an algorithm that ensures your average reward over many days (almost) matches that of the best expert. If two players in a repeated zero-sum game employ such an algorithm, the empirical distribution of play for each of them will converge to an optimal strategy.

For the reader and instructor Prerequisites. Readers should have taken basic courses in probability and linear algebra. Starred sections and subsections are more difficult; some require familiarity with mathematical analysis that can be acquired, e.g., in [Rud76]. Courses. This book can be used for different kinds of courses. For instance, an undergraduate game theory course could include Chapter 1 (combinatorial games), Chapter 2 and most of Chapter 3 on zero-sum games, Chapters 4 and 7 on general- sum games and different types of equilibria, Chapter 10 (stable matching), parts of Chapters 11 (fair division), 13 (social choice), and possibly 12 (especially the Shapley value). Indeed, this book started from lecture notes to such a course that was given at Berkeley for several years by the second author. A course for computer science students might skip some of the above chapters (e.g., combinatorial games) and instead emphasize Chapter 9 on price of anarchy, Chapters 14–16 on auctions and VCG, and possibly parts of Chapters 17 (matching markets) and 18 (adaptive decision making). The topic of stable matching (Chapter 10) is a gem that requires no background and could fit in any course. The logical dependencies between the chapters are shown in Figure 10. There are solution outlines to some problems in Appendix D. Such solutions are labeled with an “S” in the text. More difficult problems are labeled with a ∗. Additional exercises and material can be found at:

http://homes.cs.washington.edu/~karlin/GameTheoryAlive NOTES xxv

Figure 10. Chapter dependencies.

Notes There are many excellent books on game theory. In particular, in writing this book, we consulted Ferguson [Fer08], Gintis [Gin00], Gonz´alez-D´ıaz et al. [GDGJFJ10], Luce and Raiffa [LR57], Maschler, Solan, and Zamir [MSZ13], Osborne and Rubinstein [OR94], Owen [Owe95], the survey book on [NRTV07], and the handbooks of game theory, Volumes 1–4 (see, e.g., [AH92]). The entries in the payoff matrices for zero-sum games represent the utility of the players, and throughout the book we assume that the goal of each agent is maximizing his expected utility. Justifying this assumption is the domain of utility theory, which is discussed in most game theory books. xxvi PREFACE

The Penalty Kicks matrix we gave was idealized for simplicity. Actual data on 1,417 penalty kicks from professional games in Europe was collected and analyzed by Palacios- Huerta [PH03]. The resulting matrix is goalie LR L 0.58 0.95

kicker R 0.93 0.70

Here ‘R’ represents the dominant (natural) side for the kicker. Given these probabilities, the optimal strategy for the kicker is (0.38, 0.62) and the optimal strategy for the goalie is (0.42, 0.58). The observed frequencies were (0.40, 0.60) for the kicker and (0.423, 0.577) for the goalie. The early history of the theory of strategic games from Waldegrave to Borel is dis- cussedin[DD92]. Bibliography

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s-t paths, 141 entry fee vs reserve price, 233 S-veto game, 196 evaluation fee, 234 -envy-free, 185 first-price, 157, 345 (λ, μ)-smooth, 152 IPL cricket auction, 232 lookahead, 248 actions, 26, 105 payment rule, 258 adaptive decision-making, xxiii, 302–322 price of anarchy, 239–240 adaptive adversary, 317–319 private values, 224 as zero-sum game, 313–317 public project, 261 Multiplicative Weights Algorithm, randomized, 236 308–311 Revelation Principle, 240–241 play zero-sum games, 311–313 revenue equivalence, 230–232 oblivious adversary, 317–319 shared communication channel, 258, 260 sublinear regret, 310 single-bidder, two items, 250 adjacency matrix, 51 single-item, 223–256 affine latency functions, 143 social surplus, 259 Akerlof, George, 82, 83 spanning tree, 260 all-pay auctions sponsored search, 264–270, 274 Bayes-Nash equilibrium, 231 , 229 alternative theorem, 328 trips to the moon, 270 antisymmetric payoff matrix, 30 truthful, 227, 259 approval voting uniform price, 237 properties, 213 utility of auctioneer, 259 Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, 209 utility of bidder, 224, 259 proof, 214–216 Vickrey, 227 Extremal Lemma, 214 Wallet Game, 255 pivotal voter, 214 Arrow, Kenneth, 219 war of attrition, 231 assignment game, 296–297 win/lose settings, 257–277 balanced outcomes, 296, 297 with reserve price, 232 best outside option, 296 Aumann, Robert, 125 excess, 296 automorphism, 87 stable outcome, 296 assignment problem, 299 , 105 atomic selfish routing, 150–154 Banach’s Fixed-Point Theorem, 91 auctions, xxii bankruptcy, 188–192 allocation rule, 258 allocation rule properties approximately optimal, 248–250 consistent, 190 Bayes-Nash equilibrium, 225, 229 monotone, 190 Bayes-Nash incentive-compatible (BIC), pairwise consistent, 190 240 proportional division, 188 bidder model, 223 allocation rules bidding strategy, 224 constrained equal allocations (CEA), correlated values, 250–252 189, 190

365 366 INDEX

constrained equal losses (CEL), 189, Chomp, 2, 5 190 equivalent games, 22 equal division of contested amounts, Hex, xvii, 12–16, 96 189 impartial, 3, 21 garment rule, 189 Nim, xvii, 6 Talmud rule, 190 Nim-sum, 8 bargaining, 200–204 partisan, 10–21 solution, 200 progressively bounded game, 2, 21 utopia value, 204 Recursive Majority, 20 Battle of the , 132 Rims, 8 Bayes-Nash equilibrium, 225, 229 Shannon switching game, 17 Bayes-Nash incentive-compatible, 240 Staircase Nim, 9 Bayesian equilibrium, 124 strategy, 3 Bayesian games, 113, 116, 118 strategy-stealing, 6 auctions, 223–256 Subtraction, 3 Hiring a Contractor, 258 winning strategy, 3 Lions and Antelopes, 116 Y, 14 behavioral strategies, 110–112, 120 commitment, 70 best-response, 33, 75 , 105, 225 best-response dynamics, 77, 78, 83 competitive equilibrium allocations, 300 bilateral trade, 274 , 206 binary prediction with perfect experts, conductance, 47 302–304 congestion games, 75, 87 follow a random leader, 302 Consensus, 78, 83 follow the majority, 302 convex functions, 334–337 binding commitment, 70 convex set, 35 , 49 cooperative game theory, xxii, 194–205 Birkhoff – von Neumann Theorem, 61 cooperative games, 194 Blackwell, David, 320 S-veto game, 196 Bomber and Battleship, 59, 60 characteristic function, 194 Borda count Fish of little value, 199 properties, 212 Four Stockholders, 198 bounded set, 35 Glove Market, 194, 197 Bouton’s Theorem, 8 Many Right Gloves, 199 Braess Paradox, 138, 139 Miners and Gold, 195 Bridg-It, 18 monotonicity, 194 Brouwer’s Fixed-Point Theorem, 89, 93–98 shares, 195 budget balance, 273 Splitting a dollar, 196 Bulow-Klemperer theorem, 248 transferable , 194 core, 195–196 cake cutting, 183–188 envy-free, 185 efficiency, 195 fair division, 184 stability, 195 Moving-knife Algorithm, 184 correlated equilibrium, xx, 132–135 via Sperner’s Lemma, 185–187 correlated strategy pair, 133 calibration, 283 correlated values, 248 Centipede, 106 cost minimization game, 152 chapter dependencies, xxv courses, xxiv Cheetahs and Antelopes, 67 current flow, 60 Chicken, 69, 84, 127, 134 Chomp, 2, 5 decision tree, 165 chromatic number, 80 demand graph, 291 clickthrough rates, 265 demand set, 289 , 35 Demange, Gabrielle, 300 coarse correlated equilibrium, 153 dictatorship, 209, 210, 214, 216 Coloring, 83 digital goods auctions, 270 combinatorial games, xvii, 2–23 optimal fixed price revenue, 270 Bouton’s Theorem, 8 revenue extraction, 271 INDEX 367

revenue maximization without priors, perfect recall, 110, 111 270–273 pure strategies, 105, 110 direct revelation, 240 realization-equivalent strategies, 111 discounted payoff, 119 -perfect equilibrium, 105, 106, dominant strategy, 65, 224, 227 108 domination, 29–31 Subtraction, 104 Driver and Parking Inspector, 66 externality, 259, 265 dual lattice, 96 extreme point, 330 Duality Theorem, 325 facility location, 155 edge, 3 fair division, xxi, 183–193 edge flow, 141 Farkas’ Lemma, 328 effective conductance, 47 feasible LP, 324, 325 effective resistance, 47, 60 first-price auctions electrical networks, 46, 60 Bayes-Nash equilibrium, 231 conductance, 47 uniform values, 226 effective conductance, 47 Fish of little value, 199 effective resistance, 47 Fish-Selling, 113, 114 resistance, 46, 47 Fishmonger’s problem, 243 employee housing auction, 281 fixed point property (f.p.p.), 93 envy-free, 263 fixed-point theorems, 89–103 envy-free pricing, 291 Banach, 91 highest, 291–294 Brouwer, xx, 89, 90, 92–98 via Hex, 96 lattice, 291 Brouwer for simplex, 93 lowest, 291–294 compact, 92 equalizing payoffs, 29, 33 Folk Theorem, 121–124 equalizing strategies, 74 for average payoffs, 123 equilibrium flow, 142 Four Stockholders, 198 Euclidean norm, 35 evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS), 69, G¨odel Prize, 154, 286 128–132 Gale, David, 177, 300 evolutionary game theory, 127–132 Gale-Shapley algorithm, 170–174 evolutionary stability, xx game tree, 104 ratios, 131 games excess, 296 combinatorial, 23 existence of equilibrium flows, 143 extensive-form, 104–126 extension theorems, 152–154 general-sum, 64–90 extensive-form games, xx, 104–126 potential games, 75–80 actions, 105 random-turn, 161–167 average payoff, 119 repeated, 119–124 backward induction, 105 Folk Theorem, 123 Bayesian games, 113, 116, 118 zero-sum, 24–62 behavioral strategies, 110–112, 120 general-sum games, xix, 64–90 Centipede, 106 Battle of the Sexes, 132 , 105 Cheetahs and Antelopes, 67, 83 discounted payoff, 119 Chicken, 69, 83, 134 Fish-Selling, 113 congestion games, 75, 83 imperfect information, 109–112, 118 Consensus, 78 incomplete information, 112–118 dominant strategy, 65 information sets, 109, 110 Driver and Parking Inspector, 66, 83 Large Company v Startup, 114 equalizing strategies, 74 limsup average payoff, 119 Gnus and Lioness, 71 Line-Item Veto, 105 Graph Coloring, 79 Lions and Antelopes, 116 Hawks and Doves, 127, 129 mixed strategies, 105, 110 infinite action spaces, 80 moves by nature, 113 Location-sensitive Pollution, 75 Mutual Assured Destruction, 106 many players, 71–75 perfect information, 108, 118 mixed strategy, 67 368 INDEX

Nash equilibrium, 64, 67 infinite action spaces, 38, 367 mixed, 73 influence, 164 pure, 73 information sets, 109, 110 Nash’s Theorem, 74, 89–90 instant runoff voting (IRV) Nightclub Pricing, 81 properties, 211 payoff matrices, 67 Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma, 120 Pollution, 72, 83 Prisoner’s Dilemma, xx, 64, 83 Jensen’s inequality, 337 pure strategy, 67 Jordan curve theorem, 14 Rock-Paper-Scissors Variant, 137 Stag Hunt, 65, 83 K¨onig’s Lemma, 52, 289 , 67 Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution, 204 symmetric strategies, 67 Koutsoupias, Elias, 154 Tragedy of the Commons, 80, 83 , 126 Volunteering Dilemma, 85 Kuhn’s Theorem, 111 War and Peace, 65 Large Company versus Startup, 114 Generalized Hide and Seek, 298 latency function, 139 Generalized , 43 lattice, 291 generalized potential function, 79 line-cover, 49 Gibbard-Satterthwaite Theorem, 210 Line-Item Veto, 105 proof, 216–218 linear programming duality, 325 Glove Market, 194, 197 linear programming, 323–331 Gnus and Lioness, 71 complementary slackness, 326 graphs, 3 dual LP, 326 adjacency matrix, 51 Duality Theorem, 326, 328–331 bipartite, 49 Farkas’ Lemma, 328 edge contraction, 261 feasible set, 324 matching, 50 primal LP, 325 Grim strategy, 121 weak duality, 326 GSP (Generalized Second-Price) link, 3 mechanism, 267–270 Lions and Antelopes, 116 Hall’s condition, 50 lizards, 130 Hall’s Marriage Theorem, 50 Location-sensitive Pollution, 75 graph version, 51 logarithmic scoring rule, 285 matrix version, 51 Lookahead auction, 248–250 Hannan consistency, 319 lowest envy-free price vector, 292 Hannan, James, 319 Hannibal and the Romans, 45 Many Right Gloves, 199 Hawks and Doves, 86, 127–129 market for lemons, 82, 83 Hex, xvii, 12–16, 96, 97 market sharing game, 148–150, 155 Hide and Seek, 48–52, 60 matching, 50, 51, 170 Generalized, 298, 299 matching markets, xxiii Hiring a Contractor, 258 seller valuations, 294 Hoeffding-Azuma Inequality, 332–333 unbalanced, 294 homeomorphism, 95 maximum matching, 49, 52 Hunter and Rabbit, 52–58 maximum weight matching, 289–290 Random Speed strategy, 54 ascending auction algorithm, 295 Sweep strategy, 53 mechanism, 278 envy-free, 263 impartial combinatorial game, 3 mechanism design, xxi, 278 imperfect information, xx, 109–112 men-proposing algorithm, 171 incomplete information, xx, 34, 112–118 metric space individual rationality, 235, 252, 259 compact, 91 ex-ante, 235 complete, 91 ex-interim, 234, 235 Miners and Gold, 195 ex-post, 234, 235 Minimax Theorem, 27, 35–38 individually-rational payoff profile, 122 minimum cover, 49, 289 induced ranking rule, 208 minimum line-cover, 52 INDEX 369 minimum spanning tree (MST), 260 Pick a Hand, 24 mixed strategy, 105, 110 Pigou network, 144 monopoly reserve price, 242 Pigou price of anarchy, 145 Morgenstern, Oskar, 39 Pigou-type examples, 140 Moving-knife Algorithm, 184 Plus One, 29 Multiplicative Weights Algorithm, 308–311 policy regret, 318 gains, 311 Pollution, 72, 74 play zero-sum games, 311–313 positional voting method sublinear regret, 310 properties, 212 Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) game, potential function, 76, 77 106 potential games, 75–80, 83 Myerson’s optimal auction, 242–248 best-response dynamics, 77, 83 Myerson, Roger, 252 Coloring, 83 congestion games, 75, 83 Nash equilibrium Consensus, 78, 83 mixed, 68, 69 Graph Coloring, 79 Nash bargaining, xxii, 200–203 potential function, 76, 77 Nash bargaining axioms, 200 pure strategy equilibrium, 77 affine covariance, 200 preference profile, 208 Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives preferred items, 289 (IIA), 201 prerequisites, xxiv Pareto optimality, 201 price of anarchy, xxi, 138–160 symmetry, 201 affine latency functions, 143 Nash bargaining solution, 201 atomic selfish routing, 150–154 Nash equilibrium, xix, 33, 64, 67, 71, Braess Paradox, 138 73–75, 77, 83, 89, 127, 129 edge flow, 141 critique, 83 equilibrium flow, 142 mixed, 70, 73, 127, 129, 131 existence of equilibrium flows, 143 pure, 29, 68, 73 extension theorems, 152–154 symmetric, 90, 344 first-price auction, 239–240 Nash’s Theorem, 74, 83, 89–90 market sharing game, 148–150 Nash, John, 83, 103, 204 network formation, 146–148 network formation games, 146–148 Pigou price of anarchy, 145 Nightclub Pricing, 81 selfish routing, 138–146 Nim, xvii, 6 smoothness, 152 Staircase Nim, 10 socially optimal traffic flow, 139 Nim-sum, 7, 8 total latency, 141 Nisan, Noam, 287 traffic flow, 141 node, 3 traffic-anarchy tradeoff, 146 non- (NTU) games, 194 primal LP, 325 norm, 35 Prisoner’s Dilemma, xx, 64, 119, 127 normal form, 105 procurement auction normal play, 3, 4 second-price, 258 nucleolus, 203 progressively bounded game, 2, 4 Number Picking Game, 42 proper coloring, 79 protein problem, 324 objective function, 324 public project, 261 optimal auctions, 242–248 pure strategy, 77, 105, 110 optimal strategies, 33 quadratic scoring rule, 285 Papadimitriou, Christos, 154 quasilinear utility, 224, 279 parallel-sum game, 45 partisan subtraction game, 10 random-turn games, 161–167 payoff matrix, 26, 67 board, 161 payoff polytope, 121 Hex, 161 payoffs, xviii optimal strategies, 162 Penalty Kicks, xix, xxvi pure strategy, 162 perfect information, 118 Recursive Majority, 162, 165 perfect recall, 110, 111 selection, 161 370 INDEX

Team Captains, 161 series-sum game, 45 value, 163 sex ratios, 131 win-or-lose selection games, 164 Shannon switching game, 17, 18 ranking Shapley value, 196–199 preference strengths, 210 Shapley’s axioms ranking rule, 208 additivity, 196 strategically vulnerable, 208, 209 dummy, 196 realization-equivalent strategies, 111 efficiency, 196 Recursive Majority, 20, 162, 165 symmetry, 196 regret, 307, 308 Shapley’s Theorem, 198 rent division Shapley, Lloyd, 177, 204 envy-free, 294 Shapley-Shubik power index, 198 repeated games, 119–124 shared communication channel, 258, 260 Folk Theorem, 121–124 signaling, 116 Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma, 119–124 simplex, 98 repeated play dynamics, 77 barycenter, 99 reported social surplus, 280 barycentric subdivision, 99 reserve price, 232 face, 98 resistance, 47 inner face, 98 resistor networks, 46 outer face, 98 retraction, 95 proper labeling, 102 Revelation Principle, 240–241 subdivision, 98 revenue equivalence, xxiii, 230–232 Sperner labeling, 102 with reserve prices, 233 single-item auctions, 223–256 Revenue Equivalence Theorem, 252 all-pay, 228, 231 revenue extractor, 271 allocation probabilities, 225, 229 revenue maximization without priors, characterization of Bayes-Nash 270–273 equilibrium, 236–237 Rims, 8 English or ascending, 223, 257 risk-aversion, 203 expected payment, 225, 229 Robinson, Julia, 320 expected utility, 225, 229 Rock-Paper-Scissors, 129 first-price, xxii, 223 Rock-Paper-Scissors Variant, 137 i.i.d. bidders, 229 Ronen’s auction, 248–250 second-price, xxiii, 227 Ronen, Amir, 248, 286 single-parameter problem, 258 Roth, Alvin, 178 Smith, John Maynard, 135 Roughgarden, Tim, 155 social choice, xxii, 206–222 Route-picking, 307 social ranking, 208 Rubinstein bargaining, 204, 205 social surplus, xxiii, 239, 259, 280, 289 socially optimal traffic flow, 139 Saari, Donald, 219 Sotomayor, Marilda, 178, 300 saddle point, 28 spanning tree auction, 260 safety strategies, 27–28 descending, 261 safety value, 27 spectrum auction, 278, 282 Schelling, Thomas, 125 Spence, A. Michael, 83 scoring rules, xxiii, 283–285 Sperner labeling, 102 characterization, 283–285 Sperner’s Lemma, 92–93, 98–102 logarithmic, 284 Splitting a dollar, 196 proper, 284 sponsored search auctions, xxiii, 264–270, quadratic, 284 274 strictly proper, 284 stable matching, xxi, 170–176 second moment method, 332 attainable man, 172 second-price auctions, xxiii, 157 attainable woman, 172 truthful, 227 men-proposing algorithm, 171 selection games, 161 preferences determined by matrix, 174 selfish routing, 138–146 properties, 172–174 Separating Hyperplane Theorem, 35–36 truthfulness, 175 series-parallel network, 47 stable roommates, 179 INDEX 371

Stag Hunt, 65 individually rational, 259 Staircase Nim, 9 sponsored search, 265–267 Stiglitz, Joseph, 83 envy-free, 267 strategies, 3 truthful, 259 behavioral, 110, 120 win/lose settings, 259–260 evolutionarily stable, 129 vertex, 330 mixed, 26, 67, 105, 110 Vickrey auctions optimal, 33 with reserve price, 232 pure, 27, 67, 105, 110 Vickrey, William, 252 realization-equivalent, 111 virtual value, 246 Tit-for-Tat, 120 von Neumann Minimax Theorem, 27, 35–38 strategy stealing, 6, 12, 20 von Neumann, John, 39 subdivision voting, xxii Sperner labeling, 102 voting and ranking, 206–222 subgame, 105 voting and ranking rules subgame-perfect equilibrium, 105, 106, 108 approval voting, 213 subgradient, 285, 335, 337 Black’s method, 219 sublinear regret, 310 Borda count, 212 sublinear regret algorithm, 159, 308–311 Condorcet completions, 219 Submarine Salvo, 31 Copeland rule, 219 Subtraction, 3, 104 cumulative voting, 220 supporting line, 335 dictatorship, 209 surplus, 297 Dodgson rule, 219 symmetric game, 67, 75, 87, 90, 127, 128 instant runoff voting, 211 symmetric strategies, 67 plurality voting, 206 plurality with elimination, 211 Tardos, Eva,` 155 positional voting rules, 212 Team Captains, 161 runoff elections, 207 terminal position, 3 voting preferences, 208 threshold bid, 259 complete, 208 Tit-for-Tat, 120 transitive, 208 top trading cycle algorithm, 176 voting rule, 208 total latency, 141 strategy-proof, 210 trading agents, 176 voting system properties traffic flow, 141 anonymity, 210 traffic-anarchy tradeoff, 146 cancellation of ranking cycles, 211 Tragedy of the Commons, 74, 80, 83 Condorcet loser criterion, 210 transferable utility (TU) games, 194–195 Condorcet winner criterion, 210 Troll and Traveler, xix, 46–48 consistency, 219, 221 truthful auctions, 257–283 IIA with preference strengths, 210 truthful mechanisms, 278–283 independence of irrelevant alternatives truthful, truthfulness, 259, 279 (IIA), 208 unstable, 176 invariance to candidates dropping out, unstable matching, 170 219 unstable pair, xxi minority representation, 220, 221 Uta stansburiana, 130 monotonicity, 210 utility, xxv, 157, 345 participation, 219 auctioneer, 259 reversal symmetry, 219 bidder, 259 unanimity, 208 utility functions, 71 Walrasian equilibrium, 300 valuation function, 279 War and Peace, 65 value, 224 war of attrition auctions value of zero-sum game, 24, 27, 37 Bayes-Nash equilibrium, 231 VCG (Vickrey-Clarke-Groves) mechanism, weighted majority algorithm, 305–306 xxiii, 259, 278–283 win-or-lose selection games, 164 envy-free or not, 263 win/lose allocation problem, 258 externalities, 259 winning strategy, 3 372 INDEX

Y, 14, 16, 23 zero-sum games, xviii, 24–62 safety strategy, 27–28 antisymmetric game, 30 best response, 33 Bomber and Battleship, 59, 60 definitions, 26 domination, 29–31 equalizing payoffs, 29, 33–34 Generalized Hide and Seek, 298 Generalized Matching Pennies, 43 Hannibal and the Romans, 45 Hide and Seek, 48–52, 60 Hunter and Rabbit, 52–58 incomplete information, 34, 117 infinite action spaces, 38 Minimax Theorem, 35–38 mixed strategy, 26 Nash equilibrium, 33–34 Number Picking Game, 42 optimal strategies, 28, 33–34 parallel-sum, 45 payoff matrix, 26 Penalty Kicks, xix, xxvi Pick a Hand, 24 Plus One, 29 pure strategy, 27 Rock-Paper-Scissors, 129 saddle point, 28 safety strategy, 28 safety value, 27 Sequential Randomized Game, 34 series-sum, 45 Submarine Salvo, 31 symmetry, 31–33 Team Captains, 161 TrollandTraveler,xix,46–48,59 value, xix, 24, 27, 37 This book presents a rigorous introduction to the mathematics of game theory without losing sight of the joy of the subject. This is done by focusing on theoretical highlights (e.g., at least six Nobel Prize winning results are developed from scratch) and by presenting exciting connections of game theory to other ¿HOGVVXFKDVFRPSXWHUVFLHQFHHFRQRPLFVVRFLDOFKRLFHELRORJ\DQGOHDUQLQJWKHRU\%RWKFODVVLFDO topics, such as zero-sum games, and modern topics, such as sponsored search auctions, are covered. Along the way, beautiful mathematical tools used in game theory are introduced, including convexity, ¿[HGSRLQWWKHRUHPVDQGSUREDELOLVWLFDUJXPHQWV 7KHERRNLVDSSURSULDWHIRUD¿UVWFRXUVHLQJDPHWKHRU\DWHLWKHUWKHXQGHUJUDGXDWHRUJUDGXDWHOHYHO whether in mathematics, economics, computer science, or statistics.

Game theory’s influence is felt in a wide range of disciplines, and the authors deliver masterfully on the challenge of presenting both the breadth and coherence of its underlying world-view. The book achieves a remarkable synthesis, introducing the reader to the blend of economic insight, mathematical elegance, scientific impact, and counter-intuitive punch that characterizes game theory as a field. —Jon Kleinberg, , 2006 winner

The book presents a great variety of topics in a rigorous yet entertaining manner… . For anyone inter- ested in the topic, experts and beginners alike, this book is a must. —Gábor Lugosi, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona,

A game theory textbook by people who love … games! It covers many classic as well as recent topics of game theory. Its rigorous treatment, interspersed with illuminating examples, makes it a challenging pleasure to read. —Sergiu Hart, The Hebrew University of

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