Word Study and English Grammar a Primer of Information About Words

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Word Study and English Grammar a Primer of Information About Words - TYPOG RAPHIC TEC HNICAL SERIES FOR APPRENTIC ES PART VI . N O. 32 WO RD STUDY A N D E N G LIS H G RA M M A R A PRIMER of INFORMATION ABO UT WORDS THEIR RELATIONS AND THEIR USES J " I yo, ‘ W éI LL.D. FREDERICK AMILTON , E DUCA TI O N A L D I RE CTO R UN ITE D TYPOTHBTB O F AM E RI CA PUBLIS H ED BY TH E CO M M ITT E E ON EDUCATIO N UN ITED TYPOTI-I ETA E O F AM ERICA 1 9 1 8 Ge r ma i n . 19 18 Umzo Tvpoms'un OF AM E RI CA CHI CAG O. lu. PRE FACE H volume n those w ic f w it in a t VI of IS , a d h h ollo P r this s s i comilation f va us s uc s. The erie , s a p rom rio o r e s n r i na t t but it s ca occasion doe ot call fo an or gi l rea ise , doe ll for something somewhat different from existing text- books. The books prepared for school use are too academic and too little related to the spec ific needs of the apprentic e to serve the turn of those for whom this book is intended . O n the other hand the books for writers a nd printers are as a rule too advanced for the best se rvic e to the beginner. The a t of t is a t t f e av t ie to e f uhors h P r , here or , h e r d compil rom a wide range of authorities such materia l as would be suite d to the needs and the experienc e of the young apprentice . “ The Rules for the Use and Arra ngement of Words are ta ken with some modifications from How to Write ” e n tt st n R s Cl arly, Edwi A . Abbo , Bo o ; oberts Bros. Thi is a v e c nt tt but is now I v out of ery x elle li le book , belie e, print. The tables of irregular verbs are the same as those “ ” use 1n E n ra ar for n c s R ert d glish G mm Commo S hool , ob n Th t f e o. C . a d omas Me cal , N w York , American Book C The student is rec ommended to study some good gra m mar with great care . There a re ma ny good gra mmars. ’ The one used in the schools in the apprenti c e s locality ’ will probably do as well as any. The student should learn to use the dictiona ry intelli gently and should accustom himself to using it freely and frequently. The student should also learn to use words correctly a nd fre ely. There are many good books d evoted to the study of w s of ne ord , some which ought to be easily available . O “ ’ ” of the latest and one of the best is Putna m 8 Word Book e Putna ew u publish d by ms, N York. It costs abo t a dollar and a ha lf . CON TE N TS INTRODUCTION : IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT TH E WORD FAMILIES NOUNS ADJECTIVES ARTICLES VERBs PRONOUNS ADVE RBS PRE POSITIONS CON j UNCTIONS INTE RJECTIONS GEN E RAL NOTES RULES FOR CORRECT WRITING . TH E SENTENCE TH E PARAGRAPH RULES FOR TH E US E A N D A R RANGEMENT OF WORDS COM M ON ERRORS IN TH E US E OF WORDS TABLES OF IRREGULAR VERBS SUPPLEMENTARY READING REVIEW !UESTIONS GLOSSARY OF TERMS WORD STUDY AN D ENGLISH GRAMMAR I mporta nce of the Subj ect ORD study and English gra mma r are important to the young printer for several reasons. In the first ac e is e a of the c ect use and c nati n of w s pl , d r g rd orr ombi o ord is a distinct mark of in feriority and a serious bar to business ’ a nd soc ial advanceme nt. A ma n s use of words is com monly ta ken as a measure of his kn owledge and even of his intelligence . Carelessness in this regard often ca uses a man to be held in much less estee m than he really deserves. n the sec n ce i is uite nt t at the I o d pla , t q as importa h printer should know somethin g about the words and sen tenc es whic h he puts on paper a s it is that he should know s e h on hic he u t em he om thing about t e paper w h p ts h , or t t e ink nd es e ns of w c he uts t e t e e . yp , , a pr s by m a hi h p h m h r In the t i ace n e of w s an d t i e i h rd pl , k owl dge ord he r us s s indispensable to correct proofreadin g which is itself a branch ’ of the printer s cra ft. A working kn owle dge of words a nd thei e at ns t at is of et c an a a is t f e r r l io , h , rh ori d gr mm r here or a tool and a very important tool of the printer. This little book is not intended to be eith er a rhetoric or a grammar. It is only intended to review some of the s est nci es of t sub ects int out a few impl pri pl bo h j , to po of the c mmne i es n he m nc o o st m stak , a d to Show t i porta e to the apprentice of the care ful study and constant use of s me of the an s on w t e c b nat n an d o m y book ords, h ir om i io s, the1r uses. The Word Fa milies All the words in the English langua ge belon g to one or an t e of nine fa i ies eac of w ic f mi h e i o h r m l , h h h a ly as a sp c al duty. If youwill always re me mber to which fa mily a word e n s and ust what t at fami e u i v b lo g j h ly do s, yo w ll be sa ed from many very common errors. These nine fa milies are 2 NOUNS 1 n uns a ect v s 3 a t c s 4 ve s S n uns , o ; 2 , dj i e ; , r i le ; , rb ; , pro o ; ve s e s t ns 8 c n uncti ns 9 inter ec 6 , ad rb ; 7 , pr po i io ; , o j o ; , j tions. This order of enumeration is not exactly the sa me as will be found in the gra mma rs. It is used here because it indicates roughly the order of the appea ra nce of the nine families in the logical development of la ngua ge . Some forms n e ns we e m ve a ave ce e of i terj ctio , ho v r, ay ry prob bly h pre d d any lan gua ge properly so called . N ouns A noun is a word used as the name of anything that can be t u t of Jofin bo a er cold ea r crowd. T e e a re ho gh , , y, p p , , f , h r three things about a noun which indicate its relation to other w s its nume its en e and its case . T e e are two ord , b r, g d r, h r num s s1n lar mean1n one and ua mean1n ber , gu g , pl r l g more than one. The plural is genera lly formed by adding s to the singular. There are a small number of nouns which form t e ura s ffe ent mouse mice cfiild cfii/dr en oot et. h ir pl l di r ly, , ; , ; f , fi These must be learned individua lly from a dictiona ry or spelling book. There are some nouns which undergo c n es in the fina s a when the s is a e tor ha g l yll ble dd d , cfi, ’ tore/zes ta stoves ies. s a s ust be e n ; s fl, , fly, fl The e l o m l ar ed individually. There are some nouns which have no sin ua suc as ca ttle clotfies s e w c ave no ua suc g l r, h , , om hi h h pl r l , h a ics onest news a nd s me w ic are the s e in spays , fi y, , o h h am t sin ua nd u suc as deer trout series a e bo h g l r a pl ral , h , , . C r h as in me e must be ta ken in t e use of these nouns, so cas s i n i i e i e .
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