ISRAEL ITINERARY (Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem) (All Program and Speakers Are Subject to Change; As of 5/14/12)

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ISRAEL ITINERARY (Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem) (All Program and Speakers Are Subject to Change; As of 5/14/12) ISRAEL ITINERARY (Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem) (All Program and Speakers are subject to change; as of 5/14/12) OLD WORLD SPLENDORS - NEW WORLD SOLUTIONS TECHNION JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME American Technion Society Mission to St. Petersburg, Russia and Israel June 3 – June 8, 2012 (Optional Post-Mission Jerusalem Extension Available) Mission Chairs: Jeri and Joel S. Rothman Honorary Chair: Leonard H. Sherman SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2012 12:30 pm: Arrive Tel Aviv from St. Petersburg on El Al #626. Meet and assistance at airport by our representatives. Transfer to the Dan Carmel Hotel and check in approximately 3:00 pm. (Reflects change in flight time.) (OR) Various arrivals in to Ben Gurion Airport. Meet and assistance at airport by our representatives. Transfer to the Dan Carmel Hotel 8:00 pm: Welcome to Haifa Dinner with Technion administration in the King David Room. Greetings by Technion President Professor Peretz Lavie and mission co-chairs Jeri and Joel S. Rothman and Honorary Chair Leonard H. Sherman. Overnight: Dan Carmel Hotel, Haifa MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2012 - TECHNION DAY I 6:30 am: Breakfast is available in the King Solomon Room at the hotel from 6:30 am. 8:25 am: Please meet in hotel lobby for a prompt 8:30 am departure. 8:30 am: Depart the hotel for the Technion accompanied by Technion students. During our time at the Technion on Monday and Tuesday while walking and driving throughout the beautiful campus, we will highlight ATS contributions with an emphasis on the ATS/Technion priorities that will transform the campus in the years to come, as well as helping Technion fulfill its role as a world-class institution and as one of the prime movers in realizing Israel's self-reliant future. 9:00 – 9:50 am: Our Technion campus visit will commence at the Coler California Visitors Center with a “Welcome to the Technion” by Professor Boaz Golany, Vice President for Resource Development and External Relations, followed by a private meeting and discussion with Technion’s Distinguished Professor Dan Shechtman, recipient of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals, a new form of matter. American Technion Society Mission - Israel Itinerary (Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) Old World Splendors- New World Solutions Technion Journey of a Lifetime Page 2 Monday, June 4 continued 10:00 am: Depart Coler for the Stanley Shalom Zielony Graduate Student Village. 10:15: We will join fellow mission participant Jeffrey Cosiol at his dedication ceremony: Jaime Hertzel Ben Abraham Johanan z”l Playground in memory of Jaime Cosiol Bialystok Poland-San Jose Costa Rica At the end of the dedication, we will take a group photo. Following the dedication we will tour the Graduate Student Village. 11:15 am – 12:30 pm: This will be followed by a stop at the donor recognition plaza outside the Churchill Auditorium and a visit to a state-of-the-art laboratory meeting with professors and students behind some of Technion’s major research facilities. We will also participate in a hands-on lab experience. 12:45 – 2:40 pm: Lunch on the terrace at the William and Cynthia Marcus Family/New England Region Center for Pre-University Studies. After lunch we will move inside to the auditorium for our program “From the Laboratory to the Market Place” moderated by Professor Yuval Shoham, Deputy Executive Vice President for Research. Panelists include: -Professor Oded Shmueli, Executive Vice President for Research and head of the Technion Research & Development Foundation Ltd. (TRDF). TRDF, established in 1952, set among its main goals the promotion of research at the Technion; technology transfer; industrial testing and services, and the commercialization of inventions and ideas. -Mr. Benjamin Soffer, manager of T3, the Technion Technology Transfer Office, TRDF. We will also meet with professors who will present their research projects and the process they went through to commercialize them: -Professor Moshe Shoham, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering who will talk about developments in medical robotics. -Professor Havazelet Bianco-Peled, Faculty of Chemical Engineering who will talk about “Medical Adhesives: From Science to Practice.” 2:45 pm: Return to the Dan Carmel Hotel. 3:15 pm: Arrive back at the hotel. 4:55 pm: Meet in the lobby for a prompt 5:00 pm departure. 5:00 pm: Depart the hotel for the Technion’s Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine. American Technion Society Mission - Israel Itinerary (Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) Old World Splendors- New World Solutions Technion Journey of a Lifetime Page 3 Monday, June 4 continued 5:30 pm: Welcome to the Faculty of Medicine: - Professor Eliezer Shalev, Technion’s Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, will bring greetings and speak about "Technion: Where Medicine Meets Science and Technology." -Visit labs with the participation of leading Technion researchers to showcase recent breakthroughs and research done at the faculty. -Enjoy a reception and dinner at the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine. 9:15 pm: Return to the hotel. Overnight: Dan Carmel Hotel, Haifa TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2012 - TECHNION DAY II 6:30 am: Breakfast will be available in the King Solomon Room from 6:30 am. 7:55 am: Please meet in hotel lobby for a prompt 8:00 am departure for the Technion accompanied by Technion students. 8:45 – 10:45 am: Chapter/Regional Visits – This time slot will include visits with professors and students at laboratories and classrooms, as well as meetings with professors involved with regional projects. At this time, individual visits for those with a particular interest in a faculty, department, or professor will also be arranged. 11:00 – 11:30 am: Meeting with Minister Uzi Landau, Minister of National Infrastructure and Technion graduate in the Altura Auditorium in the Stephen and Nancy Grand Water Research Institute. 11:30 am– 12:30 pm: Science Fair with exhibits by professors who represent Technion priority projects in the Grand Technion Energy Program, the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute, the Technion Autonomous Systems Program, Life Sciences and the Grand Water Research Institute. 12:30 – 1:30 pm: Lunch in the Stanley Shalom Zielony Student Union Building with professors and students, whom we met during the morning. 1:30 pm: Return to the Dan Carmel Hotel (or) time for individual meetings for those with a particular interest in a faculty, department, or professor. 2:00 pm: Arrive back at the Dan Carmel Hotel. American Technion Society Mission - Israel Itinerary (Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) Old World Splendors- New World Solutions Technion Journey of a Lifetime Page 4 Tuesday, June 5 continued 5:25 pm: Meet in the lobby for a prompt 5:30 pm departure for Madatech – Israel’s National Museum of Science, Technology and Space. Tonight’s events will take place at the historic first Technion building where we will celebrate the 100 year anniversary of its cornerstone laying. Today, the building and complex is known as Madatech – Israel’s National Museum of Science, Technology and Space. As Israel’s premier institution of informal science education, it is dedicated to preserving, popularizing and promoting the rich Israeli cultural heritage of science and fostering a love of science and technology among Israeli children and adults. Designed at the turn of the 20th century by renowned German Jewish architect, Alexander Baerwald, it was the original home of the Technion – Israel’s Institute of Technology, the country's first academic institution before statehood. 6:00 – 7:00 pm: “The Role of Technion’s International School of Engineering in Global Education.” This session will focus on Technion’s International School of Engineering training tomorrow’s top engineers to develop pioneering technologies and to acquire leadership skills in implementing those innovations worldwide. Acting Head of the International School of Engineering Professor Amnon Katz, Associate Professor, Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, will showcase the trends, advantages and impact of going global and the importance of the ATS in helping the Technion fulfill its role as a world-class international institution. Students from around the world, representing the program will also participate and share their experiences, hopes and aspirations as they endeavor to make the Technion one of the world’s leading universities. This session will take place in the auditorium in Madatech. 7:15 – 8:00 pm: Reception and time to tour the exhibits in Madatech. 8:00 pm: Student Night hosted by the Technion Students’ Association. At this festive dinner event we will celebrate with Technion undergraduate and graduate students who we met throughout the day The evening will feature fine food and special entertainment performed by talented Technion students as we recognize the 100 year anniversary of the cornerstone laying of the first Technion building. The Student Night festivities will take place at The Noble Energy Science Park, which opened in October 2011. Madatech joins a number of world- class science museums with sophisticated science parks. This unique one acre park sprawls the spacious outdoor area between Madatech's historical exhibitions building and its Education building and complements the indoor scientific experience. American Technion Society Mission - Israel Itinerary (Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem) Old World Splendors- New World Solutions Technion Journey of a Lifetime Page 5 Tuesday, June 5 continued 9:30 pm: Return to the hotel. Please settle your room incidentals this evening. Overnight: Dan Carmel Hotel, Haifa. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 2012 6:30 am: Breakfast will be available in the King Solomon Room from 6:30 am. Please be in your seats with your breakfast by 8:00 am for our speaker. 8:00 – 8:30 am: Concluding Technion program with Technion President Peretz Lavie. 8:40 am: Meet in the lobby for a prompt 8:45 am departure for our day’s program en route to Tel Aviv.
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