J. Judson Wynne, Ph.D. CURRICULUM VITAE The SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center 189 Bernardo Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: 928.863.8628 (cell), Email:
[email protected], Web: http://www.jutwynne.com PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION Northern Arizona University (2014) Ph.D. Biological Sciences; emphasis ecology Title: On Sampling, Habitat and Relict Species of Cave-dwelling Arthropods of the American Southwest and Easter Island Northern Arizona University (2003) M.S. EnvironMental Science and Policy; eMphasis wildlife ecology and reMote sensing Title: Landscape-scale Modeling of Vegetation Land Cover and Songbird Habitat, Pinaleños Mountains, Arizona Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BelGium (1998) Certificate in Ecotechnie (Distinction: Magna cum laude) UNESCO-Cousteau European Postgraduate PrograMMe of Ecotechnie GeorGia Southern University (1993) B.S. Major: CoMMunications, Minor: Anthropology PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Publications (16) Harvey, M.S. and J.J. Wynne. In Press. Cave-dwelling Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) of Arizona, with descriptions of two short-range endeMic species froM North RiM Grand Canyon. Journal of Arachnology. Wynne, J.J., E.C. Bernard, F.G. Howarth, S. SoMMer, F.N. Soto-AdaMes, S. Taiti, E.L. Mockford, M. Horrocks, L. Pakarati, and V. Pakarati-Hotus. 2014. Disturbance relicts in a rapidly changing world: the Rapa Nui (Easter Island) factor. BioScience 64: 711–718. Wynne, J.J. and K.D. Voyles. 2014. Cave-dwelling arthropods and vertebrates of North RiM Grand Canyon, with notes on ecology and Management. Western North American Naturalist 74: 1–17. Wynne, J.J. 2014. Reign of the Red Queen: The future of bats hangs in the balance. The Explorers Journal 92: 40–45.