SOUTH REGIONAL AGGREGATES WORKING PARTY ANNUAL REPORT 2010 This report contains statistics on aggregate sales in the calendar year 2010 The statistics and statements contained in this report are based on information from a large number of sources and are compiled to an appropriate level of accuracy and verification. Readers should use corroborative data before making major decisions based on this information.

Chairman Martin Hooker M.A., MSc., M.R.T.P.I., M.C.I.T.

Secretary Steve Bool Dip.T.P., M.R.T.P.I. Minerals Officer, Council, P.O. Box 4, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB.

Tel: (01656) 643178 Fax: (01656) 643190 E-mail: [email protected] Website: South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010


Introduction South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party ...... 1 Crushed Rock ...... 3. Sand and Gravel ...... 7 Secondary Aggregates ...... 8 Regional Technical Statement (RTS) ...... 9. Production of Aggregates in South Wales ...... 12 Aggregates - Reserves ...... 13 .

Appendix A: Sites Included in 2010 Aggregates Minerals Surveys ...... 17 Appendix B: Members of South Wales A.W.P...... 23

Appendix C: Reports Produced by South Wales A.W.P...... 27

Apppendix D: Policy Objectives of the South Wales A.W.P...... 29.


Table 1 Crushed Rock Sales by End Use 2010 ...... 3 Table 2 Crushed Rock Aggregate Sales and Reserves by MPA ...... 3 . Table 3 Sales of Primary Aggregates by end use ...... 6 Table 4 Sand and Gravel (Land Won) Total Production 2010 ...... 7 Table 5 Sand and Gravel (Land Won) by End Uses ...... 7 Table 6 Port Statistics for Marine Dredged Aggregates 2010 ...... 7 . Table 6a Sand and Gravel (Marine Won) Sales by End Use 2010 ...... 8 Table 7 Secondary Aggregates Sales ...... 8 Table 8 Production of Aggregates in South Wales ...... 12 Table 9 Aggregates - Reserves: Active, Inactive and Dormant ...... 13 . . Table 10 Applications for Quarries determined in 2010 ...... 14. . Table 11 Aggregate Sales 2006-2010 ...... 15. Table 12 Sites included in 2010 Aggregates Minerals Survey ...... 18 .


Map 1 S.W.R.A.W.P. Mineral Planning Authorities ...... 2. Map 2 Primary Aggregates Production Sites 2010 (excluding marine) ...... 4 The collated information in this report is used as a major contribution to the The collated information in this This report has been prepared by the South Wales Regional Aggregate Working Aggregate Regional Wales South the by prepared been has report This The MPA (formerly QPA), on behalf of its members, have relaxed the longstanding on behalf of its (formerly QPA), The MPA

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Party (SWRAWP) and gives the results of the Annual Survey for the calendar year of year Survey calendar the Annual for the of results the gives and (SWRAWP) Party co-ordinates the aggregate the SWRAWP year, region. Each South Wales in the 2010 planning mineral eighteen the via operators mineral all from received information sales the (see Appendix B). The work of region make up the South Wales authorities which April, since (WAG) Government Assembly Welsh the by funded been has SWRAWP contract runs until March, 2014. 2002. The current 1.2. to the input a vital patterns, which provides study of supply and demand ongoing for Governments’ supply and demand policy monitoring and review of the Welsh 1). (MTAN Note Advice Technical Minerals the in enshrined is which aggregates supply of aggregates approach to sustain the This underpins the management in carrying is also useful to Mineral Planning Authorities Such information economy. plans development local of preparation the of respect in functions statutory their out applications. The information is also made available and the determination of planning developments new plan to it use which of latter the industry, and public general the to and investments. 1.3. consideration currently giving further and indeed are three company confidentiality rule relatively is membership their but suit followed also have BAA The issue. this to than to less if it related be published would not that data small. This rule ensured concerned had given written permission three companies, unless the companies it rule, old the by protected still are members otherwise.non-MPA as Nonetheless, a large amount of data to maintain has still been necessary to amalgamate so in relation to areas like Carmarthen, This is particularly confidentiality. small operators. where there are a significant number of and ,

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 to discuss RAWP contract work. Meetings werealsoheldwiththeNWRAWP andWelsh secretary Governmentofficers and AM2009. Site wastemanagementplans(EAW); to:- 2.4. scope of the new RTS beyond 2013. has beenundertakentoaddresstherequirementsofstrategyunderpin AONB’s. NoelectedMemberForum work meetingswereheld.Somepreliminary meeting washeldtodiscusstheissueofmineralextractioninNationalParks/ 2.3. A list of current members is shown in Appendix B. Environment Agency Wales, CCW, RWE npower, and the British Geological Survey. Government, theCrownEstate,Farming andRural Agency, Conservation Association (BAA), the construction/demolition industry, the DCLG and Welsh for thetradeassociationofaggregates/cementindustry),BritishAggregates representatives oftheMineralProducts Association(MPA -whichisthenewname group with membership drawn from officers of the 18 Mineral Planning Authorities, 2.2. The South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party is a technical working not beenconvenedsince2009. a national forum of discussion of work undertaken by the AWPs but this group has demand for, Group (NCG)provides aggregate minerals.The NationalCo-ordinating oftheWelshto theFirst Secretary AssemblyGovernmentinthesupplyofand information and advice to the Department of Community and Local Government and 2.1. 2. SOUTHWALES REGIONALAGGREGATES WORKINGPARTY

The Secretary ofSWRAWP TheSecretary attendedanumberofsteeringgroupmeetingsrelating Two meeting’s of the South Wales AWP were held in 2010. One sub-committee The eleven Aggregates Working Parties (AWPs) in England and Wales provide

1 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 Beacons N.P. Mid & South and 18. Powys (incl Brecon Beacons.N.P.) Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Old County Collation Boundaries 17. Vale Newport Merthyr Caerphilly

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Unitary Authorities Swansea Carmarthenshire Pembrokeshire Ceredigion Powys Talbot Neath-Port Bridgend Rhondda-Cynon-Taff 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MAP 1 Mineral Planning Authorities S.W.R.A.W.P.

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 2 3. CRUSHED ROCK 3.1. The results of the 2010 survey are as follows:-

Table 1 Crushed Rock Sales By End Use (million tonnes) 2010

Coated Uncoated Concrete Fill/Other Rail Total 1 Building Non 2 RoadstoneRoadstoneAggregateConstruction Ballast Aggregate Stone Aggregates Aggregate Limestone 0.39 0.48 1.32 1.43 3.64 0.01 -.--**

Sandstone 2.08 -.--* 2.68 0.23 0.72 0.01 -.--** Igneous 0.57 } } } 0.88 } } Total 2.65 0.86 1.55 2.15 -.--* 7.20 0.02 *

1 Includes unknown end uses. 2 Includes Building Stone. Figures may not balance exactly due to rounding off, and the lack of information regarding the breakdown of end-use. * Confidential ** Unavailable

Table 2 Crushed Rock Aggregate Sales & Reserves (million tonnes)

Former Mineral Crushed Crushed Crushed Reserves Landbank County Planning Rock Sales Rock Sales Rock Sales at 1 of 2 (approx.) Authority 2008 2009 2010 31.12.10 Reserves Powys Brecon Beacons (years) National Park 3.90 2.58 2.71 170.71 176 Powys } } } } Dyfed Carmarthenshire 63.71 91 Ceredigion 12.90 58 Pembrokeshire County Council 27.61 37 2.85 2.47 120.64 Pembrokeshire 1.89 Coast N.P. 7.39 24 West Neath-Port Talbot 17 Glamorgan Swansea } } } } 0 Mid Blaenau Gwent 19 & South Merthyr Tydfil 305 Glamorgan Monmouthshire 109 And 1.32 0.66 0.76 101.47 Gwent Newport 0 Torfaen 219.32 0 } 4.60 } 3.08 } 2.65 } Party - Annual Report 2010 Regional Aggregates Working South Wales Bridgend 87 Caerphilly 0.77 0.50 33.25 58 Cardiff 0.77 0.56 41.38 69 R.C.T. 0.84 0.75 13.22 } 17 Vale of Glamorgan 1.02 0.62 30.00 1 31 Total 10.35 8.13 7.20 510.67 1 1100?

1 The majority of non-aggregate reserves are located in the Vale of Glamorgan and these have been excluded from reserve figures. In other authorities, aggregate reserve figures may include some non-aggregate reserves. It is important to note that some non- aggregate reserves may contain aggregate reserves and vice versa, and the end-use changes with the market. 2 Crushed rock landbanks are determined using the average production figures over the last 3 years 2008-2010, and dividing the 3 reserves by the annual average production. Note: Figures in the Reserves column include active, inactive and dormant sites. Brecon Beacons N.P. Igneous Sand & Gravel & Sand 18. (excluding marine) (excluding PrimaryAggregates Pembrokeshire National Park Sandstone (including shale) Limestone 17. Vale of Glamorgan Vale Torfaen Merthyr Tydfil Blaenant Gwent Newport Monmouthshire Caerphilly

9. Cardiff 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Unitary Authorities Swansea Rhondda-Cynon-Taff Powys Pembrokeshire Ceredigion Carmarthenshire Talbot Neath-Port Bridgend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MAP 2 Primary Sites - 2009 Aggregates Production

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 4 Concrete 20%andFill31%. 3.7. SALES OFROCKBY%ENDUSE the market. sales figures accounting for 57% of the market. Sandstone sales account for 37% of years. Limestonesaleshavereducedsignificantlybutstillcontinuetodominatethe 16%). Total sales in2010amountto7.20 million tonnes,thesmallest sales figurefor 6 by 0.06 million tonnes (+2%); and Igneous sales decreased by 0.14 million tonnes (- sales decreasedby0.85milliontonnes(-23.0%);Sandstoneincreasedslightly 3.6. CRUSHED ROCK SALES absence ofreturns,estimateshavebeenmade. the majorityofcasesbeenbasedonannualsurveyreturnsfromoperatorsorin than 10% non-aggregates, some may have up to 50%. Reserve figures have also for change fromyeartowithmarketdemand.Whilstmanyquarriesmayhaveless quarries produce significant amounts of rock suitable for both uses and these may may alsobesuitablefornon-aggregates.Manycarboniferouslimestonehardrock 3.5. significantly to-date. results wereincorporatedintotheRTSprocess.Thesituationhasnotchanged which 47 million tonnes (37%) could be considered unlikely to reactivate. These results indicatethattherewere128milliontonnesofreservesinthiscategory sites may usefully be ignored for the purposes of defining an active landbank. The carried outin2005.Anumberofcriteriawereusedtodeterminewhetherornotthe 3.4. marketing conditions prevailing at the time and may be subject to revision. cases, havebeenestimatedusinglimitedsamplingandtestinginformationthe may restricttheavailabilityofcertaintypesreserves.Alsoreservesinmany calculation doesnottakeaccountofgeographicaloroperationalaspectswhich 3.3. from the local knowledge of mineral planning officers and any past returns. did notprovideinformationonaggregatesales,bestestimateshavebeen made the productionofsaleableaggregates,includinglowqualityfill.Whereoperators for thenext15years.Thepermittedreservesarethoseestimatedtobeavailable RTS confirmstheapportionmentfigurespermineralplanningauthority production. The trend i.e.theyhavebeencalculatedusingtheaverageoflastthreeyears out inMTAN 1(Wales), exceptthatnoallowancehasbeenmadeforthedemand minerals. The landbank figures have been calculated according to the method set 3.2. LANDBANKS

Sales ofcrushedrockhavedecreased by0.93 milliontonnes (-11.0%). Limestone A survey of inactive/dormant sites to ascertain the likelihood of reactivation was

Coated roadstone accounted for 37% of the market; Uncoated roadstone 12%; Alandbankisastockofplanningpermissionsforthewinningandworking Cautionmustbe exercised in usingtheselandbank figures. Thelandbank It isimportanttonotethatreservesearmarkedasbeingsuitableforaggregates

5 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 * 21.0% 36.0% 13.0% 29.0% 100.0% Percentage * 860,000 Tonnage 1,550,000 2,650,000 2,150,000 7,200,000 A comparison of the statistics for 2009/2010 indicate there was a 10% decrease A comparison of the statistics for It should be noted that the main sources of land won sand and gravel remain in remain gravel and sand won land of sources main the that noted be should It

The overall sales tonnage has decreased to approximately 0.12 million tonnes The overall sales tonnage has Table 3 Table Sales of Primary use end by Aggregates Total Coarse/Fine Concrete Aggregate Coarse/Fine Concrete Sand Building/Asphalting (coated) Roadstone/Gravel Roadstone (uncoated) Aggregates and Graded Other Screened Railway Ballast Stone Armourstone/Gabion Other Construction Uses (including fill) Use Aggregate Undifferentiated Primary Aggregate in the tonnage of sand and gravel landed in 2010 (from 0.62 million tonnes to 0.55 0.62 million in 2010 (from gravel landed of sand and in the tonnage landed at Newport million tonnes). There were significant decreases in tonnages but in contrast, sizeable increases at Swansea (50%) and Cardiff. and Pembroke, * Confidential * END USES (LAND-WON) BY SAND AND GRAVEL 3.8. from 0.14 to 55,000; million tonnes in 2009. Concreting sand sales have increased low. relatively still is tonnage overall the but 40,000; is mortar for used sand generate the majority of sales. Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion 3.9. West Wales with the main sources being Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and with the main sources being Ceredigion, Wales West Coast National Park). (including the Pembrokeshire Pembrokeshire GRAVEL AND SAND MARINE 3.10.

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 6 4. SANDANDGRAVEL * Confidential * Confidential 4.1. 1 County Former Authority Mineral Planning Total Swansea CityCountyCouncil Monmouthshire Newport CountyBoroughCouncil Pembrokeshire CountyCouncil Cardiff Council Carmarthenshire CountyCouncil Neath-Port TalbotCountyBoroughC. Vale of Glamorgan Council Total Powys And Gwent Glamorgan Mid & West Dyfed Total Constructional Fill/Unknown for As Raised Material Gravel - Concrete Aggregates, Other Uses Concreting/Sharp Sand Building/Soft SandforCoatingAsphalt/Mortar Port Statistics ForPort Dredged Marine Aggregates 2009 Table 6 Sand andGravel (Land Won) Sales by enduse(milliontonnes) 2010 Table 5 Sand andGravel (Land Won) Total Sales(milliontonnes)2010 Table 4 No statisticsasnotwithinCrown Estatearea. *Confidential The results of the 2010 survey are as follows:- (approx) Powys CountyCouncil Borough Council Bridgend County County BoroughCouncil Neath-Port Talbot National Park Pembrokeshire Coast County Council Pembrokeshire Ceredigion C. C. Council Carmarthenshire County Mineral Planning Authority Swansea Newport/Chepstow Newport Pembroke Docks Cardiff Docks Burry Port Ferry/Port Briton Talbot Barry } } Landing Aggregates Port Land Won 0.01 0.11 0.12 Tonnages 189,314 170,115 621,570 51,745 38,413 91,451 80,532 2009 } } 0 1 (Source: CrownEstate: Statistics 2010) Summary of Summary Reserves 1.72 * * * * * * * Tonnages 100,850 204,736 100,338 558,150 79,356 27,696 45,174 2010 0 1

7 8South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 (0%) (0%) (9%) (31%) (44%) (16%) >12.00 (100%) 31.12.10 } Reserves at

Total 0 0 0.11 0.06 0.30 0.21 } 707,073 0.71 1.04 Other cement) } Uses (incl. Construction

0.33 Aggregate, Roadstone Coated/ Uncoated, Concrete Artificial Aggregate } Type Steel/Blast Furnace Slag PFA/FBA Slate Waste Responses were received from eight of the fifteen local highway authorities Responses were received from eight of the fifteen local highway No reasonable comparison can be made with previous years due to the lack of lack the to due years previous with made be can comparison reasonable No

Reserve figures do not include all waste materials or industrial by-products suitable and available for available and suitable materials waste all include not do industrialor by-products figures Reserve in stockpiles as aggregates of material saleable statistics on the reserves only uses in 2010 but aggregate and waste tips with planning permission for extraction. Secondary 2010 tonnes) (million Sales Aggregate Table 7 Table Table 6a Table End Use (million tonnes) 2010 Sales by Won) (Marine Sand and Gravel Mineral Planning Authority Sand - Asphalt sand) Sand - Mortar (building Sand - Concreting aggregate) for (suitable concrete Gravel fill) construction for (suitable Gravel and Sand Use Aggregate Undifferentiated Total Newport Talbot Neath-Port Cardiff of Glamorgan Vale County Pembrokeshire 1 5.1. represents a on the arisings/recycling of road planings. This throughout South Wales 33,000 tonnes 50% response rate. 35,566 tonnes of arisings were recorded of which low grade end uses (92%) was recycled. Most of this recycled material was used for lanes, farm fill, sub-base tracks, cycle areas, rural in roads to improvements as such was recycled material the of majority The footpaths. and roads private areas, play was kept little material in stock (2,200 tonnes). Most authorities achieved asphalt. Very landfill. arisings went to and none of the rate of recycling a high 5.2. than no material the responses from all authorities and no clear trends are evident other is landfilled. 5. SECONDARY AGGREGATES 5. SECONDARY As expected, marine sand used for concreting purposes constitutes the dominant the constitutes purposes concreting for used sand marine expected, As highest the next constitutes used for fill (44%). Sand margin by a significant end use percentage is split into relatively small end uses use at a level of 31%. The remaining use. unknown and mortar asphalt, including

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 8 to ensureallaspectsoftheplanaresound. requirements of the RTS, but some will need to carry out further work on safeguarding 6.6. period. reserves to satisfy the minimum 10 year landbank for hard rock throughout the plan to carry out any apportionment. This is because they already have sufficient permitted 6.5. an issuetogetherwiththeirusebyotherformsofdevelopmentsuchaswaste. are considered sustainable and do need protection although their capacity may be above, therearesomeinstanceswherethishasnotbeencarriedout.Suchfacilities 6.4. data. of therelevantauthoritiestoensureconsistencyinterpretationBGSbase they crossunitaryauthorityboundaries.Thisanomalyhasbeendrawntotheattention latter has been used in an attempt to differentiate between has beendefinedontheproposalsmapand/oraseparateconstraintsmap.The safeguarding Such resources. mineral known of safeguarding the included have plans CBC, RhonddaCynonTaf CBC,Caerphilly CBCandPembrokeshire CC.All four 6.2. satisfyingtheregionalapportionmentforprovisionofprimary aggregates thesafeguardingofwharvesandraildepots; (c) (b) thesafeguardingofmineralresourcesincludinglimestone,sandstone, (a) comprise: aggregates have been implemented in accordance with the RTS. Such issues been scrutinised to confirm if issues relating to the provision and safeguarding of 6.1. 6. REGIONAL TECHNICAL STATEMENT (RTS) 6.3. as appropriate. another. This discrepancy has been identified and the WG are advising authorities have notsafeguardedallmineralresoucesspecifiedintheRTSforonereasonor on the nature of the safeguarding resource. It is noted however, that some authorities may poseaconstraintondevelopmentdepending areas whicharenotallocationsbut seen asspecificproposalsappropriateforthemapand

SincetheRTS wasissuedinOctober, fromMPA’s 2008,emerging LDP’s have

Four plans have been adopted and these have been prepared by Merthyr Tydfil Regrettably, theextentofsomesafeguardingareasarestillnotconsistentwhen With respect to apportionment, none of the four authorities have been required Whilst there is a requirement to protect rail depots and port wharves in 6.1 (b) Insummarytherefore,themajorityofauthorities havecompliedwithallofthe in eachMPA asappropriate. igneous andsand&gravel; allocations whichare safeguarding

9 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 Operator/ Landowner (mt) Reserves Site Name of Name Capel Graig Castle Cross Hands Hengoed Nantyrhyddod Pleasant View 6 MPA No. List of Prohibition Orders issued:- Orders Prohibition of List

Another issue relating to dormant quarries is the need for a clear strategy to relating to dormant quarries is Another issue is consideration 2013, by completed be to scheduled is RTS the of review the As In the absence of the new Mineral Map for Wales safeguarding maps, which of the new Mineral Map for Wales In the absence Carmarthenshire are due to be issued in early 2012, the resource maps have formed the basis for maps have formed the basis in early 2012, the resource are due to be issued Proposals maps. areas shown on the LDP defining safeguarding 6.8. be and/or other orders, need to orders Prohibition deal with this category of quarry. for the landbank achieve a meaningful to approach a positive as part of considered below. orders issued is shown region. A list of prohibition 6.9. include may This necessarybeing given to what research is a review. such underpin to for aggregates and the way in which environmental a re-assessment of the demand of a sustainable mineral planning process for the capacity can be assessed as part future. 6.10. 6.7.

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 10 * * 6.12. NotnecessarilyasdefinedbythePlanning&CompensationAct1991,andEnvironment1995. Vale ofGlamorgan Torfaen Swansea Rhondda CynonTaff Powys Pembrokeshire CC Pembrokeshire NP Newport Neath Monmouthshire Merthhyr Ceredigion Carmarthenshire Cardiff Caerphilly Bridgend Brecon BeaconsNP Blaenau Gwent Unknown

Listofdormant*sites P No. MPA 13 4 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 St Andrews Ruthin Cnap Twt Argoed Isha Garreg Berwyn Granite Gilfach Treffgarne Penberry Glantowy Cerrig yrWyn Garn Cynghordy Ty’r Garn Pwllymarch Penybanc Maesdulais Llwynyfran Limestone Hill Cefn Onn Stormy Down Name of Site Reserves (mt) 34.0 5.2 0.1 0.7 6.0 0.0 0.5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T JBowles Lafarge Duchy ofLancaster * Powis Estate Powis Estate Tarmac Mrs Davies * Jamieson D ALewis F HGilmanLtd Mrs Hibbert D Roderick G Morgan Mr Wilkins Mr SDavies Hobbs Holdings Ltd Hobbs Holdings Ltd Mr DRWilliams Wyndham LewisTrust Hobbs Holdings Landowner Operator/ 11 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 1 0.55 3.64 0.12 2.68 0.88 7.20 2010 1 0.14 0.62 8.13 2.62 1.02 4.49 2009 1 0.30 0.84 5.99 3.13 1.23 10.35 1 2007 2008 0.24 1.32 1.07 7.80 3.39 12.51 1 0.95 6.99 3.35 0.28 1.12 2006 11.46 Land Won Marine Land won sand and gravel does not contribute a significant volume to Land won sand and gravel does Table 8 illustrates the tonnages of aggregates produced in South Wales in the in Wales South in produced aggregates of tonnages the illustrates 8 Table Marine-won sand and gravel continues to provide a very important contribution Marine-won sand and gravel continues to provide a very important

Crown Estate-Summary of Statistics. * Estimate. Production of Aggregates in South Wales (million tonnes) 2006 - 2010 Wales in South Production of Aggregates Table 8 Table Sand & Gravel Type Total Crushed Rock Total Limestone Sandstone Igneous 1 7. PRODUCTION OF AGGREGATES IN SOUTH WALES SOUTH IN AGGREGATES OF PRODUCTION 7. 7.1. calendar year 2010. The total volumecalendar year 2010. of crushed rock sales by 2.22 has decreased decreased by 1.50 million tonnes Limestone tonnages have million tonnes (-21.4%). 0.51 million tonnes (-16%); and tonnages have decreased by (-25%); Sandstone tonnes (-17%). have decreased by 0.21 million Igneous tonnages 7.2. in the rural area of but is important locally Wales, construction in the region of South in 2010 totalled approximately 0.12 million tonnes, a decrease Production Wales. West they small relatively are whole a as region the for figures the As tonnes. million 0.02 of local projects. by large to influence are subject 7.3. to aggregate sales/production in the region. Overall, tonnages have decreased since to aggregate sales/production in the region. Overall, tonnages have 2008, reaching the lowest level for more than 10 years.

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 12 Notes: Someofthese reserve figures includesomenon-aggregate reserves andestimated tonnages. 8. AGGREGATES -RESERVES to the overall landbank. distribution ofreservesthroughouttheareaand contributioneachcategorymakes reserve assessmentsare unavailable. Nonetheless,thetabledoeshighlight particularly thedormantsites,asroughestimates have hadtobemadewhereaccurate 8.1. Vale ofGlamorgan Cynon Taff Rhondda Cardiff Caerphilly Bridgend Torfaen Newport Monmouthshire Merthyr Blaenau Gwent Swansea Neath -Port Talbot Pembrokeshire NP Pembrokeshire CC Ceredigion Carmarthenshire Powys Brecon BeaconsNP Aggregate Reserves: Active, (milliontonnes)2010 Inactive andDormant Table 9 MPA TOTAL The figures shown in this table need to be used with some degree of caution, } } } } 8.0100.48 384.00 cieInactive Active 146.00 109.00 81.00 48.00 } } 42.57 35.00 22.91 Dormant 26.19 19.69 6.50 510.67 158.41 352.26 Total 13 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 Table 10 Applications for Quarries Awaiting Decision (AD) and approved in the year 2010 Mineral Planning Site Name Type of Developmnet Decision Tonnage (mt) Authority

Neath Grhyd Specialist Building Stone Quarry Approved --- 12/10/10

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 14 10 12 11 13 15 14 1 9 2 3 6 0 4 5 7 8 Aggregate Sales2006-2010(inmillionsoftonnes) Table 11 2006 Total Rock Crushed Igneous Sandstone Limestone 2007 KEY 2008 (not shown 1.03mt Approx) materials forCardiffBa Sand &Gravel-Marine(excluding Sand &Gravel-Landwon Secondary AggregatesSecondary 2009 2010 15 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 16 SITES INCLUDED IN MINERAL SURVEY APPENDIX A AGGREGATES 2010 17 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 Operator Gryphonn Quarries Ltd A Williams/S Griffiths Ltd Tarmac Hanson Aggregates Hanson Aggregates Cambrian Stone-Tarmac T S Rees Ltd Ltd Tarmac T S Rees Ltd Hobbs Holdings Ltd Hanson Aggregates Aggregates Larfarge A Price & Co Lewis Trust Wyndham Hanson Aggregates Ltd Tarmac Ltd Tarmac Mr E Bassett Cemex Ltd T S Rees Ltd Cemex Ltd Hanson Aggregates Sims Metal Cemex Ltd Ltd Tarmac F H Gilman Ltd Ltd Tarmac Ltd Tarmac Mr Jones Mr D.R. Williams Hobbs Holdings Ltd Hobbs Holdings Ltd Mr S Davies Mr Thomas G Morgan Messrs Williams & Sons Mr N Richards Type Mineral Slag/Secondary ST208760 Limestone SN455115 Limestone SN613165 Limestone SN286092 Limestone SN476137 Limestone SN495140 Limestone SN518146 Limestone SN468125 Limestone SN257216 Limestone SN518145 Limestone SN470130 Limestone SN259216 Limestone SN502141 Sandstone SN598446 Sandstone SN250212 Limestone ST120130 Limestone SN654178 Limestone SN856157 Limestone SN956095 Limestone SN155170 Limestone SS832800 Limestone SS822805 Limestone SS822798 SS874828 Sandstone Limestone SS842805 Limestone ST225885 Sandstone ST224965 Sandstone ST126964 Limestone ST175852 Limestone ST210868 Limestone ST146841 Limestone ST087817 Limestone ST146841 Limestone ST122822 Limestone ST118829 Marine Sand ST188732 Marine Sand ST188732 § § Site § § § § § § * Inactive: no output **Estimated data § Dormant Trefil Ammanford* * Penderyn Blaen Onneu*/** Cornelly Gaens Grove* Cefn Cribbwr* Stormy Down** Maesdulais* ** Penybanc* Pwllymarch* Garn* ** Ty’r Hywel** Ty Coedmoelon Llwynyfran* Machen Hafod Bryn (Gelliargwellt Uchaf) Cefn Onn* ** Cwm Leyshon* ** Blaengwynlais* Creigiau* Cefn Garw* Well Taffs Mawr Ton Roath Basin Brassways Wharf Rover Way Blaen-y-Fan* Cilyrychen & Glanwenlais* Coygen** Crwbin* Fawr Torcoed/Torcoed Garn Bica* ** Limestone Hill* ** MPA (Former County) (Former Table 12 Table SurveyMinerals in 2010 Aggregates Sites Included Carmarthenshire C.C. (Dyfed) Cardiff C.C. Glam) Mid & (South Caerphilly C.B.C. (Gwent & Mid Glam) Blaenau Gwent C.B.C. Gwent Blaenau (Gwent) Beacons Brecon Park National (Powys, Mid Glam, Dyfed & Gwent) C.B.C. Bridgend (Mid Glamorgan)

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 18 (West Glam) TalbotNeath-Port C.C. (Gwent) Monmouthshire C.C. (Mid Glam) TydfilMerthyr C.B.C. (Dyfed) Ceredigion C.C. (Dyfed) Carmarthenshire C.C. (Former County) Sites Includedin2010AggregatesMineralsSurveys Table 12 (continued) MPA Cynghordy* ** Alltygarn* ** Pennant Fairfield Wharf(Chepstow) Newport Dock(Newport) Livox* Ifton Morlais Castle*** Gelligaer National Park) (partinBreconBeacons Tylau Pant* Crug yr Eryr Cnwcsaeson/Llwynllwd Cwm Nant Yard* Esgair Newydd Meurig Alltgoch/Foelbryn** Moelfryn Maen PortBurry Glantowy* ** Llwynjack Cerrig yrWyn* ** Garn Wen* ** Garn* ** Foelfach Dinas* FfosOCCS Briton Ferry RiversideWharf Port Talbot &Steelworks Port Talbot Steelworks(Margam) Nant yMynydd Gwrhyd Uchaf Gilfach Cwm NantLeici § Dormant data Estimated ** * Inactive:nooutput § § Site § § Sand SS780870 Sandstone SN849070 Sandstone SN737088 Sandstone SN752999 Sandstone SN728075 Sandstone SN868024 Marine SandSS734940 Slag/Secondary SS780870 Sandstone SN483069 Sand/Gravel SN662560 Sand/Gravel SN420503 Sand/Gravel SN200484 Shale SN648812 Shale SN284502 Sandstone SN720695 Sandstone SN490483 Marine Sand SN462007 Sand &GravelSN746323 Sand &GravelSN754331 Igneous SN337160 Igneous SN167286 Sandstone SN499136 Sandstone SN391257 Sandstone SN627354 Sandstone/Shale SN794403 Sandstone SilicaSN587157 Marine SandST538934 Marine SandST320850 Limestone ST540975 Limestone ST463888 Limestone SO055098 Sandstone ST115995 Limestone SO039097 Gritstone/Shale SN588606 Mineral Type Severn SandsLtd Severn SandsLtd Hanson Aggregates Hanson Aggregates None Hanson Aggregates Hanson Aggregates W J Evans D RDavies D RPowell Cardigan Sand&GravelCoLtd Mr Goubourn C Davies&GEvans Hanson Aggregates F HGilmanLtd V Jenkins R G&J Llanelli SandDredgingLtd D ALewis Towy Sand +Gravel Ltd F HGilmanLtd F HGilmanLtd Mrs Hibbert Elvet Jones Tarmac Ltd D Roderick Bardon Aggregates Phil Bowen Tarmac Larfarge Tarmac/Cambrian StoneLtd Associated BritishPorts Energybuild Ltd Marshalls Cemex Aggregates Industries Operator 19 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 Operator Hanson Aggregates Cemex Hanson Aggregates United Marine Aggregates Cambrian Stone Ltd Slag Cement Ltd Marine Civil & Ltd Tarmac Sands Severn E Morgan T Scourfield & Sons Jamieson Mason Bros Quarry Products Ltd F H Gilman Ltd L & D Rees Ltd Quarries Trefigin F H Gilman Ltd A D Plant F H Gilman Ltd M Evans Messrs EA & NW Jones Mr Woods Ltd Sons & Davies Mansel United Marine Aggregates Ltd Ltd Quarries Trefigin S Griffiths Mrs Davies Lawrence Bros (UK) Ltd Aggregate Industries Ltd Tarmac Ltd Tarmac H V Bowen & Sons K Jones Ltd Tarmac Hanson Aggregates Hanson Aggregates R Mills Border Hardcore & Rockery Stone Alun Griffiths Contractor Estate Powis Estate Powis Caerfagu Products Ltd Type Mineral Limestone ST423913 Marine Sand ST322873 Marine Sand SS322873 Marine Sand SS322873 Sand & Gravel SO045654 Slate, Stone & Fill SN204428 Igneous SM5201084 Igneous SN118274 Shale SM932168 Sandstone/Shale SM090010 Slate/Secondary SN220328 Marine Sand SM958039 Sand & Gravel SM150430 SN141436 Sandstone/Shale SN086186 Sandstone/Shale SN130271 Shale/Mudstone SM946126 Sandstone SN953525 Sandstone SO259592 Sandstone/Shale SO242582 Sandstone SJ014015 Sandstone SO118304 Sandstone SN198169 Igneous SJ289142 Igneous SO050521 Sandstone SO218535 Sandstone SO326531 Sandstone/Shale Igneous Igneous Slag/Secondary ST395861 ST380860 Slag Furnace Blast Railway Ballast ST330186 Sand Marine Limestone SN037058 Limestone SN049043 Igneous SM804259 Igneous SM893236 Igneous/Sandstone SM872106 Sand & Gravel SN124424 Sand & Gravel SN149437 Igneous § Site § § § § * Inactive: no output **Estimated data Dormant § Garreg Caerfagu Penlan Clunderwen Penlan Gilfach Hill (Halfway House) Pope Cribarth Gore Strinds/Dolyhir Tan-y-Foel** Tredomen Rhayader* , Builth Little Wernwilla Brickworks Borrow Pits Berwyn Granite Rhyndaston Castle* Syke Walwyns Pantgwyn** Trefigin** Mill Middle Cefn Bolton Hill Plascwrt Farm** Slade Hall Farm** Farm* Wogaston Glogue Dock Wharf Pembroke Trefigin* Treffgarne Penhow Quarry* Penhow Eastern Wharf Wharf Felnex Wharf Great Western Llanwern Works Llanwern Maesglas (Mon Bank Sidings) North Park Bottom Meadow* Kiln/Carew Penberry MPA Table 12 (continued) 12 Table 2010in Included Sites SurveysMinerals Aggregates (Former County) (Former Powys C. C. C. Powys (Powys) Pembrokeshire C. C. Pembrokeshire (Dyfed) Pembrokeshire Coast National Park (Dyfed) Newport C.B.C. Newport (Gwent)

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 20 (South & Mid Glam) Vale of Glamorgan C. (Gwent) Torfaen C.B.C. (West Glam) Swansea CityC.C. C.B.C (Mid Glam) Rhondda-Cynon-Taff Sites Includedin2010AggregatesMineralsSurveys Table 12 (continued) (Former County) MPA Aberthaw Power Station Barry Docks St Andrews** Ruthin** Pant Longlands Cnap Twt** Argoed Isha** Forest Wood (see RCT) Wenvoe Pantyffynnon Lithalun FarmGarwa Aberthaw ------Swansea Docks Swansea Docks Barland* ** Craig yrHesg Hendy Forest Wood § Dormant data Estimated ** * Inactive:nooutput § § § Site § Marine SandST127667 Limestone ST143714 Limestone SS975792 Limestone SS895760 Limestone SS928772 Limestone SS911753 Limestone SS902768 Limestone SS992790 Limestone ST015798 Limestone ST130741 Limestone ST046740 Limestone SS899765 Limestone SS978798 Limestone (Lias)ST037672 ------Marine SandSS673924 PFA/FBA (Sec)ST038660 Marine SandSS673924 Limestone SS576895 Sandstone ST079919 Limestone ST054810 Limestone ST015798 Mineral Type RWE nPower Cemex Ltd T JBowles Lafarge Tarmac Ltd Green CircleLtd/ViggarsBros Duchy ofLancaster Lafarge Aggregates/Minimix T Pritchard/JRosser Hanson Aggregates Cemex Ltd Seth Hill&SonLtd Hanson Aggregates Lafarge Cement Ltd Lafarge Cement Ltd ------United MarineAggregatesLtd British DredgingAggregatesLtd Cuddy Hanson Aggregates Tarmac Ltd Hanson Aggregates Operator 21 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 22 MEMBERS OFTHESOUTHWALES REGIONAL AGGREGATES (as atAugust,2011) WORKING PARTY APPENDIX B 23 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 S J Bool G Jones P Mears E Bowen N Davies B Thomas John Cook M J Hooker (Chairman) (Secretary) G Ashworth Phil Williams Mineral Officer Mineral Planning Manager Chief Planning Officer Planning Chief Cardiff County Council (represented by H Towns) H by (represented Chief Regeneration Officer Chief Regeneration (represented by M Davies) Ceredigion County Council (represented by C Morgan) C by (represented (represented by S Williams) S by (represented Director of Planning Services (represented by Ms L Healey) L Ms by (represented Brecon Beacons National Park National Beacons Brecon (represented by G Dorrington) Monmouthshire County Council Carmarthenshire County Council Head of Planning & Regeneration Head of Regeneration and Leisure (represented by Mrs R Amundsen) (represented Council Bridgend County Caerphilly County Borough Council Chief Executive/National Park Officer Park Executive/National Chief Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council Merthyr Tydfil Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Borough County Gwent Blaenau Strategic Planning and Development Manager Strategic Planning and Development (Development Services & Private Sector Housing)

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 24 Head ofPlanning&EconomicRegeneration Services Director ofPlanning&EconomicDevelopment Rhondda-Cynon-Taff CountyBoroughCouncil Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council Director ofRegeneration&Planning Pembrokeshire CoastNationalPark (represented byMrs RHenderson) Head of Planning & Transportation Newport CountyBoroughCouncil Torfaen CountyBoroughCouncil (represented byMsLChristian) Pembrokeshire CountyCouncil (represented byMrsJulieKirk) (represented byOwenJones) Mineral ProductsAssociation Planning &PublicProtection (represented byAWilcock) (represented by N Morgan) (represented by H Towns) Head ofPlanningServices Head ofPlanningServices (represented bySPacker) City &CountyofSwansea Director of Development Powys CountyCouncil Head of Conservation (represented bytbc) Gareth W Thomas W Gareth Vale ofGlamorgan Dr Steven Jones Steven Dr Planning Officer Duncan Smith Duncan Jane Gibson Jane Chief Officer Jane Cook Jane K Hobden K R Thomas R Graham B G White G S Wild S 25 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 I Fox J Cuddy M Lawer K Seaman M Wrigley RWE npower RWE B Hollington Crown Estate Ms C Drayton M M Frampton J Smith/J Morris to be confirmed Welsh Government Welsh Karen Maddock-Jones British Geological SurveyGeological British Environment Agency Wales Mineral Products Association Mineral Products Mineral Products Association Mineral Products Mineral Products Association Mineral Products Representative MPA - Hanson MPA Representative Representative MPA - Tarmac MPA Representative - Tarmac MPA Representative Countryside Council for Wales British Aggregates Association Cuddy Demolition & Dismantling Farming & Rural Conservation & Rural Agency Farming P Huxtable (represented by T Gilman) (Agricultural & Rural Affairs Department)

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 26 REPORTS PRODUCEDBY THE SOUTHWALES WORKING PARTY APPENDIX C AGGREGATES REGIONAL 27 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 August 2004 June 2006 March 2007 October 2007 2008 December October 2009 November 2010 November 2011 REPORTS PRODUCED BY 1. Annual Report 2003 2. Annual Report 2004 3. Annual Report 2005 4. Annual Report 2006 5. Annual Report 2007 6. Annual Report 2008 7. Annual Report 2009 8. 20010 Report Annual A. Statement 2008 Regional Technical The following reports are available free on our website: our on free available are reports following The SOUTH WALES REGIONAL AGGREGATES WORKING PARTY WORKING REGIONAL AGGREGATES SOUTH WALES

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 28 REGIONAL AGGREGATES -AIMS &OBJECTIVES- WORKING PARTY APPENDIX D SOUTH WALES OF THE 29 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 to chair a minimum of 2 meetings each year of the South to chair a minimum of 2 meetings -AIMS & OBJECTIVES-

the seretariat to organise a minimum of 2 meetings each the seretariat to organise a minimum

OF THE SOUTH WALES R.A.W.P. (2010-2014) R.A.W.P. WALES SOUTH THE OF the secretary to:

liaise with the Mineral Planning Officers in the region, to include meetings liaise with the Mineral Planning Officers in the region, to include offices as appropriate; at the MPA technical by providing supporting working regional or group facilitate aggregates advice as appropriate; and England and where possible to in Wales secretaries liaise with RAWP by and relevant English RAWPs RAWP attend meetings of the North Wales invitation; Secretaries; attend the regular national meetings of the 10 RAWP year; per WAG the of officer nominated the with meetings 4 least at attend draft related correspondance as required; (POSW) Minerals and Waste attend Planning Officers Society for Wales secretary. meetings in the capacity of RAWP arranging date and venue of the meeting, and providing appropriate arranging date and venue of refreshments; circulating the agenda and papers; and papers as necessary; drafting related correspondence within 2 weeks of the minute of the meeting a draft and circulating providing meeting; comments; members of account take to minutes circulating and revising public the to available made and website the on placed are minutes ensuring for inspection. Honorary Chairman: the attend to and required as meetings sub-group with together RAWP, Wales in London. The NCG is chaired by a National Co-ordinating Group (NCG) Local Government and comprises the Chairs senior official in Communities and industry. the of representatives and RAWPs the of Liaison: year of the South Wales RAWP, together with sub-group meetings as required as meetings sub-group with together RAWP, Wales South the of year with the Chairman and members, including: in liaison RAWP meetings: 1(i) 1(ii) Aim to be supported by a dedicated be to provide an honarary Chairman The core aims will the the effective functioning of technical services necessary for secretariat and in South Wales. (RAWP) Party Working Aggregates Regional below. out set are delivered be to objectives specific The Liaison Objective 1: Administration and 1(iii)

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 30 1(vi) 1(v) 1(iv) 2(iv) 2(iii) 2(ii) 2(i) Objective 2:Research-Monitoring funded inthearea,linkstoWAG relevantresearchetc. nominated officer, toinclude isuesofintereste.g. significantALSFprojects The websiteshould bedevelopedfurther in discussionwiththeAssembly the secretariattoincludeRAWP publicationsandfinalRAWP meetingminutes. funded over the period of this grant, will be maintained and kept up to date by A SouthWales Wales RAWP orjointSouth/North RAWP website: annual reports; aggregates toRAWPof alternativematerials to primary meetingsand inthe Environment AgencyWales withaviewtopromotingand reporting ontheuse through liasion withthe actual potentialuseofsuchmaterialasaggregates potential foraggregatesuse,andcollectreliable informationonarisingsand identify key contacts, maintain an up-to-date list of sources of materials with waste androadplanings,butincludingminerals usedasnon-aggregates), alternative materialwithpotentialforuseasaggregates (otherthanCandD Alternative materials: planings, toinclude information fromthe Trunk Roads Agency. Road planings: as necessary.survey accurate andcollatedasrequired,toassist in preparationsfortheAM2013 tooperators,andthatreturnsaretimely,ensuring thatformsareforwarded AM2009/2013: will notbenecessarybutanannualreportstillproduced; Aggregates Monitoring(AM)Surveysarecarriedout,thenormalannualsurveys undertaken by MPAs.dredged) and reserves In years when the 4-yearly annual surveysoftheproductionprimaryaggregates(includingmarine aggregatessurveys: Annual primary the nominatedofficerandRAWP members. work tobeundertakenbytheRAWP Technical inconsultationwith Secretary work. Intheeventofinadequateprogress,itmaybenecessaryforadditional planning officersisundertakentosecureprogressonmonitoringandreporting Default arrangements: travel outside the UK to be agreed prior to the costs being incurred. nominated officer). Costs relating to overnight accommodationAssembly’s or (in cases of doubt the approval of attendance will be confirmed by the seminars and conferences that may assist in the development of RAWP work expected that the Technical will attend Secretary appropriate and relevant advising onthedemandforand supplyof aggregates intheregion. Itwill be make an appropriate contribution tothepreparation ofnational guidanceby Input into national guidanceon aggregatesprovision: to support AM2009 by distributing survey formstoMPAsto supportAM2009bydistributingsurvey and to carryoutanannualsurveyofthearisingsandre-use ofroad toidentifyandmonitorthekeyregionalsources of toensurethatregularliaisonwithothermineral to organise, co-ordinate andcollate toorganise, co-ordinate

to helptheRAWP

separately 31 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 to assess the projects for changes in the to assess the to assess the need for further strategic environmental to assess the need for further strategic

to monitor UDPs/LDPs and future development future and UDPs/LDPs monitor to to assess the use of secondary and recycled materials to assess the use of secondary and to prepare and publish an annual report that takes account of report that takes account an annual and publish to prepare to assess reserves of primary aggregates in active and dormant to assess reserves of primary aggregates

a report on the assessments undertaken in relation to Objectives 2 and 3; a report on the assessments undertaken in relation to Objectives reserves, on based bank land MPA individual and regional the of calculation a Statement Technical Regional the in apportionment of scale and production as at 31 December each year (subject to compliance with agreements of information); to confidentiality relating information on alternative sources of aggregates; of a summary of progress and relevant content in relation to the provision aggregates in the preparation of development plans in the region; in a comprehensive list of active and inactive sites producing aggregates the region; a list of dormant sites in the region; to date; in the region orders confirmed of prohibition a list and permissions determined (including a list of mineral planning appliactions RAWP previous the since applications) review mineral to relating those report); Development plans: Development demand for aggregates major proposals to determine regional programmes and of supply. shortfall and any potential to decsions determined since monitor mineral planning Planning decisions: permissions, refusals, POMP decisions report; to record the previous RAWP granted the size, permissions For Orders. on Prohibition and the decisions in the Annual Reports. and end-use should also be recorded output, end-date Demand /supply of aggregates: Annual report: the comments of RAWP members, as hard copy and electronic versions, and to and members, as hard copy the comments of RAWP The WAG). be published on the web site (3 hard copies to be supplied to be as follows: should minimum content demand and supply of all types of aggregates in the region; the in aggregates of types all of supply and demand Landbanks: dormant reserves level, and the likelihood of being sites at a regional and MPA activated. Alternative materials: any review of the to provide base data for assessment, such as IMAECA, Statement. Regional Technical (including C and D waste) as aggregates, to consider ways of improving data (including C and D waste) as aggregates, as aggregates, including use of such materials increasing and collection anassessment of each unitary authority’s and success in recycling capacity materials as aggreagtes. Environmental capacity: Objective 3: Research - Assessment - Research 3: Objective 3(i) 2(v) 2(vi) Objective 4: Reporting 4: Objective 4(i) 3(iv) 3(iii) 3(ii)

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 32 Objective 5:ContractMonitoring Objectives 4(ii) relating toaggregatesprovisioninlocalauthorityLocalDevelopmentPlans. the timetableandworkrequiredtocompletereviewfocussingonsection a strategytoinformthereviewofRegionalTechnical Statement,settingout Monitoring willconsistof: Regional Technical Statement-Review: achieved in the period to which the invoice relates. including detailsofthetimededicatedtoworkandwhathasbeen all claimsforpaymentshallsetoutclearlywhatworkhasbeenundertaken expenditure accountandforecast; are beingachieved(orreasonsforanyshortfall)andaninterimincome submission ofmid-yearprogressreporttoshowtheextentobjectives difficulties which havelimited orprevented theirachievement; throughout thecontractperiod,stepstakentoachievethemandany the contractperiodshallincludeasummaryofobjectivesachieved evidence-based assessmentofworkcarriedout.Thereportattheend submission ofabriefmonitoringreportattheyearend,toincorporate Wales RAWP Secretary); appraised (oneofthesemeetingswillbearrangedjointlywiththeNorth the progressagainstcoreandintermediateobjectivesisreviewed a minimum of three-monthlymeetingswithWAG officialsin Cardiff, atwhich materials in place of primary aggregates. advice onthepotentialinregionforincreasinguseofalternative set outthecurrentstrategyforprovisionofaggregatesinregion; a summation of the policy for aggregates in UDPs and LDPs for the region to in theregionrelationtoaggregatesissues; the RegionalTechnical Statementdrawing oninformationprovidedbyMPAs a summary of monitoring, review and effectiveness of the implemenattion of demand foraggregates; projects and an appraisal of how these may have a regional influence on the a list of planning proposals and permissions approved for major construction

by thebeginningof2012, to produce 33 South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 NOTES

South Wales Regional Aggregates Working Party - Annual Report 2010 34 Reports which are still in print may be purchased from:- Environmental & Planning Services Directorate, Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend, CF31 4WB Tel: (01656) 643178 Fax: (01656) 643190 E-mail: [email protected] website: Cheques to be made payable to Bridgend C.B.C. Download also available at: Published by Bridgend County Borough Council, Environmental & Planning Services Directorate, on behalf of the South Wales Aggregates Working Party.

Price £15.00

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