Meeting London Youth Assembly Date Thursday 22 November 2018 Time 5.30 pm Place Chamber, City Hall, The Queen's Walk, London, SE1 2AA

Copies of the reports and any attachments may be found at youth-assembly

A meeting of the London Youth Assembly will be held to deal with the business listed below.

Katie Bacon Chair of the London Youth Assembly

Representatives are also expected to be present from the following Boroughs:

 Barking & Dagenham  Hounslow  Barnet  Islington  Bexley  Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea  Brent  Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames  Bromley  Lambeth  Camden  Lewisham  City of London  Merton  City of Westminster  Newham  Croydon  Redbridge  Enfield  Richmond upon Thames  Royal Borough of Greenwich  Southwark  Hackney  Sutton  Hammersmith and Fulham  Tower Hamlets  Haringey  Waltham Forest  Havering  Wandsworth  Hillingdon

Further information If you have questions or would like further information about the meeting please contact: [email protected].

Find out more about the London Youth Assembly via twitter @LYAssembly

Agenda London Youth Assembly Thursday 22 November 2018

1 Welcome from Chair

2 Code of Conduct (Pages 1 - 6)

To agree the Code of Conduct for the London Youth Assembly as attached.

3 Welcome Speech from Gareth Bacon AM (Pages 7 - 8)

4 Discussion on Policing and Crime with the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (Pages 9 - 10)

The London Youth Assembly will put questions to Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, and following the question and answer session, will discuss past and ongoing projects in their sub-regions in relation to policing and crime in London and share good practice.

It is proposed that this Q&A session cover the following topics:

 Knife Crime;  Gangs;  Youth Violence;  Sexual Harassment; and  Racism and Hate Crime.

5 Discussion on Mental Health

The Chair of the London Youth Assembly will introduce the topic and Members will contribute to the discussion in the order in which they indicate to the Chair.


6 Future Topics for Discussion

That the London Youth Assembly is asked to identify any issues it wishes to consider at future meetings.

Other topics for proposed discussion at future meetings of the London Youth Assembly are as follows:  Affordable Housing;

 Sexual Health;  Social Inequality;  Disability and access for young people; and  Media representations.

7 Date of Next Meeting

The Chair will, in consultation with the sub-regional leads, agree the next date of the London Youth Assembly.


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Code of Conduct – London Youth Assembly

This code of conduct was put together to help the London Youth Assembly (LYA) work together and make decisions. Consequences of people's actions are also included for everyone to follow.

Code of Conduct for the London Youth Assembly meetings: ✓ One person to speak at a time; ✓ Listen when a person is talking and do not talk over them; ✓ If you wish to speak raise your hand; the Chair of the meeting will prompt you when you can make your point; ✓ Be respectful to each other at all times; ✓ Challenge the issue and not the person; you will at times disagree and this is OK; ✓ Take all opinions seriously; everyone is entitled to a view; ✓ Work together, including everyone as a valued member of the LYA; ✓ Do not judge on grounds of age, ability, gender etc.; ✓ Don’t ever be afraid to talk; ✓ Mobile phones should be on silent/vibrate and should be in pockets or bags. Headphones must not be worn during meetings. Emergency calls should be taken outside of the meeting room; ✓ Leave the room quietly at the end of the meeting – remember you are representing young peo- ple; ✓ Do not attend any meetings/events under the influence drugs or alcohol; ✓ No fighting or play fighting; ✓ Arrive on time; if for any reason you are late please enter the meeting quietly with minimum dis- ruption; ✓ Bullying will not be tolerated in LYA sessions; ✓ Be responsible when using social network sites; and ✓ Please remember to follow the Youth Council Standards at all times.

Consequences:  Challenged by other LYA members/youth workers;  Verbal warning;  Asked to wait outside;  If your behaviour is disruptive, you can be asked to leave the meeting;  If you are disrespecting anyone, you will be asked to leave the meeting;  If you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol you will be asked to go home;  If you have a disagreement during a meeting, you will be supported to work things out by a youth worker;  Your role as a LYA Member and Deputy Member can and will be withdrawn at any time if you continue to behave inappropriately;

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 This will be reviewed annually; and  This can be reviewed as and when required; or if new issues arise at LYA Meetings with LYA members and the youth involvement worker.

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The London Youth Assembly

London Youth Assembly (LYA) Members & Deputy Members are young people that are s/elected through youth councils/parliaments/forums who volunteer their time and are an important and valued part of the LYA.

This agreement makes expectations clear around what is good practice and conduct as a LYA Member & Deputy Member. This document incorporated The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 and The Relevant Authorities (General principles) order 2001; these are standards by which adult councillors are expected to work by.

We aim to give young people, between the ages of 11–19, and up to 25 with disabilities or special educational needs, a voice on issues, which matter to them, to participate in improving services and taking action.

Code of Conduct

We, Youth Workers and Assembly Secretariat Staff, will do our best:  to introduce you to how the LYA works, your role in it and to provide any training you need;  to provide regular opportunities to meet with your youth workers so that you can tell us if you are happy with how your work is organised and get feedback from us;  to respect your skills and support individual needs;  to pay for or refund your travel expenses when agreed with a youth worker and receipts are provided;  to consult with you and keep you informed of possible changes;  to provide a safe working environment for you to be actively involved;  to apply our equal opportunities policy, which gives young people a chance to work, learn and live free from discrimination, prejudice and bullying;  to try to resolve fairly any problems, grievances and difficulties you may have while you volunteer with us;  in the event of an unresolved problem, to offer an opportunity to discuss the issues with the Chair of the LYA, youth workers or the Assembly secretariat at the GLA; and  work with parents, carers, other appropriate adults and services to support your active involvement with the LYA.

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LYA Members and Deputy Members, we expect you to:  respect each other’s opinions and differences;  listen to each other;  maintain good time keeping and be punctual;  take responsibility for your own actions;  challenge the issues, not the person;  not presume things;  manage personal issues and stress; tell a youth worker and leave them outside of the LYA;  help the LYA represent the voice of young people in your area;  perform your volunteering role to the best of your ability;  maintain any confidential information when required;  meet time commitments and give reasonable notice so other arrangements can be made when this is not possible;  work with Assembly Members, officers and other services to make sure that young peoples’ voices are heard;  represent young people at the LYA and other public forums;  work with the wider community and other groups to make your community a better place to be;  talk with other young people and find out what they need and want;  liaise with and share information between your school council, local youth council and the LYA;  provide young people with information, where appropriate;  wear clear identification when required through ID badges; and  remember that any correspondence/communication in your role as an LYA Member or Deputy Member MUST first be agreed by a Youth Worker facilitator.

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Below are 10 Principles Youth Councillors/LYA Members should follow


1. Selflessness Members should serve only the young people’s interests and should never inappropriately give an advantage or disadvantage on any person.

2. Honesty and Integrity Members should not place themselves in situations where their honesty and reliability may be questioned; they should not behave inappropriately and should on all occasions avoid the appearance of such behaviour.

3. Objectivity Members should make decisions based on merit, including when making appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards or benefits.

4. Accountability Members should be accountable to the young people and the general public for their actions and the manner in which they carry out their responsibilities and should co- operate fully and honestly with any enquiry appropriate to their particular office.

5. Openness Members should be as open as possible about their actions, and should be prepared to give reasons for those actions.

6. Personal Judgement Members may take account of the views of others, but should reach their own conclusions on the issues before them and act in accordance with those conclusions.

7. Respect for Others Members should promote equality by not discriminating against any person, and by treating people with respect, regardless of their race, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. They should respect the fairness and honesty of the authority's statutory officers, and its other employees.

8. Duty to Uphold the Law Members should uphold the law and, on all occasions, act in accordance with the trust that other young people are entitled to place in them.

9. Stewardship Members should do whatever they are able to do to ensure that resources are used sensibly.

10. Leadership Members should promote and support these principles by leadership, and by example, and should act in a way that secures and maintains other young people’s confidence.

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These standards are based on The Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 and The Relevant Authorities (General Principles) Order 2001. These ‘Standards’ are mainly concerned with how you present yourself both in your role as a LYA Member and Deputy Member and in public life in general. This includes events where you are representing the LYA, as well as your behaviour in school, college, and leisure and social activities.

This applies to you as a member of a Youth Council:  Whenever you act in your official capacity as a member of the Youth Council, a UKYP rep and a member of the London Youth Assembly; and  At any time where your behaviour, particularly linked to your role as a Youth Councilor & LYA Member, has led to a criminal conviction.

In your role as a LYA Member & Deputy Member it is expected that: 1. You will treat others with respect; 2. You will not bully any person, including other LYA Members and Deputy Members, other young people, members of the public etc.; 3. You will not bring the LYA into disrepute while acting in your official capacity, or at any time through Criminal Activity that leads to a criminal conviction. A young person should seek to inform their youth worker should they feel they have done something which brings the LYA into disrepute; 4. You will not use your position improperly; and 5. You will have regard to advice from facilitators and other council members.

I have received and read the above code of conduct and standards. For points where I did not fully understand a youth worker has explained this to me. I agreed to abide by these rules and understand failure to do so may result in suspension of my post or possible exclusion.

Signed…………………………………… Date…………………………………

Print Name…………………………………………………………...

Youth Worker……………………….. Date…………………………

*Your term of office with the LYA is up to two years. After this period, it is expected that you will step down and form part of the LYA alumni.

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Appendix 1

Biography for Gareth Bacon, Londonwide Assembly Member

Gareth Bacon was elected in 2008 as a Londonwide Assembly Member, and was re-elected in 2016 as the Assembly Member for Bexley and Bromley.

Gareth has been a Councillor in the since 1998, where he represents Ward. Gareth has previously served as Deputy Leader of the Council, Cabinet Member for Finance & Corporate Services, and as Cabinet Member for Environment & Public Realm.

He comes from a background in the financial recruitment industry and has Bachelors and Masters degrees in politics and government from Kent University.

Gareth is married with one daughter. He is also a keen squash player and a season ticket holder at Manchester United.

Gareth’s current responsibilities include:

 Leader of the GLA Conservatives;

 Chairman of the Budget and Performance Committee;

 Chairman of the Budget Monitoring Sub Committee;

 Chairman of the GLA Oversight Committee;

 Member of the Confirmation Hearings Committee; and

 Member of the Fire, Resilience and Emergency Planning Committee.

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Appendix 1

Biography of Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

Sophie was a Hackney councillor from 2006 until her appointment by the . She was Deputy Mayor of Hackney Council, with lead responsibility for crime and community safety, environmental health and trading standards, equalities and neighbourhood and civic engagement.

Sophie was part of the senior leadership that saw Hackney awarded 'Council of the Last 20 Years’ (2016) by the Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards, the LGC Editor’s Award for Partnership Working (2014) for their ground breaking gangs unit, and a rating of ‘excellent’ in the Local Government Equality Framework

She was a special adviser at the Home Office from 2001 to 2004. While there Sophie worked with the Home Secretary and Ministers on policy development and strategy, including: police reform, crime and antisocial behaviour reduction, neighbourhood policing and reducing the harm caused by illegal drugs. From 1997 to 2001 Sophie was a special adviser to David Blunkett in the Department for Education and Employment.

Sophie has been a member of the Local Government Association (LGA) Safer Communities Board, a peer reviewer for the LGA on community safety, and a member of the HMIC advisory board on PEEL (the police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy programme) inspections.

Sophie has worked in the voluntary sector as a campaigns and policy manager, campaigning to end child poverty. She has also worked in the private sector as a director of public affairs.

Sophie has lived in Hackney for the last 30 years.

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