CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E 2103
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November 2, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 2103 College in Greensboro, NC. And in 1944 Mrs. As a member of the House Judiciary Com- there are twenty patrol officers and a twen- Cave received her graduate degree in social mittee, I voted against H.R. 1833 when it was ty-first is obtained through the grant, at the work from Atlanta University. heard in our committee earlier this year. Had end of the three years the agency must make For 50 years Natalie practiced social work in I been present for yesterday's floor vote, I a good faith effort to keep the twenty-first position. Councilman Laszlo posed questions a variety of capacities, including a stint as a would have voted ``no.'' with regard to the City's costs relative to case worker at the Veterans Administration f the grant officer(s). Hospital in Tuskegee, AL. She met her hus- band, Dr. Vernal Cave while working in Ala- SEAL BEACH SAYS NO THANKS TO The Manager advised that costs borne by 1993 CRIME BILL the City under the first grant will be $180,000 bama. They subsequently transferred to for the period of three years which includes Brooklyn, NY where they still reside. salary, benefits, hard costs, there are other Mrs. Cave holds numerous memberships in HON. DANA ROHRABACHER costs that are not included in the grant how- various professional organizations, including OF CALIFORNIA ever they are relatively minor, in turn the grant pays $75,000 of that, thus the cost over the Auxiliary of the National Medical Associa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, of which she is a former national presi- three years will be $105,000, pointing out that dent. Her other memberships include the Advi- Thursday, November 2, 1995 $35,000 was included in this years budget for sory Board of the Public Affairs Committee, Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, during that officer with the assumption that the of- the Brooklyn Chapter of Links, Inc., the 1993 and 1994 Congress debated H.R. 3355 ficer would be employed by the first of July, however, in actuality will not be employed YWCA, the NAACP, and the Kings County of the 103d Congress. Many of us believed until about September 22nd or 23rd. Medical Society Auxiliary. Additionally, she is that the amount of assistance that this bill was an active archousa of the Sigma Phi Pi Frater- to provide to fight crime was being greatly As to a second officer should this applica- tion be approved the Manager once again ex- nity, and a trustee of the Brooklyn Botanic oversold. None of the provisions were more pressed concern as to the source of funding Garden. oversold than the number of additional local after the three year grant period, and with Mrs. Cave has traveled extensively, includ- police that would be paid for by the so-called regard to the first officer, the position will ing six countries in Africa, and a trip around ``free'' Federal money provided in the bill. be part of the budget process next spring and the world. This was because there was a catch to the should there be inadequate revenues the In adminstering to the needs of our Nation's ``free'' money for additional police. The catch Council will need to make some priority veterans and those of the society at large, this is that after 4 years the local community has choices. Councilman Laszlo expressed con- gracious and empathetic lady has contributed to continue to pay the full cost of these ``free'' cern as a result of the County losses as well. greatly to making this a better world. I am im- policemen or the citizens and towns would He offered that the City has good police of- mensely proud of one of Brooklyn's best and have to return the grant funds. ficers however said they are the second low- dedicated citizens. The Seal Beach, CA City Council in my dis- est paid in the County, and expressed his opinion that this action could take money f trict has taken a close look at what the real away from raises that they are deserving of. cost of this program will be to them in the out- The Mayor said it is likely that if the City MESSENGER AND MESSAGE DO years. After consideration they voted unani- NOT MEET STANDARDS could not fund the position in the future the mously not to apply for this ``free'' assistance. officer would probably be cut and the City I am inserting at this point in the RECORD a would need to refund the grant. HON. MIKE WARD copy of the minutes of the Seal Beach City Hastings moved, second by Forsythe, to OF KENTUCKY Council meeting where they unanimously said, not authorize the grant application for a sec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ``No thanks.''. ond police officer under the COPS AHEAD Thursday, November 2, 1995 GRANT APPLICATIONÐCOPS AHEAD GRANT Program. The Interim City Manager reported that f Mr. WARD. Mr. Speaker, every day when the City has been informed of a second round the House meets for morning hour, we begin of the COPS Program, the City having pre- with an invocation that is designed to acknowl- viously received authorization for one Police PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTION BAN edge this country's belief in God and our dedi- Officer under the COPS FAST Program, this ACT OF 1995 cation to our moral beliefs and to our duties item simply authorization to submit the that we are about to execute. I am afraid, grant application for the second program. however, that this morning's invocation did not The Manager expressed concern with the HON. RON PACKARD future ability to fund the officer if the appli- adhere to this tradition. Instead of inspiration, cation were approved, noting that the first OF CALIFORNIA we were greeted with a message and a mes- three years would be of benefit to the City, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES senger who does not meet the standards of the costs would be minimal in terms of cost this respected institution. The Reverend Lou benefit, however the City would assume all Thursday, November 2, 1995 Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition costs upon the fourth year, and if the grant has consistently expressed a message that is is accepted the City must agree to pay its Mr. PACKARD. Mr. Speaker, I applaud all exclusive rather than inclusive. With the chal- share of the total cost for the grant period as my colleagues who voted yesterday to protect lenges that face this body every day, I believe well as make a good faith effort to keep that position in the budget thereafter with an as- the lives of the most vulnerable of Ameri- that the invocation should be a positive and surance to the Department of Justice that cansÐthe unborn. The House stood up and uplifting message which cannot come from keeping that position will not eliminate an- said no to the radical left and their militant someone who has dedicated his life to a mes- other. agenda in promoting this brutal and inhumane sage of hate and divisiveness. I call on you, He pointed out that the officer obtained procedure. Mr. Speaker, to review the policies regarding through the COPS FAST Program will cover Even though the American Medical Associa- guest chaplains and ensure that they adhere the downtown/pier/beach area and it is un- tion took no official position on the bill, it was to the high standard that the U.S. House of derstood that the City committed to retain- backed by the AMA's council on legislation Representatives deserves. ing that officer at the end of the grant pe- riod. The Manager asked for direction from who voted unanimously to recommend that f the Council as to the desire to file the appli- the AMA board of trustees endorse the bill cation, if granted a determination can then PERSONAL EXPLANATION outlawing this grotesque procedure. Sadly, the be made as to whether or not to accept, or bill was not supported by the radical pro-abor- the application could be filed with a notation tion movement who showed their true colors that the City may not accept for a period of HON. XAVIER BECERRA by calling the attempt to outlaw the procedure OF CALIFORNIA time however that would likely jeopardize any approval. ``extreme.'' Opposition to the bill is extremism. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Councilman Brown inquired if the officer Physicians are trained to save lives, not take Thursday, November 2, 1995 acquired through the grant program could be them in this abhorrent procedure. retained as a replacement should another of- Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, on November ficer resign for one reason or another, or Mr. Speaker, in passing the Partial-Birth 1, 1995, I was unavoidably detained during does the personnel contingent need to be Abortion Ban Act by a vote of 288 to 139, this rollcall vote No. 756, the vote on final passage maintained. The Manager responded that the House has declared to the whole world that on H.R. 1833, the so-called Partial-Birth Abor- requirement is not to keep the individual this form of elective infanticide has no place in tion Ban Act of 1995. rather to keep the position, as an example, if our society and it will not be tolerated. E 2104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks November 2, 1995 TRIBUTE TO MICHAEL OLMEDA Be sensitive to changes in your children's tantly, this year marks the 50th anniversary of behavior; they are a signal that you should the end of World War II.