
BURLINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 North Avenue Burlington, Vermont 05401

Michael E. Schirling Phone (802) 658-2704 Chief of Police Fax (802) 865-7579 TTY/TDD (802) 658-2700



The Burlington Police Department would like to remind the public about the dangers of “” and other related drugs. We are working toward better educating the public to prevent any such incidents from occurring in our community. It is our firm belief that the best way to prevent sexual violence (-facilitated or otherwise) is through outreach and education.

The term “date rape” drugs can be misleading as it implies that the victim is dating or knows the perpetrator. A better term for this type of incident is “drug-facilitated .”

What are “date rape” drugs? A “date rape” drug is any drug that is designed to facilitate sexual assault. While and other products can facilitate sexual assault, this term usually refers to one of the three drugs mentioned below. These three drugs plus the drug ecstasy are also commonly referred to as “Club drugs” - a pharmacologically heterogeneous group of psychoactive compounds that tend to be abused by teens and young adults at a nightclub, bar, , or trance scene.

Common types and some of their street names: GHB ( GAMMAHYDROXYBUTYRATE ) - *Liquid E * GBH * Gib * Georgia home boy * Natural sleep-500 Soap * Oxy-sleep * Grievous bodily harm * Gamma-oh * Scoop * Saltwater * Liquid Ecstasy * Liquid X * Cheery Meth *

ROHYPNOL ( ) - Roaches * Roapies * Rib * Ro-Shay * Rochas Dos * Rope * Run-Trip-and-Fall * Roofies * Rophies * R-2s * Larocha * Mexican Valium * Roach * Roofenol * Ruffies * Roches

KETAMINE - * Special K * Vitamin K *

How are they administered? “Date rape” drugs are generally administered orally. and GHB frequently come as a clear or light colored liquid that can be added to beverages. Rohypnol is usually distributed as white pills that dissolve quickly in liquid. All three are virtually odorless and tasteless. GHB can sometimes have a slightly salty flavor that is easily masked in beverages.

Respect ~ Honor ~ Remember Officer James P. McGrath, end of watch May 12, 1904; Officer J. Albert Fisher, end of watch December 15, 1947 Signs or symptoms that you may have ingested “date rape” drugs: • If you wake up very hung over, feeling "fuzzy," experiencing memory lapse, or can't account for a period of time.

• If you remember taking a drink but cannot recall what happened for a period of time after you consumed the drink.

• If you feel as though someone had sex with you but you can't remember any or all of the incident.

• If you feel a lot more intoxicated than your usual response to the amount of alcohol you consumed.

• People have reported feeling extremely fatigued, that their limbs feel heavy, or that they have experienced “black outs” when they have not consumed an excessive amount of alcohol.

Keeping yourself safe: • Don't drink beverages that you did not open yourself.

• Don't share or exchange drinks with anyone.

• Don't drink from a punch bowl or other large container.

• Don't drink from a container that is being passed around.

• If someone offers you a drink from the bar at a club or a party, accompany the person to the bar to order your drink, watch the drink being poured, and carry the drink yourself.

• Don't leave your drink unattended while talking, dancing, using the restroom, or making a phone call.

• If you realize that your drink has been left unattended, discard it.

• Don't drink anything that has an unusual taste or appearance ( e.g., salty taste, excessive foam, unexplained residue).

• Know your limits. If you have had too much to drink or used other drugs you will be more susceptible to ingesting date rape drugs.

• Never leave a party or bar with a stranger. Stay with your friends.

What to do if you suspect something has happened: • Get help immediately. Call the local police or dial 911.

• Get medical care. Ask a trusted friend to stay with you and assist you in getting the help you need.

• Go to a hospital emergency department as soon as possible for an examination and evidence collection.

Respect ~ Honor ~ Remember Officer James P. McGrath, end of watch May 12, 1904; Officer J. Albert Fisher, end of watch December 15, 1947 • Request that the hospital take a urine sample for drug toxicology testing to be done for the responding law enforcement agency. Time is of the essence as most “date rape” drugs disappear from your body in 48 – 72 hours.

• Preserve as much physical evidence as possible. Do not urinate, shower, bathe, douche, or throw away the clothing you were wearing during the incident. If possible, save any other materials that might provide evidence, such as the glass that held your drink.

• Call a for information and support. In Vermont the Women’s Rape Crisis Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for help at (802) 863-1236 or www.stoprapevermont.org.

• In the Burlington area, please report suspected “date rape” drug incidents to your local police department or the Chittenden Unit for Special Investigations at 652-6800 (generally during business hours only).

Respect ~ Honor ~ Remember Officer James P. McGrath, end of watch May 12, 1904; Officer J. Albert Fisher, end of watch December 15, 1947