LWB Issue 759 Digital.Indd
36 LAKES WEEKLY JOBS INSIDE 14th Jul - 20th BULLETIN FIRST ON THE STREET No 759 WWW.LWB.CO.NZ • BUY • ACCOMMODATION • SELL • INFORMATION • JOBS • ENQUIRIES@LWB.CO.NZ Know it is us who are mad Driving around the Queenstown area is, and has been for a few years now, a complete disaster. I know its old news but it’s a cluster f—k and getting worse. We don’t need tourists from overseas to clog our streets, we do it all by ourselves. I counted, whilst dawdling in traffi c, (heading towards Shotover Country roundabout) 80 cars heading into Frankton before I saw one with two people in it, then 120 more before I saw three. All the rest were single drivers. I was also one. These all originate from Lake Hayes Estate, Shotover Country, Gibbston/ Cromwell and some other Wakatipu Basin traffi c. Digressing momentarily, those subdivisions should never have been allowed to go ahead before roads and bridges were prepared. The consultants were morons. The people deciding to give the go ahead were also morons and we should ask for our money back. Now we have winter and the usual traffi c issues and town congestion is The Gibbston Valley Cheesery & Deli pop-up opened last week. ridiculous. I have been, along with countless others, shouting out about this but Taste artisan cheeses, learn about cheese and wine pairings or no one is listening. Build more, more hotels, more fl ats, more apartments, more enjoy a good coffee and grab lunch from the deli shops, more people and on it goes.
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