
arXiv:1806.05545v1 [quant-ph] 12 Jun 2018 hr h yaia ere ffedmaecnandwti h m the within contained are freedom of field degrees dynamical the where efis eiwteueo h rjcinbsio 1 odrv h mu the derive to equation [1] Dirac massless projection the the of of version use valued equation the review Dirac first We massless The 1 h ia ipnrcnb atrzdit w terms, two into factorized be can bispinor Dirac The where w Algebra: safie ipnr n ehv sdntto aiirfo h Geomet the from familiar notation used have we and bispinor, fixed a is ntePyia nepeaino h Dirac the of Interpretation Physical the On tutoso h edblnasadamr aua interpre natural more alter a and find distinctio bilinears to This discrete field us the allows algebra. of treatments, Dirac structions conventional the in in obscured unit implemen re non-geometric imaginary formulation Maxwe and of field-based geometric between form This distinction generalized , electromagnetism. a vector, of obey scalar, tions that Lorentz fields of set and a as bispinor Dirac a eucinI:TeMsieDrcField Dirac Massive The II: Wavefunction sn h agaeo h emti ler,w eattema the recast we Algebra, Geometric the of language the Using C , ψ P M and , = f γ nsaisY Papaioannou Y. Anastasios T + 1 µ ∧ transformations. γ v [email protected] I µ ν γ ≡ ≡ µ ue1,2018 15, June γ + 2 1 0 ≡ ∇ ψ ( Abstract γ ∇ γ 2! 1 1 = µ ψ γ F γ 2 ψ 1 µν ∂ ν 0 = γ M µ 3 − γ γ w, = µ µ , γ . ∧ ν − γ γ γ µ ν 0 ) γ + 1 γ p 2 µ γ Iγ 3 . µ + gI, , urscareful quires ain fthe of tations aino the of tation ,wihis which n, aiecon- native lsequa- ll’s ssive ultivector ltivector- (1) ric The field ψM contains sixteen real degrees of freedom: the scalar f, four vector components vµ, six bivector components Fµν , four pseudovector components pµ, and one pseudoscalar g. These field components are all real- valued; that is, ψM is an element of the , namely, the Clifford algebra Cl1,3(R). The sole purpose of the fixed bispinor w is to project these dynamical degrees of freedom onto an abstract . We choose w to obey the relations γ0w = w γ2γ1w = iw, which in the Dirac gives it the form 1 0 w = . (2) 0   0   The massless Dirac equation, with eight real degrees of freedom,

∇ψM w =0 can be expanded into a multivector equation with sixteen real degrees of free- dom: ∇ψM =0. (3) By the nature of w, which projects γ0 and 1 onto the same compo- nent, this derivation of the multivector equation from the spinor equation is not unique. We justify it, however, as being Lorentz invariant, with no mixing of, e.g., scalar and vector terms. In component form, eq. 3 becomes α βα ∂ f + ∂βF =0 α βα ∂ g + ∂βF =0 α ∂αv =0 α ∂αp =0 αβ αβ Fv + Fp =0, (4) where 1 F αβ ≡ ǫαβγδF 2! γδ αβ α β β α Fv ≡ ∂ v − ∂ v 1 F αβ ≡ ǫαβγδ(∂ p − ∂ p ). p 2! γ δ δ γ There is no mixing between even-grade (scalar, bivector, and pseudoscalar) and odd-grade (vector and pseudovector) fields. For simplicity, we will assume that the odd fields vanish, leaving eight degrees of freedom: 1 ψ = f 1+ F γµ ∧ γν + gI, (5) M 2! µν

2 or, in spinorial form, f − iF12 −iF23 + F31 ψ =   . (6) ig − F30   −F10 − iF20   1.1 Lorentz transformations In the spacetime algebra, we interpret the gamma matrices {γµ} as matrix rep- resentations of physical basis vectors. Under a Lorentz transformation between two reference frames, these basis vectors transform as

γµ → γ′µ = Rγµ R, where e 1 R = exp(− ω γµ ∧ γν ) 4 µν is the half-angle / half-rapidity Lorentz transformation operator, and R is the multivector reverse of R, in which all constituent vectors in R are reverse- e ordered, i.e., (γµ ∧ γν)∼ = γν ∧ γµ = −(γµ ∧ γν ). The reversed operator 1 R = exp(+ ω γµ ∧ γν ) 4 µν is thus the multiplicative inversee of R, with ωµν → −ωµν . Higher-grade ele- ments inherit their Lorentz transformation properties from the vectors compris- ing them:

γ′µ1 γ′µ2 ··· γ′µn = (Rγµ1 R)(Rγµ2 R) ··· (Rγµn R) = R(γµ1 γeµ2 ··· γµen )R. e

That is, elements of all grades transform in the samee manner:

M → RMR.

To derive the corresponding expressione for the transformation of a multi- vector component under a change of reference frame, we contract ψM with the appropriate basis element in the new reference frame, e.g.,

′µ ′µ µ v = hψM γ i = hψM (Rγ R)i, where hMi denotes the scalar term of the multivectore M. By the cyclic property of products in a scalar term,

µ µ hψM (Rγ R)i = h(RψM R)γ i, e e

3 which is the contraction of the inverse-transformed multivector onto γµ. Similar rules hold for the other basis elements. Under a change of reference frame, then, we can write ψM → SψM S, where the transformation operator is e 1 S = R = exp(+ ω γµ ∧ γν), 4 µν e so that each term in SψM S is the Lorentz-transformed component: e 1 Sψ S = f ′1+ v′ γµ + F ′ γµ ∧ γν + p′ Iγµ + g′I. M µ 2! µν µ e Given the one-sided transformation rule for the Dirac bispinor:

ψ → ψ′ = Sψ, we find the corresponding one-sided transformation rule also holds for the pro- jection bispinor w: ψM w → SψM w = (SψM S)(Sw). e 1.2 Bilinears The factorization of the Dirac bispinor allows us to construct bilinears solely in terms of . For a general multivector element M, the bilinear ψMψ takes the form

† † 0 ψMψ = (w ψM γ )M(ψM w) † 0 = w γ ψM MψM w 0 = (γ ψMeMψM )11, where we have written the Hermitian conjugatee in a basis-independent form using the reversal operation:

† 0 0 ψM = γ ψM γ .

In the Dirac basis, only 1, γ0, γ2γ1, and γ2eγ1γ0 have non-zero (1, 1) components. The bilinear expression therefore projects out the terms proportional to these four basis elements:

0 0 2 1 2 1 0 ψMψ = h(γ ψM MψM )(1 + γ − iγ γ − iγ γ γ )i. (7)

For example, the vector bilineare jµ for the massless Dirac field is

µ 0 µ 0 2 1 2 1 0 ψγ ψ = h(γ ψM γ ψM )(1 + γ − iγ γ − iγ γ γ )i 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 µ = hψM (1e + γ − iγ γ − iγ γ γ )γ ψM γ i 0 µ = h(ψM γ ψM )γ i, e e

4 µ 0 which gives the γ component of the vector quantity j = ψM γ ψM . In compo- nent form, we have e 2 2 2 2 0 i j = (f + g + E~ + B~ )γ − 2(fE~ + gB~ + E~ × B~ )iγ . (8)

To draw out the similarity to electromagnetism, we have written the bivector components as

i0 Ei = F 1 B = − ǫijkF jk. i 2 Via similar methods, the pseudovector density is i S0ij = ψγ0(γi ∧ γj )ψ 2 i = w†γ0ψ γ0(γi ∧ γj )ψ w 2 M M 1 0 e 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 = hγ ψ γ (γi ∧ γj )ψ i(1 + γ − iγ γ − iγ γ γ )i 2 M M 1 0 e 0 2 1 2 1 0 0 = hγ ψ γ (γi ∧ γj )ψ (γ γ + γ γ γ + i1+ iγ )i 2 M M 1 e 2 1 0 0 = h(ψ γ γ γ ψ )γ (γi ∧ γj )i. 2 M M e This gives the (0ij) component of the pseudovector quantity 1 S = ψ γ2γ1γ0ψ . (9) 2 M M e For i = 1, j = 2, we have the “z-component” of the spin, which in component form is: 012 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 S = (f + g − E~ − B~ +2E3 +2B3 ). 2 Note that the factor of i in the bilinear effectively serves as multiplication by γ2γ1:

0 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 0 i(1 + γ − iγ γ − iγ γ γ )= γ γ (1 + γ − iγ γ − iγ γ γ ), allowing us to implement factors of the imaginary unit scalar using an element of the real algebra Cl1,3(R):

2 1 iψ = iψM w = ψM γ γ w.

1.3 The field and operator interpretations We emphasize the distinction between our “field interpretation” of the multi- vector ψM and the conventional “operator interpretation” in other treatments of the Dirac field in the spacetime algebra [2], [3], [4]. In the field interpretation,

5 ψM describes dynamic field degrees of freedom. The massless Dirac equation, for example, describes the dynamic behavior of one scalar, one pseudoscalar, and six bivector flux fields: 1 ψ = f 1+ F γµ ∧ γν + gI, M 2! µν which obey a generalized form of Maxwell’s equations. The projection bispinor is merely a mathematical device that allows for simplified calculations within matrix representations of the underlying algebra, by projecting those degrees of freedom onto an abstract vector space. In other formulations of the Dirac equation in the spacetime algebra, the multivector is instead treated as a dynamic transformation operator that acts upon a constant reference bispinor. In this operator interpretation, ψM trans- forms the bispinor and other constant reference frame basis elements. Bilinears are interpreted as transformed basis elements, not as derived quantities that are quadratic in a more fundamental field quantity. In the field interpretation, the field is fundamental and the bilinears are derived quantities.

2 The massive Dirac equation

The Klein-Gordon equation for a real scalar field f is

2 f = −ω0 f,

2 2 2 where  ≡ ∂tt − c ∇~ and ω0 = mc /~. To derive the corresponding first- order equations, we first extend f to an even-grade multivector, by introducing bivector and pseudoscalar fields: 1 f → ψ = f 1+ F γµ ∧ γν + gI, e 2! µν each component of which also obeys the Klein-Gordon equation:

2 ψe = −ω0 ψe.

We now factorize the second-order differential operator  into two factors of the first-order operator ∇: ψe = ∇∇ψe.

With the introduction of a second multivector field ψo, the Klein-Gordon equa- tion can now be written as a pair of coupled first-order multivector equations:

∇ψe = ω0ψo

∇ψo = −ω0ψe.

Because ∇ψe is the product of an odd (vector-valued) differential operator with an even multivector field, ψo must itself consist only of odd-grade fields,

µ µ ψo = vµγ + pµIγ .

6 The final form of the multivector Dirac equation will depend upon our assump- tions about the relationship between ψo to ψe. If we assume that the vector and pseudovector fields in ψo are coupled to, but otherwise independent of, the scalar, bivector, and pseudoscalar fields, then we can combine the two equations into a single complex multivector equation, via the introduction of an imaginary unit scalar: ψM = ψe + jψo. (10) The imaginary unit j, unlike the roots of −1 in the spacetime algebra, has no geometric interpretation. The spacetime algebra Cl1,3(R) has been complexified to Cl1,3(C)= C ⊗ Cl1,3(R), and the Dirac equation takes the form

j∇ψM = ω0ψM . (11)

Breaking these equations up into their components, we acquire the “massive” version of Maxwell’s equations,

α βα α ∂ f + ∂βF = ω0v α βα α ∂ g + ∂βF = −ω0p α ∂αv = −ω0f α ∂αp = ω0g αβ αβ αβ Fv + Fp = −ω0F . Conventional applications of the spacetime algebra avoid introducing non- geometric elements such as j, seeking instead a geometric element within the real algebra Cl1,3(R) to take its place. In such applications, ψo is not independent of ψe. Rather, it is constructed by right-multiplying ψe by some odd basis element M−: ψo = ψeM−. By convention, 2 1 0 M− = γ γ γ , and the Dirac equation in this formulation becomes

2 1 0 ∇ψe = ω0ψeγ γ γ . (12)

This introduces a preferred direction (or, hypervolume) into the equations of motion. This introduction is justified when ψe is interpreted as a transformation operator that acts on the fixed reference bispinor w and basis elements γµ to yield dynamic and multivector quantities, e.g.,

w → ψ(x)= ψM (x)w µ µ µ γ → e (x)= ψM (x)γ ψM (x).

µ Quantities such as ψ(x) and e (x), and not ψee(x) itself, are given physical meaning in the operator interpretation, and the presence of fixed multivectors in the Dirac equation is therefore not considered problematic.

7 2.1 Introducing the electric charge

With the introduction of electric charge, again using the algebra C ⊗ Cl1,3(R), the multivector Dirac equation becomes

j∇ψM − eAψM = ω0ψM , where µ A ≡ Aµγ . The electric charge couples the real and imaginary terms of the same grade, requiring us to introduce a second multivector field:

ψM → ψ1 + jψ2

ψ1 = ψe + jψo ′ ′ ψ2 = ψe + jψo. (13) The Dirac equation now becomes

′ ∇ψe − eAψe − ω0ψo =0 ′ ′ ∇ψe + eAψe − ω0ψo =0 ′ ∇ψo − eAψo + ω0ψe =0 ′ ′ ∇ψo + eAψo + ω0ψe =0, (14) or, in component form,

α α ′ βα ′βα α (∂ f − eA f ) + (∂βF − eAβF )= ω0v α ′ α ′βα βα ′α (∂ f + eA f) + (∂βF + eAβF )= ω0v α α ′ βα ′βα α (∂ g − eA g ) + (∂β F − eAβF )= −ω0p α ′ α ′βα βα ′α (∂ g + eA g) + (∂β F + eAβF )= −ω0p αβ αβ αβ αβ αβ (Fv − eFAv′ ) + (Fp − eFAp′ )= −ω0F αβ αβ αβ αβ ′αβ (Fv′ + eFAv ) + (Fp′ + eFAp )= −ω0F α ′α ∂αv − eAαv = −ω0f ′α α ′ ∂αv + eAαv = −ω0f α ′α ∂αp − eAαp = ω0g ′α α ′ ∂αp + eAαp = ω0g , (15) where we have defined

αβ α β β α FAv ≡ A v − A v αβ α ′β β ′α FAv′ ≡ A v − A v 1 F αβ ≡ ǫαβγδ(A p − A p ) Ap 2! γ δ δ γ αβ 1 αβγδ ′ ′ F ′ ≡ ǫ (A p − A p ). Ap 2! γ δ δ γ

8 3 Discrete

The discrete charge conjugation, , and time reversal transformations are [5]:

C 2 ψ(x) −→ iγ ψ∗(x) P ψ(x) −→ γ0ψ(x) T ψ(x) −→ iγ1γ3ψ∗(−x), where

x = (t, ~x) x = (t, −~x).

C, P , and T transform solutions of the Dirac equation into solutions of the Dirac equation with, respectively,

C e −→−e P ~x −→−~x C t, A~ −→−t, −A.~

(Under time reversal, we assume that source currents, and therefore the vector potentials, also change sign, in addition to the time coordinate itself.) In the operator interpretation, the corresponding multivector transformations are [2]:

C 1 0 ψM (x) −→−ψM (x)γ γ P 0 0 ψM (x) −→ γ ψM (x)γ T 0 1 ψM (x) −→−Iγ ψM (−x)γ .

We shall see below how these transformations take on a more physically mean- ingful form in the field interpretation.

3.1 Charge conjugation

Note that changing the relative sign of ψ1 and ψ2 in eq. 13 is equivalent to changing the sign of the charge e in eq. 14. We will see that the charge conju- gation operation ψ → γ2ψ∗ accomplishes this relative sign change. Under complex conjugation, j → −j and γµ → (γµ)∗. In both the Dirac and Weyl basis, γ2 is the only gamma matrix with imaginary components, and complex conjugation of the gamma matrices can therefore be written as the transformation 2 2 γµ → (γµ)∗ = γ γµγ .

9 This transformation does not, however, extend to general elements of the alge- bra. For example, the complex conjugate of a product of two gamma matrices is

(γµγν )∗ = (γµ)∗(γν )∗ 2 2 2 2 = (γ γµγ )(γ γν γ ) 2 2 = −γ γµγν γ 6= γ2(γµγν)γ2.

Rather, the general complex conjugate transformation is:

∗ 2 2 ψM → ψM = γ IψM Iγ .

Because odd grades anticommute with I, we recover the previous operation for ′ ψo and ψo: 2 2 2 2 2 2 γ IψoIγ = −γ IIψoγ = γ ψoγ . Even grades, on the other hand, commute with I, introducing the extra negative ′ sign necessary for ψe and ψe:

2 2 2 2 2 2 γ IψeIγ = γ IIψeγ = −γ ψeγ .

∗ ∗ The complex conjugate ψ = ψM w can now be written 2 2 (γ IψM Iγ )w.

Our projection bispinor w is real and therefore unchanged by complex conjuga- tion, and ψM → ψM changes the sign of all factors of j:

ψ1 = ψe − jψo ′ ′ ψ2 = ψe − jψo

ψM = ψ1 − jψ2.

The conjugation ψ1,2 → ψ1,2 changes the sign of the odd elements while leaving even elements unchanged, and is therefore equivalent to the spacetime transfor- mation ψi → ψi = −IψiI, allowing us to write

c ψM = −I(ψ1 − jψ2)I = −IψM I. (16)

The charge-conjugate multivector

c ψM = ψ1 − jψ2 (17)

10 contains the sign change necessary to transform a field with charge e into one with charge −e. The full charge conjugation operation ψ → γ2ψ∗ becomes (ignoring the irrelevant phase factor i)

2 2 2 ψM w → γ (γ IψM Iγ )w 2 2 c 2 = γ (γ I)(−IψM I)(Iγ )w c 2 = ψM (γ w), or,

C c ψM −→ ψM C w −→ γ2w. (18)

3.2 Parity reversal Under the parity reversal operation, all spatial vectors change sign:

γ0 → γ0 γi →−γi, which can be written as the transformation

γµ → γ0γµγ0.

This extends to general multivectors as well:

0 0 0 0 0 0 γµ1 γµ2 ··· γµn → (γ γµ1 γ )(γ γµ2 γ ) ··· (γ γµn γ ) 0 0 = γ (γµ1 γµ2 ··· γµn )γ .

The Dirac bispinor transforms as

ψ(x) → γ0ψ(x), which yields the multivector transformation

0 0 0 ψM w → (γ ψM γ )(γ w), or

P 0 0 ψM −→ γ ψM γ P 0 w −→ γ w. (19)

The transformed multivector is the expected parity-reversed form of ψM .

11 3.3 Time reversal Under the time reversal operation T , the timelike basis vector changes sign, and the spacelike basis vectors remain unchanged:

0 0 γ →−γ γi → γi.

The negative of the parity reversal operation,

0 0 γµ →−γ γµγ accomplishes this transformation for vectors, but not for the general multivector. As with complex conjugation, we can can resolve this discrepancy with a slight modification: γµ →−γ0IγµIγ0. Compare this operation to the conventional time reversal operation, which is (up to a phase): ψ(x) → γ1γ3ψ∗(−x). The factorized field transforms as:

1 3 2 2 ψM w → γ γ (γ IψM Iγ )w 1 3 2 c 2 = γ γ γ I(−IψM I)Iγ w 0 c 0 0 2 = (−γ IψM Iγ )(Iγ γ w), or

T 0 c 0 ψM −→−γ IψM Iγ T w −→ Iγ0γ2w. (20)

That is, ψM undergoes a time reversal,

0 0 ψM →−γ IψM Iγ , in addition to a charge conjugation,

c ψM → ψM .

The combined time reversal and charge conjugation gives the expected trans- formation for the electromagnetic potential:

0 i T 0 i q(γ φ + γ Ai) −→ q(−γ φ + γ Ai) C 0 i −→ q(γ φ − γ Ai).

12 3.4 CPT In summary, charge conjugation changes the relative sign between the two multi- vector fields ψ1 and ψ2, which are coupled by the electric charge. This effectively changes the sign of the charge for the full multivector field ψM :

C c ψM = ψ1 + jψ2 −→ ψM = ψ1 − jψ2. Parity reversal changes the sign of all spatial vectors, and time reversal changes the sign of all time vectors in addition to performing a charge conjugation. The net effect under a combined CPT transformation is

C c ψM (x) −→ ψM (x) P 0 c 0 −→ γ ψM (x)γ T −→−IψM (−x)I.

The two charge conjugation operations cancel, and the multivector field under- goes a full spacetime reversal.

4 A real representation of the Dirac algebra

In our field-based interpretation, the imaginary unit scalar j is not a part of the real spacetime algebra Cl1,3(R). For the massive Dirac equation, we have a complex-valued spacetime algebra:

Cl1,3(C)= C ⊗ Cl1,3(R).

In the operator interpretation, which utilizes the real spacetime algebra

Cl1,3(R), there is no imaginary unit scalar element that commutes with all other elements, but one can be implemented by taking advantage of the projective nature of w: i1 0 iσ3 0 w = 3 w  0 i1  0 iσ  → iw = γ2γ1w.

In the field interpretation, we wish to distinguish this geometric implementa- tion from the non-geometric j. To that end, in this section we develop a real orthogonal representation for the Dirac algebra. The real spacetime algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of 2 × 2 - valued matrices: Cl1,3(R) =∼ M2(H)= M2(R) ⊗ H.

The algebra of 2 × 2 real-valued matrices, M2(R), contains four basis elements,


13 where 1 is the identity element and

2 2 2 M1 = −M2 = M3 =1 M1M2 = −M2M1 = M3 M2M3 = −M3M2 = M1 M3M1 = −M1M3 = −M2.

The quaternion algebra H also contains four basis elements,

{1, I1, I2, I3}, with identity element 1 and

IiIj = −δij 1+ ǫijkIk.

The product algebra can now be constructed:

1 7→ 1 ⊗ 1 0 γ 7→ M3 ⊗ 1 i γ 7→ M1 ⊗ Ii i 0 γ ∧ γ 7→ M2 ⊗ Ii i j γ ∧ γ 7→ ǫijk1 ⊗ Ik 0 Iγ 7→ −M1 ⊗ 1 i Iγ 7→ M3 ⊗ Ii I 7→ −M2 ⊗ 1.

In the conventional Dirac basis, both M2(R) and H are represented as 2 × 2 matrices with complex-valued components:

0 i M1 7→ −i 0 0 −i M2 7→ −i 0  1 0 M3 7→ 0 −1 0 −i I1 7→ −i 0  0 −1 I2 7→ 1 0  −i 0 I3 7→ .  0 i

14 For our purposes, however, we wish to choose real orthogonal matrices to repre- sent each algebra C, M2(R), and H. Let us first represent C as 2 × 2 matrices: 1 0 1 7→ 0 1 0 −1 j 7→ , 1 0  with basis 1 0 a1 = a2 = . 0 1 The 2 × 2 real matrices in M2(R) are represented as: 1 0 1 7→ 0 1 0 1 M1 7→ 1 0 0 −1 M2 7→ 1 0  1 0 M3 7→ 0 −1 with basis spinors 1 0 b1 = b2 = . 0 1 Finally, we represent the quaternion algebra H using real 4 × 4 matrices, by effectively taking the complex 2 × 2 representation and then representing 0, 1, and i by their corresponding 2 × 2 matrices in the above representation of C: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 7→ 0 0 1 0   0 0 0 1   0 0 0 1  0 0 −1 0 I1 7→ 0 1 0 0   −10 0 0   0 0 −1 0 00 0 −1 I2 7→ 10 0 0   01 0 0    0 10 0 −100 0  I3 7→ , 0 00 −1    0 01 0   

15 with four basis spinors

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = . 0 0 1 0         0 0 0 1         With these representations, we can now construct a projection bispinor for the full algebra C ⊗ M2(R) ⊗ H as a product of the first basis spinors from each algebra: w = a1 ⊗ b1 ⊗ c1 Bilinears formed using this projection bispinor will isolate the (1, 1) component of each algebra, i.e., the real component from C and the 1 or γ0 components from Cl1,3(R): wT Mw = RehM(1 + γ0)i. (21) For example, the vector bilinear for the uncharged massive Dirac field is:

µ T 0 µ ψγ ψ = w γ (ψe − jψo)γ (ψe + jψo)w 0 µ 0 = Rehγ (eψe − jeψo)γ (ψe + jψo)(1 + γ )i 0 0 µ = h(ψeγ ψee + ψoeγ ψo)γ i, which naturally extends the vectore bilineare of the massless Dirac field to include odd field components: 0 0 j = ψeγ ψe + ψoγ ψo. Likewise, the spin bilinear e e i S0ij = ψγ0(γi ∧ γj)ψ, 2 with iw → γ2γ1w, becomes 1 S0ij = h(ψ γ2γ1γ0ψ + ψ γ2γ1γ0ψ )γ0(γi ∧ γj )i, 2 e e o o e e a straightforward extension of the massless field’s spin bilinear. We could equally well, however, implement i using our non-geometric unit scalar j, resulting in a distinct pseudovector quantity, which mixes even and odd grades and does not use the reference pseudovector γ2γ1γ0: 1 S0ij = h(ψ ψ − ψ ψ )γ0(γi ∧ γj)i. 2 e o o e e e The two coincide (up to a sign) if we impose the relation ψo = 2 1 0 ψeγ γ γ , as is the case in the operator interpretation. In the field interpreta- tion, however, we see that the door is open for alternate constructions of the angular momentum, the Lagrangian, and other such bilinear quantities.

16 References

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