Political Campaigning in a Developing Country: a Case Study of the Cook Islands

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Political Campaigning in a Developing Country: a Case Study of the Cook Islands Political Campaigning in a developing country: A case study of the Cook Islands Thesis submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS In the Department of Politics at the UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO FACULTY OF HUMANITIES Luke MacLean-McMahon Supervisor: Dr Chris Rudd Luke MacLean-McMahon, Department of Political Studies, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Abstract: Previous studies of political campaigning have focused on developed and industrialised nations. This research analysed the three phases of campaigning in a case study of a developing nation, the Cook Islands. The specific features of campaigning examined were the permanent nature of campaigns, the role of the media, the technological development of television and information communication technologies; professionalisation, presidentialisation, centralisation, face-to-face campaigning, Americanisation and hybridisation. The research found that premodern, face-to-face communications are the predominant form of political campaigning, although some elements of the modern campaign are evident also, notably the role of television. Unlike the situation in developed nations, there was very little evidence of the postmodern campaign, such as the use of the internet. There are several obstacles to the modernisation of political campaigning in the Cook Islands: the small population size and the dispersal of the islands across a huge geographic area mean that access to traditional media is fragmented and the cost of new media access is prohibitively high. Demographic trends suggest this situation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. II Acknowledgements and appreciation It is with real fulfilment that I take this opportunity to acknowledge those who made this research and writing journey such an enjoyable experience. I have been very fortunate to work with Dr. Chris Rudd, my academic supervisor, throughout the theoretical, research and writing components of this thesis. You have helped garner my passion for all things political. Your positive nature, genuine interest and guidance are most appreciated. Mum and Dad, without your on-going support, love and encouragement, this would not be possible. I am blessed to have down-to-earth, genuinely loving and caring parents, who have always supported Kali and I in our endeavours. Mum, your kind help with my research is most appreciated. Nana and Granddad, I am grateful for the wise counsel and belief you both offer. Your kind words and generosity are always heartening. Our relationship is truly treasured. My love and attachment to the Cook Islands, and subsequent decision to conduct research there, came about thanks to my Nana (Areitetotoikai) McMahon (nee Vano), and Papa (Dennis) McMahon. It has been an absolute pleasure over the previous five years, while studying in Dunedin, to make friends with so many outgoing, amusing, keen and talented individuals. Our experiences are utterly unique, and were made all the more epic by the friendships we were fortunate to forge. I will never forget our student days, and in particular the many trips and adventures we shared. Several friends have been particularly helpful and positively impacting, and I’d like to especially acknowledge Michelle, Talfan, Jake, Yvette, Michi, John, Jess and Mike. Cheers to all my previous flatmates and close friends for making our years at Otago such memorable ones. This thesis is dedicated to my incredible friends and family. IV Contents Abstract: .......................................................................................................................................... II Author’s declaration ...................................................................................................................... III Acknowledgements and appreciation ........................................................................................... IV Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 Chapter one: Political campaigning ........................................................................................... 4 The importance of political campaigning ....................................................................................... 4 The permanent campaign ............................................................................................................... 5 The role of the media in political campaigning ............................................................................... 6 The professionalisation of election campaigning ......................................................................... 15 Campaign centralisation and presidentialisation ......................................................................... 19 The phases of campaigning ........................................................................................................... 22 Chapter two: The Cook Islands ................................................................................................ 29 Geography and population of the Cook Islands ............................................................................ 29 The media ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Political context ............................................................................................................................. 35 Chapter three: Methodology .................................................................................................. 42 Qualitative approach..................................................................................................................... 42 In-depth interviews ....................................................................................................................... 44 The use of a case study ................................................................................................................. 47 Recording and analysis of data ..................................................................................................... 50 Problems and criticisms of interviews .......................................................................................... 52 Problems, reliability and validity of the research ......................................................................... 53 Chapter four: Political campaigning in the Cook Islands; views of citizens and candidates ........ 56 Developments over time in campaigning ..................................................................................... 56 Face-to-face communication ........................................................................................................ 61 The mediated campaign ............................................................................................................... 67 Professionalisation of campaigns in the Cook Islands .................................................................. 79 Presidentialisation ........................................................................................................................ 86 Americanisation ............................................................................................................................ 89 Chapter five: Discussion ......................................................................................................... 93 The phases of campaigning ........................................................................................................... 93 Why the predominance of premodern campaigning? ................................................................ 102 V Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 106 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 108 Appendix 1: List of Interviewees ................................................................................................. 108 Appendix 2: Interview questions ................................................................................................ 110 Appendix 3: Cook Islands statistics ............................................................................................. 112 Appendix 4: Maps and photographs of the Cook Islands ........................................................... 114 References ........................................................................................................................... 117 Journal articles and books ........................................................................................................... 117 Internet sources .......................................................................................................................... 124 VI Introduction Political campaigning is an important part of the democratic process in countries worldwide. The ways in which campaigns are shaped and formatted, alongside the substance they may contain, determine which political party, or parties, win the right to execute the role of government. Thus, political campaigns are crucial periods, whereby decision makers are selected, policy is shaped, power is distributed and venues are provided for debate. Benoit (2007) believes campaigns matter because they educate citizens and offer them the opportunity to make informed voting decisions.
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