Rural Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 30 August 2016, in Village Hall starting at 7pm

Present: Councillors: R Milton (Chair), J Barlow, P Broomby, V Byrne, S Chalk, W Cheetham, S Jones, M Lee, P Milner and E Roberts-Jones. Clerk: Carole Warner Members of the Public: 11

115/16 Public Participation Period A resident from Glentworth Avenue spoke in connection agenda item 7a and the recent transfer of a strip of land of Glentworth green space between third parties. In particular he asked the Council to respond to the following questions: 1. Why did the Rural Parish Council continue to maintain a portion of the Green at public expense knowing it was not owned by them? 2. Why did the Rural Parish Council not proceed to claim this portion of the land through the law of Adverse Possession as it had been part of a designated Public Open Space continuously by various local authorities at public expense for at least the past 20 years? 3. Why were the Glentworth residents not informed of this anomaly relating to the Green as soon as it became known? 4. Furthermore, did this anomaly actually first come to light when ownership of the Public Open Space was transferred to the Rural Parish Council from Council? And if not, why not? The developer of the land south of Old Mapsis Way spoke in connection with his letter to the Parish Council dated 12 June regarding the offer of a car parking area under the CIL Payment In Kind process. He advised that although planning permission would have to be sought, the Highways Authority had indicated the site was acceptable for 10 additional car parking spaces.

116/16 Apologies for absence: Cllrs P May, A Milner (accepted) and Shropshire Councillor J Barrow

117/16 Minutes The minutes of the Meeting held on 26 July 2016 were approved and signed following an amendment to minute 111/16c from Crickheath to Morton.

118/16 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: a. Members were reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer. Cllr Lee advised he would be leaving the meeting for Agenda item 6b vi (Planning) due to the perception of bias and pre-determination. b. To consider any requests for Dispensation None

Clerk: Carole Warner, Orchard Cottage, Rowe Lane, Welshampton, Ellesmere, SY12 0QB Tel. 01948 710672 email: [email protected]

c. Members were reminded that they are required to declare any acceptance of gifts and hospitality.

119/16 Police Report None

120/16 Planning a. Decisions Received - noted i. 15/04944/REM Land At Road, Weston Approval of Reserved Matters (appearance and layout) for erection of industrial unit, pursuant to outline permission OS/07,15105/OUT (renewed by 12/04101/OUT) for change of use of agricultural land to industrial use Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Neutral) ii. 16/02117/FUL Chapel House Farm, , SY10 9AR Conversion of existing store and games room as a self contained annex ancillary to main dwelling and installation of septic tank Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) iii. 15/04690/REM Proposed Residential Development Land East Of, Kingfisher Way, Morda Reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline aplication 13/01393/OUT for mixed residential development of 46 dwellings; formation of estate roads and formation of open spaces Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Object) iv. 16/02231/FUL Woolston Farm Cottage, Woolston, , SY10 8HY Erection of single storey extension to form motorhome/domestic machinery store Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) v. 16/02296/FUL Manor Farm, Crickheath, SY10 8BN Erection of a single mounted 4m high (pole mounted) CCTV camera and all associated works Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) vi. 16/02384/REF Proposed Dwelling East Of Three Trees Sandrock Lane Trefonen Erection of a two-storey detached dwelling; including the formation of a new vehicular access Decision: Appeal Dismissed vii. 16/02388/REF Land East Of Weston Lane Oswestry Outline application for erection of one dwelling to include means of access Decision: Appeal Dismissed viii. 16/02631/FUL Top House, Middleton Road, Middleton, SY11 4LT Erection of agricultural building for housing livestock Decision: Grant Permission (ORPC: Support) b. Applications Received i. 16/02594/OUT Land To The North Of, Road, Oswestry Outline application for residential development of up to 600 units with associated infrastructure including areas of public open space with all matters reserved except access It was resolved to submit the following comments:

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The Council was concerned the development would have an adverse impact on infrastructure especially doctors’ surgeries including their car parking facilities and school places. The possible moving of the A&E Dept to should also be taken into account. The Council considered the proposed site layout had the potential to become a rat run to avoid busy routes. The Council noted the lack of comments so far from residents, community interest groups and Oswestry Town Council. The Council would respectively ask to confirm the consultation process has been carried correctly . ii. 16/03072/FUL and 16/03073/LBC The Barn, The Fields, Maesbury Marsh, SY10 8JH Proposal: Alterations to historic planning and listed building consent application to include construction of new traditionally detailed chimney breast and external stack to medieval range; alterations to fenestration of annex including blocking up a doorway and altering a window opening to form french doors; blocking up of proposed window opening in medieval range approved under previous application; replacement of all current windows to property with traditional profile painted timber casement windows, double glazed; removal of existing oil tank to east gable elevation and replacement with new air source heat pump for domestic heating etc It was resolved to support the applications. iii. 16/03097/FUL Hope House Children’s Hospice, Nant Lane, Morda Erection of extension and internal alterations. It was resolved to support the application subject to adequate screening of the extension to ensure the privacy of neighbours. iv. 16/03358/FUL Pentre Coed Farm, Maesbury Road, Maesbury, SY10 8HB Erection of rear entrance and wood store/porch It was resolved to support the application. v. 16/03469/FUL Weston Cotton Farm, Weston, SY10 9ER Proposed clubhouse extension to provide additional function/conference room it was resolved to object to the application. The Council has longstanding serious concerns with the volume and speed of traffic using Weston Lane and Weston Road and therefore requested a traffic impact assessment be carried out. Cllr Lee left the meeting. vi. 16/01094/REM Proposed Residential Development Land At, Maesbury Marsh Reserved matters pursuant to Outline permission reference 14/02643/OUT for residential development to include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (amendments to be considered) It was resolved to request a deferment to the September meeting. Cllr Lee re-joined the meeting. vii. 16/03444/FUL Pentre Coed Farm, Maesbury Road, Maesbury, SY10 8HB Conversion of part of outbuilding to form one self-contained residential unit to provide annexe accommodation. It was resolved to support the application. c. Trefonen, and Village Design Statement. The Clerk had circulated an updated review of the Policies following her meeting with the Steering Group. It was noted that feedback from Llanyblodwel Parish Council was still required. Further discussion would take place at the September meeting. d. Proposed car parking area at Old Mapsis Way, Morda

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The letter dated 12 June from the developer of land at Old Mapsis Way offering infrastructure as CIL Payment in Kind was noted. Following general discussion, the Clerk was asked to seek clarification from Shropshire Council on this process.

121/16 Parish Clerk’s Report a. Glentworth Green Space The Clerk confirmed that the small strip of land bordering 4 Glentworth Close had transferred ownership. In response to the questions raised by a resident, the Chair answered as follows: The Parish Council had continued to maintain the whole green, as historically Oswestry Borough Council and Shropshire Council had done, for the benefit of the residents rather than leave a small strip untended. The option of claiming ownership through Adverse Possession had not been considered. The ownership of the small strip of land by a third party was recorded in the minutes of meeting held on 25 August 2015. The plan relating to the Title transferred by Shropshire Council was not clear that there was a strip of land between the plot being transferred and 4 Glentworth Close. The Parish Council had believed the whole green space had been gifted by Shropshire Council. The Chair apologised that the small strip of land had not been identified at the time. Following general discussion relating to the Title Plan, the Clerk was asked to obtain up to date Land Registry documentation. The following was advised: b. Maesbury School The Clerk advised she had been advised that the Dept of Education had given Shropshire Council permission to dispose of the School playing field. Shropshire Council will now consider their disposal strategy. The School playing field will be placed on the agenda for September’s meeting.

122/16 Financial Matters a. Balances for Information Noted b. Outstanding accounts The following accounts were approved for payment: C Warner £795.30 Rural PC £120.26 Mazars LLP £240.00 Silver Marbles Ltd £90.00 Highline Electrical Ltd £63.60 Royce Landscapes £775.00 C Warner (Start Traffic) £77.88 M Evans £36.00 c. External Audit report The External Auditor’s Report for the year ending March 2016 was noted. The Clerk confirmed she had publicised the conclusion of the Audit as instructed by the Auditors.

123/16 Councillor Reports a. Parish Councillors None.

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b. Shropshire Councillor None.

124/16 Parish Matters a. Jubilee Trees It was resolved to support the request for Tree Preservation Orders for the Jubilee Trees. It was resolved to add the oak tree at Maesbury School due its age and the sycamore planted for the Queen’s birthday celebrations at Morton Lane. b. Old Racecourse The Clerk advised that the Forestry Commission had confirmed that licences to manage specified woodlands had been issued in June 2013 and remains valid until June 2018.

125/16 Motion from Cllr Paul Milner: “That Oswestry Rural Parish Council write to Shropshire's Clinical Commissioning Group requesting the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital becomes their preferred location for the County's main A&E Department due to its locality" Following Cllr Miler explaining his reasons for the motion it was resolved to write to Shropshire's Clinical Commissioning Group as requested.

126/16 Consultation a. SP Energy Networks - Development of the SPEN electrical infrastructure Oswestry to Wem. It was agreed to thank SP Energy Networks for the consultation. The Parish Council had no comments to make at this stage. b. Police and Crime Commissioner – Safer West Mercia Plan 2016 (Draft) Noted c. Shropshire Council – The Shropshire Way It was agreed to support Option 4, the linear route and north and south circular routes. d. Connecting Shropshire – new procurement to further extend coverage of Next Generation Access Broadband Noted

127/16 Highways a. Outstanding issues The Clerk advised Shropshire Councillor Barrow had forwarded confirmation that action would be taken regarding the Blodwel Bank sign and parking outside Morda Shop and Morda Primary School b. Back Racecourse Lane The Clerk advised she was in the process of contacting the project manager of the United Utilities Water Treatment Works regarding reports of concrete lorries using unauthorised routes. c. B4396 at Morton Cllr Byrne reported that residents were content with the reduced height of the fence and replacement plastic posts.

128/16 Date of future meeting and to consider agenda items:

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27 September 2016 ( Village Hall)

129/16 Resolved: That under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the item of business numbered 15 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the inclusion of personal nature in the business to be transacted.

130/16 To consider evidence of Local Connection. It was resolved to confirm the Local Connection under Shropshire Council’s Planning Policies for 2 applicants.

The Chair, Cllr Milton, declared the meeting closed at 8.25pm

Signed………………………………………………….. Date……………………………

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