
Life and death of the Resurrection plate: Evidence for its existence and in the northeastern Paci®c in ± time

Peter J. Haeussler² Dwight C. Bradley U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99508, USA Ray E. Wells U.S. Geological Survey, 345 Middle®eld Drive, Menlo Park, California 95064, USA Marti L. Miller U.S. Geological Survey, 4200 University Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99508, USA

ABSTRACT zone consumption of the last of the Resur- multaneous changes in Paci®c-Farallon rection plate. and Paci®c- motions concurrent Onshore evidence suggests that a plate is The existence and subsequent subduction with demise of the Kula-Resurrection missing from published reconstructions of the of the Resurrection plate explains (1) north- Ridge. northeastern Paci®c Ocean in Paleocene± ward transport along the south- Eocene time. The Resurrection plate, eastern Alaska±British Columbia margin Keywords: tectonics, Eocene, Kula plate, named for the Resurrection Peninsula between 70 and 50 Ma, synchronous with , , magmatism. ophiolite near Seward, Alaska, was located an eastward-migrating in east of the Kula plate and north of the Far- southern Alaska; (2) rapid uplift and vo- INTRODUCTION allon plate. We interpret coeval near-trench luminous magmatism in the Coast Moun- magmatism in southern Alaska and the tains of British Columbia prior to 50 Ma Marine magnetic anomalies in the northern Cascadia margin as evidence for two slab related to subduction of buoyant, young Paci®c provide evidence for the existence of windows associated with trench-ridge- of the Resurrection plate; (3) trench (TRT) triple junctions, which three plates and their associated spreading cessation of magmatism ridges during the early Tertiary: the Kula, Far- formed the western and southern bound- at ca. 50 Ma due to cessation of subduction, aries of the Resurrection plate. In Alaska, allon, and Paci®c plates (Atwater, 1970; Grow (4) primitive ma®c magmatism in the Coast and Atwater, 1970). However, subduction of a the Sanak-Baranof belt of near-trench in- Mountains and Cascade Range just after 50 trusions records a west-to-east migration, critical part of the anomaly record beneath Ma, related to slab-window magmatism, (5) from 61 to 50 Ma, of the northern TRT tri- North America destroyed what would be the birth of the Queen Charlotte transform ple junction along a 2100-km-long section most straightforward evidence for (1) the ge- margin at ca. 50 Ma, (6) extensional exhu- of coastline. In Oregon, Washington, and ometry of the Kula-Farallon Ridge; (2) the lo- mation of high-grade metamorphic ter- southern , voluminous ba- cation of its intersection with the continental ranes and development of core complexes saltic volcanism of the Siletz River Volca- margin, and (3) the possible existence of other in British Columbia, Idaho, and Washing- nics, Crescent Formation, and Metchosin ridges and plates in the region. The onshore ton, and extensional collapse of the Cordil- Volcanics occurred between ca. 66 and 48 geologic record is the sole remaining source leran foreland fold-and-thrust belt in Al- Ma. Lack of a clear age progression of of evidence for these features. berta, Montana, and Idaho after 50 Ma magmatism along the Cascadia margin sug- Along the northeast Paci®c margin, geolo- related to initiation of the transform mar- gests that this southern triple junction did gists have long suggested that interactions not migrate signi®cantly. Synchronous gin, (7) enigmatic 53±45 Ma magmatism as- with the Kula-Farallon Ridge could explain near-trench magmatism from southeastern sociated with extension from Montana to unusual near-trench Paleocene±Eocene mag- Alaska to Puget Sound at ca. 50 Ma docu- the Yukon Territory as related to slab matism both in southern Alaska and the Wash- ments the middle Eocene subduction of a breakup and the formation of a slab win- ington and Oregon coastal rangesÐregions spreading center, the crest of which was sub- dow, (8) right-lateral margin-parallel separated by Ͼ4000 km (Figs. 1, 2). In the parallel to the margin. We interpret this ca. strike-slip faulting in southern and western Cascadia margin of coastal Oregon, Washing- 50 Ma event as recording the subduction- Alaska during and Paleo- ton, and southern Vancouver Island, geologists cene time, which cannot be explained by proposed that intersection of the Kula-Farallon ²E-mail: [email protected]. Farallon convergence vectors, and (9) si- Ridge with the continental margin (Fig. 1A)

GSA Bulletin; July 2003; v. 115; no. 7; p. 867±880; 7 ®gures.

For permission to copy, contact [email protected] ᭧ 2003 Geological Society of America 867 HAEUSSLER et al.

Figure 1. Plate geometries proposed to explain the latest Cretaceous to early Tertiary near-trench magmatic record of western North America at Chron 25 time (56.1 Ma). The orientation and geometry of spreading ridges in gray are speculative. (A) Kula-Farallon TRT triple junction would explain near-trench magmatism along the Cascadia margin, but not in southern Alaska. (B) Kula-Farallon TRT triple junction would explain near-trench magmatism in southern Alaska, but not along the Cascadia margin. (C) Two TRT triple junctions, one in southern Alaska and another along the Cascadia margin, indicate the presence of an additional oceanic plateÐthe Resurrection plate. This is the hypothesis we prefer and explore in this paper. produced the oceanic basalt basement of the intrusions are found along the entire 2100 km within the ophiolitic sequence (U-Pb zircon Coast Ranges (Fig. 2; e.g., Simpson and Cox, length of the accretionary complex rimming age, Nelson et al., 1989) was emplaced prior 1977; Duncan, 1982; Wells et al., 1984; En- south-central and southeastern Alaska (Fig. 2; to the intrusion of a 53.4 Ϯ 0.4 Ma near- gebretson et al., 1985; Davis and Plafker, Hudson et al., 1979; Bradley et al., 1993). trench granodiorite cutting the shear zone 1986; Thorkelson and Taylor, 1989; Babcock Geochemical studies indicate that they repre- along which the ophiolite was emplaced (40Ar/ et al., 1992). Other workers, however, pro- sent anatectic melts of the host turbidites 39Ar biotite age; Kusky and Young, 1999; posed that the Kula-Farallon Ridge intersected (Hudson et al., 1979) that in some areas also Bradley et al., 2000). Thus, according to Ku- the southern Alaska margin at the same time have a MORB (mid-oceanic-ridge basalt) sky and Young (1999), less than ϳ3.6 m.y. (Fig. 1B), where it was responsible for granitic component (Hill et al., 1981; Barker et al., elapsed between the ophiolite's birth and its near-trench intrusions and high-temperature, 1992; Lytwyn et al., 2001). According to the incorporation into the southern Alaska accre- low-pressure metamorphism (Marshak and most reliable U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar ages, these tionary complex. Karig, 1977; Helwig and Emmett, 1981; Sis- intrusions range in age from 61 Ma in the west son et al., 1989; Bol et al., 1992; Bradley et to 50 Ma in the east (Fig. 3; Bradley et al., The Cascadia Margin al., 1993; Sisson and Pavlis, 1993; Haeussler 1993, 2000). Areas of high-temperature and et al., 1995; Pavlis and Sisson, 1995). low-pressure metamorphic rocks (Sisson et al., Between southern Vancouver Island and The same trench-ridge-trench (TRT) triple 1989; Sisson and Pavlis, 1993; Loney and southern Oregon, the basement rocks of the junction cannot explain the simultaneous near- Brew, 1987; Zumsteg et al., 2000) are coeval Cascadia forearc consist of ocean-crust±type trench magmatism of both areas. In this paper, with the ages of nearby near-trench intrusions. basalt erupted in Paleocene and Eocene time. we summarize the geologic evidence from Mesothermal lode-gold deposits in the accre- This basaltic basement, commonly known as coastal southern Alaska and the Paci®c North- tionary complex also record an unusual ther- the Siletz terrane or , consists of the west for the presence of two coeval TRT triple mal event. Isotopic dates of these mineral oc- Metchosin Volcanics of southern Vancouver junctions. This circumstance implies the ex- currences have a west-to-east trend of Island, the Crescent Formation of western istence of an additional oceanic plate in the decreasing age and are coeval with nearby Washington, and the Siletz River Volcanics of Paci®c Ocean basin in Paleocene±Eocene time near-trench intrusions (Haeussler et al., 1995). western Oregon (e.g., Tabor and Cady, 1978; (Fig. 1C). Ophiolitic sequences are also present in the Snavely et al., 1968). The volcanic sequence accretionary complex. The most complete of is voluminous; a 16 km thickness is exposed RECORD OF NEAR-TRENCH these is on Resurrection Peninsula, near Sew- in the eastern Olympic Peninsula (Babcock et MAGMATISM ard, Alaska (Fig. 2). The pillow-lava section al., 1992), and seismic studies show that ma®c of this ophiolite (and some of the other crust is 20±35 km thick beneath coastal Wash- The Southern Alaska Margin ophiolitic sequences) has interbedded turbidite ington and Oregon (Trehu et al., 1994; Par- beds, which indicates that it formed in prox- sons et al., 1999). Near-trench (i.e., with respect to the present imity to a continental margin (Helwig and On the Olympic Peninsula, abundant trench and modern and coeval arcs) granitic Emmet, 1981). A 57 Ϯ 1 Ma plagiogranite pillow basalt consists of normal to en-

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riched mid-oceanic-ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic-island tholeiite (OIB); it is locally overlain by subaerial tholeiitic and alkalic ba- salt ¯ows (Snavely et al., 1968; Massey, 1986; Babcock et al., 1992). Reliable isotopic age control is sparse (Fig. 3). Biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic ages appear more robust than available K-Ar age determinations, which are locally inconsistent with global coccolith zonation. The biostratigraphic ages indicate an age span for much of the Siletz River Volca- nics in Oregon between 58.5 and 50 Ma (Buk- ry and Snavely, 1988; Brouwers et al., 1995; Wells et al., 1995, 2000) K-Ar and a few 40Ar/ 39Ar step-heating ages suggest that the basalt was erupted between 64 and 48 Ma (Duncan, 1982; Babcock et al., 1992; Pyle et al., 1997). Near Bremerton, Washington, a single U-Pb ion-microprobe age of 50.5 Ϯ 0.6 Ma was ob- tained from zircons in a leucogabbro intrud- ing, and presumably coeval with, eruptive ba- salt of the Crescent Formation (Haeussler et al., 2000). Paleomagnetic studies of the Eocene pillow basalt of the Siletz terrane show that it has not

Figure 2. Late Cretaceous±Eocene tectonic elements of the Cordillera. Sources include Bradley et al. (1993), Woodsworth et al. (1992), Babcock et al. (1992), Christiansen and Yeats (1992), Moll-Stalcup et al. (1994), Parrish (1979); Parrish et al. (1988), and Morris et al. (2000). Onshore faults in black; modern offshore faults in gray. Ab- breviations of faults: QCFÐQueen Char- lotte fault; FFÐFairweather fault; TFÐ Tintina fault; KFÐKaltag fault; INFÐ Iditarod±Nixon Fork fault; DFÐDenali fault; LC-CMFÐLake Clark±Castle Mountain fault; SRFÐShames River fault. Other abbreviations: KÐKetchikan; PRÐ Prince Rupert; SÐSeward; TÐTerrace; AVÐAbsaroka Volcanics; CVÐChallis Volcanics; MAPÐMontana alkali prov- ince; CICÐColville Igneous Complex; PGÐPenticton Group volcanic rocks; PRGÐPrinceton Group volcanic rocks; KGÐKamloops Group volcanic rocks; CLVÐClisbako Lake volcanic rocks; OLGÐOotsa Lake Group; EGÐEndako Group; FLICÐFrancËois Lake Igneous Complex; SVPÐSloko volcanic province; WCÐWolverine Complex; MCÐMonashee Complex; OCÐOkanogan Complex; VCÐ Valhalla Complex; TLCÐTatla Lake Com- plex. Tick marks on dotted line indicate dis- tances in kilometers from Sanak Island keyed to distances in Figure 3. N

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Figure 3. Plot of age vs. distance of near-trench magmatism from Sanak Island to southern Oregon along dotted line in Figure 2. Errors on analyses are smaller than the symbol size, except for the U-Pb analysis from the Metchosin Igneous Complex (Fig. 2), where the error is indicated by the vertical extent of the symbol. Age progression in southern Alaska indicates a TRT triple junction migrating west to east. Along-strike synchroneity of 50 Ma near-trench ages along southeastern Alaska±British Columbia margin indicates death of the Resurrection plate. traveled far (Beck, 1980). However, the rocks were rotated clockwise more than 70Њ in mid- dle to late Tertiary time. Because the pillow basalt is interbedded with continentally de- rived turbidite sequences and boulder con- glomerate, it was evidently erupted on or near a continental margin (Cady, 1975; Wells et al., 2000). The orientation of rare dike sets indicates that the Siletzia basalt was erupted where there was a component of margin-parallel ex- tension during their emplacement. Dikes in the Siletz River Volcanics of the central Oregon coast trend northwest at present (i.e., east-northeast prior to rotation). In the unro- tated Metchosin Igneous Complex and in a Figure 4. Block diagram of a between two subducting oceanic plates at a similar intrusive complex near Bremerton, TRT triple junction where the spreading-center segments are at a large angle to the con- Washington, dikes strike north-northeast tinental margin. Slightly modi®ed from Thorkelson (1996). (Wells et al., 1984; Massey, 1986; Beck and Engebretson, 1982; Clark, 1989; Haeussler 2100 km, the geochemistry and isotopic sig- and Young, 1999; Zumsteg et al., 2000; Lyt- and Clark, 2000; Fig. 2). Thus, dike orienta- nature of the intrusions, the accompanying wyn et al., 2001). This event occurred during tions suggest a component of margin-parallel high-temperature and low-pressure metamor- the eastward migration of a slab window be- extension during their emplacement. phism, the mesothermal lode-gold deposits, tween 61 and 50 Ma (Bradley et al., 2000). and the generation and emplacement of A slab window is a slab-free region beneath DISCUSSION ophiolites have been interpreted by nearly all the convergent margin of an overriding plate Published Interpretations of Southern workers as the manifestation of a ridge-trench and is a consequence of a spreading center Alaska and Cascadia Margin Near-Trench encounter (Marshak and Karig, 1977; Helwig interacting with a subduction zone (Fig. 4; Magmatism and Emmet, 1981; Moore et al., 1983; Plafker Dickinson and Snyder, 1979; Forsythe and et al., 1994; Sisson et al., 1989; Barker et al., Nelson, 1985; Hole, 1988; Thorkelson and Southern Alaska 1992; Bol et al., 1992; Sisson and Pavlis, Taylor, 1989; Thorkelson, 1996). Where a The southern Alaska age progression of 1993; Bradley et al., 1993, 2000; Pavlis and spreading center encounters a trench (a TRT near-trench magmatism over a distance of Sisson, 1995; Haeussler et al., 1995; Kusky triple junction), the subducted and diverging

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Figure 5. Interpretive cross section showing slab-window processes beneath the southern Alaska accretionary complex, from Haeussler et al. (1995). Cross section assumes ridge is at a low angle to the trench. oceanic plates are engulfed by asthenosphere modern examples of slab detachment near the continental margin, Thorkelson and Taylor and become too hot for the slab to continue toe of an accretionary wedge are nonexistent. (1989) and Breitsprecher (2002) interpreted to grow, resulting in a slab window (Fig. 4). The only documented cases of slab detach- the geochemistry of coeval alkalic Eocene Thorkelson (1996) discussed the plate kinemat- ment are in a different tectonic setting (colli- volcanic rocks in southern British Columbia ics of ridge-trench intersections that produce slab sional orogens), at far greater depths (100±300 as related to the Kula-Farallon slab window. windows and considered how they evolve de- km), with more widespread magmatism along Alternatively, the Siletz terrane may repre- pending on the orientation of spreading-center or behind the arc axis (e.g., Yoshioka and sent an accreted formed at the segments and relative plate motions. An in- Wortel, 1995; Wortel and Spakman, 2000; unusual setting of volcanism near both terpretive cross section of the southern Alaska MaheÂo et al., 2002). The subduction of pro- a spreading center and a continental margin accretionary complex (Fig. 5) illustrates how gressively younger oceanic crust, followed by (Simpson and Cox, 1977; Duncan, 1982; the generation and emplacement of near- subduction of progressively older oceanic Wells et al., 1984, 2000). However, the lack trench plutons, high-temperature and low- crust after passage of a TRT triple junction of a clear trend in age vs. location, typical of pressure metamorphism, and mesothermal might also explain the distribution of Creta- Paci®c hotspot tracks, argues against the hot- lode-gold mineralization and associated fault- ceous to Eocene magmatism and inferred sub- spot hypothesis (Fig. 3). The Siletzia basalt ing may be related to a migrating slab duction dip angles in south-central to west- represent voluminous magmatism at the con- window. central Alaska noted by Hudson (1994). tinental margin linked to a Paleocene and Eo- An alternative hypothesis is a slab window cene spreading center. related to slab detachment, which was favored Cascadia Margin by Hudson (1994, p. 667; 2002, personal com- Wells et al. (1984), Davis and Plafker Modern Slab Windows and Comparison to mun.). Bergman et al. (1987) and Hudson (1986), Clark (1989), and Babcock et al. the Southern Alaska and Cascadia Margins (1994) interpreted widespread magmatism in (1992) interpreted the basalt of Siletzia as the Studies of modern slab windows show that west-central Alaska in Late Cretaceous to Pa- product of continental-margin rifting due to distinctive processes occur as a result of slab leocene time as a consequence of rapid low- interaction with a trench-ridge-trench triple windows at TRT triple junctions. Studies of angle subduction. In contrast, Paleocene± junction. Elements of this hypothesis date to the Chile triple junction (e.g., Forsythe and Eocene magmatism was restricted to the Simpson and Cox (1977) who proposed that Nelson, 1985; Forsythe et al., 1986; Rogers modern arc axis, which Hudson (1994, p. 667) clockwise rotation of coastal Oregon was driv- and Saunders, 1989; Kay et al., 1993), the attributed to en by subduction of the Kula-Farallon Ridge Woodlark Basin triple junction in the south- slower convergence along a more steeply dipping beneath the margin. Engebretson et al. (1985) western Paci®c (Taylor and Exon, 1987; John- subduction zone like that of today in the early Ter- noted that the simplest geometry for the Kula- son et al., 1987), the Cocos-Nazca slab win- tiary (Eocene?). This shift suggests two important early Tertiary events: (1) the cessation or slowdown Farallon-Paci®c triple junction would force dow beneath (Johnston and of subduction (Hudson et al., 1979), and (2) a break- the Kula-Farallon Ridge to intersect the Cas- Thorkelson, 1997), and the slab window as- ing and sinking of the down-going oceanic plate upon resumption of subduction. The breaking and cadia margin. Babcock et al. (1992) suggested sociated with the Mendocino triple junction sinking of the oceanic plate could develop a tectonic that MORB and OIB sequences of the Siletz (Dickinson and Snyder, 1979; Johnson and regime that would allow mantle material to be em- terrane were erupted into marginal rift ba- O'Neil, 1984; Donnelly-Nolan et al., 1993; placed near or subjacent to the accretionary prism. sins associated with propagation of the Dickinson, 1997; Stanley et al., 1998) show a However, there is no evidence from the oce- Kula±Farallon±North America triple junction discrete set of features. These include high anic record for cessation or slowdown and onto the continental margin. The limited age heat ¯ow, cessation of arc volcanism, local- then resumption of subduction in Paleocene± progression (Fig. 3) of forearc magmatism ized adakite volcanism, the presence of Eocene time, and much evidence to the con- suggests that the inferred triple junction did ophiolites, near-trench plutons, ma®c to trary (Stock and Molnar, 1988). Moreover, not migrate signi®cantly. Farther east from the intermediate-composition volcanism in both

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July 2003 871 HAEUSSLER et al. near-trench and backarc settings, forearc hy- ogy and marine magnetic record before and that show a record of near-trench magmatism drothermal activity and epithermal gold and after the time this plate was likely destroyed. formerly stretched all along the southeastern silver mineralization, near-trench deformation, We do not discuss the birth of the Resurrec- Alaska and British Columbia margin. The and underplating of the forearc. tion plate because we are not aware of any western part of the Yakutat terrane consists of The Cascadia margin and southern Alaska data that bear on its early history, but we as- basalt geochemically similar to basalt of Sil- records of TRT triple junctions are as different sume that it was subducting for a signi®cant etzia (Davis and Plafker, 1986). One of two as are the modern southern Chile and Wood- period of time before its demise. poor-quality K-Ar dates on the Yakutat terrane lark Basin TRT triple junctions. The geologic basalt (50.0 Ϯ 3.9 Ma; Plafker, 1987) lies record of the southern Alaska triple junction REGIONAL IMPLICATIONS AND within the range of ages for the Siletzia basalt is broadly similar to that of the Chile triple RECONSTRUCTIONS (see Fig. 3). Siltstone conformably overlying junction, which is rapidly migrating north- the Yakutat terrane basalt (Plafker, 1987) has ward. Chile has the Earth's youngest ophiolite Geologic Constraints on Resurrection Plate Ulatisian (late early Eocene to early middle and near-trench plutons that lie only 10±15 Geometry Eocene [ca. 52±44 Ma; time scale of Berggren km from the trench (e.g., Forsythe and Nel- et al., 1995]) calcareous nannoplankton ages son, 1985; Forsythe et al., 1986). In contrast, A paleogeographic restoration of the Cas- identical to those of interbeds in the Siletzia the Cascadia margin record of a possible TRT cadia to Alaska continental margin provides basalt (e.g., Wells et al., 1995; Spencer, 1984). triple junction is more like the record in the additional constraints on the geometry and life 3. Paleomagnetic studies indicate that Woodlark Basin. Where the Woodlark spread- span of the Resurrection plate. Three factors ϳ44ЊϮ11Њ of counterclockwise rotation af- ing ridge intersects the subduction zone, the must be considered in a reconstruction for the fected all of western Alaska (Coe et al., 1985, triple junction forms a nonmigrating slab win- 60±50 Ma interval: 1989) west of the center of Prince William dow. As a consequence, voluminous near- 1. The Mesozoic and early Tertiary accre- Sound. The rotation is inferred to have oc- trench volcanism occurs. An active volcano is tionary complex now in southern Alaska has curred in the interval between 66 and 44 Ma. erupting through the downgoing oceanic plate been affected by hundreds of kilometers of Thus, the ancient continental margin was near the trench (e.g., Taylor and Exon, 1987). right-lateral strike-slip along its backstop, the straighter than it is now, but it was still curved Border Ranges fault (e.g., Roeske et al., 1993; and had a roughly east-west orientation. Two Coeval TRT Triple Junctions Smart et al., 1996; Appendix 1). At least some The most important aspect of these resto- Require the Existence of the Resurrection displacement occurred between 58 and 50 Ma, rations is establishing that near-trench mag- Plate and the fault is pinned by a 50 Ma pluton in matism occurred at ca. 50 Ma between south- southeastern Alaska (Roeske et al., 1993; ern Baranof Island and southern Vancouver If we accept the hypotheses that the records Haeussler et al., 1995; Johnson and Karl, Island in the now-displaced Yakutat terrane of near-trench magmatism in southern Alaska 1985; L. Snee, 1996, written commun.). part of the accretionary complex. Therefore, and the Cascadia margin are related to coeval 2. A gap in the distribution of Mesozoic± on a regional scale, approximately synchro- TRT triple junctions, then an oceanic plate early Tertiary accretionary complexes between nous near-trench magmatism occurred at ca. must have existed between them. The plate southern Baranof Island and the south end of 50 Ma from southeastern Alaska to the Cas- between the triple junctions lay east of the Vancouver Island (Fig. 2) suggests that these cadia margin (Fig. 3). The crest of the Kula- Kula plate and north of the Farallon plate (Fig. rocks were removed from this region and Resurrection Ridge that swept west-to-east be- 1C). We refer to this as ``the Resurrection transported northward. The Yakutat terrane is neath southern Alaska was thus subparallel to plate,'' following Miller et al. (2002), after ex- considered to have been located in the posi- the southeast Alaska±Washington margin and, posures near Seward, Alaska (Fig. 2), of the tion of the ``missing'' rocks and is now col- at ca. 50 Ma, encountered the trench almost Resurrection Peninsula ophiolite, which may liding into the cusp of southern Alaska (Fig. synchronously along this entire length. have formed at the Kula-Resurrection spread- 2; Plafker, 1987). The eastern part of the Yak- ing center. utat terrane consists of Mesozoic accretionary- Constraints on Plate Geometry from Alternative plate geometries do not satis- complex rocks similar to those in southeastern Plate-Motion Models factorily explain the near-trench magmatic re- Alaska (Plafker, 1987). Like the other accre- cord. The Kula-Farallon slab window beneath tionary complexes, they were intruded by Velocity triangles can be used to test wheth- the Paci®c Northwest would explain the origin near-trench granitic plutons. These have K-Ar er the inferred Resurrection plate can be rec- of the Siletzia basalt, but not the coeval near- dates generally between 51 and 48 Ma (Hud- onciled with known plate motions and geolog- trench magmatism in southern Alaska (Fig. son et al., 1977). This relationship has resulted ic observations (Fig. 6). Although both 1A). Conversely, if the Kula±Farallon±North in a doubled-up sequence of accretionary- hotspot and global plate-circuit approaches America triple junction is invoked to explain complex rock units on either side of the Fair- have shortcomings, the assumption that hot- the southern Alaska near-trench magmatism weather fault (Fig. 2). The Leech River Schist spots were ®xed prior to ca. 43 Ma is unten- (Fig. 1B), the origin of the Siletzia basalt of of southern Vancouver Island was probably able, because relative motions between the Pa- the Cascadia margin would not be explained located just south of the Yakutat - ci®c plate and adjacent plates did not change by magmatism at a TRT triple junction. More- ary complex. The Leech River Schist (Fair- at this time and because paleomagnetic data over, this geometry would require an unusu- child and Cowan, 1982) consists of Meso- reveal motions between the hotspots (Norton, ally high ratio of the lengths of transform off- zoic accretionary-complex rocks that also 1995; Tarduno and Cottrell, 1997; Tarduno et sets to ridge segments. underwent near-trench magmatism and high- al., 2001). Therefore, we use the plate-circuit± In order to re®ne and evaluate the Resur- temperature, low-pressure metamorphism at derived motions of Stock and Molnar (1988). rection plate hypothesis, the remainder of this ca. 51±50 Ma (Groome et al., 2000). Thus, It would be most accurate to construct veloc- paper examines the continental-margin geol- rocks of the Mesozoic accretionary complex ity triangles at all three triple junctions bound-

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Schiarizza, 1996; Cowan et al., 1997; Butler et al., 2001). In addition, the synchronous near- trench magmatism at ca. 50 Ma constrains the Kula-Resurrection Ridge to have been subpar- allel to the north-northwest±trending south- eastern Alaska±British Columbia±Washington margin. We show one of many possible sets of ve- locity triangles that satisfy all the just- described conditions within the error ellipses of the relative velocities (Fig. 6). The illus- trated triangles are consistent with the follow- ing three constraints: 1. The perpendicular bisector of the KЈ-R vector (KЈ is the Kula vector from Stock and Molnar [1988] moved within its error limits; R is Resurrection vector) represents the strike of the Kula-Resurrection Ridge, which must be parallel to the line representing the orientation of the southeastern Alaska to Cascadia margin. It is possible that the Kula-Resurrection Ridge Figure 6. Velocity triangles for the Kula (K)±Farallon (F)±North American (NA) and segments did not parallel the southeastern Resurrection (R) plates. North is up. A ¯at Earth is assumed so that all relationships can Alaska±Cascadia margin, but rather the en- be shown on one diagram, which is a reasonable assumption if poles of rotation are far veloping trend of the ridge-transform system from the plate margins. Plate-circuit±derived relative velocities and error ellipses for the paralleled the margin. Such a con®guration interval between chrons 25n and 31r for the Kula, Farallon, and North American plates would have produced fraternal slab windows (gray lines and ovals) from near Ketchikan, Alaska, are from Stock and Molnar (1988) (multiple coeval slab windows; Thorkelson, and Stock (2002, written commun.). Velocities at Ketchikan were used because it is near 1996) and increases the range in possible ori- the midpoint of the convergent margin along which we infer subduction of the Resurrec- entations of the R-NA vector. In Figure 6, we tion plate. K؅ and F؅ are Kula and Farallon vectors moved within the Stock and Molnar chose the simplest con®guration where the (1988) error ellipses consistent with all constraints of the Resurrection plate hypothesis. ridge segments parallel the continental Dashed lines are perpendicular bisectors showing orientation of spreading-center seg- margin. ments. (A) Diagram showing the inferred orientation of the southern Alaska margin. The 2. The intersection of the KЈ-R perpendic- orientation depicted, 270؇, is the orientation of the modern margin rotated clockwise 44؇ ular bisector with the restored orientation of in order to restore the paleomagnetically inferred rotation of western Alaska (Coe et al., the southern Alaska margin must be east of 1989). (B) Diagram showing the same velocity vectors along the southeastern Alaska± the NA point, indicating that the K-R-NA tri- Cascadia margin. Velocity vectors are identical in both A and B. For both A and B, ple junction migrated eastward across south- .ern Alaska ؍ F؅-NA ,102 ؍ K؅-NA ,102 ؍ F-NA ,116 ؍ velocities (in mm/yr) are as follows: K-NA The perpendicular bisector of the R-FЈ .3 ؍ Azimuths are as follows: K-NA .52؍R-F؅ ,23 ؍ K؅-R ,71؍K؅-F؅ ,116 ؍ R-NA ,116 vector (FЈ is the Farallon vector moved within ؍280؇, R-K؅؍011؇,K؅-F؅ ؍ 038؇, R-NA ؍ 001؇,F؅-NA ؍ 027؇,K؅-NA ؍ 007؇, F-NA 294؇. SOAKÐsouthern Alaska margin; SEAK-ORÐsoutheastern Alaska to its error limits) represents the orientation of؍065؇, R-F؅ Oregon margin. the Resurrection-Farallon Ridge, and it must intersect the NA (North America) point so that the R-F-NA triple junction does not migrate ing the Resurrection plate, but it is simplest to magnetic polarity time scale of Cande and signi®cantly. view all relationships on one diagram. There- Kent [1995]Ðthe youngest well-constrained The con®guration shown in Figure 6 re- fore, we assume a ¯at Earth, even though ab- interval of the Kula plate). quires that the Resurrection plate vector would solute velocities and azimuths are slightly off. Geologic observations limit the family of have had a signi®cant dextral-shear compo- This is not a critical issue because errors in possible velocity triangles to those that must nent along the southeastern Alaska to Oregon known velocity vectors are large. Also, be- show (1) southeastward migration of the margin, a prediction consistent with the geo- cause the poles of rotations between the Kula±Resurrection±North America TRT triple logic record. These triangles also show that known plates are generally far from the north- junction in Alaska, (2) little or no migration the Resurrection±North America velocity eastern Paci®c, the vectors shown are gener- of the Resurrection±Farallon±North America would have been higher than the Kula±North ally similar for different regions of the in- TRT triple junction along the Cascadia mar- America velocity and that the R-NA vector ferred Resurrection plate. We used Stock and gin, and (3) right-lateral shear along the south- trended more to the northeast. Additionally, Molnar's (1988) velocity vectors and error el- eastern Alaska±British Columbia margin, as the Kula-Resurrection Ridge would have lipses from near Ketchikan, Alaska (Fig. 6), indicated by numerous paleomagnetic and spread more slowly than the Kula-Farallon for the interval between chrons 31r and 25n structural studies (e.g., Price and Charmichael, and Farallon-Resurrection rates. Lastly, the (67.7 and 56.2 MaÐcalibrated with the geo- 1986; Smart et al., 1996; Umhoefer and angle between the Kula-Resurrection and

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July 2003 873 HAEUSSLER et al.

duction of the Resurrection plate, the Kula- Farallon slab window lay beneath the Cascadia margin. This slab window provides an explanation for producing the forearc Til- lamook Volcanics in central Oregon at ca. 44± 42 Ma (Figs. 2, 7B; Wells et al., 1995). The Tillamook Volcanics consist of high-titanium tholeiitic to alkalic basalt and lesser dacite and rhyolite chemically similar to oceanic-island tholeiite (Wells et al., 1995). The unusual mantle-derived chemistry may be attributable to slab-window magmatism. Alternatively, Byrne (1979) and Norton (1995) favored ces- sation of Kula-Paci®c spreading around chron 24 to chron 22 time (ca. 52.4±49.3 Ma). If so, cessation of Kula-Paci®c spreading was syn- chronous with subduction of the Resurrection- Kula Ridge. Thus, would have end- ed beneath the southeastern Alaska±British Columbia±Cascadia margin, and the driving force for Kula-Paci®c spreading may have Figure 7. Cartoon showing geologic effects before and after death of the Resurrection ended as well. In this way, the Kula and Pa- plate. (A) About chron 25 time, ca. 56 Ma. Plate motions relative to North America and ci®c plates may have began to move together, orientations of spreading-center segments from Figure 6; those in purple are uncon- as plate motions changed and they began to strained by the oceanic magnetic anomaly record. (B) About chron 21 time, or 47 Ma. move north parallel to the margin of British Conjectural orientations of spreading-center segments unconstrained by the oceanic mag- Columbia. netic anomaly record are in purple. Kula-Paci®c Ridge, shown in light purple, may have Subduction of the Resurrection plate at ca. ceased spreading in this interval. Farallon±North America vector azimuth is from Stock 50 Ma was coincident with cessation of long- and Molnar (1988); we suggest that Paci®c±North America relative motion is parallel to lived arc magmatism (Fig. 7) that began in the Queen Charlotte±Fairweather fault, which is within the error for the relative-motion middle Cretaceous time in the Coast Moun- azimuth (016؇؎60؇) between chron 21 and chron 18 time (47 and 39 Ma) determined tains of southern Alaska, Yukon, southeastern by Stock and Molnar (1988). ``Vancouver plate'' is a term used for the northern part of Alaska, British Columbia, the Cascade Range the Farallon plate, which is thought to have broken off from the remainder of the Farallon of Washington and Oregon, and the Idaho plate (Menard, 1978; Rosa and Molnar, 1988). See text for additional discussion. batholith (e.g., Woodsworth et al., 1992, McClelland and Mattinson, 2000; Fig. 2). A few intrusions in the northern Cascade Range Kula-Farallon Ridge segments would have the Paci®c and Farallon plates, also during are as young as 46 Ma (Babcock et al., 1985; been obtuse and larger than 120Њ. chron 23r, which was related to breakup of the Haugerud et al., 1988) and are perhaps related northern part of the Farallon plate to form the to subduction of the last piece of the Resur- Tectonic Observations Related to the Vancouver plate (e.g., Atwater, 1989). Atwater rection plate. Overall, from British Columbia Existence and Subduction of the (1989) noted that it took several million to the Yukon Territory, no evidence exists for Resurrection Plate before this change was complete (until chron resumption of widespread arc magmatism 21 at 46.8 Ma). Both of these plate-motion along the previous axis soon after 50 Ma, a In our view, transitions in relative plate mo- changes were synchronous with subduction of circumstance that suggests initiation of the tions, evolution of convergent and strike-slip the last of the Resurrection plate, and just pre- Queen Charlotte±Fairweather transform-fault margins, and igneous events from Oregon to date initiation of right-transform faulting on system around this time. Alaska can be linked to the subduction of the the Queen Charlotte±Fairweather fault system Resurrection plate (Fig. 7). (see later description of timing). Perhaps, like Tectonism of the Southeastern Alaska± the Farallon plate (Atwater, 1989), the Res- British Columbia±Cascadia Margin and Demise of the Kula and Resurrection Plates urrection plate fragmented near the end of its Western North America Interior Owing to changes in driving forces, the de- life, and thus it took some time for plate mo- Subduction of the Kula-Resurrection Ridge mise of any oceanic plate will likely modify tions to readjust. likely led to the establishment of a transform the motions of adjacent plates. Lonsdale The termination of Kula-Paci®c spreading margin from southeastern Alaska to Washing- (1988) documented a 37Њ counterclockwise ro- may have happened in one of two ways, each ton. After subduction of the Kula-Resurrection tation in Kula-Paci®c motions between anom- having different implications with respect to Ridge, zero-age oceanic crust would have par- aly 25n and anomaly 21n (i.e., between 55.9 the subduction death of the Resurrection plate. alleled ϳ2000 km of the continental margin. and 47.9 Ma), but most of this change (21Њ) If part of the Kula-Paci®c spreading center The positive buoyancy of this crust would occurred during chron 23r (52.4±51.7 Ma). survived until chron 18r (40.2±40.1 Ma; have resisted subduction (Cloos, 1993). Arc This change is synchronous with a large (20Њ Lonsdale, 1988), then a corollary of the Res- magmatism stopped after 50 Ma in southeast- clockwise) relative motion change between urrection plate hypothesis is that after sub- ern Alaska±British Columbia, but continued

874 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July 2003 LIFE AND DEATH OF THE RESURRECTION PLATE in south-central Alaska, which suggests that complex occurred in the interval between 53 port in western Canada and Alaska is conten- the surviving plate(s) (the Paci®c and the and 46 Ma on the basis of U-Pb dating of tious (e.g., Cowan et al., 1997), but the ac- Kula, if it survived to ca. 40 Ma [Lonsdale, deformed granites and Ar-Ar cooling ages on cepted range is from 500 to 3000 km. 1988]) continued to subduct beneath the Aleu- micas from the extensional shear zones. Far- Agreement also exists that most northward tian TrenchÐthe nearest long subduction zone ther north, the Wolverine Complex (Fig. 2), a transport was taken up west of the Tintina (Figs. 2, 7). Structural studies in the Cascade 200-km-long sequence of polydeformed Had- fault (Fig. 2) and that signi®cant displace- Range demonstrate a switch from top-to-the- rynian clastic rocks, also underwent cooling ments predate 50 Ma (e.g., Irving and Wynne, north shearing to right-lateral transpression at along its eastern margin at ca. 50±42 Ma. Al- 1991). Paleomagnetic data suggest that terrane ca. 50±45 Ma (Hurlow and Nelson, 1992). though this sequence of rocks record ± displacements also postdate 70 Ma (e.g., John- This change in strain may also be related to Cretaceous or earlier metamorphism, the Eo- ston et al., 1996). the initiation of the transform margin. cene K-Ar dates indicate an important event The Farallon plate could not have driven Subduction of a spreading center parallel to at that time. To the west, there was extension northward motion of because either it a continental margin would be expected to within and along the east side of the Coast was not in contact with the margin of British produce geologic effects along the convergent Mountains. Andronicos et al. (2000) found Columbia and southeastern Alaska (Fig. 1A), margin prior to ridge subduction. Oceanic that a 150-km-long series of normal faults was or, if it was (Fig. 1B), relative motions were crust younger than 10 m.y. is buoyant with active between 55 and 48 Ma near Prince Ru- highly oblique to the margin. The Kula plate respect to the asthenosphere (Cloos, 1993), pert, British Columbia. These normal faults has often been considered the driver of north- and if subducted would be expected to induce extend northward toward Ketchikan (Fig. 2) ward terrane motions (e.g., Engebretson et al., high shear stress at the base of the overriding and juxtapose high-grade kyanite- and silli- 1985) because of inferred high northward rel- crust. For the time near the death of the Res- manite-bearing rocks in the core of the Coast ative velocities derived from the hotspot ref- urrection plate, the interval just before 50 Ma Mountains with low-grade andalusite-bearing erence frame. Southward drift of the hotspots is when strong coupling effects would be ex- rocks. To the east, Heah (1991) found a major prior to 43 Ma (Norton, 1995; Tarduno and pected from the approaching Resurrection- extensional shear zone along the eastern mar- Cottrell, 1997; Tarduno et al., 2001) indicates, Kula Ridge. Indeed the time from 60 to 50 gin of the Central Gneiss Complex, near Ter- however, that northward velocities of the Kula Ma exhibits a distinctive geologic history race, British Columbia. Chardon and Andron- plate relative to North America are smaller (Fig. 7A) manifested by (1) rapid uplift and icos (1997) found evidence that this structure than generally appreciated. voluminous magmatism in the Coast Moun- was active between 53 and 48 Ma. In all cases In the Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary, tains and Cascade Range (Hollister, 1982; except for the Valhalla complex, the extension the presence of the Resurrection plate in the Crawford et al., 1987, 2000; Whitney et al., was synchronous with, or after, the last Paleo- northeastern Paci®c is the simplest geometry in 1999; McClelland and Mattinson, 2000; Wood cene±Eocene arc magmatism. Therefore, the which to have a large component of right- et al., 1991), and (2) gold mineralization in timing of the extension also marks the end of lateral motion along the Oregon to Alaska mar- the Juneau gold belt (Goldfarb et al., 1991; arc magmatism and the beginning of a differ- gin at the same time as having an eastward- Miller et al., 1994) and shortening along the ent tectonic regime, which we infer was migrating TRT triple junction in south-central Coast shear zone, the largest structure in the caused by subduction of the Resurrection Alaska (Figs. 1, 6). The velocity of the Res- Coast Mountains orogen (Crawford and Craw- plate. urrection plate relative to North America must ford, 1991; McClelland et al., 1992; Mc- In addition to the record of extension in have been slightly higher and more toward the Clelland and Mattinson, 2000). This major metamorphic and plutonic rocks, the death of northeast than that of previously inferred orogenic episode postdates the last collisional the Resurrection plate at 50 Ma also corre- Kula±North America motions (Fig. 6). None- event in the region by 30±40 m.y. sponds with the start of extensional collapse theless, the vector was right-lateral oblique Extensional exhumation of high-grade of the Cordilleran foreland fold-and-thrust belt with respect to the continental margin. If metamorphic terranes and the development of at 49 Ma in Alberta, Montana, and Idaho southern Alaska near-trench magmatism re- core complexes at ca. 50 Ma in British Co- (Figs. 2, 7B). Constenius (1996) documented corded the Kula±Farallon±North America triple lumbia and Washington were synchronous a short interval (1±5 m.y.) between foreland junction (Fig. 1B), and not the Resurrection± with the inferred subduction death of the Res- thrust faulting and development of extensional Kula±North America triple junction (Fig. 1C), urrection plate and changes in plate-margin half grabens. He hypothesized that this struc- it would be dif®cult to have signi®cant north- tectonics. The greatest concentrations of core tural change was due to a large reduction in ward relative motions along the British complexes lie east of the Paleocene±Eocene the east-west compressive stress caused by a Columbia±southeastern Alaska continental arc in southern British Columbia, Idaho, and plate-motion change. We suggest that this margin. Alternatively, it could be argued that western Washington State and include the change can be attributed to subduction of the all displacement occurred in the interval be- Priest River and Okanogan core complexes Kula-Resurrection spreading center and the tween 70 Ma (the age of the youngest dis- (Fig. 2). Rapid cooling of the Priest River change from subduction of buoyant oceanic placed rocks on which a robust paleomagnetic complex occurred between 50 and 47 Ma crust to transform motion along the margin. study has been made [Johnston et al., 1996]) (Doughty and Price, 1995), and extension was Extensional collapse may have been aided by and 61 Ma (the age of the oldest near-trench ongoing at 51 Ma in the Okanogan complex. high heat ¯ow and uplift above the slab win- intrusions in southern Alaska). This timing is However, the Valhalla complex, which lies to dow that opened in the wake of the sinking of unlikely because 40Ar/39Ar ages on the Border the north, underwent extension and cooling the Resurrection plate. Ranges fault zone (Fig. 2), one of the most earlier, mostly between 58 and 56 Ma, but The Resurrection plate hypothesis provides important margin-parallel faults, indicate that continued to 52 Ma (Parrish et al., 1988). Far- a driving mechanism for rapid northward ter- the fault was active in a younger interval be- ther north, Friedman and Armstrong (1988) rane transport during right-oblique subduction tween 58 and 50 Ma (Roeske et al., 1993; found that rapid cooling of the Tatla Lake prior to 50 Ma. The distance of terrane trans- Haeussler et al., 1995).

Geological Society of America Bulletin, July 2003 875 HAEUSSLER et al.

Subduction of the Resurrection plate pro- the previous arcs in the Coast Mountains, Cas- tion plate and the interior Eocene magmatism vides the most plausible driving mechanism cade Range, and Idaho batholith (Fig. 2). The and extension (Fig. 7): (1) The Eocene mag- for right-lateral strike-slip faulting in south- magmatic belt is ϳ550 km wide south of lat- matic rocks are found in a linear belt only be- central and southwestern Alaska in Late Cre- itude 48ЊN, typically 200 km wide in southern neath the continental margin where we infer taceous to Paleocene time (Fig. 7A, Miller et British Columbia, but only 75 km wide in that the Resurrection plate was subducted and al., 2002). Right-lateral faults in Alaska in- northern British Columbia and the Yukon the subsequent Kula-Resurrection slab win- clude the Tintina, Kaltag, Iditarod±Nixon (Fig. 2). Calc-alkalic af®nities initially led dow formed. Similar interior volcanic deposits Fork, Denali-Farewell, and the Lake Clark± workers to relate these rocks to subduction are not found in south-central Alaska where Castle Mountain faults (Fig. 2). At least some (e.g., Lipman et al., 1972). Trace element, rare arc volcanism has been virtually continuous. of these were active during the 10±20 m.y. earth element, and isotopic studies demon- (2) Death of the Resurrection plate at ca. 50 prior to the outbreak of near-trench magma- strate crustal, mantle, and mixed sources (Ew- Ma is synchronous with the middle of the age tism along the Alaskan margin (Miller et al., ing, 1980; Thorkelson, 1989; DudaÂs, 1991; span (53±45 Ma) of the early and middle Eo- 2002). The Kula plate could not have come Norman and Mertzman, 1991; Morris and cene episode of volcanism and associated into the picture until after passage of the Creaser, 1998; Morris et al., 2000). 40Ar/39Ar crustal extension. The inboard Eocene mag- southern Alaska triple junction, e.g., after 61 and U-Pb geochronology limits the ages of matic ¯are-up was a one-time event during the Ma at Sanak Island. The question is whether these rocks to between 53 and 45 Ma (Berger ®nal stages of Paleocene±Eocene arc mag- it was ¯anked to the east by the Farallon plate and Snee, 1992; Wooden and Box, 1996; Is- matism, which had been under way along (e.g., Bradley et al., 1993) or the Resurrection polatov et al., 1996; Janecke et al., 1997; coastal western North America for at least the plate. It is highly unlikely that the plate to its Grainger et al., 2001; Breitsprecher, 2002). previous 50 m.y. The interior pulse of Eocene east was the Farallon because, subject to even The ages show neither a north-south nor an magmatism pre- and postdates our inferred the maximum permissible unbending of the east-west trend; they are either younger than, timing of Kula-Resurrection Ridge subduc- orocline, Farallon±North America relative mo- or coeval with, the latest stages of Paleocene± tion, and thus some magmatism may be relat- tion (F-NA in Fig. 6A) along the southern Eocene magmatism in the Coast Mountains, ed to breakup and fragmentation of the Res- Alaska margin would have had a strong left- Cascades, and Idaho batholith (e.g., Mc- urrection plate and some to the slab window lateral component (Fig. 6A). These same con- Clelland and Mattinson, 2000; Wood et al., between the Resurrection and Kula plates. For siderations do, however, permit the presence 1991; Whitney et al., 1999; Armstrong and example, Breitsprecher (2002) found that the of the Resurrection plate. Both the Resurrec- Ward, 1991). Metamorphic core complexes 50±49 Ma Princeton Group volcanic rocks tion and Kula plate vectors would have had (Parrish et al., 1988; Friedman and Arm- (Fig. 2) have adakite compositions. Drum- much smaller left-lateral components. Our es- strong, 1988; Doughty and Price, 1995) and/ mond and Defant (1990) linked adakites to timated Resurrection±North America velocity or extensional faulting occurred synchronous- partial melting of the subducted slab, and vector (R±NA in Fig. 6) is more nearly or- ly with, or around the same time as, volcanism Johnston and Thorkelson (1997) found adak- thogonal to the continental margin than the in almost all areas. In southern British Colum- ites associated with the modern Cocos-Nazca Farallon±North America vector and, within er- bia, the volcanic rocks show alkalinity trends slab window. Thus, at least some of the Eo- ror, includes possible solutions with both si- and geochemistry typical of arc volcanic se- cene volcanism may be associated with sub- nistral and dextral components. Unquanti®- quences (Ewing, 1980; Thorkelson, 1989). duction of disintegrating hot young oceanic able but large errors in Resurrection±North However, in the northwestern United States, crust (Breitsprecher, 2002). America relative motions and a range of pos- the magmatism may not be arc related, be- sible oroclinal bends from ϳ29Њ to 54Њ limit cause alkalinity does not increase with dis- Late-Stage Magmatism this analysis. Nonetheless, the Resurrection tance from the subduction zone and because Finally, late-stage ma®c magmatism in the plate is clearly the best candidate as a driver the magmatism was compositionally varied, Coast Mountains of Alaska, in British Colum- for dextral faulting in Alaska in Late Creta- spatially and temporally discontinuous, and bia, and in the Cascade Range may be related ceous to Paleocene time. coeval at different distances from the conti- to the Resurrection-Kula slab window. Basal- nental margin (DudaÂs, 1991; Norman and tic to rhyolitic dikes intruded the Coast Moun- Western Interior Magmatism Mertzman, 1991; Morris et al., 2000). More- tains at ca. 50 Ma after regional deformation A belt of enigmatic Eocene volcanic and over, Norman and Leeman (1989) demonstrat- associated with rapid intrusion and uplift plutonic rocks stretches 2500 km from Wyo- ed that at least some of the purported arc geo- (Green et al., 1995). Lamprophyric dikes were ming to the Yukon Territory and may be re- chemical signature is inherited from melting subsequently intruded at 46 Ma (Davidson, lated to demise of the Resurrection plate and of Precambrian crust. Thorkelson and Taylor 2001). In the Cascade Range, the widespread the opening of the Kula-Resurrection slab (1989) ®rst suggested that the geochemistry of Teanaway ma®c dike swarm (e.g., Foster, window. These include the Absaroka Volcan- volcanic rocks in southern British Columbia 1958), dated at ca. 48 Ma (Tabor et al., 1984), ics, the Montana alkali province, the Challis can be explained by a slab window, in which coincides with the end of arc magmatism. Volcanics of the northwestern United States, small amounts of partial melting of the as- These ma®c magmas are anomalous in the Pa- and the Penticton, Princeton, Kamloops, Clis- thenospheric mantle gave rise to the alkalic leocene±Eocene history of the Coast Moun- bako, Ootsa Lake, Endako, FrancËois Lake, and volcanic rocks. Breitsprecher (2002) also at- tains and Cascade Range. They are spatially Sloko Volcanics of British Columbia and the tributed the volcanic rocks in southern British and temporally in the correct position to be Yukon Territory (Fig. 2; Armstrong and Ward, Columbia to a slab window, on the basis of related to the Resurrection-Kula slab window. 1991; Morris et al., 2000; Breitsprecher, their distinctive geochemistry. Morozov et al. (1998) found high-velocity low- 2002). All these volcanic rocks are 300±1300 Two lines of evidence indicate that a tem- ermost crust interpreted as ma®c underplate km inboard of the present continental margin poral and spatial correlation exists between beneath the Coast Mountains of southernmost and lie in a backarc position with respect to the subduction consumption of the Resurrec- southeastern Alaska. The position of the ma®c

876 Geological Society of America Bulletin, July 2003 LIFE AND DEATH OF THE RESURRECTION PLATE underplate below all other crustal rocks sug- window magmatism; (5) extensional exhu- tionship is consistent with a remagnetization gests that it may be derived from the mation of high-grade metamorphic terranes, hypothesis. Resurrection-Kula slab window and it might development of core complexes, and exten- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS be the source region for the ma®c dikes just sional collapse of the Cordilleran foreland described. In California, similar high-velocity fold-and-thrust belt after 50 Ma related to ini- Reviews by Alison Till and Jon Hagstrum were crust is interpreted as ma®c underplate asso- tiation of the transform margin; (6) the Eocene greatly appreciated. Joann Stock rummaged through ciated with migration of the slab window extension and volcanism from Montana to the numerous old ®les to provide K-F-NA velocities used in Figure 6, but the use of the those numbers south of the Mendocino triple junction (Stan- Yukon Territory as related to breakup of the and interpretations are entirely ours. Discussions ley et al., 1998). Resurrection plate and the subsequent slab with Dave Chapman, Cam Davidson, Rich Fried- window; and (7) right-lateral margin-parallel man, Sue Karl, Scott Paterson, Dave Rowley, and CONCLUSIONS strike-slip faulting in southern and western Derek Thorkelson were also valuable. Journal re- views by Derek Thorkelson and Dave Scholl sub- Alaska during Late Cretaceous and Paleocene stantially improved the manuscript, as did com- Two coeval near-trench magmatic sequenc- time, which cannot be explained by Farallon ments by associate editor Basil Tikoff. es in southern coastal Alaska and along the convergence vectors. Cascadia margin of southern British Colum- REFERENCES CITED bia, Washington, and Oregon have previously APPENDIX. ARGUMENTS AGAINST LARGE been interpreted as the signature of TRT triple PALEOMAGNETICALLY Andronicos, C.L., Rusmore, M.E., Chardon, D.H., Hollis- junctions. If correct, this requires the existence INFERRED DISPLACEMENTS ter, L.S., Davidson, C., and Woodsworth, G.J., 2000, of a now subducted plate that occupied the Eocene crustal extension within the Coast plutonic We discount paleomagnetic evidence for thou- complex, British Columbia: Geological Society of northeastern Paci®c in late Paleocene±early sands of kilometers of northward transport of the America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 6, p. 2. Eocene time. This inferred plate, the Resur- Armstrong, R.L., and Ward, P.L., 1991, Evolving geograph- southern Alaska accretionary complex. Two paleo- ic patterns of Cenozoic magmatism in the North rection plate, was located east of the Kula and magnetic studies (Plumley et al., 1983; Bol et al., American Cordillera: The temporal and spatial asso- north of the Farallon plates. Near-trench mag- 1992) indicated large-scale (25Њ and 13Њ of latitude, ciation of magmatism and metamorphic core com- matism was synchronous from southeastern respectively) northward transport after the time of plexes: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 97, near-trench magmatism. Both of the paleomagnetic p. 6799±6821. Alaska to Washington at ca. 50 Ma, and thus studies are excellent in their scope and presentation Atwater, T., 1970, Implications of for the we infer that the crest of the Kula-Resurrection of paleomagnetic results. However, aspects of the Cenozoic tectonic evolution of western North Amer- structural , paleomagnetism, and rock mag- ica: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 81, spreading center was subparallel to the conti- p. 3513±3536. nental margin and that all segments of the ridge netism of these studies allow that a primary rema- Atwater, T., 1989, Plate tectonic history of the northeast nence may not have been preserved and that dis- were subducted virtually at the same time. Sub- Paci®c and western North America, in Winterer, E.L., placements are not as large as they concluded. The Hussong, D.M., and Decker, R.W., eds., The eastern duction of the Resurrection plate initiated the study of the Resurrection Peninsula ophiolite by Bol Paci®c Ocean and Hawaii: Boulder, Colorado, Geo- Queen Charlotte±Fairweather transform-fault et al. (1992) had to use a two-stage unfolding of logical Society of America, Geology of North Amer- system. sheeted-dike and bedding orientations for the data ica, v. N, p. 21±72. to pass a fold test. Moreover, as much as ϳ3.6 m.y. Babcock, R.S., Armstrong, R.L., and Misch, P., 1985, Iso- Numerous studies identify a major early topic constraints on the age and origin of the Skagit elapsed between formation of the ophiolite and its Tertiary plate-motion change in the northern Metamorphic Suite and related rocks: Geological So- emplacement into the accretionary complex (Kusky ciety of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, Paci®c. Engebretson et al. (1985) put the and Young, 1999). Therefore, because the ophiolite p. 339. change at ca. 56 Ma; Byrne (1979) placed it was not a part of the accretionary complex when it Babcock, R.S., Burmester, R.F., Engebretson, D.C., War- between 59 and 56 Ma; and Pavlis and Sisson formed, the paleolatitude, if correct, would not nec- nock, A., and Clark, K.P., 1992, A rifted margin origin for the Crescent basalts and related rocks in northern (1995) put it between 56 and 52 Ma. This re- essarily re¯ect the paleolatitude of the accretionary complex. Regarding the Plumley et al. (1983) Ko- Coast Range volcanic province, Washington and Brit- ish Columbia: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 97, organization occurred during chron 23r time diak Island study, one of two sampling areas had a (Stock and Molnar, 1988; Lonsdale, 1988; At- p. 6799±6821. highly unusual 60Њ plunging fold, and they also used Barker, F., Farmer, G.L., Ayuso, R.A., Plafker, G., and Lull, water, 1989), the age of which is 52.3±51.7 a logical, though necessarily arbitrary, two-stage J.S., 1992, The 50 Ma granodiorite of the eastern Gulf Ma, according to the most recent polarity time unfolding process when tilt-correcting the data. of Alaska: Melting in an accretionary prism in the scale (Cande and Kent, 1995). This time was Moreover, the rocks have low-Ti titanomagnetites, forearc: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 97, which have Curie temperatures below 508 ЊC, and p. 6757±6778. just prior to the widespread near-trench mag- thus have a correspondingly less stable remanence. 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Geological Society of America Bulletin, July 2003 877 HAEUSSLER et al.

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