Wednesday Morning says: 3 weeks ago

Sorry for delay on archiving April discussions. The archives for April & the first 20 days of May are linked above.

Hope everyone is well. Catch up with you all soon I hope. Busy, busy, busy here! :-)

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Casey Anthony's Attorney To Question Deputy Again

Posted: 1:07 pm EDT May 20, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's defense team is calling back a witness for a second round of questioning. Jose Baez will question Orange County Deputy Adriana Acevedo again next month, even though he already took her deposition last week. Deputy Acevedo first responded to the scene where Caylee's remains were eventually found when meter reader Roy Kronk originally called 911 to report seeing something suspicious in August. She went there again, two days later, with Kronk and another deputy. Acevedo's deposition is scheduled for June 8. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago

This is from Orlando Sentinal this morning:

Attorneys in the defamation case against Casey Anthony will be back in court at 10:30 a.m. today.This time the issue will be whether Orange Circuit Court Judge Jose R. Rodriguez will force Anthony's parents, George Anthony and Cindy Anthony, and her brother, Lee Anthony, to answer questions they initially refused in interviews about the civil case.Attorneys with Morgan & Morgan law firm are representing Zenaida Gonzalez, a Kissimmee mother of six, and want Rodriguez to make the family answer all the questions. Casey Anthony's family doesn't want to be forced to reply to anything.Gonzalez is suing Casey Anthony in civil court for more than $15,000 in damages. Earlier this week, the judge granted her request to seek punitive damages, too. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the clean up Wednesday! I hope all is well for you and your family. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Has Stacy Peterson's Body Been Found? This story says there was a blue container not far from the Skeleton Remains.

Thank you wednesday, hope things are good with you and family. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Wow Rascal

I'm in Illinois about 45 minutes from where the body was found - I've been watching the local coverage but heard NOTHING about the blue barrell till I read your story.

I hope it is one of them - their families need closure. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

It sure sounds like it is Stacy. I hope drew does not get bail now. I have not doubt he killed Stacy. he is not the nice guy he claims to be. There was nothing yesterday about the Blue Barrel till this morning, I was shocked when I read it this morning so had to post it. Lets hope there is closure for Stacey's family. This will also give credibility to Drew's Step brother's story, and others that had seen the Barrel in the garage, that Drew said did not exist. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Today's hearing cancelled: Brad Conway says he couldn't be in court due to back problems. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago

What a bunch of... well... you know!!! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Florida State Bar escalates complaints against Bozo. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

John Morgan to depose Annie Downing this afternoon.

News reports say NG show will have some bombshells tonight. They supposedly have tapes of CA ex-lovers discussing her lies.

RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

3 Complaints Filed With Fla. Bar Against Baez

Posted: 1:26 pm EDT May 21, 2009Updated: 1:33 pm EDT May 21, 2009 jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Annie Downing's depo has been downloaded at Morgan's web site. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the good news, Rascal!!! Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 3 weeks ago

Is anyone else having trouble watching Annie's video? It's very stilted for me and I have broadband.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Same for is difficult to load.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Best part is that she says "there is no Nanny, Zanny, etc"! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

The Tale of King George and Queen Cynthia PART IV! JMo profile image

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I'm glad the mother admitted what she did in this one. So sad. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Here's the link to the pdf with Annie's depo. You can read it. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Change of Judge Granted in Drew Peterson's Murder Case,2933,520983,00.html/us/crime

Bond question put off in Peterson case RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Maybe with any luck they will be able to charge Drew the clown, and he will not be out on bond. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Coroner: Autopsy inconclusive on body found near homes of missing Stacy Peterson, Lisa StebicThey will know more when they get the DNA back in about 2 weeks. Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Hi folks! Haven't listened entirely to Downing depo, but I'm not feeling she was totally truthful. Anyone? JMo profile image

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I thought she was honest. She seemed diplomatic when answering the questions. She may not of disclosed real personal stuff, but I don't think you can get 100% from anyone.

What part did you think she was not being truthful about? JMo profile image

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Downing's testimony sure sets the stage for Casey being vindictive towards Cindy and killing Caylee. Cindy overstepped her boundaries (what's new!) and tried to be Caylee's mother instead of allowing Casey the responsibility. In Caseys own words when asked by Lee why she kept Caylee from Cindy or didn't tell Cindy anything, Casey said, "I guess I'm a Spiteful Bitch!". Well, that will certainly come back to haunt her. I think it was the driving force for sure. Casey's way of having control. Control she couldn't ever get when it came to Cindy. Cindy always putting her down, controlling her, choking her, etc. So Casey 'paid her back' by taking the one thing Cindy loved fact, in Caseys eyes, probably loved Caylee more than she loved Casey!!! Just like Great Grandma said, eh??? All matches up for me!

Casey fabricated her stories to make her self look good. She had nothing! A mother who controlled her, loved Caylee more than her, no way to go to college, no job, no car, no nothing. Caylee was all that Casey had and Cindy was 'taking that from her' or threatening to. Casey had to stop Cindy from taking that one thing! What better way to do it??? Sure seems like the best theory to me. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

I thought she was being truthful, but didn't give any more info than she had to. It sounded like she was told to just answer the questions and not speculate. A couple times she seemed to want to say more than she did. A couple times she didn't want to say anything. All of these players must detest Casey for well, first murdering Caylee, but second for making all of their private lives so public. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Nordie, I feel the same, hard for me to believe they sat in Casey's room and never talked about Caylee. Something is not right with that story. I think she knows more then she is telling. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

I'm not buying a couple things she said.

I believe that she did know that zanny is the street name for xanax. This group are party animals they know what is what.

She had a reason for wanting to see Casey & it was not her own personal problems. What kind of BF would want to unload personal problems on a BF whose daughter was missing & LE suspected of foul play.

She didn't ask her BF what was going on. Give me a break on that! I would want to know every last detail & what I could do to help get her back.

A lot of this did not pass the smell test for me. I don't think she had anything to do with Caylee's disappearance or death but she is hiding something. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

For one thing there was no honesty about Casey's drinking and doing drugs. We know from others she was doing a lot of both. She partied with Casey and her friends. Something is just not right with her trying to act like her andCasey did not talk about Caylee in her bedroom she spent the night. What one of us would not ask about Caylee, what happened. How can I help find her, give me some clues so I can look for her to get her back. we have seen the pictures of this crowd, now tell me it was not drugs and alcohol. This story to me doe's not fit. It did not work for me when she told the investigators either. Marie RN profile image

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Dr. Perper just needs to sit down. So do the other "expert" guests on NG - saying it will be difficult to determine if the torso is Stacy. Hello! Everybody and their dog knows Stacy has breast implants. And everybody and their dog knows that breast implants have serial numbers. The bra was still on the body, so the implants would be held in place, even with decomp. Drew Peterson is not the mastermind he thinks he is. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Hello Marie, That is a good thought I did not know that she had implants. No he is not a mastermind he is just a cop with a attitude, that think they will stand up for him. NOT JMo profile image

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Good point Marie. I didn't know the bra was still on. I just heard there was the rib cage without a head. (Gross I know, but that's what I read). Marie RN profile image

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Hey, Rascal - Drew bragged about how he bought her breast implants - well, that is going to hang him.

Jo, I'm not sure it's Stacy, but they can have the results on the serial numbers tonight. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Maybe that is why they postponed his bond. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Marie- Hi stranger ! I didn't know that she was still wearing a bra. You're right about the serial # on breast implants takes no time at all to match that up. You doing ok? Nordie profile image Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Hi Marie, how is Jigsaw? I cannot imagine going to my BFF who just got out of jail and not wanting to know how she could help, what was the story, etc. She didn't want to know? Then my question is, why didn't she want to know?

Good night all. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Casey's Friend Says Cindy, Casey Fought, watch videos on this site. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

I can picture Casey telling her that she doesn't want to talk about it or that telling her anything will endanger her life (Annie's). I just don't believe that Casey would have or ever will admit to anything. And, if she did tell Annie something, would Annie not report it? I would, best friend or not.

Hi Marie!

Thanks Wednesday!

Night Nordie! Marie RN profile image

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Hey everyone - sorry for dropping out of sight. It's been crazy around here - our county is a disaster area, some folks still don't have electricity after the May 8th storm - barn roof blew off, several large trees uprooted, and we were the lucky ones. Jigsaw is doing fine, Nordie, getting big. Hi to you, too Losing it. Jo and Rascal, I see you are still holding Baez' feet to the fire. That was way cool the way you emailed George - do you think Cindy was the one who answered your email to him? I could see her saying esad quicker than George. What a house of horrors Hopespring Drive is. Marie RN profile image

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago from : The office of Will County Coroner Patrick K. O'Neil said the body -- which many believe could be that of either Peterson's missing wife Stacy -- was clad in only women's underwear and shreds of blue jeans that held a small amount of money. I heard elsewhere that the underwear included a bra. JMo profile image

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Well, they are now saying that May 21 was the pivotal day for Casey's 'break' in behavior change. She lied about working 60 hours a week and looking at a place to live with Amy. She also told Amy on that day that she was very ill and needed a raincheck. That same day, she met Anthony L online...he was browsing and checked Valencia college students and saw Casey (who had her self listed as one) and eventually moved in with him and then it was from that day forward.... imacynic2 says: 2 weeks ago

One problem is that there were stories (I think - if I'm remembering them right) circulating that Annie was given a ticket for no seatbelt while riding in a car with Zenadia Fernandez Gonzelez. I don't remember all the details, but it was expected, I think, that she would say that she was in a car with Casey and that Casey had an ID that said that her name was Zenadia Fernandez Gonzelez.

That did not happen, and the attorneys backed off that line of questioning really really fast in my opinion. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Hey all! Happy Friday and a happy kickoff to a long weekend :) Since I have nothing to do today (hurray!) I'm here catching up on Annie Downing's depo. A few thoughts...

I agree that Annie is being mostly truthful. She may have something to hide about the Xanax thing, but beyond that I think she is just being careful. She's aware of how Casey is throwing any and everyone under the bus and doesn't want to be involved more than she has to. If Annie had really wanted to find Caylee regardless of the consequences - she would've used her status as "best friend" to get as much info out of Casey as possible, but Annie chose to not even go there. It's not the reaction many of us would have but it's not an abnormal reaction! Can't really fault her for that. Many people (for whatever reason) would want to stay very far away from something so ugly...I think she is either afraid that if she crosses Casey, something unpleasant and personal will come out...or she's just trying to watch her own back and not give anyone anything to hold against her. I think it was Jesse Grund who came off looking guilty in an interview simply because he was being evasive (for his own good). Does Annie even have an attorney? The girl needs to lawyer up if she hasn't already!

As far as Casey's partying/drinking goes - this isn't the first time I've heard that Casey didn't become a huge partier til recently. I remember reading an interview where one of her friends said Casey wasn't ever known to drink/party much. I also remember reading that most of the time when Casey drank or smoked pot (even recently) it wouldn't be very much...there are lots of horrible people out there who don't drink or use drugs (i.e. Osama bin Laden) - and there are many people with good hearts who sadly fall into that lifestyle. I don't think that Casey's drinking and drug use will come into play much during the trial - the fact that she is a slut, liar and a thief are much more damning in regards to her character. I think Casey is/was more into the going to parties to hook up with than she was about getting drunk out of her mind. I believe Annie on this one for the most part...

This depo again reminds me of the Cindy-Caylee (in the middle)- Casey conflict...and yes, Cindy was WRONG for being so overbearing and overstepping her bounds as a grandmother. But it's laughable that Casey would tell Annie that "mom doesn't want me to move out" - puh-leeeze! We've all known overbearing women in out lives (not as bad as Cindy, but...) - mothers-in-law, mothers, grandmothers...if you don't like the way your mother is behaving with your child, if it's upsetting you that much - GET A JOB AND MOVE OUT! How do you expect your overbearing mother to let YOU be a mother when you're living in her house and she's feeding and clothing you?? Of course she'll feel even more entitled to be that child's 'mother'!!

Lastly, Annie says that Casey told her that she and Lee were the best of friends. Wouldn't you tell your best female friend if your brother had tried to sleep with you? Another reason why I think the incest accusation is a lie, and Lee will eventually turn on Casey (if he hasn't already) for making up lies about him after all the times he stuck his neck out for her!

Whew! Ok, I'm done. I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Please remember the men and women who have died and who continue to lose their lives for our country and our freedom! imacynic2 says: 2 weeks ago

More docs coming - but weren't there supposed to be some between the last set that's posted and now?

Imacynic2 says: 2 weeks ago

To Wednesday:

I put in Casey Anthony on the search term for Hub pages - and then scrolled down till I got to Details Casey Didn't want you to know - and then I saw your new pic - and - this will give everyone a laugh - I couldn't figure out for the life of me why Casey had a see through toliet plunger on her head!

Of course - once I properly arrived on the page I could see it is a magnifying glass. . . losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Numa, Lee probably won't turn on Casey regarding the incest thing. She'll just say Jesse lied about it. And I agree with you that it probably never happened.

I also agree about the partying. Even the ones of her in the blue dress (that Cindy says is the only time she was out after Caylee was missing), I didn't see any photos of her drinking or appearing drunk. She did seem very happy though for a worried mother. And, you're right, there's enough other things that will hang her. It might even be a good thing if they can't go for some sort of sympathy angle that she was an addict of some sort. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Losingit, Lee turning on Casey is probably more of what I HOPE will happen than what will actually happen're right that she'll find a way around it. I just can't imagine how I would feel if someone accused me of that, especially if I was going out of my way to cover their a$$...I would be angry enough to turn on her, to say the least..

Good point about the lack of an "addiction" sympathy angle! If she's not an addict then she is just plain sick and crazy and can't blame her behavior on anything.

I just feel bad for anyone who's ever come in contact with Casey...whether it's her family, friends, many of us would suddenly be 100% ready to have our lives opened up like that for everyone to scrutinize? It would freak me out to know that 1000s of people are Googling my name or trying to see if I have a MySpace page and what have you! Can't be fun :/

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Drew Peterson tried to hire a hitman to kill third wife

May 22, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

1 Year Ago: Boyfriend Met Casey OnlineMay 22, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nancy Grace was a bust tonight, the video's are the same old one's she has showed before. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

More happenings in Flori'duh'!!! Casey Anthony's 'duh'fense gets more investigative documents from prosecutors losingit says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, some of the comments on that article are hilarious. Cindy might be commenting too. A couple comments suggest that Jane Winetraub (sp?) might be the DP qualified lawyer joining the ream team. I don't know if I could handle losingit says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, some of the comments on that article are hilarious. Cindy might be commenting too. A couple comments suggest that Jane Winetraub (sp?) might be the DP qualified lawyer joining the ream team. I don't know if I could handle that. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, some of the comments on that article are hilarious. Cindy might be commenting too. A couple comments suggest that Jane Winetraub (sp?) might be the DP qualified lawyer joining the ream team. I don't know if I could handle that. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Good grief. Sorry about that. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

How in the hell did Brad CONway 'pull his back out'? And how did it just happen to be right on the day of the court hearing?? I like how the other attorney told the judge, "well, I guess I have to take his word for it". I think everyone knows it is a stall tactic, but what a pathetic one at that. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I bet it comes out in the end that...."Casey felt like she was never good enough and that everyone loved Caylee more than her." She said she is the victim here and I think she truly believes it. I think they will also find that Cindy drove her crazy! By that, I mean she pushed her to insanity. I could see that happening, driving her to the point of a desperate, yet regretable action. That is why I think that Cindy is now driven to do what she does, which is stick up for Casey no matter what, because she knows what she created and knows what she has done and this behavior helps her to continue to cover up her denial of self-guilt. Crazy Casey, crazy Cindy. Caylee is no more.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Happy Holiday Weekend Mates!! We all know that the news on momster has come to a crawl in the past few weeks but I can still sense the ANTfarm knowing that they know the guilty verdict is coming. Let them do and say whatever, since it does not matter due to the countless lies that paint the picture that we all see clearly. How can they explain away the words that momster dropped Caylee off to Z.G. at Sawgrass apartments among all the other lies. She did it to her daughter and that is the truth. THE TRUTH! The BOBO clan will try very hard to put up a "reasonable doubt" defense but the state will chip away piece by piece at whatever they think the jury should believe. It is over for them and the only thing that they can do is wait for the verdict which will be GUILTY as charged! Also, more charges (poisoning) against Melissa Huckabee! And re. Haleigh Cummings, well let me just say again as I did months ago, when you are a snitch (Ron) there are people that want revenge and will go to any level to achieve that revenge on you and your family. No, I do not think Haleigh is still with us but I still hope for the Elizabeth Smart ending!! Again, have a great weekend. redmark profile image redmark says: 2 weeks ago

Hello everyone , long time :) hope everyone is well....

To answer Numarama : she would've used her status as "best friend" to get as much info out of Casey as possible

''best friend'' status today isn't a big help . Many call peoples their friend best friend and yet it doesn't give you more power over somebody then if you say that person is my brother or sister .

I was thinking the same at the start of this case , that Cindy and George being her parent would have more ''controle'' , that they will be able to get from her the truth since their statue regarding her . And yet , they failed even worse then the cop .


Easy to say but hard to do . IF casey is indeed a sociopathe , she is addicted to the idea of getting a free roof over her head , pay no bill and is entitled to go and do watever she want .

There is the trap of money , you may not believe it but I know some peoples who fall into it . Some can get enslaved because their parents give them money but at the same time they take your freedom . they controle you...... if you want some bucks then you better behave otherwise I won't give you a penny . Some can't get over that......

Sure at some point , sooner or later you will have to choose between your sanity or the easy income of money . But at what price!

Casey wanted the best of both , easy money and the freedom to do what she wanted . But Cindy was the devil who always came in the middle and screw that for her...cindy is the reminder of ''responsability''...... but why she didn't kill cindy and killed her kid.....that one I have no answer for . ok I'm done , happy weekend everyone :)

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

This is what happened to Brad Conway. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

George has a new job!!! losingit says: 2 weeks ago

LOL Rascal. I wish I knew how to do that. The second one nearly made wine come out my nose. Seriously though, just out of curiosity, do you (or does anyone else) know why Brad is in the chair? This is, of course, JMO, but he seems like a really really nice guy. He seems so calm and under control. He doesn't get excited or loud, yet people do listen to him and very much seem to respect him. He speaks for his clients, but does so in a way that doesn't insult our intelligence. Sometimes the way he sort of shrugs, it's like he's saying, "We know we've lost the game, but we're just gonna keep playing until the final buzzer sounds." I would expect them to have a lawyer as low and loud as they are. He is the only thing I like about them.

Hi redmark! It's nice to see you here again. I hope things are going well for you. linn says: 2 weeks ago hey mates! I posted a nice post yesterday, hit post comment, then POOF!! Post disappeared never to be found or remembered again!

So second try, all different. I DO think Brad Conway seems to be a nice man. how in the world he puts up with Cindy is beyond me, but most attorneys have to put up with scum. As for his back excuse, it was just that. An excuse. WHY do these Ants do this? I mean, it just postpones it all. I would rather get it over with than to know it is still ahead of me..they know they HAVE to answer this time. They truly are doing Casey no favors. Maybe this is their strategy?? To make Casey look worse? When the Ants act like this, they make Casey look worse, if possible..

Regarding Cummings case. I have felt from the beginning that Misty has something to do with it. I thought Ron had a round about way of being involved, via drugs/guns and the general people he hung out with. I think to this day, Misty was out of the house, left the door undone and someone was watching. No kid at that age does not wake up when someone picks them up. My grandson is 5, and if he is asleep and I scoot him over and put a blanket on him, he will sit up. As it is just grandma he goes back to sleep. If I was a stranger, I guarantee he would be wide awake and running or making some sound. Misty was feet away and her refusal to answer any questions now, period, really makes me think she did something really wrong. For Ron to marry her in the middle of all of this, also says he knows something went wrong. I felt so bad for him until he married her, a 17 year old that was the last to see his daughter alive. Something smells here. What was the rush? course even Ron was smart enough to tell the Ants, BACK OFF, we don't want you here! I will give him that.

That Huckabee woman turns my stomach. At first i wondered what happened to her in her life to make her do this. Now I just cannot read anymore about what she has done. it is bad enough when a man does this, sorry Steve, but it is so un-natural for a woman to sexually assult a child almost her own daughters age. I think..

I always told my family I should have lived around 1840 or so. People lived a short hard life, but nothing was like the world is now. I know there were sickos from day one, but lately doesn't it seem the world has become full of super sick people?? have a great holiday weekend! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey, keeps ordering from the commissary, and people are stupid enough to send her money.

Losingit, I have never heard what happened to Brad Conway, and how he puts up with the Ants I have no idea. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Bahaha! But Rascal maybe her bulimia will prevent that. Doctor up that one of her in the toilet and sell the "Casey weight loss plan". I shouldn't make fun of bulimia. I have a sister that suffers from this. Personally, I hope Casey is larger when she goes to court. The worse she looks, the less chance of flirty flirty swayee swayee with any male jurors.

My name is losingit, and as of today I have lost 30 pounds! It took six months. Energy can not be created nor destroyed. I hope every pound I've lost has gone straight to Casey's bum. My BMI is right in the middle of normal. But guess what Casey, I think I'll send you another 5 or 10. You're such an easy Target.

Linn, I so agree about what you said about Huckabee. (I'm sorry too Steve) It is so hard to fathom that a woman did this. Men usually do these awful things. Maybe because we are women, it is something we don't have to think about a whole lot because "Only men do these things". But, you know what, I'll bet the majority of men who don't do these things feel the same way we do now knowing a woman did it. What, what, why, how could you? This whole Huckabee thing is so disturbing. It would be much easier for me to understand if it had been a man. I think you understand what I'm trying (very hard) to say. It's just so uncommon for a woman to do this deed on her own. I keep waiting for a man to be blamed and it doesn't seem to be coming. I read a lot of crime sort of stories, and I can't think of any where a woman committed a crime when a man wasn't involved. Please, if anyone knows of one, let me know. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

I mean a crime this heinous. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago losingit, I think of the one in Florida here awhile back that had sex with a student. There is so much of that also, but all she got was probation, because she was to pretty to go to jail. Now a man if he was good looking his ass would have been in prison. Tell me what the difference is. That Judge should be replaced. We need Judges that protect the kids. Raped or killed they need to be stricter with the laws.

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Huckaby was charged with poisoning two other persons not directly related to the Sandra Cantu case. According to the complaint, Melissa Huckaby "willfully and unlawfully" mixed a substance in the drink of a child under her care with an "intent to do harm." CNN reported that the child was not identified except as "Jane M. Doe." Daniel Plowman, 36, of Hayward was named as a victim as well. On March 3, Plowman was apparently arrested by Tracy police on suspicion of driving under the influence, but he was never charged with a crime. She apparently mixed the same 'drink' for him.

What a fricken kook! She makes Casey look like an amatuer! JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I agree with Cap'n Steve. What happened to Haleigh was probably someone getting even with Ron. I still don't think Misty had anything to do with it. I also think that Haleigh could of stayed asleep. My 6 year old grandson can't be woke up for nothing. He sleeps right through being carried in and out of the car, etc. So, it is possible. However, my theory is and always has been that it was the mom crystal that put someone up to this. I've tried to see it differently, but can't. I truly believe she was behind it all the way, some how, some way. I just hope Haliegh shows up some day. But if it was a payback to Ron, then those people meant business! Maybe that's why he has dropped out of site. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, you and I are still on the same track with Haleigh. I too and always have thought Crystal is involved. I still think she is alive. I think she is close to home -not quoting Casey. I do think her time is running out soon. I said this before and I'll say it again, I think she is being held in some sort of shed or garage close to home. What I see is an old shed at the back of a property, like where you would put the lawn mower. And, the lot is narrow and long, like maybe an eighth of an acre, but short at the front, but long. But very close to home. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Wow, you have visions of that, that is cool. I also have visions. I see her in another state staying with people that someone connected to someone that Crystal's family knows. It is a older farm house out in the country where there is open property. There is a dirt road that circles out in front. No other houses close by. There are small hills and large trees in the background. No water. I also see 2 other older buildings on the property as to where she is being kept. That is too weird losing it!

I think Crystal wanted to steal them again and her plan failed of getting the little boy out before Misty discovered anything. I think they convinced people to do this based on Crystals stories of Ron abusing them, etc. I think Crystal and her mom had this all planned out, but shit hit the fan. She had no other way to get custody from him, etc.. Then she attempted to say he beat her, etc. etc. trying to get the boy. I think she was thinking that she would get the boy, move to where Haleigh was and no one would know the difference after time had passed. But at this point, I think we will see Crystal move to another state soon and Haleigh will be found. I hope they track her.

At least that's my positive version of sight. I hope no one kidnapped her and killed her. If they did, it was a planned act and there had to be a motive. The only motive I can think of is revenge on Ron for snitching. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

JMo I see a couple of other very beaten down old shacks or buildings. The houses are far apart. There is no water in what I'm seeing. The house (I assume) is at the front of the property. I have not seen a vision of that. All I can picture is Haleigh lying on a cot in a one room shack. I do think they are taking care of her. They aren't really nice or anything, but they are taking care of her basic needs. I think that Ron has to do something amazing in the next few days if he ever wants to se her again. I feel like time is running out.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Haleigh needed regular medical attention according to all involved with her conditions that do not just go away. I for one pray she is alright but at this point have to say the scale is tipping in the other direction. Huckabee, you are a P.O.S. and may you live your eternal life inside the gates of hell! Momster will let you in when you arrive..... losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Hey CAPN, When I was about 15 years old a 16 year old friend of mine went missing. She has not been found to this date.

Please everyone just take a second to click on this. Mimi 24 profile image

Mimi 24 says: 2 weeks ago

Losingit, I did have look at your friends 'missing' poster. I'm sorry to say that I don't recognize her, but you never know...maybe the next person who clicks the link just might be the one who CAN help. So many read this hub and don't comment regularly (if at all.) Very smart of you to post that link here.

Your friend was a lovely young girl. I noticed that the age progressed photo is what she is presumed to look like at aroud age 22. If I am not mistaken she is now 42. Is it possible for the authorities to progress the picture closer to the age she is now?

Mimi JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Losing it, that is really strange how we see the same thing as far as the setting. I guess I view it as somewhere out of state. I also don't see Haleigh on a cot. I see her more as bored and nothing to do, sort of trapped in a confined area not being able to go outside and play or talk to anyone really. RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Friend of Cindy and George Anthony’s Request Denied

May 24, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Join the Caylee Bears and help spread their message of hope! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Beware She Bites, Anyone that does not agree with her.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Why should anyone feel sympathy for the ANTfarm with their behavior proving that I should not? Anyone, anyone?? George? Sindy? SLEEZY? Friends of them? Please inform me why am I wrong. Do not rush with your reply, I have all the time in the world for your answer. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Good Morning Steve, I for one have no sympathy for the Ants, they created the problem now they half to deal with it.

Time to go out and preasure wash my deck some more bb later. Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago losingit, so sorry about your friend. I can't imagine what her family has gone through all these years. Second, congratulations on your weight loss! So very proud of you!!

In the beginning, I had compassion for the AntFamily. Unfortunately, when they began to say lies were "half-truths", etc. etc. puck puck -- I realized how they had fooled me. Fool me once, shame on you, fool be twice, shame on me. I am not fooled!

Have been helping with some of the research of the Lawless/Huckaby family and when it all gets put together (verified and clarified) you folks will be dropping your jaws at how many SOs there are running amuck through that family.

In the meantime, remember the heroes of our lives, those whose names we know and those whose names we don't know. I am proud to be an American (warts and all)!! JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie, whats an SOs ? What research on the family? JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I have a feeling that Haliegh's name was changed (last name) by whoever has her. We should start a hub to try and get the word out more. I really have a feeling she is out there alive somewhere being hidden. As far as Casey, well we all know what needs to happen to her ugly ass! Poor little baby Caylee! Casey needs to pay for what she has done and the ANTS need to pay right along side of her! They need to work for the rest of their lives to pay back the State of Florida for all the money and time spent on that worthless piece of shit daughter of theirs and her games. I just can't believe that someone has not put a stop to all the BS with this. And now the latest with Brad CONway pulling out his back.....what? he turned the wheel on his chair wrong? Oh my, I could make a really mean joke here that is inappropriate but I won't. I wish the judge would put a kabosh on all the games! Casey needs to go DOWN....right along with evil Huckaby. I wish they would put those two in a cell together. I would pay to watch. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Please remember to fly the American Flag, for all of those that have sacrificed for our Freedom, And all of those that have lost there life for our Freedom. And for our Soldier that are sacrificing right now. God Bless them all. I love America.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, AMEN TO THAT!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I am about to get this deck done, then it can dry and i can refinish it. What a job this was but will be beautiful when I get done, next is the pond job, sure is nice to be able to work out side, wonder how the air is where Casey is, LOL JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I hope the air Casey breaths will be the air filled in her head with the smell of Caylees dead body in the trunk. I hope she smells nothing else for the rest of her life! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Maybe she can fix her self some Chloroform. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Tee hee. If good ole Huckaby is with her, she can make her a 'special drink'! Then maybe Casey can give her some chloroform. What a pair! Then we could throw Cindy in to try and control things. Now that's a circus in a cell! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Preliminary reports on body that was found , not Lisa or Stacy, different body.

JMo, they can truly name it Casey Kool Aid Special. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Circus in a cell! LOL. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Why not the Ants have made a Circus out of the Justice system, I hope they throw the book at all of them before this is over. linn says: 2 weeks ago

If put in the same cell, I think Huckabee and Crazy would love it! And to I think Losingit, or Nordie, lol old age kicking in, I don't think Crystal had anything to do with Haleigh missing. For one thing, she would of had to had her killed. No way would she do that, and at the time haleigh went missing, she had just given birth and is engaged. Why endanger her new baby, her life and her son's just to get the 5 year old back? I can see if she tried taking both kids, but not one. And even if haleigh stayed asleep, they usually only do this if they recognize the person carrying them. They always usually wake up a tad, if it is mom or dad go back to sleep. A stranger?? No way. Also, two people have said Misty was out doing drugs several times right before the little girl went missing. crystal has passed all tests, was home, and is cleared. Misty on the other hand has now refused to answer anything, her stories are inconsistent, they don't make sense, and no way, even if a 5 year old could sleep through someone carrying them out, no way should a not drugged up 17 year sleep though someone coming in the house and taking a child just 4 feet away. Don't forget the story where Junior was asleep in the bed, but she made the bed while washing Haleigh's blanket. how can you make a bed with a 4 year old sleeping in it? I for one, don't buy it. Crystal seems odd, yet she has an alibi being miles away with a new baby. Misty kept changing her story so many times she now refuses to cooperate. If I was Ron, I would wonder just why? I am with Steve and think he made the wrong people mad. I want to believe she is still alive. I just can't get a read on how I feel about it.

As far as the Huckabee nut, I think we as a society, have a hard time believing a mother, a woman, could commit a sexual assualt on a child close to her own childs age. her own daughter had never been assualted. If it was a boy even, maybe a tad easier. No, even then. Then again, who would think Crazy would kill her baby just to make her mom mad??

I plan on going to Pacific Grove cemetary tomorrow. My family "lives" there.. lol. My dad served in the Korean war and on Memorial day they put all the flags out and line the streets with large flags. Plus there are tons of deer that wander about. it is a beautiful cemetary with deer and views of the Monterey Bay. I could sit out there all day if it was not cold and foggy. Our summer has arrived.

Rascal, good luck on your deck. Nordie is it you or losingit that lost 30 pounds?? CONGRATS to ever it was. I did a while back, but gained it back the second I went off Lean Cuisines.. lol.. I am going to work on it again. not so much for my vain side, but because I felt so much better!!Everyone have a wonderful day, except all the scum of the earth. Huckabee and Ants especially. Just think, this time last year both little girls were still alive. So sad, truly so sad.. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Well, I don't think Crystal did it herself. I think she had someone do it. Anyway, the Cobra bounty hunter got arrested and lost his license and blames that Kim Picassio (strange woman) who represents Crystal. I guess a lot of people are upset that he got charged.

No news tonight on Casey. Since it's memorial day, casey is probably dreaming of her days wrapped in the American flag.

SadieSkye says: 2 weeks ago

JMo -- LOL Kudos for the flag joke!!! probably the ONLY funny flag joke EVER!!! :o)

Happy Memorial Day Shipmates!!!! America is the Greatest place on Earth!!! losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Happy Memorial Day Americans! This is not a long weekend in Canada (sad). We celebrate Remeberance Day November 11th.

It was me Linn. I love Lean Cousines, but they are really expensive here. I really do need to find new food to eat. I am so bored of salmon and chicken. Boneless, skinless chicken breasts are soooo boring.

Poor Casey. Well, hopefully George and Cindy had a wonderful weekend out on their boat. Barf. Maybe they just did a little work around the house. I wonder if they have that pesky bamboo under control yet. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago Good Morning All, thought you might want to see this. Have a wonderful day and a safe one. Please say a Prayer for all our young men that are serving our Country. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: Judge will allow NBC’s camera in civil case

May 25, 2009 by: Express

Casey Anthony May 25 update: RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony Instant messages with Iassen Donov wednesday morning says: 2 weeks ago loosingit, that was so freaky looking at your friend that went missing as a child. She looks EXACTLY like my daughters friend. Of course my daughters friend is only 13, but OMG, how uncanny.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, I hope someday the mystery will be solved.

I also had someone in my home town abducted. We were both students at the same college. His ATM card was used the night he was last seen. A year later a freshman college student purchased a fake ID from a townie that belonged to the missing person. The freshman student didn't know of the missing person so thought nothing of it until he tried using it at a local bar & was arrested on the spot. They never did find the body or locate the person who sold the ID. The weirdest part about this story is that his name, Kyle Releigh, has been embedded into my mind since then. I've done web searches to find any information on him & never come up with anything at all. It's like there's no record of his disappearance at all. Very odd.

If any of you great detectives want to google him & dig up any info, he disappeared from Geneseo New York between 1989 & 1991, can't recall the exact date. He was a student at Geneseo State College in Geneseo New York.

JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Interesting how Casey tells her friend that when she gets a new place she is getting a "puppy". I bet this is the same "puppy" that sweet little Caylee was talking about to Cindy! Casey is a bitch! JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Wednesday morning, maybe you could search some old newspaper archives with that city? Are you spelling the name right? Maybe contact a missing persons dept at the city police dept.? Marie RN profile image

Marie RN says: 2 weeks ago

Weds, not sure of your hometown - a Kyle Raleigh from Ohio on facebook. linn says: 2 weeks ago

Losingit! Well, I just now put together your name, like DUH! LOL.. CONGRATS!! I know how hard it is, and yes!! Lean cusines used to be reasonable. I could afford them, gee it was cheaper than meals to make. then my kids got older, one came back home, but I blame the GRANDSON!!! I was so good at eating with low fat/calories. but when you have young kids there are cookies, treats.. sigh. However, I can go forever with no sweets. For me it is crunchy and saltly. Sure almonds are good for you, but who can eat 12 or so? I can eat the entire can! Anyway, I know some great low cal recipes to use with chicken breasts, trust me.. lol. The main thing is to fill up on veggies and low cal stuff. I just loved LC's seseme chicken, but the more I bought it, the higher the price and the less food you got. I finally realized one day, after eating a Lean C, or a Healthy Choice dinner, I was hungrier than before I ate it. I heard others say that too. I wonder if they add something in there? The Skinnny Cow ice cream sandwiches were great, but again when they hit over 5 dollars they were out. It is a matter of finding low or no cal foods and mixing them with other stuff. As I preach this 30 pounds over weight! LOL.. I can lose it again, this time on my own but you have to be in the right mindset and right now, life is too hectic to make different meals. My weakness is fried chicken and potato salad.. sigh

I actually enjoyed NG tonight. Sure it is old, but I never got to see it all without the thousands of commercials NG has, nor her bashing lawyers to hear herself talk. I mean, I despise defense attorneys, but the non stop bashing gets old. Today and Friday, it was just watching with very few commercials and all at once. No saying "coming up" over and over so by the time it does "come up" we are sick to death of it..

Hope everyone had a nice day. I tried to clean, but the 5 year old had me going downstairs to help him figure out a ps3 game.. LOLOLOL.. I cannot even figure out who is who. Then he gets frustrated and cries. His daddy worked today so I was on game patrol and flunked. So cleaned and cooked. Losingit, tri-tip is not a low fat meal, with mac and cheese it is worse. So on to low cal again tomorrow!

Again, hope everyone had a wonderful day.. Sidenote, i didn't hear that Cobra dude was arrested.. Not surprised, but why was he?? I am not fond of bounty hunters. I have grown sort of fond of LP though RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Famed Bounty Hunter/PI - Cobra, In Jail losingit says: 2 weeks ago

I meant to ask about Cobra too. Thanks Rascal. Wow, that could have been a real nightmare.

Linn I can think of hundreds of things I'd like to do with the chicken, but it all involves stuffing it with cheese or deep frying it and dipping it in sauce. Or both. Sigh. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Judge To Rule On Video Of Casey’s Reaction To Remains May 25, losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, and everyone, do you folks want to see the video of her reaction?

I want to see it although I'm sure I already know what I'll see. Jose really does not want this to be released so I assume it will do nothing to help her case. It seems a bit fishy that she probably already heard about it on her radio, but then has the reaction later. Is it normal to video tape an accused murderer's response to such a discovery? If so, is this response used in court?

Hyperventilating would seem to me to indicate fear. If she just heard her daughter was found dead (and Casey was innocent and believed Caylee was still alive) I would think she would just crumple into a sobbing puddle of tears. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago losingit, there is nothing Casey could do to make me feel sorry for her, I am sure I know her reaction. It will be just like it was when she found out she was going back to jail, feel sorry for ME. She found out they found Caylee, had tears OMG they found her body where I put her. Then she proceeded to talk about Football, give me a break who the hell would do that. Definitely not a normal reaction for a mom.Hell she is not a normal mom, a normal mom would have helped the police from the beginning, and so would normal grandparents. None of these people are NORMAL in my book.

The one thing she did tell the truth about was her gut feeling, Caylee was close to home, give her one brownie point for that one. Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago Rascal, I'd love to give momster a brownie -- I'd take my chances on facing the charges for the UFOs contained therein (unknown food objects). Course, I could always say the nanny gave me the receipe.

To poster above - SO means sex offender.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie, I know what I would love to give Casey, and she would not like it. Out working on my deck all week end sanding and pressure washing so when I am down on my hand and knee's sanding I can think of a lot of things I would like to do her. I have almost 3/4 of it done then will pressure wash again and let it dry and clear coat the cedar again, dam this in one project i do not like. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie, I just thought of something, there is a lady in town here she looks like a Hippie. She has been arrested for selling Brownies by the Post Office and they are laced with wackey weed, hell Casey would love them. losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Oh boy, if I ever unknowingly ate weed I would probably end up in intensive care or a mental institute. I have very low tolerance for any kind of drug. I just get paranoid and assume I'm dying. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago losingit, I am the same way when I had a shoulder problem last year, I would not take anything except Tylenol, Dr wanted to give me a drug I said hell no. I suffered threw it, same when I had a root canal. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Check this out....(the video on the right) Baez says Casey will go FREE. They will announce the new attorney tomorrow. imacynic2 says: 2 weeks ago

Please tell me that the CAYLEE BEARS are a joke?

The Caylee Sunshine Dolls, imo are way better than those bears! RascalBrat profile image RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

The Caylee Bear is sick, I think it was done to anot Cindy nore then anything.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

I would think BOBO is even more of a BOBO had he expressed that his belief is that momster probobly will be found guilty and put to death... Good luck with that ANTfarm!!!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

BoBo is not going to say she is Guilty, his job is to convnnce every one of reasonable doubt. I guess we all need to fall of that Turnip Truck before trial, LMAO I could fall off all day long and it would not help Casey. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony Expected To Appear In Court

Posted: 1:45 pm EDT May 26, 2009Updated: 2:02 pm EDT May 26, 2009 JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I like when Annie Downing said, ""She did say whoever had her child they were telling her to say everything that she said".

Now, if that doesn't tell everyone that Casey was delusional and ill, I don't know what does! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, she sure screwed up keeping her story straight, and how convenient she does not have the note that were instructions more BS. Now after all that try to blame someone us, and we just do not understand more BS. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

More freaky disturbing news about Melissa Huckaby. She was truly delusional. Mixed other situations into hers and had stories all twisted in her sick mind. Reminds me of Casey. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

From WFTV:

A new Caylee Anthony memorial is in the works to replace rain-soaked toys and letters that were removed from an East Orange County spot where her remains were found.A man laid the first new teddy bear since the massive make-shift memorial was moved, Monday night near Suburban Drive and Hope Spring Drive.

Slide show of new me new memorial site:

jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

The following was snipped from My Fox Orlando story dated 6/25:

A big event was held in Daytona Beach Monday to remember and hopefully dig up clues about several high profile missing children. Even George and Cindy Anthony showed up as their daughter sits in jail charged with the murder of their granddaughter Caylee.

Speedpark Motorsports in Daytona Beach along with the group Take 25 held a free event for parents to encourage them to talk to their children about child safety. Dozens of families came out to bring recognition to the thousands of kids who are missing

Cindy Anthony spent some time on the track drag racing. Team Trenton on hand, handing out flyers hoping someone will know where Trenton Duckett is. “It's not too hard to come out to do these events people talk to you. You share your stories with each other, and just continue to move forward,” said Josh Duckett.

Take 25 estimates 2,200 children are reported missing every day in the U.S. Some are found quickly while others are not.

Too bad Caylee was never missing or even reported as such, maybe she would have been found. What can Cindy & George possible do to help people who truly have a missing family member. Possibly give a how to class on hindering a police investigation. I'd be willing to bet that they had their tin cup with them collecting money.

linn says: 2 weeks ago

George and Cindy are showing up everywhere lately. Like flies on poop. They are really not wanted anywhere. Everyone knows Caylee was never missing. They all know the Ants hindered her little body even being found. Why would any parent of a missing child want the Ants on their farm? They bring bad karma. Even if Crazy would have reported Caylee missing the first day, we all know she was already dead. it is too bad she wasted so much money and resourse. Tim Miller spent a fortune looking for an already deceased child, he had to take Sindy's abuse and still kept looking. Any money they make should go to his foundation. They make me want strangle them. They are now in it just for the money. Them and their sick bears they want money for. To make money off your dead child, grandchild is just sick. THEY are just sick..

Losingit.. try chicken breasts sauted in some olive oil, with sliced onions, brocolee, califlower.. Or whatever veggies you like. It is so good and the only fat is good fat. Olive oil which even weight watches says you need about 2 teaspoons a day of. It is so good and even better for lunch! Or sliced with chile sauce and husin *sp* sauce with garlic and some lemon. Or better yet, take chicken breasts, boil with garlic, let cool in broth. Shread chicken, take 98% fat free burritos, add chicken, salsa, onions, a tiny bit of cheese and one super meal! Add fat free refried beans and even my 5 year old loves them.

Funny how we get NO updates here on Crazy's case. nothing at all was mentioned in days here. Except Bozo seems to be in trouble as usual, but then we hear nothing about it. Has anyone heard yet if the change of venue was granted, what all the charges are against Bozo and when he will answer to them, the new lawyer that is such a secret??Sidenote to all not in CA.. OJ Simpson is appealing his verdict. Seems the jury was not black enough for him and that is why he was found guilty.. HE is the major reason I fear Crazy will be set free at times. OJ, in my opinion, helped ruin our judicial system..

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago linn, set momster free and you will see how the death penalty truly works, even in this great country of ours!! losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Jo, now don't forget, George can show them how to do the auto-phone thingie to all the neighbors that haven't watched the news or looked outside to see all the hoopla. He can also show them how to paint their car windows. I'm sure he can get them a great deal on tee-shirts, fliers and billboards. Now, that's just what he'll do for free for the grieving. For the guilty/accused party he can conceal evidence, make up phony alibis to muddle the whole investigation and convince anyone that rotten potatoes smell like human remains (oops, sorry, he doesn't like his Granddaughter refered to as that). If I (heaven forbid) ever have a missing loved one and George and Cindy had the nerve to show up uninvited, OMG, seriously, all my frustration, sorrow, anxiety, anger, etc would be totally vented at them. Oh gosh, I must be tired because I can actually picture him being there with a tin can charging me a dollar each time I kicked him in the balls.

Linn, I'm going to try the burrito thing tomorrow. That sounds really good. Where I am (Alberta) we do not have fat free burritos or veggies of any kind (except lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers). Okay, I'm joking about the veggies (I just hate most of them). But seriously, we do not have fat free wrappers. That's okay with me, I wrap lots of things- cream cheese and lettuce, refried beans and cheese, whatever. Also, refried beans are like my little secret up here. No one ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention them. They are kind of hidden in the grocery store and I'm sure I'm the only one that ever buys them. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Story in the news today about Casey: Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Hey everyone! I wonder what the judge will decide tomorrow. I have a feeling the video will be withheld . Even though it was obtained legally and whatnot there is still no real reason the public needs to see it, especially since the defense is claiming prejudice and wanting a change of venue! I think I've personally been a little 'spoiled' by the open quality of this case, and find myself expecting to see a lot of info that I wouldn't in so many other cases. Also, if I were the judge I'd really want to reduce any more circus-like media coverage if I could. Hopefully I'm wrong - I know we'd all love to have a look at that tape! I am really curious to see who the new clown - uh, defense lawyer - is too!

Ok, I have a random Zanny-related question. I was up late last night re-reading a few police interview transcripts, and I re-read Ricardo's from July 25th (w/ Corporal Edwards). In it, Ricardo says that Casey mentioned a 'Zani' several times who watched Caylee and one day he asked her what Zani stood for and she told him. In the interview transcript, the name is spelled "Zenita". I don't know if that is a misspelling or if it indicated a different pronunciation than if it's spelled "Zenaida". Anyway, what bothers me is that I thought that ZFG didn't fill out a card at Sawgrass until June 17th of '08. Ricardo says he and Casey dated from Feb to April of '08. It just bothers me that I assume Casey got the name from the card at Sawgrass in June, after (or a few days before) Caylee died, yet Ricardo had already heard the nickname and the name. Does this tie into the theory that Casey was using the name "ZFG" as an alternative identity or had a fake ID by that name? I don't know, this is just bugging me, and I'm sure it's been addressed here before - and hoping that someone is kind enough to refresh my memory! :) RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Drew Peterson Cracks Killer Jokes from Jail

Posted May 27th 2009 1:22PM by TMZ Staff

This is one sick Butt Head!! JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Numera, I remember that too. I can't recall a lot of it right now, but I remember there were a couple of people who said she used the name Zenita, but then it changed to Zanaida. So, I think it just so happened that she found Zanaida through the registry at Sawgrass, but did know a Zenita (or made up the name) before that. Casey is very cunning and sociopathic. She can tie things together and make them seem related somehow. You just have to not fall into her trap. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, Drew is a sick guy. I understand the humor thing to an extent, but it seems (just like Casey) that he truly believes all of his lies. That's how he passes the lie detectors. He truly truly believes it. I think he is a sociopath just like Casey and the others. If he was to face the truth, or near it, he would fall apart...maybe hyperventilate and double over?? So, he has to keep up his charades. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

We will see how long he keeps up now that there is anther person that says he tried to hire them to kill his 3rd wife. I wish the new one would listen to her Dad and run as fast as she can. What the hell do these youger grils see in him. I can see he is he kind of man that wants to rule everything in your life. i had one man tell me I could not do something and I turned around and said excuse me, now one tells me that! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

They found bloody shorts and some kind of item in the suspected sex offenders motel room. They think the little grils is dead. She was 5 years old, this is so sad. Everyday it is something like this. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago have to read this about Coleman. They so have him nailed. They have the receipt where he bought the spray paint at home depot, along with plastic gloves. Found the bailing rope used to strangle his wife and kids (it matches the bailing rope at his house). He had boarding passes for himself and the chick he was having an affair with, etc.... I hope that chick feels like crap right now. Anyway, he spray painted fuck you bitch on the kitchen wall and all kinds of other stuff. Talk about a sicko!!!!!!!!!! Put him in with Casey and Melissa for sure!!!! JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, need a link to your post above. Also, they released contents of letters. It sounds to me like Coleman wrote them himself (his other personality...a zanny if you will). These are very delusional and hyperreligious writings... JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Anyone see where Mike Tyson's little 4 yr old daughter got strangled in a hanging cord near the treadmill and sad. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Hunt for missing Monroe child continuesTanveer Ali / The Detroit News This is the one I was talking about, bloody shorts and object the Moms friend is a sex offender.

Sorry about the link before I was outside cooking on bbq.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

So sad if she (Bonnie) indeed faked their own abduction, blamed 2 black guys and hopped on a plane at the Philadelphia airport headed to Florida. If so, send the 9 year old back to dad and give momster a cellmate!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I often wonder what these people are smoking, using or drinking. A bunch of nut jobs in this world. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Yep Capn Steve, that is exactly my first thought! Hmmm, accident occurs (supposedly) near home, and she makes the call when thrown in the trunk by two black guys in a black cadillac. BUT...they picked up that call 25 miles away in right there, someone is lying! Then the SUV they found in Phili....hmmm (what were they chased 25 miles away)? Anyway, no damage to the SUV to show they were rear-ended...hmmm, someone lying there. Cell phone suddenly turned off? Why would they not of told her to leave it on, hide it in the trunk so the cadillac could be tracked? None of it adds up for me...that poor poor dad. He looked so sad and distraught.

That story adds up about as much as Coleman's and Casey's. The dots just don't connect! JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, the Monroe link says it was a bloody hunting knife they found. Plus the woman knew her boyfriend was a sex offender X 2 and was not to be in a relationship with anyone who had kids under age 17. (duh). Her own brother argued with her about seeing this guy. Why would she endanger her child? Plus she failed a lie detector test.

Sick Fucks! I am so tired of all of these people!!!!!!

I hope they hurry up and get the Casey case over with and give the evil murderess the DP. That will be one down at least! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Hopes to find Nevaeh, 5, dwindleHopes to find Nevaeh, 5, dwindle This creep was sentenced to 2 15 year sentences in 2002 and he is out of prision, dam he did not steal a piece of candy he is a sex offender. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, thanks for re-addressing Zenida/Zenaida...I still don't know what to think re: where she got the name. See, this is why I shouldn't stay up late re-reading interviews! :P

Really sad about Mike Tyson's daughter. Sadly, many kids around here (in AZ) die from pool drownings or from being left in hot cars - so parents are really dilligent about those things, but it's hard to imagine a freak accident happening when your children are 'safe' indoors :( linn says: 2 weeks ago

I hope you are right Capn Steve. Did you see OJ is appealing his guilty verdict because the jury was all white? And some dumb defense attorney says he could win, also because the judge is hard and was flippant to the attorneys? I mean if he walks, then anything is possible.

However, most of this I think in my case, is just having no new news lately. It just makes me worry. I mean, we have all these nuts giving Crazy money! That is scary! linn says: 2 weeks ago losingit.. I keep forgetting you are not in USA.. But gee, no 98%5 fat free tortilla shells? LOL.. They are like 1gram of fat, regular is like 4 or 3. Either way I guess, you could use large lettuce leaves. We have a hospital that does commercials on how to save calories and fat. one thing they showed was using large lettuce leaves as wraps! using those with the chicken, ff beans, lol at your secret, and salsa is so good and filling! If you try it with just lettuce leaves, let me know Re Ricardo and Zenaida or however it is spelled. From what I remember, Casey went to visit him and his new g/f, her GOOD friend. which one i can't remember. Anyway, she was there at Sawgrass the day Zenaida came looking for an apartment. She is the only girl I know that would sleep with a guy, let her best friend have him and live with him, then go visit them both. Seems to me, that is when she started using the Zanny name. After she saw her visiting the apt complex. She first saw her there when she was visiting Ricardo and I really, really want to say Annie. I also thought I heard she was still sleeping with him on occasion even with Anthony L in the picture. I might be all mixed up.

I also doubt the video will come in for now. They have said it will come in during the trial to show her reaction before she even knew the remains were Caylee's.. I hope there is some new news tomorrow. And what is going on lately? All these kids being killed, many by family members? And the lady, cough, who said her car was hit by two black men who then kidnapped her and her daughter? Well when a report comes out, even if the police will not comment, it is usually a correct report. They said the mom and daughter were spotted at Disneyworld! I mean, is she nuts? I believe they will be found by tomorrow if not already. The report said they were already in custody. i believe that for some reason.

I am not a Mike Tyson fan, but I SO feel for him and the mother of that precious little girl. What a horrific accident! May God help the little brother that found her. So sad. Mike seemed to be trying to change his life around and then this. Such a senseless accident. I was just warning my daughter the other day about the blind cords and the baby.. So sad JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Story on the PA mom. What a liar! She is going down! I feel bad for the family. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

The remains found in the river were not Stacy or Lisa, they are those of an unidentified man. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Mother Jailed After Faking Kidnapping, Going To Disney

Posted: 5:59 am EDT May 28, 2009Updated: 9:07 am EDT May 28, 2009

She is in the Orange County Jail!!!!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago New Attorney Joins Casey's Defense Team

Casey Anthony's defense team adds professor Andrea Lyon from the Depaul University College of Law in Chicago. (05/28/09) RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Live feed of Casey in Court RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

When the above video stops click play again and it continues. imacynic2 says: 2 weeks ago

Drew Peterson safe for now

DNA testing confirmed body found in the Des Plaines river is male. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Yes Drew is safe on the case on Stacy for now, but he is going to half to deal with hit man and step brother being ask to kill Stacy. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Georgie and Muffin Head were there to support there Mobster!!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Looks like she has gained weight, her buttons about to pop on her blouse, watch them Cheetos Casey they do a number on you. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey in court part 1, 2, and 3 for those that did not get to see live feed.

JMo profile image JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Man, she is about to bust out of that shirt for sure and the arms are twisted tight. Maybe she is preggers???

From what I heard, it sure seems like they are going after Jesse Grund on this. Who knows. JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Casey makes me Sick! Sitting there writing her little notes like she is the attorney (maybe another of her strange delusions). She should be sitting there with her head hung low, ashamed out of her soul for what she has done, begging everyone for forgiveness. It was sad to see the pain in Cindy's face today and in George's. Casey has truly committed the ultimate fuck you on them and they still support her because of their own denial. It's cruel what she continues to do to them (of course, they are idiots in their own right and I don't support what they do). They all deserve each other!!!! Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Hey y'all. For some reason my sound isn't working for any videos on wftv today! Weird. Anyway, I didn't bother watching sound-less - but I did watch the first minute or so when they brought Casey in and she sat down...and she literally played with her hair the WHOLE time before the judge entered the room. You'd think someone would have schooled her on that by now! NO PREENING! Ugh.

The fact that Judge Strickland wants more info before he rules on the video is promising, I think! That means he is still open to releasing it...if he had no intention of doing so he wouldn't care about getting more info. Woohoo! Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Um, is anyone else worried that Andrea Lyon has won 19 out of 19 DP cases??? Can't find much else about her...she definitely seems like a smart and capable attorney! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Numarama, I know the sound works on this link.

I just wonder who is paying to try to save her worthless butt!!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago It is up to the Jury to vote for the DP, so I am not worried. Personally she deserves it,, but life in Prison is not going to be easy for her so I would be just as happy to see that! Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Thanks Rascal! The sound definitely works on that one :)

I also wonder if we'll ever know the financial details...makes me sick to even think about it.

And yes, either way she'll die or get life in prison, both of which are fine with me too! I keep forgetting that the jury will have options as to her punishment. I keep thinking they won't convict, period, because there may not be enough solid evidence for death and she will go scot free. I need to brush up on my legal knowledge and quit working myself up! LOL

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

It was the same link I posted on here earlier, maybe some glitz when it loaded. She is not going to get out, and look at the bright side Caylee will give her nightmares ever night she lives, that is good enough for me to see her have that torment for her. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Thinking about the body that was found that they thought might be Stacy or Lisa, they said it had underwear. Dam can't they tell the diffference between tighty whites and boxers and women's undies. Glad none of them put my undiea away in a drawer. They would probably use bras to keep something warm in the winter, or a sling shot.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Numarama: I once heard someone say...... nobody is perfect. 19 out of 20 aint bad either. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, it may be a computer issue on my end - the first time I tried the link was on my fiance's desktop and 2nd time was on my laptop.

I wonder what questions/notes Casey and Bozo were passing back and forth? Seems like she was writing down questions and he was either nodding in response or whispering answers to her. I guess I'm surprised that she is trying to be as involved in her case as she appeared to be today. Maybe she is starting to doubt that she'll get away with it! I hope she is starting to freak out and worry. She had major dark circles under her eyes today - maybe she is finally losing sleep over thinking about her life on death row or spending the next 60+ years in prison.

JMo - it definitely sounds like they are going after Grund. They will probably try to say something like - Jesse was livid when he found out that Caylee wasn't his - then killed her to get back at Casey for being with other men at the same time she was sleeping with him. Poor Jesse! Poor anyone who has ever come in contact with this b*tch!! Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Cap'n - from your lips (or fingers? LOL) to God's ears! losingit says: 2 weeks ago

Cap'n, The real Zanny is a perfect 10. Oh, just over look that she is a kidnapper and murderer. Oh never mind, the nanny is now innocent and poor Jesse did it. linn says: 2 weeks ago

ODD. I just came aboard, to get a message saying I must install Japenese to read this page? Did we sail to Japan while I was cleaning the toilets? LOL.. Now, that was one ODD message. linn says: 2 weeks ago

Jesse has a solid case of NOT GUILTY. They are making themselves look even worse the public eye. I mean, he knew Caylee was not his, yet still loved her AND Crazy. I am sure he moved on, g/fs and all. As for this Lyons woman, is she huge or was it just my TV? She towered over Casey and stumpy Jose. I DID hear she is a cryer in court, and was told not to resort to the tears in front of the jury deciding Casey's fate. To me, so what? I personally would rather she gets life. Did you all hear Crazy said if she gets the death penalty she will commit sucicide? I believe it. I know I would rather end my life than be strapped down with everyone watching. As for George and Sindy. here they showed the same few moments over and over. Casey non stop fixing her hair. That might be nerves as I do the hair fiddle thing when I am. Plus she knows cameras are on her. She sure did have the circles. Not once have I seen concelor *SP* on her prison list. She, I think, messes with her hair due to nerves and it has really grown. She is used to shorter, but she did keep pulling it forward so she looked better. It was driving me nuts. Even LP commented on it. Here we did not see the Ants, just in a short passing view. No sign of "hot for casey, brother Lee".. I also noticed, that when Casey came into the court, she did not even glance back to look at her parents. She just marches in, sits, fidgets, hair fidgets, but never looked at her folks

I truly, being nosy, want to know just where she is getting the money for all these super high priced "dream teams". I would be hugging a public defender. Amazing.. Well, one good thing. I am a hair cutter. I get in a mood and cut my hair, then hating it. At least Crazy hair is getting longer since she can't go to the salon! I can, FINALLY, see some strain on her. Not enough, but it is effecting her looks. Looks good still I have to admit, but the pallor and bags under her eyes say differently. wonder how she feels knowing even if she gets off, GAG, she will still be in jail for years at the rate this trial will take. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Linn- Japanese? I thought we were headed for Tahiti.

Numarama- It looked to me like Casey was reading over typed depos. The ones I have seen are typed in two columns like I saw on the paper she had. I bet she was reading over the latest depo Bozo did with Annie. She probably was marking the points that she didn't agree with. JMO

The ream teams new addition will not be able to get her acquitted not even divine intervention can do that but she might be able to keep Momster off death row. Either way I do not care just so there is justice for Caylee. LWOP is good enough for me.

Did anyone else think that Bozo might have accidentally showed his trump card today? I think they are going to throw Jessie Grund under the bus. I hope he does go with that as no jury member will buy that for one minute. It's almost as bad as Zanny the Nanny did it.

From the looks of Momster today I bet she will be bigger than her two female attorneys by trial time. Who buys Mrs. Baden's clothes? That skirt with that lace cording up the back looked like something a street walker would wear.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I think Casey will need Omar the Tent Maker for her cloths by the time this goes to trial. Maybe she is starting a new fad, I need to be big like my Attorneys.

Keep sending her money so she can eat them Cheetos, I may half to buy a wall to wall TV so I can see all of Casey and her ream team!!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey had nothing else to do but eat!!! jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

News media talks to the defense team after hearing today:

All of the ream team got to take a shot at OSCO & the prosecutors. I love Kathi Belich! She asked if Casey was innocent why are you not out looking for the real killer. Nannie27 profile image Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Casey looks pregnant to me!!!!! Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

OMG those Amazon women look SOOOO unprofessional don't they. Not because they are big, just their sort of messy appearance!!!!! Wouldn't you think they would at the very least do something about their hair seeing that they are being seen by millions of people on t.v. I realize appearance isn't everything but they don't really instill confidence do they!!!

JMo profile image

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie, I'm with you...she looks preggers! Your boobs don't get that big overnight!!

The attorneys, well, my opinion is that they are bottom of the barrell scum. I don't care what cases she won or didn't win. I agree about the appearance. It does not show professionalism and neither does their 'cry baby appearance' to the reporters. Really, what was that? A display of 'listen to us whine'? I thought it was very unprofessional!!! None of them have any tact or poise. They should not be spewing out stuff like "go across the street and ask them why they put the dp back on". All I have to say is, 'wouldn't they like to know'!! Geez, they are comparing Casey's treatment to that of Ted Bundy? Where do they come up with their circus material? Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Exactly JMO - totally unprofessional the way they were talking to reporters. Reminded me of school kids arguing - pointing fingers etc - nothing like I would expect from people supposed to be fighting for someones life. Having said that, I will add, GREAT, just exactly the representation she deserves. I hope they blow it it big time and fall flat on their faces.

JMo says: 2 weeks ago

They looked "out of their league". I would expected this woman Andrea to appear much more "polished" looking! Instead, (to me) she appeared as a radical activist in the way she spoke. I have a feeling that they did all of this on her know, let's feed the media and public. We have to appear 'confident' that we know Casey is innocent.

I keep going back to the interview with George....he said, I think Jesse held Casey down while Zanny took Caylee. I think they will try to show something like, well why would George say something like that? Did Casey tell him that? Do they really believe that nonsense?

I also think the DUHfense is just really upset that they don't know the BOMBshell that is going to hit them in regard to why the DP was put back on. I think NoWayJose believes it was to get him off the case....hmmm. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 10 days ago

I guess Bobo and his motley crew don't seem to think that murdering an innocent 2 year old toddler is worthy of the dp!! Why is Crazy's life more important than that of poor little Caylee? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

If Looks Could Kill …. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Hard for me to believe the new attorney is not aware of the circumstances of this case. Why would you even take a case that you are not somewhat familiar with. I think it is just more BS form the Ream Team. Steve you are so right, just because she kept 19 off Death Row doe's not mean she will win number 20. We can see the wheels spinning on the Defunked side, who can we blame now, we are screwed on the Nanny story. It is not Jesse Grund that killed Caylee, they are hiking there leg on the wrong tree, Bozo should of taken the plea that was offered. But then look at the bright side of this, they keep blaming everyone but Casey. This will only look bad for the Defence, not like they need any help with that part they are doing a fantastic job of looking bad. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 10 days ago

Did you notice how Bozo looked like he was all excited because his Mom (big fat amazon woman dp lawyer) was in charge now? He looked so ridiculous like "Hey! My mommy's here and she's going to stomp your butts!!"

I also think Crazy isn't doing herself any favors by wearing ill fitting clothes and pulling her hair down.. and making her horse face look even longer. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Let her wear the tight cloths, let her look bad that is good. When she pops buttons in front of the Court I will LMAO. She fidgets with her hair and rub's her hand from nerves. Maybe she thinks is that #10 Nanny. She is the Nanny and we know that, but not a # 10. losingit says: 10 days ago Numa, I was reading this this morning. If you read the comments, it's regarding what we were talking about before. The last comment on the page is a transcript of an interview of Furhman that I've never seen before. He speculates on the relationship between Casey and Zanny. He makes it all clear as mud. nannie27 says: 10 days ago

Yes Snoopy, I did notice Bozo's smug expression while his "mommy" was talking. I felt the same as you "See, my mommy's here now - everything will be ok(oh and don't worry that she used to be my daddy, that sex change thing doesn't bother me a bit" she will kick your a** if you ask me any more hard questions." Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 10 days ago

Hey all - Happy Friday! :)

Jo, I bet you're right that those are depos Casey is writing on. I thought they were blank pages and that she was writing questions about yesterday's court proceedings. I was like, wow, she has that much to say about this?? LOL.

I read yesterday that Andrea Lyon is 100% anti-DP. She calls it a failure in our legal system. Look at the title of her book - "Angel of Death Row" - she probably sees herself as an angel saving people's lives...doesn't matter if they are rotting in cells, at least they are alive! :P. This is the only way Bozo could get an effective DP lawyer on his side - find one that is a hardcore activist and is fundamentally against the DP - guilt or innocence be damned. I think she has to know Casey is guilty, but she doesn't care because she feels that no one should get the DP, ever. I don't think Bozo has to follow all of Lyon's advice, by law he just has to have a qualified advisor on his team. He is too stupid and vain to completely let her take over, IMO. I'm hoping that Bozo will take the case on his own wacky direction, Casey will be convicted, then Lyon takes over for the penalty phase. LWOP or DP are both fine with me too!

The DUHfense (haha, I love that!) team looks like CRAP! All of them! They all look sloppy, ridiculous and unprofessional. Just goes to show that money can't buy you class! And -sorry if this makes me a bad person but I love seeing Casey look worried and fidgety and puffy with dark circles under her eyes. I'm sure she'll be looking worse and worse each time we see her. No more manis/pedis, trendy haircuts, eyebrow waxes, tanning at the beach or working out for her ever again!

Linn, where did you see that Casey said she'll commit suicide if she gets the DP? I'm interested in reading/seeing that!

Losingit, thanks much for that link! I had never heard a viable theory of how Zanny and Casey are connected...but the Sawgrass thing is too much of a coincidence I think. Furman definitely makes it clear as mud :P - thank goodness for coffee. I may have to re-read this a few times to fully comprehend. LOL. Thanks again.

JMo says: 10 days ago

Ok, someone on that same page said that they went back and watched Jessie Grund on a Nancy Grace show and this is what was said:

"I Tivo’d Nancy Grace last night and decided I would watch it while playing solitaire on my computer since she only had interviews from casey’s ex lovers. Well to my shock something that Jesse said is really bugging me now and I never noticed it the last time i listened to his interview here it is and you tell me what you think.

Police : This is completely speculative but if something did occur, where do you think she would have put that child?

Jesse Grund: My First guess was the house, but again the house has obviously been searched so its not there anymore, she knew that area of town pretty well, but I think she would stay familiar and close to home.

That bugs me I seriously think he is totaly innocent but when he said that I immediately turned my head and said “what did he just say” and went back and listened again."

Ok, so what do you all think of the above piece? Do you think Jose is going off of that? That could really point a finger at him.... comment and let me know what you think and let me know if you heard him say that. JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

Also, I read this on the page and I don't think I ever knew about this information:

"""""former LAPD Detective, Mark Furman, made a video outside of the Sawgrass Apartments. This was EXCELLENT for anyone who did not see it. He lays it out very clearly. I recall a statement someone made about something Zenaida supposedly said about how it came to be that she visited that apartment. She said it was her boyfriend's idea to stop there, not hers. It wasn't on her list of apts. to view, but he encouraged her to stop there. Let's start right there with the boyfriend, who I believe is now the ex-bf of this Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Zenaida claimed to have NEVER seen Casey in her life, nor Caylee, but what about Zenaida's ex-bf, who veered the steering wheel right into Sawgrass Apartments during the same time- frame that little Caylee disappeared?(She was last seen June 15th, according to a video made of her on that date.)If Zenaida's boyfriend came up with the idea to check out Sawgrass Apartments, let's look at how he could know Casey.Casey got a tattoo during the time Caylee disappeared. Zenaida Gonzalez ex-boyfriend has that tattoo place as a friend on his myspace friend list, allegedly. I read it posted here that Zenaida Gonzalez has a Laura Rose on her myspace friend list and Will Waters is on Laura Rose's myspace friend list. Leonard Padilla said that Laura Rose has somehow been linked to Lee Anthony. If Laura Rose is linked to Lee Anthony andLee Anthony is Casey's brother, seems like there's a link from Casey to the tattoo parlor that Zenaida's ex-boyfriend has on his friend list on myspace. """"""""""""""

Ok, matey's, what do you all think about that entry? I have never heard either of these things before. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago Jesse was not the only one that thought Casey would stay close to home, om of Casey's girl friend from school also thought the same thing. In fact she told the Detectivesthis early in the investigation. Jesse gave up his cell phone, DNA and took a polygraph, he was in no way involved in what Mobster did. Mobsters parents had already brought up Jesse's name, throw anyone under the bus except the real killer of Caylee, save there Mobster at any cost, including lies, covering up evidence and throwing out false sightings. The Ants make me sick, this is all going to come back and bite them in the ass. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Mark Furman at the crime scene! Here is the video! Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 10 days ago

JMo - the last entry you posted was the one I had to re-read a few times to understand. My only thing is, what is the motive for Zenaida's ex to bring her to Sawgrass? Just so Casey could have a link between a Zenaida and Sawgrass?! Could Zenaida's ex be an ex-lover of Casey's? What's in it for him? Still confused...

As for Jesse saying that Casey would stay close to home, Rascal, I agree that Jesse isn't the only only who said that. Heck, anyone who follows crime stories or any homicide detective knows that killers tend to dump bodies in familiar places. Even if Bozo tries to implicate Jesse with that statement I don't think it will stick. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 10 days ago

Also, at some point in the hearing yesterday, Bozo was trying to justify to the judge why he needs Jesse's phone records or something, and he basically said that Jesse is still a suspect according to LE (?). If Jesse were truly a suspect, wouldn't he be in custody? And if Casey isn't the ONE AND ONLY suspect, why are they seeking the DP against her? Obviously Bozo is grasping at straws now knowing that the Zanny defense isn't gonna work. But how do you even explain the Zanny defense at all? Jesse and Zanny were in cahoots to kill Caylee? Maybe Zanny and Jesse are/were a couple and he somehow manipulated her into taking Caylee away? Bozo is digging a deeper and deeper hole. Whatever he says will sounds ridiculous to anyone with half a brain cell. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

I dont see how that statement from Jesse incriminates him at all. He just said it was a guess:

Jesse Grund: My First guess was the house, but again the house has obviously been searched so its not there anymore, she knew that area of town pretty well, but I think she would stay familiar and close to home. The way I read it is that he is just stating an opinion!!!! JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

So true Rascal. Just very odd that Jesse stated that Caylee was probably at the house but then moved close by and that was before we knew anything at all. JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

I believe that Casey is totally responsible.....I am just trying to imagine how they could possibly blame this on anyone else. I feel sorry for Jesse G. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 10 days ago

I'm sure they will try to find a way to make Jesse look guilty by saying that he knew things that only the killer would know or something like that. Again, if LE though he was involved then the DP would not be on the table for Casey...I think we all knew from the beginning that whatever defense they try to come up with will not possibly make any sense. I think Jesse is the closest thing they have to another 'suspect' and they will try their darnedest to say it was him...

On another note, I came across this the other day - has anyone seen it?

Creepy - it's a blogger writing a diary from Casey's point of view and describing how Caylee may have died. This is the first time I've read the theory that Caylee may have been drugged, then purposely drowned. I've always read that she was drugged, killed/accidentally overdosed, then maybe Casey took her body to the pool to make it look like a drowning. losingit says: 10 days ago

I too believe Casey acted entirely alone. I can't imagine she would admit anything to anyone. I don't understand how Casey could use the name prior to seeing it at the Sawgrass. I think Ricardo is the only one that says he heard the name before. He could just be wrong.

As for Jesse saying he thought the body would be close to home, I don't find that strange at all. If you think about it, and you think of people you know, you have a pretty good idea of where they would hide something like that. My sister would probably hide it in the house. My Mom in the yard. My Dad would bury it in the bush where he quads. JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

Hell, some people hide bodies in the walls of their house for years and live with the smell....ick. Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 10 days ago

Nannie... I love your comment about the sex change for Bozo's mommy!! It's funny you said that because I had been thinking it!! wednesday morning says: 10 days ago

Hey all -- just popped on to say hi & read your notes about Cheeto-Butt looking preggers! I don't have time to watch the video links right now but will for sure do that later tonight.

Sooooo throw me your input... do you really think she's preggers or just fluffy? Marie --- What's the time frame that she's been in jail? Was it October? So she would have to be ready to pop if she was preggers before going to the slammer. Can't wait to watch the videos later now. :) Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

LOL Snoopy - great minds think alike lol

Wednesday - her Boobies look so big AND doesn't she usually tuck her tops in - that top was out and sort of looked like it was sticking out a bit. I thought I had read somewhere that she had breast implants????? I don't think she looked THAT pregnant to be almost ready - so I was just thinking that MAYBE something happened with one of the guards. She's probably doing favours to GET favours LOL!!!!!! I know I know I'm rambling , sorry Marie RN profile image

Marie RN says: 10 days ago

Wednesday, Casey returned to jail for good Oct. 14, 2008. Remember that she was 7 months pregnant before she "showed" with Caylee. She had one commissary order with tampons on it - it may have been because we were speculating on the absence of her tampon order, so ordered them just for "spite." anyway, I calculated it, and if she got pregnant right before she went to jail, her due date would be July 8. wednesday morning says: 10 days ago ok, i just watched the beginning of the video. In my opinion, she's just put on her "freshman 15". Is it wrong of me to hope she's gaining weight because she's depressed then getting even more depressed because she's gaining weight? It's a vicious cycle & she'll spiral into a suicidal state & successfully hang herself with a Twizzler? I think that might be wrong of me to hope that... RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago Casey was under house arrest except to check in with the parole officer, she was wearing a ankle bracelet in August. Cindy had a Tizzy that Jesse was laying on the Casey'a bed with his cloths on watching TV in her house. I do not think Cindy was sneaking a guy in for her to screw during that time, that was not allowed in her house. Just my thought. JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

Hang herself with a that is funny! I beleive she is preggers!

Anyway, you guys hit it just first thought was that Andrea is really Andrew! She is way too rough to be a woman. She has male features that looked changed....ICKKKKK! Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that! An activist indeed for people's rights...maybe her own situation is what drives her behavior???

We should try and find out. She didn't seem so smart to me.

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

Hi all. Wow is Casey's a$$ getting fat. Her butt is almost as big as mine now. I think I must agree with Wednesday about the weight gain. I think she is just getting fat because of depression. She must be getting more depressed because of the weight gain. It makes me kinda want to contribute to the Cheeto fund myself, almost.

The only thing I remember about Jesse Grund saying when asked by LE about where he thought Casey might put Caylee was in her dollhouse in the backyard. He then went on about how much Caylee loved playing in that dollhouse.

I don't know if I can really see anything in the fact that Zenaita's boyfriend suggested the Sawgrass apartments. I think it's kind of a leap here that her boyfriend and Casey could have conspired together. I have also done this while apartment hunting. I've went looking for a particular apartment complex that I found in an apartment guide, and then just dropped in on another that was in the same area, just on a whim (did I sound too much like Casey there?) Anyway I think it could of really been that simple.

These other attorneys make Byeass look like such an idiot in comparison. That came prepared citing case law, and Byeass gives us "good faith" for his reasoning and that's it. I agree he looked like a school kid on the playground with his smirks and giggles in the interviews. When is he going to stop acting like a damn child. There are of course other bloggers who think this video could be damaging in other areas besides Casey's guilt. Like in inappropriate contact between him and Casey when he arrived at the jail. I can post a link if anyone wants to see it. It also talks about the things that were going on in Byeass's office according to his "EX" secretary. Who knows, could be true or it could be gossip.

What is going on with Cindy? She looked like s__t. I'm also wondering if this new lawyer is scaring her and Casey. You would think that Casey would feel more relieved having the calibur of this attorney on her team, but by the bags under her eyes, the opposite affect might be happening. I get the feeling that this woman is not gonna take the stupid stuff that Byeass finds acceptable in the Ant's behaviour, or of the lies that Casey is probably getting over on Byeass. She has a good reputation it looks like, and I think she will let the Ant's know when she thinks they are screwing up her case. IMO

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

And does anyone know what Byeass was talking about when he said that people were saying that there was some kind of rift going on between the scheme team? I haven't heard about that. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

I think Bozo is pretty sure she will be convicted - if not why is he making sure he has someone that can fight the DP. Why were they going on so much yesterday about WHY the DP was back on the table. If she is so innocent, that wont even be an issue. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

They all know she is guilty, they just want to save her worthless life. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 10 days ago

Deb- Do you have the link for what Bozo's ex secretary said. I would like to read it.

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

This film called Juror Number 6 is by Rachael Lyons who is Andrea Lyon's sister. Just when we thought that we had seen all the media angles associated with this defense team. This film explores how media influences juries and death penalty cases. Now I'm convinced that Andrea Lyons has had a little talk with the Ants about their media tours. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

Well, the media didn't taint the jury in O.J's case did it - and it was sure splashed all over the papers and t.v.

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

Here you go jo. The interesting thing is there is no name for the secretary, only referred to as the "ex" secretary. Don't know how this could be confirmed

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

Here you go jo. The interesting thing is there is no name for the secretary, only referred to as the "ex" secretary. Don't know how this could be confirmed

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

Sorry for the double post. I also meant to tell you to scroll down to Peter's post. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 10 days ago

Thanks Deb ! I think what that person posted is the truth, I was reading Rick's posts (Cindy's brother) on topix & posted some of what he said at Futy's hub back before it came out that he was posting about the Ant farm. A lot of people thought he was bogus back then & he turned out to be the real deal. There's not really anyway to confirm that info came from a secretary at Bozo's office unless we could find a local that knows if Bozo had a secretary that left his employment after Casey started spending all those hours there. Bozo & Casey act way too cozy together for them to be having an appropriate attorney/ client relationship. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Please do not say there will be a little BOZO, if he was nvolved with Casey he is in big trouble. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

News - State/Nation/World Friday, May. 29, 2009| Comments (2) | Recommend (0) Illinois Supreme court rules against Drew Peterson jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 10 days ago

The latest from John in Florida's web log: The ScamAnthony Foundation JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

Somebody give that sleeze a pole so she can work off the weight...or at least get some tips to buy her cheetoes! lol

I can't even imagine a NoWayBabyJose, can yall? But then, she did spend up to 8 hours a day in his office in her skimpy short shorts and low cut shirts. Hmmm, can't imagine it was all business either, rotflmao! JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

Just noticed this one.....look at Caseys teeth in the picture where she is holding Caylee with the red shirt. They are totally jacked up and she might be missing a tooth in the back. Then look at her other pics....perfect teeth. That had a cost some thousands!!!

Deb in Vegas says: 10 days ago

The ScamAnthony Foundation. That was some funny stuff. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 10 days ago

Wonder if Casey used Windy Cindy's credit card for her veneers or did she pay a dentist off in some other way.

Bozo was on MSNBC Today Show this morning talking about the new DP attorney & the case. He said both of the correction officers that he took sworn statements from said that "what was done to Casey was cruel & unusual." He was referring to the video taken the day the remains were found near the Ant home. I found this a little hard to swallow. We all heard their description on what took place that day on an audio tape & nothing even close to that was said. From the way they talked it sound like everything that day was just normal operating procedure in circumstances like that. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Here is a good pic of Casey, she just looks fat all over to me. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

When you do not get any exercise and are stuck in a cell, doing nothing but eating junk food you are bound to gain weight. That is Casey's life now, and we see she orders a lot of junk food. linn says: 10 days ago

Numerea.. I DID see where she said that. That was so funny, Leonard Padilla's comment.. LOL.. sometimes I wonder. Does NG Even WATCH what is going on? For her show to be on the latest, why does she not have the up to date news? I figured that out one day, when she was commenting on one of the other news shows early on. It was about 2:00 PM, Pacific time. She is on here, at 5 PM.. But 8 eastern. Anyway, she was wearing some orange suit. Then at 5 my time, her show is on and she was wearing the same suit. I truly think she tapes her show very early in the day. Why else is so behind the latest news?

Anyway regarding LP.. NG asked him if he thought crazy would kill herself first. LP said she would be on the gurney, strapped down with the needle in her arm, and still be FLUFFING her hair! I was laughing so hard, then NG asked him why he thought Crazy would be fluffing her hair? I mean, good gosh! Has she not seen the video of her non-stop hair fixing? That really made me wonder if NG watches anything, or just does a report on what is given.

Crazy does look, well like shes in jail! Her eyes were really puffy, her clothes are too tight and she has that famous jailhouse pallor.. I think part of her problem, lol, I should say the LEAST of her problems, is the amount of salt she is taking in now. She looked cute with really short hair. This long stuff seems new to her and it not flattering. Some women just look better in short hair. As for her eyebrows.. lol again. I was just telling my daughter that her eyebrows are groomed and plucked. SOOO do they allow tweezers in jail? I guess they do in her jail. Not to sure about PRISON! But her eyebrows were groomed.

I also think the messing with the hair and the rubbing the hands is nerves. I also think if i was there, oh heaven forbid! I would do the same thing. Nervous over the charges, but for me it would be knowing cameras are on me *I hate cameras*, but also knowing all my ex friends, girls and boys, are watching me. I think at this point, she must love her cell. She is away from people staring at her and hating her. I am sure she feels the hate even in jail.

As far as the new attorney?? Good heavens! When I saw her next to Casey I was like "is she on an incline in the floor"?.. lol.. I also heard her say she is now considered the lead attorney. Fine for her, but I can't imagine Bozo liking that comment. He said all along he would stay lead attorney. The last DP attorney quit due to conflicts with Bozo. This woman will just pound Bozo on the head to shut him up. She is good, I will give her that. Never lost a DP case, but that is only for when Casey is found GUILTY! Until then, she is just an attorney. I pray for Crazy to be found guilty. If this Lyon woman, what an apt name, gets her life, so be it. I almost think that would be better. To just sit and watch your hair turn gray and all the wrinkles to form..

How long does it take for a judge to rule on something? I mean, he still has not decided if the video is to be in or out. From what I hear, it most likely, due to the law there, be allowed in. Now, watch it be let in, and be a nothing dude of a show.

The End...... for now.. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

I heard/read somewhere that Casey's new teeth were a gift from her mom when she graduated BUT now come to think ---she didn't graduate did she hmmmmmmmmmm JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago Her teeth were bad when Caylee was little, and I think that was after she 'supposedly' graduated. I think Casey got them to make herself feel better and that is what some of the stolen money went for. Actually, she may of requested "zanax" to relax in the dental chair.....who knows! Maybe she can blame all of this on the dentist....yeah, that's it, it was the dentist....rotflmao. Casey will blame anyone she can find.

I bet you two to one that she has told Baezhole that Jesse held her down while Zanny took Caylee. Then Caylee accidently died and Jesse planted Caylee in Casey's trunk. Then Casey didn't know what to do except try to bury her the best she could. I can hear her telling that story to that whole team. Casey is innocent in this. She is 'protecting' the family because Jesse threatened to kill everyone if she told. How psycho is that shit? I just really truly have a feeling that this is the story she is telling and that she "is making up the zanny part because Jesse told her she better or else"! Wait and see, Casey is that crazy and f...kup Baezhole is dumb enough to buy that story. This is George and Cindy's excuse for not looking for the 'real zanny' because they think the 'real zanny' is someone that Jesse planted in Casey's mind. Whacky I know, but doesn't it sound like something Casey would dream up.

Of course, i would love to know what she is really telling that ream team! Wouldn't it be interested if the Amazon DP woman felt that Casey was full of it and quit the team? Now, that would make my day. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago oh JMO - wouldn't that just be the cat's meow -- prob just the stuff dreams are made of though. Actually I had thought something like that yesterday - what if once she hears all Casey's lies she will just say there is no way we can win and then quit. But.... that is really what she is there for isn't it - for when she is found guilty and then she can try and spare her the DP.

For me, IF life really meant life (til you die) I would prefer that to the DP for her. Let her rot in there and be tormented every day about what she has done. There I go, dreaming again. JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

LOL...yes, that would be the cat's meow for sure. Also, I truly think that Baezhole and all of his shenanigans is what has gotten her to the DP status. Now he has to get someone to get her off the DP.

He keeps saying she is 'innocent', but innocent of what? Innocent of murder, innocent of premeditated murder, innocent of carrying around a dead child in her car trunk for 2 days and then throwing it out like roadside trash? I think Baez is such a game player (like Casey) that it is difficult to figure him out. Also, Judge Strickland needs to put the kabosh on his mouth! He is out of control with his whining to the media and trying to taint the jury pool with his public statements (ahem, mistruths). It shouldn't be allowed.

I can hear now:

Baez to the jury: Yes, Casey is a very mixed up confused girl, but she would of never harmed Caylee. She loved Caylee more than life itself. But what happened to Caylee is unknown. Casey left Caylee with her babysitter who she trusted, therefore she is innocent of must let her go free! She didn't report her missing, because she wasn't missing. She was with the must let her go free! Furthermore, we have no murder weapon, we have no murder motive and we have no proof of murder. Therefore Casey is innocent of must let her go free! JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

We really need to find out more about AmazonAndrea! I think this is really going to be a circus now..... Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

Bring in the clowns ...... Oooops they already have, clowns, just what any murderer needs on their defence team....Yeah for clowns!!!!!! Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

LOL - I just got a mental picture of AmazonClown lady coming into court on her tiny little bicycle with bozo on the back and circling around a couple of times and then saying - for my first act I will sing "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" and then bozo saying oh mommy - let ME sing, I want to sing, let me ,let me or Im gonna stamp my feet and cry too.

JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

LOL, that's too funny. Yes, I am not too sure where they are all coming from, but it is certainly a 'low class' act and very unprofessional. It's like they are playing games with the whole thing to get notoriety from it. I am totally amazed that G and A would not step up and say something....since they also think Casey is so innocent! If it were my kid and I truly thought they were innocent, then I would sell everything to try and get the best lawyer....not some Bozo with a side show. Oh well, maybe its all Casey's idea and we know she is delusional about everything (jobs, money, babysitters, ....) Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

Well at the very beginning George did say he didn't like Bozo, but I have heard him say since that he is doing a good job. But then, Georgie has changed most of his stories hasn't he.

Did you find it strange that all three of the team sort of stood in front of George and Cindy when Casey walked into court the other day. She of course didn't even TRY to give them even a glance - all very strange if you ask me. JMo profile image JMo says: 10 days ago

I think it would take a lot of nerve to look at them really! Considering what she is putting them through. Cindy really looked sad and George was barely holding a straight face. They have been bafoozled by Casey and consequently screwed themselves trying to cover up for her craziness! Now they are all in a mess. Crazy has dragged everyone to her level. Im glad to see that Lee is staying away. I think Casey looking at them and what she has done may be too much of a reality for her. She would rather play "the starring role" and sit up front and fluff her hair! I don't think she gives a rats ass if they are there or not! Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 10 days ago

Yes I agree JMo - it truly is all about her and her hair isn't it. oh and yes Cindy looked dreadful didn't she - I think things are finally taking their toll on them now. They probably realize all their cavorting in front of the cameras has made them laughing stocks. I can only imagine what they feel when they watch their depos. They are probably silently singing in their heads Cher's "If I could Turn Back Time" JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

No doubt! Surely they must realize that she hasn't been locked up this entire time because she is innocent, right? And surely they must realize that they have had a role in making this whole thing a big circus, right? At least that is what seems fairly common sense at this point. I hate to say this, but Casey may of shown emotion for the first time as Shame! She may of been too ashamed to look at them, knowing what she has done. Maybe she will eventually break? JMo profile image

JMo says: 10 days ago

Melissa Huckaby just formally charged with 2 more felonies. They are using that and the rape/murder charges to build a DP case on her.

I had to laugh when old bleach blondie said that Casey is being compared to Ted Bundy! What a nut case she is! It is almost as good as when she herself compared Casey to the Fugitive! She needs to just shut up really. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

If Looks Could Kill …. JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago Sorry, that woman needs a hair stylist and FAST! I mean really. Going on national media and she shows up like that???? Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 9 days ago

Yes JMO I think she IS finally showing an emotion as you say....Shame, I really felt she wasn't looking quite as cocky and confident as she has been in the past. You would think it would start to sink in soon. I mean,really, if they feel they need a good lawyer to fight the DP she MUST realize that they think she's going down. Probably til now Bozo has been telling her don't worry, your gonna beat this. JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago

If Casey is preggers, can they give her the DP? That means they would kill 2 people! Or if she has a baby, they most likely won't give her the DP right? Maybe her sick little mind has thought she can replace Caylee by just having another baby. She can stay in jail for the rest of her life and the baby can live with G and C. We need to pick out some new baby names!

If its a girl, she should call it "Candy" and if its a boy, she should call it "Chips". Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 9 days ago

I had to laugh at the two little sparkly thingy's in her hair - did she think THAT would make her look more feminine.. They just seem so out of place for the look that she has going on. Did she look in the mirror and think....hmmmmm somethings missing, oh I know, my sparkly things, there...... thats SO MUCH better LOL

(Sorry, I must have taken my How to be a B***H pills this morning) Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 9 days ago

Or what about sparky if it's a boy Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 9 days ago

I'm sure they would wait til the baby was born before administering the DP. But I think they would still do it . Life or DP , she still wouldnt be raising the child. In my opinion if she ever does have another it would be better off being adopted, that way would never have to know what the bio mom was and had done. That would be a hard thing to grow up knowing. JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago I think a little conditioner and a more mature cut would be nice. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

How about extreme make over, for all of them. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 9 days ago

Absolutely JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago

Taking a break from cleaning the garage ..... I see there is no news on crazy bitch. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

Drew Peterson Failed Half a Polygraph Test on Missing Wife Stacy,2933,434441,00.html JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago

He submerged into his cold, emotionaless personality to get the other answers correct, otherwise, they would of caught him on those too. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

He is one sicko as far as I can see. I just wish they would really find where he put her. JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago

Oh I am sure he worked hard at them never finding her.

Did you all hear about the pizza delivery guy that drove way into the Tennessee mountains and saw a woman who was handcuffed and mouthed for him to call 911 while her abductor was paying for pizza. Amazing story! JMo profile image

JMo says: 9 days ago

Guess what? The squirrels have been having their own 'anything but clothes party' and have been wrapping their nests with Old Glory. Personally, I think they did it to show Casey a thing or two. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Casey Anthony’s New Attorney Hid A Murder ConfessionMay 30, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Baez: Fight To Seal Jail Video Far From Over

Posted: 11:06 am EDT May 29, 2009Updated: 1:40 pm EDT May 29, 2009

JMo says: 8 days ago

Just one more fine example of Baezhole's flaming ignorance in who he chooses to represent! What would make my day is for the REAL ZANNY to confess to someone and they don't tell and Casey gets the DP. I guess that would be real Karma biting you in the ass, eh Andrea? What a nut case! She fits right in with Bozo and the circus clowns. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

PDF STORY RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Yes protect the killer at any cost, that is not Justice for Caylee. But Justice will prevail for Caylee, we all need to keep that thought in our minds.

JMo says: 8 days ago

Casey will get way or the other! JMo profile image

JMo says: 8 days ago

WTF? Baezhole on the Today show?? Are they serious? Is he? What a stupid move! He says Casey is 'brave and strong'. What bullshit!!!!

Get this...... Coleman sent an email to his lover: "In emails and conversations, he told Tara Lintz (stripper) and (his wife's friend) he would marry her by 2010 and said he had an alibi for the murders". God I hope this woman feels guilt for what she has done, right along with him! losingit says: 8 days ago

Hello mates. I've been gone camping this weekend. Last night we staggered off to bed before cleaning up the campsite. I woke up this morning, stepped outside and lifted the Shit-Tzu out for a pee. The Shit-Tzu chased a big, fat waddling squirrel up the nearest tree. I quickly took inventory and realized the fat squirrel had ate three hot dog buns, three marshmallows and half a bag of sunflower seeds. He didn't even run like with his front legs working together with the back ones. He just did the lefts and the right together. He waddled. We are actually very responsible campers, but last night everyone just thought someone else would take care of clean-up duties. Thank goodness we only attracted a squirrel and not a bear. Oh, I only told this story because of our "Don't Blame The Squirrels" campaign.

I'm not sure if I thought of this on my own or if I read it here a few days ago, but either way, this new DP lawyer seems to be on a mission to save people from the DP. I failed at trying to hunt the info down on my own. Does anyone have a link or any info on what she has done? Does she get them off on DP and then they are given a jail sentence? I think the jury gives a recommendation? Is that correct? I think the majority here doesn't care if she is given DP or LWP. I don't care either. So, it is a good thing maybe that DPQ lawyer wants to keep her record going but knows this case is a no win? She would be stupid to fight for innocent, but maybe just go for the no DP?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm sure you guys know what I'm getting at here. Are you still on JMo, do you have any info on this? JMo profile image

JMo says: 8 days ago

JMo here! Yeah, well I heard she was the "Angel" that saves everyone from the DP. I too think they know Casey is gonna get a sentence, but they want to spare her lazy skank ass! I don't think they will try and say she was insane, but I do think they will say she is a very mixed up young lady who is mentally ill and had an episodic breakdown when she 'accidently' killed Caylee. I think that she will get 20 plus years for involuntary manslaughter and then have some stuff thrown at her for all the chaos and financial strain she has caused upon the city, etc.. That is if they can prove the 'accidental' theory.

But then again, Baez is a f'n clown and thinks he can play his stupid games with the public. I think this is all his fault and that he is the reason they put the DP back on the table. I think the state is going to use her computer searches, stuff she told people, the lying about Caylee's whereabouts, the partying, etc. etc. to show it was Premeditated Murder! I think Baez knows that they have a strong case too and has now reached the point of 'oh shit' we better at least make sure she doesn't get the DP!

Just my thoughts. losingit says: 8 days ago

Okay JMo, that's what I think too. A victory for her ream team is if she doesn't die by LI. They are all still heroes as long as she doesn't die. Bobo got a break right? He'll be a hero if all she gets is LWP. This is a good thing for all of us who want Justice For Caylee.

I'm off to bed mates. Talk to you all in the am. JMo profile image

JMo says: 8 days ago

I agree. He is only out to save his own ass at this point. He cares about his reputation and that's all. JMo profile image

JMo says: 8 days ago

Your News for the Night:

Makeshift memorial removed from land where Caylee Anthony’s remains found

AND (at least she called after and didn't wait 31 days)

Billy Bob Thornton’s oldest daughter, Amanda Brumfield charged in death of baby

JMo profile image

JMo says: 8 days ago

OOOPs..more news. Looks like Baezhole got away with another one....

Judge rejects killer's claim that attorney Jose Baez was 'defective'

(the funny part is that the convict says it was Baez's fault he was convicted, but then they point out that Baez maintained throughout the entire trial that the guy was innocent). What more does he want? That's all Casey Anthony is getting, is a clown running around trying to convince everyone she is innocent....rotflmao. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Where is Caylee Anthony’s Father?

June 1, 2009 by: Express Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

This is a link to Amazon's personal web page! What a freak! JMo profile image

JMo says: 7 days ago

Amazon woman is just that....Amazon! lol

If you notice, DePaul (where she teaches class) is a Catholic based university. I am sure that 'religion' plays a 'huge' part in her musings with people to get them to not use the DP on anyone. Whatever! She is trying to make a claim to fame and that is what it is all about. (kinda like the hokey pokey)! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

There is a worker at our local Wal Mart, It is a guy that is on hormones that is taking hormones and trying to look like a woman, and is allowed to use the Lady's rest room beware people they are around us. I sure see simularities with someone we have just been introduced to on the news. This is a scary thought, never let your kids in a rest room by them self, you never know what they will run into. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

This one is for you Georgie, sorry they are slipping again!!!!!!!. losingit says: 7 days ago

Ha ha. That's great Rascal. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

I just thought it was fitting for good old Georgie.

JMo says: 7 days ago

Hey that was funny!

Nice little slideshow of Mothers who Murder their children....starring, you guessed it...our very own Crazy Anthony! Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 6 days ago

Rascal: LOVE the pic!! Good one!! Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 6 days ago

Wow JMO! What a horrible slide show, eh? The one that amputated her baby's arms?!! OMG! It's soooo unimaginable! These poor babies.

JMo says: 6 days ago

Not sure if I shared this before, but when I lived in Texas, my (next door) neighbor killed all three of her daughters. She got them ready for school and as they were standing on the driveway, she shot them all in the back. She claimed that God told her to do it. We moved two weeks later. I couldn't stand it there after that. The place was too strange and eerie. losingit says: 6 days ago

It's kind of funny how Casey is referred to as a murderer, but one of the side bars on that page refers to Huckabee as an alleged murderer. The actual slide show pic of Casey explains that she is only charged with this crime at this point, but her pic is the first one you see under the title "Mothers who Murder". I don't see how it will be possible for her to get a fair trial. I can't even imagine how a jury will be selected. When I watch court scenes on TV and the jury is instructed to disregard comments, I wonder how can you do that? With Casey, we know so much prior to court, how can you pretend not to know that?

I just want her to get a fair trial. I pray it isn't a gong show circus. I am confident there is more than enough evidence to convict her, but I'm worried she will get off on some technicality.

Yeah Snoopy, that poor little thing. And Mom is free five years later. I tried to click on the whole story for that, but it won't let me. The Mom looks like a Mom I watched who had Munchausen by Proxy. Numarama profile image

Numarama says: 6 days ago

Hey y'all!

Awesome picture, Rascal - LMAO!

So, I've definitely had Andrea Lyon on the brain for the past few days. Obviously I don't like her because of who she is representing but she does have a lot more brains and experience than Bozo and has the credentials to back it up. And in her defense, we know there have been other cases (others, not Casey!) where people are wrongly placed on Death Row - then it comes out years later that they are innocent. Don't want to open up a can of worms on the topic of the Death Penalty, but I guess our society has decided that it's more important to have a way to get rid of its worst criminals (permanently) and for those who wrongly end up on Death Row - too bad, so sad. For some people it's better to let the guilty live than to wrongly take the life of innocents and the only way to spare the life of every innocent person on Death Row is to never execute anyone. I just can't fault someone, even a lawyer for Casey, for having a strong point of view on, literally, a life-or-death issue….just my thoughts!

Since all the defense cares about now is sparing Casey's worthless life - I think Lyon might try to get the DP off the table before the trail even starts (I think the defense is allowed to petition against the DP pre-trial if i'm not mistaken...). I am still a teensy bit worried about what will happen - getting her on board is probably the smartest thing Bozo has done yet! On the other hand, now that there is a competent lawyer on the team, there may be less chance of an appeal when Crazy is convicted! Maybe this is a good thing…? Snoopy9318 profile image

Snoopy9318 says: 6 days ago

Jmo: What I don't understand is if someone gets "life" in prison, how can they ever be released? What kind of stupidity is that? Why would anyone be afforded the opportunity of parole when they've killed innocent children? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Caylee Anthony – What the Anthony’s and Milstead’s Do After DarkPosted on June 2nd, 2009 RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

In Memory of our Little Angel Cayee Marie Anthony 2005-2008. The people here will never forget you! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago will email wednesday and see why it will not let me do direct link, maybe i can have it up tomorrow for you all jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago

Complaint filed against George & Cindy by the Women who put up memorial that was torn down. This is the same family that Casey was emailing when she was home on bond. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago

Vigil to be held June 16th at Jay Blanchard Park. Wonder what Cindy & George will say about this.

Women who filed complaint have a picture of George taken while they were at the memorial site.

JMo says: 6 days ago

I hope the ANTS go down for this! They need to be arrested and so do those Milsteads (with their flashing stobe light, police protenders). Who appointed the ANTS and Milsteads as the neighborhood vigilante's???? They were out tearing down a memorial somewhere that 'is not their property' and should of minded their own business!!! The 'trooper' should be investigated and fired too! How could he take up for the ANTS on his own personal whim after someone called 911 and filed a complaint. He has no decision making power, just like that idiot officer that blew off looking for Caylee when Kronk called. You would think that those idiots would of learned by now. I hope they all get ticketed for harrassment, impersonating police officers, threats and destruction to private property!!! I will sign a petition for that! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

JMo, it it is true they had a flashing light on the top of there vehicle, that is illegal everywhere. There butts are in trouble and they should get in big trouble. Hey I will have the video up tomorrow I may half to join face book to do it, but I want the original one I made with music. This is the first time I felt the need to do a video and put music with it. I think that is why it would not load on here. jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 6 days ago

Scared Monkeys radio show tonight at 9p ET will be talking about the Caylee Anthony & Sandra Cantu cases. Mark Williams (Orlando radio news reporter), Wendy Murphy (former DA) & Robin Sax (LA deputy DA) will be talking about the cases & child pornography. losingit says: 6 days ago

Someone posted this in the comments on Jo's first link. The article states that possibly the Milsteads are living with the Ants due to foreclosure.

This is just another example of them thinking they are above the law. These women probably already have a line up of lawyers just begging to represent them. Right on. They got away with so much. It's time for them to be held responsible and they had better behave themselves because no one will hesitate to ever press charges. And if this is all true, another cop needs to lose his job. And Casey's swath of destruction just continues to get wider and wider. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

JMo says: 6 days ago

Good job Rascal!

They all need to go to jail. They have no right touching that memorial. It is not on their property and does not belong to them. I hope those ladies pursue the charges. And yes, the trooper needs to have his mouth duct taped! His 'opinion' is worthless. I hope they go after his job next. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Thank you JMo, what a time to figure that one out, LMAO, I play a lot with pics and have done screen savers for my own use with sound. But never posted them to a blog in all the years i have played. I am happy tonight, Yahoo!!!!

CAPN STEVE says: 6 days ago

Next they will try and board our ship to take down our memorial. We are right over here Georgie...... Sorry, our ship is faster than yours!! Hope everyone has been well over the past couple of weeks. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Steve, That kitty is waitng for Georgie, LOL

I worked hard over the holidays on the deck, now I need to clean fish pond, but still stop to play some and rest. Hope you and the boys have been well. JMo profile image

JMo says: 6 days ago

So, Rascal, how did you get the sound? Was there a choice of music on photobucket?? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Yes there is a choice, had all my music on other computer I gave my son and was to lazy to transfer it over. maybe I will take my lap top in and transfer it over some day. Some weeks it is hard to get my own stuff done, I play taxi for older friends, dr appointment and help them shop. But maybe some day someone will help me, if I need it. JMo profile image

JMo says: 6 days ago

Ok, I just tried it out too with some photos. I think the words of this song go perfect with each picture. Let me know what you think. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Perfect, good job JMo and the music soiunds like something she would listen to. I have a name for that kind of music, RAP CRAP, so it really does fit her she is CRAP. JMo profile image

JMo says: 6 days ago

I like the part where it makes the "squeaky bonking" noice when her friend gooses her in the butt and where the song says "I like to get freaky" "hard core censorship" when she is bending over her friend and humping her, and the part in the song that says "shake it on the stage" when she is grinding on her friend in the short shorts on stage.

Yes, she is crap! I am keeping my fingers crossed that the ANTS get in trouble for their behavior. George thinks he is still a cop, when really he should know better than to be doing what he is doing. Cindy is just continues to act like white trash and the Milsteads are 'wanna be' all kinds of things! What poor judgment they had doing what they did.

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

The Ant's think they can do anything they want, that they are above the law. I hate to tell them they are no special, it will all come back and bite them in the ass. It shows there crazy tactics. JMo profile image JMo says: 6 days ago

True. You have to wonder what all they have done and haven't gotten caught at when it comes to the murder of little Caylee. It is like they are a bunch of thugs underneath it all. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Well we know there is a lot of cover up, they are not off the hook yet on all of that and there lies. If they were they would not need Brad Conway. I am wondering how long they will stall with the story of his bad back. I want they to half to finish there Depositions.

JMo profile image

JMo says: 6 days ago Geraldo interviews Baez and says prosecutors are ‘twisted’ in pursuit of Casey Anthony’s life RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

I think all the twists are on the Defense side, they have there directions mixed up. And we know who flaps there gums in more then one way!!!! The Ants side is twisted. JMo profile image

JMo says: 6 days ago

I think Baez's recent 'spree' of public appearances is being made possible by advice from the Amazon woman! She is seeking public doubt and sympathy. They are trying to portray the prosecutor as 'evil minded' and out to get everyone. It's a ploy to get people to empathize with Casey's situation. I think they are going to twist it as much as they can. However, stupid mistakes and sloppiness on the parts of the county (such as jail workers and sherriffs) doesn't help the prosecution any.

They already know that Casey has committed the crime, otherwise she wouldn't of been locked up this long with mounting evidence on her everyday. Casey has drained the funds of Florida, even though they have other cases to investigate and bring to trial. I think they are all a bunch of thugs and low class trash that are going against the State because they want to get away with murder! Casey is a skanky ass bitch who deserves to be where she is and stay there. Apparently, it hasn't changed the ANTS at all in realizing that you can't just do whatever you want. There are people who will point you out and expose you! I hate how they try to come off so goody goody and then pull the stunts they do! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago Anthony’s fight website: Caylee Bear

June 3, 2009 by: Express

This is a sick idea I half to agree RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Photos Of Caylee Anthony Taken 1 Year Ago

June 3, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Letters from jail parody June 3, 2009 by johninflorida

He is to funny! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

This is good, John made this video. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

I finally found the full video of Caylee having breakfast. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Ok this is not a holiday where is everyone RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago EBay Seller Offers Yearbook With Anthony Photos June 3, 2009 by: Express Colonial High Yearbook On Sale For $179.99

Casey's teeth look the same in her year book! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

P.I. To Stop Casey's Attorneys From Getting Phone Records

Posted: 3:45 pm EDT June 3, 2009Updated: 6:13 pm EDT June 3, 2009 Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 5 days ago

There is absolutely no way the Sindy and GeorgeduhJungle man are going to keep their composure when called to the witness stand. If I was Brad, I would roll myself away from them asap. They are like fireworks waiting to explode. They have no shame, they have no decency, they have no honor. They are the most "unspecial" people I've heard about -- they deserve nothing, because they are nothing.

JMo says: 5 days ago

I second that opinion! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Nordie, I agree with you. Funny we have not heard anything about Brad lately since he had a back problem and could not appear in Court. Wonder if he is fed up with the Ants losingit says: 5 days ago

Cindy was pissed off at Brad when the circus appeared on LK. Maybe the witch has made a voodoo doll of him. Seriously though, I hope he is fed up with them. I can't help it. I like Brad. They need a sleazy entitled lawyer that I can hate.

Sorry you were all alone today Rascal. I was on a road trip back to the North Pole. When I left here in April it was still snowing. Today it is pouring rain. About four hours into my trip, I had to hit the breaks and wait for a momma deer to nudge her brand brand new wobbly legged baby across the highway. Deer are an absolute menace around here and very common, but I have never seen a fawn that tiny. It was so cute with his long wonky legs and his tiny body. Awwwww. I hope they made it to a safe place.

JMo says: 5 days ago Ok, my prediction is this: Brad CONway will say that his back problems are from the stress of the case and that he can no longer represent the ANTS for free! They will need to seek other counsel. Now that would make my day! Or maybe he will come right out and say that they are ruining his reputation as credible counsel and drop them like a hot potato!!!

JMo says: 5 days ago

Well, the Yearbook just sold on Ebay for $500.00. It went to a collector. Geeezzz! I wonder if the person who sold it is going to use the money to feed Casey's cheeto account? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 days ago

Casey Anthony: Will George and Cindy be charged? June 4, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 days ago

Looks like Cindy has a new friend. John in Florida did this.

CAPN STEVE says: 4 days ago

Morning Mates!! Let's break things up a bit and go to YOU TUBE shall we. Type in Welcome to Mississauga and maybe all of our elected politicians should be forced to spend 6 minutes watching this. Might do their city some good. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 days ago

They can read Steve, do you think they really watch things on TV, they just know how to vote the against the people. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 days ago

This is the link to Mississauga, a debt free City fantastic find steve, this lady is a kick in the pants Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 4 days ago

Great find, Captn. What a woman. Talk about putting others interests first . . . what a role model. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 days ago

Grandmother identifies body as Nevaeh Buchanan Posted: June 4, 2009 05:35 PM PDT Updated: June 4, 2009 06:48 PM PDT

Another little girl gone, this is so sad. Now why didn't Georgie take his fancy fishing boat and go look in the river. I guess they are to busy drinking beer and fishing.

JMo says: 4 days ago

So sad!! I hope they find who did this and soon!

Yes, George and Cindy along with the Milsteads are too busy taking down crosses for Caylee and going out in the night chasing women around in their cars through the neighborhood! Idiots! all of them are fricken Idiots!!!!

SadieSkye says: 3 days ago

Nevaeh's mother is also a fricken idiot...nobody sends a 5 yr old little girl outside to play unless its in a fenced in BACKYARD!!! She shud be neutered.. She doesnt deserve a child...... Well... little Heaven is in Heaven... A much safer place for her... Sorry Nevaeh.. that you were not protected by the people you trusted the most... So Sorry... RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Anthonys “To Be Questioned” Regarding Criminal Complaint

June 4, 2009 by: Express

Like they are going to tell the truth,, not in there life time!!!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Breaking News: Body Found Is Nevaeh Buchanan

June 4, 2009 by: Express

JMo says: 3 days ago Whats with the cement block and the kid chipping away at it to find skin and hair? Ick. Someone is sick! I hope they catch them soon. How heartbreaking. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

JMo, I am not sure about the cement block, I thought it said the Grandpa chipped away at the block and seen skin. This case is very strange, I will never understand the Mother having that kind of men around her child. She put her own life before her childs safty, and now little Nevaeh paid, how sad.

JMo says: 3 days ago

Police believe that a body found in River Raisen in Raisenville, Michigan is the body of a missing five-year-old, Nevaeh Buchanan. Body identification has been difficult, as the corpse is severely damaged and encased in concrete. Nevaeh Buchanan was last seen on May 24, twelve days ago, near an apartment about 25 miles southwest of Detroit, Michigan. The county sheriff, Tilman Crutchfield, announced that the body matches the age, size, and gender of Nevaeh Buchanan. An autopsy is currently in progress. A 15-year-old fisherman, Ryan Bickley, found the body in a lump of poured concrete on a riverbank near Ida Maybee Road. Early forensic investigation suggests murder. Local police are holding two men, George Kennedy and Roy Smith for questioning in Nevaeh Buchanan’s disappearance. George Kennedy is a registered sex offender.

One Monroe man identified as a person of interest in the case told The News on Thursday that police confused him during a 12-hour interrogation last week.

James Easter, 64, said he only tripped up once during the questioning about his possible involvement in Nevaeh's disappearance.

When investigators asked him to speculate about how Nevaeh disappeared -- "How do you think they did it?" -- he offered a specific scenario.

Easter said if he was the one who had abducted Nevaeh, he would have taken his vehicle "behind the nail salon nearby and called to her with a Kit Kat."

Well, what kind of innocent person would offer up a scenario like that????? I hope they arrest him too!!! All these sick people around, it's eeeirreee.

CAPN STEVE says: 3 days ago

You know what NEVAEH is spelled backward? Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 3 days ago yes, dear Capn, sure do.

And do we know whose birthday is today . . SINdy . . . wonder if her night of fun wil be looking for another cross to bash, she does have quite the talent for it.

JMo says: 3 days ago You think some of these people are evil in what they did to their kids? Read this story in today's news: RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Boy didn't see Nevaeh taken


Friday, June 5, 2009 Nevaeh's mom: 'I want to see her one more time' linn says: 3 days ago

Hey all. Well, my hard drive on my laptop finally died. Replaced, got it home and it was like nothing was fixed! Could not connect to the Internet, nothing. Gosh was I mad. Took it in Monday at 11:00 AM. I even asked the guy, "don't you check out if it works after you work on it"?.. Funny, I took it back around 5 and stood there for about 40 minutes. Odd, he fixed it! So, a week and it came back unfixed, dirty and I take it back and 40 minutes later, fixed.

I cannot look at sites that have abused children's stories on them. it is hard enough to listen to them on TV. That poor boy that found Nevaeh..He had sat on her body, fishing, for two hours. The cement started flaking and then the rancid odor started. The dad picked at a piece of the concrete and saw skin. A few feet from the water, they found a clump of long, dark hair. I noticed comments above saying the grandmother identified the body, but here they are still not "FOR SURE" saying it is her. We all know it is of course, but gee I hate these not sures when they are. The mother should have charges against her. She knew what this man was and then went on radio not to mourn her daughter, but to defend the pervert!! My daughter at work today decided to check for sexual offenders in our city. Well, guess what? We have a 54 year old living right across the street! I mean, you go down our driveway, cross the street and you are in his yard. CREEPY!

Why no news on Casey? I mean they have plenty to discuss, yet nothing is being said. I truly think we on this hub page know more that LE and the FL news reporters do! Good going peeps! Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 3 days ago

JMo, thanks for sharing that great story -- we do have choices to make. Yes, we do get to choose. Good for Brryan!!!!

JMo says: 2 days ago Well, no news on Crazy tonight. Hopefully her days are long, drawn out and miserable to the hilt! I hope her food smells and tastes rotten. She deserves nothing but to rot herself....preferably inside two plastic bags inside a hot trunk for a few days! Baez needs to quit playing games with the phone record stuff! He knows damn well that bitch killed Caylee and threw her out like trash! He needs to quit trying to find someone else to take responsiblity besides her. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 2 days ago

Hi JMo - looks like its just the two of us LOL

RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 33 hours ago

Baez Narrowed Record Request For Casey’s Former Friends

June 6, 2009 by: Express RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 33 hours ago

New Casey Attorney Files Paperwork; Witness Being Re-Questioned Posted: 3:16 pm EDT June 5, 2009Updated: 4:08 pm EDT June 5, 2009 ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the case against Casey Anthony, a new death penalty-qualified attorney has officially filed the necessary paperwork to join the case. Andrea Lyon is joining the defense, because Casey's current lawyer, Jose Baez, is not qualified to try a death penalty case.

Meanwhile, defense lawyers are expected to question a key witness again on Monday, in the case against Casey Anthony.

Jose Baez will once again interview Orange County deputy, Adriana Acevedo, even though he already took her deposition once before (sheriff's interview with Acevedo).

In 2008, Acevedo responded twice to a wooded area where a child's remains were found and were later identified as Caylee Anthony on December 11. Nannie27 profile image

Nannie27 says: 30 hours ago

I'm really getting worried that she will walk!!!!

CAPN STEVE says: 29 hours ago

She's walkin alright...6 feet one way, turn right. 6 feet straight ahead, turn right. 6 feet straight ahead, turn right. Repeat this until you wear out the soles on your shoes. HAPPY SUNDAY!! Nannie27 profile image Nannie27 says: 29 hours ago

LOL Steve - love it !!!!! losingit says: 29 hours ago

My prediction is that she won't get DP but will get LWP. If she does walk (OMG), her life will be just as bad as being in prison. She won't be able to leave her house. She has no friends. She has no way to support herself and never will. She won't leave George and Cindy. George and Cindy can't leave their oh so important new careers. I would rather be in prison than virtually imprisoned in a house with Cindy. I would rather have other murderers hate me than my own Mother. Her life will be hell no matter where she lives it. And, that's just the external. Even if she doesn't feel remorse or sadness, she still has to lives with haunting memories and nightmares. When I think about what happened to Caylee, my heart speeds up and anxiety creeps in. I have to force myself not to think about it too much. All I have is thoughts. Casey has blood on her hands and in her eyes. Her life will just be one big anxiety attack. Stress is a killer. I doubt if she'll live to a ripe old age. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 28 hours ago

Good morning ship mates, I am sure most of us have been on Bumper Cars, well Casey is going to be playing Bumper walls. Maybe Cindy can patient that game and make a few bucks, she has tried everything else. LOL

JMo says: 23 hours ago lol, you guys are funny. Capn Steve, don't forget it will eventually be 6 feet straight down under for her if we are lucky. Then who knows how far into the pits of hell she will walk! Sorry Casey, probably no cheetos in HELL! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 23 hours ago

JMo, Postal service doe's not deliver there. Rain Sleet or Snow, Hell is beyond the call of duty. Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 23 hours ago

On of the things that delights me about SINdy is I know her "fame" is eating a hole in the momster and SINdy will not relinquish that for her murdering daughter. I can hear her pitiful cries, "what about me, what about me." The answer: nothing. I also believe SINdy and company will fall cause the "foundation" is built on sand and there are way too many eyes now watching. Alas, the Ants will be sleeping on the boat because no one will hire these lying thieves. The day will come of answering for the lies, lies, lies.

Nordie profile image Nordie says: 23 hours ago

Rascal, no cell phones either -- possibly a few pings lol when her cheeto butt explodes lol RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 22 hours ago

Nordie, what is killing her is no texting from Jail, she was famous for that, and no more Fusion and laying with every guy in town. How boring her life is now. Do I feel sorry for her, Hell NO. JMo profile image

JMo says: 22 hours ago

Exploding cheeto that's a visual!

Hey, here is a link to a interview with Neveah's mom. I think she is just a little dense, maybe from her past of drugs, but I think she loved her child dearly!

Her boyfriend and his friend were "sex offenders", not pedophiles. They had no interest in little kids. However, I think that I would pick the 63 year old guy who said he would drive his car around the back of the building and lure her over with a kit kat, as being the perp! Seriously, who would offer up a story like that?? Or could be the vindictive payback by someone to get at the boyfriend? or the mom? maybe they were narcs??

Anyway, another sad story of a little one who is wetting the bed or having accidents just like Haleigh Cummings. It is really strange how the stories are similar, isn't it? RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 22 hours ago

They need to do something with the sec offendes, there is to day many running around. I ssuggest a Island not there but sex offender's, and no way off the island. Or a dull knife and cut something off.

CAPN STEVE says: 22 hours ago

Lorena Bobbit please report for duty...... RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 22 hours ago

LMAO, Yes but it will not get put back on to work. Bobbit had his put back on and has a kid. And there has to be a lot of sharks guarding the Island. JMo profile image JMo says: 22 hours ago

I would definitely go for castration of the Pedophiles!!!! Sex offenders too. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 22 hours ago

Maybe if they made that a punishment a lot of this would stop, automatic punishment for it. And tell the ACLU to back of and shut there mouth, the Sex Offenders and Pedophille's should not have any rights. Maybe we should add baby killers also, guess Casey gets her tube's tied . linn says: 21 hours ago

I don't know. I heard one of Nevaeh's mom's so called "friends" was convicted of raping an 11 year old behind some store. And aren't sexual offenders usually convicted of having sex with minors? I mean some are in for rape of adults, but her "friends" were told not to be near any kids at all, nor to be friends with any person that had kids. To me that sounds like a pedophile. Otherwise, why the statement or demand of not being near kids at all? Not to live by schools, to have friends with kids, etc? And the thing is, the mom KNEW this! She would have him come over, and try except for 15% of the time, to not have this jerk around her daughter. That is why they are in jail. For breaking probation. Meaning being around young kids. if they were not convicted of molesting children, then why can't they be around them? The news I heard is just what i typed above. Neither one was allowed around young kids. The mom knew this. Even said the main one was a "father figure" while at the same time, saying she made sure he was never left alone with the little girl. Even called a radio station DEFENDING HIM! No remorse on the show for her little girl, just that she hoped the guys in jail would forgive her. For me personally, it was sickening. She did not even have custody of her daughter. Her mother did. Who lets a 5 year old outside late in the day, all alone? I sure wouldn't. Never did. Does seem like there are more and more nuts out there

I want to know when George and Sindy will have to redo their depos'.. I mean it has been long enough for their attorney to have mended.. At this rate Crazy will die of old age. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 21 hours ago

Maybe when Cindy stops hitting Brad in the back with a base ball bat, I was wondering the same thing how long can they stall this. JMo profile image

JMo says: 20 hours ago

Well, if they are pedophiles, then I have another theory, here goes:

Boyfriend (perv 1) was silently molesting the little girl all along now (i.e. would explain the accidental wettings at her age). He then decided to 'share his stories' with his friend (perv 2). Perv 2 got a bright idea to go further with things. Ended up killing the little girl. Then got perv 1 to help hide her with the cement (the news is saying it took 2 people most likely). Perv 2 blackmailed perv 1 by saying he would tell on him for molesting the little girl all along, etc if he didn't help cover it up. Since they are close buddies, maybe this is what happened. Or, maybe not.

Other scenarios for my theory is: 1. It was a vindictive act by someone getting back at the mom or boyfriend. 2. We have another Melissa Huckaby type on our hands.

Please let them catch this person soon!!!

CAPN STEVE says: 19 hours ago

With friends like hers... Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says: 19 hours ago

Hi crew!

I'll be back to swab the decks later this week. Been a heck of a month. Actually past few months have been hectic with family illnesses on top of the regular daily business. So promise I'll get back here to clean up later this week.

Captain -- When you called Lorena Bobbit to report for duty, I realized just how much I miss you all. You bring a smile to my face in the midst of all this heartbreak we're discussing.

I'm considering changing the name of our blog spot to something else... It's really not just about Casey...but about all of the unsolved crimes... Can you all offer suggestions on what to rename it? Thanks!

Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says: 19 hours ago


I added a poll wayyyyyyy up at the top. Vote on if you would like the name changed. If you DO want it changed, then think of some suggestions & AFTER I clean up this months comments, I'll open a comment box just for new name suggestions then we can vote on our favorites. :) ok, there was really NO BOMBSHELL, I just needed to get your attention... :) JMo profile image

JMo says: 19 hours ago

So, if we do change it, then do we change it back when Casey comes back full force in the news? or should we just stick to Casey talk only and start another blog for the m & m"s (molesters and murderers)? JMo profile image

JMo says: 18 hours ago

Well, I hope that Baez is stupid enough to go for the 'mentally ill' not sane plea. She will LOSE! I mean, even Dahmer was found to be sane, and look what he did! Bad luck is coming your way Casey. I wish we could get a break in things. At least the ANTS need to be arrested for their behavior the other night, eh?

CAPN STEVE says: 10 hours ago

WEDNESDAY AND ALL: You all bring a joy to my life as well whether it is a "bombshell" news day or a "no" news day. Lately as we all know it seems as if there are 20 other topics happening around the ONE that brought us together and keeps us glued to each other. That is the main reason that I voted no. I have other reasons but that is the main one. I am in no way telling anyone what to do with this and if Wednesday decides to change the name to the Burnt Brownie Fan Club I will be there with my oven mitts on!! P.S. Everything and anything seemed to always be an open topic with us since day one whether it was something going on with one of us or something going on with another situation when times were slower than we were used to. I remember when it seemed like there was new news every hour or so for about 3 months. Happt Monday!!!

CAPN STEVE says: 10 hours ago

Make that a Happy Monday as well!! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 9 hours ago

Nevaeh Buchanan, Another Innocent Child’s Life

TakenPosted on June 8th, 2009

Autopsy to be back tomorrow.

Posted: Monday, 08 June 2009 5:01AM

Nevaeh's Mom Maintains Innocence Nordie profile image

Nordie says: 8 hours ago

Good morning mates, I too voted no because here is the one place I can come for the latest news, including discussions, about momster. I see this as a Justice for Caylee hub. I think JMo's suggestion of another related hub is good. However, I don't know the work it would be for our dear Wednesday so I'm really talking without understanding. I do know that a few months back, because of talking about other issues, Wednesday so kindly set up another hub for "Healing." Unfortunately, it's not been used. Bottom line, I'm staying on board no matter the name, once you have a Capn and mateys you like, no need to switch. JMO RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 8 hours ago

Good morning Nordie, I also voted NO, I love this hub just the way it is. We all try to keep up on the latest news. That is the first thing I do in the morning is post the new links so we know what is going on. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 7 hours ago

Casey, recieved a present in jail today. losingit says: 6 hours ago

Rascal, that's the first thing I thought about when you mentioned bumper cars. We need a picture. LOL.

I don't think we need a new name. But, if we get one, someone leave me a forwarding address so I can find my friends.

I hope everyone has a great Monday! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 6 hours ago losingit, I just was not in the mood to do one yesterday, but I thought about how to do it and now we have it. I can just picture her in her cell bouncing off the walls saying I want go to Fusion and party. JMo profile image

JMo says: 5 hours ago

That is so funny Rascal. I love the caption! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 5 hours ago

JMo, she has to be loony by the time this is over, I can not imagine being locked up like she is, I know she deserves it but what a life to be looking forward to. I hope she is still having her night mares for what she did. I think Bozo is just trying now to keep that needle out of her arm. JMo profile image

JMo says: 4 hours ago

That needle would be doing her a favor! RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 hours ago Yes it would be doing her a favor, but they are going to fight against it. We know that is what this alibi Tour has been for, they do not want to loose Casey, they already lost Caylee. That does not seem to matter to the Ants. They know she did it and are still standing by her, now what does that tell us, about who matters to them. Sad when they do not stand up for Caylee. This whole family is a bunch of sickos. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 4 hours ago

Caylee Anthony dollmaker announces book

June 8, 2009 by: Express jo1031 profile image jo1031 says: 2 hours ago

According to the Orlando Sentinel no charges will be filed against George & Cindy Anthony for the June 1st incident involving the two women that claimed that they were chased by them after they witnessed Cindy removing a cross from the site where Caylee's remains were found. The story said that the sheriff's department had investigated the complaint. This story didn't mention the Milsteads. imacynic2 says: 2 hours ago

Huckabee seems to have gotten the idea for Sandra's disposal through internet searches. RascalBrat profile image

RascalBrat says: 2 hours ago

The Ants seem to step in S--t and always come out smelling like a rose. losingit says: 79 minutes ago

Imacynic, that article was confusing to say the least. I had to read it a few times to sort out all the fathers, grandfathers and romantic relations going on. It's certainly interesting though how they are all intertwined. Hmmm.

I had to chuckle last night. I was watching the NG typical weekend fare of old Casey tapes. George was worried that she wasn't eating. It's also funny how they were all so confident Casey would get out as soon as they found Caylee. Casey wasn't so sure of that though. I believe she said it was just a possibility. Wednesday Morning profile image

Wednesday Morning says: 3 minutes ago

Hi crew, gonna swab the deck. All hands on board!