FEATURED INSECT Antlion larva, Brachynemurus nebulosus (Olivier) Submitted by Thomas Eisner1 and Mark Deyrup2 1Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853,
[email protected] J. Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, FL 33862,
[email protected] This antlion larva is red, black and silvery like the business end of stinging vel vet ants (Mutillidae) found in the same hot and sandy habitat. Unlike other south eastern antiions, this species buries itself in ant mounds, charging up out of the sand to seize ants on their own doorstep. Also unlike other antlion larvae, it is occasion ally seen racing over the sur face of the ground, probably moving from one ant mound to another. During these forays, it may benefit from its conspicuous coloration. Other local anti ions in the same genus never appear on the surface, and are black or brown. The length of the antlion from the tip of the mandibles to the rear end is 6 mm. Ii \OU Ilave a pllotograpll ot an in sect you would like to have considered for American Entomologists's Featured In sects Series, please e- mail itasa300 dpiTIFFtothe editor
[email protected]. .\merican Entomologist • Volume 52, Number 1 23 Bibliography of the Neuropterida Bibliography of the Neuropterida Reference number (r#): 11781 Reference Citation: Eisner, T.; Deyrup, M. 2006 [2006.??.??]. Antlion larva, Brachynemurus nebulosus (Olivier). American Entomologist 52(1):23. Copyrights: Any/all applicable copyrights reside with, and are reserved by, the publisher(s), the author(s) and/or other entities as allowed by law. No copyrights belong to the Bibliography of the Neuropterida.