WA8HLWQT0H NKW8 AftD GOSSIP. wreck their human in in his been AC IRON EVENING STAR. Our Affairs in bearing freight safety. THE CALIPOMCIA HEWS plaoe hat not jet intimated.per¬ HALL. Europe..We have ascer¬ The northern mails, of this morning, tell of BY THE NORTHERN LIGHT. haps Mr. Qarret tained that the mails the There was an adranee in the stoek of the WEDIIIDAT KVEIIIO, 14. brought bj Atiaatio, the saying, on of one hundred and This we have our California files, Washington pity: here on the yesterday, morning to day, and I think it has probably arriving day before yesterday sixty souls from the wreck of the New Era the Northern which vessel arrived torchedcompanybottom. BENEFIT OF WEDNESDAY AFTXRWOOH. .November 15 with thoee of the Amerioa, four by by Light, MR. HENRY (sailing days the life-boat of one of these establishments, at New York as announoed by tele- The nota of Messrs. Selden, Withers & Co.. STUART, before, as well as those of the St. sail yesterday, hare been in bad Oa which osooaion will b* prwaM A. B No. 70 Loais, whioh fact tells the tale of the immense im¬ graph. your Washington bankers, THI T00DLS8 Owews, High at., Ports- seven here for some Some of our ' ing days before,) brought despatohes of repute days. heavy rrn Timo Toodlee. Mr. month, Va., will famish subscribers to the for the various portance promptlycarrying out the humane The Northern Light brought 44 ; appointed most and received by the Europen diplomatists in this considerably quiokest yet per¬ currency is now the most reliable we ever had. nti; Parquette, 57^ Ombeetr* oar agent for collecting subscriptions to the interesting exoiting news. We have formed between the t*o cities. Gold and silver are used almost Seats, 50 o-n*a no* 14 fc* city, by the Atlantic's mails, were half a dos- exclusively ~ Daily Evening Star and ia to say on the authority of a letter It is said that a proposition has been made for small while the bank paper is Weekly Star, private en, it certain to our mind that the Government of payments, ODD FELLOWS' HALL. the State of Virginia. We oommend him to from Paris, from a American, rendering the by the Sandwich Islands as good as coin. The sooner worthless or distinguished newspaper statements the details to the Cabinet at Washington for annexation, doubtful is driven out the better. the kind attention of our friends. addressed to the senior editor ef the that oonoerning on paper THE PARROVVS ARE HERE. Star, of the recent Interview between Mr. Mason the oondition that the United States Gov¬ Bait Bolt. during his very recent in on ernment shall to Kamehameha III. We have Stay Paris his and the French Minister for Affairs pay King ARROWS GREAT SOUTHERN BURLESQUE recently obtained a new way to Mr. Soule Foreign $300,000 yearly during his life, and the same rvOM TU1CAKOBA Ao. 5, BAI LET ard PANTOMIME Adam's London, carefully abstained are * Improved P OPERA, TROUPl job press with all the latest even substantially correct. Or, in other words, yearly sum after his death to the heir appar¬ I j Order of Re1 Men, snnonnoe to the Brothers will commence a s'ties of their eha«e and Dmw> improve- from conversing with intimate friends Prinoe Alexander of the Older and the is nntnl that ments. which has been built in the course that when asked for the reasons for ent, Lipolipo, during his public t op 0J^ o'clock.partbr execute any very This shows that the allegation that Mr. Soule's from the North." This city is, to street, mence* at < ^, and oonelod** at to 10 description of job printing what- certain that he has no according Tenth str et where be will be to tee ^ given occasion for the was common parlance among the in the west, pleated dot 18 -H JOHN P. 8MITff. ever, in capital style, and at rates as reasona. intimacy with Mr. Sanders the shallowest politicians his fo mer parons and the publio generally. wanton insult offered to him by the French south of the State, north of the oenter of pop¬ I.QV IS.1w ble m can be possible pretence, and that the insult was ulation GRAND GALA NIGHT. job printing done for in any Government, and him, it seems to All the Senators heretofore elected other office in through aimed at our Government direct, in retqfei for have been from this and now the is the Tib ins ant, a lifhtu anaand darkcurt Washington. We have been us, to the Government " city, cry brown * THE FIRST 6RAID COULLO* PAXTT at of the United 8tates. on the of the a Senator from the north." since STRAYED.Onspotted DOG, about months^ very heavy to assumptions part Frendfc gov¬ Marshal, old. A reward of Three * OP THX expense, indeed, perfect this Our is so to as it Dollars ill be impression that, far, the American ernment with reference to our removing Marysville, has written, ap- given if returned to the owner on Dela¬ branch of our so as to be polty ^pth some artioles JTK establishment, able, Government are not in possession of the cor¬ other anonymous attacking ware avenue, n r h Capitoi gate on the shortest notice, to Buit all nations, with which Franoe haaJMBing Stars,win rather roughly, and Gwin's re¬ nov 15.St* MARY A CAMPBELL. EMPIRE CLUB. tastes, and respondence with referenoe to this organs EMPIRE CLUB announce to fulfill affair that to do under the laws of nations or udffar any ply without waste of compliments. respectfully to any orders with which we may be has TBItheir tri*n s and the public, that their FIRST undoubtedly transpired between Mr. Ma¬ The affair has been GRAND MILITARY BALlT < favored. convention with us. These are grafa and Meiggs swiftly followed GRAND OTlLLON PARTY -ill take place on tte son and ihe French by a multitude of disooveries of the other premdents mountsd guard win 16th of Foreign Affairs Minister, whioh we feel certain Gov¬ give their SECOND GRAND MILITARY AND NOVEMBER next, at Temperance Hall. weighty faots, life# frauds and defalcations of various kinds. The The Club pledge themselves to spare no a* SPIRIT 0¥ THE which fact must preclude lull instructions on ernment CIVIC BALL at ODD FELLOWS' HALL, od pains HORNING PRF5* of the United States cannot^rf will Two of the later city offioials are now on trial, THURSDAY Not 23. expense in endeavoring to please, and making this The the subjeot from out the next steamer. EVENING, the BEjJT of the season. Intelligencer argues indirectly to going by not overlook, in whatever aotion it feel oharged eaoh with embecxling the sum oi KXXCTTIVE COMWTTBK the jus¬ Our also that in ft$y A it is has Lieut Excellent cetillon music has bee* engaged. tly action of the French Government in impression is, the probable called on to take upon Mr. Shson's $300,000. prominent broker, said, Rohlayer, rer^t Uei'e, Refresh m nts. are in the hand* of entire absenoe of receiving defrauded a principal of $36,000, an J Lieut Flint, Quartm'r Evans. Sup(er, Ac., the case of Mr. Soule, various speoific allegations against spent J experienced caterers. quoting accounts anxiously expected report of this extraordin¬ the money. A who was Pedioord- No hats or will be allowed on the of the affair to the conduot of Mr. Soule in as juryman, bribed, nov 16.3t caps floor, that end. That journal's own France, the ary interview. drew several thousand dollars from the briber, [Int] except those of tb* different Clute. Paris correspondent in reason for his treatment by the French gov¬ and when the latter refused to pay more, he SW Tickets ONE BOLL A R, admitting a gentle¬ commenting on the af An Important Land turned S'ate's evidence. FIRST GRAND BALL man an* la ies, to b* h*d of any of the fair says: ernment, the United States authorities can Bounty Papers Forger Add these to the or THE members, Arrested..S. Chief Clerk of the Meigga frauds, loss of the Yankee Blade, and an 1 at the door on the *»me evening. "Mr. Soule's hardly fail to it as a deliberate Cole, Esq., ¦»I«W diplomatic character in no regard insult, Pension returned the Walker trial, and San Fraacisoo can show W. A A. way is to be considered in this the reoall of Mr. bureau, has, very recently, a ORDNANCE CLUB. Caho, Stlden, proceeding of requiring Mason and the a pretty good budget of news during the last TUUKSDAT. Dtaimbir 11. J. S Breast, K. Cox, rench for that from trip North, where with the assistance three weeks. ri'HE ORDNANCE CLUB reepe?tiullv Honoutoe !to a Government, applies only sending off of the French minister here ; or, Vf. Fullalcve, M.C DonnaLl, bpain. Here he is no more than other of Col. J. M. Mott, U. S. Marshal of the North- the Los X tc their trlends and the public geaerall.- thit J. Fullslore. J. any in other a [From Angelos Star.] the'r FI'Bt GRAND BALL will be f which he has obtained land warrants under ties in a place named Los Maritus; these NUAL BALL oet 81.2tawtd . say, very well in herself of that without a or THE bo long as remain in the availing right, DiiKS> oiOH laws on our own soil." Oswego county, and suffi- If the discoveries of prove Lower th» Club to trive satis'actlon to all a ho xn*y hon r Ronnbir at It is not im¬ is. It strikes us as clearly the duty of our gold true, them with their DAY, &AREFTA HAT.J.. probable that the French >ient was discover ed from his conversation to California may begin to hope for better pretence They pledge hnsnselves that they will give one of Government may lovernment of the United at all things A superior CctiLon Band is tor the ooca- say to Mr. Mason, in way of "we States, haz- 'ender it that he was conneoted n the future. engaged ube beet belle of tt.e seaseo, a* nothing shall ha have explanation, probable reg- s:on. left undone that will add to the of merely prohibited one of our irds, to sustain their representative THE INDIAN MASSACRES IN ts are pleasure the oom- from own sub¬ against ilarly in the business of forging land warrant OREGON. The R.freshmer placed into the hands ofthe pany. jects entering our own territory," and re¬ whom personal prejudice only can be By the laat arrival from Oregon, we have well-known caterer, Mr. Weaver. Good Cotillon Music has been fuse ail other alleged, >apers with Capt. Joseph Hill, who is to be No Hats or will be engaged. reply I, however, do not like if the oourtesies cannot be "ull reports of the horrible butchery of a train C«p« allowed in the room, ex¬ Supper and Kefreihm*nts will be furnished to la the appearance of the in surely, ordinary ried a second time, next week, in Philadel- if near Fort Boise. cept those worn by the Clubs. lies and it thing any way, for eoured to them the immigrants Sixteen Tickets ONE DOLLAR.-can be geutlcnen. looks very much like an intended and by fo.ce of this Govern- for a number of similar >odies were found and buried, and three chil- obtained from the Hacks will be in attendance to lafllas to marked act >hia, large offences, Managers or at the door on the of tbe Ball. and oonvey of discourtesy, and, as suoh, an neat's position as a member of the of lren were carried off by the Indians. Mr R. evening from the ball. intimation of the family he jury having disagreed on the first trial. MANAGZBS. a and unfriendly feeling of the lations, no one of them be ct. Thompson. United States Indian agent, Wm Brown, Wm Noerr, R Tickets.aumittin^ gentleman ladiee.TWO Emperor towards us may reasonably Uso, with Captain Lewis, of Philadelphia, writes from the Grande G H McOonnlck, DOLLARS; to be had oi the committee, or at tbi nationally." ixpected to be successful in the ! Ronde, September 0, Dabant, llutcbins, J Walling, mUL The Union dissects Mr. recent prosecution fho not long since ran away, leaving his hat the report of the murder by the Indians L Thomas, S Gait, 8 Moran, Flocr Clayton's >f any diplomatic business of to >f three men to another is J Pos*y, J Nolan, Wm Ma^afff. manifesto, over his importance >ond8man for his appearance under a similar belonging train, J H Ritchie, HUGH LATHAM, ESQ. joking unmercifully inti¬ )ur national interests. confirmed. Hagan, Du'ant, J Ppelvan, Cotnmi tee menu. mation that he " Louis Napoleon, in , "in the vooative." ully A C of Arrange went in for" the new party iharge, It occurred on the 19th of August, about Tant, Davis, J Mattingly, Lt Win H Smith, Lt Chas Javtns, because there :his case, is apparently calculating upon the 8 Gorman, Wm El wood, Jos Franklin, W W W are not enough Whigs in the The United States War Steamer San Ja- rinety-five miles east of Fort Boise, on the Wm Davis, H J 8gt Allan, Bgt C Neala, state whioh the anti-radical tone Feffers road. The train Miller, Maddox, John Bieene R»t John (of Delaware) to offer any reasonable mmunity present (into and Mr. Soule..Acoording to informa- consisted of five wa- John Shackleford Grimes, >f French sentiment under the command of Mose Ma*t? r of Walter Johnston. preepect of a popular gives him, to in ion the the United States ;ons, Kirkland, Cer*mnnieg.Mr COCHEU. hot 8.eotd electing Whig ticket." ' by Atlantio, War rom Louisiana. were ncv lulge in trioks of the beggar on horseback." They met by eleven 15,18 26,27 29.30 The Sentinel gives its readers all the facts steamer San Jacinto was at Southampton, Indians, who accosted them in the most friend- GRAND within tfe has, however, gone too far, for his own manner LI'MBERII SECOND ANNUAL BALL its reach the conduct of ingland, on the 31st ult., with everything y by shaking hands. Three men, feet white Lumber or TUB concerning we feel assured. fho were in the rear Ll'KIBKRI50,000 Albany pine 4-4 to the French Government to Mr. Soule. ;uture, ¦eady to convey Mr. Soule from that to of the wagons, after 12 4 We learn that the letters point ipeaking with the Indians, turned to go and 6.000 feet chrrry 8 4 to 12-4 onrncymen Ilonst-Carrentcrg' Society. received by the That gentleman and Messrs. Buchan- do OS lifferent embassies Spain. rere fired at. One was killed, and another 5.000 do 4-4 and 6-8 Rovtabsr The Election. European here, are full of in and Mason were believed to be in corres- founded. The wounded man has sinoe died. 6,000 do walnut coffin boards, first quality IIOHDAY, IT, 119^ Gardner, the Know gossip over this affair. Their names were Lake and Walter G. 6.000 -io de 4-4 to 19-#, wide and elear at Jackson hall. Nothing candidate for x>ndence upon the propriety of his going over George 10,000 do ash 44 to 16-4, of the best kind JOURNEYMEN . Perry. II018*-CARPEirriM Governor, proves to have been elected by Illy Bepaid During the whole of the last >y that conveyance, and her offloers were, on Another 6,000 do poplar 4-4 rHEtake pleaaure in aon^unclng to their frienda about S2.000 lession of the correspondent, writing from Fort| Just rtceived and for rale by nd the D*hlic cnorallT. that their majority. Congress spouting men ho 31st ult., momentarily expecting to re- 3oise, says: J. B 8BOOND The he able among WARD A BPO., IRAND ANNUAL BALL will be given on MOM* following members of Congress have and worthy gentlemen composing the leive direotions to get up steam for that end. From what I can learn, there is a determin¬ nov 16.lw Twelfth street an4 canal. >AY. Novehbxk 27, 18^4, at JACKSON BALL. been . ation on the of the elected, all Know Nothings, Free Soil, sonservative portion of the Massachusetts del- The Delaware Eltotion As strange as it part Snakes to kill and rob We have Just reoeived 49~ Parti u.are in future advertisements, ill who fall into their ^HIRTS.SHIRTS..a and flne nov M-Jt and Anti-Fugitive Slave Law : igation in the House of seem, interest is manifested may power. They say 0 large assortment of white and color¬ Representatives, to nay great being he Americans have been continually telling ed Shirts of best quality, made in the most superior R°bert B. Hall, of >ur amasement at least, seemed bentonuout"- o in to hear from Delaware. that unless ceased their manner and warranted to which we are FIRST GRAND BALL OF THE I James Plymouth day Washington hem, they depreda- fit, selling Buffington. of Taunton ibolitioniiing the avowed abolition members The popularity of Robert B. Riddle here ions an army would come and destroy them, at very low price*, Also, a large quantity of fine rERP&ICHORE CLUB. 3 Wm S Damrell, of Dedham )ut no euoh has been Merino Underthirtsand Drawers f- r cold w*a her 4 rem that State. All will remember the An- auses much of it, while the fact that Mr. thing done, and that the WALL A members of the TERPSICHORE CLUB Linus B Comins, of Americans are afraid of and that If STEPHENS, mo1 resioctfully announce to their friends and Koxbury i-Nebraska of has thrown himself into them, say | Penn. avenue, next door ti Iron Hall, heiiBE Burlingame, of speeches Messrs. Walley and 'layton personally re want to them to oome on. public in general,¦ that they intend trivia* 65 £.nflon Cambridge fight nov 16.3t FLR8T BALL at Timothy Davis, of Gloucester 21iot, and that they were more ultra and ve- he breaoh, causes the rest. heir f Nathaniel P. Banks, Jr. UTAH. WINTER ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, NAVY YARD* lement against the guaranteed of the Light-House Baker, Deseret news is to the 21st of MILLINERY. D the l>t of 8 Chauncey L. Knapp, of Lowell rights Appointment..John September. MRS. H. A. HILLS MONDAY, JaAUARY. * has been ParrtcuUrs in future of South under the Constitution, than those of d, appointed keeper of the light- Show Storm ix August..The News says a Will open a assortment of the advertisement. «< ,? v1#xa2?e';D* Witt> Worcester large no» 18.3t* 11 Key. Mark Trafton, of Westfield. tny other members from that region of the 1 louse at North Dumpling, Conn., in place of mow storm commenced on the evening of the above gtois on THUR8DAY, Noveir-'. Of the ten 10th of August, and continued with intervals, ber lfl.h, on PennFylvania avenue. JALL OF THE members of the This struck us as but an J Ufred Clark, resigned. MONTGOMERY GUARD*. present Congress, onfederacy. effort o the night of the 22d. Ensign Mount and between Ninth a&d Tenth t-tteets nov 15 It who were candidates o ~ for re-election but two make sure of the Free Soil vote at home, or The Current Operations of the Treasury he tops of the mountains east of Salt Lake THE THIRD were were A FEW MORE ANNUAL BALL chosen, Nathaniel P. Banks and Alex¬ »t least of a fair Bhare of it, in the eleotion J )epartment..On Tuesday, the 14th of Nov., Uity white with snow for a short time. LEFT. OP THE ander HAVE yet unsold several Le ts in squares No. I>e Witt, both Free Soil Democrats. The ust passed They thus assumed a 1 here were of Treasury Warrants entered on Arrival or United States Troops..Col. 915 and south of No position 3. at I 016, fronting on Maryland reel are Free Soil or themselves and their ' he books of the J. Steptoe arrived Salt Lake City, with avenue, between fcigh'h and Ninth ctTeets to MONTGOMERY Whigs. other conservative Department. en ea«t, GUARDS, lis route for would a J for the of stock 50 command, California, on the which I cJl the tcntion of those desiring a BE GIVEN ON MONDAY, the EIGHTH PEKNUAAL. olleagues wholly antagonistic to what their redemption 140,737 51st of August. The officers under Col. Step- Lotnpon e'igible terms. WILLOf JANUAKY. 186ft. riends at heme had been Tor paying other Treasury debts.. 1,032 54 oe are The pri e ranges frooa to one Full ....Gas Foster has turned contending for ever for the Customs Major Reynolds, Captain R. Ingalls, sixty buadred and particular* given to lu'ure notice. Light up at Phil¬ ince the of ] 88,015 87 Quartermaster and Lieutenants thirtv-five dollars, payable in instalments tfflve nov 13.'f adelphia as a writer for the begginning their struggle with the < Jovered into the Treasury frem Commissary; dollars per month. GEO. F. DYER, He Sunday Review. Law Tyler. Mowry, Livingston, Chandler and Alis¬ Auction and Coma lesion J lectured on Monday evening last, on "The iigher party there. Not content with miscellaneous souroes 31.228 54 H. R. are Merchant, RAND FiREMKKS AND CITIZENS' RAT.T. i on; Wirti, Surgeon. There about Office on D st, 1st houre from cor. 10th st west, or TUB Press of Philadelphia." hus themselves on the on Jovered into the Treasury from L75 soldiers. two placing record, their Customs 193 91 being companies of artillery, nov 15.dlw .... 'Ihe Hon. Reverdy Johnson, of Balti¬ eturn home, all these gentlemen, me of infantry, and about 150 employees, or perhaps ] tor the War Department 25,897 95 men 100 THE NATIONAL more, now in England, has written to a rith the of Mr Quartermaster's ; wagons and car- HOTEL imut friend exception are ua- J for in the War hie mm. Appleton, repaying Depart¬ and about this will be re-on«ned for the Fire at Washington, a letter, in which he that ment lages, 1,000 head of horses and ci:y reception of Vigilant Ccmpaty of G'orgetown, re- says lerstood to have taken active parts in coun- 2,995 95 nules. It is understood that Col. INguests on tLe S7tb of (his month The removal specttully annornoe to their friends and Americans in London, of all oonsider tor the Steptoe ot the Kitchen from rHE the the conduct of Louis parties, eling the passage of the very ultra abolition Navy Department 4,900 00 proposes hiring Winter quarters in Salt Lake the basement to the rear of tbe >ublic generally that th-ir FIFTH ANNUAL BALL Napoleon in the affair of ] f jt the interior Department 74 budding, and th« alterations in and about the vill tak* plsoe on 28th Mr. Soule as an 16,985 for the offioers and and TUESDAY,' ' in*t. at FOR* insult to our government esolutions which were passed by the last J for in the Interior De¬ 3ity troops, locating Dining Koom", will a id greatly to tbe eonvenien e 1E3T HALL. repaying he and animals in Rush c and ol - .... Thos. employees Valley, mtort its guests The table will be turnis The themselves Swann, Esq., has written a let¬ Massachusetts State Convention in the of partment 319 17 ibout ten miles south of Tooele ed wich the best the Company pledge that no pains or hope City. markets can afford, and serv-d 'Xpense will re spared to make tbie one ot the ter, »o be a the in no Boat declining candidate for election to ecuring triumph of Governor Washburn is We now learn, by way of Salt Lake the beatstjie, and expense or labor wi 1 be kgreeable Balle of the saaaon. tte Presidency of the Baltimore and Ohio Who Governor of New York 1 Ci'y, spared to render the house, in every celebrated band is Kailroad- >nd the return of their nominees for Congress, hat the Indians attacked ¥ort Laramie, took to in the respeot, equ*.l 'Pr-uperi's engaged for the ao- This will, no doubt, seoure the re¬ In response to this question the New York and burnt it. anj country. The su^cr.ber, there.ore :asion. election of the what have their course > t, plundered trusts that & generous will continue the lib Nobats or present exoellent President, 'ray, they gained by Times, whose editor has been eleoted Lieuten¬ public caps will be allowed in the room, ? xaept Wm. G. a this matter ? Have not «rnl patronage whi h&« always been extendel to hose worn bj Firemen. Harrison, Esq. they offeotually , ant the Loune. Per ous to Governor, says: B<IMOK2 CORRESPONDENCE desiring procure rooms f-»r Tickets ONE DOLLAR, admitting u gsntlemav On Monday morning last, Col. ut themielves off from the Southern Whig the * inter, can do so at any time aPer the 20th. by knd ladies; to be had of of the Mat Eger- "We give the returns by majorities in an¬ cal the Hotel E D. any agera. ton, of Baltimore, was thrown from his horse arty, as well as from the Silver < ther as The Excursion.Office I ingtt WILLAI1D. and Grey Whigs oolumn, corrected by Telegraphic dis¬ the Seekers.Meeting of Washington c.tv, November 14 1164. J« L. considerably injured. We trust that he f New who voted Clark beoause 1 patches that had reached us to Bar.Advance in Railr tad Stock. nov 15-tf n»tel Ut j'. s-ph Semmes, will soon recover. York, against up midnight Seldtn and and ion,Sent,Globe,tf] Rodier, Wm. Crowky, Baltimore oould not afford e went as far the abolition ast night. These show Clark 279 ahead, Withers, Virginia North ° W to lose such a clever fellow. upon platform as ! Carolina Notes. ~J««Ph Marll, ? hough two or three of them are open to some PIANOS! PIANOS!! PIANOS!!! i. M Linthicum, Anthony .... hey did Rodier, An exchange paper in noticing the J ioubt. The question is still in the fog as Baltimore, Nov. 14,1854. have on h md s-^eral fine PIANO F0RTE8,! Albert Paimer, John Shackelford, The Free Soilers used their self-stul- i uuch as ever. We incline to which will b* srll at iwtoniihi | H C. death of Governor Bmrt, " He was a gladly the belief that Several members of our other WE lohn . nrJ Eeavtr, brother to says: ideation to break 1 he official returns will make City Council, ly low prices, in oroer r# cicse out ourSSnSI T Fin y, ftamooi J. te