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OFFICIAL JOURNAL SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 127— BY SENATOR LONG OF THE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend Colonel Mike Edmonson, Superintendent of State SENATE Police, on receiving the 2013 Buford Pusser National Law OF THE Enforcement Award. STATE OF LOUISIANA _______ Reported without amendments. THIRTY-THIRD DAY'S PROCEEDINGS SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 128— _______ BY SENATORS GALLOT, KOSTELKA, LONG, RISER AND THOMPSON AND REPRESENTATIVES SHADOIN AND JEFFERSON Thirty-Ninth Regular Session of the Legislature A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Under the Adoption of the To commend and congratulate Terry and Rosy Bromell on their Constitution of 1974 fiftieth wedding anniversary. _______ Senate Chamber Reported without amendments. State Capitol Baton Rouge, Louisiana SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 25— BY SENATOR GALLOT Tuesday, June 4, 2013 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To urge and request the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State The Senate was called to order at 10:20 o'clock A.M. by Hon. University and Agricultural and Mechanical College and the John A. Alario Jr., President of the Senate. governor to keep the Huey P. Long Medical Center open and viable. Morning Hour Reported without amendments. CONVENING ROLL CALL SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 57— BY SENATORS MARTINY, APPEL, CORTEZ, CROWE, GUILLORY, The roll being called, the following members answered to their JOHNS, LONG, MILLS, NEVERS, PEACOCK, PERRY, THOMPSON, names: WALSWORTH, WARD AND WHITE AND REPRESENTATIVES STUART BISHOP, BURFORD, HENRY BURNS, CARMODY, CHANEY, CONNICK, FANNIN, GUINN, HARRIS, HENRY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, PRESENT HOWARD, IVEY, LOPINTO, MACK, ORTEGO, PEARSON, POPE, PUGH, RICHARD, SCHRODER, SIMON, STOKES AND TALBOT Mr. President Erdey Peacock A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Allain Gallot Riser To urge and request the various departments to take certain actions Amedee Johns Smith, G.
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