On Quantum Codes and Networks

Colin Michael Wilmott

Technical Report RHUL–MA–2009–11 23 February 2009

Department of Mathematics Royal Holloway, University of London Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, England http://www.rhul.ac.uk/mathematics/techreports ON QUANTUM CODES AND NETWORKS

Colin Michael Wilmott

Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London

Thesis submitted to The University of London for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2008. Declaration

The material contained herein is the result of my own studies. I declare that foregoing is true and correct.

2 Acknowledgements

It is a real pleasure to acknowledge the help that I have received in bringing this thesis to fruition. My supervisor Professor Peter Wild displayed patience, understanding and insight during our many hours of discussion. To my family and friends for their welcome distraction and source of excellent conversation. To these, I offer my sincere thanks for their sustained support at all stages. My graduate career was supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Fellowship.

3 Abstract

The concern of quantum computation is the computation of quantum phe- nomena as observed in Nature. A prerequisite for the attainment of such computation is a set of unitary transformations that describe the operational process within the quantum system. Since operational transformations in- evitably interact with elements outside of the quantum system, we therefore have quantum gate evolutions determined with less than absolute precision. Consequently, the theory of quantum error-correction has developed to meet this difficulty. Further, it is increasingly evident that much effort is being made into finding efficient quantum circuits in the sense that for a library of realis- able quantum gates there is no smaller circuit that achieves the same task with the same library of gates. A reason for this concerted effort is primarily due to the principle of decoherence. I give the construction for the set of unitary transformations that describe an error model that acts on a d-dimensional quantum system. I also give an overview of the theoretical framework asso- ciated with such unitary transformations and generalise results to cater for d-dimensional quantum states. I introduce two quantum gate constructions that generalises the SWAP gate to higher dimensions. The first of these constructions is the WilNOT gate and the second is an efficient design also based on binomial summations. Both of these constructions yield a quan- tum qudit SWAP gate determined only in the CNOT gate. Furthermore, the task of constructing generalised SWAP gates based on transpositions of qudit states is argued in terms of the signature of a permutation. Based on this ar- gument, we show that circuit architectures completely described by instances

4 of the CNOT gate can not implement a transposition of a pair of qudits over dimensions d = 3 mod 4. Consequently, our quantum circuits are of interest because it is not possible to implement a SWAP of by a sequence of transpositions of qutrits if only CNOT gates are used. I also give bounds on numbers of quantum codes predicated on d-dimensional quantum systems, and generalise the encoding and decoding architectures for qudit codes.

5 Contents

Declaration 2

Acknowledgements 3

Abstract 4

Contents 6

List of Tables 9

List of Figures 10

1 Introduction 12 1.1 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics ...... 15 1.2 Introduction to Coding Theory ...... 21

2 27 2.1TheChannel...... 27 2.2 An Error Model ...... 34 2.3 Definition and basic properties ...... 37 2.4 A Quantum QuditCode...... 43 2.5 Qudit Error Correction ...... 45

3 Unitary Error Bases 50 3.1 Higher Dimensional Unitary Error Bases ...... 52 3.2 Shift and Multiply Bases ...... 55 3.3 Nice Error Bases ...... 56

6 4 The Stabilizer Formalism 65 4.1 Basic Definitions ...... 66 4.2 Stabilizer Codes ...... 67 4.3 On Stabilizer Equivalence ...... 70 4.4 Error Correcting Capabilities ...... 74 4.5 Encoding the Stabilizer ...... 76 4.6 Network for Encoding ...... 80

5 Quantum Computation 84 5.1 Introduction ...... 84 5.2 Multiple Quantum Gates ...... 89 5.3 Quantum Circuits ...... 90 5.4 On Permutations ...... 97 5.4.1 On the swap of a pair of Qutrits ...... 99 5.5 On the swap of a pair of qudits...... 102

6 On the WilNOT Gate 105 6.1 The WilNOT Gate ...... 106 6.2 WilNOT Example: The Case ...... 121 6.3 On the WilNOT Gate over Even Dimensions Greater than Two ...... 136

7 On Binomial Summations and an Efficient Generalised Quan- tum SWAP Gate 143 7.1 The Construction ...... 143 7.1.1 The case d = pm ...... 148 7.1.2 Examples ...... 152

m 7.2 On the cycle length of haj mod p i ...... 155

7 7.3 Efficient Qutrit SWAP ...... 159

8 Examples of Qudit Codes 172 8.1 The QuditShorCode...... 172 8.2 Qudit Stabilizer Codes ...... 175 8.3 Constructing the Normaliser N (S) ...... 180 8.4 Encoding a Qudit ...... 183 8.5 Correcting Procedure ...... 190 8.6 Complexity of a Qudit Stabilizer Code ...... 192

Appendix 195

Bibliography 199

8 List of Tables

j/d j−(d−1)i 7.1 Cycle length of Pi=0 i mod d...... 157

8.1 The stabilizer for a five qutrit code...... 176 8.2 The stabilizer for a nine qutrit code...... 180 8.3 Algorithm to compute an encoding network for a qudit code. . 185 8.4 The stabilizer for a five qudit code derived from the five qubit code...... 194

9 List of Figures

2.1 Generalised Bell State...... 29 2.2 for teleporting a qudit...... 31 2.3 Non-demolition measurement circuit...... 47

∗ 4.1 Encoding network for XM ...... 82 ∗ ∗ 4.2 Encoding network for XM ZM ...... 83 4.3 An Encoding Network for the [[8, 3, 5]] qubit code...... 83

5.1 Controlled-NOT produces entangled states...... 89 5.2 swapping two ...... 91 5.3 representations of CNOT types...... 100

6.1 The WilNOT Gate; A Generalised SWAP Gate...... 107 6.2 WilNOT gate; Stage 2, steps j = 1, 2...... 110 6.3 WilNOT gate; Stage 2. Algorithm step operates on successive pairs...... 110 6.4 WilNOT gate; Stage 2, steps j = 1,. . . , d-1...... 111 6.5 WilNOT gate; Stage 3, step j = d...... 112 6.6 WilNOT gate; Stage 4, step j = d +1...... 112 6.7 WilNOT gate; Stage 5, step j = d +2...... 113 6.8 Qutrit WilNOT SWAP Network...... 121 6.9 WilNOT gate over dimensions d = 0 mod 2; Stage 3...... 137

6.10 Pξ − 1 gates on pairs (ik,ik+1)...... 140

6.11 d − ξ gates on (id−2,id−1)...... 141

10 7.1 Binomial summation Quantum SWAP network construction over dimension4...... 144 7.2 Quantum SWAP gate for qutrit states...... 159

8.1 Encoding and decoding circuit for the Shor qudit code. . . . . 173 8.2 Encoding circuit for a five qutrit code...... 189 8.3 Encoding circuit for a nine qutrit code...... 193

11 Chapter 1


The desire to comprehend philosophies at the edge of possibility continues to be a source of advancement today as it has been at any other time in his- tory. If such a premise is taken to be a departure point in the challenge to extend the boundaries of knowledge then theoretical and technical innovation will abide. The Theory of Quantum Computation continues to advance our understanding of information as established in the seminal work of Shannon through an innovative analysis of the nature of noise. This development of a quantum mechanical computing framework has redefined quantum computa- tion and inspires discoveries whose very nature lie at the frontier of reality. Modern computing begins with the pioneering work of Charles Babbage and Alan Turing. An analytical machine put forward by Babbage conceived the principle on which modern computing rests. Over a century later, Turing improved upon the ideas of Babbage by devising a programmable means that would become a basis for the description of computing logic. This model of computation was then strengthened to illustrate the universal nature. This became known as the Church-Turing thesis [89] and acknowledges the equiv- alence between the principles of the Turing machine and the work of Alonzo Church in lambda calculus. However, it is the nature of innovation to challenge

12 common perception, and challenges from different forms of efficient computa- tion coupled with the emergence of randomised algorithmic protocols have recast the Church-Turing thesis. These challenges may be seen to either strengthen the position of modern computing or illustrate the limitations in which modern computing is envisaged. Quantum mechanics offers a new direction in the field of computation with an interpretation of system more profound than the classical interpretation of computation. Whereas the state of a classical computation can be described in terms of a set of observable elements, the state of a quantum computation can not be observed but rather is interpreted through a wave function associated with the system. The promise of a quantum computer rests with the com- plexity advantage it has over its classical counterpart. This was first mooted by Richard Feynman [29] in which he suggests that the intractable nature of using classical computers to describe quantum phenonmen might be overcome were one to design a computer that used quantum mechanical effects. In 1985 David Deutsch [24] proposed a model of a quantum computer that gave cre- dence to Feynman’s conjecture. The insights of Feynman and Deutsch into the theory of quantum compuation mirror the contributions made by Babbage and Turing to classical computation. The task of constructing a quantum computer is predicated on firstly re- alising the inherent processing advantage of quantum compuation over its classical analogue and secondly, and more importantly, on controlling the sen- sitive quantum interference effects that explain the source of its computational power. However quantum computations also produce interactions between sensitive and noise in the system and this interaction results in decoherence, an outcome that destroys quantum information. Deco- herence is an inevitable feature of quantum computation, and therefore, it is

13 of fundamental importance that any coupling between information and noise be controlled to within a suitable degree of precision. A number of proposals have emerged in recent years that put forth descriptions for a complete physi- cal model for quantum computation. The first proposal is the Linear Ion Trap [17] which stores quantum information in a well-defined way. This technique prepares two distinct states in a trap of an electric field by targeting each state with a series of laser pulses. A second proposal uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [37], NMR, to measure the average nuclear state of atomic nuclei. Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics [87], QED, is another consideration whereby photons assume representations which together with cavity QED techniques permit the preparation of a quantum state. Chapter 2 introduces a quantum channel that permits the transmission of a high dimensional quantum information state called a qudit in the general dimension d. This is followed by a study on noise associated with such qudit information states. I then discuss the theoretical nature of the corresponding error model in chapter 3 together with construction techniques. Chapter 4 describes the stabilizer formalism, a network to encode stabilizer codes and provides a result analogous to the number of distinct bases of a classical code. Chapter 5 gives an overview of quantum computation and introduces the ques- tion of constructing a generalised quantum SWAP gate. Chapter 6 introduces the first of our quantum gate constructions, the WilNOT gate, that describes the construction of a generalised quantum SWAP gate. This is followed by a second gate construction that describes an efficient generalised quantum SWAP gate. In this instance, efficiency is determined by the fewest use of the controlled-NOT gate that is required to compute the task. Finally, I discuss a number of qudit codes in chapter 7 along with a result on the complexity associated with the encoding of a qudit code.

14 1.1 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

The consideration of information theory is the efficient transmission of infor- mation from sender to receiver. Classical information is recorded in a sequence of states over some finite alphabet Σ where it is most often maintained that Σ={0, 1}. The classical unit of information is represented by a bit over the

finite field F2. Quantum information theory is constructed under an analogous concept. The single state of a quantum system over CΣ is called a ket and is represented by a qubit over C2 which is associated with the computational basis states |0i and |1i whereby

|ψi = α |0i + β |1i , (1.1.1) with α, β ∈ C and |α|2 + |β|2 =1. If both α and β are non-zero then the state |ψi is a superposition state with amplitudes α and β. The information source of a classical system is described by a set of probabilites and similarly, a quantum information source associates a set of probabilites, described by

2 probability amplitudes |αi| , to basis states |ψii. Furthermore, while an n- n dimensional state in F2 is required to represent n bits of classical information, a2n dimensional state in C2n is needed to describe n qubits. Therefore, the quantum system must remember 2n complex numbers for an n qubit state, and it is this property of quantum system that is used in quantum information theory.

Σ Let {|ψii ,i ∈ Σ} be a basis for C for which |ψi = Pi∈Σ αi |ψii. Then CΣ explains span and independence, however we require the concepts of angle and length between vectors to endow the CΣ with geometry. A linear functional on a vector space is a scalar-valued function γ defined for

15 every vector |ζi and |ηi and scalars α1 and α2 with the property that

γ(α1 |ζi + α2 |ηi)=α1γ(|ζi)+α2γ(|ηi). (1.1.2)

⊥ To every vector space CΣ, we have a corresponding dual space CΣ consisting of all linear functionals on CΣ. The single state of a quantum system over

Σ⊥ Σ C is called a bra. In particular, if {|ψii ,i∈ Σ} is a basis in C , then there † Σ ⊥ is a uniquely determined basis {|ψji ,j∈ Σ} in C  such that the linear † functional ψj(|ψii) is identically |ψji (|ψii)=δij. In the language of Dirac, the Σ action of the conjugate linear functional ψj(|ψii)onC is written and defined to be hψj|ψii = δij. To each |γi = Pj∈Σ βj |ψji and |ψi = Pi∈Σ αi |ψii the value of γ(|ψi) is determined by

∗ ∗ ∗ γ(|ψi)=hγ|ψi = X βj αihψj|ψii = X βj αiδij = X βi αi. (1.1.3) i,j∈Σ i,j∈Σ i∈Σ where * denotes complex conjugation. Consequently, we are equipped to in- duce a geometry on CΣ by defining inner product (|γi , |ψi)on|γi and |ψi as γ(|ψi). A function (|γi , |ψi) from CΣ × CΣ to C is an inner product on the vector space CΣ if the following conditions are satisfied

1. (|ψi , |ψi) ≥ 0 with equality if and only if |ψi =0

2. |γi , Pi∈Σ αi |ψii = Pi∈Σ αi(|γi , |ψii)

3. (|γi , |ψi)=(|ψi , |γi)∗

Hence, an inner product space is a vector space with an inner product. We say |ψi and |γi are orthogonal if the associated inner product vanishes. Fur- thermore, to each inner product space we can associate a canonical form by defining the norm of |ψi

k|ψik = phψ|ψi. (1.1.4)

16 A unit ket is a state with k|ψik=1. The basis set {|ψii ,i∈ Σ} is called orthonormal if for all |ψii and |ψji it follows that hψi|ψji = δij. A vector space CΣ that is an inner product space and complete with respect to the norm is then called a over H = CΣ. Furthermore, there is only one Hilbert space in distinct dimensions up to isomorphism. A linear M on the Hilbert space CΣ is a mapping that assigns to every state |ζi in CΣ a state M |ζi in CΣ, in such a way that

M (|ζi + |ηi)=M |ζi + M |ηi . (1.1.5)

The study of linear operators is known to elicit a matrix representation in-

Σ duced by way of linear functionals. Given a basis {|ψii ,i∈ Σ} in C with Σ⊥ a corresponding dual set {hψj| ,j∈ Σ} in C , we have it that M |ζi =

Pi∈Σ ψi(|ζi) |ψii = Pi∈Σ αi |ψii = |ψi. Since every state is a linear combi- nation in |ψii, then M |ζi = M(Pj∈Σ αj |ψji)=Pi∈Σ αij |ψii , for j ∈ Σ. Therefore, the set of linear functionals define M within a matrix formalism where such form is called an outer product representation. Suppose |ζi and |ψi are states in the Hilbert space CΣ, we define |ψihζ| to be the outer product operator on CΣ that maps |ζi to |ψi and whose action is defined by

M(|ζi)=(|ψihζ|) |ζi≡|ψihζ|ζi = hζ|ζi|ψi . (1.1.6)

An important consequence of the outer product formalism is the completeness relation for orthonormal vectors. For an orthonormal basis {|ψii ,i∈ Σ} for Σ C , and arbitrary state |ψi for which hψi|ψi = αi, we have it that

! X |ψiihψi| |ψi = X |ψiihψi|ψi = X αi |ψii = |ψi . (1.1.7) i∈Σ i∈Σ i∈Σ

The equation Pi∈Σ |ψiihψi| = I is known as the completeness relation.

17 A more general linear operator describes a number of important analogs in matrix algebra. Given the Hilbert space CΣ, let {hζ| ,i∈ Σ} be a set of ⊥ states in the dual space CΣ , then for any linear operator M we have a corresponding linear functional ζ(M |ψi)onC. There exists a unique linear ⊥ operator M † on CΣ , with the property

(|ζi ,M|ψi)=(M † |ζi , |ψi), (1.1.8) for all |ζi and |ψi in CΣ. The linear operator M † is called the adjoint of M. If M = M †, then M is a Hermitian operator. If M is Hermitian then MM† = M †M. An operator M is said to be unitary if M †M = I. Unitary operators are an important concept in the Hilbert space because they ensure that any action by such an operator conditioned on a ket preserves the unit condition in a Hilbert space. Furthermore, if both M and N are Hermitian operators then (NM)† = M †N † = MN.IfNM is Hermitian, that is, (NM)† = NM, then we require M †N † = NM, whence, M and N commute. The commutation property holds special resonance in quantum mechanics where the commutator between operators M and N is defined as

[M,N]=MN − NM. (1.1.9)

The operators M and N are then said to commute if [M,N] vanishes.

Σ Let {|ψii ,i∈ Σ} be a basis for the Hilbert space C and write A = Γ Pi,j∈Σ αij |ψiihψj|. Let {|ζki ,k∈ Γ} be a basis for the Hilbert space C and write B = Pk,l∈Γ βkl |ζkihζl|. The operators A and B define a spectral repre- sentation of the respective Hilbert spaces. The is an operation that creates a vector space of dimension |Σ||Γ| from vector spaces with asso- ciated dimensions |Σ| and |Γ|. A basis for the tensor product system A⊗B

ΣΓ associated with the Hilbert space C is given by |ψii⊗|ζki ,i∈ Σ and k ∈ Γ

18 and the matrix representation A⊗B is

! ! A⊗B = X αij |ψiihψj| ⊗ X βkl |ζkihζl| i,j∈Σ k,l∈Γ

= X αij βkl |ψiihψj|⊗|ζkihζl| i,j,k,l∈ΣΓ

= X αij βkl(|ψii⊗|ζki)(hψj|⊗hζl|), (1.1.10) i,j,k,l∈ΣΓ where the (i, k), (j, l) element of A⊗B is αijβkl. More generally, the Hilbert space associated with the tensor product space of n basis states over CΣ is

n CΣ ⊗···⊗CΣ =∼ CΣ . (1.1.11)

Quantum computation relies on the theory and practice of quantum mea- surements. As the description of a state of an n-qubit system grows exponen- tially in n, it becomes increasingly difficult to access the particular information held within the system. Such attempts to access the information provide a means for describing the effects of measurements on the system. The challenge of quantum computation is to sieve through the exponential amount of infor- mation in the state and perform a measurement to extract only vital pieces of information.

Quantum measurements are described by a collection {Mj} of measure- ment operators. Given an orthornormal basis {|ψji}, a measurement on the quantum state |ψi in the basis representation will yield the value ψj. This defines the measurement operator

Mj = |ψjihψj| (1.1.12)

that acts on the state |ψi = Pi∈Σ αi |ψii. Thus, the measurement operator

19 Mj extracts the component of a quantum state associated with |ψji,

Mj |ψi = |ψjihψj|ψi

= X αiδij |ψji i∈Σ

= αj |ψji . (1.1.13)

The probability, pj , that the result ψj occurs post measurement can be written as

pj = hψ| Mj |ψi

= hψ|ψjihψj|ψi

∗ = X αi αiδij i∈Σ ∗ = αj αj

2 = |αj| (1.1.14)

An important consequence of the measurement process is that it alters the superposition state of a quantum state. If the result of the measurement of

|ψi is ψj then we can describe the state post measurement as 1 |ψji = Mj |ψi αj M |ψi = j . (1.1.15) phψ| Mj |ψi This result implies that additional information of the state |ψi cannot be collected post measurement since it is the nature of the measurement Mj to distill a classical number ψj thereby collapsing |ψi onto one of the basis eigenstates |ψji. Furthermore, we note

† ∗ hψ| Mj Mj |ψi = hψj| αj αj |ψji

= pj (1.1.16)

20 with

† ∗ X hψ| Mj Mj |ψi = X hψj| αj αj |ψji j∈Σ j∈Σ

= X pj j∈Σ =1. (1.1.17)

Thus, the set of measurement operators {Mj } adhere to the completeness equation which is expressed by the fact that the probabilities sum to unity.

Consequently, we have it that the measurement operator Mj admits the con- dition

† Mj = Mj = MjMj , (1.1.18) illustrating that measurement operators associated with the basis states are idempotent and Hermitian. Hermitian operators play an important role in the theory of quantum com- putation and communication and have a representation as meaningful entities, or observables, of classical computation. This statement is qualified since Her- mitian operators admit the result that measurement of a quantum state cor- responds to classical outcome.

1.2 Introduction to Coding Theory

Coding theory is a branch of mathematics which seeks efficient solutions to the many problems concerning the safe and accurate transfer of information from one destination to another. Coding theory was initiated with a 1948 paper by Claude E. Shannon [74] on the mathematics of communication and with a 1950 paper by Richard Hamming [39] on the correction of errors on magnetic storage media which introduced the concept of error-correcting codes. As

21 our society becomes increasingly automated the applications of coding theory become more diverse. From mobile telephone communications to interstellar communications and compact disc recordings, coding theory has ensured its prominance in modern society. The coding channel is the physical medium through which we transmit information. Within the spectrum of the channel there exist disturbances that interact in an unwanted manner with the information as it passes through the channel. More formally, these disturbances are referred to as noise, and result in an information output that differs from the original information input. Coding theory concerns itself with the problem of constructing efficient error-correcting procedures to minimize the noise that act on the information within the channel. A certain class of classical codes called BCH codes elicit such an effective error-correcting procedure. The BCH codes, introduced in- dependently by Bose and Ray-Chaudhuri [10] in 1960 and by Hocquenghem [43] in 1959, rank among the most widely studied and practiced of all error- correcting codes. To speak of noise in terms of the errors it generates on the information set is to speak on the choice of channel over which we send such information. On the selection of an acceptable channel, we turn our considerations from the communication device to devising procedures to encode and decode the information for which the affects of noise are best minimized. Information is transmitted over a channel. The channel takes the role of a communication device in which there is a transmitter and a receiver. Associated with the transmitter is an input alphabet Σ and corresponding to the receiver we have an output alphabet Γ. We assume both Σ and Γ to be of finite cardinality with Σ ⊆ Γ. The channel permits the transmission of information by a sequence of characters from the finite alphabet Σ. A word is

22 a sequence of such alphabet characters. We denote Σn to be the set of words of length n where Σn represents the Cartesian product of Σ with itself n times. Furthermore, constraints are placed on Shannon’s general channel model. The channel requires that the length of a word does not increase or decrease during transmission. Secondly, associated with the input alphabet Σ and output alphabet Γ, we have a graph with Σ on the left and Γ on the right where the edge (σi,γi) is assigned with a probability of the channel changing

σi to γi. For each σi ∈ Σ, we have it that the sum of the probabilities on the edged incident with it equals 1. In the theory of error-correcting codes, it is often assumed that errors occur independently for each input character [52]. Shannon considered the difficulties in transmitting information over two types of channel. Firstly, Shannon described a perfect, or noiseless, channel whereby information is transmitted with perfect fidelity. However, the more interesting concept of channel transmission considered by Shannon was that of a noisy channel. The noisy channel is regarded as the cornerstone of Infor- mation Theory by providing a beautiful description between two of the more vital concerns of coding theory, namely, the maximal transmission of informa- tion against a maximal correctness of transmission of such information. The exact result allowed the understanding that should the flow of information over the channel be less than the maximum permitted by the channel then error-correction may take place. A commonly considered noisy channel is a Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC). The alphabets Σ and Γ have cardinality two and information is transmitted in a sequence of zeros and ones. The re- liability of the binary symmetric channel is a real number p,(1/2

23 maintains that the code consists of words of the same length. Suppose that a block codeword is transmitted over a BSC channel and the received word differs from the original then we have it that noise of some nature interfered with the information set resulting in an error pattern. More formally, denote φp(σ, γ) to be the probabilty that a transmitted codeword σ differs in d positions from the received word γ. Then φp(σ, γ) is given by

n−d d φp(σ, γ)=p (1 − p) . (1.2.1)

Since each codeword σ corresponds to a word γ, we have it that the most likely word received after transmission has the most likely probability

φp(σ, γ)=max{φp(σ, γ)}. (1.2.2)

Consider addition and multiplication on the characters of Σ = {0, 1} in the usual way, hence,

0+0=0, 0+1=1+0=0, 1+1=0

0 · 0=0, 0 · 1=1· 0=0, 1 · 1=1, (1.2.3) and define componentwise addition and multiplication on Σn in a similar fash- ion as defined on Σ, then Σn constitutes a vector space. By the weight of a word σ ∈ Σn, wt(σ), we mean the number of non-zero components of σ. This allows us to define the Hamming distance,ordistance,as

d(σ, γ)=min{wt(σ − γ)}. (1.2.4)

Equipped with these results, we are qualified to specify a mapping to describe broad classes of codes in a concise formalism. We now introduce a special class of code called linear codes.

24 We concern ourselves with the motivation of a certain class of code known to elicit good error-correcting properties. While we earlier described codes over Σn, we particularize this formalism of such a code to a version endowed with certain algebraic structures. Let Fq, where q is a prime power, n n be a field. A block code C over Σ is linear over Fq when we associate the n alphabet Σ with the field Fq if C is a subspace of Fq . n A linear code C over Fq is a subspace with dimension k if there exists a minimal set of k vectors that generated the code, and in such case, we say C is an [n, k, d]q code. Denote v1, v2,...,vk to be the basis set of vectors that generate C . Then, we can represent the code C by a generator matrix G over

k×n Fq . The rows of G correspond to the k linearly independent set of vectors k that generate C . In particular, C = {αG | α ∈ Fq }. n If v =(v1,v2,...,vn) and w =(w1,w2,...,wn) are vectors in Fq , we define the inner product < v|w > of v and w as


< v|w > = X vi · wi. (1.2.5) i=0 Vectors v and w are orthogonal if < v|w > = 0. Given a generator matrix G for the code C , we say that w is orthogonal to the code C if < vi|w > =0 for all vi,i ∈|k|. Therefore, the set of vectors orthogonal to C is called the orthogonal complement,ordual code,ofC and is denoted C ⊥. Since C is a linear subspace of dimension k, we have it that the orthogonal complement

⊥ n C is also a subspace of Fq with dimension n − k such that for v ∈Cand ⊥ T (n−k)×n w ∈ C , < v|w > = 0. Let H ∈ Fq be the generator matrix for ⊥ n×(n−k) the code C . Furthermore, a matrix H ∈ Fq is called a parity-check matrix for a linear code C if the columns of H generate the dual code C ⊥, and it is this matrix formalism that admits a useful approach to the task of error-correction.

25 n Let C be a linear [n, k, d]q code and u is some word in Fq , we define the coset of C determined by u to be the set of words v + u for v ∈ C .In particular, the coset C + u is

C + u = {v + u | v ∈ C }. (1.2.6)

Suppose that the codeword v ∈ C is transmitted over a BSC and the word u is received. Suppose further that the received word differs from that which was transmitted resulting in an error pattern e = v − u. We seek an efficient decoding scheme by choosing a word e of least weight in the coset C + u. The use of the parity-check matrix H associated with the code C enables an efficient procedure to determine a word e of least weight in the coset C + u.

n To see this, we first note that for any received word u ∈ Fq , the syndrome of u (n−k) is a word uH ∈ Fq . Should the syndrome uH = 0 then the received word is a codeword in C . Alternatively, if uH =6 0 then we can correctly identify an error patterm e associated with the coset C + u that relates perfectly to uH. We conclude that the codeword transmitted was most likely v = u − e.

26 Chapter 2

Quantum Error Correction

2.1 The Channel

We now consider the transmission of quantum information with respect to a quantum noisy channel where a full continuum of noise is maintained. While classical information can be transmitted and protected from the effects of noise by replication, quantum information cannot be copied with perfect fidelity. Introduced by Bennett et al. [5], is an experimental demonstration of the means by which quantum communication is made pos- sible and purports a fundamental distinction between quantum and classical information theory. Such distinction is maintained by the Bell-EPR correla- tions whereby an essential nonlocality principle, described by quantum entan- glement, is revealed. This result was demonstrated experimentally by Aspect et al. in 1982 [1]. Quantum teleportation takes advantage of the non-local behaviour of quantum mechanics by treating as an in- formation resource. The first complete transmission of quantum information was performed by Nielsen et al. [66] in 1998. The Church-Turing Principle [24] maintains that it is impossible to trans- mit quantum information by implementing a classical computation. Bennett

27 et al. [5] introduced quantum teleportation to overcome this limitation by developing a that describes a complete communication transmission of quantum information. Given an arbitrary finite alphabet Σ of cardinality d, we process quantum information by specifying a state description of a finite dimension quantum space. In particular, the state description of the Hilbert space Cd. While the state of an Σ-dimensional Hilbert space can be more generally expressed as a linear combination of basis states |ψii, we write each orthonormal basis state d of the d-dimensional Hilbert space C to correspond with an element of Zd.In this context the basis {|0i , |1i ,...,|d − 1i} is referred to as the computational basis. Therefore, a state |ψi of Cd is given by


|ψi = X αi |ii , (2.1.1) i=0

d−1 2 where αi ∈ C and Pi=0 |αi| =1.Aqudit describes a state in the Hilbert space Cd. The state space of an n-qudit state is the tensor product of the basis states of the single system Cd, written Hn =(Cd)⊗n, with corresponding orthonormal basis states given by

|i1i⊗|i2i⊗···⊗|ini = |i1i2 ...ini , (2.1.2)

n where ij ∈ Zd. The general state of a qudit in the Hilbert space H is then written

|ψi = X α(i1i2...in) |i1i2 ...ini , (2.1.3) ∈ n (i1i2...in) Zd ∈ | |2 where α(i1i2...in) C and P α(i1i2...in) =1. Quantum teleportation describes how two parties, A and B, process and communicate quantum information in a manner secure from the effects of error.

28 |Ai F  z  |βABi |Bi  X 

Figure 2.1: Generalised Bell State.

Suppose A wishes to communicate the state |ψi then the goal of teleportation is to transmit that particular quantum information state to B. Further suppose that A prepares the qudit |Ai where |Ai ∈ {|0i , |1i ,...,|d − 1i}. Similarly, B prepares the qudit |Bi where |Bi∈{|0i , |1i ,...,|d − 1i}. In order to achieve teleportation, A must interact the information state |ψi with a two qudit entangled state, |βABi. The entangled state |βABi is called a generalised Bell state whereby A and B each possess one qudit of this two qudit state. To construct a generalised Bell state |βABi, we first apply the Fourier transform F⊗I to the qudit |Ai. This acts on basis states |ji|ki as follows (F⊗I) |ji|ki =

√1 d ωij |ii|ki where ω is a primitive dth root of unity in C such that d Pi=0 ωd = 1 and ωt =6 1 for all 0

29 to the first half of the pair of qudit states |Ai |Bi, we obtain,

− − 1 d 1 d d 1 ! √ X X X ωix |xi|jihi|hj| |Ai |Bi d i=0 j=0 x=0 − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 = √ X X X ωix |xi|jihi|Aihj|Bi d i=0 j=0 x=0 − 1 d 1 = √ X ωAx |xi|Bi. (2.1.4) d x=0 The action of the Controlled-NOT operator on resulting state (2.1.4) completes the generalised Bell state construction

− − − d 1 d 1 ! 1 d 1 X X |ki|l + kihk|hl| √ X ωAx |xi|Bi k=0 l=0 d x=0 − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 = √ X X X ωAx |ki|l + kihk|xihl|Bi d l=0 k=0 x=0 − 1 d 1 = √ X ωAx |xi|B+ xi d x=0 = |βABi . (2.1.5)

Since the Bell pair is an entangled state [60], any operator acting on the first qudit held by A influences the state of the second qudit held by B. This con- dition permits the teleportation of the quantum information state |ψi between parties A and B when A interacts |ψi with the first half of the generalised Bell pair (2.1.5). To negate the effects of the Bell state transformations on |ψi, thereby allowing the teleportation of |ψi, A transforms |ψi by apply- ing the inverse of the generalised Controlled-NOT operator for qudit states which is then followed by an application of the inverse Fourier transform. Now, the Fourier transform is unitary so its inverse is its adjoint, and the inverse of the generalised Controlled-NOT operation has its action defined as |ki|li7→|ki|l − k (mod d)i.

30 |ψi F M1 vz

−1  X M2  z |βABi  | i  X−B−M2 Z−A−M1 ψ

Figure 2.2: Quantum channel for teleporting a qudit.

We write the state of the quantum system held by A and B,as

d−1 d−1 1 Ax ! |ψi|βABi = √ X αa |ai X ω |xi|B+ xi . (2.1.6) d a=0 x=0

A initiates teleportation of the quantum information state |ψi by applying the inverse generalised Controlled-NOT operation between |ψi and the qudit of the generalised Bell state held by A, thereby obtaining,

d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 ! 1 Ax X X X |ki|l − ki|mihk|hl|hm| √ X αa |ai X ω |xi|B+ xi k=0 l=0 m=0 d a=0 x=0 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 1 Ax = √ X X X X X αaω |ki|l − ki|mihk|aihl|xihm|B + xi d k=0 l=0 m=0 a=0 x=0 d−1 d−1 1 Ax = √ X X αaω |ai|x − ai|B+ xi . (2.1.7) d a=0 x=0 Following this result, A applies the discrete Fourier transformation on the first qudit of the state (2.1.7). The outcome of this operation is to place the state (2.1.7) into the state given by

d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 1 iy ! 1 Ax √ X X X X ω |yi|ji|nihi|hj|hn| √ X X αaω |ai|x − ai|B+ xi d i=0 y=0 j=0 n=0 d a=0 x=0

31 − − − − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 = X X X X X X α ωiyωAx |yi|ji|nihi|aihj|x − aihn|B + xi d a i=0 y=0 j=0 n=0 a=0 x=0 − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 = X X X α ωayωAx |yi|x − ai|B+ xi d a y=0 a=0 x=0 − − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 = X X X X α ωayωAx |yi|zihz|x − ai|B+ xi d a y=0 a=0 x=0 z=0 − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 = X X X α ωayωA(z+a) |yi|zi|B+ z + ai d a y=0 a=0 z=0 − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 ! = X X ωAz |yi|zi X α ωa(y+A) |B + z + ai . (2.1.8) d a y=0 z=0 a=0

The qudit of the generalised Bell state held by B is transformed into the state

d−1 a(y+A) Pa=0 αaω |B + z + ai. Thus A has teleported a quantum information state |ψ0i to B, however, it has been subjected to error over the channel

d−1 a(y+A) d−1 and therefore B receives Pa=0 αaω |B + z + ai instead of Pa=0 αa |ai. A measurement projection onto the computational basis state of Cd ⊗ Cd is performed by A on the first and second qudit of the state of the quan- tum system (2.1.8) which yields two classical numbers. Simultaneously, the third qudit of the state of the system (2.1.8) teleported to B collapses to a post-measurement state that is dependent upon the measurement outcome obtained by A. Let M1,M2 be two classical numbers corresponding to the resulting states |M1i|M2i. Then the state of the qudit held by B is given − d 1 (A+M1)a by Pa=0 αaω |B + M2 + ai. The set M1,M2 is transferred by classical means to B, where upon delivery B learns which of the generalised Pauli op- erators are required to correct the effect of the error. In particular, B applies the operators d−1

X−B−M2 = X |x −B−M2ihx| x=0

32 and d−1 (−A−M1)z Z−A−M1 = X ω |zihz| z=0 − d 1 (A+M1)a in order to return the post-measurement state Pa=0 αaω |B + M2 + ai to the initial quantum information state |ψi. Hence, applying X−B−M2 to the post-measurement state, B obtains

d−1 ! (A+M1)a X−B−M2 X αaω |B + M2 + ai a=0 d−1 d−1 ! (A+M1)a = X |x −B−M2ihx| X αaω |B + M2 + ai x=0 a=0 d−1 d−1 (A+M1)a = X X αaω |x −B−M2ihx|B + M2 + ai x=0 a=0 d−1 (A+M1)a = X αaω |ai . (2.1.9) a=0

The operator Z−A−M1 is then applied by B on result (2.1.9) returning the post-measurement state to the quantum information state initially held by A,

d−1 ! (A+M1)a Z−A−M1 X αaω |ai a=0 d−1 d−1 ! (−A−M1)z (M1+A)a = X ω |zihz| X αaω |ai z=0 a=0 d−1 d−1 (A+M1)a (−A−M1)z = X X αaω ω |zihz|ai z=0 a=0 d−1

= X αa |ai . (2.1.10) a=0 Thus B obtains the quantum information which A wished to transmit. The quantum information can only be obtained if it vanishes from A thereby up- holding the no-cloning theorem. Furthermore, quantum teleportion provides a complete description of the transmitted state |ψi.

33 2.2 An Error Model

The challenge of quantum information processing is to elicit a reliable form of communication and to maintain such a form in the presence of quantum noise. Noise is a characteristic of the environment associated with an in- formation state and is a property of an open quantum system that subjects an information state to unwanted interactions with the elements of the en- vironment during teleportation. It is inevitable that the communication of an information state will cause interactions with the environment. However, prolonged contact between the information state and environment is soon to suffer in entanglement that degrades the information state. This process is called decoherence. Any strategy to stabilize quantum computations from the effects of noise will ultimately be required to deal with both the problems of decoherence and unitary imperfections of channel communication. Thus, to understand the fundamentals of noise propagation is to understand the formalism of a model that explains it.

d−1 d Given a qudit information state |ψi = Pi=0 αi |ii of the Hilbert space C , let us consider an adjoined environment space |Ei endowed with an orthonor- mal basis of dimension d2. We suppose that both the state space of the qudit and the corresponding environment space are initially independent systems. The joint state of the systems |ψi and |Ei is then |ψi⊗|Ei and its dynamics may be characterised when we further suppose that the joint system evolves according to some unitary operation. Given a unitary operation U, we write interaction of each basis qudit with the environment under U as


U(|ii⊗|Ei)=X γ−i+l,−i(|i + li⊗|e−i+l,−ii) l=0

34 d−1

= X |i + li⊗γ−i+l,−i |e−i+l,−ii , (2.2.1) l=0 for i ∈{0,...,d − 1}. By linearity of U, the dynamics of the joint system |ψi⊗|Ei is then

d−1 ! ! d−1 ! U(|ψi⊗|Ei)=U X αi |ii ⊗|Ei = U X αi(|ii⊗|Ei) i=0 i=0 d−1 d−1 d−1

= X αiU(|ii⊗|Ei)=X X αi |i + li⊗γ−i+l,−i |e−i+l,−ii . (2.2.2) i=0 i=0 l=0

1 d−1 zk Since d Pz=0 ω =1ifz = 0 and vanishes otherwise then equation (2.2.2) may be written as

− − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 !! X X α |i + li⊗ X X ωzkγ |e i d i −i+l+z,−i+z −i+l+z,−i+z i=0 l=0 z=0 k=0 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 1 zk !! = X X X α |i + li⊗ X ω γ− − |e− − i d i i+l+z, i+z i+l+z, i+z i=0 l=0 k=0 z=0 − − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 !!! = X X X α |i + li⊗ X ωzkγ |e i d i −i+l+z,−i+z −i+l+z,−i+z l=0 k=0 i=0 z=0 − − − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 !!! = X X X ωikα |i + li⊗ X ω−ikωzkγ |e i d i −i+l+z,−i+z −i+l+z,−i+z l=0 k=0 i=0 z=0 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 1 ik z0k !!! = X X X ω α |i + li⊗ X ω γ 0 0 |e 0 0 i d i z +l,z z +l,z l=0 k=0 i=0 z0=0 d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 1 ik ! z0k !! = X X X ω α |i + li ⊗ X ω γ 0 0 |e 0 0 i . (2.2.3) d i z +l,z z +l,z l=0 k=0 i=0 z0=0 An outer product representation describes the set of errors that act on the d−1 joint quantum state under U. The operator X1 = Pi=0 |i +1ihi| maps d−1 αi |ii to αi |i +1i for i ∈{|0i ,...,|d − 1i}, and thus maps Pi=0 αi |ii to d−1 d−1 i i Pi=0 αi |i +1i. Similarly, Z1 = Pi=0 ω |iihi| maps αi |ii to ω αi |ii and cor- d−1 d−1 i respondingly maps Pi=0 αi |ii to Pi=0 ω αi |ii. Both X1 and Z1 are called

35 the Weyl Pair [96]. Consequently, the action of U on |ψi⊗|Ei is described

d−1 ik by the set of operators XlZk = Pi=0 ω |i + lihi| , (l, k) ∈ Zd × Zd,

d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 ik ! 1 z0k !! X X X ω α |i + li ⊗ X ω γ 0 0 |e 0 0 i i d z +l,z z +l,z l=0 k=0 i=0 z0=0

d−1 d−1

= X X XlZk |ψi⊗γlk |elki . (2.2.4) l=0 k=0 Thus, to correctly specify an error model that describes the action of a unitary operator U on the joint space |ψi⊗|Ei, it is necessary that the environment |Ei, associated with an information state in Cd, be a Hilbert space of dimen- sion d2. Following the action of U on the joint system, a measurement on the environment is performed with respect to the basis |emni , (m, n) ∈ Zd × Zd to diagnose the introduced error in result (2.2.4). Therefore, equation (2.2.4) provides the conceptual foundation of quantum error correction. Measure-

−1 ments taken in the environment basis initiate the correction step (XmZn) =

Z(−n mod d)X(−m mod d). The depolarization channel is a well investigated error model, see [60], and references therein, and it is the error model with which we concern ourselves. We adapt its qubit form to cater for qudits so that the effects of noise as those modelled by equation (2.2.4) can be explained. In particular, we have it that 2 there is a 1 − (d −1)p probability that |ψi will not suffer the effects of noise d2 p and a d2 probability that any given error will occur. The depolarizing channel for qudits is therefore represented as

U(|ψi⊗|Ei) 7→ s 2   (d − 1)p r p 1 − |ψi⊗|eX Z i + X XlZk |ψi⊗|eX Z i . (2.2.5) d2 0 0 d2  l k  (k,l)\(0,0)∈ Zd×Zd

36 2 − (d −1)p p In general, we consider the case where 1 d2 > d2 , and as such the probability of an error operator decreases exponentially with weight [2]. Con- sequently, good n-qudit error-correcting codes are those for which all errors of weight ≤ p n can be corrected. It is for this reason that the rationale for error d2 analysis is guided by the necessity to detect and error correct error operators up to a given weight [2].

2.3 Definition and basic properties

The process of quantum error detection and correction raises difficulties not evident in the classical analogue. Firstly, the coding theorist must contend with an extra class of error, phase errors, and any subsequent linear combi- nations with qudit flip errors that are introduced by the environment during information transmission. Secondly, information transmission causes commu- nication signals to become attenuated which is primarily due to the physical capabilities of the hardware used. Consequently, the likelihood of errors occur- ring during transmission may increase. In particular, the 10−4 threshold level is widely assumed to be the fault-tolerant threshold for both environmentally induced and systematic errors. More rigorous bounds recently calculated sug- gest that this threshold could be closer to 10−5 [85], and references therein. For what follows, it is worth noting that a robust CNOT gate could operate at close to the 10−7 level, a level well within more rigorous threshold bounds. Furthermore, for systems whose Hamiltonian is unclear, the CNOT operating at the 10−7 level represents an important result as it suggests that operating the CNOT gate in this way can ensure that the error rate remains below the fault-tolerant error threshold [69, 85]. Finally, the no-cloning theorem main- tains that it is impossible to generate copies of an unknown quantum state.

37 Classical error correction enables reliable communication by the process of data replication. However, measurements that allow classical information to be obtained cause the collapse of a quantum state thereby destroying the quan- tum information content. Quantum error detection and correction schemes do exist despite these difficulties. A quantum code C consists of an encoding function E from the Hilbert

d ⊗k dk d ⊗n dn space Hk =(C ) ≡ C to the Hilbert space Hn =(C ) ≡ C , where k and n are integers and k

d k n, k d code over C if it is a subspace of dimension d in the Hilbert space

Hn. An error operator E acting on a qudit state can be written as a linear combination of E = {XlZk :(l, k) ∈ Zd × Zd}. The generalised Pauli group, 4 G1 is a group has order d generated by E and τI with center ζ(G1)=hτIi. ⊗n For an n-qudit system, any operator E of the group G1 can be written as

α E = τ (Xl1 Zk1 ) ⊗ (Xl2 Zk2 ) ⊗···⊗(Xln Zkn ), (2.3.1)

n n where α ∈{0,...,d − 1} and ((l1,k1), (l2,k2),...,(ln,kn)) ∈ Zd × Zd. The ⊗n weight of the error E, wt(E), in E is the number of pairs (li,ki) for which li and ki are not both zero. Let |ψi∈Cbe a codeword that is transmitted across a noisy quantum | i d−1 d−1 | i⊗| i channel. Thus ψ has the expansion Pk=0 Pl=0 XlZk ψ eXlZk . This re- sult provides a conceptual starting point for which a quantum error-correcting

38 code can be explained. Let {ψ1,...,ψn−k} be an orthogonal basis for C and write {E} = {E1,...,Ed2 }. To detect an error E in E in the computational basis of C, we require that the state E |ψii be orthogonal from all |ψji, hence, hψj |E|ψii = 0. To correct an error, we require that the action of error El on

|ψii be distinct from the action of Ek, for k =6 l ,on|ψji. Hence, a necessary † condition for quantum error-correcting is given by hψj |EkEl|ψii = 0 for i =6 j and for all Ek,El ∈E. If this condition were not satisfied for i =6 j and k =6 l, we have |ψzi = El |ψii = Ek |ψji. Suppose |ψzi is a received word then it would not be possible to determine the original codeword transmitted since the distinguishability of the orthogonal codewords is destroyed. To see that this necessary condition is also sufficient, let us assume that Ek |ψji is distinct from El |ψii, for i =6 j and k =6 l, and construct a decoding function D(|ψi).

Then there is a unique |ψii∈Cand Ei(z) ∈E for which Ei(z)=l |ψii = |ψzi is true. Thus we can decode |ψzi by defining |ψii = D(|ψzi). We now give a formal treatment of the quantum error-correcting code conditions. The quantum error correcting conditions are a set of equations which can be checked to determine whether a quantum code protects against a particular type of noise from the environment. The set of error-correcting conditions for quantum error-correcting codes were introduced by Knill and Laflamme [52]. These conditions for qubit error-correcting codes were dis- cussed further in Nielsen and Chuang [60]. We adapt the proof of Nielsen and Chuang [60] and consider the formulation of these conditions with respect to quantum basis states instead of density matrices. We also cater for quantum error-correcting codes over larger dimensions.

Theorem 1. [52] Let C be a subspace of the Hilbert space H. Then C is a quantum error-correcting code for the error operators E = {E1,...,Ed2 } if

39 and only if there exists αl,k ∈ C such that, for all |ψii , |ψji∈C and Ek,El in E,

† hψj| EkEl |ψii = αl,kδij. (2.3.2)

Proof : It is necessary that

† hψj| EkEl |ψii =0, (2.3.3) for i =6 j, otherwise the action of an error operator would destroy the distin- guishability of orthogonal codewords. The non-trivial content αl,k of condition (2.3.2) presents a stronger argument than the necessary condition, in that the † assumed Hermition matrix α with entries αl,k = hψi| EkEl |ψii does not de- pend on i. This argument is qualified since the action of any error mapping must take orthogonal codewords to orthogonal states as any projective mea- surement on the error space would reveal information thereby disturbing the state of the system. Furthermore, suppose F is a quantum operation with op- 2 erations {Fm} which are linear combinations of the {Ek,k∈{1,...,d }, that is, Fm = Pk βm,kEk for some matrix βm,k of complex numbers. The action of the error operators Fm on a code basis state is given by

|ψii⊗|Ei7→X Fm |ψii⊗|emi (2.3.4) m where the states |emi denote an orthonormal basis for the environment. Re- covery is accomplished if there exist an operator R with operation {Rn} such that

† X RnRn = I (2.3.5) n and

X RnFm |ψii⊗|em,ni∝|ψii⊗|em,ni . (2.3.6) m,n

40 Since |em,ni does not depend on i, it follows that

RnFm |ψii = λm,n |ψii , (2.3.7)

λm,n ∈ C. Therefore, {RnFm} acts trivally on the code space Pi |ψii. With the assumption of completeness, that is condition (2.3.5), on {Rn}, we have it that

† † † ! FuFm |ψii = Fu X RnRn Fm |ψii n ∗ = X λu,nλn,m |ψii , (2.3.8) n

† thereby illustrating the trival action of FuFm on the basis states {|ψii}. Con- sidering

† hψj| Fu Fm |ψii = αu,mδij, (2.3.9)

∗ where αu,m = Pn λu,nλn,m, the error correcting condition follows. To show that condition (2.3.2) is also sufficient, we need to illustrate that the recovery operator R can be explicitly constructed. By assumption, we have it that α is a Hermitian matrix and can therefore be diagonalised,

† hψj| FuFm |ψii = αmδumδij, (2.3.10)

where Pm αm = 1 follows from the normalisation condition. For each n with

Rn =6 0 make the correspondence

1 † Rn = √ X |ψiihψi| Fn. (2.3.11) αn

The set of recovery operators Rn satisify the normalisation condition since † 1 † R Rn = Fn |ψiihψi| F . The action of Rn on Fm |ψii is given by Pn n Pn,i αn n

41 √ αnδmn |ψii. To show that this correction procedure is legitimate, we have it that

√ ! X RnFm |ψii⊗|em,ni = |ψii⊗ X αn |em,ni , (2.3.12) n,m n thus we can recover the code space from the effects of error.

The distance of the code C is the minimal weight of E in En such that C condition (2.3.2) does not hold. An n, k d code with distance d is called an n, k, d d quantum code.

Theorem 2. If a quantum code C corrects errors of weight ≤

† † Proof : For all m with wt(Em) ≤ 2<, write Em = EkEl such that wt(Ek), † wt(El) ≤<. Then hψj|Em|ψii = hψj|EkEl|ψii = αl,kδij. Thus, C is 2< error detecting where αm = αl,k. † † For k,l with wt(Ek),wt(El) ≤b=/2c then EkEl has weight ≤=. The prod- † k,l † k,l uct EkEl has support ω Ek,l and therefore hψj |EkEl|ψii = ω hψj |Ek,l|ψii = k,l 0 k,l † ω αl,kδij since C is = error detecting. Writing αl,k = ω αl,k, then hψj|EkEl|ψii 0 = αl,kδij and C is therefore b=/2c error-correcting. ≤ − Theorem 3. An n, k, d d quantum code detects errors of weight d 1 and corrects errors of weight ≤b(d − 1)/2c.

Proof : Since C has distance d there exists an error Em of weight d − 1 such that hψj|Em|ψii = αmδij, thereby, illustrating C to be d − 1 error-detecting. † † Writing Em as the product of pairs EkEl with wt(Ek) and wt(El) ≤b(d−1)/2c † then hψj|Em|ψii = hψj|EkEl|ψii = αl,kδij and C is b(d−1)/2c error-correcting.

42 2.4 A Quantum Qudit Code

Quantum error correction was first demonstrated by Steane [83] and by Calder- bank and Shor [14]. A group-theoretic formalism was introduced by Gottes- man [31] and Calderbank et al. [12] and led to the discovery of many more quantum error correcting codes. Since then the theory of quantum error cor- rection has matured remarkably quickly. Let us consider information transmission over a channel that protects a single qudit against error. Introduced by Shor [79], the quantum 9, 1 2 code illustrates that quantum error-correction is possible. The code proposed by Shor is a quantum bit generalisation of the classical 3-bit repetition code, and is characterised by specifying two basis states for the code subspace. These basis states are referred to as |0¯i, the logical 0, and |1¯i, the logical 1, and are written 1 |0¯i =[√ (|000i + |111i)]⊗3 (2.4.1) 2 1 |1¯i =[√ (|000i−|111i)]⊗3 (2.4.2) 2 Since the encoded qubit is written in the guise of entanglement, the informa- tion content is dispersed among the nine qubits where it is then said to be encoded nonlocally with protection from decoherence ensured because of this nonlocal property of encoded information. We seek to extend error correction beyond the binary setting it was original envisaged and to which most results are derived. Suppose we wish to protect an unknown single quantum state of Cd that has been prepared as


|ψi = X αi |ii (2.4.3) i=0

d−1 2 for αi ∈ C and Pi=0 |αi| =1.

43 Following Shor, we consider the 9, 1 d quantum code that encodes the qudit basis states in nine qudits,

− − − 1 d 1 1 d 1 1 d 1 |ii7→|¯ii = √ X ωij |jjji⊗√ X ωj |jjji⊗√ X ωij |jjji (2.4.4) d j=0 d j=0 d j=0 where i ∈{0,...,d − 1} with ω is a dth root of unity. The process of error- correction is made more transparent when the code (2.4.4) is viewed as a composition of two distinct mappings. Firstly, an inner mapping is given by

− − − 1 d 1 1 d 1 1 d 1 |ii7→√ X ωij |ji⊗√ X ωij |ji⊗√ X ωij |ji . (2.4.5) d j=0 d j=0 d j=0

This mapping protects the code from a phase error that, depending on the basis state, changes the phase of the the state to an altered phase. The phase error Zk has the action

jk Zk |ji = ω |ji . (2.4.6)

The second mapping is a repetition code that encodes a single qudit in three qudits

|ji7→|jjji . (2.4.7)

This code allows us to correct qudit flip errors with action on |ji defined as

Xl |ji = |j + l (mod d)i , (2.4.8) for l ∈{0,...,d−1}. While a three qudit code would suffice to protect against a single qudit flip, we need to repeat the three qudit cluster to protect against phase errors. Should these individual mappings be shown to correct a single qudit flip and phase flip error, then the concatenated code (2.4.4) will correct an arbitrary error in one of the nine qudits.

44 2.5 Qudit Error Correction

Error-correction has its foundations in classical theory, however, considering such thought within the quantum setting presents difficulties not evident in the classical setting. The classical majority voting scheme requires a mea- surement of bits to correct errors. However, a projective measurement taken on the information state will collapse the superposition leading to the loss of information. Furthermore, we note that where once we protected information by making copies of the information, the no-cloning theorem [60] maintains

the quantum information cannot be copied. We take Shor’s quantum 9, 1 2 binary repetition code [79] and generalise it to the qudit setting as given in equation 2.4.4. We look at how error-correction on such a code may be ad- dressed with respect to two procedures. The first procedure requires the use of non-demolition measurements [22] to construct the error syndrome. Recently, Lu and Marinescua [54] have provided a nondemolition algorithm argument that describes an error-correction procedure for use with the . The second procedure views error-correction and syndrome diagnosis with respect to a projective formalism. A single qudit may be encoded in three qudits, and the corresponding superposition state is written

d−1 d−1

X αi |ii7→X αi |iiii. (2.5.1) i=0 i=0 For a given three qudit state |a, b, ci, we have it that any measurement per- formed directly on the states leads to a collapse of the superposition state. To avoid such an outcome, a quantum nondemolition measurement [22] is instead performed on pairs of qudits. Quantum nondemolition measurements were originally envisaged to be a measurement of a ”total” photon number which

45 would determine whether quantum jumps due to loss had occurred while still preserving the superposition state [22]. Further, quantum error-correction re- quires nondemolition measurements of the error syndrome in order to preserve the quantum state [54]. Such nondemolition measurements allows us to con- struct the error syndrome and on examining the syndrome an error correcting procedure should be able to decide whether; an error has occurred for which no correcting action is take, one error has occurred for which we apply the corresponding Pauli transformation to the state in error, or lastly, if two or more errors have occurred for which a quantum error-correcting code capable of correcting a single error will fail. We now describe an alorithm based on the qudit repetition code. Without loss of generality, let us consider a qudit

flip Xl acting on the first qudit of the superposition,

d−1 d−1

X αj |jjji7→(Xl ⊗ I ⊗ I) X |jjji j=0 j=0 d−1

= X αj |j + ljji. (2.5.2) j=0 Figure 2.3 describes the circuit that returns one of the syndrome’s values (a + b). A similar argument returns the remaining syndrome values. The returned values (b + c), (a + c) and (a + b), with addition in Zd, constitute a syndrome that reveals the error location. Figure 2.3 consists of a pair of CNOT gates. Both CNOT gates target the ancilla qudit prepared in the state |0i where it is necessary that measurement of the ancilla should not influence the superposition state of the system. A nondemolition measurement performed on the state |j + ljji returns the syndrome (b + c, a + c, a + b)= (2j, 2j + l, 2j + l). Since (b + c)=2j is the differing value of the syndrome, then the revealed error location is qudit position one. A unique solution for j can be found from (b + c)=2j when d > 2 and d =6 0 (mod2) and l is given

46 |ai t |bi t |ci

|0i a + b mm Figure 2.3: Non-demolition measurement circuit. by (a + c) − (b + c). Recovery of initial qudit state is achieved by applying d−1 (X−l ⊗ I ⊗ I)toPj=0 |j + ljji. As an alternative to error-corection via a nondemoltion preocedure, we may consider error-correction by describing a syndrome diagnosis under a projec- tive formalism. Syndrome diagnosis via projective measurements on qubit repetition code is discussed in Nielsen and Chuang [60]. In respect of this, and d−1 to generalise, we have it that the projector M0 = Pj=0 |jjjihjjj| measures no error having taken place on the logical qudit state by returning a value of d−1 d−1 one. Similarly, the measurements M1 = Pi=0 Pj=0 |j + ijjihj + ijj|, M2 = d−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 Pi=0 Pj=0 |jj + ijihjj + ij|, and M3 = Pi=0 Pj=0 |jjj + iihjjj + i| re- turn a value of one, if the logical codeword has the qudit flip error, Xi,i∈ {1,...,d − 1}, in position one, two, or three, respectively, of the logical qudit. Suppose also that an error flips that state of the first qudit so that the cor- d−1 rupted state is |ψi = Pj=0 αj |j + ljji. Now note that hψ|M1|ψi = 1 in this case. Furthermore, the projective measurement does not cause that state to change; it remains the same both before and after the measurement. Thus, the syndrome contains only information about what error has occurred and does not provide any information about the state itself. A repeat application of X1 at the error location, with the identity elsewhere, on the logical state followed by the projector M0 until the action of M0 equals unity completes

47 the recovery. Having protected the code against any possible qudit flip error, we follow in similar fashion to protect against phase errors. Therefore, we encode a single qudit using nine qudits according to

− − − 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 | i7→√ kj | i⊗ kj | i⊗ kj | i i 3 X ω jjj X ω jjj X ω jjj (2.5.3) d j=0 j=0 j=0

Suppose that a phase error occurs on the first qudit, then the basis state are written as

d−1 d−1 d−1 1 kj kj kj 0 ⊗ ⊗···⊗ √ | i⊗ | i⊗ | i (Zk I I) 3 X ω jjj X ω jjj X ω jjj d j=0 j=0 j=0 d−1 d−1 d−1 1 0 √ (k+k )j | i⊗ kj | i⊗ kj | i = 3 X ω jjj X ω jjj X ω jjj (2.5.4) d j=0 j=0 j=0 for some k0 ∈{0, ..., d − 1}. The introduction of the error causes the relative sign of |jjji in the first cluster of qudits to change. As we do not measure the phase directly since such a measurement would destroy the superposition state then correction with respect to a non-demolition measurement is sought. The relative phase degree of pairs of the three qudit clusters A, B, C motivate such a syndrome, in particular, (B + C, A + C, A + B). As in the case of the qudit-flip error, we determine the damaged cluster and error by comparing the results of the non-demolition measurement. The quantum circuit imple- mented in the qudit flip case to generate a non-demolition syndrome may be used to generate a similar type of syndrome to detect a qudit phase error. Alternatively, a circuit known as the Toffoli circuit can be implemented to give a similar outcome [86]. An n bit Toffoli gate, θ(n) is defined as

(x1,x2, ..., xn−1,y) → (x1,x2, ..., xn−1,y⊕ x1x2...xn−1) (2.5.5)

48 The Toffoli gate allows us to take the product of the clusters’ relative phase. The recorded ancilla, y, provides no individual information of a particular cluster’s relative phase but rather it gives a combined measurement. The non-demolition syndrome associated with a Toffoli circuit is given by

(BC, AC, AB) (2.5.6)

A particular value of the non-demolition syndrome, BC, is the result of imple- menting the mapping

(ωkj |ji ,ωkj |ji , |0i) → (ωkj |ji ,ωkj |ji , |0i⊕ωkj |ji ωkj |ji) (2.5.7)

The returned ancilla |0i⊕ω(2k)j |ji, along with similar values for the remaining elements of the syndrome permits error recovery.

While a single error XlZk acting on any one of the nine qudits will cause no irrevocable damage, should more than one error occur then the encoded information will be damaged. For example, if the first two qudits in a cluster flip then we misdiagnose the error and attempt recovery by flipping the third. Similarly, the encoded information will be damaged if phase errors occur in two different clusters. A phase error will be introduced in a misguided attempt at correction.

49 Chapter 3

Unitary Error Bases

The theory of quantum error correction is increasingly well understood. The recent results of Shor and Steane marked the initial development of quantum coding theory. Subsequently, Calderbank and Shor have shown that good quantum codes exist and formulated their notion of quantum control codes on classical binary group codes. Introduced by Gottesman [32] and Calderbank, Rains, Shor, and Sloane [13], the stabilizer code is a class of quantum code and further popularises the connection between the quantum and classical realm. A large body of theory and practice has been developed around the stabilizer formalism. Teleportation was demonstrated to be an initial feature of information processing that makes use of a correlated system between the two parties to send quantum information in a secure manner. The means for why this is possible in the quantum setting and impossible in a classical analogy rests with a particular type of connection known as entanglement. Entanglement describes the process by which quantum states can be described with reference to each other. The majority of publications relating to quantum coding theory are re- stricted to the binary setting. Popular models of such

50 as the Ion Trap, Cavity QED, and NMR require the storage of qubits for an extended period of time and that such qubits be isolated from the environment to reduce decoherence. In addition, quantum hardware must measure qubits and perform controlled operations. Any successful implementation of these models will need to meet these requirements. A research group directed at the National Institute for Standards and Technology have made studies into how qubits are carried by a single ion. Monroe et al. [58] have illustrated that the quantum XOR gate can be implemented in an ion trap using a series of laser pulses. Another model of quantum hardware makes use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology to prepare a maximally entangled state of three qubits. The role of an error model in quantum information processing is crucial to the theory of quantum processing as it permits quantum error correction, tele- portation, and physical demonstrations of quantum models. It is inevitable that a system will interact with the environment and to ensure that infor- mation is accurately processed we are required to understand the effects of environment on information. The set of for a single qubit de- scribes an error model for the binary case of quantum information theory. Indeed, a class of quantum code called stabilizer codes are defined as the com- mon eigenspace of a subset of Pauli matrices thus illustrating an important role of an error model. Before any thoughts of scaling quantum computing and hardware to a non-binary setting, we need to consider error operators that act on higher dimensional quantum states. Such error bases should provide a natural ex- tension from binary to non-binary and lead to codes over the ring of integers modulo d.

51 3.1 Higher Dimensional Unitary Error Bases

The bit and phase flip error basis is an important prime in the theory of quantum information. This basis has permitted the construction of a class of quantum code that identifies the common eigenspace of an Abelian subgroup of the well known Pauli group. The Pauli error group G1 = hX, Z, iIi contains the set P = {I,X,Z,Y} of Pauli matrices given by

10 01 10 0 −i I =   ,X=   ,Z=   ,Y=   . (3.1.1) 01 10 0 −1 i 0

Any matrix A in C2 can be expressed as a linear combination of the Pauli matrices. In particular,

1 A = (tr(A)I + tr(X†A)X + tr(Y †A)Y + tr(Z†A)Z). (3.1.2) 2

We concern ourselves with the generalisation of unitary error basis associated with the Pauli group for higher dimensional quantum systems and confine our- selves to the set errors that form a basis of Cd2 since it is a well known premise of quantum coding theory that if a code can correct a set E of errors then the code also corrects the linear span of E [32, 65]. To motivate a description of such a set E for higher dimensional systems, let us again consider the Pauli group G1 = hX, Z, iIi with center ζ(G1)=hiIi. The group G1/ζ(G1) is iso- morphic to the Klein four-group, V = Z2 × Z2 with correspondence given by

I = E(0,0),X = E(1,0),Z = E(0,1),Y = E(1,1), and multiplication on E(i,j) and

E(k,l) defined as Ei,jEk,l = E(i+k,j+l). An error basis for a higher dimensional quantum system is identified with an orthonormal basis E = {E1,...,Ed2 } d × 1 † over C of d d complex matrices with inner product (A, B)= d tr(A B). Result (2.2.4) gave an explicit construction of the evolution of the joint state of a qudit information vector with the environment state. The dynamics

52 of such evolution are characterised by an arbitrary unitary transformation upon which it is a priori clear that an error basis E of dimension d2 exists. Let us now describe some properties of such error bases.

Definition 1. The error bases E and E0 are said to be equivalent if and only if there exist unitary matrices U, U † ∈Hand some c ∈ C such that

0 † E = {cUEi,j U | Ei,j ∈E}. (3.1.3)

Consequently, we show that any unitary error basis over the Hilbert space C2 is equivalent to the Pauli basis.

0 Theorem 4. [46] If E = {E1,...,Ed2 } is an error basis and E is related to E by (3.1.3) then E0 is an error basis.

Definition 2. A d×d matrix A is said to be diagonalisable if it can be written in the form A = UDU†, where D is a diagonal d × d matrix with the eigenvalues of A as its diagonal entries and U is a unitary d × d matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues in D.

Theorem 5. [41] If A is an d × d unitary matrix then A is diagonalisable.

Proof If A is a unitary matrix then A has an inverse matrix and A is said to be non-singular. Therefore, A has d linearly independent eigenvectors, whence, by the diagonalisation theorem, A is diagonalisable.

Theorem 6. Every unitary error basis over H = C2 is equivalent to the Pauli basis P = {I,X,Z,Y}.

Proof Let A = {A1,A2,A3,A4} be an arbitrary unitary error basis in H = C2. The diagonalisation theorem states that a n × n matrix A is diag- onalisable if and only if A has d linearly independent eigenvectors. With- out loss of generality, let us consider the unitary basis matrix A1. Since

53 H is a unitary space then by the eigen decompostion theorem, A1 has an † eigen decomposition and can thus be diagonalised. Therefore U1A1U1 = I † for some unitary matrix U1. Put Bi = U1AiU1 ,i=2, 3, 4.. By definition

1, the set B = {I,B2,B3,B4} is equivalent with the set A. Next consider † the basis matrix B2 with B2 =6 U1A1U1 . The trace orthogonality condi- tion requires that tr(B2) vanishes. Since B2 is a unitary matrix there ex- ists a unitary matrix U2 that diagonalizes it. Therefore the condition that † † † tr(U1AiU1 B2) vanishes implies that (U2B2U2 )11 +(U2B2U2 )22 = 0. In partic- † † ular, (U2B2U2 )11 = −(U2B2U2 )22. Hence, by the trace condition it is neces- † sary that the diagonalised matrix U2B2U2 contain the +1 and −1 eigenvalues, † † whence, U2B2U2 = Z. Put Cj = U2BjU2 ,j=3, 4. By defintion 1, the set

C = {I,Z,C3,C4} is equivalent with the set B. To determine the nature of the matrices C3,C4, we note that the diagonal elements of both matrices are † † necessarily zero to satisfy tr(Cj) = tr(Z Cj)=0,j=3, 4. Since C3C3 = I † there exists a unitary matrix U3 such that U3C3U3 can be represented as an † anti-diagonal matrix. So U3C3U3 = X for some unitary matrix U3. Put † D4 = U3C4U3 . Then the set D = {I,Z,X,D4} is equivalent to the set C.

Finally, we consider the unitary matrix D4. Since D4 must square to unity, we have it that D412 D421 = D421 D412 = 1. Also required is tr(XD4)=0.

To satisfy this constraint it is necessary that D412 = −D421 . Substituting we have −D2 = 1, hence, D = −i. Since D D = 1 with D = −i then 421 421 421 412 421

D412 = i. Therefore, D4 = Y and the result follows. While any unitary error basis over C2 is therefore equivalent to the Pauli basis, there exist non-equivalent unitary error bases over Cd, d > 2. There are two known constructions which yield non-equivalent error bases. Intro- duced by Werner, the shift-and-multiply error basis [95] is a combinatorial

54 construction while the nice error basis is attributed to Knill [50]. The ques- tion of whether every nice error basis is of shift and multiply type was shown by Klappenecker and R¨ottelerto be false [49]. We review the properties of these known error bases with particular emphasis focused on Knill’s algebraic formalism and its relation to (2.2.4) that describes the action of a unitary operator U on a qudit information state adjoined to the environment space.

3.2 Shift and Multiply Bases

A Latin square, L, of dimension d is a d × d matrix such that each element of the set Zd is contained exactly once in each row and in each column. A complex Hadamard matrix H of order d is a matrix in GL(d, C) such that

† (j) Hi,k ∈ C,0≤ i, k < d, and (H) H = dI. Let H ,0≤ j

Definition 3. A shift and multiply basis of unitary matrices in H = Cd is a set

1 † of unitary operators Eij satisfying the orthogonality relation d tr(EijEkl)=

δikδjl where the unitary operators Eij are defined by

j Eij = Pj diag (Hi,k :0≤ k

for (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd. The permutation matrix Pj is defined as Pj (L(j, k),k)= 1, for 0 ≤ k

A unitary matrix is of shift and multiply type if it is a composition of a permutation operator and a diagonal matrix.

Theorem 7. [49] A shift-and-mulitply basis is a unitary error basis.

† Proof We need to show that tr(EijEkl) = 0 when (i, j) =(6 k,l). If j =6 l, † † then the resulting Pj Pl has a vanishing diagonal, whence tr(EijEkl) = 0 for

55 † any i and k.Ifj = l and i =6 k, then tr(Eij Ekl) is just the inner product of the th th j † i and k rows of the complex Hadamard matrix, H , hence tr(EijEkl)=0. In order to construct a shift and multiply basis on unitary matrices in Cd, we require Latin squares and Hadamard matrices of appropiate dimension. While Result (2.2.4) illustrates that the interaction of a qudit information state with the environment always produces an error basis in any dimension then same can not be said for Shift and Multiply bases. Latin squares are not completely classified, and real Hadamard matrices exist only in dimensions d =1, 2ord ≡ 0 mod 4 [15].

3.3 Nice Error Bases

The process of entanglement is crucial in the theory of quantum information as regards its role in effects such as quantum error correction, dense coding and teleportation. Understanding how each of these quantum processes work explains the reason for justifiable consideration of error bases as the pillar of quantum information processing. The Pauli group of matrices illustrate a wealth of structure seen through the clear and concise description of quan- tum stabilizer codes. Indeed, the basis associated with the Pauli group is a particular case of the error base formalism known as nice error bases.

Definition 4. A group is a set G with a ∗ : G × G 7→ G that satisfies the following properties

1. g ∗ h ∈ G for all g,h ∈ G.

2. (g ∗ h) ∗ k = g ∗ (h ∗ k) for all g,h,k,∈ G.

3. There exists a unique element e ∈ G satisfying

(a) g ∗ e = e ∗ g = g for all g ∈ G.

56 (b) There exists a unique h ∈ G such that g ∗ h = h ∗ g = e.

Definition 5. A group is called Abelian or commutative if it satifies g∗h = h∗g for all g,h ∈ G.

Definition 6. Let G be a finite group of order d2. A nice error basis in the

Hilbert space, H, is defined as a set E = {Eg | g ∈ G} of unitary matrices such that

1. E1 is the identity matrix.

2. tr(Eg)=dδg,1 ∀g ∈ G.

3. EgEh = ω(g,h)Egh ∀ g,h ∈ G. for some ω(g,h) ∈ C∗ where gh denotes the product of g and h in G.

Definition 7. Let G and E be groups. A homomorphism φ from G to E is a map φ : G 7→ E such that

1. φ(gh)=φ(g)φ(h) for all g,h ∈ G.

2. φ(eG)=eE.

Let us suppose that φ is a homomorphism then φ must preserve the in-

−1 −1 † verse map so that φ(g)φ(g )=φ(gg )=φ(eG)=eE . This is true when Eg = −1 −1 −1 −1 ω(g,g ) Eg−1 and by property 3 of definition 6, we have ω(g,g ) EgEg−1 = −1 −1 −1 ω(g,g )ω(g,g ) Egg−1 = eE. To see that φ preserves the Hermitian inner −1 product on E, choose distinct elements g,h of G such that gh =6 eG. Since −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 φ(g)=Eg and φ(h )=ω(h, h ) Eh−1 , then tr(Egh−1 )=tr(ω(h, h )φ(gh )) −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 = tr(ω(h, h )φ(g)φ(h )) = tr(ω(h, h )ω(h, h ) EgEh−1 )=tr(Eg)tr(Eh−1 ).

By property 2 of definition 6, we have it that tr(Eg)tr(Eh−1 ) vanishes. Thus tr(Egh−1 ) = 0 and the result follows.

57 Definition 8. A unitary representation is a group homomorphism φ : G 7→ E from a group G into the group of unitary transformations which preserves Hermitian inner product on E.

The function ω from G × G into C∗ that maps (g,h)toω(g,h) is called the factor system of E. Furthermore, if we assume that det(Eg)=1, ∀g ∈ G, which we may without loss of generality by multiplication of Eg by a suitable constant, then ω(g,h)isadth root of unity. A very nice error basis is one

0 in which this condition holds. The set E2 = {I,ιX,ιZ,ιY} is a very nice error basis over dimension 2 and is a representation of the quaternions. In particular, we may illustrate by multiplication how the quaternion algebra is nothing more than a subset of the Pauli algebra of space;

ιY.ιZ = ιX, ιZ.ιX = ιY, ιX.ιY = ιZ. (3.3.1)

A set E satisfying conditions 1 and 3 of definition 6 is called a projective representation of the index group G.

Definition 9. Let G and E be groups. An action of G on E is defined to be a homomorphism φ : G 7→ E.

Thus φ is a of G into E since there exists a function that maps G to a matrix group in H which preserves group multiplication. In particular, for g ∈ G we have an Eg ∈Esuch that for gh ∈ G then Egh ∈Efollows. By condition 2 of definition 6, E is an orthogonal basis with respect to inner product. As such, we have it that by the Group Orthogonality theorem [38], φ is an irreducible representation and therefore E is said to act irreducibly on H as {0} and H are the only E-invariant subspaces of H.Forg ∈ G, g =1,6 condition 2 of definition 6 implies that corresponding elements of E are not multiples of the identity matrix. Therefore, the representation φ is faithful since ker(φ)={g ∈ G | Eg = I} = {1}.

58 Definition 10. [28] Let F be a field. A Lie algebra over F is an F -vector space L, together with a bilinear map, the Lie bracket

L × L → L, (x, y) 7→ [x, y], satisfying the following properties:

1. [x, x] = 0 for all x ∈ L, (L1)

2. [x, [y,z]] + [y,[z,x]] + [z,[x, y]] = 0 for all x, y, z ∈ L. (L2)

The Lie bracket [x, y] is often referred to as the commutor of x and y. Denote by GL(n, F ) the vector space of all n × n matrices over F with the Lie bracket defined by

[x, y]:=xy − yx where xy is the usual product of the matrices x and y. Thus nice error bases of dimension d2 are described as faithful irreducible projective representations of a finite Lie group of order d2. We turn to provide some properties to strengthen the statements made regarding nice error bases.

Theorem 8. [51] If E is a nice error basis then gh is a group operation. If E is very nice then ω(g,h)isdth root of unity.

Proof Denote by G the group generated by E with center ζ(G)=hωIi. The subgroup ζ(G) consisting of scalar multiples of the identity is normal. Since all elements of G will appear in exactly one coset of the normal subgroup ζ(G), it follows that any two elements of the same coset of ζ(G) correspond up to a scalar. Associating each element of the quotient group G/hωIi with the element g of the unique Eg contained in it establishes an isomorphism between G/hωIi and the multiplicative structure of the elements. The orthogonality

59 conditions show that for an identity Eg = αEh, with α a suitable scalar, we have g = h.IfE is a very nice error basis then we note that the determinant on both sides of condition 3 of defintion 6 equals unity and thus ω(g,h)isa dth root of unity.

Theorem 9. [47] Let E = {Eg | g ∈ G} be a set of unitary matrices parametrized by the elements of a finite group G. The set E is a nice er- ror basis with index group G if and only if φ is a unitary irreducible faithful projective representation of G of dimension d = |G|1/2.

Proof If E is a nice error basis, then by arguments earlier E is a uni- tary irreducible faithful projective representation of the group G of dimension d = |G|1/2. Conversely, suppose φ is a unitary faithful irreducible projec- tive representation of a group G of dimension d = |G|1/2. Then E satisfies conditions 1 and 3 of definition 6 since it is a projective representation. The dimension result gives condition 2 for g = 1. Similarly, as φ is faithful and projective then for g =6 1, hence, for all g ∈ G − ker φ,wehavetrEg1 =0. Thus, φ satisfies condition 2 of definition 6.

Theorem 10. [51] A nice error basis is a unitary error basis.

Proof Let E be a nice error basis. With respect to property 3 of a nice

† −1 error basis E, φ is a homomorphism from G into E when Eg = ω(g ,g)Eg−1 . −1 −1 −1 Let g,h ∈ G with g h =6 eG. Then tr(Egh−1 )=tr(ω(h, h )φ(gh )) = −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 tr(ω(h, h )φ(g)φ(h )) = tr(ω(h, h )ω(h, h ) EgEh−1 ) = tr(Eg)tr(Eh−1 ). E is a unitary error basis if and only if the Hermitian inner product between distinct pairs of E vanishes. By property 2 of a nice error basis, we have it that both tr(Eg) and tr(Eh−1 ) vanish. Thus tr(Egh−1 ) = 0 and the result follows.

Example 1. Denote by ω the primitive dth root of unity. Let us consider the set of operators Xi and Zj for i, j ∈ Zd such that Xi|ki = |k + i (mod d)i and

60 kj Zj |ki = ω |ki. Further consider the group G = hXd,Zd,ωIi. Then G/hωIi is isomorphic to Zd × Zd and E = {XiZj | (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd} is a nice error basis.

We show that the set in Example 1 is a basis for the Hilbert space Cd and has the properties of a nice error basis. We show that Xi and Zj for i, j ∈ Zd forms a basis for Cd and then we describe the solution given by Knill to show that the set Xi and Zj for i, j ∈ Zd is a nice error basis.

Theorem 11. Denote by ω the primitive dth root of unity Let us consider

kj Xi|ki = |k + i (mod d)i and Zj |ki = ω |ki. Then E = {XiZj | (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd} is a basis over H.

Proof To show that elements of E are linearly independent and span H,it suffices to show that the basis {|aihb|},a,b∈ Zd, for H may be expanded as a linear combination of elements in E as both sets of operators are of size d2. Let us consider E in the {|aihb|} basis as

d−1 jk Ei,j = X ω |k + iihk| (3.3.2) k=0

jl jl then Ei,j |li = XiZj |li = Xiω |li = ω |l + ii. Suppose we may express |aihb| as the linear combination |aihb| = ξ E . Then coefficient ξ is P(i,j)∈ d× d i,j i,j i,j given by

1 ξ = tr E† |aihb| i,j d i,j − 1 d 1 ! = tr X ω−jk |kihk + i| aihb| d k=0 1 = ω−bj hb + i|ai d 1 = ω−bj δ . (3.3.3) d b+i,a

61 We show that with ξij defined as these values then |aihb| is in the span of E. Now,

† † Ei,j |aihb| = Ei,j X ξk,lEk,l † = ξi,j I + X ξk,lEi,j Ek,l (3.3.4) k,l=6 i,j

† where Ei,j Ek,l has vanishing trace. Since

− 1 1 d 1 ! X ω−bjδ E = X ω−bj δ X ωjk |k + iihk| d b+i,a i,j d b+i,a (i,j)∈ d× d (i,j)∈ d× d k=0

− d 1 1 = X X ω(k−b)j δ |k + iihk| d b+i,a k=0 (i,j)∈ d× d − − d 1 d 1 1 = X X ω(k−b)j |k + a − bihk| d k=0 j=0 = |aihb| (3.3.5) as 1 ω(k−b)j = δ . Then hb| ξ E |ai = δ . Hence, |aihb| = Pj d k,b P(i,j)∈ d× d i,j i,j a,b ξ E and the result follows. P(i,j)∈ d× d i,j i,j d Let Xi and Zj be the linear operators acting on the space C that are mj defined by the matrices with entries Xm,n = δm,n−i(mod d),Zm,n = ω δm,n respectively.

Theorem 12. [2] The operators Xi and Zj form a nice error basis.

Proof Since X1Z1 = ωZ1X1 then

ij XiZj = ω ZjXi

il−jk (XiZj)(XkZl)=ω (XkZl)(XiZj)

−jk (XiZj)(XkZl)=ω Xi+kZj+l. (3.3.6)

62 The Hermitian transposes of Xi and Zj are obtained by raising to the power d − 1, whence,

† d−1 † d−1 (Xi) =(Xi) , (Zj) =(Zj) (3.3.7) and

Xd =Zd = I. (3.3.8)

Using the above expressions we obtain

† −(k−i)(l−j) tr (XiZj) (XkZl) =trω X(k−i)Z(l−j) . (3.3.9)

Noting that tr(XiZj)=d δi,0 δj,0, the result follows. Similarly, we may consider the case of an n-qudit error basis. With ref- erence to the tensor product construction (1.1.10) of quantum systems, a dn-dimensional Hilbert space Hn is identified with the n-fold tensor product of d-dimensional Hilbert spaces H. Therefore, an element Ei,j of the group ⊗n α G may be written as Ei,j = ω (Xi1 Zj1 ) ⊗ (Xi2 Zj2 ) ⊗···⊗(Xin Zjn ) where n n α ∈{0,...,d − 1} and ((i1,j1), (i2,j2),...,(in,jn)) ∈ Zd × Zd. The group ⊗n n n ⊗n n n G /hωIi is isomorphic to Zd × Zd and thus E = {Ei,j | (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd} is a nice error basis. The nice error basis E in Example 1 is also a shift-and-multiply basis for the case d = 3. Consider the Latin square L =(j − i mod 3) for (i, j) ∈ Z3 × Z3, kl 2πi/3 and the complex Hadamard matrix H =(ω ) for (k,l) ∈ Z3 with ω = e . Then 012 11 1 L = 201 and H = 1 ωω2 . (3.3.10) 120 1 ω2 ω 

By equation 3.2.1, we have it that the basis matrices E01 and E12 are given by 010 00ω2 E01 = 001 and E12 = 10 0 . (3.3.11) 100 0 ω 0 

63 The question that arises is to decide whether every nice error basis is of shift and multiply type. This problem was posed by Schlingemann and Werner [73]. Klappenecker and R¨otteler[49] solved this problem by illustrating that there exist shift and multiply error bases that are not nice error bases. A wicked error basis is an error basis that not equivalent to a nice error basis.

Example 2. Let Eα be the shift-and-multiply basis associated with L, Hα where

0123 11 1 1 3012 11 −1 −1 L =   Hα =   (3.3.12) 2301 1 −1 eiα −eiα 1230 1 −1 −eiα eiα 

× × Let Q denote the multiplicative group of rationals. If α ∈ Q , then Eα is not equivalent to a nice error basis. To see this, suppose there exist U, U † ∈ † U(4), and a suitable scalar ai,j such that the set {ai,jUEi,jU |i, j =0...3} is a nice error basis. We may assume that the group G generated by the

† matrices ai,jUEi,jU is finite. However, notice that Eα contains the matrices iα iα E0,0 = I and E2,0 = diag(1, −1,e , −e ). Consequently, we have it that † † −1 −1 † † −1 † (a0,0UE0,0U )(a2,0UE2,0U ) = a0,0a2,0 UE0,0E2,0U = a0,0a2,0 UE2,0U is −1 † an element of the group G. Since G is finite, it follows that a0,0a2,0 UE2,0U −1 −1 −1 iα and hence a0,0a2,0 E2,0 is of finite order. Then a0,0a2,0 and a0,0a2,0 e are necessarily roots of unity. This implies that eiα would also have to be a root of unity, thus contradicting the assumption that α ∈ Q×.

64 Chapter 4

The Stabilizer Formalism

Stabilizer codes were introduced independently by Gottesman [32] and Calder- bank et.al. [13] and rank among the most widely studied and practised of all quantum error-correcting codes. The premise of the stabilizer formalism is that a quantum code Q can be efficiently described by a subgroup of the er- ror group Gn. The subgroup that describes the quantum code is called the stabilizer of Q and is denoted by S. The stabilizer of Q is defined to be the set of operators M of Gn for which the condition M|ψi = |ψi is satisfied for all codewords |ψi. Thus S is a particular subgroup of the error group that maintains the common +1-eigenspace of Q. Given the dimension in which the stabilizer formalism was originally considered, we have it that the error operators in Gn either commute or anti-commute. This property of the error group elicits a relatively simple procedure to detect errors that occur within the code. The set of all operators that commute with the stabilizer is called the centralizer. Any error operator that lies outside of the centralizer anti- commutes with the code stabilizer and can therefore be detected. Since the stabilizer is necessarily Abelian then the centralizer is the normalizer of the error group. The stabilizer formalism permits a correspondence with classical linear

65 codes over F2. Such correspondence allows us to relate the normalizer of the error group to the dual space of a linear code and through which we can use well-established techniques to determine the error operators that go undetected by the quantum code.

4.1 Basic Definitions

m Consider the Galois field Fpm with d = p elements for some prime p and 2n positive integer m. Let Fd denote the set of all vectors of length 2n over Fd. 2n Then Fd is a vector space of dimension 2n over Fd.

2n Definition 11. A subspace C of Fd is called a linear code of length 2n over


2n Definition 12. Define a bilinear form on Fd to be the inner product (1.2.5). The code C is orthogonal if for all codewords i, j contained in C the inner

⊥ 2n product vanishes. The dual code C is the set of elements k ∈ Fd that are ⊥ 2n orthogonal to C. In particular, C = {k ∈ Fd |hk|ii =0∀ i ∈ C}.

A quantum error E of a d-dimensional system is a linear operator acting on the Hilbert space Cd. A basis for a set of errors acting on Cd is given by construction (2.2.4) and is shown to be E = {XiZj | (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd}.In d n particular, E is a nice error basis on C . Similarly, the set E = {Ei,j | (i, j) ∈ n n dn n Zd × Zd} is a nice error basis on the Hilbert space C . Denote by G the n n α n group generated by the elements of E , hence, G = {ω Ei,j | (i, j) ∈ Zd × n n Zd,α∈ Zd}. The group G has a number of interesting properties used in the construction of good quantum codes. In particular,

n 1. Each operator Ei,j ∈G is a unitary.

jk−il 2. (Ei,j )(Ek,l)=ω (Ek,l)(Ei,j ).

66 −jk 3. (Ei,j )(Ek,l)=ω Ei+k,j+l.

Let us look first at the qubit case. The group Gn/hiIi has order 22n and is

2n n isomorphic to F2 . We write a correspondence between the group G /hiIi and 2n the vector space F2 as

n n Ei,j = ⊗z=1Xiz ·⊗z=1Zjz ≡ (i1,i2,...,in|j1,j2, ··· ,jn)=(i|j). (4.1.1)

n 2n The properties of elements in G have a natural correspondence in F2 . Given relation (4.1.1), multiplication and commutativity in Gn is thus

1. (i|j)(k|l)=(−1)−jk(i + k|j + l)

2. (i|j)(k|l)=(−1)jk−il(k|l)(i|j)

2n in F2 , respectively.

2n Definition 13. The weight of (i|j) ∈ F2 is wt(i|j)=|{z| iz =0or6 jz =06 }|. Definition 14. The minimum distance d of a linear code C equals the minimum weight of non-zero codewords.

4.2 Stabilizer Codes

Let Q be a quantum error correcting code. The stabilizer of Q is a formal- ism that describes a quantum code in terms of error operators of Gn which maintain a common eigenspace. We review the binary stabilizer formalism in this section and in the following section we generalise aspects of the binary stabilizer formalism.

Definition 15. A stabilizer code Q is a subspace of C2n that satifies the relation

Q = \ {|ψi∈C2n |M|ψi = |ψi} (4.2.1) M∈S for some subgroup S of Gn.

67 Quantum stabilizer codes are thus defined as the +1-eigenspace of the operators of a Abelian subgroup S of Gn. Since S describes the set of operators that leave each state in the quantum code invariant therefore S is said to stabilize the code. By relation (4.1.1) and its , elements n−1 Mi,j and Mk,l of S commute if and only if Pz=0 jzkz −izlz = 0. Therefore, the task of finding an Abelian subgroup S for a K-dimensional, K = dk, quantum

2n code Q is related to finding a n − k-dimensional subspace C of Fd . Since the n−1 ⊥ requirement Pz=0 jzkz − izlz must vanish, we have it that C ⊆ C . To determine the dimension of Q consider the generators of the code sta- bilizer S.IfS has independent generators Mi,i∈{1,...,n− k} then the dimension of Q is 2k, and therefore there are k encoded qubits. To illustrate

2 2 this claim, we have it that Mi ∈Smust satisfy Mi = I. Should Mi = −I then Mi cannot have eigenvalue +1. For each Mi =6 ±I the number of eigen- vectors with eigenvalue +1 equals the number of eigenvectors with eigenvalues

n -1. Therefore, for such an Mi there exists an N∈G that anti-commutes with Mi,

MiN = −N Mi. (4.2.2)

In particular, Mi |ψi = |ψi if and only if MiN|ψi = −N |ψi. The action of N establishes an isomorphism between the +1 eigenstates of M and the -1 M 1 n n−1 eigenstates of . Hence, there are 2(2 )=2 mutually orthogonal states that satisfy

M1 |ψi = |ψi , (4.2.3)

n where M1 ∈S. Similarly, consider an M2 ∈G that commutes with M1 n with M2 =6 ±I,±M1. We can choose an N∈G that commutes with M1 but anti-commutes with M2. Such a choice of N preserves the +1 eigenstates

68 of M1 however within this space, it interchanges the +1 and -1 eigenstates of

M2. It follows that the space satisfying

M1 |ψi = M2 |ψi = |ψi (4.2.4)

n−2 has dimension 2 . Following in a corresponding manner, if Mj is choosen to be independent of the set of stabilizers {M1, M2,...,Mj−1} then there exists an N∈Gn that commutes with M1, M2,...,Mj−1, but anti-commutes with some Mj. Therefore, restricted to the space with M1 = M2 = ··· =

Mj−1 = +1, we note that Mj has again equal degeneracy, that is, the number of eigenvectors with eigenvalue +1 equals the number of eigenvectors with eigenvalues -1. The inclusion of Mj to the set of code stabilizers S will have the effect of reducing the dimension of Q by a factor of two. With n − k generators in the stabilizer S, the dimension of the remaining space, Q,is n 1 n−k k Q 2 ( 2 ) =2 . Given a quantum stabilizer code , we write 1 P = X M (4.2.5) Q |S| M∈S to be the orthogonal projection operator onto Q. We have it from result † (1.1.18) that PQ is idempotent and PQ = PQ.

Theorem 13. The dimension of Q is 2k.

n Proof.ForEi,j ∈G /hωIi we have it that tr(Ei,j ) = 0 by condition 2 of Definition 6. Then the dimension of the code Q is

|Q| = tr(P ) 1 ! =tr X M |S| M∈S

69 1 = X tr(I) 2n−k α∈ d 2n = 2n−k =2k. (4.2.6)

We also note that the n − k stabilizer generators Mi act as check operators for the code Q. The error operator El either commutes or anti-commutes with a stabilizer generator Mi. Should El and Mi commute then for |ψi∈Q, we have it that MiEl |ψi = ElMi |ψi = El |ψi. Therefore, the error El preserves the +1 eigenvalue value of Mi. Correspondingly, should El and Mi anticommute then MiEl |ψi = −ElMi |ψi = −El |ψi and the eigenvalue -1 is recorded by Mi. Consider the stabilizer set {Mi}, and error set {El}, and

si,l write MiEl =(−1) ElMi. The set of values {si,l} constitute the syndrome for error El acting on Q. The code Q is nondegenerate if the syndrome is n distinct for all El ∈G. Elements of the code C are linearly independent 2n if they are linearly independent over the vector space Fd . The stabilizer formalism is a powerful expression in that a strength lies in the simplicity with which it detects and corrects errors. The set of error operators for which the code Q detects is precise and further distinguishes the role of error bases within quantum information theory.

4.3 On Stabilizer Equivalence

Coding theory has many established formalisms that elicit concise techniques for error correction and one such description is that given by class of codes called linear codes. Recall that a classical code C is a linear code if and only

n if C is a subspace of the vector space Fq . Furthermore, a linear subspace C n of dimension k over Fq can be specified if there exists a basis consisting of a

70 k minimal set of vectors v1, v2,...,vk such that C = {Pi=1 αivi | αi ∈ Fq}.A basis set for the subspace C provides a succinct description of a linear code. We now consider the question [44] relating to the number of bases associated with a linear code.

Theorem 14. A binary linear code of dimension k has precisely − 1 k 1 Y (2k − 2i) k! i=0 different bases.

Proof. The set of code generators {v} can be chosen from among the 2k

k codewords. The first generator v1 can be chosen in 2 − 1 ways. To maintain k linear independence, the second generator v2 can be chosen in 2 − 2 ways.

The third generator v3, independent of the first and second choices, can be chosen in 2k − 4 ways. We continue this process until a set of generators

{vi},i=1,...,k, is chosen. By the product rule, the number of ways a set of k such generators can be chosen is

k−1 Y (2k − 2i), i=0 of which there are k! arrangements and the result follows.

n As a classical (n, k, d)q linear code C over Fq can be described efficiently Q by a k-dimensional basis set, a quantum stabilizer n, k, d d code over the Hilbert space Cdn can be described by a dk-dimensional subspace of Cdn .A basis for Cdn is given by construction (2.2.4) and by result (4.1.1) extends to

n n n n the set E = {Ei,j | (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd}. Recall G to be the group generated by the elements of En then a stabilizer of Q describes a quantum code in terms of operators of Gn that maintain a common eigenspace. In particular, a stabilizer

dn dn code Q is a subspace of C that satifies Q = TM∈S {|ψi∈C |M|ψi = |ψi} for some stabilizer subgroup S of Gn.

71 Theorem 15. A stabilizer code Q of dimension dk has precisely

n−k−1 (n−k−1)(n−k) (n−i) d 2 Y (d − 1) (4.3.1) i=0 different stabilizer sets.

Proof. The codewords associated with a qudit stabilizer code are given by

c c 1 |c ...c i = X 1 ...X k X M|00 ...0i. (4.3.2) 1 k 1 k |S| M∈S The stabilizer code Q is defined as the common eigenspace of M∈S. There are dn−k stabilizer elements that by definition maintain the codes +1-eigenspace in a nontrivial manner. Furthermore, conditioning the dn−k stabilizer elements with dk elements of the encoded X¯ , we find that there are a total of dn ele- ments that maintain the codes common eigenspace. Therefore, to count the numbers of ways that such elements can be chosen for a particular stabilizer n code, we note there are d − 1 choices for M1. M2 can then chosen indepen- n n 2 dently in d − d ways, followed by d − d choices for M3. In particular, Ml can be chosen to preserve the common eigenspace of Q in dn − dl−1 ways. In total there are n−k−1 n−k−1 n i n−k−1 i (n−i) Y d − d  = d i=0 Y d − 1 i=0 i=0 n−k−1 (n−k−1)(n−k) (n−i) = d 2 Y d − 1 (4.3.3) i=0 choices for elements Mi that maintain the common eigenspace of a qudit code Q, and the result follows.

Theorem 16. The number of stabilizer sets in the Hilbert space Cdn that maintain a common eigenspace is given by

n−k−1 n−k−1(n−k) 2(n−i) d 2 Y d − 1. i=0

72 Proof. The error group associated with an n-qudit system is the n-fold

n α n n product G = {ω Eij | (i, j) ∈ Zd × Zd,α∈ Zd}. To count the number of elements within Gn that maintain a +1-eigenspace we note that the first such

0 2n 0 element M 1 can be chosen in d − 1 ways. Let M 2 be another element n 0 0 of G that commutes with M 1 but is distinct from M 1. It can be shown 0 n 0 that there then exists an N2 ∈G that commutes with M 1 but fails to 0 0 0 commute with M 2. Hence, M2 maintains the +1 eigenspace of M 1.It 0 follows that the number of choices for M 2 that maintain a common eigenspace M0 d2n − M0 6 with 1 is d d. Following in a similar fashion, we note that for l = 0 0 0 0 {M 1, M 2,...,M l−1}, then suitable Nl can be found that commutes with 0 0 0 0 M 1, M 2,...,M l−1 but does not commute with M l. Whence, the number 0 0 of choices for M l that preserve the commmon eigen space of the set {Mi}, i =1,...,l− 1, is d2n − dl−1. Therefore, the number of elements M0 that dl−1 i maintain a common eigenspace of a code Q is given by

n−k−1 2n n−k−1 d i n−k−1 i 2(n−i) Y − d = d i=0 Y d − 1 di i=0 i=0 n−k−1 n−k−1(n−k) 2(n−i) = d 2 Y d − 1. (4.3.4) i=0

Theorem 17. The number of distinct stabilizer sets associated with n,k,d d qudit codes over Cdn is n−k−1 Y (d(n−i) +1). i=0 Proof. The quotient obtained from equations (4.3.4) and (4.3.3) is given by

n−k−1 n−k−1(n−k) 2(n−i) n−k−1 d 2 d − 1! Y = Y d(n−i) +1 (4.3.5) n−k−1(n−k) (n−i) i=0 d 2 d − 1 i=0 and the result follows.

73 4.4 Error Correcting Capabilities

When contructing a quantum code, we concern ourselves with two groups. First is the stabilizer subgroup S that characterises the code, and second, is the group called the normalizer of S, denoted N (S), which contains elements that commute with S but which lie outside of S.

Definition 16. Denote by N (S) the group of elements E of Gn such that EME† ∈Sfor all M∈S. We call N (S) the normalizer of S.

While elements of the normalizer commute with the stabilizer but lie out- side of it they go undetected by the code since they maintain the codes common eigenspace. To determine those errors that go undetected by the code, we re- late the requirement of commutativity among elements of the stabilizer to a classical analogy. The requirement of commutativity of S degenerates to the adherence of the n−1 condition Pz=0 jzkz − izlz = 0 among elements of the stabilizer and thus fixes a correspondence between the normalizer N (S)ofGn and the linear subspace

⊥ 2n n C of Fd . In particular, the set of all elements Ei,j of G that commute with S corresponds to the set of vectors (i|j) contained in C⊥.

Theorem 18. [32, 60] Let S be the stabilizer group for the quantum code Q.

n † Suppose that {Ei,j} is a set of elements in G such that Ei,j Ek,l ∈N/ (S) −S ⊥ for all (i, j) and (k,l) ∈/ C \C . Then {Ei,j} is a correctable set of errors for the code Q.

Proof. Let P be the projection operator on Q. We consider three cases.

74 † 1. Consider Ei Ej ∈S. Then 1 E†E P = X E†E M i j |S| i j M∈S 1 = X ME†E |S| i j M∈S 1 = X M0 |S| M0∈S = P. (4.4.1)

† P is invariant under multiplication by S and hence Ei Ej is correctable.

† n 2. Consider Ei Ej ∈G −N(S). Then 1 E†E P = X E†E M i j |S| i j M∈S 1 = −M E†E X M0. 1 i j |S| 0 M ∈S\M1


1 PE†E P = −PM E†E X M0 i j 1 i j |S| 0 M ∈S\M1 1 = −PE†E X M (4.4.2) i j |S| M∈S

† n † † when Ei Ej ∈G −N(S). Therefore PEi Ej P = 0 and Ei Ej takes Q to an orthogonal subspace.

† 3. Consider Ei Ej ∈N(S) −S. This is the set of operators that commute with all the elements of S but do not lie in S. By Theorem 13, it follows that Q has dimension dk. Form the projector P0 by adjoining the elements of N (S)−S to S. Then the image of P0 is the quantum code 0 k † Q whose dimension is less than d . Hence Ei Ej can not be corrected.

75 Finally, the minimum distance of a quantum stabilizer code Q relates to the classical minimum distance of C⊥\C. The minimum distance d of a sta- bilizer code Q is given by the minimum weight min{wt(i|j)} of (i|j) ∈ C⊥\C.

This result follows from Theorem 18, whence, the set of error operators Ei,j ⊥ 2n corresponding to C \C are not detected by Q. In summary, let (i|j) ∈ Fd be a basis for a code C over Fd. Then the set of n − k stabilizers Mi,j define Q k a quantum n,K,d d stabilizer code of length n, dimension K = d and n a minimum distance d over Fd which can correct a set of errors Ei,j ∈G precisely when (i, j)−1(k,l) ∈/ C⊥\C.

4.5 Encoding the Stabilizer

It is well known [12, 31] that a particular class of quantum code can be de- scribed according to the stabilizer formalism. By specifying an abelian sub- group of an error group associated with the Pauli basis, the stabilizer formal- ism elicits a concise description for many quantum codes. Under the action of each element of the abelian subgroup, the code remains invariant. Since the specified group is an abelian subgroup, its elements can be simultaneously di- agonalized. We then have it that the stabilizer code is the common eigenspace having eigenvalue +1 of all elements of the abelian subgroup. Many aspects of quantum error-correcting codes can be described under the guise of its classical counterpart. A quantum code is described efficiently by the structure of the stabilizer formalism, and it is through this description that the process of encoding binary quantum codes is revealed [19, 21]. We give the encoding process for the binary form of quantum codes. We generalise the encoding process to qudit codes in a later section. The connection to a classical perspective is achieved through the language

76 of binary vector spaces. Associated with a quantum stabilizer code is a set

n of generating elements Mα,α=1,...,n − k, belonging to G /hιIi.Ina n 2n manner similar to 4.1.1, make the correspondence between G /hιIi and F2 n n as M =(⊗z=1Xiz ·⊗z=1Ziz ) ≡ (i1,i2,...,in|j1,j2, ··· ,jn)=(i|j) where iz is given by

 1ifXz = X or Y iz = (4.5.1) 0ifXz = I or Z and jz by

 1ifZz = Z or Y jz = (4.5.2) 0if Zz = I or X.

The product of the stabilizers corresponding to (i|j) and (k|l) is the stabilizer

n j k corresponding to (−1) z=0 z z (i + k|j + l). The conjugate of the stabilizer corresponding to (k|l) by the stabilizer corresponding to (i|j) is the stabilizer

n i l +j k corresponding to (−1) z=0 z z z z (k|l). To encode the stabilizer code we form an X-matrix of stabilizers as the n×(n−k) matrix X0 with elements given by

Xzα = iz where Mα =(i1,i2,...,in|j1,j2,...,jn)α for all α =1,...,n− k and z =1,...,n. In a similar fashion we construct the Z-matrix, Z0 whose columns represent the phase space of the generators. This pair of n × (n − k) matrices completely determine the quantum stabilizer code and initiates the encoding process. Now sometimes a matrix G can, after elementary row operations, be put in the form G =(Im|J), where Im is the m×m identity matrix and J is an m×(n−m) matrix. If this can be done, then we say that the generating matrix can be put in standard form. The encoding of the stabilizer code is revealed by transforming the stabilizer to standard form. Under vector space properties, a stabilizer code with a corresponding vector space representation remains invariant to a corresponding stabilizer code with a vector space in standard

77 form. Let us denote Xzα and Zzα to be the initial matrices that represent the stabilizer code. Implementing Gaussian operations on the augmented matrix

1 1 (Xzα|Zzα), we obtain (X |Z ) of the following form

n−k−r r n−k−r r n − r{ z}|{0 z}|{A n − r{ z}|{B z}|{C ! ! X1 = Z1 = r{ 0 I r{ DE

1 where r is the rank of Xzα. Those columns of the X matrix that form a lin- early independent set are described as primary stabilizers while the remaining null vectors are called secondary stabilizers [19]. Z1 has no particular form, however, we can perform Gaussian elimination on the first n − r rows and the n − k − r columns to transform B, the (n − r) × (n − k − r) submatrix of Z1, into B0 of type s n−k−r−s

k{ z}|{0 z}|{B1   B0 = s{ 0 B2    n − k − r − s{ 0 I 

The resulting forms of the resulting augmented matrix (X2|Z2) matrices is given by s n−k−r−s r

k{ z}|{0 z}|{0 z}|{A1   s{ 00A  2  2   X =   n − k − r − s{ 00A3      r{ 00I

78 and s n−k−r−s r

k{ z}|{0 z}|{B1 z}|{C1   { s  0 B2 C2  2   Z =   n − k − r − s{ 0 IC3      r{ D1 D2 E The last r columns of both matrices correspond to the linearly independent set of primary vectors with the preceeding columns representing the secondary vectors. For a positive valued r, commutativity of each pair of stabilizers, one corresponding to one of the first s columns and the other corresponding to one of the last r columns is ensured if D1 vanishes but may not necessarily follow otherwise. To specify the codewords, we construct a basis for the code by amalgamating the standard form of the stabilizer with k pairs of seed vectors X¯ and Z¯. The stabilizers corresponding to seed vectors commute with all ¯ ¯ elements of the stabilizer and with each other except for the case when Xi = Zj in which case they anticommute. X¯ and Z¯ will satisfy this requirement if we define the matrices of the seed vectors as k k k{ z}|{I k{ z}|{0     { s{ 0 s  0    X¯ =   Z¯ =    >    n − r − k − s{ B1  n − k − r − s{ 0          r{ 0 r{ 0

The set of columns of X¯ are independent of the primary vectors. The stabiliz- ers corresponding to the seed vectors commute with the stabilizers correspond- n−1 ing to the secondary vectors. This is because the relation Pz=0 izlz + jzkz =0 for (i|j) corresponding to a seed vector and (k|l) corresponding to a secondary n−1 vectors. In particular, for j = 0 we have it that the Pz=0 izlz vanishes since

79 matrix product P (I.B1 + B1.I)=0. The basis set for a quantum stabilizer code is then written as k s n−k−r−s r

k{ z}|{I z}|{0 z}|{0 z}|{A1   { s  00 0 A2  X∗ =    >  n − k − r − s{ B1 00A3      r{ 00 0 I

and k s n−k−r−s r

k{ z}|{0 z}|{0 z}|{B1 z}|{C1   { s  00 B2 C2  ∗   Z =   n − k − r − s{ 00 IC3      r{ 00 D2 E

We utilise these representations in the next section to construct a network encoder for stabilizer codes.

4.6 Network for Encoding

The construction of an encoding network to transform quantum basis states into corresponding codewords is revealed on the evaluation of the stabilizer standard form coupled with a set of constructed seed operators. The encoding of each k logical qubit state is written

n c c 1 ! |c c ...c i7→X 1 ...X k X M |0z ...}| 0{i. (4.6.1) 1 2 k 1 k |S| M∈S

80 Let us consider the 8, 3, 5 qubit code [12, 31] with a stabilizer description given by

M1 = X ⊗ X ⊗ X ⊗ X ⊗ X ⊗ X ⊗ X ⊗ X

M2 = Z ⊗ Z ⊗ Z ⊗ Z ⊗ Z ⊗ Z ⊗ Z ⊗ Z

M3 = X ⊗ I ⊗ X ⊗ I ⊗ Z ⊗ Y ⊗ Y ⊗ Y

M4 = X ⊗ I ⊗ Y ⊗ Z ⊗ X ⊗ I ⊗ Y ⊗ Z

M5 = X ⊗ Z ⊗ I ⊗ Y ⊗ I ⊗ Y ⊗ X ⊗ Z. (4.6.2)

The standard form associated with this set of operators and the seed operators is derived as 10001110 00010000 01001101 00010101     00101011 00011010     ∗ 11100111 ∗ 00011100 X =   Z =   . M 00001000 M 00011111     00000100 00011001     00000010 00010110     00000001 00010011 To encode this formalism, let us first consider a simplified version of the stan- ∗ dard form in which we set ZM to vanish, and thus ignoring all phase shifts on ∗ the code. Consequently, the matrix array XM is then given by the network in Figure 4.1. While the encoding network implements bit-flip operations that ∗ correspond to non-zero entries of XM , it also illustrates the importance of how the standard form contributes to a clear exposition and an efficient computa- tion. Let us now consider the action of phase shifts as seen by the matrix array ∗ ZM on the encoding process. The action of a phase flip on a quantum states serves only to alter the phase of that particular state. Since the phase flip does not flip the individual state of the system, it follows that we can insert the set ∗ of phase flips which corresponding to those non-zero elements of ZM into our

81 c1 t h h h c2 t h h h c3 t h h h 0 h h h h h h a1 t a2 t a3 t a4 t

∗ Figure 4.1: Encoding network for XM . encoding network where Y = X · Z. Finally, a complete network encoding is achieved by implementing a Hadamard transform, H, on the last n − k qubits with R = H · Z. A Hadamard transform of the last n − k qubits ensures that the input states on the first k qudits, |c1c2c3i, only determined the set of codewords. Were this not the case then the last n − k inputs to the encoder would influence the construction of the codewords since each of the last n − k qubits in the state |0i would be flipped to the state |1i. This would mean that those qubits now flipped to |1i would help describe the codewords. Figure 4.2 ∗ ∗ illustrates the encoding circuit up to XM ZM . The complete encoding circuit is given in Figure 4.3.

82 c1 t h h h c2 Y Y t h c3 Y Y t h 0 Z Y h h h h h 0 Z Z Z Z t 0 Z Z t 0 Z Z t 0 Z Z t

∗ ∗ Figure 4.2: Encoding network for XM ZM .

   t h h h  input Y Y    t h   Y Y   t h  0 Z Y   h h h h h codeword 0 R Z Z Z  t  0 H Z Z   t  0 R Z   t  0 R Z  t

Figure 4.3: An Encoding Network for the [[8, 3, 5]] qubit code.

83 Chapter 5

Quantum Computation

5.1 Introduction

Introduced in his seminal paper, David Deutsch [24] proposed a new theory of computation; the quantum theory of computation. Deutsch’s proposal copper- fastened arguments given by Richard Feynman [29] that promised algorithms to render many intractable classical problems feasible. By defining a computa- tion predicated on exploiting inherently quantum phenomena, Deutsch offered insights into the nature of quantum mechanics and provided a basis for the re- alisation of a quantum computer. To realise a quantum computer one must be concerned with the search for and implementation of quantum algorithms. A quantum algorithm actuates quantum effects to perform computational tasks with exponential speedup over its respective classical counterparts. Increased theoretical and experimental research in the area of quantum computing is providing such a basis for the discovery of further insights into the nature of quantum algorithms. However, incidents of truely remarkable quantum computing insights such as Shor’s factorisation algorithm are few in number. Shor’s quantum algorithm was the first example of the exponential speedup in resources over classical counterparts and that more examples of such insights

84 largely remain outside the confines of present knowledge stands in testament to the understanding required to develop and exploit the theory of quantum computing. A quantum computer is in essence the realisation of quantum algorithms which in many aspects is analogous to a classical computer with qudits re- placing the classical bits as the conduit of information and unitary quantum logic gates in respect of Boolean logic gates acting as operational elements. A is a transformation operator which is applied to a qudit state in an equivalent fashion as a classical gate would be applied to a classical bit. Furthermore, and in contrast to the classical case, quantum logic gates must ensure that the superposition state of a qudit be maintained. This fea- ture of quantum logic gates implies that the normalisation condition for qudit states be preserved after the application of the operator. The requirement of normalisation of transformed qudit states necessitates the further precondition of unitarity on quantum logic gates. Unitarity is key to setting the quantum and classical realms apart since transformed quantum states must maintain coherence, or isolation from the environment. By the linearity of quantum mechanics, it was shown (2.2.2) that unitarity of quan- tum operators can only be preserved within a quantum system if the state space of a qudit is isolated from the environment. Moreover, for the reason that quantum logic gates are necessarily unitary transformations, quantum gates are therefore said to exhibit a reversible nature. Herein lies a distin- guishing feature of quantum computation since the reversible logic elements exhibited in models of quantum computing do not lead to the irretrievable loss of information associated with classical irreversible logic. Since the theory of quantum computation is the theory of computation then all classical irreversible operations must be resolved within the quantum

85 mechanical setting. To motivate an explanation for the nature of the exponen- tial speedup in algorithm operation offered by quantum algorithms, we first ought to consider at the picture of classical irreversibility. A reversible compu- tation evaluates invertible functions f : {0, 1}n →{0, 1}n. Quantum circuitry is fundamentally predisposed to this type of reversible computation since any such computation can be reversed ensuring the existence of a suitable unitary matrix for which f represents a legitimate quantum gate. In contrast, should one consider the irreversible function f : {0, 1}n →{0, 1}m, n>m. Asso- ciated with f is a gate with an m-bit range and n-bit domain. Each of the m outputs can be characterised by one of the 22n descriptions for a binary function f : {0, 1}n 7→ {0, 1}. Therefore, there are (22n )m n×m gates that de- scribe f of which only 2n! are reversible. The function f typifies many classical irreversible gates such as AND, XOR, and NAND. Bennett [6] has shown that any classical computation can be made reversible and therefore does not lead to loss of entropy. Consider the function f˜ given by f˜ : {0, 1}n+m →{0, 1}n+m where f˜(x;0(m))=(x; f(x)) and 0(m) denotes the setting of m-bits to zero. Since f˜ takes the inputs (x;0(m)) to a distinct output then f˜ can be extended to an invertible function on n + m bits. Thus, for any irreversible function f : {0, 1}n →{0, 1}m there is an invertible f˜ which evaluates f. Understand- ing how classical irreversibility can be made reversible in a quantum setting may explain the delicate balance between loss of coherence, decoherence,in the system and controlled computation of quantum algorithms. 1The set of functions f that describe arbitrary classical operations is as- sociated with a corresponding set of logic gates. Furthermore, a set of gates is called universal if instances of it are the only components required to repli- cate the actions of all logic gates [26]. The quantum mechanical analogue of the classical universal set of logic gates is a set of unitary operators that

86 generate the action of all unitary transformations in the Hilbert space. It was shown that the 2-qubit controlled-NOT gate and the single rotational qubit gate describes a universal set for quantum computation [3, 26]. Unitary trans- formations act on quantum states and effect particular changes over a period of time. A quantum state is therefore said to evolve under such transforma- tions and correspondingly a time evolution operator acting on a quantum state can always given by a unitary transformation. Suppose some quantum state is given by |ψi and further suppose there exists some unitary transformation

U acting on the state. If the state of the system is |ψ(t0)i at some initial time t0 then its relation to the evolved state |ψ(t1)i at time t1 is given by

|ψ(t1)i = U(t1) |ψ(t0)i . Since U is an arbitrary operator, it is dependent on the system and not on the initial state |ψ(t0)i. The dynamics of U are de- scribed by the action of some Hamiltonian H in Schr¨odinger’sequation [64]. To determine the dynamics of U, let us first consider a small increment in time on |ψ(t)i under U. Hence, we have |ψ(t + 4t)i = U(t + 4t) |ψ(t)i. Taking a Taylor series expansion of U(t + 4t) and coupled with the assumption of H, it follows that U(t + 4t)=1− ι/~H4t where ι2 = −1. The action of U(t + 4t) on the state |ψ(t)i is written |ψ(t + 4t)i =(1− ι/~H4t) |ψ(t)i. Hence,

|ψ(t + 4t)i−|ψ(t)i ι = − H |ψ(t)i , (5.1.1) 4t ~ whence,

∂ |ψ(t)i ι~ = H |ψ(t)i . (5.1.2) ∂t

To determine the nature of the unitary transformation describing the time evolved state |ψ(t1)i, we consider the solution proposed by the Schr¨odinger equation (5.1.2). Since H is a fixed Hermitian operator, we can deduce its

87 spectral decomposition. In particular, H has an orthonormal set of eigenvec- tors |ii corresponding with real eigenvalues λi such that H |ii = λi |ii.For d−1 an arbitrary state |ψ(t)i = Pi=0 αi(t) |ii, the time evolution of this arbitrary state is described by the Schr¨odingerequation

− ∂( d−1 α (t) |ii) d 1 ι~ Pi=0 i = H X α (t) |ii ∂t i i=0 d−1

= X αi(t)λi |ii (5.1.3) i=0 and has solution

d−1 d−1 −ι/ λit1 X αi(t) |ii = X e αi(t0) |ii (5.1.4) i=0 i=0

Hence, for a time evolved state, t = t1,wehave

d−1 −ι/ λit1 |ψ(t1)i = X e αi(t0) |ii i=0

−i/hλ t e 0 1 0 ... 0  . . . d−1 0 .. .. .   | i =  . .  X αi(t0) i  . .. 0    i=0 0 ... 0 e−ι/ λd−1t1

= U(t1) |ψ(t0)i . (5.1.5)

−ι/ Ht1 The matrix U(t1)=e maintains that the Hamiltonian H is a generator of the unitary transformation U(t1). This is because the quantum mechanical

Hamiltonian operater H in the description of U(t1) corresponds to the total energy of the system. From classical mechanics it follows that the energy of the Hamiltonian operator generates the time evolution. Thus, any time evolution on a quantum state in the Hilbert space is the result of applying the Hamiltonian of the unitary transformation.

88 |0i + |1i  t  |00i + |11i |0i  j Figure 5.1: Controlled-NOT produces entangled states.

5.2 Multiple Quantum Gates

A universal quantum computer is a well-defined set of unitary gates that can be designed to order the computation of quantum algorithms. Of crucial importance for the successful performance of computations is this well-defined set of gates. Thus far, we have considered the action of single quantum gates on states. This description alone represents an incomplete model of computation. The crux of successful quantum computation is the implementation of multiple quantum gates. The most elementary of multiple quantum gates is to consider some unitary operator U within a controlled-U two qubit operation. The corresponding transformation given by transformation is written as |0ih0|⊗ I + |1ih1|⊗U where the I operation represents the identity transformation. This controlled two qubit operator is so called since the application of U on the second qubit is decided by the state of the first qubit. The classic controlled-U gate is the controlled-NOT gate. The action of a controlled-NOT gate with respect to the computational basis is given as |xi|yi7→|xi|y ⊕ xi where ⊕ represents addition modulo 2. The controlled-NOT gate plays an important role in quantum computation [27]. It is the quantum mechanical analogue of the classical connective XOR gate and is a principle component for universal computations. It can be used to produce maximally entangled states similar to the set of EPR pairs [60].

89 Furthermore, the controlled-NOT gate acts as a measurement gate [25] and provides a basis for a so-called nondemolition measurement [22] that permits the constuction of a syndrome table as used in error detection and correction.

5.3 Quantum Circuits

The approach to computation resembles the classical proce- dure to computing [92] where quantum circuits are formed from a composition of quantum states, quantum gates and quantum wires [61]. Computations are ⊗ described within the Hilbert space H =(Cd) n of n qudits where each horizon- tal quantum wire corresponds to the individual Cd subspaces. Fundamental to computation is the ability to store and control quantum information and thus necessitates a suitable state space description to represent the information vector. Computations are then a finite sequence of time-evolution quantum gates set along the quantum wires to effect suitable transformations. Vertical wires in a quantum circuit represent the coupling of arbitrary pairs of quan- tum gates in a manner similar to a controlled-U gate. The depth of a circuit refers to the maximum number of time evolution operators required to effect necessary state changes. The width of a circuit is the maximum number of gates in operation in any one time frame, and the complexity associated with implementing a quantum circuit relates to the number of the gates needed to solve the task. The task of constructing quantum circuitry architectures is largely the problem of developing algorithms to describe various quantum processes. Many theoretical approaches to quantum code design can now be illustrated within a physical network. Computation of some inherently quan- tum phenomenon by a quantum computer rests with the ability to find the Hamiltonian for the Schr¨odingerequation which describes the dynamics of the

90 |ψi |φi t h t |φi |ψi h t h Figure 5.2: Quantum circuit swapping two qubits. phenomenon. This challenge degenerates to providing solutions to an expo- nential number of differential equations that describe the Hamiltonian. The growth of computations required for modest increases in the number of qudits describing some quantum operation makes the classical computation of the quantum system infeasible. The crux of design and construction of a quantum computer operating in a dn-dimensional Hilbert space lies with the suitable specification of quan- tum gates that encode the support of a quantum code or implement quantum algorithms. To realise such applications on a quantum computer requires cor- responding gate circuitries that manipulate quantum states on both individual and on controlled qudits. The controlled-NOT gate on a pair of qubits has been experimentally realised by a string of ions in a linear Pauli trap [11]. The SWAP gate is an integral feature of the circuitry design of the quan- tum Fourier transform. Figure 5.2 illustrates a quantum circuit swapping two qubit by the repeated use of quantum controlled-NOT operators. Thus, the question of designing a generalised quantum SWAP gate to implement a per- mutation of quantum qudit states that utilize the generalised controlled-NOT gate is a concern of universality in quantum computation in higher dimensional quantum systems. How such designs can be extended within a mathematical framework beyond the binary setting is of interest. The concern of computation is to process information through the use a well defined model that can be both understood algorithmically and realised

91 by some network topology. This is a concern encountered in both the classical and quantum forms of computation where it is desirable that classes of com- putation be implemented efficiently thereby requiring polynomial resources to complete a task. While Shannon [74] demonstrated that most Boolean func- tions require network topologies of exponential resources to compute, it was Shor’s factorisation algorithm [79] that introduced the first model of quan- tum computation to successfully exploit the laws of quantum mechanics and process information efficiently. Such a model of computation now offered cre- dence to years of speculative potential in the area by explicitly illustrating a form that provided an exponential speedup in resources over the best known classical form. It also signalled a marked increase in research into the means of encoding classical information within quantum mechanical systems thereby revealing aspects of what we now call a quantum computer. Most often it is assumed that a quantum computer is predicated on a collection of two-level quantum mechanical systems called qubits. However, there has been the view to generalise to d-level, or qudit, quantum mechanical systems. Implementing a quantum computer within a qubit or qudit frame- work requires the ability to prepare a quantum state in a chosen basis, most often maintained to be the computational basis, to perform a desired oper- ation on some input state, and finally, to read the outcome of an operation on an input state. While our knowledge of classical computation has influ- enced the approach we take to implementing quantum computations, the task of successfully implementing a quantum operation is made extremely difficult by the phenomena of quantum parallelism and quantum entanglement. For- tunately, the simultaneous interactions of quantum states expressed during computation can be controlled to a degree by considering quantum opera- tions as a composition of simpler operations on fewer quantum states. These

92 constituent operations are called quantum gates and surprisingly the only re- striction quantum mechanics places on these gates is that they be unitary. The influence classical computation renders on quantum computation is again evident by mode of algorithm execution. The quantum circuit model [24, 25] reflects the classical circuit and executes quantum algorithms by apply- ing a sequence of quantum gates incrementally to act on one or more quantum states. Those gates that have been experimentally demonstrated are said to be elements of the quantum gate library. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of quantum gates that can be experimentally realised within the co- herence time of their systems [90]. However, Barenco et al. [3] showed that any quantum operation on a set of n-qubits can be restricted to a composi- tion of Controlled-NOT, CNOT, and single qubit gates. For this reason, we say that the qubit gate library consisting of single qubit gates and CNOT is universal. Furthermore, it has become standard in quantum information to express any n-qubit quantum operation as a composition of single qubit gates and CNOT gates. Consequently, the CNOT gate has acquired special status as the hallmark of multiqubit control [91]. It is becoming increasingly evident that much effort continues to be made into finding efficient quantum circuits in the sense that for the given gate library there is no smaller circuit that achieves the same task. A reason for this concerted effort is primarily due to the principle of decoherence. While a quantum computer is predicated on the undisturbed evolution of quantum coherences, decoherence represents a major but unavoidable problem for the practical realization of quantum computers as it describes the error state of a quantum computer which is introduced through the interaction of system and environment. As with classical computation, the properties of experimentally realisable quantum gates influence the execution time of quantum algorithms.

93 Since decoherence is unavoidable, it is therefore advantageous to ensure a minimal use of computational resources to limit excution time and exposure to the quantum environment. Thus, a minimal use of computational resources serves to cap the total decohering time delivered by the execution of quantum gates. While universality is a key concern, the minimisation of gate counts is a recent concern. To this end, research groups now focus on searching for uni- versal n-qubit gates that contain fewest uses of CNOT gates [7, 8, 76, 77]. This is because the cost of experimentally realising a CNOT gate exceeds the cost associated by single qubit gates [8]. Consequently, construction of quantum circuits that minimise the use of CNOT are important from the point of view of execution time of the corresponding quantum algorithm which is positively correlated with the decohering time of the circuit. Indeed, the experimental realisation of a CNOT gate is a covented goal among quantum information groups [91]. Experimental difficulties in realising certain quantum gates has meant that universality of general n-qubit operations is a key motivation of many quantum information groups. This is because both CNOT and single qubit gates operations have now been experimentally realised. Universal quan- tum circuits for an arbitrary two-qubit operator with six, four and three CNOT gates have been found [78, 90, 91]. In fact, characterising the exact CNOT com- plexity of an arbitrary n-qubit operation and constructing the corresponding efficient quantum circuit is seen as an ambitious task, even by numerial anal- ysis [91]. Research into universal circuit constructions have done considerable work optimising their constructions [59]. In particular, Vatan and Williams construct a quantum circuit for a general two-qubit operation that requires at most three CNOT gates and fifteen one-qubit gates and show that their con- struction is optimal [90]. However, crucial to this result is the demand that

94 quantum circuit for the two-qubit SWAP gate require at least three CNOT gates [90]. To show the correctness of this claim, Vatan and Williams utilize the notion of entangling power as introduced by Zanardi et. al [97]. More recently, a scheme to realise the quantum SWAP gate between flying and sta- tionary qubits has been presented by Liang and Li [53]. It is maintained [53] that experimentally realising the quantum SWAP gate is a necessary condition for the networkability of quantum computation. In fact, the SWAP gate can be used to store quantum information, to teleport atomic or ionic states [53] and is a fundamental element in the circuit implementation of Shor’s algorithm [30]. Although universal two-qubit circuits with fewest uses of CNOT gates are known, the three-qubit Toffoli gate is known to require at most six CNOT gates [63], however, only five CNOT gates have been shown to be necessary [91]; see also the references therein. More generally, devising quantum gate construc- tions that extend to n-qubits remains an open problem. It is believed that the study of quantum circuit minimisation and generalisation of qubit circuit architectures to qudit circuit architectures will require different construction techniques than those presently known. A geometric approach to quantum circuit minimalisation has been put forward by Nielsen [59] that seeks to find the length of a minimal geodesic with respect to a suitable Finsler metric. A striking feature of this approach is that once an initial position and velocity of the geodesic are determined the remainder of the geodesic can be completely evaluated by a second order differential equation. This is in contrast with the usual case of classical and quantum circuitry design where part of a circuit does not aid the complete design. However, it is acknowledged the two-qubit circuit synthesis can be used in a peephole optimization of larger circuits [78].

95 The problem of constructing an efficient quantum circuit for a given n- qubit operation is seen as an important task for the complete networkability of quantum computation. Unfortunately, the efficiency of universal designs that accomplish this task is often known for the worst case of n-qubit opera- tors. For example, the asymptotic number of CNOT gates used by Barenco’s decomposition to implement any n-qubit operation is O(n34n) [76]. On the other hand, it is believed that there are interesting operations which might require a polynomial number of CNOT gates and that such operations might also have an efficient construction within higher dimensional quantum sys- tems. Indeed, considering new and efficient circuit designs within the qudit setting taken with new approaches to circuitry design ought to be merit in itself. However, in the context of information processing, it is maintained that there are advantages in moving from the qubit paradigm to the qudit paradigm. For instance, since the entropy of a message depends on the alpha- bet used, it ought to be that and increasing the alphabet size should allow for the construction of better error-correcting codes [36]. It has also been pointed out that a quantum system composed of a pair of three dimensional subsystem shows new features when compared to a two qubit system [36]. For efficient quantum computations, it is important to determine exactly how many uses of the CNOT gate are required to effectuate a particular oper- ation. We have seen that the optimal universal two-qubit circuit proposed by Vatan and Williams [90] necessarily requires that the two-qubit SWAP gate demands three CNOT gates. The SWAP gate has been illustrated to be a cor- nerstone in the networkability of quantum computation. Therefore, a question remains, can a generalised SWAP gate for higher dimensional quantum system be efficiently constructed from generalised CNOT gates? Should this be the case then the generalised SWAP gate for higher dimensional quantum systems

96 might be a cornerstone in the networkability of quantum computer based on qudits. To this end, we note the following results.

5.4 On Permutations

Consider the set N = {1, 2,...,n} and let σ :N7→ N be a bijection. We  12... n say σ = , where ik ∈ N is the image of k ∈ N under σ,isa i1 i2 ... in permutation of the set N. Let σ and τ be two permutations of N. We define the product σ · τ by (σ ·τ)(i)=σ(τ(i)), for i ∈ N, to be the composition of the mapping τ followed by σ. These permutations taken with (·) form a group denoted Sn which is called the symmetric group of degree n. Given the permutation σ and for each i ∈ N, let us consider the sequence i, σ(i),σ2(i),.... Since σ is a bijection and N is finite there exist a smallest positive integer ` = `(i) depending on i such that σ`(i)=i. The orbit of i under σ then consists of the elements i, σ(i),...,σ`−1(i). By a cycle of σ,we mean the ordered set (i, σ(i),...,σ`−1(i)) which sends i into σ(i), σ(i) into σ2(i),...,σ`−2(i) into σ`−1(i), and σ`−1(i) into i and leaves all other elements of N fixed. Such a cycle is called an (`)-cycle. We refer to 2-cycles as trans- positions. A pair of elements {σ(i),σ(j)} is an inversion in a permutation σ if iσ(j). Any permutation can be written as a product of transpositions. The number of transpositions in any such product is even if and only if the number of inversions is even, and consequently, we say the permutation is even. Similarly, a permutation is odd if it can be written as a product of an odd number of transposition and hence has an odd number of inversions.

97 Lemma 1. Every permutation can be uniquely expressed as a product of dis- joint cycles.

Proof: Let σ be a permutation. Then the cycles of the permutation are of the form i, σ(i),...,σ`−1(i). Since the cycles are disjoint and by the multipli- cation of cycles, we have it that the image of i ∈ N under σ is the same as the image under the product, ς, of all the disjoint cycles of σ. Then, σ and ς have the same effect on every element in N, hence, σ = ς.

Every permutation in Sn has then a cycle decomposition that is unique up to ordering of the cycles and up to a cyclic permutation of the elements within each cycle. Further, if σ ∈ Sn and σ is written as the product of disjoint cycles of length n1,...,nk, with ni ≤ ni+1,wesay(n1,...,nk) is the cycle type of σ. As a result of Lemma 1, every permutation can be written as a product of transpositions. Since the number of transpositions needed to represent a given permutation is either even or odd, we define the signature of a permutation as +1 if σ is even sgn(σ)= (5.4.1) −1ifσ is odd

To each permutation, let us associate a permutation matrix Aσ whereby 1ifσ(i)=j A (j, i)= (5.4.2) σ 0 otherwise

The mapping f : Sn 7→ det(Aσ) is a group homomorphism, where


det(Aσ)= X sgn(σ) Y Aσ(i),i (5.4.3)

σ∈Sn i=1 The kernel of this homomorphism, kerf, is the set of even permutations. Con- sequently, we have it that σ is even if and only if det(Aσ) equals +1. The kernel of the homomorphism signature defines the alternating group. Note that the set of odd permutation can not form a subgroup but they form a coset of the alternating group.

98 Let us consider the following problem. Given a pair of d-dimensional quan- tum systems, system A in the state |ψi and system B in the state |φi, deter- mine if it is possible swap the states of the corresponding systems so that system A is in the state |φi and that system B is in the state |ψi.

5.4.1 On the swap of a pair of Qutrits

Let HA and HB be two d-dimensional Hilbert spaces with bases |iiA and

|iiB ,I ∈ Zd respectively. Let |ψiA denote a pure state of the quantum system

HA. Similarly, let |φiB denote a pure state of the quantum system HB and 2 consider an arbitrary unitary transformation U ∈ U(d ) acting on HA ⊗HB.

Let UCNOT1 [90] denote a CNOT gate that has qudit |ψiA as the control qudit and |φiB as the target qudit;

UCNOT1 |miA ⊗|niB = |miA ⊗|n ⊕ miB ,m,n∈ Zd (5.4.4) where i ⊕ j denote modulo d addition. In gate circuitry notation, the CNOT1 gate is given by

|miA |miA v (5.4.5) |niB |n ⊕ miB j

Similarly, let UCNOT2 [90] denote a CNOT gate that has qudit |ψiA as the target qudit and |φiB as the control qudit;

UCNOT2 |miA ⊗|niB = |m ⊕ niA ⊗|niB ,m,n∈ Zd (5.4.6)

99 100000000 100000000 010000000 000000010     001000000 000001000     000010000 000100000     000001000 010000000     v = 000100000 j = 000000001     000000001 000000100     j 000000100 v 000010000 000000010 001000000

Figure 5.3: Matrix representations of CNOT types.

In gate circuitry notation, the CNOT2 gate is given by

|miA |m ⊕ niA j (5.4.7) |niB |niB v

Both circuits are read from left to right. Each horizontal line in both circuits is called a wire and represents a finite dimensional quantum system. The evolution of a quantum state over time is described by a set of unitary trans- formations acting on the state description of the quantum system. Such state evolutions are represented at various locations along the wire. We now show that a swap of two qutrits is not possible using a composition of CNOT gates alone. The point of this argument is to illustrate that a quan- tum gate construction which permutes the states of three qutrit systems can not be described by a set of qutrit transpositions induced by the CNOT gate alone. Were this not the case then we would have a much simpler, with repect to CNOT complexity, solution to the problem of construction a generalised SWAP of d qudit system. To show this, we first note that any sequence of CNOT gates acting on the qutrit states |ψiA and |φiB can be written as a composition of the gates

100 CNOT1 and CNOT2. The CNOT1 and CNOT2 gates can be described in the following way; the permutation matrix corresponding to the CNOT1 gate takes the value 1 in row 3m + n and column 3m +(m ⊕ n),m,n=0, 1, 2. Similarly, the matrix corresponding to the CNOT2 gate takes the value 1 in row 3m + n column 3(m n)+n. These unitary matrix representations for a CNOT gate are given in Fig. 5.3. Furthermore, both the CNOT1 matrix and CNOT2 matrix have determinant +1 since the permutation corresponding to each of the respective matrices is even. Let us now assume that there exists a gate that swaps a pair of qutrit states and that such a gate is composed using only the CNOT gate. Such a swap gate will then be a composition of the gates CNOT1 and CNOT2. Since each CNOT circuit acting on a pair of qutrits is a composition of CNOT1 and CNOT2, it follows that any such composition will be equivalent to some prod- uct of their respective unitary matrices. Such a product matrix product will necessarily have determinant +1 as its constituent elements have determinant +1. However, the matrix transformation representation required to effectuate the swap of a pair of qutrits is given by

100000000 000100000   000000100   010000000   000010000 . (5.4.8)   000000010   001000000   000001000   000000001

This matrix takes the value 1 in row 3m+n column 3n+m and has determinant -1. Thus, no composition of the former can yield the latter and the result follows.

101 5.5 On the swap of a pair of qudits

Barenco et al. [3] showed that any unitary transformation on a set of qubits can be decomposed into a sequence of CNOT and single-qubit gates [91]. We now consider the problem of swapping a pair of d-dimensional quantum states using only CNOT gates such that the system HA begins in the state |ψiA and ends in the state |φiA while correspondingly the system HB begins in the state

|φiB and ends in the state |ψiB. Our argument will be that a transposition 2 qudit states induces some unitary matrix U(d )overHA ⊗HB whose circuit architecture can not be completely determined by using only CNOT gates. Recall the particular problem concerning the swap of a pair of qutrit sys- tems. We have shown how the unitary matrices UCNOT1 and UCNOT2 both have determinant +1. We also showed that this is in contrast to matrix USWAP which describes the swapping of states of a pair of quantum systems where such a matrix has determinant -1. Consequently, no compostion of CNOT gates alone can induce the matrix that determines the action of the SWAP gate. Another way to look at this is the following. The permutations

012345678 σ =   CNOT1 012453867 012345678 σ =   (5.5.1) SWAP 056741238

that correspond to the unitary matrices UCNOT1 and USWAP have corresponding cycle types (1, 1, 1, 3, 3) and (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2). Hence, a CNOT gate fixes three basis states and permutes the remaining states in two cycles of length 3. Each such cycle may be written as a product of two transpositions. Whence, the signature of the CNOT permutation is +1. On the other hand, a SWAP gate that swaps the states of a pairs of qutrits contains three fixed elements and a set of three transpositions and therefore the signature of the SWAP

102 permutation is -1 and it follows that no composition of CNOT gates can lead to an execution of a swap of a pair of qutrit systems. More generally, a CNOT gate acting on a pair of d-dimensional quantum systems corresponds to a permutation of the d2 basis states. We consider the case when d = p is a prime. For prime dimensions d = p the case of

CNOT1, we have it that the basis states |miA ⊗|niB of the system HAB are mapped mapped to |miA ⊗|n ⊕ miB. The permutation associated with the CNOT1 mapping fixes d basis states and has (d − 1) cycles of length d, each of which may be written as a product of d-1 transpositions. CNOT1 yields a permutation that can then be composed of (d − 1)2 transpositions of qudit basis states. Similarly, the CNOT2 gate acting on a pair of qudit basis states maps |miA ⊗|niB of HAB to |m ⊕ niA ⊗|niB. There are d fixed basis elements under the CNOT2 mapping and (d-1) cycles, each a product of d-1 transpositions. Therefore, the signature of the CNOT permutation is −1 for dimension d = 2 and +1 for odd prime dimensions. Now suppose a CNOT gate acting on a pair of qudits within system Hdd . Further suppose that such an action is described by UCNOT ⊗ Idd−2 . This matrix representation induces a permutation of d(d−2) copies of the d2 basis elements targeted by the CNOT gate and it follows that the signature of corresponding permutation is −1 only for dimensions d =2. Let us consider a SWAP gate that swaps that states of a pair of qudits. 2 Such a gate corresponds to a permutation of the d basis states of system Hd2 which maps basis states |miA ⊗|niB to basis states |niA ⊗|miB. Under this mapping there are d fixed basis elements and d(d − 1)/2 transpositions which describe the interchanging of all remaining basis states. Thus, the signature of the permutation corresponding to the SWAP gate of a pair of qudits is −1 for dimensions d = 2 or 3 (mod 4) and +1 for dimensions d = 0 or 1 (mod

103 4). Thus when d = 3 (mod 4) the SWAP cannot be realised the CNOT gates alone.

Further consider a cycle of d quantum states that maps basis states |uiI ⊗

|viJ ⊗|wiK ···⊗|ziM to the basis states |ziI ⊗|uiJ ⊗|viK ···⊗|yiM.As above the cycle structure of this permutation depends on the factorisation of the dimension of the quantum system. Thus, for prime dimensions, the per- mutation corresponding to a cycle of d qudit states contains d fixed states and (dd −d)/d cycles of length d. Consequently, there are (d(d−1) −1)(d − 1) transpositions association with the cycle of d qudit systems. Over even di- mension d, the permutation signature of such is −1 and +1 for odd dimension d. The task swapping a pair of qudit states has been argued in terms of the signature of a permutation. Based on this argument, we have shown that a CNOT gate acting on a pair of qudits corresponds to a permutation whose signature is +1, for odd prime dimensions. A SWAP of pairs of qudit systems yields a permutation whose signature is −1 for dimensions d = 2 or 3 (mod 4) and +1 for dimensions d = 0 or 1 (mod 4). By this argument alone, circuit architectures completely described by instances of the CNOT gate can not be used to implement a SWAP of a pair of qudits for dimensions d = 3 (mod 4).

104 Chapter 6

On the WilNOT Gate

Of central importance to the theory of quantum computation is the role as- sumed by single or multiple qudit gates that establish a basis for quantum cir- cuitry designs. A quantum circuit is an assembly of discrete sets of components which describe computational procedures [63]. A physical implementation of such designs describes the process of computation whereby the evolution of a qudit state and its influence on other states can be modelled. Quantum com- putation is therefore a process that identifies the changes imposed on a quan- tum state during the implementation of quantum gates in a manner analogous to classical implementation of logic gates. Our ability to preserve quantum coherence rests with our ability to implement efficient quantum computations. Fundamental to successful quantum computations is the application of sin- gle and multiple qudit gates. The most important multiple gate in the realm of binary quantum computation is the two qubit controlled NOT gate [27] as illustrated in Figure 5.1. The controlled NOT gate can realise quantum computation networks such as entanglement, teleportation and error correc- tion and is the principle multiple qubit gate in the universal set of gates that describes arbitrary quantum computations [3, 63]. The dynamics of the con- trolled NOT gate as described by its transformation on pairs of qubits can

105 be considered as an extension of the single gate NOT operation. In analogy with the binary case, the generalised controlled NOT gate acts on two qudit states. Correspondingly, the generalised NOT gate is crucial to the working of the generalised controlled NOT gate and serves as the crux for popular computations of error model and coding constructions in higher dimensions. The qudit representation of a quantum state provides a natural mech- anism by which quantum computations can be implemented. That such a computation is made possible initially lies with the notion of state signature.

In particular, the correspondence of quantum information αk with a computa- tional qudit basis element |ki and the subsequent genesis of the quantum state

d−1 d Pk=0 αk |ki in the Hilbert space C . Such a correspondence between informa- tion and a Hilbert space representation is prerequisite to quantum computa- tion since the successful transmission of any information state is predicated on encoding the basis states associated with the quantum information elements rather than the information itself which thereby prevents the collapse of the state superposition and loss of information. This is in contrast to the classical setting where no such correspondence is proffered nor required.

6.1 The WilNOT Gate

The WilNOT gate is a generalised quantum SWAP operator, see Figure 6.1.

By this I mean, suppose that the first quantum system A0 prepared in the state |e0i0, the second system A1 prepared in the state |e1i1 and so forth, with the final system Ad−1 prepared in the state |ed−1id−1. Construction of the WilNOT gate over prime dimension yields a generalised SWAP gate so that the system A0 is in the state |e1i0, the system A1 is in the state |e2i1 and

106 4 3 2 − − − d d d 1 i i i − 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 d i i i i i i − − − 1 2 3 4 5 d d d 0 e e e e e e e e e | | | | | | | | | r f ...... r f r f r f r f ...... r f ...... r f . . . r f . . . r f . . . r f ...... r f . . . r f . . . r f . . .

. f r f r f r ...... f r f r f r f r r f r f ...... r f r f r f r f f f f f f f f ......

...... r f f f f f f f f . . . r f f f f f f f f . . . 4 3 2 1 r f f f f f f f f . . . − − − − d d d d i i i i 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 i i i i i − − − − 0 1 2 3 4 d d d d e e e e e e e e e | | | | | | | | |

Figure 6.1: The WilNOT Gate; A Generalised SWAP Gate.

107 so forth, until the system Ad−1 is in the state |e0id−1. Central to this im- plementation is the use of the generalised quantum controlled-NOT operator, |xi|yi7→|xi|y ⊕ x mod di. It has been shown that the generalised quantum NOT operator is an important primitive in higher dimensional quantum sys- tems. For instance, the generalised quantum NOT operator is analogous the qudit flip, or generalised Pauli X matrix, operator that serves to provide a basis for d-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Contrary to the claim that considerations of higher dimensional quantum system would provide negligible innovative theo- retical insights [63], one argument in support of such considerations can be seen in the context of information processing [36]. Since the entropy of a message is dependent upon alphabet size, it may be that by increasing the alphabet size allows for better quantum code constructions. Therefore, in a similar manner to the qubit flip operator providing a description of binary quantum codes, the generalised NOT operator may aid a concise representation of qudit codes that engender good coding parameters.

k l+n l+k+1 Lemma 2. [72] Pn=0 n  = k . Theorem 19. Let d = p be a prime. The WilNOT operator algorithm provides a constuction for generalised qauantum SWAP operator through uses of the generalised quantum controlled-NOT operator. The quantum SWAP operator has

Input: |ekik ; k =0,...,d − 1.

Output: |ek+1ik ; k =0,...,d − 2, |e0id−1 . The WilNOT operator algorithm is described as follows,

0 Input: ek := ik; k =0,...,d − 1 d+2 d+2 Output: ik = ek+1; k =0,...,d − 1,id−1 = e0.

108 Stage 1. Initialisation: j =0.

0 ek := ik

for k =0,...,d − 1.

The WilNOT gate is initiated by Stage 1 and step j = 0 by making the

0 correspondence between a representative input element ik of the WilNOT

gate algorithm each standard basis state ek.

Stage 2. For j =1,...,d − 1.

j j−1 i0 = i0

j j j−1 ik = ik−1 + ik ; k =1,...d − 1.

Stage 2 consists of d − 1 steps which repeat the sequence of gates of step j = 1. The sequence of gates at step j = 1, see Fig. 6.2, is tar-

geted on the systems A1,...,Ad−1. Each step of Fig. 6.2 is a com- position of CNOT gates acting on consecutive pairs of systems and is written as a shorthand form to represent the sequence of CNOT gates given in Fig. 6.3. The algorithm process of step j = 1 trans-

0 0 0 0 forms the input sequence i0,i1,i2,...,id−1 to the resulting state given 0 1 0 2 0 d−1 0 by i0, Pk=0 ik, Pk=0 ik,...,Pk=0 ik. In a similar manner, the WilNOT gate at step j = 2 takes the output from step j = 1 as input and repeats the sequence of gates. The resulting state of the circuit at step j =2

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 is given by i0, i0 + Pk=0 ik, i0 + Pk=0 ik + Pk=0 ik, ...,i0 + Pk=0 ik + 2 0 d−1 0 Pk=0 ik +···+Pk=0 ik. This process continues to step j = d−1. Figure 6.4 illustrates initialisation on the circuit and the subsequent d− 1 steps of Stage 2.

109 0 0 0 i0 i0 i0 0 tt1 0 0 1 0 i1 Pk=0 ik i0 + Pk=0 ik 0 h 2 0 h 0 1 0 2 0 i2 Pk=0 ik i0 + Pk=0 ik + Pk=0 ik . . . . .hh.

0 d−1 1 2 d−1 id−1 0 0 0 0 0 Pk=0 ik i0 + Pk=0 ik + Pk=0 ik + ···+ Pk=0 ik xh xh j=1 j=2 Figure 6.2: WilNOT gate; Stage 2, steps j = 1, 2.


h h t . . .hh≡ t ..

h h Figure 6.3: WilNOT gate; Stage 2. Algorithm step operates on successive pairs.

Stage 3. j = d.

d d−1 i0 = i0

d d−1 i1 = i1

d d d−1 ik = ik−2 + ik ; k =2,...,d − 1.

d−1 d−1 d−1 The sequence of values i0 ,i1 ,...,id−1 corresponding to the final step of Stage 2 are carried foward as an input sequence for Stage 3 and step

d−1 d−1 j = d. The algorithm step keeps the values i0 ,i1 and returns them d d as outcomes i0 ,i1 for step j = d. The remaining systems are then

110 0 ... i0 0 ttt t ... i1 0 hhh... h i2 ...... hh.h .h .

0 id−1 ... hhh h Figure 6.4: WilNOT gate; Stage 2, steps j = 1,. . . , d-1.

d targeted in an iterative process. For instance, the outcome i2 for step d d−1 d j = d is given by i0 + i2 . This value is then stored as the result i2

for e2 at Stage 3. The outcome state for A0, A1, A2 at Stage 3 have thus

been determined. To evaluate the result value for A3, the algorithm d d−1 d computes i1 + i3 and stores this value as the outcome i3 for Stage 3. Figure 6.5 illustrates the process that determines the current state of the algorithm following stage 3 and step j = d in diagrammatic shorthand form for the sequence of CNOTs.

Stage 4. j = d+1.

d+1 d d ik = ik + ik+1

d+1 d id−1 = id−1; k =0,...,d − 2.

Stage 4 consists of a single step, j = d+1, whose primary algorithm oper-

ation acts as a CNOT on the d-1 consecutive pairs of systems (Ak, Ak+1) d d for k =0,...,d − 2, computing (ik + ik+1) and storing these values as d+1 d d+1 the outcome ik . The value id−1 is returned as the outcome id−1.

111 ... t t ... t t ... h h t ... h ≡ h t ...... h . h ... h ... h h

Figure 6.5: WilNOT gate; Stage 3, step j = d.

... h ... t h ... t h ...... t

... t

Figure 6.6: WilNOT gate; Stage 4, step j = d +1.

112 ...... d+2 i0 t ...... d+2 i1 t t ... t ...... d+2 i2 t ...... id+2 ...... 3 ...... t .t t ..

...... d+2 id−3 ...... t ... d+2 id−2. t t t d+2 ...... id−1 h h h h h h h h h h h h

Figure 6.7: WilNOT gate; Stage 5, step j = d +2.

Stage 5. j = d+2.

d+2 d+1 ik = ik d−2 d+2 d+1 d+2 id−1 = id−1 + X ηkik ; k =0,...,d − 2 k=0 with

b d−2 c d−3 d−2 2 2 d+2 d+2 d+2 X ηkik := X (d − 1)i2t+1 + X i2t (6.1.1) k=0 t=0 t=0

Stage 5 concludes the WilNOT gate transformation with a set of gates d+1 targeted on system Ad−1 whose current state is represented by id−1 . The d+2 d+2 d+2 values i0 ,i1 ,...,id−2 for the respective systems A0, A1,...,Ad−2 d+1 d+1 d+1 are unchanged from their representative values i0 ,i1 ,...,id−2 at step j = d + 1 and are returned as outcomes in the final state for step j =

113 d+2 d+1 d−2 d+2 d+2. The final state of Ad−1 is given by id−1 = id−1 + Pk=0 ηkik d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 d+1 = id−1 +i0 +(d−1)i1 +i2 +(d−1)i3 +···+id−3 +(d−1)id−2 . d+2 Thus, for odd valued k there is a gate with ik as control and for even d+2 valued k there are d-1 gates with ik as control. This is represented in Figure 6.7.

d+2 Proof : We show that the algorithm outputs ik = ek+1 for k =0,...,d+2 d+2 and id−1 = e0. At step j = 0, we have it that,

0 ek := ik; k =0, ..., d − 1.

1 0 1 At Stage 2, step j = 1 the algorithm sets i0 = i0 and computes i1 as 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 i1 = i0 + i1. Similarly, i2 = i1 + i2 = i0 + i1 + i2 = Pm=0 im. Therefore, for k =1,...,d − 1, we have,

1 1 0 ik = ik−1 + ik

1 0 0 = ik−2 + ik−1 + ik

1 0 0 0 = ik−3 + ik−2 + ik−1 + ik = ...

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = i0 + i1 + i2 + ···+ ik−3 + ik−2 + ik−1 + ik k 0 = X im (6.1.2) m=0 The next step, Stage 2 step j = 2, implements a repeat set of gates of step

2 1 0 1. By definition i0 = i0 = i0. The case for k =1,...,d − 1 follows from the algorithm step,

2 2 1 ik = ik−1 + ik

2 1 1 = ik−2 + ik−1 + ik = ...

114 2 1 1 1 1 1 = i0 + i1 + i2 + ···+ ik−2 + ik−1 + ik 1 2 k 0 0 0 0 = i0 + X im + X im + ···+ X im m=0 m=0 m=0 k l 0 = X X im l=0 m=0 k k 0 = X X im m=0 l=m k k−m 0 = X X im m=0 l=0 k k − m +1 = X  i0 (6.1.3) 1 m m=0

− j k k−m+j−1 0 We show by induction that, for j =1,...,d 1, ik = Pm=0 j−1 im, k =0,...,d − 1. We have shown that this is true for j = 1. Let 1 ≤ j

k k − m + j − 1 ij = X  i0 , (6.1.4) k j − 1 m m=0

j+1 j 0 k =0,...,d − 1 Now, i0 = i0 = i0.For1≤ k ≤ d − 1, we have

j+1 j j+1 ik = ik + ik−1 j j j+1 = ik + ik−1 + ik−2 = ...

j j j j j+1 = ik + ik−1 + ···+ i2 + i1 + i0 j j j j j = ik + ik−1 + ···+ i2 + i1 + i0. (6.1.5)

j+1 j j+1 Since i0 = i0 follows from the algorithm step, we have it that ik = k j Pm=0 im. Hence, by the induction process,

115 k 1 1 − l + j − 1 2 2 − l + j − 1 ij+1 = X ij = i0 + X  i0 + X  i0 + ... k m 0 j − 1 l j − 1 l m=0 l=0 l=0 k k − l + j − 1 + X  i0 j − 1 l l=0 k m m − l + j − 1 = X X  i0 j − 1 l m=0 l=0 k k m − l + j − 1 = X X  i0 j − 1 l m=0 l=0 k k m − l + j − 1 = X X  i0 j − 1 l l=0 m=l k k − l + j = X  i0. (6.1.6) j l l=0 Therefore, the result is true for j +1

k k − m + j ij+1 = X  i0 (6.1.7) k j m m=0 and the result follows by induction. The algorithm at Stage 3, step j = d

d d−1 0 i0 = i0 = i0 1 1 − m + d − 2 id = id−1 = X  i0 =(d − 1)i0 + i0. (6.1.8) 1 1 d − 2 m 0 1 m=0

d d d−1 Implementing the algorithm step ik = ik−2 + ik for k =2,... d − 1, we have it that

2 2 − m + d − 2 id = id + id−1 = i0 + X  i0 2 0 2 0 d − 2 m m=0

116 1 1 − m + d − 2 3 3 − m + d − 2 id = id + id−1 = X  i0 + X  i0 3 1 2 d − 2 m d − 2 m m=0 m=0 2 2 − m + d − 2 4 4 − m + d − 2 id = id + id−1 = i0 + X  i0 + X  i0 4 2 4 0 d − 2 m d − 2 m m=0 m=0 ...

Therefore for odd valued k,

k−1 2 2t+1 2t +1− m + d − 2 id = X X  i0 k d − 2 m t=0 m=0 k−1 2 2t+1 2t +1− m + d − 2 = X X  i0 (as d is prime) d − 2 m t=0 m=2t k−1 2 0 0 = X (d − 1)i2t + i2t+1 (6.1.9) t=0 and similarly for even valued k,

k 2 2t 2t − m + d − 2 id = X X  i0 k d − 2 m t=0 m=0 k 2 2t 2t − m + d − 2 = X X  i0 (as d is prime) d − 2 m t=0 m=2t k 2 0 0 = X (d − 1)i2t−1 + i2t. (6.1.10) t=0

d+1 d d Stage 4, step j = d + 1 of the algorithm is given by ik = ik + ik+1 for d+1 k =0,...,d − 2. Let us consider ik . There are two cases; for even valued k we note that

d d d−1 ik = ik−2 + ik

117 d d−1 d−1 = ik−4 + ik−2 + ik = ... k 2 d−1 = X i2t (6.1.11) t=0 while

d d d−1 ik+1 = ik−1 + ik+1

d d−1 d−1 = ik−3 + ik−1 + ik+1 = ... b k+1 c 2 d−1 = X i2t+1. (6.1.12) t=0

d+1 k+1 d−1 d Therefore, ik = Pt=0 it . Alternatively, for odd valued k then ik = k−1 k+1 2 d−1 d 2 d−1 d+1 k+1 d−1 Pt=0 i2t+1 while ik+1 = Pt=0 i2t and ik = Pt=0 it . Hence,

k+1 d+1 d−1 ik = X il t=0 k+1 t t − m + d − 2 = X X  i0 d − 2 m l=0 m=0 k+1 k+1 l − m + d − 2 = X X  i0 d − 2 m m=0 l=m k+1 k − m + d = X  i0 d − 1 m m=0 0 = ik+1 mod d. (6.1.13)

Recall that since the dimesion, d = p, considered is prime, under arithmetic k−m+d 6 modulo d, d−1  vanishes for m = k + 1 and therefore we deduce that d+1 0 ik = ik+1 for k =0,...,d − 2. When k = d-1 we have

b d−1 c 2 2t 2t − m + d − 2 id+1 = id = X X  i0 . (6.1.14) d−1 d−1 d − 2 m t=0 m=0

118 The WilNOT gate concludes at Stage 5 step j = d + 2 with the implemen- d+1 tation of a sequence of gates targeted on id−1.Fork =0,...,d − 2, we have the result

d+2 d+1 0 ik = ik = ik+1 mod d. (6.1.15)

d+2 For k = d − 1, the value of id−1 is given by

d−2 d+2 d+1 d+2 id−1 = id−1 + X ηkik k=0 d−1 b c − 2 2t 2t − m + d − 2 d 2 = X X  i0 + X η id+2. d − 2 m k k t=0 m=0 k=0

d+1 To show that this returns the desired result, we consider the value id−1 mod d. b d−1 c b d−1 c− d+1 2 0 2 1 0 Lemma 3. id−1 mod d = Pt=0 i2t + Pt=0 (d − 1)i2t+1.

Proof. d−1 2 2t 2t − m + d − 2 id+1 = X X  i0 d−1 d − 2 m t=0 m=0 d−1 − d 1 2 2t − m + d − 2 = X X  i0 . (6.1.16) d − 2 m m=0 d m e t= 2

2t−m+d−2 d m e Since d−2  =0modd for t> 2 then

− d 1 2d m e−m + d − 2 id+1 mod d = X  2 i0 d−1 d − 2 m m=0 d−1 b d−2 c 2 2 0 0 = X i2l + X (d − 1)i2l+1. (6.1.17) l=0 l=0

d−1 b d−2 c d+1 2 0 2 0 Thus, id−1 mod d = Pt=0 i2t + Pt=0 (d − 1)i2t+1. By definition of Stage 5, b d−2 c d−3 d−2 d+2 2 d+2 2 d+2 we have it that Pk=0 ηkik = Pt=0 (d − 1)i2t+1 + Pt=0 i2t . The value of

119 d+2 id−1 is then given by d−2 d+2 d+1 d+2 id−1 = id−1 + X ηkik k=0 b d−1 c b d−2 c b d−2 c b d−1 c 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 = X i2t + X (d − 1)i2t+1 + X i2t+1 + X (d − 1)i2t. (6.1.18) t=0 t=0 t=0 t=1 d+2 d+2 0 Consequently, id−1 mod d = i0 = i0. Stage 5 of the algorithm ensures that the WilNOT gate effectuates the transformation of an input sequence given

0 d+2 by ik = ek for k =0,...,d − 1 to the sequence ik = ek+1 for k =0,...,d− 2 d+1 and id−1 = e0, thereby finalising the construction process for a generalised quantum SWAP gate. We show that the network SWAPS all dd sequences of input states.

Theorem 20. Let A0,...,Ad−1 be d-dimensional systems with bases |e0ij , |e1ij,

...,|ed−1ij , j =0,...,d−1, where e0,...,ed−1 ∈ Zd. Let A = A0⊗· · ·⊗Ad−1.

If a network implements a SWAP on each basis state |a0a1 ...ad−1i = |a0i0 ⊗

|a1i1 ⊗···⊗|ad−1id−1 of A where a0,...,ad−1 ∈ Zd then the network imple- ments a SWAP on any input state |ψi = |ψ0i0 ⊗|ψ1i1 ⊗|ψd−1id−1. d−1 Proof: Let |ψji = P αjkj ekj , j =0,...,d − 1. Then j kj =0 j d−1 d−1

|ψi = X ···X α0k0 ...α(d−1)kd−1 |k0 ...kd−1i . (6.1.19)

k0=0 kd−1 Now, d−1 | i ··· | i SWAP( ψ )=X X α0k0 ...α(d−1)kd−1 SWAP( k0 ...kd−1 )

k0=0 kd−1 d−1 d−1 ··· | i = X X α0k0 ...α(d−1)kd−1 k1 ...kd−1k0

k0=0 kd−1 d−1 d−1 d−1 ··· | i = X X X α1k1 ...α(d−1)kd−1 α0k0 k1 ...kd−1k0

k1=0 kd−1 k0=0

= |ψ1i0 ⊗···⊗|ψd−1id−2 ⊗|ψ0id−1 (6.1.20)

120 2 2 Pi=0 ai |ii Pi=0 bi|ii 2 ttt h t 2 Pi=0 bi|ii Pi=0 ci|ii 2 h h t h tt 2 Pi=0 ci|ii Pi=0 ai |ii h h h t hhh

Figure 6.8: Qutrit WilNOT SWAP Network. as required. In particular, for an input quantum state of a d-fold quantum system whose first system A0 is prepared in the state |e0i0, whose second system

A1 is prepared in the state |e1i1 and so forth, and whose final system Ad−1 of the input state is prepared in the state |ed−1id−1, an application of the WilNOT gate over prime dimensions yields a generalised SWAP gate so that the system A0 is in the state |e1i0, the system A1 is in the state |e2i1 and so (l) forth, until the system Ad−1 is in the state |e0id−1. Furthermore, a WilNOT , l

6.2 WilNOT Example: The Qutrit Case

The qubit network that swaps two arbitrary qubit states is well known [60]. When restricted to the qubit setting, the WilNOT operator yields the unitary transformation matrices that swap the states of a pair of arbitrary qubits. We give an example of how WilNOT is used to swap the information content of three arbitrary qutrit states by defining the required unitary transformation

121 matrices, see Figure 6.8. For the case d=3 the WilNOT operator produces the following sequence of states of systems A0, A1, A2 on input |ii0 , |ji1 , |ki2.

Stage 1. |ii0 |ji1 |ki2

Stage 2, step 1. |ii0 |i + ji1 |i + j + ki2

Stage 2, step 2. |ii0 |2i + ji1 (|3i +2j + ki2 = |2j + ki2)

Stage 3. |ii0 |2i + ji1 |i +2j + ki2

Stage 4. (|3i + ji0 = |ji0)(|3i +3j + ki1 = |ki1 |i +2j + ki2

Stage 5. |ji0 |ki1 (|i +3j +3ki2 = |ii2) The unitary transformation matrices associated with the WilNOT operator

27 33 over C ≡ C are as follows; let U1 be the unitary transformation correspond- ing to Stage 1, step 1. Then U1(|ii0 |ji1 |ki2)=|ii0 |i + ji1 |i + j + ki2. Let 2 2 2 |ai0 = Pi=0 ai |ii, |bi1 = Pi=0 bi |ii, |ci2 = Pi=0 ci |ii. Then we may write |ai ⊗|bi ⊗|ci as 2 2 2 a b c |i i i i . Thus 0 1 2 Pi1=0 Pi2=0 Pi3=0 i1 i2 i3 1 2 3

U1(|ai0 ⊗|bi1 ⊗|ci2)

= U1 ((a0 |0i + a1 |1i + a2 |2i) ⊗ (b0 |0i + b1 |1i + b2 |2i) ⊗ (c0 |0i + c1 |1i + c2 |2i))

= U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |100i

+a1b0c1 |101i + a1b0c2 |102i + a1b1c0 |110i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |112i

+a1b2c0 |120i + a1b2c1 |121i + a1b2c2 |122i + a2b0c0 |200i + a2b0c1 |201i

+a2b0c2 |202i + a2b1c0 |210i + a2b1c1 |211i + a2b1c2 |212i + a2b2c0 |220i

+a2b2c1 |221i + a2b2c2 |222i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |011i + a0b1c1 |012i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |022i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |021i + a1b0c0 |111i

+a1b0c1 |112i + a1b0c2 |110i + a1b1c0 |122i + a1b1c1 |120i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |222i + a2b0c1 |220i

122 +a2b0c2 |221i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |211i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |210i . (6.2.1)

Thus for Stage 2, step 1 the matrix corresponding to U1 is (for the usual lexicographic ordering for rows and coloumns)

100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000001000000000000000   U1 = 000000000100000000000000000 . (6.2.2)   000000000010000000000000000   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000000000100000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000000000100000000 (6.2.3)

The state returned after step 1, is now an entangled state. This is beacause there is a positive entangling power measure associated with the CNOT gate

123 [90]. As we seek a generalised quantum SWAP gate, we have by extension of the qubit SWAP gate, to construct a quantum gate whose entangling power measure is zero [90]. The state of the WilNOT gate is remains entangled until all the unitary transformations described by WilNOT are applied. The set of unitary transformations are given by definition of each step in WilNOT. We now give the remaining set of unitarity transformations and the action of each unitary on the corresponding input states.

The unitary matrix corresponding to Stage 2, step 2 is the same as U1. Let 2 the transformation corresponding to Stage 2 of WilNOT be U2.SoU2 = U1 .

We may write the action of U2 on the state of the system prior to application of step 2 of WilNOT as


= U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |011i + a0b1c1 |012i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |022i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |021i + a1b0c0 |111i

+a1b0c1 |112i + a1b0c2 |110i + a1b1c0 |122i + a1b1c1 |120i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |222i + a2b0c1 |220i

+a2b0c2 |221i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |211i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |210i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |012i + a0b1c1 |010i

+a0b1c2 |011i + a0b2c0 |021i + a0b2c1 |022i + a0b2c2 |020i + a1b0c0 |120i

+a1b0c1 |121i + a1b0c2 |122i + a1b1c0 |102i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |101i

+a1b2c0 |111i + a1b2c1 |112i + a1b2c2 |110i + a2b0c0 |210i + a2b0c1 |211i

+a2b0c2 |212i + a2b1c0 |222i + a2b1c1 |220i + a2b1c2 |221i + a2b2c0 |201i

+a2b2c1 |202i + a2b2c2 |200i . (6.2.4)

124 The matrix corresponding to U2 is

100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000001000000000000000   U2 = 000000000100000000000000000 . (6.2.5)   000000000010000000000000000   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000000000100000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000000000100000000

Let U3 denote the unitary transformation corresponding to Stage 3 of

WilNOT. Then U3(|ijki)=|ij(i + k)i . The result of applying U3 is

U3(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |012i + a0b1c1 |010i

+a0b1c2 |011i + a0b2c0 |021i + a0b2c1 |022i + a0b2c2 |020i + a1b0c0 |120i

+a1b0c1 |121i + a1b0c2 |122i + a1b1c0 |102i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |101i

125 100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   U3 = 000000000000100000000000000 (6.2.6)   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100

+a1b2c0 |111i + a1b2c1 |112i + a1b2c2 |110i + a2b0c0 |210i + a2b0c1 |211i

+a2b0c2 |212i + a2b1c0 |222i + a2b1c1 |220i + a2b1c2 |221i + a2b2c0 |201i

+a2b2c1 |202i + a2b2c2 |200i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |012i + a0b1c1 |010i

126 +a0b1c2 |011i + a0b2c0 |021i + a0b2c1 |022i + a0b2c2 |020i + a1b0c0 |121i

+a1b0c1 |122i + a1b0c2 |120i + a1b1c0 |100i + a1b1c1 |101i + a1b1c2 |102i

+a1b2c0 |112i + a1b2c1 |110i + a1b2c2 |111i + a2b0c0 |212i + a2b0c1 |210i

+a2b0c2 |211i + a2b1c0 |221i + a2b1c1 |222i + a2b1c2 |220i + a2b2c0 |200i

+a2b2c1 |201i + a2b2c2 |202i . (6.2.7)

Let U4 and U5 be the unitary transformations given by U4(|ijki)=|(i + j)jki and U5(|ijki)=|i(j + k)ki. Then Stage 4 of WilNOT is done by applying U4 and then U5. The results of applying U4 and U5 are

U4(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |012i + a0b1c1 |010i

+a0b1c2 |011i + a0b2c0 |021i + a0b2c1 |022i + a0b2c2 |020i + a1b0c0 |121i

+a1b0c1 |122i + a1b0c2 |120i + a1b1c0 |100i + a1b1c1 |101i + a1b1c2 |102i

+a1b2c0 |112i + a1b2c1 |110i + a1b2c2 |111i + a2b0c0 |212i + a2b0c1 |210i

+a2b0c2 |211i + a2b1c0 |221i + a2b1c1 |222i + a2b1c2 |220i + a2b2c0 |200i

+a2b2c1 |201i + a2b2c2 |202i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |112i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |111i + a0b2c0 |221i + a0b2c1 |222i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |021i

+a1b0c1 |022i + a1b0c2 |020i + a1b1c0 |100i + a1b1c1 |101i + a1b1c2 |102i

+a1b2c0 |212i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |211i + a2b0c0 |012i + a2b0c1 |010i

+a2b0c2 |011i + a2b1c0 |121i + a2b1c1 |122i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |200i

+a2b2c1 |201i + a2b2c2 |202i (6.2.8) and

U5(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |112i + a0b1c1 |110i

127 100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   U4 = 000010000000000000000000000 (6.2.9)   000001000000000000000000000   000000000000000000000000100   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000100000000000000   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000

+a0b1c2 |111i + a0b2c0 |221i + a0b2c1 |222i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |021i

+a1b0c1 |022i + a1b0c2 |020i + a1b1c0 |100i + a1b1c1 |101i + a1b1c2 |102i

+a1b2c0 |212i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |211i + a2b0c0 |012i + a2b0c1 |010i

+a2b0c2 |011i + a2b1c0 |121i + a2b1c1 |122i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |200i

128 100000000000000000000000000 000000010000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   010000000000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000000000100000000000000   U5 = 000000000010000000000000000 . (6.2.10)   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000010000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000001000000

+a2b2c1 |201i + a2b2c2 |202i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |011i + a0b0c2 |022i + a0b1c0 |102i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |121i + a0b2c0 |201i + a0b2c1 |212i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |020i + a1b1c0 |100i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |122i

129 +a1b2c0 |202i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |221i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |010i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |101i + a2b1c1 |112i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |200i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |222i . (6.2.11)

Let U6 and U7 be the unitary transformations given by U6(|ijki)=|ij(i + k)i and U7(|ijki)=|ij(j + k)i. Then Stage 5 of WilNOT is done by applying U6 and then applying U7 twice. The result of applying U6 is

U6(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |011i + a0b0c2 |022i + a0b1c0 |102i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |121i + a0b2c0 |201i + a0b2c1 |212i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |020i + a1b1c0 |100i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |202i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |221i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |010i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |101i + a2b1c1 |112i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |200i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |222i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |011i + a0b0c2 |022i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |111i

+a0b1c2 |122i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |211i + a0b2c2 |222i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |020i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |112i + a1b1c2 |120i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |212i + a1b2c2 |220i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |010i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |110i + a2b1c2 |121i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |210i + a2b2c2 |221i . (6.2.12)

Similarly, the action of U7 on the state 6.2.12 may be given as

U7(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |011i + a0b0c2 |022i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |111i

+a0b1c2 |122i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |211i + a0b2c2 |222i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |020i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |112i + a1b1c2 |120i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |212i + a1b2c2 |220i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |010i

130 +a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |110i + a2b1c2 |121i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |210i + a2b2c2 |221i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |012i + a0b0c2 |021i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |112i

+a0b1c2 |121i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |212i + a0b2c2 |221i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |022i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |110i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |222i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |011i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |111i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |220i . (6.2.13)

The second application of U7 gives

U7(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |012i + a0b0c2 |021i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |112i

+a0b1c2 |121i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |212i + a0b2c2 |221i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |022i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |110i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |222i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |011i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |111i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |220i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |010i + a0b0c2 |020i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |120i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |210i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |011i + a1b0c2 |021i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |211i + a1b2c2 |221i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |012i

+a2b0c2 |022i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |112i + a2b1c2 |122i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |222i . (6.2.14)

The unitary matrices U6, and U7 have the following forms

131 100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   U6 = 000000000000100000000000000 (6.2.15)   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100 and

132 100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   U7 = 000000000000100000000000000 . (6.2.16)   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100

Note that state 6.2.14, the state of the system following the application of the last unitary transformation as defined by WilNOT, can be written as

a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |010i + a0b0c2 |020i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |120i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |210i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |011i + a1b0c2 |021i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |121i

133 +a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |211i + a1b2c2 |221i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |012i

+a2b0c2 |022i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |112i + a2b1c2 |122i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |222i

100000000000000000000000000 000000000100000000000000000   000000000000000000100000000   010000000000000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000000000000010000000   001000000000000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000000000000001000000   000100000000000000000000000   000000000000100000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000010000000000000000000000   SWAP = 000000000000010000000000000 (6.2.17)   000000000000000000000010000   000001000000000000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000000000000000000001000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000000000000100   000000010000000000000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000000000000010   000000001000000000000000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000000000001

= b0c0a0 |000i + b0c0a1 |001i + b0c0a2 |002i + b0c1a0 |010i + b0c1a1 |011i

134 +b0c1a2 |012i + b0c2a0 |020i + b0c2a1 |021i + b0c2a2 |022i + b1c0a0 |100i

+b1c0a1 |101i + b1c0a2 |102i + b1c1a0 |110i + b1c1a1 |111i + b1c1a2 |112i

+b1c2a0 |121i + b1c2a1 |121i + b1c2a2 |122i + b2c0a0 |200i + b2c0a1 |201i

+b2c0a2 |202i + b2c1a0 |210i + b2c1a1 |211i + b2c1a2 |212i + b2c2a0 |220i

+b2c2a1 |221i + b2c2a2 |222i . (6.2.18)

The state (6.2.18) is separable and has the form

(b0 |0i + b1 |1i + b2 |2i) ⊗ (c0 |0i + c1 |1i + c2 |2i) ⊗ (a0 |0i + a1 |1i + a2 |2i) = |bi⊗|ci⊗|ai , (6.2.19) thereby illustrating WilNOT to be a quantum SWAP gate. Figure 6.8 gives the WilNOT network for a qutrit SWAP of arbitrary quantum states. The qutrit SWAP matrix for swapping the information content of three arbitrary qutrit state is the product of the above transformations and is given by SWAP, equation 6.2.17.

135 6.3 On the WilNOT Gate over Even Dimensions Greater than Two

In this section, we consider the question of whether or not the WilNOT oper- ator can be altered so that a generalised SWAP gate can be constructed over even dimensions. This question is motivated by the case d = 4 in which we considered if it was possible to swap the states of four 4-dimensional system whereby first system A0 prepared in the state |e0i0 is left in the state |e1i0, the second system A1 is prepared in the state |e1i1 is left in the state |e2i1, the third system A2 prepared in the state |e2i2 is left in the state |e3i2 and finally the system A3 prepared in the state |e3i3 is left in the state |e0i3. To this end, let us consider an operator with Stage 1 and Stage 2 identical to those of the WilNOT gate given in section 6.1. By (6.1.4) (with j = d − 1), at Stage

d−1 0 2 and step j = d − 1, the state of the algorithm is given by i0 = i0, and d−1 k k−m+d−2 0 − ik = Pm=0 d−2 im for k =1,...,d 1. To effectuate the algorithm state (see (6.1.9) and (6.1.10)) 0  i0  (d − 1)i0 + i0  0 1   i0 +(d − 1)i0 + i0   0 1 2  (6.3.1)  .   .   0 0 0 0  (d − 1)i0 + i1 +(d − 1)i2 + ···+ id−1 on systems A0,...,Ad−1, the WilNOT algorithm process at Stage 3 for prime d given in Section 6.1 requires revision when we consider dimensions d =

d−1 0 mod 2. Instead we take ik with the following linear combination k−2 k−2  (k−2)−s  d−1 (k − 2) − s − m + d − 2 0 X asi = X as X i , (6.3.2) k−2−s  d − 2 m s=0 s=0 m=0 where − " s +2+d − 2 s 1 s − t + d − 2 # a = d −   + X a   +(−1)s, s d − 2 t d − 2 t=0

136 a0 a1 ad−3

z}|{. ..z}|{... a z}|{ ... tt a0 t t d−4 t t z}|{... z}|{... tt t t

hh . a2 ... hh hh .. a1 z}|{ z}|{...... a0 t t z}|{... t t

hhhh h h h h hh

Figure 6.9: WilNOT gate over dimensions d = 0 mod 2; Stage 3. and the result modulo d given by (6.3.1) can be obtained for Stage 3, step j = d.

Theorem 21. For d = 0 mod 2, the algorithm process at Stage 3, step j = d given by

k−2 d d−1 d−1 ik = ik + X asik−2−s s=0 − (k−2)−s k k − m + d − 2 k 2  (k − 2) − s − m + d − 2  = X  i0 + X a X  i0 , d − 2 m  s d − 2 m m=0 s=0 m=0 for k =0,...,d − 1, returns outcome (6.3.1).

d d−1 d d−1 Proof. For k =0, 1, we have it that i0 = i0 and i1 = i1 . Thus, the 0 0 0 states e0 and e1 are given as i0 and (d − 1)i0 + i1 respectively. The state e2 is written as

2 2 − m + d − 2 id = X  i0 + a i0 2 d − 2 m 0 0 m=0

137 d d =   +(d −   +1) i0 +(d − 1)i0 + i0 d − 2 d − 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 =(i0 +(d − 1)i1 + i2)modd. (6.3.3)

d k k−m+d−2 0 We show by induction that, for k = 0 mod 2, ik = Pm=0 d−2 im + k−2  (k−2)−s (k−2)−s−m+d−2 0  0 − 0 0 ··· − 0 0 Ps=0 as Pm=0 d−2 im = i0+(d 1)i1+i2+ +(d 1)ik−1+ik d 0 0 0 0 0 modulo d and for k =0mod2,6 ik =(d−1)i0+i1+(d−1)i2+···+(d−1)ik−1+ik modulo d. We have shown that this is true for k =0, 1, 2. Suppose 0 ≤ k ≤ d − 2 and further suppose that

k k−2  (k−2)−s  d k − m + d − 2 0 (k − 2) − s − m + d − 2 0 i = X i + X as X i k d − 2 m  d − 2 m m=0 s=0 m=0 k k−m 0 = X (−1) im (6.3.4) m=0 0 0 0 0 0 =(i0 +(d − 1)i1 + i2 + ···+(d − 1)ik−1 + ik)modd for k =0mod2, and

0 0 0 0 0 =((d − 1)i0 + i1 +(d − 1)i2 + ···+(d − 1)ik−1 + ik)modd for k =6 0 mod 2. Therefore, for j = d,wehave,

k+1 k−1  (k−1)−s  d k +1− m + d − 2 0 (k − 1) − s − m + d − 2 0 i = X i + X as X i k+1 d − 2 m  d − 2 m m=0 s=0 m=0 k k − m + d − 2 k +1+d − 2 = X  i0 +  i0 d − 2 m+1 d − 2 0 m=0 k−1 (k−2)−s   (k − 2) − s − m + d − 2 0 (k − 1) − s + d − 2 0 + X as X i + i  d − 2 m+1 d − 2 0 s=0 m=0 − k k +1+d − 2 k 1 k − 1 − s + d − 2 ! = X (−1)k−mi0 +   + X a   i0. (6.3.5) m+1 d − 2 s d − 2 0 m=0 s=0

d−1 k k−m+d−2 0 Recall that the binomial coefficients of ik = Pm=0 d−2 im are precisely d−1 k+1 k+1−m+d−2 0 those coefficients of ik+1 = Pm=0 d−2 im for m =1,...,k+ 1. Hence,

138 d the particular combination of systems A(k−2)−s that return the state ik = 0 0 0 0 0 (i0 +(d − 1)i1 + i2 + ···+(d − 1)ik−1 + ik)modd is the combination that d effectuates a similar sequence on ik+1 for m =1,...,k+1. Since k = 0 mod 2, d 0 then for ik+1 we require that the scalar value for i0 degenerates to (d−1) mod d. Thus, for m = 0 and by definition of as,wehave − (k +1)+d − 2 k 1 (k − 1) − s + d − 2 !   + X a   i0 d − 2 s d − 2 0 s=0 − (k +1)+d − 2 k 2 (k − 1) − s + d − 2 ! =   + X a   + a i0 d − 2 s d − 2 k−1 0 s=0 − (k +1)+d − 2 k 2 (k − 1) − s + d − 2 =   + X a   d − 2 s d − 2 s=0 − " (k +1)+d − 2 k 2 (k − 1) − s + d − 2 # !! + d −   + X a   +(−1)k+1 i0 d − 2 s d − 2 0 s=0 k+1 0 =(−1) i0. (6.3.6)

d k+1 k+1−m 0 Hence, ik+1 = Pm=0 (−1) im, and the result follows. We now implement Stage 4 of the WilNOT gate, which is written as

d+1 d d ik = ik + ik+1 (6.3.7) for k =0,...,d − 2 and

d−2 d+1 d d−1−s 0 id−1 = id−1 + X (−1) im, (6.3.8) m=0

b d−1 c d−2 d−1 ∗ d+2 2 0 2 0 and a revised Stage 5 given by Pk=1 ηkik = Pt=0 (d − 1)i2t+1 + Pt=0 i2t which then returns 0  i1  i0  2   i0   3   .  . (6.3.9)  .   0   id−1   0 (d − 1)i0

139 0 0 0 ξik ik +(1− ξ)ik+1 h h ... h 0 0 0 0 ξik+1 + ξik ξik + ξik+1 t t t

Figure 6.10: Pξ − 1 gates on pairs (ik,ik+1).

So, although we have not achieved our aim, our modification of the WilNOT gate for d even has produced a similar state, namely a SWAP but with a sign change for the system Ad−1. We have not been able to modify WilNOT to produce the SWAP gate. We give the following argument to show that a different approach would be required. Result (6.3.9) is a particular outcome for an even valued d and once entered into this sequence of CNOTs seems not to return an output with scalars on e0,...,ed−1 all equal to unity. To show this claim, let us consider the more general case given by

0  ξi1  ξi0  2   ξi0   3   .  . (6.3.10)  .   0   ξid−1   0 (d − ξ)i0

0 0 Consider the pairs (ξik,ξik+1), for k ∈{1,...,d − 3}, and further consider the 0 0 pair (ξid−1,ξi0). 0 0 Given the paired input sequence (ξik,ξik+1), for k ∈{1,...,d − 3}, and 0 0 0 0 0 a mapping that targets ik+1, we have it that (ξik,ξik+1) 7→ (ξik,ξik + ξik+1).

Denote by Pξ the inverse mod d of ξ, whence, Pξξ =1modd. Applying 0 0 Pξ − 1 gates, see Figure 6.10, from the control with value ξik + ξik to the

140 0 0 0 0 ik +(1− ξ)ik+1 ik +(1− ξ)ik+1 t t ... t 0 0 2 0 ξik + ξik+1 ξ ik+1 h h h

Figure 6.11: d − ξ gates on (id−2,id−1).

0 target corresponding to the output ξik results in

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ξik,ξik + ξik+1) 7→ (Pξξik +(Pξ − 1)ξik+1,ξik + ξik+1)

0 0 0 0 =(ik +(1− ξ)ik+1,ξik + ξik+1). (6.3.11)

0 To eliminate the value ξik from result (6.3.11), d − ξ gates are implemented 0 0 on the target ξik + ξik+1 thereby illustrating the mapping

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (ik +(1− ξ)ik+1,ξik + ξik+1) 7→ (ik +(1− ξ)ik+1,ξik + ξik+1

0 0 +(d − ξ)(ik +(1− ξ)ik+1))

0 0 0 =(ik +(1− ξ)ik+1,ξik+1

0 +(d − ξ)(1 − ξ)ik+1))

0 0 0 =(ik +(1− ξ)ik+1,ξik+1

2 0 +(−ξ + ξ )ik+1)

0 0 2 0 =(ik +(1− ξ)ik+1,ξ ik+1). (6.3.12)

In a similar fashion, let us consider the final pair (ξid−1, (d − ξ)i0). Applying those gates that correspond to result (6.3.11) and result (6.3.12) on the pair

0 0 2 0 ξid−1, (d − ξ)i0 returns the outcome (id−1 +(ξ − 1)i0, −ξ i0). Thus, we have

141 the mapping given by

0 0 0  ξi1   i1 +(1− ξ)i2  ξi0 ξ2i0  2   2   .   .   .   .   0  7→  0 0  . (6.3.13)  ξid−3  id−3 +(1− ξ)id−2  0   2 0   ξid−2   ξ id−2   0   0 0   ξid−1   id−1 +(ξ − 1)i0   0  2 0  (d − ξ)i0 −ξ i0

Since the scalar values ξ2 and −ξ2 can not simultaneously be unity, it seems that any mapping on the state (6.3.10) will fail to return a state whose scalars values all equal unity. That such outcome in result (6.3.13) is best possible suggests that the WilNOT algorithm fails to extend over dimensions d = 0 mod 2. Therefore, it seems that WilNOT cannot be modified for the case d even to permit a cycle of states such that first system A0 prepared in the state |e0i0 is left in the state |e1i0, the second system A1 is prepared in the state |e1i1 is left in the state |e2i1, the third system A2 prepared in the state

|e2i2 is left in the state |e3i2 and finally the system A3 prepared in the state

|e3i3 is left in the state |e0i3. Interestingly, WilNOT can demonstrate the case where first system A0 prepared in the state |e0i0 is left in the state |e2i0, the second system A1 is prepared in the state |e1i1 is left in the state |e3i1, the third system A2 prepared in the state |e2i2 is left in the state |e0i2 and finally the system A3 prepared in the state |e3i3 is left in the state |e1i3.

142 Chapter 7

On Binomial Summations and an Efficient Generalised Quantum SWAP Gate

Let us consider a set of d qudit quantum systems, the first system A0 prepared in the state |e0i0, the second system A1 prepared in the state |e1i1 and so forth, with the final system Ad−1 prepared in the state |ed−1id−1. We ask whether or not it is possible to construct a network to implement an efficient generalised

SWAP gate so that in the output of the network the system A0 is in the state

|e1i0, the system A1 is in the state |e2i1 and so forth, until the system Ad−1 is in the state |e0id−1 where e0,...,ed−1 ∈{0,...,d − 1}.

7.1 The Construction

Let k and l be positive integers. For non-negative integers j, the function j f(j)=k mod l is a cyclic function of j [Lu, Tsai] [55]. We use the periodic property of this function to study the computational problem associated with the construction of an efficient generalised SWAP gate for quantum systems j/d j−(d−1)i over dimensions d. In particular, the binomial summation aj = Pi=0 i  mod d will be related to a quantum network for an efficient quantum gate,

143 aj (mod 4) z }| { x x    y e1,e2,e3,e0,e0 ⊕ e1,... 000111123013223202133121013001 100011112301322320213312101300 010001111230132232021331210130 001000111123013223202133121013 x   y e0 ... t h t h t h t e1 ... h t h t h t h t e2 ... h t h t h t h e3 ... h t h t h t

Figure 7.1: Binomial summation Quantum SWAP network construction over dimension 4. where such a network is constructed from by periodic application of CNOT gates connecting adjacent systems of the network. Figure 7.1 illustrates such a quantum netwrok for 4-dimensional quantum states. The diagram shows the sequence of CNOT gates of the network. The columns of the array on integers (modulo 4) describe the states of the target systems after the corresponding CNOT gates have been applied, so the ar- row indicates the correspondence between the system A1 being in the state

|e0 + e1i1 (where e0 + e1 is calculated modulo 4) and the application of the

144 first CNOT gate. The sum e0 + e1 may be represented as the dot product of T the row vector e0,e1,e2,e3 and the corresponding column (1, 1, 0, 0) . Thus the array of integers (modulo 4) has rows indexed by {0, 1, 2, 3} and columns indexed by (time t =) −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3,... such that column t =4s + j with j ∈{0, 1, 2, 3} corresponds to system Aj.

Denote the entries in the array by bit, where i ∈{0, 1, 2, 3}, and t = −3, −2, 3 −1, 0, 1, 2, 3,.... Put at = Pi=0 e1bit, t = −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3,.... Then, for t =4s + j with j ∈{0, 1, 2, 3}, the state of the system Aj is |a4s+jij ((Aj) has been the target of s +(1− δ0j) CNOT gates). In general for a network of d systems (of dimension d), the periodic ar- rangement of CNOT gates with control system Aj and target system Aj+1 for j =0,...,d − 1 (where j + 1 = 0 for j = d − 1) means that the sequence (at), where |ads+j ij is the state of system A at time t = ds+j with j ∈{0,...,d−1} and Aj has been the target of s +(1− δ0j) CNOT gates, satisfies the recur- rence at+d = at+d−1 + at for all t ≥−d + 1, since the CNOT gate replaces the state |ads+j i of Aj with ad(s+1)+j = ads+j + ad(s+1)+j−1 . With initial j j j states |a−d+1i1 = |e1i1 ,...,|a−1id−1 = |ed−1id−1, |a0i0 = |e0i0 the terms of d−1 the sequence (at) may be written as at = Pi=0 eibit for sequences (bit) which satisfy the recurrences bi(t+d) = bi(t+d−1) + bit, i =0,...,d − 1. Indeed

d−1 d−1

at+d−1 + at = X eibi(t+d−1) + X eibi(t) i=0 i=0 d−1

= X ei(bi(t+d−1) + bit) (7.1.1) i=0 and d−1

at+d = X eibi(t+d). (7.1.2) i=0

We also note that, for i =0,...,d − 2 the sequence (bit) is a translate of the

145 sequence (b(i+1)t) by 1 place. (Indeed these sequences are all translates of one another.)

We begin by considering the solution of the recurrence relation a(t+d) = t/d j−(d−1) at+d−1 + at. This turns out to be at = Pi=0 i .

x x x+1 Lemma 4. [72] i + i+1 = i+1.

Lemma 5. Let d be a positive integer. The sequence hani defined by an = n/d n−(d−1)i Pi=0 i  satisfies the recurrence relation an+d = an+d−1 +an with initial conditions a0 = ···= ad−1 =1.

Proof: Clearly the sequence hani as defined satisfies a0 = ··· = ad−1 =1.

Let l be a non-negative integer and let m ∈{0,...,d − 1}. Then ald+m l (l−i)d+m+i l+1 (l+1−i)d+m+i−1 = Pi=0 i  and ald+m+d−1 = a(l+1)d+m−1 = Pi=0 i  l+1 (l+1−i)d+m+i−1 l (l−i)d+m+i =1+Pi=1 i  =1+Pi=0 i+1 . Hence, by lemma 4, l (l−i)d+m+i+1 l+1 (l+1−i)d+m+i ald+m + ald+m+d−1 =1+Pi=0 i+1  =1+Pi=1 i  = l+1 (l+1−i)d+m+i Pi=0 i  = a(l+1)d+m as required.

The solution sequence haj i is periodic since the recurrence relation is re- versible and the sequence must repeat as soon as d consecutive terms (of which there are only finitely many possibilities) are repeated. To determine the period we need some combinatorial results.

k j+i j+k+1 ≥ Lemma 6. [72] Pi=0 i  = k  for all j 0. Lemma 7. Let p be prime and let j ≥−1. Then for j = p−1 (mod p), we have p+j − p+j p−1 = 1(mod p) and for j =0,...,p 2 (mod p), we have p−1 = 0 (mod p).

p+j Proof: Let us write p−1 as a quotient of factorials, and consequently, we p+j (p+j)(p+j−1)...(p) have it that p−1 = (j+1)! . There is a multiple of p in the numerator not cancelled by a factor in the denominator except when j = p − 1 (mod p), and the result follows.

146 Theorem 22. [55] Let p be a prime number and let a, and k be any positive j a ≥ integers. The integer function k modulo p for j k has has the cycle length a+e p where e = blogpkc.

We now determine the period of the solution sequence haji when d is prime.

Theorem 23. Let d be a prime and consider the sequence haji defined by j/d j−(d−1)i h i 2 − aj = Pi=0 i  (mod d). Then aj has the cycle length d 1.

Proof: The sequence haji satisfies the recurrence aj+d = aj+d−1 + aj for all j. Since a0 = a1 = ··· = ad−1 = 1, it is sufficient to show that ad2−1 =

1,ad2−2 =0,...,ad2−d = 0. This implies that aj+d2−1 =1forj =0,...,d−1, and so aj+d2−1 = aj for all j ≥ 0. Now, for j =0,...,d − 2,

j+d2−d d 2 j + d − d − (d − 1)i a 2 = X j+d −d i i=0 − d 1 j + i = X  . (7.1.3) i i=0 By lemma 6,

− d 1 j + i j + d X   =   (mod d) i d − 1 i=0 0modd for 0 ≤ j

2 2 Thus the period divides d − 1. Next, we show that Pa = d − 1 is the j−(d−1)i ≥ smallest cycle length. For i =0, i  = 1 for all j 0. Let i be such ≤ d2−1 j−(d−1)i that 1 I< d . Then the sequence (cj) with cj = i  satisfies cj =0 for j =0,...,di − 1 and cj = 1 for j = di and is periodic with period d for j ≥ di by Theorem 22. Thus, ald = l + 1 for l =0,...,d − 1. Now any d consecutive terms of a0,...,ad2−1 includes a term ald for some l and so cannot

147 be d − 1 consecutive zeroes and one 1 until the terms from d2 − d to d2 − 1. This establishes the result. Since the cycle length d2 − 1 is coprime to d at the completion of a cycle the states of the system will be cycled round. Infact since d2 − 1=d − 1= −1(mod d) they are shift by one position and the network implements the

SWAP gate – system A0 will be in the state |e1i0, the initial state of A1, A1 will be in the state |e2i1, ..., Ad−1 will be in the state |e0id−1. This can be seen by the following argument. Since the sequences hbiti, i =0,...,d − 1, 2 have cycle length d − 1 we have (b0t,...,b(d−1)t) equal to: (0, 1, 0,...,0) for 2 2 t = d − d corresponding to system A0;(0, 0, 1, 0,...,0) for t = d − d +1 2 corresponding to system A1; ...;(0,...,0, 1) for t = d − 2 corresponding to 2 system Ad−2;(1, 0,...,0) for t = d − 1 corresponding to system Ad−1.

7.1.1 The case d = pm

Now let us consider the prime power dimension d = pm with p prime and j/pm j−(pm−1)i let us further consider the family of binomial summations Pi=0 i . j/pm j−(pm−1)i m We conjecture that the cycle length of aj = Pi=0 i  mod p is pm−1(p2m −1). We do not have a proof of this but we have written a computer programme to calculate this value and have verified the conjecture for d = 4, 8, and 9; see Table 7.1. Note that if this conjecture is true then, since gcd(pm,pm−1(p2m − 1)) = pm−1 =16 , the network does not produce a SWAP gate when m>1. Although at the end of a cycle the systems are shifted round, they are shifted pm−1 places and the systems return to their original states after p applications of the network. Thus it provides a cyclic SWAP on each of pm−1 groups of p systems, the systems of a group have indices congruent modulo pm−1. What distinguishes this network from pm−1 copies of the SWAP network for d = p is that in this larger network the systems that

148 are swapped do not actually directly interact through a CNOT gate. We now consider the problem of determining the cycle length of the sequence

m haj i for d = p (m>1). We have it that over such dimensions the sequence haj i satifies the recurrence aj+pm = aj+pm−1 + aj for all j. Since a0 = a1 =

···= apm−1 = 1 by definition, it is sufficient to show that apm−1(p2m−1) =1and m apm−1(p2m−1)−j vanishes for j =1,...,p −1. It follows that apm−1(p2m−1)+j =1 for j =0,...,pm − 1. Following the approach for d = p we find that

2m−1 p −1 m−1 2m m p (p − 1) − j − (p − 1)i m a m−1 2m = X mod p p (p −1)−j i i=0 p2m−1−1 (pm − 1)(p2m−1 + pm−1 − i) − j = X   mod pm i i=0 p2m−1−1 (pm − 1)(pm−1 − i) − j = X   mod pm i i=0 p2m−1−1 (1 − pm)i − pm−1 − j = X   mod pm. (7.1.5) i i=0 We ask the question if there exists a combinatorial approach which illustrates − p2m 1−1 (1−pm)i−pm−1−j m that the sum Pi=0 i  mod p equals 1 for j = 0 and vanishes for j =1,...,pm − 1. We have not been able to find an answer but outline the approaches we have taken. We now consider an alternative approach in evaluating the binomial sum-

j/pm j−(pm−1)i m j mation aj = Pi=0 i  mod p . Let A(z) be the power series Pj≥0 ajz j j j and denote by [z ]A(z) the coefficient of z in A(z); thus [z ]A(z)=aj.We now determine the generating function for A(z). A generating function is a clothesline on which we hang up a sequence of numbers for display [94]. In

j particular, the jth term of the sequence haj i is the coefficient of z in the expansion of its generating function as a power series. To find the generat- ing function associated the sequence haji, we first note that the sequence haj i

149 satisfies the recurrence relation  0ifj<0 m aj =  1ifj =0,...,p − 1 (7.1.6) aj−1 + aj−pm otherwise. This recurrence relation can be expressed as the single equation, we have

aj = aj−1 + aj−pm +[j = 0] (7.1.7) where [j = 0] adds 1 when j = 0. To demonstrate the generating function for A(z), we multiply both sides of (7.1.7) by zj and sum over j. Thus, we get

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ j j j j X ajz = X aj−1z + X aj−pm z + X [j =0]z j=0 j=0 j=0 j=0 ∞ ∞ j+1 j+pm = X ajz + X ajz +1 j=0 j=0 ∞ ∞ j pm j = z X ajz + z X ajz +1. (7.1.8) j=0 j=0 Consequently, the generating function for A(z) is given by 1/(1 − z − zpm ). Now, we can restate our problem to find a closed form for A(z), and thus evaluate [zj]A(z). We use the following result from Graham et al. [35].

Lemma 8. [35] 1 = ∞ i+n αnzn. (1−αz)i+1 Pn=0 i  We seek [zj]A(z)=[zj]1/(1 − z − zpm ). Consider the series,

∞ i + j 1/(1 − αz)i+1 = X  αjzj. (7.1.9) i j=0 Consider further a finite sum of such series; β β S(z)= 1 + ···+ N . (7.1.10) i1+1 iN +1 (1 − α1z) (1 − αN z) Then [zj]S(z) is the finite sum of coefficients given by

j i1 + j j iN + j j [z ]S(z)=β1 α1 + ···+ βN αN . (7.1.11) i1 iN

150 1 − − pm Now, let A(z)=B(z) where B(z)=1 z z . We show that B(z) has distinct roots. Let us suppose that B(z) has a set of repeated roots. Then, we have it that B(z) and B0(z) share a set of common roots [68]. Since B0(z)=−1 − pm(z)pm−1, it follows that a repeated root α satisfies B0(α)= −1 − pm(α)pm−1 = 0, and consequently, αpm−1 = −1/pm. Whence, αpm = −α/pm. Furthermore, as B(α) vanishes, we have it that 1 − α + α/pm =0, or equivalently, 1 − α(1 − 1/pm) = 0 from which we deduce α = pm/(pm − 1) to be the only candidate for a repeating root. Therefore, α = pm/(pm − 1) should satisfy the equation αpm−1 = −1/pm, as a consequence of being a m− 0 (pm)p 1 −1 m pm ≡ root of B (z). That is (pm−1)pm−1 = pm .Now(p ) 0 (mod p) while −(pm − 1)pm−1 ≡−1 (mod p) implies that α = pm/(pm − 1) is not a root of B0(z). Therefore, B(z) has distinct roots.

Writing B(z) in the form (z − b1) ...(z − bpm ), and taking reciprocals m αk of bk, k =1,...,p , we establish a correspondence with the polynomial

(1 − α1z) ...(1 − αpm z). Thus, A(z)=1/((1 − α1z) ...(1 − αpm z)) may take m the form β1/(1 − α1z)+···+ βpm/(1 − αpm z), for some βl,l=1,...,p . Note 1/(1 − αz) is a special case of Lemma 8 with i =0.

Theorem 24. We claim that

pm j j [z ]A(z)=X βlαl , (7.1.12) l=1

0 where βl = −αl/B (1/αl).


lim (z − 1/αl)A(z) = lim (z − 1/αl)S(z), (7.1.13) z→1/αl z→1/αl where S(z) is the special case of equation 7.1.11 with il = 0. Now, it follows

151 that

1 lim (z − 1/αl)A(z) = lim (z − 1/αl) z→1/αl z→1/αl B(z) z − 1/α = lim l z→1/αl B(z) − B(1/αl) 1 = 0 (7.1.14) B (1/αl) and,

pm βk lim (z − 1/αl)S(z) = lim (z − 1/αl) X z→1/αl z→1/αl (1 − αkz) k=1 β (z − 1/α ) = lim l l z→1/αl −αl(z − 1/αl) β = l . (7.1.15) −αl

−αl m Consequently, we deduce βl = 0 , for l =1,...,p , since B (1/αl)

βk lim (z − 1/αl) (7.1.16) z→1/αl (1 − αkz) vanishes for k =6 l and the result follows.

7.1.2 Examples

We now test our closed form, equation 7.1.12, against the sequence of integers j/pm j−(pm−1)i arising for instances of the binomial summation aj = Pi=0 i  for cases pm =4andpm = 8. We wrote a Maple program [56] to calculate the roots αj and the coefficients βj and the sequence haji. See Appendix. Two examples of the output of our programme are given below.

Example 3. Case pm =4. The reciprocals of the roots of 1 − z − z4 are given

152 as

α1 = −.8191725134,

α2 = .219447421 − .9144736630ι,

α3 = .219447421 + .9144736630ι,

α4 =1.380277569.

−αl Since βl = 0 , we have B (1/αl)

β1 = .1305102698,

β2 = .1610008758 + .1534011260ι,

β3 = .1610008758 − .1534011260ι,

β4 = .5474879784.

Following result (7.1.12), a closed form for the binomial coefficients aj is then given by

j aj =(.1305102698)(−.8191725134) +(.1610 + .1534ι)(.2194 − .9144ι)j

+(.1610 − .1534ι)(.2194 + .9144ι)j

+(.5474879784)(1.380277569)j . (7.1.17)

Maple Input: for j from 0 to 25 do; aj; end; Maple Output: 1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,7,10,14,19,26,36,50,69,95, 131,181,250,345,476,657,907,1252,1728.

Example 4. Case pm =8. The reciprocals of the roots of 1 − z − z8 are given

153 as

α1 = −.9115923535,

α2 = −.6157823065 − .6871957511ι,

α3 = −.6157823065 + .6871957511ι,

α4 = .1033089835 − .9564836042ι

α5 = .1033089835 + .9564836042ι,

α6 = .8522421840 − .6352622030ι,

α7 = .8522421840 + .6352622030ι,

α8 =1.232054631. (7.1.18)

The set βl,l=1,...,8, is

β1 = .06378010282,

β2 = .06449005934 + .02789285455ι,

β3 = .06449005934 − .02789285455ι,

β4 = .06911712233 + .06926484155ι,

β5 = .06911712233 − .06926484155ι,

β6 = .1188399306 + .1719523210ι,

β7 = .1188399306 − .1719523210ι,

β8 = .4313256714,

154 Again a closed form for the binomial coefficients aj is given by

j aj =(.06378010282)(−.9115923535) +(.0644 + .0278ι)(−.61578230 − .68719575ι)j

+(.0644 − .0278ι)(−.61578230 + .68719575ι)j

+(.0691 + .0692ι)(.10330898 − .95648360ι)j

+(.0691 − .0692ι)(.10330898 + .95648360ι)j

+(.1188 + .1719ι)(.85224218 − .63526220ι)j

+(.1188 − .1719ι)(.85224218 + .63526220ι)j

+(.4313256714)(1.232054631)j . (7.1.19)

Maple Input: for j from 0 to 25 do; aj; end; Maple Output:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,14,18,23,29, 36,44,53,64,78.

m 7.2 On the cycle length of haj mod p i

j Having found a closed form for A(z)=Pj≥0 ajz , we now outline the classical m means by which the cycle length of haji mod p may be determined. The classical method: We fix a particular value of m>1 and having obtained the closed form for the coefficients of the corresponding polynomial

m−1 2m A(z), we evaluate the closed form of aj for j =0,...,p (p − 2). To m−1 2m m show that p (p − 1) is the cycle length of haji mod p , we show that m firstly apm−1(p2m−1) = 1 and apm−1(p2m−1)−j vanishes for j =1,...,p − 1, and lastly, we show the subsequence of pm opening 1s does not appear until j is pm−1(p2m − 1). While this proof follows the corresponding proof for the case d = p, it differs in that Maple is required. Table 7.1 gives the cycle length of

155 m the sequence haji for small values of p . We have calculated the cycle length for all prime powers up to 3125 and they all agree with the conjecture. h i j/d j−(d−1)i We now consider the sequence aj where aj = Pi=0 i  mod d for

m1 mr composite d with prime factorization d = p1 ...pr . We may calculate the

mt cycle length of haji modulo d by calculating its cycle length modulo pt for

j/d j−(d−1)i mt each t =1,...,r. The cycle length of Pi=0 i mod pt , for t =1,...,r,

j/d j−(d−1)i mt is given by the j for which Pi=1 i  mod pt equals 1 and which has

mt a preceding sequence (aj−d+1,...,aj−1)=(0,...,0) mod pt . Given that the mapping λ m1 mr : Zd 7→ Z m1 ×···×Z mr is well-defined then the cycle d,(p1 ...pr ) p1 pr length j/d j−(d−1)i mod d of the recurrence relation of ha i is given by the Pi=0 i  j r n j/d j−(d−1)i mt o LCM Pi=0 i mod pt . Table 7.1 gives some initial values for t=1 j/d j−(d−1) i the cycle length of Pi=0 i mod d. We state this result as a theorem.

j/d j−(d−1)i Theorem 25. Let Pi=0 i mod d be an integer sequence and consider r n j/d j−(d−1)i mt o j/d j−(d−1)i the decomposition Pi=0 i mod pt of Pi=0 i mod d into t=1 j/d j−(d−1)i a direct product of disjoint cycles. Let Pi=0 i mod d be the cycle r j/d j−(d−1)i n j/d j−(d−1)i mt o length of Pi=0 i mod d be and let Pi=0 i mod pt be t=1 r n j/d j−(d−1)i mt o the cycle lengths of Pi=0 i mod pt , respectively. Then, the t=1 r j/d j−(d−1)i n j/d j−(d−1)i mt o cycle length of Pi=0 i mod d is LCM Pi=0 i mod pt . t=1 The results provided in Table 7.1 are the cycle lengths of aj for some small values of d. The results are two-fold; firstly, the results give the minimum number of CNOT gates required to effectuate a quantum gate according the periodicity of the binomial summation construction. Secondly, use of the binomial summation construction illustates for which dimensions the efficient generalised SWAP gate can be realised. In particular, we have an efficient SWAP gate in those dimensions d for which the cycle length of the function aj is equivalent to −1modd. For dimensions d where our efficient SWAP

156 d j/d j−(d−1)i mod d Pi=0 i 

2 3=22 − 1 3 8=32 − 1 4 30 = 2(24 − 1) 5 24=52 − 1 6 LCM(63, 728) = 6552 7 48 = 72 − 1 8 252 = 4(26 − 1) 9 240 = 3(34 − 1)

j/d j−(d−1)i Table 7.1: Cycle length of Pi=0 i mod d.

157 gate is not possible then the cycle length of aj describes a permutation, other than that permutation sought, of the d input qudit states. For example, in dimension 4 the cycle length of aj is equivalent to 2 mod 4. Therefore, we have it that the quantum gate associated with this particular instance of the binonial summation construction evolves four 4-dimensional quantum states such that the state |e0i0 of the first quantum system A0 is transposed with the state |e2i2 of the third quantum system A2 so that the quantum system A0 is in the state |e2i0 and the quantum system A2 is in the state

|e0i2. Correspondingly, the state |e1i1 of the second quantum system A1 is transposed with the state |e3i3 of the fourth quantum system A3 so that the quantum system A1 is in the state |e3i1 and the quantum system A3 is in the state |e1i3. Moreover, the gate network for an implementation of an efficient generalised SWAP(l) gate, for l =1,...,d − 1, is an instance of l applications of this design. Such a network cycles the initial state description through l systems much like the l-fold WilNOT gate. j/6 j−5.i Furthermore, the cycle length of the function aj = Pi=0 i mod 6 over dimension 6 is the least common multiple of the cycle lengths associated with j/6 j−5.i j/6 j−5.i the functions Pi=0 i mod 2 and Pi=0 i mod 3. The cycle lengths j/6 j−5.i j/6 j−5.i of Pi=0 i mod 2 and Pi=0 i mod 3 are 63 and 728, respectively. By

Theorem 25, the cycle length of haj i mod 6 is 6552; the least common multiply of 63 and 728. However, since 6552 is equivalent to 0 mod 6, we have it that the CNOT architecture associated with the binomial summation function j/6 j−5.i Pi=0 i mod 6 acts trivally on the input state of six 6-dimensional quantum states.

158 |ψi0 |ψi1 t h t h t |ψi1 |ψi2 h t h t h t |ψi2 |ψi0 h t h t h

Figure 7.2: Quantum SWAP gate for qutrit states.

7.3 Efficient Qutrit SWAP

Earlier we gave an example of how the WilNOT network swapped the states of three qutrits, see section 6.2. This quantum network based on the WilNOT construction was composed of ten CNOT gates where addition was imple- mented modulo 3. We improve on the WilNOT construction by considering a construction based on binomial summations that yields a quantum gate which is also composed entirely from uses of the CNOT gate. This new construction is efficient in that it provides a construction of a generalised quantum SWAP gate determined by fewest uses of the CNOT gate. Figure 7.2 gives an efficient generalised quantum SWAP gate for qutrit states which is based upon our binomial summation construction. As an in- stance of Theorem 20, let us suppose that the first quantum system A0 pre- pared in the state |e0i0, the second system A1 prepared in the state |e1i1 and the third system A2 prepared in the state |e2i2. Implementing our efficient quantum SWAP gate yields the system A0 in the state |e1i0, the system A1 is in the state |e2i1 and the system A2 is in the state |e0i2 and this is achieved with eight CNOT gates as aposed to the ten CNOT gates of the WilNOT construction. Note further, that our efficient construction is based on a set of binomial coefficients which satisfy the linear recurrence relation whose gener- ating function is given by 1/(1−z−zpm ). Generating functions provide elegant

159 means for the storing of information about the nature of coefficients in their expansion [9]. For our purpose, the nature of the recurrence relation is seen through periodicity of the coefficients modulo 3. We relate this periodic nature to instances of the CNOT gate acting on basis states in determination of an efficient quantum swap gate. Furthermore, since our quantum gate is based on a linear recurrence relation, we illustrate that knowing part of quantum gate design will completely aid in determining the remainder of the quantum gate just as knowing the initial conditions of a recurrence relation determines all other coefficients in the recurrence. Such type of construction is unusual in that knowing part of the gate does not necessarily yield the remainder. However, Nielsen [59] has proposed a similar idea to our binomial construc- tion. In this construction, Nielsen maintains that knowing the initial position and velocity of a geodesic, one can completely determine the remainder of the geodesic by knowing its second order differential equation. Nielsen then main- tains that such an equation describes the shortest path between the identity operator and some quantum gate U. In this respect, our construction ideas are similar; quantum gates can be constructed from knowing just particular features of the gate. Our method is based on a combinatorial approach while Nielsen considers efficient method through use of geodesics. We now illustrate the action of each use of the generalised CNOT gate aris- ing in our efficient construction on the input quantum states and subsequent evolved states of the system. The first unitary gate U1 acts on the input state of three arbitrary qutrits where the first quantum system A0 on the input state is prepared in the state |e0i0, the second system A1 on the input state is prepared in the state |e1i1 and the third system A2 on the input state is

160 prepared in the state |e2i2. The action of U1 in the input state is given by


= U1 ((a0 |0i + a1 |1i + a2 |2i) ⊗ (b0 |0i + b1 |1i + b2 |2i) ⊗ (c0 |0i + c1 |1i + c2 |2i))

= U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |100i

100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000100000000000000000   U1 = 000000000010000000000000000. (7.3.1)   000000000001000000000000000   000000000000100000000000000   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000000100   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000

161 +a1b0c1 |101i + a1b0c2 |102i + a1b1c0 |110i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |112i

+a1b2c0 |120i + a1b2c1 |121i + a1b2c2 |122i + a2b0c0 |200i + a2b0c1 |201i

+a2b0c2 |202i + a2b1c0 |210i + a2b1c1 |211i + a2b1c2 |212i + a2b2c0 |220i

+a2b2c1 |221i + a2b2c2 |222i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |110i

+a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i + a2b0c1 |221i

+a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |210i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i . (7.3.2)

The second unitary matrix U2 corresponds to the second CNOT gate given in Figure 7.2 and acts on the state of the system after application of the first unitary transformation. The action of the unitary matrix U2 on the state of the system

U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |110i

+a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i + a2b0c1 |221i

+a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |210i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i) (7.3.3) is

U2(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |110i

162 100000000000000000000000000 010000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000010000000000000000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000001000000000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   U2 = 000000000000100000000000000 (7.3.4)   000000000000010000000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000100000000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000010000000   000000000000000000001000000   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000000000000010000   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000000000100

+a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i + a2b0c1 |221i

+a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |210i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |011i + a0b1c1 |012i

163 +a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |022i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |021i + a1b0c0 |111i

+a1b0c1 |112i + a1b0c2 |110i + a1b1c0 |122i + a1b1c1 |120i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |222i + a2b0c1 |220i

+a2b0c2 |221i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |211i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |210i . (7.3.5)

The unitary matrix U3 is given as 100000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000010000000   000000000001000000000000000   000100000000000000000000000   000000000000000000000010100   000000000000001000000000000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000000000000000000010   000000000000000001000000000   000000000100000000000000000   000000000000000000000000000   001000000000000000001000000   000000000000100000000000000   U3 = 000010000000000000000000000 (7.3.6)   000000000000000000000001000   000000000000000100000000000   000000010000000000000000000   000000000000000000000000001   000000000000000000100000000   010000000010000000000000000   000000000000000000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000000000000010000000000000   000001000000000000000000000   000000000000000000000000100   000000000000000010000000000   000000001000000000000000000

The third unitary matrix U3 corresponds to the third CNOT gate given in Figure 7.2 and acts on the state of the system after application of the second

164 unitary and its action on the state

U2U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |110i

+a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i + a2b0c1 |221i

+a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |210i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i) (7.3.7) is

U3(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |011i + a0b1c1 |012i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |022i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |021i + a1b0c0 |111i

+a1b0c1 |112i + a1b0c2 |110i + a1b1c0 |122i + a1b1c1 |120i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |222i + a2b0c1 |220i

+a2b0c2 |221i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |211i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |210i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |101i + a0b0c2 |202i + a0b1c0 |111i + a0b1c1 |212i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |222i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |121i + a1b0c0 |211i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |110i + a1b1c0 |022i + a1b1c1 |120i + a1b1c2 |221i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |201i + a1b2c2 |002i + a2b0c0 |122i + a2b0c1 |220i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |001i + a2b1c2 |102i + a2b2c0 |011i

+a2b2c1 |112i + a2b2c2 |210i . (7.3.8)

As outlined, this construction is based on a linear recurrence relation and therefore there is a cyclic nature to our gate construction. This is evident when we consider our gate within the qutrit setting. As such, our construction

165 is based upon repeat application of the unitrary matrices U1,U2, and U3.As evident in Figure 7.2 the forth gate in the construction corresponds to the unitary matrix U1. In particular, we have it that

U4(U3U2U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i + a0b1c1 |011i

+a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i + a1b0c0 |110i

+a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i + a2b0c1 |221i

+a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i + a2b2c0 |210i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i))

= U4(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |101i + a0b0c2 |202i + a0b1c0 |111i + a0b1c1 |212i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |222i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |121i + a1b0c0 |211i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |110i + a1b1c0 |022i + a1b1c1 |120i + a1b1c2 |221i

+a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |201i + a1b2c2 |002i + a2b0c0 |122i + a2b0c1 |220i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |001i + a2b1c2 |102i + a2b2c0 |011i

+a2b2c1 |112i + a2b2c2 |210i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |111i + a0b0c2 |222i + a0b1c0 |121i + a0b1c1 |202i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |212i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |101i + a1b0c0 |201i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |120i + a1b1c0 |022i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |211i

+a1b2c0 |110i + a1b2c1 |221i + a1b2c2 |002i + a2b0c0 |102i + a2b0c1 |210i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |220i + a2b1c1 |001i + a2b1c2 |112i + a2b2c0 |011i

+a2b2c1 |122i + a2b2c2 |200i . (7.3.9)

In a similar fashion, we have it that

U5(U4U3U2U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i

166 +a0b1c1 |011i + a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i

+a1b0c0 |110i + a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i

+a1b1c2 |122i + a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i

+a2b0c1 |221i + a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i

+a2b2c0 |210i + a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i))

= U5(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |111i + a0b0c2 |222i + a0b1c0 |121i + a0b1c1 |202i

+a0b1c2 |010i + a0b2c0 |212i + a0b2c1 |020i + a0b2c2 |101i + a1b0c0 |201i

+a1b0c1 |012i + a1b0c2 |120i + a1b1c0 |022i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |211i

+a1b2c0 |110i + a1b2c1 |221i + a1b2c2 |002i + a2b0c0 |102i + a2b0c1 |210i

+a2b0c2 |021i + a2b1c0 |220i + a2b1c1 |001i + a2b1c2 |112i + a2b2c0 |011i

+a2b2c1 |122i + a2b2c2 |200i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |112i + a0b0c2 |221i + a0b1c0 |120i + a0b1c1 |202i

+a0b1c2 |011i + a0b2c0 |210i + a0b2c1 |022i + a0b2c2 |101i + a1b0c0 |201i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |122i + a1b1c0 |021i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |212i

+a1b2c0 |111i + a1b2c1 |220i + a1b2c2 |002i + a2b0c0 |102i + a2b0c1 |211i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |222i + a2b1c1 |001i + a2b1c2 |110i + a2b2c0 |012i

+a2b2c1 |121i + a2b2c2 |200i (7.3.10)

where the unitary matrix U5 is given by the matrix U2. The next unitary matrix U6, and as illustrated in Figure 7.2, given by this construction is the matrix which corresponds to the matrix U3. We then have it that

U6(U5U4U3U2U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i

+a0b1c1 |011i + a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i

167 +a1b0c0 |110i + a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i

+a1b1c2 |122i + a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i

+a2b0c1 |221i + a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i

+a2b2c0 |210i + a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i))

= U6(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |112i + a0b0c2 |221i + a0b1c0 |120i + a0b1c1 |202i

+a0b1c2 |011i + a0b2c0 |210i + a0b2c1 |022i + a0b2c2 |101i + a1b0c0 |201i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |122i + a1b1c0 |021i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |212i

+a1b2c0 |111i + a1b2c1 |220i + a1b2c2 |002i + a2b0c0 |102i + a2b0c1 |211i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |222i + a2b1c1 |001i + a2b1c2 |110i + a2b2c0 |012i

+a2b2c1 |121i + a2b2c2 |200i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |012i + a0b0c2 |021i + a0b1c0 |120i + a0b1c1 |102i

+a0b1c2 |111i + a0b2c0 |210i + a0b2c1 |222i + a0b2c2 |201i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |022i + a1b1c0 |121i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |112i

+a1b2c0 |211i + a1b2c1 |220i + a1b2c2 |202i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |011i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |122i + a2b1c1 |101i + a2b1c2 |110i + a2b2c0 |212i

+a2b2c1 |221i + a2b2c2 |200i . (7.3.11)


U7(U6U5U4U3U2U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i

+a0b1c1 |011i + a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i

+a1b0c0 |110i + a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i

+a1b1c2 |122i + a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i

+a2b0c1 |221i + a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i

+a2b2c0 |210i + a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i))

168 = U7(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |012i + a0b0c2 |021i + a0b1c0 |120i + a0b1c1 |102i

+a0b1c2 |111i + a0b2c0 |210i + a0b2c1 |222i + a0b2c2 |201i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |022i + a1b1c0 |121i + a1b1c1 |100i + a1b1c2 |112i

+a1b2c0 |211i + a1b2c1 |220i + a1b2c2 |202i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |011i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |122i + a2b1c1 |101i + a2b1c2 |110i + a2b2c0 |212i

+a2b2c1 |221i + a2b2c2 |200i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |012i + a0b0c2 |021i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |112i

+a0b1c2 |121i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |212i + a0b2c2 |221i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |022i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |110i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |222i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |011i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |111i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |220i (7.3.12)

where the unitary matrix U7 is the matrix given by U1. Our final gate as outlined in this contruction and evident in Figure 7.2 is the unitary matrix

U8. The unitary matrix U8 corresponds to the unitary matrix U2, and we have

U8(U7U6U5U4U3U2U1(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |001i + a0b0c2 |002i + a0b1c0 |010i

+a0b1c1 |011i + a0b1c2 |012i + a0b2c0 |020i + a0b2c1 |021i + a0b2c2 |022i

+a1b0c0 |110i + a1b0c1 |111i + a1b0c2 |112i + a1b1c0 |120i + a1b1c1 |121i

+a1b1c2 |122i + a1b2c0 |100i + a1b2c1 |101i + a1b2c2 |102i + a2b0c0 |220i

+a2b0c1 |221i + a2b0c2 |222i + a2b1c0 |200i + a2b1c1 |201i + a2b1c2 |202i

+a2b2c0 |210i + a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |212i))

= U8(a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |012i + a0b0c2 |021i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |112i

+a0b1c2 |121i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |212i + a0b2c2 |221i + a1b0c0 |001i

169 +a1b0c1 |010i + a1b0c2 |022i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |110i + a1b1c2 |122i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |210i + a1b2c2 |222i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |011i

+a2b0c2 |020i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |111i + a2b1c2 |120i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |211i + a2b2c2 |220i)

= a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |010i + a0b0c2 |020i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |120i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |210i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |011i + a1b0c2 |021i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |211i + a1b2c2 |221i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |012i

+a2b0c2 |022i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |112i + a2b1c2 |122i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |222i . (7.3.13)

Now, the state of the system after application of the final unitary matrix U8 may be written

a0b0c0 |000i + a0b0c1 |010i + a0b0c2 |020i + a0b1c0 |100i + a0b1c1 |110i

+a0b1c2 |120i + a0b2c0 |200i + a0b2c1 |210i + a0b2c2 |220i + a1b0c0 |001i

+a1b0c1 |011i + a1b0c2 |021i + a1b1c0 |101i + a1b1c1 |111i + a1b1c2 |121i

+a1b2c0 |201i + a1b2c1 |211i + a1b2c2 |221i + a2b0c0 |002i + a2b0c1 |012i

+a2b0c2 |022i + a2b1c0 |102i + a2b1c1 |112i + a2b1c2 |122i + a2b2c0 |202i

+a2b2c1 |212i + a2b2c2 |222i

= b0c0a0 |000i + b0c0a1 |001i + b0c0a2 |002i + b0c1a0 |010i + b0c1a1 |011i

+b0c1a2 |012i + b0c2a0 |020i + b0c2a1 |021i + b0c2a2 |022i + b1c0a0 |100i

+b1c0a1 |101i + b1c0a2 |102i + b1c1a0 |110i + b1c1a1 |111i + b1c1a2 |112i

+b1c2a0 |121i + b1c2a1 |121i + b1c2a2 |122i + b2c0a0 |200i + b2c0a1 |201i

170 +b2c0a2 |202i + b2c1a0 |210i + b2c1a1 |211i + b2c1a2 |212i + b2c2a0 |220i

+b2c2a1 |221i + b2c2a2 |222i . (7.3.14)

In particular, we note that state 7.3.14 has the form

(b0 |0i + b1 |1i + b2 |2i) ⊗ (c0 |0i + c1 |1i + c2 |2i) ⊗ (a0 |0i + a1 |1i + a2 |2i) = |bi⊗|ci⊗|ai , (7.3.15)

100000000000000000000000000 000000000100000000000000000   000000000000000000100000000   010000000000000000000000000   000000000010000000000000000   000000000000000000010000000   001000000000000000000000000   000000000001000000000000000   000000000000000000001000000   000100000000000000000000000   000000000000100000000000000   000000000000000000000100000   000010000000000000000000000   SWAP = 000000000000010000000000000 (7.3.16)   000000000000000000000010000   000001000000000000000000000   000000000000001000000000000   000000000000000000000001000   000000100000000000000000000   000000000000000010000000000   000000000000000000000000100   000000010000000000000000000   000000000000000001000000000   000000000000000000000000010   000000001000000000000000000   000000000000000000100000000   000000000000000000000000001 thereby illustrating our binomial summation construction to be a quantum SWAP gate.

171 Chapter 8

Examples of Qudit Codes

8.1 The Qudit Shor Code

The Shor code for a qudit state is a generalisation of Shor’s original quantum code which protects codewords from the effects of generalised qudit and phase flips as described in the error model (2.2.4) for d-dimensional quantum states. We encode the superposition state of a qudit according to the error mapping given by

⊗ d−1 d−1  d−1 3 1 ij ! X αi |ii7→ X αi X ω |jjji . (8.1.1) 3/2   i=0 d i=0 j=0

The encoding transformation (8.1.1) is a composition of two distinct trans- formations which encode the qudit state against phase errors and qudit flip errors. The quantum circuit associated with the encoding transformation is represented in the initial section of Figure 8.1. Recovery of the information state from the effects of the environment is achieved by processing the received state through the decoding circuit as illustrated in the latter part of Figure 8.1. The decoding scheme is outlined in two stages; firstly, the decoding cir- cuit reverses the order the the gate operations as they appear in the encoding circuit and introduces a set of inverse Toffoli gates. The Toffoli gate [62, 86]

172 |0i h h t |0i h h t |0i F ... F−1 h t t t t h h t |0i h h t |0i h h t |0i F ... F−1 h t t t t h h t |0i h h t |0i h h t |ψi F ... F−1 t t t t t t h t t h

Figure 8.1: Encoding and decoding circuit for the Shor qudit code.

has three input values (a, b, c). The values a and b are the control elements while c is the target element. The action of Toffoli gate on (a, b, c) is given by (a, b, c ⊕ ab) which therefore leaves both control elements unchanged while the target element is set to c ⊕ ab.

−1 Secondly, the controlled operations of the decoding circuit are given by Xj

for the control qudit |ji. Suppose the error Ek,l, for some (k,l) ∈ Zd × Zd, occurs on the third cluster of qudits and on the last qudit. The state of the encoded qudit (8.1.1) is then written as

− − ⊗2 − 1 d 1  d 1 ! d 1 ! X α X ωij |jjji X ωi(j+l) |jjj + ki . (8.1.2) 3/2 i   d i=0 j=0 j=0

The state (8.1.2) is then presented for decoding whereby we calculate succes- sive states arising from the state (8.1.2) input to the decoding circuit of Figure

173 8.1. In particular,

− − ⊗2 − 1 d 1  d 1 ! d 1 ! X α X ωij |j0ji X ωi(j+l) |j0j + ki 3/2 i   d i=0 j=0 j=0 ⊗ d−1  d−1 2 d−1  1 ij ! i(j+l) ! 7→ X αi X ω |j00i X ω |j0ki 3/2   d i=0 j=0 j=0 ⊗ d−1  d−1 2 d−1  1 ij ! i(j+l) ! 7→ X αi X ω |j00i X ω |j0ki 3/2   d i=0 j=0 j=0 d−1   7→ X αi |i00i|i00i|i + l0ki . (8.1.3) i=0 Following application of the inverse Fourier transform on each cluster, we have d−1 it that the state of the system is given as Pi=0 αi (|i00i|i00i|i + l0ki). For the error analysis that follows the completion of the decoding stage, we note d−1 that the state of the system Pi=0 αi (|i00i|i00i|i + l0ki) may be written as d−1 Pi=0 αi (|ii|00i|ii|00i|i + li|0ki) . Completing the decoding stage, we have it that

d−1   X αi |ii|00i|ii|00i|i + li|0ki i=0 d−1   7→ X αi |ii|00i|0i|00i|i + li|0ki i=0 d−1   7→ X αi |ii|00i|0i|00i|li|0ki i=0 d−1   7→ X αi |ii|00i|0i|00i|li|0ki . (8.1.4) i=0 The syndrome representing the location and magnitude of the qudit and phase combinations of error is given by the final eight qudits of outcome (8.1.4). The set of qudit pairs in the syndrome relate to the qudit bit error while the final

174 couple of single qudit states correspond to the phase error. Should a qudit error occur in any of the three clusters then the corresponding pair of syndrome qudits will differ from the all zero syndrome. Similarly, a phase error on a cluster of qudits reveals that the pair of single qudit differs from the all zero pair. There are three cases to consider to detect and correct the combinations of qudit and phase error. Firstly, the syndrome pair |0ki, for k ∈ Zd, illustrates that a qudit error occurs in position three of the corrupted cluster of qudits

−1 and can be corrected by applying Xk on that qudit. Similarly, a phase error occurs on the third cluster of qudits if the states of the single qudits are |0i|li,

−1 for l ∈ Zd, with correction on that cluster given by Zl . On the other hand, the syndrome pair |k0i would indicate a qudit error lies in position two of the corrupted cluster while the pair of single states given by |li|0i reveal a phase error on the second cluster. Correction of the corrupted state is implemented

−1 −1 by applying Xk on the corrupted qudit and by applying Zl on corrupted cluster. Finally, the syndrome pair |kki illustrates that a qudit error occurs in position one of the corrupted cluster while the pair of single state |li|li reveals a phase error in the first cluster on encoded qudits. Applying Xk and

Zl on the corrupted qudit or cluster corrects the error associated with |kki and |li|li respectively.

8.2 Qudit Stabilizer Codes

The codewords associated with a quantum code Q are given by |c1c2 ...cki =

c1 c2 ck X 1 X 2 ...X k PM∈S M|000000000i. A stabilizer matrix for the quantum Q 5, 1, 3 3 code is represented in Table 8.1. The basis codewords for this code

175 M1 X1 Z1 Z2 X2 I

M2 IX1 Z1 Z2 X2

M3 X2 IX1 Z1 Z2

M4 Z2 X2 IX1 Z1

X 1 Z1 IIZ1 X1

Table 8.1: The stabilizer for a five qutrit code. are given by

0 = X M|00000i

M∈S 1 = X 0

2 2 = X 0 . (8.2.1)


0 = |00000i + M1 |00000i + M2 |00000i + M3 |00000i + M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M1 |00000i + M2 |00000i + M3 |00000i + M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M1M2 |00000i + M1M2 |00000i + M1M2 |00000i + M1M2 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M1M3 |00000i + M1M3 |00000i + M1M3 |00000i + M1M3 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M1M4 |00000i + M1M4 |00000i + M1M4 |00000i + M1M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M2M3 |00000i + M2M3 |00000i + M2M3 |00000i + M2M3 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M2M4 |00000i + M2M4 |00000i + M2M4 |00000i + M2M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M3M4 |00000i + M3M4 |00000i + M3M4 |00000i + M3M4 |00000i

2 2 + M1M2M3 |00000i + M1M2M3 |00000i + M1M2M3 |00000i

176 2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3 |00000i + M1M2M3 |00000i + M1M2M3 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3 |00000i + M1M2M3 |00000i

2 2 + M2M3M4 |00000i + M2M3M4 |00000i + M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M2M3M4 |00000i + M2M3M4 |00000i + M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M2M3M4 |00000i + M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 + M1M2M4 |00000i + M1M2M4 |00000i + M1M2M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M4 |00000i + M1M2M4 |00000i + M1M2M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M4 |00000i + M1M2M4 |00000i

2 2 + M1M3M4 |00000i + M1M3M4 |00000i + M1M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M1M3M4 |00000i + M1M3M4 |00000i + M1M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M1M3M4 |00000i + M1M3M4 |00000i

2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 + M1M2M3M4 |00000i + M1M2M3M4 |00000i (8.2.2) = |00000i + |10020i + |01002i + |20100i + |02010i

+ |20010i + |02001i + |10200i + |01020i + ω |11022i

+ ω2 |12021i + ω2 |21012i + ω |22011i + ω2 |00120i

177 + ω |20220i + ω |10110i + ω |20220i + ω2 |12000i

+ ω |11010i + ω |22020i + ω2 |21000i + ω |21102i + ω2 |11202i

+ ω2 |22101i + ω |12201i + ω2 |00012i + ω |02022i + ω |02011i

+ ω2 |00021i + ω |22110i + ω2 |21120i + ω2 |12210i + ω |11220i

+ ω |01122i + ω |21222i + ω2 |02121i + ω |11112i + ω |12111i

+ |01212i + ω |22221i + ω |02210i + ω |22110i + ω |21122i

+ ω2 |10212i + ω |21111i + ω |11211i + |20121i + ω |12222i

+ |10221i + ω2 |10002i + |12012i + ω2 |11001i + ω2 |20022i

+ |21021i + ω2 |22002i + ω2 |20011i + ω2 |00001i + ω |01100i

+ ω2 |01110i + ω2 |22200i + ω |12120i + ω2 |02220i + ω2 |11100i

+ ω2 |21210i + ω2 |01200i + |00100i + ω |01112i + ω2 |10212i

+ ω |21111i + ω2 |10122i + ω |11121i + ω2 |00222i + |12102i

+ ω2 |00111i + ω |22212i + |21201i + ω |01221i + ω |10101i

+ ω |02202i + ω |22211i + |00201i . (8.2.3)

1 = |00001i + |10021i + |01000i + ω2 |20101i + ω |02011i

+ |20011i + |02002i + ω |10201i + ω2 |01021i + ω |11020i

+ ω2 |12022i + ω2 |21010i + ω |22012i + ω |00121i

+ ω2 |20221i + |10111i + ω2 |20221i + |12001i

+ |11011i + ω2 |22021i + ω |21001i + |21100i + |11200i

+ ω |22102i + ω2 |12202i + |00010i + |02020i + ω2 |02012i

+ ω |00022i + ω |22111i + |21121i + ω |12211i + ω |11221i

+ |01120i + ω2 |21220i + ω |02122i + |11110i + |12112i

+ ω |01210i + ω2 |22222i + ω |02211i + ω |22111i + ω2 |21120i

178 + ω |10210i + ω |21112i + |11212i + ω |20122i + ω |12220i

+ |10222i + |10000i + ω2 |12010i + |11002i + |20020i

+ ω |21022i + ω |22000i + ω2 |20012i + ω2 |00002i + ω |01101i

+ |01111i + ω |22201i + ω |12121i + ω |02221i + |11101i

+ ω2 |21212i + ω2 |01201i + |00101i + ω2 |01110i + ω |10210i

+ ω |21112i + ω2 |10120i + ω |11122i + ω |00220i + ω |12100i

+ |00112i + ω |22210i + ω2 |21202i + |01222i + ω |10102i

+ ω |02200i + ω |22212i + |00202i . (8.2.4)

2 = |00002i + |10022i + |01001i + ω |20102i + ω2 |02012i

+ |20012i + |02000i + ω2 |10202i + ω |01022i + ω |11021i

+ ω2 |12020i + ω2 |21011i + ω |22010i + |00122i

+ |20222i + ω2 |10112i + |20222i + ω |12002i

+ ω2 |11012i + |22022i + |21002i + ω2 |21101i + ω |11201i

+ |22100i + |12200i + ω |00011i + ω2 |02021i + |02010i

+ |00020i + ω |22112i + ω |21122i + |12212i + ω |11222i

+ ω2 |01121i + |21221i + |02120i + ω2 |11111i + ω2 |12110i

+ ω2 |01211i + |22220i + |02212i + ω |22112i + ω2 |21121i

+ |10211i + ω |21110i + ω2 |11210i + ω |20120i + ω |12221i

+ |10220i + ω |10001i + ω |12011i + ω |11000i + ω |20021i

+ ω |21020i + |22001i + ω2 |20010i + ω2 |00000i + ω |01102i

+ ω |01112i + |22202i + ω |12122i + |02222i + ω |11102i

+ ω2 |21212i + ω2 |01202i + |00102i + |01111i + |10211i

179 M1 X1 IZ2 Y2,1 Y1,2 Y2,2 X2 Z1 Y1,1

M2 IX1 Y1,1 Y2,2 Z1 Y2,1 X2 Y1,2 Z2

M3 Z1 IY2,2 X1 X2 Y2,1 Z2 Y1,1 Y1,2

M4 IZ1 Y1,2 Y2,1 Y1,1 X1 Z2 X2 Y2,2

X 1 X1 X2 IX2 X1 II I I

X 2 X2 X1 IX2 IX1 III

X 3 X1 IX2 X2 IIX1 II

X 4 X2 IX1 X2 IIIX1 I

X 5 IX2 X1 X2 IIIIX1

Table 8.2: The stabilizer for a nine qutrit code.

+ ω |21110i + ω2 |10121i + ω |11120i + |00221i + ω2 |12101i

+ ω |00110i + ω |22211i + ω |21200i + ω2 |01220i + |10100i

+ ω |02201i + ω |22210i + |00200i . (8.2.5)

A quantum code Q that encodes five qutrits in nine qutrits is represented in Table 8.2 along with the set of generators representing N (S) −S.

8.3 Constructing the Normaliser N (S)

It is well-documented [36, 60] that the stabilizer S of an n, k, d quantum code Q is an Abelian subgroup of the error group Gn. Whence, a stabilizer code may be viewed as the common eigenspace of a minimal set of generators. We

⊗n α have shown that all elements Ei,j ∈G can be written as Ei,j = ω (Xi1 Zj1 )⊗ n n (Xi2 Zj2 ) ⊗···⊗(Xin Zjn ), α ∈ Zd and ((i1,j1), (i2,j2),...,(in,jn)) ∈ Zd × Zd. Furthermore, we have it that Gn contains elements within the normaliser N (S) that maintain the common eigenspace of a quantum stabilizer code Q but

180 which are not elements of the stabilizer S. This is a troublesome fact for a coding theorist since codewords may be corrupted by errors that lie within N (S). Such corruption cannot be corrected or detected but instead is past on under the guise of some other codeword. The encoded information is lost and the coding theorist is caught unawares and unknowing. While elements of N (S) −Sact non-trivially within the common eigenspace of the coding space C(S), N (S) −S permits the full description of the set of quantum codewords. The 2k elements of N (S) −S are described by the sets

Xi and Zi where i =1,...,k; see section 4.5. Lifting an n, k, d d quan- tum code to higher dimensions requires that the set N (S) −S be determined according to conditions;

1. X i and Zj form independent and commuting sets that commute with with each M∈S.

2. X i commutes with Zj for i =6 j.

3. X i does not commute with Zj for i = j.

The following theorem determines commutativity between basis elements of Cd which is then extended to the n-qudit setting.

n Theorem 26. The operators Ei,j and Ek,l commute if and only if Pz=1 (jz kz − izlz) vanishes.

Proof: Commutativity between the error operators Ei,j and Ek,l is estab- lished following conjugation of Ei,j with Ek,l. In particular, we have it that

−1 (Xiz Zjz )(Xkz Zlz )(Xiz Zjz ) d−1 d−1 d−1 jz x lzy jzz −1 =(X ω |x + izihx|)(X ω |y + kzihy|)(X ω |z + izihz|) x=0 y=0 z=0

181 d−1 d−1 d−1 jzx lzy −jz z = X ω |x + izihx| X ω |y + kzihy| X ω |zihz + iz| x=0 y=0 z=0 d−1 d−1 jzx lzy −jz z = X ω |x + izihx| X ω ω |y + kzihy|zihz + iz| x=0 y,z=0 d−1 d−1 jzx lzy−jz y = X ω |x + izihx| X ω |y + kzihy + iz| x=0 y=0 d−1 jzx+(lz−jz )y = X ω |x + izihx|y + kzihy + iz| x,y=0 d−1 jz(y+kx )+(lz−jz )y = X ω |y + kz + izihy + iz| y=0 d−1 jzkz+lzy = X ω |y + kz + izihy + iz| y=0 d−1 jzkz+lz(y−iz ) = X ω |y + kz ihy| y=0 d−1 jz kz−izlz lzy = ω X ω |y + kzihy| y=0

jz kz−izlz = ω Xkz Zlz . (8.3.1)

−1 n jzkz−iz lz Hence Ei,jEk,lEi,j = ⊗z=1ω Xkz Zlz . Consequently, Ei,j commutes with dn n Ek,l over C if and only if Pz=1 (jz kz − izlz) vanishes. T 2n The general form of the set X i is given by (β3i,β2i,β1i | α3i ,α2i ,α1i) ∈ Zd where α1 and β1 are r-dimensional vectors, α2 and β2 are n−k−r-dimensional vectors, and α3 and β3 are k-dimensional vectors. Correspondingly Zj has the general form (β0 ,β0 ,β0 | α0 ,α0 ,α0 )T . To establish the 2k operators of 3i 2i 1i 3i 2i 1i

N (S) −S, we take the standard form of S and the general forms of Xi and dn Zj , and together with the conditions on N (S) −S over C , we have it that

182 the set Xi is determined by

T T T β1 + A2β3 − B5α3 =0

T T −α2 − C5α3 =0

T T α3β3 − α3 β3 = 0 (8.3.2) while the set Zj is given by

0T 0T 0T β 1 + A2β 3 − B5α 3 =0

0T 0T −α 2 − C5α 3 = 0 (8.3.3) and the condition that X i does not commute with Zj imposes the further requirement that

0 T T 0 α3β3 − α3 β3 =06 . (8.3.4)

T T Let us suppose that α3 = 1 therefore α3 = 1, hence, α2 = −C5 . By Theorem 0 26 and constraint (8.3.2), we have α1 = β2 = 0. If we allow α3 = β3 = 0 then 0 0 T β3 = 1 and β1 = −A2 . Consequently, we have β1 = B5. Whence, the set

N (S)−S consisting of encoded X i and Zj vectors in a qudit quantum system is given by

 0   I  0 0      BT  −AT   5   2  X =  −−  Z =  −−  . (8.3.5)      I   0   T    −C5   0   0   0 

8.4 Encoding a Qudit Stabilizer Code

Channel encoding permits the transmission of information through a quantum system by embedding a (Cd)⊗k subspace within a (Cd)⊗n quantum system.

183 Cleve and Gottesman [19, 21] introduced an efficient scheme to compute the encoding network for any qubit stabilizer code. For an n-qudit quantum code defined by a set of n − k stabilizer elements, an encoding network transforms a k-qudit information set into an n-qudit codeword. The basis states for the coding space are obtained by implementing Gaussian elimination on the n − k stabilizer set and appending the subsequent stabilizer set with a set of logical-X operators. Finally, a set of Fourier operators is targeted on the redundant elements of the encoding to ensure that the information content of the codewords is defined by the (Cd)⊗k subspace. The requirement of orthog- onality among codewords implies that the embedding is necessarily a unitary transformation. Therefore, a decoding network can be implemented following error-correcting techniques by reversing the order of the encoding transforma- tion and applying the set of inverse gates that correspond to those gates of the set of controlled operations. Table 8.3 illustrates an encoding scheme for aqudit quantum code. A justification for the algorithm follows Table 8.3.

184 Table 8.3: Algorithm to compute an encoding network for a qudit code.

Input: Standard form of a code stabilizer, S. Output: Encoding network for a qudit code.

1. A←∅

2. for b from 1 to (n − k) − 1do

3. for a from b +1to(n − k)do

−1 4. Ma,b := Sa,b ×Sb,b

5. for c from (n − k)+1to2n do

6. Sa,c ←Sa,c − Ma,b ×Sb,c

7. end

8. for d from b +1to(n − k)do

9. Sa,d ←Sa,d − Ma,b ×Sb,d

10. end

11. end

12. end

13. for a0 from 2 to (n − k)do

14. for b0 from a0 − 1 downto 1 do

185 −1 15. Mb0,a0 := Sb0,a0 ×Sa0,a0

16. for c0 from (n − k)+1to2n do

17. Sb0,c0 ←Sb0,c0 − Mb0,a0 ×Sa0,c0

18. end

19. for d0 from a0 +1to(n − k)do

20. Sb0,d0 ←Sb0,d0 − Mb0,a0 ×Sa0,d0

21. end

22. end

23. end

24. r := rank of S

25. for b from n + r +1to2n − k − 1do

26. for a from b − n +1to(n − k)do

−1 27. Ma,b := Sa,b ×Sb−n,b

28. for c from n + r +2to2n do

29. Sa,c ←Sa,c − Ma,b ×Sb−n,c

30. end

31. for d from n +1ton + r do

32. Sa,d ←Sa,d − Ma,b ×Sb−n,d

33. end

186 34. end

35. end

36. for b0 from n + r +2to2n − k do

37. for a0 from r +1tob0 − n − 1do

−1 38. Ma0,b0 := Sa0,b0 × Sb0−n,b0

39. for c0 from b0 +1to2n do

40. Sa0,c0 ←Sa0,c0 − Ma0,b0 ×Sa0+1,c0

41. end

42. for d0 from n +1ton + r do

43. Sa0,d0 ←Sa0,d0 − Ma0,b0 ×Sa0+1,d0

44. end

45. end

46. end

47. for a from 1 to (n − k)

48. for b from 1 to 2n do

49. Sa,b ← S2n−b+1,(n−k)−a+1

50. end

51. end

52. for a0 from 2n downto n +1do

187 53. find the first column l/∈Awhere Sa0,l =1

54. include l into A

55. end

56. for a from 1 to n do

57. for b from 1 to (n − k)do

58. Sa,b ←Sa,b ×Sn+a,b

59. end

60. end

61. Append k columns of X¯ to Sa,b

(l) 62. F ←⊗l∈AF

63. return (F,X,S).

We show the correctness of our algorithm. We can always perform Gaussian elimination on S, the n−k×2n stabilizer matrix, without changing the system it represents. This corresponds to Table 8.3 steps 2 − 12. Let us assume that the X matrix, the first n − k × n submatrix of S, has rank r ≤ n − k, then S has the following form, A | B   (8.4.1) 0 | C where A is an (r×n) submatrix of X. The Z submatrix of S takes no particular form. We continue the algorithm by iterating on a0 over steps 13 − 23. This allows us to obtain A in row-echleon form, IA | B  1  (8.4.2) 00| C

188 input n c1 Z1 X2 Z1   t    0 F Z2 Z1 Z2 Z2    t   0 F Z1 codeword t    0 F Z1 Z1 Z1    t   0 F Z2 Z1 Z2 Z2  t

Figure 8.2: Encoding circuit for a five qutrit code.

As the rows are linearly independent, C must have rank n − k − r, hence it contains an (n − k − r × n − k − r) submatrix C2 of maximal rank. Thus, we may produce a matrix whose form is given by,

IA A | B B B  1 2 1 2 3 (8.4.3) 00 0| C1 C2 C3 In a similar manner to the row operations targeted on X, we begin another stage of iteration on the submatrix C2. The algorithm steps 25 − 46 mirror those of steps 2−23, and returns the submatrix C2 in row-echleon form. Steps

25 − 46 also act on the submatrices C1 and C3, transforming them to C4 and

C5 respectively. Given C2 = I, we may reduce B2 to the all zero matrix.

Further to this, submatrices C4 and C5 condition themselves on B1 and B3 respectively. The resulting stabilizer matrix is

IA A | B 0 B  1 2 4 5 (8.4.4) 00 0| C4 IC5 Steps 47 − 51 transpose the stabilizer and reverse the subsequent order of columns. Algorithm steps 52 − 55 search for any columns l/∈Asuch that

189 Sa0,l = 1, and updates A. The X and Z portions of the stylised S are amal- gamated in steps 56 − 60, before finally appending the encoded X,

 I  T −C5 , (8.4.5)  T  B5

(l) and Fourier set ⊗l∈AF to S.

8.5 Correcting Procedure

The stabilizer formalism is well suited to meet the requirements of quantum coding theory since it provides a compact basis to characterise the errors that a code can detect and correct. This is qualified since the n − k stabilizers

M1, M2,...,Mn−k can be seen to act as check operators for the code. Al- ternatively, the stabilizer forms a set of collective observables that provide non-demolition measurements which are used in the diagnosis of errors. The set of non-demolition measurements is also known as the error syndrome for the code. We consider a more formal approach to the calculation of the error syndrome.

For stabilizer generators Mα and errors Eβ, we have

−1 EβMαEβ |ψi = ςαβMα |ψi (8.5.1)

for all |ψi∈C. The set ςαβ, for α =1,...,n−k, constitutes the error syndrome for Eβ since ςαβ is the eigenvalue of Mα obtained by measuring Mα against n jzkz−iz lz Eβ. In particular, we have it that ςαβ = ω z=1 . Recall that the error n correcting condition (2.3.2) for errors Eβ,Eβ0 ∈E is given by

−1 hψ| Eβ0 Eβ |ψi = cβ0β. (8.5.2)

190 This condition is satisfied provided that one of the following holds

−1 1. Eβ0 Eβ ∈S

2. There exists some Mα ∈Ssuch that Mα does not commute with −1 Eβ0 Eβ.

−1 −1 Proof. Suppose Eβ0 Eβ ∈Sthen hψ| Eβ0 Eβ |ψi = hψ|ψi = 1. Next, suppose −1 that there is some Mα ∈S that does not commute with Eβ0 Eβ. Therefore,

−1 n 0 0 −1 −1 z=1 jz (kz−kz)−iz(lz−lz) (Eβ0 Eβ)Mα(Eβ0 Eβ) = ω Mα (8.5.3)

n 0 0 with Pz=1 jz(kz − kz) − iz(lz − lz) =6 0. Then

−1 −1 hψ| Eβ0 Eβ |ψi = hψ| Eβ0 EβMα |ψi

n 0 0 z=1 jz(kz−kz )−iz(lz−lz) −1 = ω hψ|MiEβ0 Eβ |ψi

n 0 0 z=1 jz(kz−kz )−iz(lz−lz) −1 = ω hψ| Eβ0 Eβ |ψi (8.5.4)

−1 is maintained when hψ| Eβ0 Eβ |ψi = 0. Thus, Eβ,Eβ0 form a set of correctable errors for the stabilizer code C.

Should an error Eβ occur on the coding space C having an associated error

n 0 0 jz(kz−k )−iz(lz−l ) syndrome ςαβ = ω z=1 z z for α =1,...,n− k, then recovery is −1 achieved by applying Eβ = E−β. A quantum code is called nondegenerate if there is a 1-1 correspondence between errors Eβ and syndrome ςαβ, otherwise, the code is said to be degenerate. In the case of a degenerate code, there are syndromes ςαβ and ςαβ0 for which ςαβ = ςαβ0 where Eβ =6 Eβ0 . Correction will −1 induce a nontrivial action on the coding space C by mistakingly applying Eβ0 −1 on a corrupted state of Eβ .

191 8.6 Complexity of a Qudit Stabilizer Code

Complexity measures the degree of efficiency to which an information pre- serving function can be solved. We consider the computational complexity of some problem function where focus is placed on the growth of a solution time required against the size of the problem, and whose aim is to furnish an appropriate result abstracted away from any particular circuitry architecture simulating the function.

Consider the set of Boolean functions in LBk,n that describe the set of k n all linear transformation from Fq to Fq . The gate complexity of a function f ∈ LBk,n, given by f(x)=Ax, is denoted C(A). In such case, A is a k × n t matrix with entries in Fq, and x =(x1,...,xn) is a vector with elements in

Fq. The complexity of computing a Boolean function can be formalised by the number of CNOT gates a circuit possesses. Consequently, C(A) is then defined as the minimum number of CNOT gates needed to realise f. This number is also referred to as the gate complexity of A. Byrne et al. [16] determined the CNOT gate complexity of Hk, where Hk is the parity-check matrix of the [2k −1, 2k −k −1] Hamming code. Furthermore, a general upper bound on the complexity of functions in LBn,n has also been determined from the complexity of the transpose of Hk [16]. Quantum computation is realised by a set of unitary operators that exhibit a reversible nature. Thus, to illustrate equivalence between quantum compu- tation and the Boolean function f, we require that f be a reversible function. ˜ ˜ n+k n+k Therefore, recall the reversible function f given by f : Fd 7→ Fd where f˜(α;0(n))=(α; f(α)). Then, the computation of f˜ corresponds to a unitary

dn+k dn+k operator Uf˜ : C 7→ C in a quantum system. As a consequence, we have the following result.

192 c1 Y2,2 Y1,1 Y1,1   t  c2 X2 X2 Z1     t  input c3 Z2 Y2,2 X2   t   X Y1,2 Y2,2  c4 1     t  c5 Y1,1 Y2,1 Y1,2  codeword t 0 X2 X2 X2 X2 X2 Y2,1 Z2 Y2,1     0 F Z2 Z1 Z2 Z1 Z2 Z2   t  0 F Z2 Z1 Z2 Z1   t  0 F Z2 Z1 Z1 Z1   t

Figure 8.3: Encoding circuit for a nine qutrit code.

Theorem 27. An upper bound on the complexity associated with the imple-

2 mentation of a qudit stabilizer code is 2n / log2 n.

Proof Aqudit stabilizer code has an encoding circuit network of depth n and width n which consists of CNOT and Phase gates. Byrne et al. [16]

2 have shown that 2n / log2 n is an upper bound on the gate complexity of

functions in LBn,n. As a consequence of quantum parallelism, the complexity associated with implementing a stabilizer encoding is an instance of the CNOT

complexity of computing a function f in LBn,n, and the result follows.

193 M1 X1 Z1 Zd−1 Xd−1 I

M2 IX1 Z1 Zd−1 Xd−1

M3 Xd−1 IX1 Z1 Zd−1

M4 Zd−1 Xd−1 IX1 Z1

X 1 Z1 IIZ1 X1

Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1 Z1

Table 8.4: The stabilizer for a five qudit code derived from the five qubit code.

194 Appendix


j/d j−(d−1)i Calculate the roots αj, the coefficients βj and test the sequence aj = Pi=0 i  d j against the closed form Pl=1 βlαl . > restart;

j/4 j−3i Example 1. Test the closed form for the sum Pi=0 i . The associated generating function is 1 − z − z4. The reciprocals of the roots of 1 − z − z4 are obtained from

> factor(z4 − z3 − 1, complex);



−αl We calculate the values of the beta coefficients. As βl = 0 , we determine B (1/αl) each beta coefficient to be

3 >β1 = −(−.8191725134)/(−1 − 4 ∗ (1/(−.8191725134)) );

β1 = .1305102698

3 >β2 = −(.2194474721−.9144736630I)/(−1−4∗(1/(.2194474721−.9144736630I)) );

β2 = .1610008758 + .1534011260I

3 >β3 = −(.2194474721+.9144736630I)/(−1−4∗(1/(.2194474721+.9144736630I)) );

β3 = .1610008758 − .1534011260I

3 >β4 = −(1.380277569)/(−1 − 4 ∗ (1/(1.380277569)) );

β4 = .5474879784

We put the values of αl and βl from above into the closed form expression

d j Pl=1 βlαl and generate instances of this expression. >f := proc (j) options operator, arrow; (.1305102698) ∗ (−.8191725134)j +

195 (.1610008758+.1534011260I)∗(.2194474721−.9144736630I)j +(.1610008758−

.1534011260I)∗(.2194474721+.9144736630I)j +(.5474879784)∗(1.380277569)j ; end proc; f := j − >.1305102698 ∗ (−.8191725134)j +(.1610008758 + .1534011260I) ∗

(.2194474721−.9144736630I)j +(.1610008758−.1534011260I)∗(.2194474721+

.9144736630I)j + .5474879784 ∗ 1.380277569j

> for j from 0 to 15 do; round (f(j)); end;

1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 19, 26, 36, 50, 69

> restart;

j/8 j−7i Example 2. Test the closed form for the sum Pi=0 i . The associated generating function is 1 − z − z8. The reciprocals of the roots of 1 − z − z8 are obtained from

> factor(z8 − z7 − 1,complex);

(z + .9115923535) ∗ (z + .6157823065 + .6871957511I) ∗ (z + .6157823065 −

.6871957511I)∗(z−.1033089835+.9564836042I)∗(z−.1033089835−.9564836042I)∗ (z − .8522421840 + .6352622030I) ∗ (z − .8522421840 − .6352622030I) ∗ (z −


−αl We calculate the values of the βl coefficients. As βl = 0 , we determine B (1/αl) each βl coefficient to be

7 >β1 = −(−.9115923535)/(−1 − 8 ∗ (1/(−.9115923535)) );

β1 = .06378010282

>β2 = −(−.6157823065 − .6871957511I)/(−1 − 8 ∗ (1/(−.6157823065 − .6871957511I))7);

β2 = .06449005934 + .02789285455I

196 >β3 = −(−.6157823065 + .6871957511I)/(−1 − 8 ∗ (1/(−.6157823065 + .6871957511I))7);

β3 = .06449005934 − .02789285455I

7 >β4 = −(.1033089835−.9564836042I)/(−1−8∗(1/(.1033089835−.9564836042I)) );

β4 = .06911712233 + .06926484155I

7 >β5 = −(.1033089835+.9564836042I)/(−1−8∗(1/(.1033089835+.9564836042I)) );

β5 = .06911712233 − .06926484155I

7 >β6 = −(.8522421840−.6352622030I)/(−1−8∗(1/(.8522421840−.6352622030I)) );

β6 = .1188399306 + .1719523210I

7 >β7 = −(.8522421840+.6352622030I)/(−1−8∗(1/(.8522421840+.6352622030I)) );

β7 = .1188399306 − .1719523210I

7 >β8 = −(1.232054631)/(−1 − 8 ∗ (1/(1.232054631)) );

β8 = .4313256714

d j Put the values of αl and βl from above into the closed form expression Pl=1 βlαl and generate instances of this form. >f := proc (j) options operator, arrow; (.06378010282) ∗ (−.9115923535)j +

(.0644+.0278I)∗(−.61578230−.68719575I)j +(.0644−.0278I)∗(−.61578230+

.68719575I)j +(.0691+.0692I)∗(.10330898−.95648360I)j +(.0691−.0692I)∗

(.10330898 + .95648360I)j +(.1188 + .1719I) ∗ (.85224218 − .63526220I)j +

(.1188 − .1719I) ∗ (.85224218 + .63526220I)j +(.4313256714) ∗ (1.232054631)j ; end proc; f := j − >.06378010282∗(−.9115923535)j +(.0644+.0278I)∗(−.61578230−

.68719575I)j +(.0644−.0278I)∗(−.61578230+.68719575I)j +(.0691+.0692I)∗

(.10330898 − .95648360I)j +(.0691 − .0692I) ∗ (.10330898 + .95648360I)j +

197 (.1188 + .1719I) ∗ (.85224218 − .63526220I)j +(.1188 − .1719I) ∗ (.85224218 +

.63526220I)j + .4313256714 ∗ (1.232054631)j

> for j from 0 to 25 do; > round(f(j)); > end; 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 18, 23, 29, 36, 44, 53, 64, 78

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