STATEMENT of VOTE, Summary Pages Xxii
STATEMENT OF VOTE, Summary Pages President Votes Percent Congressional District 9 Votes Percent John F. Kerry, DEM 6,745,485 54.4% *Barbara Lee, DEM 215,630 84.60% *George W. Bush, REP 5,509,826 44.4% Claudia Bermudez, REP 31,278 12.30% Michael Anthony Peroutka, AI 26,645 0.2% Jim Eyer, LIB 8,131 3.10% David Cobb, GRN 40,771 0.3% Michael Badnarik, LIB 50,165 0.4% Congressional District 10 Votes Percent Leonard Peltier, PF 27,607 0.2% *Ellen O. Tauscher, DEM 182,750 65.80% Anthony Jabin (W/I) 1 0.0% Jeff Ketelson, REP 95,349 34.20% James Alexander-Pace (W/I) 8 0.0% John Joseph Kennedy (W/I) 82 0.0% Congressional District 11 Votes Percent John Parker (W/I) 49 0.0% Gerald (Jerry) M. McNerney, DEM 103,587 38.7% Ralph Nader (W/I) 20,714 0.1% *Richard Pombo, REP 163,582 61.3% Votes Not Cast 170,142 1.35% Congressional District 12 Votes Percent US Senate Votes Percent *Tom Lantos, DEM 171,852 68.1% *Barbara Boxer, DEM 6,955,728 57.8% Mike Garza, REP 52,593 20.8% Bill Jones, REP 4,555,922 37.8% Pat Gray, GRN 23,038 9.1% Don J. Grundmann, AI 81,224 0.6% Harland Harrison, LIB 5,116 2.0% James P. "Jim" Gray, LIB 216,522 1.7% Marsha Feinland, PF 243,846 2.1% Congressional District 13 Votes Percent Dennis Richter (W/I) 43 0.0% *Fortney Pete Stark, DEM 144,605 71.7% Howard Johnson (W/I) 6 0.0% George I.
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