The significance of SA culinary cultural heritage What is a cuisine? Cuisine is the type of food that is prepared and served in a particular place or country. Culinary uniquiness The following are different cultural needs in the South African Hospitality Industry

Vegetarians Define the term ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… A vegetarian does not eat any part of the flesh of an animal. There are different types of vegetarians: Vegan – true vegetarian – (no animal products used) Lacto vegetarians (use milk) Ovo vegetarians (use eggs) Lacto-ovo vegetarians (use milk and eggs) Pesco vegetarian (use poultry) Pollo vegetarian (use fish and )

Judaism (Kosher) Kosher symbol The word Kosher means “fit” or “acceptable” for people of the Jewish religion. The Jewish religion regulates what may or may not be eaten as well as how it should be prepared and eaten. The Beth Din (Jewish court) approves food as kosher.

Parev = food contains no dairy or (neutral foods) – fruit and vegetables Milchik = milk or dairy products have been used Meat = product contains kosher meat or kosher meat products

Guidelines for a kosher diet:

∗ All blood must be removed from the animal.

∗ Soak meat in water for 30 minutes. and rest for 1 hour. Rinse thoroughly.

∗ Two sets of utensils used in every kitchen – meat and dairy. May not wash these utensils together.

∗ Meat and dairy may not be eaten together.

∗ You may eat dairy six hours after meat has been consumed.

∗ Only cloven-hoofed, cud-chewing animals may be eaten – no .

∗ Only forequarter of animal.

∗ Only fish with scales may be eaten.

Islam Halaal Define the term Haram …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Muslims are the followers of Islam. They believe in Allah SWT.( This is an acronym for the Arabic words: "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala," which roughly translated means "The most glorified, the most high) Halaal means “lawful and permitted by the rules of Allah SWT” Prohibited foods and beverage are called HARAM.

Guidelines for Halaal food:

∗ Animals must be slaughtered according to Muslim manner. ∗ All pork and its products are forbidden

∗ Tinned vegetables which contain emulsifiers are forbidden.

∗ Frozen vegetables with a sauce are forbidden.

∗ No alcohol allowed.

∗ Alcohol based flavourings are forbidden.

∗ Birds of prey

Hinduism Many Indians are Hindu They are usually strict vegetarians Traditional African indigenous The main SA indigenous staple food is or mealies. We are known as the rainbow nation because of the different cultures in the country.

Waterblommetjies Maltabella its made from sorghum grain and is traditionally used to make porridge and beverages. known as the internal ogarns and entrails of an animal suitable for consumption.

Mopane worms Maize products African beers Culinary heritage of European influence: Dutch – , pancakes, waffles, sweet pumpkin, etc. French – small portions of food, wine, pastries, etc. British – fruit cakes, scones, breakfast, roast , fish and chips, etc. Irish – , whiskey, Guinness, Irish coffee Germans – cold and cured , , European influence: Dutch – Potjiekos, pancakes, waffles, sweet pumpkin, etc. French – small portions of food, wine, pastries, etc. British – fruit cakes, scones, breakfast, roast beef, fish and chips, etc. Irish – stews, whiskey, Guinness, Irish coffee Germans – cold and cured meats, sausages, Cape Malay and Indian influence: , , , pickled fish, chutneys and Cape Malay curry, sambals, atjar, spices Indian – curries, samoosas, birianis, atjars, tandoori dishes Mediterranean influence; Greek – Feta, haloumi, olives, Phyllo pastry, pita breads, baklava Italian – pasta, pizza, cheese, risotto, tiramisu, biscotti Portugal - chorizo, fish dishes like , Portugese chicken and Portugese bread rolls, custard tarts Indigenous ingredients , ostrich Maize, sorghum , green beans, pumpkin, waterblommetjies Roasted meat (braai) and sheba and Dried fruit, fig and watermelon preserves Traditional ingredients – page 48 – 50 Activity to be completed 1. Define the following terms A) Haraam B) Vegerarianism C) Potjiekos D) Tripe (4) 2. Draw up a table and differentiate between the Kosher and Hallal (4) 3. You are to draw up a three course menu using the S A cuisine. (5) 4. What is croquembouche (2)