NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

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NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Yellow Card Reporting NHS Greater April 2016 to March 2017 Glasgow & Clyde Centre for Adverse Reactions to Drugs (Scotland) Helping to make medicines safer 1463 Yellow Card Reports NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Greater Glasgow & 2% 1% Clyde INCREASE* 288 Yellow Card DECREASE* Reports *Increase/Decrease from year 2015/16. Meningococcal B 57% 22% 27 Vaccines Serious Suspected Black Triangle Reporting rate Reactions reports Medicine reports* /100,000 population Top Medicine NHS Greater NHS Greater NHS Greater NHS Greater Glasgow & Glasgow & Glasgow & Glasgow & Clyde Clyde Clyde Clyde 60% 27% 25 Meningococcal Vaccines Hospital Patient Group Hospital Doctor Pharmacist *Please note that Black Triangle reports denote those medicines that are under intensive monitoring by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Under 18s reporting Over 65s reporting NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Greater 32% 25% Glasgow & Clyde 14% 13% Hospital reports: Per 100,000 Population: 49% of reports were received from hospi- NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde was below the tals (and linked services) in 2016/17. In the national average (27/100,000) for Yellow previous year 41% of reports originated from hospitals. card reporting with 25 reports per 100,000 population. The hospitals that submitted reports were: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital 15% Glasgow Royal Infirmary 10% Royal Alexandra Hospital 6% Beatson West of Scotland Cancer 5% Centre Gartnaval General Hospital 3% Stobhill Hospital 2% Inverclyde Royal Hospital 1% New Victoria 1% Leverndale Hospital 1% Royal Hospital for Children 1% Vale of Leven District General Hos- 1% pital New Victoria Hospital 1% Florence Street Mental Health Re- <1% source Centre This was a decrease of 1 compared to 2015/16. Skye House <1% Parkhead Hospital <1% Ross Hall Hospital <1% 67% of healthcare professional reports came Rowanbank Clinic <1% from within hospitals . West Glasgow Ambulatory Care <1% Hospital Reporter Groups within Greater Glasgow & Clyde Percentage of reports by reporter group: Healthcare professionals contributed 72% of the reports, with Patient groups making up 28% of reports. This is an increase from last year where patient groups contributed 31% of the reports. *Other = dentist, healthcare assistant, optometrist, medical student, radiographer, chiropodist, midwife, pre-registration pharmacist, pharmacy assistant Top 5 reported medicines including vaccines: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Meningococcal B Vaccines Meningococcal B Vaccines Apixaban HPV Vaccines; Rivaroxaban Warfarin Influenza Vaccines (Intranasal); Rocuronium Bromide Rivaroxaban Adalimumab; Pneumococcal Vaccines Influenza Vaccines (Intranasal) Apixaban; Dasabuvir Sodium Monohydrate; Flucloxacil- lin; Influenza Vaccines (Exc Intranasal); Ivacaftor/ Lumacaftor; Metronidazole; Nivolumab; Pregabalin; Ribavirin; Ritonavir/ Ombitasvir/ Paritaprevir KEY MESSAGES TO STAFF Why report The main aim of the Yellow Card Scheme is to identify important safety issues, especially those previously unrecognised as being related to a particular medicine. Awareness of any new risks is vital to protect patients from preventable harm. Please stay up to date on key medicines safety issues by subscribing to the MHRA Drug Safety Updates via http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Publications/Safetyguidance/ DrugSafetyUpdate/index.htm What to report All suspected serious adverse reactions for all medicines and vaccines Any suspected adverse reactions for Black Triangle ▼ medicines and vaccines Any suspected adverse reactions to medicines which are unlisted (not listed in the Summary of Product Characteristics - you can check this via https:// www.medicines.org.uk/emc/) Any suspected adverse reactions for herbal and homeopathic remedies This includes suspected adverse reactions that occur due to medication errors. How to report Online via the Yellow Card website https://yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/ (please include your postcode) Via the new Smartphone Yellow Card App which you can download free via Apple (iOS) or Android Complete a paper Yellow Card and send via post (available in BNF, or print) Call the Yellow Card hotline on 0808 100 3352 (for adverse reactions to medicines) Who can report All healthcare professionals Patients, carers and parents Yellow Card Centre Scotland 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA T: 0131 242 2919 E: yccscotland@luht.scot.nhs.uk W: www.yccscotland.scot.nhs.uk The mission of YCC Scotland is to enhance and safeguard the public's health in Scotland by seeking to minimise the adverse effects of medicines. .
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